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Hardware and Engineering

PS 4-271-MM1

06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

1st published 1999, edition 06/99
© Moeller GmbH, Bonn
Author: Peter Roersch
Editor: Thomas Kracht
Translators: B & H, Terence Osborn

For Immediate Delivery call KMParts.com at (866) 595-9616


Dangerous electrical voltage!

Before commencing the installation

● Disconnect the power supply of the ● Ensure a reliable electrical isolation of
device. the low voltage for the 24 volt supply.
● Ensure that the device cannot be Only use power supply units complying
accidentally restarted. with IEC 60 364-4-41 or HD 384.4.41 S2.

● Verify isolation from the supply. ● Deviations of the mains voltage from the
rated value must not exceed the
● Earth and short circuit. tolerance limits given in the
● Cover or enclose neighbouring units that specifications, otherwise this may cause
are live. malfunction and dangerous operation.
● Follow the engineering instructions ● Emergency stop devices complying with
(AWA) of the device concerned. IEC/EN 60 204-1 must be effective in all
operating modes of the automation
● Only suitably qualified personnel may devices. Unlatching the emergency-stop
work on this device/system. devices must not cause uncontrolled
● Before installation and before touching operation or restart.
the device ensure that you are free of ● Devices that are designed for mounting
electrostatic charge. in housings or control cabinets must only
● Connecting cables and signal lines be operated and controlled after they
should be installed so that inductive or have been installed with the housing
capacitive interference do not impair the closed. Desktop or portable units must
automation functions. only be operated and controlled in
enclosed housings.
● Install automation devices and related
operating elements in such a way that ● Measures should be taken to ensure the
they are well protected against proper restart of programs interrupted
unintentional operation. after a voltage dip or failure. This should
not cause dangerous operating states
● Suitable safety hardware and software
even for a short time. If necessary,
measures should be implemented for
emergency-stop devices should be
the I/O interface so that a line or wire
breakage on the signal side does not
result in undefined states in the
automation devices.

IBM is a registered trademark of International All rights reserved, including those of the
Business Machines Corporation. translation.
All other brand and product names are No part of this manual may be reproduced in
trademarks or registered trademarks of the any form (printed, photocopy, microfilm or
owner concerned. any otherprocess) or processed, duplicated
or distributed by means of electronic
systems without written permission of
Moeller GmbH, Bonn.
Subject to alterations without notice.
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Contents 1
About This Manual 3
Documentation for PS 4-271 3
Symbols used 4
1 About the PS 4-271 Compact PLC 5
Hardware and software requirements 5
Features 5
Setup 6
Elements of the PS 4-271 8
2 Engineering 15
Overview of terminals 15
Programming device interface 16
Suconet K interface 17
Setting of bus terminating resistors 18
Local expansion 18
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) 19
Layout of control cabinet 22
Power supply 26
Lightning protection measures 28
3 Mounting 29
Mounting on top-hat rail 29
Mounting with mounting feet 30
4 Software Configuration 31
General 31
Creating configurations 31
Setting the parameters of the PS 4-271 35
Configuration example 47
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

5 Slave Addressing 51
Slaves without CPU 51
Slaves with CPU 53

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6 Operation 55
Power-up behaviour 55
Shutdown behaviour 55
Operating states of the PLC 56
Start-up behaviour 59
Transferring programs 61
Starting the PLC with a memory module
plugged in 63
Programming via Suconet K 63
7 Test/Commissioning/Diagnostics 65
LEDs 65
Diagnostic status word 66
Diagnostic bytes 69
Message byte 75
8 Representation of Analog Values 77
Analog-digital conversion 77
Appendix 83
Slave addressing 84
Technical data 88
Index 95

06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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About This Manual

Documentation The documentation for the PS 4-271-MM1 compact

for PS 4-271 PLC (referred to below as the PS 4-271) is
subdivided into four manuals with the following
Hardware and engineering
User interface for the programming software
Training guide
Hardware and engineering manual
This “Hardware and engineering” manual explains
how to install and configure the PLC and how to alter
the settings on the PLC.
How to configure and set parameters for the PLC in
the topology configurator of the Sucosoft S 40
programming software is described in the chapter
entitled “Software configuration”.
The “Slave addressing” chapter defines the general
syntax rules for addressing the stations in a
Suconet K network.
The chapter “Test/Commissioning/Diagnostics”
provides an overview of the possible error and
diagnostic signals and their meanings.
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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About This Manual

User interface for the programming software

The PS 4-271 is programmed with version 3.0 or
higher of the Sucosoft S 40 programming software
(Windows, IEC 1131).
The user interface of this software is described in
manual AWB 2700-1305 GB.
Information on how to program the PS 4-271 can be
found in the “Language elements of the
PS 4-150/-200/-300 and PS 416” manual
(AWB 2700-1306 GB).
Training guide
The AWB 27-1307 GB training guide illustrates the
most important functions of Sucosoft S 40 with the
help of practical examples.

Symbols used Symbols with the following meaning are used in this
왘 Indicates instructions on what to do.

 Draws your attention to useful tips and additional


Warns of the possibility of damage. The product
itself or anything in the immediate vicinity of the
product or data could be damaged.

Warns of the possibility of serious damage. The
product itself, anything in the immediate vicinity
of the product or data could be seriously
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

damaged or destroyed; there is also a risk of

serious or fatal injury.

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1 About the PS 4-271 Compact PLC

Hardware and software To program the PS 4-271, you need a PC (IBM or

requirements IBM-compatible) equipped with
Pentium microprocessor
Operating system Windows 95, Windows 98 or
Windows NT 4.01)
16 MByte RAM
(32 MByte recommended)
3.5”/1.44 MByte diskette drive and CD-ROM
Hard disk with at least 50 MByte free memory;
during installation, the directory C:\{_PS 4_}.TMP
will be created and then deleted again. To do this,
there must be at least 250 kBytes available on
drive “C”.
Serial COM interface
Parallel printer interface (LPT)
VGA graphics card
ZB 4-303-KB1 programming cable (connecting
cable between PC and PS 4-271)
1) (version 3.x of Sucosoft is the last version supported by
Windows 3.1x).

Features The PS 4-271 has the following distinguishing

120/240 V AC power supply
12 digital inputs 120/240 V AC
8 relay outputs
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

4 analog inputs
0 to 10 V, 0(4) to 20 mA
0 to 1500 , e.g.: Pt1000, Ni1000
4 analog outputs (0 to 10 V, 0(4) to 20 mA)

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Compact PLC
About the PS 4-271

Key to figure 1:
 120/240 V AC power supply
 Digital inputs 120/240 V AC
 Status LEDs for digital inputs 0.0 to 0.7
 Plug-in screw terminal
 Analog inputs AI0, AI1: 0 to 10 V/0(4) to 20 mA


 Analog inputs AI2, AI3: Pt1000, Ni1000

 Analog outputs AQ0, AQ1: 0 to 10 V
 Analog outputs AQ2, AQ3: 0 to 20 mA
Status LEDs for digital inputs 1.0 to 1.3

Relay outputs (make contacts) 24 V DC or 250 V AC
Status LEDs for digital outputs C0 to C7
Suconet K interface
Setpoint potentiometers P1, P2
 Switch S1 for bus terminating resistors
 Programming device interface (PRG)
Figure 1 provides an overview of the controls,

Memory module
indicators and connecting terminals of the PLC.

 Status LEDs for PLC
to protect the components against electrostatic
Always ground yourself before touching the PLC

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06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB


L1 N
Power Supply 
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 N1 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 1.0 AI0 AI1 AI2 AI3 0VA AQ0 AQ1 AQ2 AQ3 0VA
1 Ready Digital Analog Analog
2 Ru n Input Input Output
3 Not Ready
1 2 3 4 4 Battery

PRG Suconet K
PS 4-271-MM1
Relais Relais Digital
Output .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 Output Input
1 2 C0 .0 C1 .1 C2 .2 C3 .3 C4 .4 C5 .5 C6 .6 C7 .7 N2 1.1 1.2 1.3

S1 P1 P2

Figure 1: Setup of PS 4-271

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About the PS 4-271
Compact PLC

Elements of the  Power supply unit

PS 4-271 The PS 4-271 requires a power supply rated at
120/240 V AC.
 Digital inputs
The PLC has 12 digital inputs. These are electrically
isolated from the CPU and designed for a rated
voltage of 120/240 V AC. The inputs I0.0 to I0.7 and
I1.0 to I1.3 can be addressed in bits, bytes or words.
Three different external cables can be connected to
the groups of input. Only one external cable should
be used for each group..
Group External cable
I0.0 to 0.3 1
I0.4 to I0.7 and I1.0 2
I1.1 to I1.3 3

The two neutral conductor terminals N1/N2 are

, Status LEDs for analog outputs
LEDs for inputs I0.0 to I0.7 indicate the physical,
logical states of the signal inputs, as well as the
diagnostic status word of the PLC (see the section
entitled "Description of the diagnostic status word"
on Page 67).
 Plug-in screw terminal
Please refer to the chapter “Engineering” for a
summary of terminals for the digital and analog
,  Analog inputs
The PLC has 4 analog inputs. You can configure
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

inputs AI0 and AI1 as voltage inputs (0 to 10 V) or

current inputs (0(4) to 20 mA). The inputs AI2 and AI3
are provided for connecting temperature sensors
such as Pt1000 or Ni1000. All inputs have a
resolution of 10 bits (1024 increments).

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Elements of the PS 4-271

The addresses of the analog inputs are as follows:

AI0 IAW0.0.0.4
AI1 IAW0.0.0.6
AI3 IAW0.0.0.8
AI4 IAW0.0.0.10
See also the chapter "Representation of Analog
,  Analog outputs
The PLC has 4 analog outputs. Outputs AQ0 and AQ1
generate signals of 0 to 10 V. Outputs AQ2 and AQ3
can be configured for 0(4) to 20 mA signals. You
adjust the output range from 4 to 20 mA in the
Sucosoft S 40 programming software.
All outputs have a resolution of 12 bits
(4096 increments).
The addresses of the analog outputs are as follows:
AQ0 QAW0.0.0.0
AQ1 QAW0.0.0.2
AQ3 QAW0.0.0.4
AQ4 QAW0.0.0.6
See also the chapter "Representation of Analog

Relay outputs
The PLC has 8 relay outputs, which are electrically
isolated from the CPU. The terminals of all contacts
are accessible. The contacts can take a load of up to
12 A and thus allow you to switch large loads.
The outputs can be addressed in bits or bytes.
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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About the PS 4-271
Compact PLC

Status LEDs for the relay outputs

LEDs (LEDs) indicate the logical states of the relay
Suconet K interface
The interface has the following functions:
Network interface for Suconet K stations (e.g. for
connecting Suconet K master or slave PLCs,
EM 4-... expansion modules).
The programming of networks via Suconet K is
described in the section entitled "Programming
via Suconet K" on Page 63. The Suconet K
interface (RS 485) is electrically isolated from the
Transparent communication:
Transparent communication for the exchange of
data with partner devices which have a serial
interface (e.g. printers, terminals, etc.). Data for
process control must not be exchanged.
Transparent communication via the Suconet K
interface is enabled by the “SCO” function block
of Sucosoft S 40. A description of the function
block can be found in the manual “Language
elements of PS 4-150/-200/-300 and PS 416"
(AWB 2700-1306 GB). The interface is electrically
isolated from the CPU.
The parameters of the interface such as “baud
rate“, “parity“, “stop bit” can be set in the
topology configurator of Sucosoft S 40 via
‹Edit ➞ Set Parameters ➞ Transparent mode›.
A maximum of 127 bytes of data can be
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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Elements of the PS 4-271

Setpoint potentiometers
The two setpoint potentiometers P1 and P2 can be
set externally with a screwdriver. This allows you to
change setpoint values without a programming
device. The resolution is 10 bits. In the programming
software, you can address the setpoint
potentiometers with the operands “IAW0.0.0.0” and
 Switch S1 for setting the bus terminating
The bus terminating resistors of the stations which
are physically first and last on the bus must be turned
on. The bus terminating resistors of stations between
these two must be turned off (see section "Setting of
bus terminating resistors" on Page 18).
 Programming device interface (PRG)
The interface has the following functions:
Programming of the PLC with a PC
Data exchange with partner devices which have a
serial interface (e.g. printers, terminals, etc.). Data
for process control must not be exchanged.
Communication via the interface is controlled by
the “SCO” function block of Sucosoft S 40. A
description of the block can be found in the
manual “Language elements of
PS 4-150/-200/-300 and PS 416"
(AWB 2700-1306 GB). The interface is electrically
isolated from the CPU.
The parameters of the interface are fixed:
Baud rate: 9600 Baud
Data bits: 8
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

Stop bits: 1
Parity bits: 0
Max. transferrable data: 63 Byte

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About the PS 4-271
Compact PLC

 Memory modules
The PS 4-271 has an internal 32 kByte RAM memory
with battery backup. The memory is subdivided into
data and user program memory areas.
Up to 24 kByte are available for the user program.
The storage space for data and user program is
allocated dynamically: if the data memory requires
more than 8 kByte, the size of the user program
memory is reduced accordingly.

