Summary, Conlcusions and Recommendation
Summary, Conlcusions and Recommendation
Summary, Conlcusions and Recommendation
This chapter presents the summary of the study. It includes the summary,
The study aimed to look into some selected variables affecting knowledge
a. Structure;
b. Culture;
c. Process;
d. Practices;
e. Strategies;
f. Communication;
g. Innovation; and
h. technology?
3. How do the teachers and students are knowledge management in terms of:
b. explicit knowledge?
HO2: There is no significant difference between the teacher’s and student’s rating
HO3: There is no significant relationship between the selected variables and the
The descriptive survey method was used, with the aid of a research-made
questionnaire checklist in gathering the needed data. There were 194 teachers and
312 students who were included in the study. The main statistical tools used were
rated it as well-utilized.
respondents as well-managed.
1. The teachers know how to utilize the different factors associated with
2. The teachers and students’ perception have the same identified factors
4. The ratings of the teachers and students on tacit and explicit knowledge
in classroom discussion.
their stay in high school and that they may be able to bring
Part I
activation of knowledge, both the tacit and explicit, to help people to succeed in
the tacit and explicit knowledge stores of their learners. A great deal of research in
has focused on the development of explicit knowledge. Tacit knowledge has been
mostly overlooked. Does this means that tacit knowledge cannot be taught?
personal beliefs, experiences, instinct and values. Tacit knowledge can be taught
and learned. They said that “tacit knowledge typically is acquired with little or no
useful. Shulman, in his article Shulman’s Model of Teaching stated that good
evaluation and reflection. Other strategies and methods are presented for use of
both teachers and students to further enhance the cultivation of tacit knowledge
Concept Mapping
Sample Activity:
1. The teacher will ask the students to remember all that they have learned
4. The students will present their work for further evaluation and
Clinical Interview
This strategy may be used after asking the students to make a concept map.
This strategy will help the teachers assess the student’s knowledge of everyday life
applications. The students will be asked to list as many everyday life applications
relevance of the addressed science concepts to their everyday lives, interests and
Sample Activity:
1. The teacher will ask the students to make a concept map. Example:
2. After making the concept map, the students will present it to their
This is one of the simplest methods for helping students activate tacit
them to bring to mind and state, write down, or otherwise record what they know.
Sample Activity:
1. The teacher will simply ask the students a simple question such as
3. The Teacher will then give suggestions and other explanations that will
Interactive Discussion
Sample Activity:
1. The students will be grouped with not more than five members.
2. Each group will be given a certain topic to discuss about. Example: Acid
3. Each member of the group will share their ideas that they learned before
4. The group will present their ideals to the class for evaluation.
Question-Based Method
activation of tacit knowledge they should answer the questions before and after
reading a new material. In this manner the teacher can evaluate the range of
Sample Activity:
1. The teacher will present an article or any reading material to the class.
2. Before the students will read the article, the teacher will ask questions
4. The teacher will ask again the students about what they have just read.
KWL Strategy
reading nonfiction. It will gather what the students already KNOW, what they
WANT to find out and recall what the students already LEARNED.
Sample Activity:
1. The class will be divided into five groups. Each group will be provided
3. The manila paper will be divided into three columns. One column for
what the students already KNOW, second column for what they WANT
to know and the third column is to recall what they already LEARNED
4. After the discussion, they will present their work in front of the class for
CONTACT 2 Software
CONTACT 2 is a software that assists both the teachers and the students in
Sample Activity:
particular topic based upon what they have been taught or what they
2. The students will find out if their explanation or discussion about the
Topic-Related Pictures
Sample Activity:
2. Each student will write or orally interpret the picture based upon his or
Part II
The goal of education is not only to teach facts. The goal is also to teach
within the subject area of the course. In the field of Science and Technology,
and other strategies and techniques to make learning more educational and fund. In
order to uplift and enhance the quality of education, there is a need for an
environment that suits the needs of both teachers and students. An environment
that helps the teachers organize and structure the course. And for the students to
programs is to accelerate the speed of knowledge transfer and creation. There are
many knowledge management tools that intend to help the processes of collecting
2. To be able to help the students learn in a fast and easy way by using the
are supposed to do. In order to achieve this, the following methods using the
the Internet.
and Technology.
person can receive more information due to technological facilities, but will not
make any difference if the person does not have the appropriate skills to apply this
Internet-Based Systems
because the user has to pull the information. This “pull style” is an alternative to
and are constructing important links among organizations and their employees.
information chunks.
through departments.
Sample Activity:
Example: Pollution
Example: Diseases
3. Formulate a hypothesis.
4. Collection of information.
that were inherited from the traditional information retrieval systems, which are
studied in the field of Library Science. EDM systems deal only with the explicit
knowledge that organized and combined, can lead to the new knowledge.
Sample Activity:
3. The students will be directed to go to the library and use the computer to
6. Evaluation
push style where information is sent to the user. It is a blend of synchronous (like
chat), asynchronous (like e-mail) and community focused tools (like e-groups).
domain of knowledge, that they may be dispersed all over the world,
increasingly present.
Sample Activity:
1. The teacher will assign the students to identify the types of minerals
2. The students will be given a task to identify the mineral present in the
3. Each student will submit the data they gathered using the Groupware
type of software.
4. The students will then consolidate all the data gathered by using the
regulate the information flow from person to person, place to place, task to task, in
basic elements roles: set of skills to execute a specific task, rules: features that
define how the data should be processes and routes: logical paths for the
1. It establishes and accelerates the process flow, following its steps and
Sample Activity:
1. The teacher will ask the students to organize important items that the
2. The teacher will let the students use the Workflow software for easier
3. In this manner, all of the important items learned by the students will be
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the Computer Science field that produced the
first studies relating information to knowledge. Expert system, CBR (Case Based
Reasoning) systems and neural networks are some types of systems that use AI
conversion process.
problem. When a user has a problem, he can check in the case base in
Sample Activity:
3. Teachers will let them use the Artificial Intelligence Systems to check if
Intelligence Systems.
Business Intelligence
as they “slice and dice” the data in various ways to discover patterns
and trends.
Sample Activity:
a guide.
Management. Knowledge Maps work like yellow-pages that contain the “who
knows what” list. A Knowledge Map does not store knowledge. The map just
points to people who own it, creating opportunities for knowledge exchange. A
the organization.
1. It provides an expert locator feature that helps users find the experts
they know, what they know how proficient they are at a given task.
available competencies.
because they provide a faster expert search and increase the chance of
personal meetings.
Sample Activity:
Example: Genetics
3. Students will collate the experts, organize the information and construct
4. Sharing the information gathered in the class and through the use of
The result of innovation can be observed by the number of new patents, design
1. The teacher will ask the students to make a project about Science and
information from news feds and search the internet and corporate
Sample Activity:
1. The teacher will ask the students to make a final written report of the
3. They will check all the information in the electronic newspapers they
Knowledge Portals
places where people can get in touch with other who share a common interest.
featured before.
or job focus.
Sample Activity:
1. The teachers will ask their students to answer some assignments using
4. The students will incorporate all the needed information that they have