2.5.wheel Loads CSU

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Quang Trach 1

Continous Shipunloader

Wheel Loads of Continous Shipunloader (CSU)

Basic data of CSU Jetty with CSU

Capacity: 1600 t/h

Total weight of structure: 1170 t/h
(= 880t + 290t Counterweight)
Rail gauge: 18 m
Corner base (Fixed side): 16 m
Corner base (Pendulum Side): 10 m

Number of wheels (Fixed side) 2 x 12 wheels

Number of wheels (Pendulum side) 2 x 6 wheels
Wheel Diameter: 710 mm

Wheel Load Table (CSU)

Fixed Side (Sea Side) Pendulum Side (Land Side)

Wheel loads 12 Wheels 12 Wheels 6 Wheels 6 Wheels

(all loads in kN) FS1 FS2 PS1 PS2
Loasd Case F-x ±F-y F-z,min F-z,max ±F-y F-z,min F-z,max F-x ±F-y F-z,min F-z,max ±F-y F-z,min F-z,max
LC I in operation Σ±30 2 260 420 2 260 420 Σ±15 2 180 390 2 180 390
LC II in operation with wind (20m/s) Σ±250 15 225 435 15 225 435 Σ±70 5 175 430 5 175 430
Storm (50 m/s) Σ±1300 60 170 510 60 170 510 Σ±550 10 70 530 10 70 530
LC III Blocked Chute Σ±250 15 200 475 15 200 475 Σ±70 5 150 445 5 150 445
Earthquake Σ±500 40 160 515 40 160 515 Σ±300 10 90 505 10 90 505
all loads ±10%

Chsc-de 20.8.2020

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