An Evaluation Method For Green Logistics System de
An Evaluation Method For Green Logistics System de
An Evaluation Method For Green Logistics System de
Recently, the environmental issue caused by logistics of agricultural products has attracted a great deal of attention. In
order to solve the problem, much of work focuses on green logistics to decrease environmental pollution. However, the
green logistics evaluation system of agricultural products is insufficient. Therefore, establishing a reasonable green logis-
tics evaluation system for agricultural products plays a key role in the development of green agricultural products. In this
work, domestic and international environmental factors which affect the development of the green logistics of agricul-
tural products are analyzed based on reduction, reuse, and recycling principle of circular economy. In addition, a series
of evaluation indicators for green logistics of agricultural products are developed. A fuzzy analytic hierarchy process
method is proposed to make a comprehensive evaluation for green logistics of agricultural products based on evaluation
indicators. The method combined analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy theory, where a fuzzy transformation operator is
introduced. The proposed method is applied for decision-maker in view of knowledge management. In order to verify
the applicability of approach, the approach is applied to green logistics of Shandong agricultural products.
Green logistics, agricultural products, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation, decision-making
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2 Advances in Mechanical Engineering
cept of sustainable development and summarized the Circulation rate of agricultural products
characteristics of green logistics. Georgiana and col- Storage level of agricultural products
leagues12,13 described the logistics activities and the
Logistics transportation efficiency
resulting environmental impact based on the green
logistics and green supply chain management theory. factor
Traceability of information
Pishvaee and colleagues14,15 analyzed the uncertain fac- Energy consumption
tors of green logistics network and established the fuzzy
mathematical model. Bosona and colleagues16–18 put Waste recovery rate
forward to establish the manufacturer cluster belt, Vehicle exhaust emissions
which can reduce the waste of resources in transporta-
Green logistics technology use degree
tion and improve the efficiency of green logistics opera-
tion. Sun and colleagues18,19 thought that enterprises, Logistics cost of agricultural products
consumers, and other participants should be put into Total value of agricultural products logistics
action to develop green logistics. Rezaei and col-
leagues20–22 established the evaluation index system of Figure 2. Internal factor set.
logistics distribution performance. The fuzzy compre-
hensive evaluation method was used to evaluate the green logistics of Shandong agricultural products. The
performance of fresh agricultural products. Wu result reflected the actual situation of green logistics of
et al.23,24 analyzed the difference of combing ecological Shandong agricultural products. In view of the result,
economy, circular economy, green economy, and the some relevant policy suggestions are presented accord-
development of low-carbon economy. Tian25 pointed ing to the obtained analysis results.
out that green logistics can greatly reduce the cost of
logistics operations and proposed a highly efficient
low-cost logistics model. câu này lấy đc Evaluation index system
By analyzing the existing investigations, there are
fewer evaluation researches of APGL, especially for the The evaluation index, which is used for assessing, eval-
evaluation of logistics system in agricultural products uating, and comparing system quality, is a class of sta-
area.26–29 In this study, we analyzed the domestic and tistical index. While selecting the evaluation index of
international environmental factors that affect the APGL, the frequency analysis method and expert
development of APGL according to the reduction, consultation method are chosen to construct index
reuse, and recycling (3R) principle of circular economy set.30–32 The index set, including 27 elements, can be
and developed a series of evaluation indicators for summarized as internal factor set and external factor
APGL. A fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) set. Figure 1 shows the relationship between the inter-
method is proposed to make a comprehensive evalua- nal factor set and the external factor set. The detailed
tion for APGL based on evaluation indicators. The descriptions of indexes are shown in Figures 2 and 3.
method combined analytic hierarchy process (AHP) The above indexes highlight the characteristics of
and fuzzy theory, in which a fuzzy transformation APGL, but not all of them are concise and clear, and
operator is introduced. In order to verify the applicabil- some of them lack objectivity and operability.
ity of the evaluation system, the approach is applied to Therefore, it is necessary to optimize index system to
Ni et al. 3
Wi = P
The AHP, which is proposed by Saaty in the early Wj
1970s, is a hierarchical weight decision analysis j=1
method.36–38 Based on AHP, we can decompose the
= ½W
1, W
2, . . . , W T
n is the feature vector.
elements associated with decisions into goals, criteria, where W
4 Advances in Mechanical Engineering
Traceability of information
4. Calculating the maximum eigenvalue of the Judgment matrices may not necessarily be consistent.
judgment matrix: lmax Thus, making a consistency checking for each judgment
matrix is needed.39 The consistency index and consis-
(AW ) tency ratio are calculated by the following formulas,
lmax =
nWi respectively
Ni et al. 5
n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
RI 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.90 1.12 1.24 1.32 1.41 1.45
Table 3. First-grade judgment matrix. Table 6. Second-grade judgment matrix (social factors).
Table 12. Second-grade index weight (economic factors). Table 14. Second-grade index weight (technical factors).
Table 13. Second-grade index weight (social factors). Table 15. Second-grade index weight (internal management
W3 A9 A10
W5 A15 A16 A17 A18
Weight 0.75 0.25
Weight 0.24 0.52 0.09 0.15
Yu Lin
Shiguang Wang
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