8 Kbyte data memory

Data memory

RAM memory
PS 4-201-MM1
24 Kbyte program memory
Program memory

Memory modul
32 Kbyte program memory (external)

Figure 2: Dynamic memory allocation

The memory capacity of the internal RAM can be

expanded with plug-in memory modules. The
following modules are available:
The 32 kByte RAM module increases the size of
the user program memory. There is then a
maximum of 56 kByte of user program memory
The 128 kByte flash module is divided into a
64 kByte backup memory (the user program is
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

stored instead of being reset in the event of

voltage failure) and a 64 kByte memory - for
recipe data, for example.

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Elements of the PS 4-271

The 160 kByte combination module combines all

the features of the above two memory modules.
 Status LEDs for the PLC
The PLC states are indicated with the LEDs “Ready“,
“Run“, “Not Ready” and “Battery“. The meaning of
the indicators is described in the section "LEDs" on
Page 65.

+ Reset

1 Halt 2
2 Run 3
3 Run M-Reset S2

Figure 3: Controls and LEDs of the PS 4-271 (with cover


 Backup battery
 Reset button
 Plug connector for local expansion module
 Mode selector
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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About the PS 4-271
Compact PLC

 Backup battery
The battery backs up the internal RAM memory and
the real-time clock.

Only change the backup battery when the power
supply is switched on or you will lose programs
and data.

,  Mode selector/
Reset button
With the mode selector, you can select between the
modes “Halt“, “Run” and “Run M reset“. The modes
are explained in the section entitled "Operating
states of the PLC" starting on Page 56.
 Plug connector for local expansion modules
The plug connector represents the interface to the
terminals of LE 4-... local expansion modules.
Real-time clock
The PLC has a real-time clock with battery backup. It
allows time-controlled switching of machines and
plants. You can set or scan the real-time clock with a
function block in the user program. The function
block also enables switching between summer and
winter time (DST).

06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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2 Engineering

Overview of terminals


Power Supply

PRG Suconet K

1 2



Figure 4: Overview of terminals

 Screw terminals, terminal capacities:

Flexible with ferrule - 0.22 to 2.5 mm2 (AWG 24 to 13)
Solid - 0.22 to 2.5 mm2 (AWG 24 to 13)
 Plug-in screw terminal

06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

Terminal capacities:
Flexible with ferrule - 0.22 to 1.5 mm2 (AWG 24 to 16)
Solid - 0.22 to 2.5 mm2 (AWG 24 to 13)
 Plug connector for local expansion module (LE 4)
 Suconet K interface (RS 485)
 Programming device interface (RS 232)

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Programming device Pin assignment of connector

interface 2
4 5
1 3
7 8

Figure 5: Pin assignment of programming device (PRG)

interface (left-hand socket, top view)

PIN 1 Unused
PIN 3 0 V for interface
PIN 4 Unused
PIN 6 – 8 Unused

Connecting the programming device (PC)

왘 Connect the PC to the PRG interface by means of
the ZB 4-303-KB1 programming cable (left-hand
socket) of the PS 4-271:
PS 4-271-MM1: PC:
PRG interface COM interface
(8-pin DIN connector) (9-pin socket)

5 2
2 3
3 5

06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

Figure 6: Pin assignment of ZB 4-303-KB1 programming



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Suconet K interface

To prevent potential equalisation currents arising
between the PLC and PC, devices attached to
the PRG and Suconet K interfaces must have the
same ground potential. If the ground potentials
differ, the interfaces can be destroyed.

If it is not possible to achieve equal ground

potentials, connect the PC to the mains supply via an
isolating transformer or use a laptop powered by an
internal battery.

Suconet K interface Connector pin assignment

4 5
1 3

Figure 7: Pin assignment of Suconet K interface (right-hand

socket, top view)

PIN 1 Data cable RS 485, Suconet K (TB/RB)

PIN 2, 3, 5 Assigned internally
PIN 4 Data cable RS 485, Suconet K (TA/RA)

 The interface is also used for connecting the

ZB 4-501-TC1 telecontrol module and the ZB 4-
501-UM3 interface converter.

Connecting to the Suconet K field bus

왘 Use the KPG 1-PS3 bus cable to connect
additional Suconet K stations (PS 4, EM 4) to the
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

PS 4-271 compact PLC.

5-pin DIN connector (pin) 5-pin DIN connector (pin)

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왘 Connect the screen of the Suconet K data cable

to the potential equalisation strip ensuring a large
contact area and low impedance joint (e.g. with a
metal cable clip) (see also Page 19).

Setting of bus 왘 Set the bus terminating resistors on the PLC for
terminating resistors the first and last physical stations on the line. To
do this, set both S1 switches to the “ON”
position. The S1 switches must be set to “OFF”
for all other stations on the bus.

1 2


Figure 8: Bus terminating resistors active

 Both S1 switches must be set to the same

position for the PLC to work correctly.

Local expansion The PS 4-271 is locally expandable. The local

expansion modules (LE 4) are connected to the local
bus connector of the PS 4-271 using a bus
connecting cable. All of the available types of LE 4
can be used. However, note the following limitations:
A maximum of five LE 4 can be connected to the
The local expansion modules with digital inputs/
outputs can be used at positions 1 to 5 (1st to 5th
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

No more than two of the LE 4 modules below can

be used per local bus; they can only be arranged
immediately after the master (1st and 2nd

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compatibility (EMC)

LE 4-206-AA1 LE 4-503-BS1
LE 4-206-AA2 LE 4-505-BS1
LE 4-501-BS1 LE 4-622-CX1

1 2 3 4 5

PS 4 LE 4 LE 4 LE 4 LE 4 LE 4

Electromagnetic Please refer to the engineering rules in the manual

compatibility (EMC) “EMC engineering guidelines for automation
devices” (AWB 27-1287-GB).

Electromagnetic interference.
Emission and line-conducted interference accor-
ding to ENV 50 140 und ENV 50 141 may alter
your measuring reasult by 20 %.
If incorrectly connected the PLC can emit interfe-
rence that can adversely affect other devices.

Screening of data and signal cables

왘 Use only screened cable for connecting to the
PRG programming device interface or to the
Suconet K interface of the PS 4-271.
In general, the smaller the mutual impedance the
better the screening effect.
왘 Run the screened data and signal cables as close
to the device as possible
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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Data plug
왘 Connect the screen braid to the metal cover of
the connector (in the case of DIN connector).
Ends of signal cables
왘 Strip back the screen at the ends of signal input
왘 Insulate it with heat shrinkable sleeving, for

PS 4/EM 4

* Connecting diagram only, for pin assignment of the

PS 4-271 see Page 27
 Mounting with top-hat rail on mounting plate
 Mounting on mounting plate
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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compatibility (EMC)

Grounding of data and signal cables

왘 Remove the cable casing in the area of the
contact clip.
왘 Place a contact clip around the stripped section
or press the stripped section into the snap
fastener of the terminal clip depending on the
type you are using.
왘 Connect the contact clip or terminal clip to the
top-hat rail or mounting plate ensuring a low
impedance connection.
왘 Fasten the top-hat rail to the mounting plate.
Make sure that all connections are protected
against corrosion and – if painted mounted
plates are used – the joints are free of paint.

왘 Ground the top-hat rail using a large surface area


FM 4/TS 35


ZB 4-102-KS1

KLBü 3-8 SC
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

ZB 4-102-KS1

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Layout of control The arrangement of components in the control

cabinet cabinet will have a significant effect on whether the
plant or machine functions reliably. When planning,
designing and installing the equipment, ensure that
the power and control sections are separated from
one another. The power section includes:
Coupling modules
Frequency converters
Current converters
DC power supply units
To effectively eliminate electromagnetic interference,
we recommend subdividing the control cabinet into
sections according to the different power and
interference levels. For small control cabinets, simple
partitions are often sufficient to reduce electrical

To ensure that the PS 4-271 is adequately ventilated,
a minimum clearance of 5 cm (2 ”) must be allowed
between the components and the ventilation slots in
the casing. The values stated in the Technical Data
(see Appendix) must be adhered to.
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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Layout of control cabinet

Device arrangement
The PS 4-271 must be mounted horizontally in the
control cabinet.

PS 4

Figure 9: Horizontal installation

 At least 5 cm (2 ”) clearance
 Power section
 Cable duct

Interference suppression
왘 Fit all suppression circuits as close as possible to
the source of interference (contactor, relay,

 Switched inductances should be suppressed as

a matter of principle.
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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Cable routing and wiring

The following categories of cables are used:
Heavy current cable (e.g. power cable which
carries large currents or cables for current
converters, contactors, solenoid valves)
Control signal cables
(e.g. digital input cables)
Measuring signal cables
(e.g. field bus cables)

 In order to prevent capacitive and inductive

interference, always run power, control and
signal cables as far apart as possible. If it is
impossible to run cables apart, you should at
least screen the interfering cable.

To keep interference to a minimum, always ensure

that cables inside and outside the control cabinet are
run correctly as follows:
왘 Avoid having long sections of cables with
differing power ratings run parallel to each other.
왘 Always keep AC cables away from DC cables.
Adhere to the following minimum clearances:
at least 10 cm between heavy current cables and
signal cables;
at least 30 cm between heavy current and data/
analog cables.
왘 When routing cables, make sure feed and return
conductors of the same circuit are run together.
The sum of all currents is zero due to the
opposing direction of flow of current and any
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

fields generated are balanced out.

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Layout of control cabinet

 Communication cables 

 Cable duct

 Measuring, analog cables
 Control cables 
 Heavy current cables
 Continuous partition 

06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

Figure 10: Separate routing of power and signal cables

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Power supply The following page shows the circuit diagram for a
possible power supply.

 Maintain a spacing of at least 30 cm (12 ”)

between analog cables and 120/240 V AC
Make sure the supply to analog actuators and
encoders is electrically isolated. If electrical
isolation is insufficient, the manufacturers of
analog encoders and actuators offer appropriate

Key to Figure 11:

 Main switch
 Circuit-breaker for power supply units
 Control transformer
(to EN 60 204 part 1 required)
 Miniature circuit-breaker
 Where power supplies or control circuits are
ungrounded, an insulation monitoring device must be
used (EN 60 204 part 1 and VDE 0100 part 725).
 Screen grounding of signal cables (see also Page 19)
 External protection of relay contacts, such as 6 A
circuit- breaker, e.g. FAZN B16 (100% protection
against short circuit and overload).
Warning: if a 10 A circuit-breaker is used, there is no
overload protection in the event of failure. This is
because the plug-in screw terminal will accept a
maximum load of 12 A, but the circuit-breaker can bear
a maximum of 1.45 times the rated current (14.5 A)
before it disconnects.
 240 V AC relay outputs must be connected to the same
phase (e.g. L1); potential difference max. 250 V AC.
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

Connect the top-hat rail to PE, connect the top-hat rail

to the mounting plate ensuring a low impedance joint

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Power supply

1 3 5

2 4 6

0(4)– M
 20 mA

K1 K2 








Input (VAC) Analog I/Q

PS 4-271-MM1
Relais Output Input (VAC)
.0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7

 K3 K4

K1 K2
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

Figure 11: Power supply

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Lightning protection Exterior lightning protection

Cables crossing from one building to another should
always be protected by screening. Metal conduits are the
best solution for this. Elements which protect against
overvoltage, such as varistors or other surge
arresters, should be used for signal cables. Cables
should be protected at the point of entry into the
building, or at the latest at the control cabinet.

Interior lightning protection

Interior lightning protection includes all measures
which reduce the effects of the lightning current and
its electric and magnetic fields on metallic and
electrical installations inside a building. Protection
Lightning protection equipotential bonding
Overvoltage protecting devices.
For further information, please refer to the following
Moeller GmbH manuals:
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of
automation systems (TB 27-001-GB)
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of machines
and plants (TB 02-022 GB).
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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3 Mounting

Mounting on top-hat To mount the PLC on top-hat rail, proceed as

rail follows:
왘 Place the device on the top-hat rail so that the top
of the rail fits into the groove.
왘 Insert a screwdriver  into the elongated hole of
the spring clip and lever the spring clip
downwards .
왘 Press the device fully onto the top-hat rail .
왘 Release the spring clip; it will then engage behind
the top-hat rail thus fastening the device.
왘 Check that the device is secure.

3 2

Figure 12: Mounting on top-hat rail

06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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Mounting with To mount the device on mounting feet, proceed as

mounting feet follows:
왘 Press in the mounting feet so they snap into
position .
왘 Check that the device is seated properly. The lugs
must engage in the holes .
왘 Fasten the mounting feet to the mounting plate
with M4 screws .
왘 Make sure the device is in contact with the
mounting plate over a large area thus ensuring
low impedance. For this, the contacts attached to
the underside of the device must touch the
mounting plate.


Figure 13: Mounting with mounting feet

06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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4 Software Configuration

General You must configure the PLCs and all other

components you need for your application with the
graphical topology configurator of Sucosoft S 40. In
this, you select the components of the network, place
them at the desired position in the network and define
the communication conditions with parameter dialog
boxes. Possible network components:
PS 4-... master PLC with LE 4-... local expansion
Slaves without their own CPU; they expand the
remote inputs/outputs such as EM 4-...
expansion modules, LE 4-... local expansion
modules, RMQ... operator panels, MI 4-...
operator panels and display units, etc.
Slaves with their own CPU such as PS 4 PLCs.

 The principles of device configuration are

described below and then illustrated with an

Creating configurations What devices are to be included in

the configuration?
PS 4-271 with master function
Used as a basic unit, a PS 4 PLC such as the
PS 4-271-MM1 represents the smallest unit for
which it is possible to create a configuration. To
expand the number of inputs/outputs, LE 4 local
expansion modules or EM 4 remote expansion
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

modules can be connected to the PLC.

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Software Configuration

Figure 14 shows a PS 4-271 with an LE 4 local
expansion module. The PS 4-271 is the master on
the Suconet K line and manages an EM 4 remote
expansion module with LE 4 local expansion
modules as slaves. All units are brought together in a

PS 4-271-MM1 LE 4 LE 4 LE 4

EM 4-201-DX2 LE 4 LE 4

Figure 14: Configuration of a slave without CPU in the

master configuration

PS 4-271 with master/slave function

The PS 4-271 can also be used as a slave PLC on the
Suconet K line. If it is expanded locally with a
network module, it can simultaneously act as a
master for the stations on this line.
In Figure 15, the PS 4-341 with LE 4 local expansion
modules connected to it has the function of a master.
It is expanded with a PS 4-271 as a slave via line 1
and forms configuration 1.
The PS 4-271 has an additional function: in
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

conjunction with an LE 4-501-BS1 network module,

it is also master on line 2. An EM 4 is connected on
this line as a slave. The PS 4-271 forms configuration
2 with the two LE 4 and the EM 4.

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Creating configurations

As a result of its master/slave function, the PS 4-271

has the task of collecting the data from the locally
connected LE 4 and EM 4 expansion modules and
sending this data after conditioning to the PS 4-271
as the higher-ranking master.

P S 4 - 341-MM1 LE 4 LE 4 LE 4
Line 1

PS 4-271-MM1 LE 4-501-BS1 LE 4
Line 2

EM 4

Configuration 1

Configuration 2

Configuration 1, 2

Figure 15: Dual configuration of a slave with CPU

06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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Software Configuration

How do I configure the stations?

In the device configuration, an address is defined for
every station in accordance with its position in the
network. The address consists of the line, station and
module numbers and is assigned automatically by
the topology configurator.
Line number
Line numbers are allocated consecutively from left to
right in ascending order.
The LE 4s are connected to the basic unit via line 0.
Line 1 is connected to the Suconet K interface of the
basic unit.
Additional lines can be built from LE 4-501-BS1
network modules which are connected to the basic
unit. The first device immediately after the basic unit
is given the line number 2, the second the number 3.
Station number
Station numbers are allocated consecutively from
top to bottom with the master being given the
number “0“, the first slave the number “1“, etc.
Module number
The module numbers are assigned from left to right
in ascending order with the basic unit being given the
number “0“, the first local expansion module the
number “1“, etc.

 In the topology configurator of Sucosoft S 40, the

numbers of the components are displayed above
each device. At the same time, the sequence of
numbers matches the first three digits of the
variable address.
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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Setting the parameters of
the PS 4-271

Figure 16: Addressing of stations in the topology


Setting the parameters You can change how the PS 4-271 functions to suit
of the PS 4-271 your particular application. To do this, you set
parameters for the Suconet K interface and analog
inputs/outputs. The parameters are set in the
topology configurator of Sucosoft S 40.
You cannot set parameters for the setpoint
potentiometers integrated in the PS 4-271. They are
displayed for your information with the analog inputs:
Setpoint Channel Address Resolution Value range
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

P1 0 IAW 10 Bit 0 to 1023

P2 1 IAW 10 Bit 0 to 1023

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Software Configuration

왘 Call ‹Edit ➞ Set Parameters› menu in the

topology configurator and set the parameters for
the functions:
General settings
(Suconet K master/slave, transparent mode)
Analog general,
Analog outputs.

General settings
왘 Change to the ‹Edit ➞ Set Parameters ➞ General
Settings›dialog box.

Bus status:
왘 Decide whether you want to operate the PLC with
the bus status Suconet K master, Suconet K
slave or Transparent mode and change to the
corresponding dialog box (see sections below).
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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Setting the parameters of
the PS 4-271

Suconet K master
Click on the tab “Suconet K Master“. The bus status
“Master” must be selected in the “General settings”
dialog box. The following dialog box will appear:

In this box, you set the transmission rate for the


exchange of data via Suconet K:

187.5 kBaud:
왘 Set the baud rate to 187.5 kBaud if Suconet K1
stations are also connected to the Suconet K line.
375 kBaud:
왘 Set the baud rate to 375 kBaud if only Suconet K
stations are connected to the Suconet K line.
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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Software Configuration

Suconet K slave
Click on the tab “Suconet K slave“. The bus status
“Slave” must be selected in the “General Settings”
dialog box. The following dialog box will appear

In this dialog box, enter the following:

Station number:
The station number is the number of the station on
the Suconet K line. The station number of the master
is always “0”. The station number of the slave starts
with “1” in ascending order. Enter the number
displayed for the slave in the configuration for the
associated master.
Suconet K address:
This shows the internal Suconet K address. It is not
possible to change this. The Suconet K address is
always 1 higher than the station number.
Receive data:
The number of data bytes the slave is to receive from
the master. The number of receive data bytes must
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

always agree with the number of send bytes from the


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Setting the parameters of
the PS 4-271

Send data:
The number of data bytes the slave is to send to the
master. The number of send bytes must always
agree with the number of receive bytes from the

Limits for number of send and receive bytes

The Suconet K protocol allows data with a variable
length to be transferred cyclically, whereby the
number of bytes is dependent on the settings for the
master and intelligent slave (see below). The data
length for communication with slaves for expanding
the remote inputs/outputs is dependent on the slave
type. With intelligent slaves, you can specify the
number of send and receive bytes yourself. However,
the following maximum values must not be

Table 1: Maximum values for send and receive bytes for the
PS 4-150

Send/receive bytes Master Slave

Max. no. of send bytes (output) 128 78
Max. no. of receive bytes (input) 128 78
Max. no. of send and receive bytes 128 78

 The maximum length of receive data (input bytes)

also includes the diagnostic bytes from the slave
and from any local expansion modules which are
connected to it.

Remote control:
왘 Mark this check box if the slave is to change to
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

the status “Halt” or “Run” along with the master.

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Software Configuration

Transparent mode
In this mode, the Suconet K interface is assigned
another function:
With the help of the SCO function block, optional
data can be exchanged transparently with a partner
device via this interface. For further information,
please refer to “SCO function block” in the manual
“Language elements for PS 4-150/-200/-300 and
PS 416" (AWB 2700-1306 GB).
왘 To set the parameters of the interface, click on
the tab “Transparent mode“.
The bus status “Transparent mode” must be
selected in the “General Settings“ dialog box. The
dialog box below appears:

Baud rate:
The baud rate defines the data transmission rate of
the stations. Set the highest baud rate the connected
stations can handle.
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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Setting the parameters of
the PS 4-271

This parameter defines whether error detection will
take place with even or odd parity or whether no
parity will be used.
Stop bit:
The stop bit is not a bit in the true meaning. It defines
the time interval between two characters. Please
refer to the manual for the connected terminal device
for the correct setting.
Analog general
왘 Change to ‹Edit ➞ Set Parameters ➞ Analog
General› dialog box.

You can switch on averaging for the analog input
channels “2" to “5“. Input channels “0" and “1" for
the integrated setpoint potentiometer of the PS 4-
271 are not averaged.
With averaging switched on, the analog value is
formed from the arithmetic mean of the last eight
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

measured values. They are scanned at intervals of

62.5 ms. I.e., the time taken for averaging is 500 ms.

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Software Configuration

At the start, the first measured value is taken to be

the mean and this is updated with each new
measured value scanned. This avoids a long
transient effect due to the number of averaged
With averaging switched off, the currently received
analog values are read.

Scan interval: Constant time pattern with which the PS 4-271 reads
in new measured values for analog channels 2 to 5.

Number of The number of most recent values used for

recent values: averaging.

Averaging over: Time over which averaging takes place. It follows

from the product
Scanning interval  No. recent values.

Setting the parameters for analog inputs

왘 Change to the ‹Edit ➞ Set Parameters ➞ Analog
Inputs › dialog box.

06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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Setting the parameters of
the PS 4-271

Number of the analog channel.
Operand address of the input channel for addressing
from the user program.
Measuring range:
Value range of the physical measured value that can
be recorded by the input channel.
Bit width used internally to represent the physical
measured value.
Value range:
The value range indicates the smallest/largest digital
value the input signal can take on after conversion.
The value range of the analog resistance inputs
(channels 4 and 5) has been adapted to resistance
measurement. The input signals of between 0 and
1500  are resolved and scaled into a value between
0 and 1023 (with 10 bit resolution) thus providing a
value range of 0 to 1500.

Measureme Value range

nt range
1500  Converter Scaling 1500
0 0

The value calculated can be converted into a

temperature value with the help of the “Linearisation”
function block.
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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Software Configuration

The values of the analog inputs and any other value
you wish can be scaled with the “DataScale” function
block. For further details on this, please refer to
“DataScale” function block in the manual “Language
elements for PS 4-150/-200/-300 and PS 416”
(AWB 2700-1306 GB).
The values of the analog resistance inputs can be
linearised with the help of the linearisation function
block. The measured value in a range of 0 to 1500 
is converted into a C or a F value depending on the
function block used.

Setting the parameters for analog outputs

왘 Change to the ‹Edit ➞ Set Parameters ➞ Analog
Outputs› dialog box.

06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

Number of the output channel.

Operand address of the output channel for
addressing from the user program.

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Setting the parameters of
the PS 4-271

Range of the physical measured value which the
output channel can output. The range of channels 2
and 3 can be set to 0 to 20 mA or 4 to 20 mA.
Bit width used internally to represent the physical
measured value.
Value range:
The value range depends on the range that is preset:
Range Value range
0 to 20 mA 0 to 4095
4 to 20 mA 820 to 4095

Configuration example
The example shows the configuration and parameter
settings for two controllers which exchange data via
Suconet K.


PS 4-271-MM1
Suconet K


PS 4-201-MM1

One configuration and one user program must be

06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

created for each PLC:

The following parameters must be set:

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Software Configuration

Configuration 1: Configuration 2:
for PS 4-271-MM1 for PS 4-201-MM1

PS 4-271-MM1 PS 4-201-MM1

PS 4-201-MM1

Configuration Station Parameters

Configuration 1 PS 4-271-MM1 Suconet K master,
e.g. 375 kBaud
PS 4-201-MM1 Receive data1): e.g. 40
Send data2): e.g. 38
CRC5): e.g. ✓ (yes)
Configuration 2 PS 4-201-MM1 Suconet K slave
Receive data 3): e.g. 38
Send data 4): e.g. 40
Remote Control: e.g. ✓(yes)

1) Receive data, Number of bytes the master is to receive from the

for master slave. Must agree with the number of send data
bytes in the configuration for the slave.
2) Send data, Number of bytes the master is to send to the slave.
for master Must agree with the number of receive data bytes in
the configuration for the slave.
3) Receive data Number of bytes the slave is to receive from the
for slave master. Must agree with the number of send data
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

bytes in the configuration for the master.

4) Send data Number of bytes the slave is to send to the master.
for slave Must agree with the number of receive data bytes in
the configuration for the master.

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Configuration example

5) CRC Method for increasing the security of data transfer.

Activate CRC (ON) if increasing the data security is
more important than optimising the reaction time.

Configuration example In the example, the devices highlighted in the

diagram are those to be configured.

0 1 2 3 4 5

Device A

PS 4-271-MM1 LE 4-501-BS1 LE 4-116-XD1 LE 4-116-DX1 LE 4-104-XP1 LE 4-108-XR1

Line 2

Module 0

Station 1 Device B

PS 4-141-MM1
Line 1


0 1 2 3

1 Device C

PS 4-201-MM1 LE 4-116-DD1 LE 4-116-XD1 LE 4-116-DX1



0 1 2

2 Device D
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

EM 4-201-DX2 LE 4-116-DX1 LE 4-116-XD1

Figure 17: Configuration example

Master: Device A
Slaves: Devices B, C, D

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Software Configuration

Configuration of device A

0.0.0 0.0.1 0.0.2 0.0.3 0.0.4 0.0.5

Device A

PS 4-271-MM1 LE 4-501-BS1 LE 4-116-XD1 LE 4-116-DX1 LE 4-104-XP1 LE 4-108-XR1

Line 2


Station 1 Device B
Line 1

PS 4-141-MM1


1 Device C

PS 4-201-MM1

1.2.0 1.2.1 1.2.2

2 Device D

EM 4-201-DX2 LE 4-116-DX1 LE 4-116-XD1

Figure 18: Configuration of device A

06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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Configuration example

Table 2: Configuration of device A

Device Type Line Stn. Module Parameters

A PS 4-271-MM1 0 0 0 Bus status: master
Baud rate: 375 kbit/s
CRC status: OFF
LE 4-501-BS1 0 0 1 Bus status: master
Baud rate: 375 kbit/s
CRC status: OFF
LE 4-116-XD1 0 0 2 –
LE 4-116-DX1 0 0 3 –
LE 4-104-XP1 0 0 4 –
LE 4-108-XR1 0 0 5 –
B PS 4-141-MM1 2 1 0 Input data: 20
Output data: 10
C PS 4-201-MM1 1 1 0 Input data: 25
Output data: 12
D EM 4-201-DX2 1 2 0 –
1st LE 4 1 2 1 –
2nd LE 4 1 2 2 –

Configuration of device B

PS 4-141-MM1

Figure 19: Configuration of device B

Table 3: Configuration of device B

Device Type Line Stn. Module Parameters

06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

B PS 4-141-MM1 0 0 0 Bus status: Slave

Input data: 10
Output data: 20
Remote control: OFF

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Software Configuration

Configuration of device C

0.0.0 0.0.1 0.0.2 0.0.3

Device D

PS 4-201-MM1 LE 4-116-DD1 LE 4-116-XD1 LE 4-116-DX1

Figure 20: Configuration of device C

Table 4: Configuration of device C

Device Type Line Stn. Module Parameters

C PS 4-201-MM1 0 0 0 Bus status: slave
Input data: 12
Output data: 25
Remote control: OFF
1st LE 4 0 0 1 –
2nd LE 4 0 0 2 –
3rd LE 4 0 0 3 –

06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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5 Slave Addressing

Slaves without CPU The master and slaves without a CPU communicate
using either the Suconet K or K1 protocol. The
master selects the protocol automatically according
to the capabilities of the slaves. It is not necessary to
set the receive or send data length in the topology
configurator. Suconet K/K1 selects the appropriate
message length and automatically addresses the
relevant data areas in your application.
As a result, remote I/O operands can be accessed in
the same way as local I/O operands.
The general syntax rule for the addressing of I/O
operands is:
Operand data type-Line-Station-Module-Byte-Bit

If the PS 4-271 is used as a master, the following

slave operands can be addressed using the values
specified in the table:

Table 5: Operand addressing of slaves without CPU

Operand Line Station Module Word/Byte Bit

I/Q/IS 1 to 3 1 to 8 (line 1, 2, 3) 1 to 5 (local expansions of 0, 1, 2, ... 0 to 7
(0 = master) (0 = master) the master)
IB/QB/ –
(0 = master basic unit)
1 to 6 (local expansions of
IW/QW/ slaves) 0, 2, 4, ... –
IAW/QAW (0 = slave basic unit)
ID/QD 0, 4, 8, ... –

I = input; Q = output,
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

IS = status/diagnostics,
IA = analog input, QA = analog output

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Slave Addressing

You wish to scan the inputs of slaves 1 and 2 in the
diagram below.
PS 4

EM 4-201-DX2 LE 4-116-DX1
Slave 1
Line 1

EM 4-201-DX2
.0 ... .7 Slave 2
Line 1

Figure 21: Configuration example for scanning the inputs

of remote slaves

The syntax for scanning of the inputs can be seen

from the configuration:

Table 6: Syntax for scanning slaves without CPU

IL program Data Ope- Data Line Stn. Module Byte/ Bit S 40 syntax
in ... flow rand type word
...Master Master I Bit 1 1 1 0 7 LD %I1.

Slave 1
Master IB Byte 1 2 0 0 – LD %IB1.2.0.0
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

Slave 2

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Slaves with CPU The input and output operands cannot be accessed
directly during communication between the master
and slaves with CPU. The communication data
therefore has to be addressed using the RD/SD
The general syntax rule for addressing the operands
Operand data type-Line-Station-Module-Byte-Bit

If the PS 4-271 is used as the master, the following

slave operands can be addressed using the values
specified in the table below:

Table 7: Operand addressing for slaves with CPU

Operand Line Station Module Word/byte Bit

RD/SD 1 to 3 1 to 8 (line 1, 2, 3) 1 to 5 (local expansions of 0, 1, 2, ... 0 to 7
IS (0 = master) (0 = master) the master)
(0 = master basic unit)
RDW/SDW 0, 2, 4, ...
RDD/SDD 0, 4, 8, ...

RD = receive data; i.e. set number of receive bytes

SD = send data; i.e. set number of send bytes
IS = status/diagnostics
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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Slave Addressing

The PS 4-271 (the master) exchanges data of type
“word” with a slave with CPU. You define the number
of send and receive bytes when configuring the
stations in the Sucosoft S 40 topology configurator
(see chapter "Software Configuration" on Page 31).

Master Intelligent slave


Line 1

Figure 22: Configuration example for the sending or

receiving of communication data

The syntax for sending or receiving of data can be

seen from the configuration.

Table 8: Syntax for addressing slaves with CPU

(data type: word)

IL program Data flow Ope- Data- Line Stn. Module Byte/ Bit Syntax
in ... rand type word
... Master Master ← Slave RDW/ Word 1 1 0 0 – RDW1.1.0.0/
Master → Slave SDW SDW1.1.0.0
... Slave Slave ← Master RDW/ Word 0 0 0 0 – RDW0.0.0.0/
Slave → Master SDW SDW0.0.0.0 06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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6 Operation

Power-up behaviour When the power is switched on, the PS 4-271

performs a system test. The PLC then switches to
the “Ready” or “Run” state provided it has detected
no hardware errors.
The system test includes the following routines:
Memory test
Hardware test
Operating system test
User program test
The results of the test are indicated by the “Ready“,
“Run” and “Not Ready” LEDs. If the test is
successful, the LEDs light briefly on powering up; if
there is a fault, they flash.
If the “Ready” and “Not Ready” LEDs flash at the
same time, the PLC does not have an operating
system. The PLC is in boot state.
The status of the PLC depends on the position of the
mode selector switch (see Table 9).

Shutdown behaviour The power supply unit of the PLC detects when the
power supply has been disconnected. The power
supply unit is able to bridge voltage dips of  10 ms.
If a longer voltage dip occurs, the internal 5 V power
supply remains stable for a further 5 ms. The
microcontroller uses this time to save all the
information needed to restart into memory areas
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

reserved for this purpose.

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Operating states of the The PLC can have the following operating states:
PLC “Run“, “Ready“, “Not Ready“:

 Communication with the PC is possible in all

three operating states. This means that the
current operating state of the PLC, the real-time
clock and the diagnostic bits, for example, can
always be read.

The “Ready” state features the following
If there is a user program in the PLC, it is not run;
Outputs are reset and disabled.
The PLC can be changed to the “Ready” state
By pressing the “Reset” button if the mode
selector switch is in the “Halt” position;
By powering up when the mode selector switch is
in the “Halt” position;
In the programming software of the PC;
In slave mode, by the master switching to “Halt”
when the “Remote control” function is set to
“ON” in the Sucosoft topology configurator;
By operating the flap of the memory module.

The user program is executed in the “Run” state.
The PLC can be switched to the “Run” state
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

By pressing the “Reset” button when the mode

selector switch is in the “Run” or “Run M reset”

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Operating states of the PLC

By powering up when the mode selector switch is

in the “Run” or “Run M reset” position;
In the programming software of the PC;
In slave mode, by the master switching to the
“Run” state when the “Remote control” function
is set to “ON” in the Sucosoft topology

Not Ready
The user program is not executed in the “Not Ready”
The PLC can be switched to the “Not Ready” state
In response to a hardware error
In response to a serious error in the user program
(e.g. cycle time overshoot).
Once the error has been rectified and acknowledged,
the “Not Ready” state can be cancelled as follows:
By pressing the reset butto n; If the mode selector
switch is in the “Run M reset” position, the PLC
will switch to the “Run” state;
By switching the power supply off and then on; if
the mode selector switch is in the “Run M reset”
position, the PLC will switch to the “Run” state;
In the programming software of the PC.
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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Table 9: Overview of operating states

Position of State of PLC Action State of PLC after action

mode before
Press reset Switch
selector action (DSW = diagnostic status word)
button power off/
1 (Halt) Run  – Ready
Ready  – Ready; DSW acknowledged1)
Not Ready  – Ready; DSW acknowledged1)
Run –  Ready, after remainder of cycle processed1)
Ready –  Ready1)
Not Ready –  Not Ready
– – DSW (diagnosis)
– – DSW (error)
2 (Run) Run  – Acknowledgement of DSW
Ready  – Run (depends on system parameter setup)1) 2)
Not Ready  – Via “Ready” to “Run” (depends on setup)1)
Run –  Run (with start condition)1), after remainder of
cycle processed
Ready –  Run (depends on system parameter setup)1) 2)
Not Ready –  Via “Ready” to “Run”
(depends on system parameter setup)1)
3 (Run Run  – Acknowledgement of DSW
M reset) 
Ready – Run (cold start)1)
Not Ready  – Run (cold start)1)
Run –  Run (cold start)1)
Ready –  Run (cold start)1)
Not Ready –  Run (cold start)1)
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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Start-up behaviour

Key to Table 9:
1) If the programs in the memory module and the RAM of
the PLC are not the same, the program is copied from
the memory module to the RAM.
2) After the user program is transferred to the PLC or after
booting the memory module, the PLC switches to “Not
Ready“ if the start condition was set to “Halt” in the
system parameter setup; this means that a cold start is

Each time the PLC is started by means of “Power

on”, “Reset” or with the PC, the backup program is
first compared with the program in RAM. If they are
not the same, the program from the memory module
(backup) is copied into the RAM.
If there is an error in the user program in the memory
module, it is updated if the user program in the RAM
is valid. An update always takes place when the user
program is transferred from the PC to the PLC.

Start-up behaviour The PLC can be made to perform a cold start or

warm start:

Cold start
A cold start causes all data fields (marker areas,
inputs/outputs, function block parameters) to be
reset. Recipe markers are retained, however. The
user program is executed again from the beginning.
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A cold start can be initiated as follows:

By pressing the “Reset” button when the mode
selector switch is in the “Run M reset” position;
requirement: the PLC must be in the “Ready” or
“Not Ready” state;
By powering up the PLC when the mode selector
switch is in the “Run M reset” position;
With the programming software of the PC;
requirement: the PLC must be in the “Ready” or
“Not Ready” state.
A cold start must be performed after transferring a
new user program to the PLC.

Warm start
When performing a warm start, the user program
continues from the point at which it was interrupted
to the end of the cycle. The outputs and
communication data are reset to “0” for the
remainder of the cycle. The PLC is then initialised
and the program executed. Retentive markers and
variables are retained.
The procedure for setting retentive marker areas is
described in the “Sucosoft S 40 user interface”
manual (AWB 2700-1305 GB). 06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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Transferring programs

A warm start can be initiated as follows:

By pressing the “Reset” button when the mode
selector switch is in the “Run” position;
requirement: the PLC must be in the “Ready”
By powering up when the mode selector switch is
in the “Run” position;
With the programming software of the PC;
requirement: the PLC is in the “Ready” state.

 The system parameters can also be used to

initiate a warm start when the mode selector
switch is on “Run” and the PLC is in the “Not
Ready” state. To do this, enter a 2 in the “Start
after Not Ready” line; i.e. the PLC will perform a
warm start.

When initiating a warm start by means of the
system parameters, data consistency may not be

Transferring programs If the user program contains no syntax errors, the

compiler in the programming device (PC) translates it
into code that can be understood and run by the
CPU. You then load (transfer) the user program into
the RAM of the CPU where the microprocessor will
run it when in the “Run” state.
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To transfer programs from the PC to the PLC,
the PS 4-271 must be in the “Ready” or “Not Ready”
state although the mode selector switch on the
control panel can be in any position.
왘 Transfer the program to the PLC (see Chapter 8
of the “Sucosoft S 40 user interface” manual,
AWB 2700-1305-GB).
If the mode selector switch is in the “Halt” position,
the “Ready” and “Not Ready” LEDs light during
transfer of the program. This indicates that the data
transfer between the PS 4-271 and the PC is being
performed correctly.

 The section "Programming via Suconet K" on

Page 63 deals with the transfer of the program to
the PLC via Suconet K.

PC → memory module
왘 Switch off the PLC and plug in the memory
왘 Switch on the PLC again. The PLC must be in the
“Ready” or “Not Ready” state.
왘 Transfer the program from the PC to the memory
module (see Chapter 8 of the “Sucosoft S 40 user
interface“, (AWB 2700-1305-GB).
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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Starting the PLC with a
memory module plugged in

Starting the PLC with a Follow the steps below if you wish to start the
memory module PS 4-271 with a memory module plugged in:
plugged in
왘 Switch off the PLC and plug in the memory
module. The mode selector switch can be in any
왘 Switch on the PLC. The program in the memory
module will be transferred to the PS 4-271 and
the PLC will run with the set start conditions
(see Table 9).

Programming via Several networked stations can be programmed and

Suconet K test and commissioning functions run from a single
PC attached to Suconet K. This method applies to all
stations connected to line 1 which is served directly
by the master. If one of these stations (e.g.
LE 4-501-BS1) is at the head of another line, it will
not be possible to access the remote stations
attached to this line (dashed line in the diagram
below). Further information on this topic can be
found in the “Sucosoft S 40 user interface” manual
(AWB 2700-1305-GB).
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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 P S 4 - 34 1- MM1

P S 4 - 20 1 - MM1* ) L E 4 - 501 - B S 1

P S 4 - 151 - MM1

P S 4- 151 - MM1

Figure 23: Network programming

*)Programming via Suconet K using the

06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

PS 4-201-MM1 requires version 05 or higher.

 Programming cable
 Suconet K line 1

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7 Test/Commissioning/Diagnostics

The LEDs, the diagnostic status word or various

diagnostic status bytes and the message byte
provide information on the state of the devices.

LEDs The coloured light-emitting diodes (LEDs) enable

quick and easy diagnosis of the PLC’s functions.

Table 10: Meaning of the LEDs

LED Status Meaning

Ready Off –
On (yellow) Self-test successfully
completed and CPU ready to
Flashing Suconet K error, e.g. station
(for 3 seconds) disconnected
Run Off Program in “Halt” state
On (yellow) User program is running
Not Ready Off No CPU, user program errors
On (red) CPU error
serious error in user program
Ready and Flashing No operating system present
Not Ready simultaneously in PLC, PLC is in boot state
Battery Off Battery working correctly
On (red) Battery error1)
Status of inputs Off Input not activated
On (green) Input activated
Status of outputs Off Output not activated
On (green) Output activated
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1) Caution!
Data can be lost if the battery no longer supplies
sufficient power. Make sure the power supply is
switched on when you replace the battery!

Diagnostic status word The diagnostic status word provides an overview of

the error messages. It consists of 16 diagnostic bits
which are subdivided into two categories:
Category D (diagnostics): Bit 0 to 7
Category E (errors): Bit 8 to 15
The diagnostic bits of category D are for information.
They can be displayed when the PLC is in the “Run”
or “Ready” state.
Category E diagnostic bits switch the PLC to the
“Not Ready” state when they appear.
Byte 1 Byte 0
Bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

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Diagnostic status word

Table 11: Description of the diagnostic status word

Byte Bit Code Meaning Description of the error

0 0 – – Not used
1 DDS Diagnostics Error in the status of a remote expansion module. The Suconet K
Remote status interface of the basic unit has detected an error in one of the
network stations. The error can be located by checking the
diagnostic bytes of the individual stations.
2 DDK Diagnostics Error in the configuration of the remote expansion module.
Remote Possible causes:
configuration Fewer Suconet stations than specified in the topology
Fault in connection to station
Data transmission error
3 DLS Diagnostics Error in the status of the local expansion module,
Local status e.g. digital outputs short-circuited
4 DLK Diagnostics Error in the configuration of the local expansion module;
Local configuration e.g. wrong/faulty LE 4
5 DMC Diagnostics Memory module faulty or not suitable for creating a backup or for
Memory card storing files.
6 DBM Diagnostics Battery voltage is too low.
Battery module Replace the battery.
7 DAC Diagnostics Power supply failure
Power failure
1 8 – – Not used
9 ENR Restart only with This message appears if you selected the “Halt” option under
retentive marker “Start after Not Ready” in the PS 4-271 configuration and you
reset attempted a warm start after an error of category E occurred. In
this situation, you can only restart with a retentive marker reset.
10 ERT Error The PLC identified a run-time error;
Run Time e.g. array index violation.
11 EDR Error Data retained in the operating system is corrupted.
Data retention
12 EPM Error Error in the program memory; error identified in the user
Program module program’s checksum.
13 EWD Error Not supported
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

Watch dog
14 EDC Error DC supply failure in the basic unit
15 ECT Error Cycle time violation; the maximum cycle time set in the program
Cycle Time was exceeded.

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Display in the “Test and commissioning” menu

In Sucosoft S 40, the diagnostic bits are displayed in
the “System diagnostics” window (see Chapter 8 of
the “Sucosoft S 40 user interface” manual,
AWB 2700-1305-GB).
Display with LEDs
The diagnostic word (diagnostic bits 0 to 15) can also
be displayed with LEDs 0.0 to 0.7 on the PLC using
the following procedure:
왘 Set the mode selector switch to the “Halt”
position and refer to the following tables to
interpret the operating state (do not press the
reset button so that the PLC remains in the “Run”
state). To acknowledge error messages, set the
mode selector switch to “Run” or “Run/M reset”
and press the “Reset” button.

Table 12: Diagnostic bit display using the LEDs

LED PLC state PLC state

Run/Ready Not Ready
.0.0 – –
.0.1 DDS ENR
.0.2 DDK ERT
.0.3 DLS EDR
.0.4 DLK EPM
.0.5 DMC EWD
.0.6 DBM EDC
.0.7 DAC ECT
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Diagnostic bytes

Diagnostic bytes You can scan the diagnostic bytes shown in the
diagram to obtain more information on the status of
the basic unit together with any local expansion
modules connected to it:
PS 4-271-MM1


PS 4-271-MM1


 Diagnostic byte for display of the states of the basic

unit and any local expansion modules connected to it
 Diagnostic byte for display of the analog inputs in the
basic unit (wire break signal)
 Diagnostic byte for display of the states of the slave
 Diagnostic byte for display of the states of the master
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 States of basic unit and local expansion

This diagnostic byte provides information on the
basic unit and any local expansion modules
connected to it. The information is the same as
byte 0 of the diagnostic status word and can
therefore be found in Table 11.
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Scan instruction
LD AT %ISB0.0.0.0:BYTE;

LD AT %IS0.;
LD AT %IS0.;

Display in Sucosoft S 40
see under 

 Status of analog inputs in the basic unit

You can set analog inputs AI0 and AI1 (channels 2
and 3) to input signals of between 4 and 20 mA. If the
input current drops below 4 mA, a wire break signal
is generated. For each of the two inputs is available
a message bit which is set if the current drops below
4 mA. The input value is then set to the value 205. If
the current rises above 4 mA, the bit is set to the “0”
signal again.
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Diagnostic bytes

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
– – – – – – AI1 AI0

Scan instruction
LD AT %ISB0.0.0.1:BYTE; (Bit 0 = AI0, Bit 1 = AI1)

LD AT %IS0.; (input AI0)
LD AT %IS0.; (input AI1)

Display in Sucosoft S 40
You can examine and interpret the diagnostic bits in
the “Test and commissioning” menu:
왘 Select ‹Test and commissioning ➞ Connection
List ➞ Topology›.
왘 Mark the PS 4-271 and select the “Display/force
inputs/outputs” function.
The messages are displayed in the ISW0. The ISW0
is subdivided:
The individual messages are displayed with 0 to 7 in
accordance with the diagnostic status word (bits 0
to 7). Positions 8 and 9 display the wire break signals
of analog inputs AI0 and AI1.
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 PS 4-271 used as master: scan of slave states

When used as a master, the PS 4-271 continuously
receives one or more diagnostic bytes from each
slave which indicate the state of the slave. The
available information will depend on the type of the
individual slave; i.e. the diagnostic information differs
according to the type of station. The diagnostic
information indicates, for example, whether
The device ID is incorrect
A device has been disconnected from the bus
A short-circuit has occurred at the digital output
of a station, etc.
The diagnostic information and its meaning are
described in the manuals for the individual Suconet
stations and local expansion modules.
Example of diagnostic byte scan
In the example, the following configuration is used: a
PS 4-271 with slave function is connected to a
PS 4-271 with master function via Suconet K. The
diagnostic byte of the slave is to be scanned in the
user program of the master. The diagnostic byte has
the content:

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Diagnostic bytes

Bit 0: Reserved
Bit 1: 0 = Station in Run
1 = Station in Halt
Bit 2: 0 = ok
1 = Length error of the receive data
Bit 3: Reserved
Bit 4: 0 = ok
1 = Hardware error
Bit 5: 0 = ok
1 = Short circuit
Bit 6: 0 = ok
1 = No connection
Bit 7: 0 = ok
1 = Wrong device type

Scan in user program of master

LD AT %ISBx.y.0.0: BYTE;

LD AT %ISx.y.0.0.1:BOOL;
LD AT %ISx.y.0.0.7:BOOL;

x = line number
y = station number

Display in Sucosoft S 40
The diagnostics bt can be evaluated in the “Test and
Commissioning” tool:
왘 Select ‹Test and Commissioning ➞ Connection
List ➞ Topology›.
왘 Mark the slave and select the “Display/force
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

inputs/outputs” function. The signals are

displayed in the ISB0.
The messages are shown in ISB0.

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 PS 4-271 as slave: scan of master states

When used as a slave, the PS 4-271 is also a basic
unit with its own program and configuration.
Consequently, the diagnostic bytes described in 
and  can also be scanned in this case. In addition,
the states of the master can be scanned by means of
the diagnostic byte ISB2.
Structure of diagnostic byte ISB2
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Bit 1: Halt communication

0 = master in Run
1 = master in Halt
Bit 2: Input length error
0 = ok
1 = length error in message
Bit 6: No connection
0 = ok
1 = no connection to master

Bits 0, 3, 4, 5 and 7 not used!

Scan in user program of slave
LD AT %ISB0.0.0.2: Byte;

LD AT %IS0. BOOL; (Halt communication)
LD AT %IS0. BOOL; (Input length error)
LD AT %IS0. BOOL; (No connection)

Display in Sucosoft S 40
You can examine and interpret the diagnostic bits in
the “Test and Commissioning” menu:
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

왘 Select ‹Test and Commissioning ➞ Connection

list ➞ Topology›.

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Message byte

왘 Mark the PS 4-271 and the “Display/force inputs/

outputs” function.
The signals of the basic unit are displayed in the
diagnostic bytes ISB0 and ISB1; the signals of the
master in the diagnostic byte ISB2.

Message byte The message byte provides information on the state

of the PLC, image data relating to the network
stations, the start-up behaviour of the PLC, etc. The
message byte can be scanned with the help of the
“PLC_Message” function block (refer to the manual
“Language elements for PS 4-150/-200/-300 and
PS 416” (AWB 2700-1306-GB).

Table 13: Message status byte

Bit no. Code Meaning

0 ISA 1st cycle after start
1 IRE 1st cycle after pressing the reset button; set
for a duration of one cycle
2 IFO Static forcing active
3 REC Remainder of cycle after warm start. The
PS 4-271 completes the remainder of the
cycle after every warm start.
4 ICS The bit indicates the type of restart for the
first cycle: 1 = cold start, 0 = warm start
5 NKD_1 New data transfer to the on-board SBI
6 NKD_2 New data transfer to the SBI of the first local
expansion module (LE 4-501-BS1)
7 NKD_3 New data transfer to the SBI of the second
local expansion module (LE 4-501-BS1)

For further information on the message byte, please

refer to the description of the “PLC_Message”
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

function block in the manual “Language elements

of the PS 4-150/-200/-300 and PS 416”
(AWB 2700-1306-GB).

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06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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8 Representation of Analog Values

Analog-digital The PS 4-271 converts an analog input signal into a

conversion digital value with a length of 10 bits and an internal
12-bit digital value into an analog output signal. The
digital base value range is represented by:
0 to 4095 dec or 0 to FFF hex (12 bit) or
0 to 1023 dec or 0 to 3FF hex (10 bit).


0 205 820 1023 4095 hex

0 CC 334 3FF 0FFF dez

Figure 24: Analog/digital conversion

Analog inputs
Inputs AI0 and AI1 can process either the signals 0 to
10 V or 0 (4) to 20 mA. You set the parameters you
require in the topology configurator (see the chapter
"Software Configuration").
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Representation of Analog

Inputs for 0 to 20 mA/0 to 10 V



0 3FF hex

1023 dez

Figure 25: Value range for current/voltage inputs

If the input current exceeds 20 mA/10 V, the

measured value is treated as the maximum value
If the input current becomes negative through
polarity reversal of the conductors, then the
measured value is treated as 0. 06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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Analog-digital conversion

Inputs for 4 to 20 mA


0 CC 3FF hex

205 1023 dez

Figure 26: Value range for current inputs 4 to 20 mA

If the input current exceeds 20 mA, the maximum

value “1023” of the value range is generally stated.
If the input current drops below 4 mA or becomes
negative through polarity reversal of the conductors,
the value 205 (CC hex) is always displayed as the
measured value. In this case, a diagnostic bit (wire
break) is set (see also Page 70).
The value range 0 to 1023 can be scaled with the
help of the “DataScale” function block.
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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Representation of Analog

Pt1000/Ni1000 inputs
Inputs AI2 and AI3 process signals from resistance
thermometers of type Pt1000 or Ni1000. The input
range for the resistance value is 0 to 1500 . The
resistance values of the thermometers start at 185 
(Pt1000) and 695 (Ni1000), from which follows the
operating range below:
Operating range of Pt1000 and Ni1000:
R []  [C]  [F]
185 –200 –328
1500 +130.5 +266.8
695 –60 –76
1500 +82.5 +180.6

The value in the range 0 to 1500 can be linearised

with the help of the linearisation function block and
converted into a temperature value. There are four
function blocks available for this:
Function block Resistance thermometer Temperature
name (input) (output)
PttoCelsius Pt1000 Celsius
PttoFahrenheit Pt1000 Fahrenheit
NltoCelsius Ni1000 Celsius
NltoFahrenheit Ni1000 Fahrenheit
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Analog-digital conversion

Analog outputs
Outputs AQ0 and AQ1 provide an output of 0 to 10 V,
AQ2 and AQ3 provide an output of 0 (4) to 20 mA.
Their parameters are set in the topology configurator.
If a current output of 4 to 20 mA was specified, 4 mA
is generally output if the value drops below 334 dec.
If the value exceeds or drops below the permissible
value range for the outputs as a result of a defective
input, the corresponding maximum or minimum
value is output
Outputs 0 to 20 mA/0 to 10V.





0 400 800 C00 FFF hex

1024 2048 3072 4095 dez

Figure 27: Value range for current inputs 4 to 20 mA/

0 to 10 V
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Representation of Analog

Outpus 4 to 20 mA/0 to 10 V





0 334 400 800 C00 FFF hex

820 1024 2048 3072 4095 dec.

Figure 28: Value raange for current outputs 4 to 20 mA

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Designation Type Description/application

Programming cable ZB 4-303-KB1 Adapter for programming the PS 4-271 from a PC
Memory module ZB 4-901-SF1 1 MB flash memory module for use as user program backup
and recipe memory
ZB 4-128-SF1 128 kB flash memory (recipe memory)
Screw terminal ZB 4-110-KL1 Screw terminal for the input/output level
Twin-level terminal ZB 4-122-KL1 Twin-level terminal block for distributing potential; e.g. for
block connecting 3-pole proximity switches to a PLC or local
expansion module.
Hinged cover ZB 4-101-GZ1 Cover for labelling the inputs/outputs
(PS 4, EM 4, LE 4)
Fixing clip ZB 4-101-GF1 Fixing bracket for screwing the PS 4 onto a mounting plate
Backup battery ZB 4-600-BT1 Battery for backing up the RAM of the PS 4-271
Simulator ZB 4-108-ES1 Simulator for digital inputs
Data cable KPG 1-PS3 Cable between PS 4-271 and slave; length: 0.5 m
T connector TBA 3.1 For connecting a station to the Suconet K/K1 line
Data plug connector S 1-PS3 5-pin DIN connector for the RS 485 interface of the
PS 4-201-MM1
Cable LT 309.096 Cable, 2  0.5 mm2, screened and twisted for making up
Suconet K cables
Screen grounding kit ZB 4-102-KS1 Screen grounding kit for Suconet
Snap-on mounting for FM4/TS35 Manufactured by Weidmüller, order no. 068790
top-hat rail
Clip for snap-on KLBü3-8SC Manufactured by Weidmüller, order no. 169226
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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Slave addressing Receive bytes

Slave Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 ... Last byte Data type

A 4-220.1 RDBx.y.0.0 RDBx.y.0.1 Byte, Word
A 5-220.1 RDBx.y.0.0 RDBx.y.0.1 RDBx.y.0.2 ... RDBx.y.0.6 Byte, Word
CM 4-501-FS1 IBx.y.0.0 RDBx.y.0.1 RDBx.y.0.1 ... RDBx.y.0.5 Bit, Byte
EM 4-101-AA1 V 01 IABx.y.0.0 IABx.y.0.1 IABx.y.0.2 ... IABx.y.0.5 Byte
EM 4-101-AA1 V 02
AA1B64 IABx.y.0.0 IABx.y.0.1 IABx.y.0.2 ... IABx.y.0.5 Byte
(8 Bit/SBI)
AA1W33 IAWx.y.0.0 IAWx.y.0.2 IAWx.y.0.4 Word
(12 Bit/SBI)
EM 4-101-AA2
AA2B84 IABx.y.0.0 IABx.y.0.1 IABx.y.0.2 ... IABx.y.0.7 Byte
AA2W84 IAWx.y.0.0 IAWx.y.0.2 ... IAWx.y.0.14 Word
EM 4-101-DD2/106 IBx.y.0.0 IBx.y.0.1 Bit, Byte
EM 4-101-DD2/88 IBx.y.0.0 Bit, Byte
EM 4-111-DR2 IBx.y.0.0 Bit, Byte
EM 4-201-DX2 IBx.y.0.0 IBx.y.0.1 Bit, Byte, Word
EM 4-201-DX2 with IBx.y.0.0 IBx.y.0.1 IBx.y.1.0 ... IBx.y.6.1 Bit, Byte, Word
EPC 335 RDBx.y.0.0 RDBx.y.0.1 RDBx.y.0.2 ... RDBx.y.0.6 Bit, Byte, Word
LE 4-501-BS1 RDBx.y.0.0 RDBx.y.0.1 RDBx.y.0.2 ... RDBx.y.0.77 Bit, Byte, Word
MI 4 RDBx.y.0.0 RDBx.y.0.1 RDBx.y.0.2 ... RDBx.y.0.77 Bit, Byte, Word
MV 4 RDBx.y.0.0 RDBx.y.0.1 RDBx.y.0.2 ... RDBx.y.0.119 Bit, Byte, Word
PS 3-8 IBx.y.0.0 IBx.y.0.1 Bit, Byte
PS 3-AC IBx.y.0.0 IBx.y.0.1 IABx.y.0.0 ... IABx.y.0.3 (Bit), Byte
PS 3-DC IBx.y.0.0 IBx.y.0.1 IABx.y.0.0 ... IABx.y.0.3 (Bit), Byte
PS 316 (SBI)/306 RDBx.y.0.0 RDBx.y.0.1 RDBx.y.0.2 ... RDBx.y.0.6 Bit, Byte, Word
PS 4-141-MM1 RDBx.y.0.0 RDBx.y.0.1 RDBx.y.0.2 ... RDBx.y.0.77 Bit, Byte, Word
PS 4-151-MM1 RDBx.y.0.0 RDBx.y.0.1 RDBx.y.0.2 ... RDBx.y.0.77 Bit, Byte, Word
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

PS 4-1x1, active RDBx.y.0.0 RDBx.y.0.1 RDBx.y.0.2 ... RDBx.y.0.6 Bit, Byte

PS 4-1x1, passive IBx.y.0.0 – IABx.y.0.0 IABx.y.0.1 (Bit), Byte

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Slave addressing

Slave Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 ... Last byte Data type

PS 4-201-MM1 RDBx.y.0.0 RDBx.y.0.1 RDBx.y.0.2 ... RDBx.y.0.77 Bit, Byte, Word
PS 4-271-MM1 RDBx.y.0.0 RDBx.y.0.1 RDBx.y.0.2 ... RDBx.y.0.77 Bit, Byte, Word
PS 4-401-MM1 RDBx.y.0.0 RDBx.y.0.1 RDBx.y.0.2 ... RDBx.y.0.6 Byte, Word
PS 4-401-MM2 RDBx.y.0.0 RDBx.y.0.1 RDBx.y.0.2 ... RDBx.y.0.83 Bit, Byte, Word
PS 4-341-MM1 RDBx.y.0.0 RDBx.y.0.1 RDBx.y.0.2 ... RDBx.y.0.119 Bit, Byte, Word
RBI 1.1 IBx.y.0.0 IBx.y.0.1 IABx.y.0.0 ... IABx.y.0.3 (Bit), Byte
RMQ 16I IBx.y.0.0 IBx.y.0.1 Bit, Byte
SBI-AMD3 RDBx.y.0.0 RDBxBx.y.0.1 RDBx.y.0.2 ... RDBx.y.0.6 Byte, Word
SBI-AMX RDBx.y.0.0 RDBx.y.0.1 RDBx.y.0.2 ... RDBx.y.0.6 Byte, Word
SIS-K-06/07 RDBx.y.0.0 RDBx.y.0.1 RDBx.y.0.2 ... RDBx.y.0.6 Bit, Byte, Word
10/10 RDBx.y.0.0 RDBx.y.0.1 RDBx.y.0.2 ... RDBx.y.0.9 Bit, Byte, Word
15/15 RDBx.y.0.0 RDBx.y.0.1 RDBx.y.0.2 ... RDBx.y.0.14 Bit, Byte, Word
24/24 RDBx.y.0.0 RDBx.y.0.1 RDBx.y.0.2 ... RDBx.y.0.23 Bit, Byte, Word
30/30 RDBx.y.0.0 RDBx.y.0.1 RDBx.y.0.2 ... RDBx.y.0.29 Bit, Byte, Word
40/40 RDBx.y.0.0 RDBx.y.0.1 RDBx.y.0.2 ... RDBx.y.0.39 Bit, Byte, Word
50/50 RDBx.y.0.0 RDBx.y.0.1 RDBx.y.0.2 ... RDBx.y.0.49 Bit, Byte, Word
60/60 RDBx.y.0.0 RDBx.y.0.1 RDBx.y.0.2 ... RDBx.y.0.59 Bit, Byte, Word
SIS-Typ-80D0 RDBx.y.0.0 RDBx.y.0.1 RDBx.y.0.2 ... RDBx.y.0.6 Bit, Byte, Word
SIS-Typ-80EF RDBx.y.0.0 RDBx.y.0.1 RDBx.y.0.2 ... RDBx.y.0.6 Bit, Byte, Word

x = line, y = station
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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Send bytes

Slave Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 ... Last byte Data type

A 4-220.1 SDBx.y.0.0 SDBx.y.0.1 Byte, Word
A 5-220.1 SDBx.y.0.0 SDBx.y.0.1 SDBx.y.0.2 ... SDBx.y.0.5 Byte, Word
CM 4-501-FS1 QBx.y.0.0 SDBx.y.0.1 SDBx.y.0.1 ... SDBx.y.0.5 Bit, Byte
EM 4-101-AA1 V 01 QABx.y.0.0 QABx.y.0.1 QABx.y.0.2 – QABx.y.0.4 Byte
EM 4-101-AA1 V 02
AA1B64 QABx.y.0.0 QABx.y.0.1 QABx.y.0.2 – QABx.y.0.4 Byte
(8 Bit/SBI)
AA1W33 QAWx.y.0.0 QAWx.y.0.2 QAWx.y.0.4 Word
(12 Bit/SBI)
EM 4-101-AA2
AA2B84 QABx.y.0.0 QABx.y.0.1 QABx.y.0.2 – QABx.y.0.3 Byte
AA2W84 QAWx.y.0.0 QAWx.y.0.2 ... QAWx.y.0.6 Word
EM 4-101-DD2/106 QBx.y.0.0 QBx.y.0.1 Bit, Byte
EM 4-101-DD2/88 QBx.y.0.0 Bit, Byte
EM 4-111-DR2 QBx.y.0.0 Bit, Byte
EM 4-201-DX2 with LE QBx.y.1.0 QBx.y.1.1 QBx.y.2.0 ... QBx.y.6.1 Bit, Byte, Word
EPC 335 SDBx.y.0.0 SDBx.y.0.1 SDBx.y.0.2 ... SDBx.y.0.5 Bit, Byte, Word
LE 4-501-BS1 SDBx.y.0.0 SDBx.y.0.1 SDBx.y.0.2 ... SDBx.y.0.77 Bit, Byte, Word
MI 4 SDBx.y.0.0 SDBx.y.0.1 SDBx.y.0.2 ... SDBx.y.0.77 Bit, Byte, Word
MV 4 SDBx.y.0.0 SDBx.y.0.1 SDBx.y.0.2 ... SDBx.y.0.119 Bit, Byte, Word
PS 3-8 QBx.y.0.0 QBx.y.0.1 Bit, Byte
PS 3-AC QBx.y.0.0 QBx.y.0.1 QABx.y.0.0 (Bit), Byte
PS 3-DC QBx.y.0.0 QBx.y.0.1 QABx.y.0.0 (Bit), Byte
PS 316 (SBI)/306 SDBx.y.0.0 SDBx.y.0.1 SDBx.y.0.2 ... SDBx.y.0.5 Bit, Byte, Word
PS 4-141-MM1 SDBx.y.0.0 SDBx.y.0.1 SDBx.y.0.2 ... SDBx.y.0.77 Bit, Byte, Word
PS 4-151-MM1 SDBx.y.0.0 SDBx.y.0.1 SDBx.y.0.2 ... SDBx.y.0.77 Bit, Byte, Word
PS 4-1x1, aktiv SDBx.y.0.0 SDBx.y.0.1 SDBx.y.0.2 ... SDBx.y.0.5 Bit, Byte
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

PS 4-1x1, passiv QBx.y.0.0 – – – (Bit), Byte

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Slave addressing

Slave Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 ... Last byte Data type

PS 4-201-MM1 SDBx.y.0.0 SDBx.y.0.1 SDBx.y.0.2 ... SDBx.y.0.77 Bit, Byte, Word
PS 4-271-MM1 SDBx.y.0.0 SDBx.y.0.1 SDBx.y.0.2 ... SDBx.y.0.77 Bit, Byte, Word
PS 4-341-MM1 SDBx.y.0.0 SDBx.y.0.1 SDBx.y.0.2 ... SDBx.y.0.119 Bit, Byte, Word
PS 4-401-MM1 SDBx.y.0.0 SDBx.y.0.1 SDBx.y.0.2 ... SDBx.y.0.5 Byte, Word
PS 4-401-MM2 SDBx.y.0.0 SDBx.y.0.1 SDBx.y.0.2 ... SDBx.y.0.83 Bit, Byte, Word
RBI 1.1 QBx.y.0.0 QBx.y.0.1 QABx.y.0.0 (Bit), Byte
RMQ 16I QBx.y.0.0 QBx.y.0.1 Bit, Byte
SBI-AMD3 SDBx.y.0.0 SDBx.y.0.1 SDBx.y.0.2 ... SDBx.y.0.5 Byte, Word
SBI-AMX SDBx.y.0.0 SDBx.y.0.1 SDBx.y.0.2 ... SDBx.y.0.5 Byte, Word
SIS-K-06/07 SDBx.y.0.0 SDBx.y.0.1 SDBx.y.0.2 ... SDBx.y.0.5 Bit, Byte, Word
10/10 SDBx.y.0.0 SDBx.y.0.1 SDBx.y.0.2 ... SDBx.y.0.9 Bit, Byte, Word
15/15 SDBx.y.0.0 SDBx.y.0.1 SDBx.y.0.2 ... SDBx.y.0.14 Bit, Byte, Word
24/24 SDBx.y.0.0 SDBx.y.0.1 SDBx.y.0.2 ... SDBx.y.0.23 Bit, Byte, Word
30/30 SDBx.y.0.0 SDBx.y.0.1 SDBx.y.0.2 ... SDBx.y.0.29 Bit, Byte, Word
40/40 SDBx.y.0.0 SDBx.y.0.1 SDBx.y.0.2 ... SDBx.y.0.39 Bit, Byte, Word
50/50 SDBx.y.0.0 SDBx.y.0.1 SDBx.y.0.2 ... SDBx.y.0.49 Bit, Byte, Word
60/60 SDBx.y.0.0 SDBx.y.0.1 SDBx.y.0.2 ... SDBx.y.0.59 Bit, Byte, Word
SIS-Typ-80D0 SDBx.y.0.0 SDBx.y.0.1 SDBx.y.0.2 ... SDBx.y.0.5 Bit, Byte, Word
SIS-Typ-80EF SDBx.y.0.0 RDBx.y.0.1 SDBx.y.0.2 ... SDBx.y.0.5 Bit, Byte, Word
VTP 0-H-Tx SDBx.y.0.0 SDBx.y.0.1 SDBx.y.0.2 ... SDBx.y.0.5 Byte, Word
VTP 1/2-H-T6 SDBx.y.0.0 SDBx.y.0.1 SDBx.y.0.2 ... SDBx.y.0.17 Byte, Word
ZB 4-501-UM2 SDBx.y.0.0 SDBx.y.0.1 SDBx.y.0.2 ... SDBx.y.0.23 Bit, Byte, Word

x = line, y = station
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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Representation of Analog

Technical data General

Standards EN 61 131-2, EN 50 178
Ambient temperature 0 to 55 °C
Storage temperature –20 to 70 °C
Vibration resistance 1 g/0 to 150 Hz
Vibration Constant 1 g, f = 0 to 150 Hz
EMC see Page 94
Programming interface RS 232, length of
programming cable  3 m
Network interface RS 485
Bus Suconet K
Length of data cable 600 m/300 m
Transmission speed 187.5 kbps to 375 kbps
Operating mode Master/slave
Degree of protection IP 20
Rated insulation voltage Ui 1500 V AC to IEC 1131 Part 2
Real-time clock Yes
Accuracy of real-time clock 6.1 minutes per year (battery
Battery (life) Typically 5 years
Expansion capacity (local) Up to 5 LEs
Expansion capacity (remote) Up to 8 stations
User and data memory (internal) 32 kB
Memory (external) 32 kByte RAM
128 kByte FLASH
32 kByte RAM+128 kByte
Typical cycle time for 1 K instructions 5 ms
(bits, bytes)
No. of inputs (local) 12
No. of outputs (local) 8 (relay)
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

Weight Approx. 950 g

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Technical data

Power supply
Rated voltage Ue 120/240 V AC
Permissible range 98 to 264 V AC
Frequency 47 to 63 Hz
Rated current Ie 0.3 A (120 V AC)/
0.15 A (240 V AC)
Inrush current and duration 4 A  5 ms
Power dissipation Approx. 12.5 W (240 V AC)
(for device as a whole, without LE) Approx. 9.5 W (120 V AC)
Bridging of voltage dips
Duration of dip 10 ms
Repetition rate 1s
Error display Yes (LED)
Protection class 1
Electrically isolated Yes
Terminals Screw terminals
Terminal capacity
Flexible with ferrule 0.22 to 2.5 mm2
(AWG 24 to 13)
Solid 0.22 to 2.5 mm2
(AWG 24 to 13)
Rated insulation voltage 1500 V AC to IEC 1131Part 2
m max. current load for LE bus (5V) 1.2 A
No. of inputs 12
Rated voltage Ue 120 V AC/47 to 63 Hz
240 V AC/47 to 55 Hz
Rated current Ie for “1” signal
120 V AC/50 Hz Typically 6 mA
240 V AC/50 Hz Typically 12 mA
Electrical isolation
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

Input to input No
input to LE bus/Suconet K Yes
Insulation voltage 1500 V AC
Overvoltage category II, basic insulation

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Representation of Analog

Different phases at adjacent inputs Not permissible, between

groups only switchable by
phase (see page 8)
Switching level to EN 61 131-2
Limit values type “1“ Un = 120 V AC = 240 V AC
Min. high level 79 V 164 V
Max. low level 20 V 40 V
120/240 V AC Typically 10 ms at 50 Hz
120/240 V AC Typically 30 ms at 50 Hz
Status indicators for inputs Yes (LED)
Terminals Plug-in screw terminals
Terminal capacity
Flexible with ferrule 0.22 to 1.5 mm2 (AWG 24 to 16)
Solid 0.22 to 2.5 mm2 (AWG 24 to 16)
Setpoint potentiometers
No. 2
Value range 10 bits (1024 units)
Setting With screwdriver
Analog inputs
No. 4; 2  current/voltage,
2  resistance
Signal range 0 to 10 V
Input resistance 220 k
Total error Typically 0.8% of full scale
Current 0 mA to 20 mA (4 mA to
20 mA by means of software)
Input resistance 250 
Total error Typically 0.8% of full scale
0 to 1500 
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

Sensors Pt1000, Ni1000
Measuring current Approx. 0.4 mA
Total error Typically 0.8% of full scale

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Technical data

Sensor element connection type Two-wire connection to

Digital representation of input signal 10 bits (1024 units)
Terminals Plug-in screw terminals
Terminal capacity
Flexible with ferrule 0.22 to 1.5 mm2 (AWG 24 to 16)
Solid 0.22 to 2.5 mm2 (AWG 24 to 13)
No. of outputs 8
Contacts Make contacts
Electrical isolation Yes, in groups of 1
Rated voltage Ue 250 V AC
Uninterrupted current Ith max. 8 A (UL/CSA: 10 A)
Short-circuit-proof cos = 1 16 A characteristic B
(FAZN B16) at 600 A
Short-circuit-proof cos = 0,5 bis 0,7 16 A characteristic B
(FAZN B16) at 900 A
Contact material AgNi90/10
Response time Typically 6 ms
Opening time Typically 10 ms
Bounce time Typically 0.5 ms
Minimum contact voltage 12 V
Minimum contact current 0.5 A
Minimum load 6W
Switching capacity
AC max. 2000 VA
(250 V/8 A/10 A UL/CSA)
DC max. 240 W
(30 V DC/8 A/10 A UL/CSA)
Lifespan, mechanical 10 000 000 switch operations
mechanical switching frequency 10 Hz
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

resistive lamp load 2 Hz

inductive load 0.5 Hz

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Representation of Analog

Lifespan, electrical 100000 switch operations

at 8 A/230 V AC/70 C
Operation at AC 15, 250 V, 3 A 300000 switch operations
cos = 0.4, 600 Ops/h
Operation at DC 13, 24 V DC, 1 A 200000 switch operations
L/R = 150 ms, 500 Ops/h
Filament lamp load
1000 W at 230/240 V AC 25000 switch operations
500 W at 115/120 V AC 25000 switch operations
Fluorescent tubes
with electronic ballast 10  58 W at 230/240 V AC/
25000 switch operations
conventional p.f. correction 1  58 W at 230/240 V AC/
25000 switch operations
without p.f. correction 10  58 W at 230/240 V AC/
25000 switch operations
Parallel connection of outputs to not permissible
increase power
Protection of relay contact FAZN B16 mcb or 8 A fuse
Contact protection None
Short-circuit/overload protection No
Insulation IEC 664/VDE 0110 (01/89)
Contamination level 3
Overvoltage category III
Creepage distance coil/contact 8 mm
Air clearance coil/contact 8 mm
Test voltage
at open contact 1 kV
coil/contact 4 kV
Status LEDs for outputs Yes
Terminals Plug-in screw terminals
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

For Immediate Delivery call KMParts.com at (866) 595-9616
Technical data

Terminal capacity
Flexible with ferrule 0.22 to 1.5 mm2 (AWG 24 to 16)
Solid 0.22 to 2.5 mm2 (AWG 24 to 13)
Analog outputs
No. 2
Signal range 0 to 20 mA, 4 to 20 mA
Resolution in bits 12 (4096 units)
Total error Typically 0.4% of full scale
Load Max. 500 
Connection type Two-wire connection
No. 2
Signal range 0 to 10 V
Resolution in bits 12 (4096 units)
Total error Typically 0.4% of full scale
Output load Min. 2 k
Connection type Two-wire connection
Terminals Plug-in screw terminals
Terminal capacity
Flexible with ferrule 0.22 to 1.5 mm2
(AWG 24 to 16)
Solid 0.22 to 2.5 mm2
(AWG 24 to 13)
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

For Immediate Delivery call KMParts.com at (866) 595-9616
Representation of Analog

General EMC specifications for automation equipment

Emission EN 55 011/22 Class A
Interference immunity
ESD EN 61 000-4-2 Contact discharge 4 kV
Air discharge 8 kV
RFI EN 61 000-4-3 AM/PM 10 V/m
Burst EN 61 000-4-4 Mains/digital I/O 2 kV
Analog I/O, field bus 1 kV
Surge EN 61 000-4-5 Digital I/O, asymmetrical 0.5 kV
Mains DC, asymmetrical 1 kV
Mains DC, symmetrical 0.5 kV
Mains AC, asymmetrical 2 kV
Mains AC, symmetrical 1 kV
Immunity to line- EN 61 000-4-6 AM 10 V

06/99 AWB 2700-1364 GB

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Address of network stations .......................................... 34
Analog inputs ................................................................... 8
Analog outputs ................................................................. 9
Analog/digital conversion .............................................. 77
Avoiding interference ..................................................... 29

Backup battery ......................................................... 14, 83
Backup memory ............................................................. 12
Battery changing ............................................................ 66
Baud rate ....................................................................... 10
Bus cable ....................................................................... 17
Bus terminating resistors ............................................... 11
Setting ........................................................................ 18

Cable .............................................................................. 83
Cable routing ................................................................. 29
Cold start ....................................................................... 59
Combination module ...................................................... 13
Commissioning .............................................................. 65
Communication conditions ............................................ 31
Configuration example ................................................... 47
Connecting the PC ......................................................... 16
Connecting the programming device ............................ 16
Data and signal cables ............................................... 19
Overview ..................................................................... 19
Programming device .................................................. 16
Suconet K field bus .................................................... 17
ZB 4-501-TC1 telecontrol module ............................. 17
ZB 4-501-UM3 interface converter ............................ 17
Connector pin assignment
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 D

Suconet K interface .................................................... 17

Controls and indicators .............................................. 6, 13
CRC ............................................................................... 47
Current inputs .................................................................. 8

For Immediate Delivery call KMParts.com at (866) 595-9616

Data cable ...................................................................... 83
Data plug connector ....................................................... 83
Data security .................................................................. 47
Device arrangement ....................................................... 23
Diagnosis ........................................................................ 66
Digital inputs ..................................................................... 8
Documentation ................................................................. 3
DST ................................................................................. 14
Dynamic memory allocation ........................................... 12

Electrical interference ..................................................... 22
Electromagnetic compatibility ........................................ 19
Electromagnetic effect ................................................... 22
Elements of the PLC ......................................................... 8

Fastening the PLC .......................................................... 23
Features ............................................................................ 5
Figure ............................................................................... 6
Fixing clip ....................................................................... 83
Flash module .................................................................. 12

Hardware requirements .................................................... 5
Hinged cover .................................................................. 83

Indicators .................................................................... 6, 13
Inductances .................................................................... 23
Input data ....................................................................... 46

Layout ........................................................................... 6, 7
Layout of control cabinet ............................................... 22
LEDs ................................................................. 6, 8, 13, 65
Lightning protection measures ....................................... 28
Limits, send and receive data ........................................ 39
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 D

Line number ................................................................... 34

Local expansion ............................................................. 18
Local expansion modules .............................................. 14

For Immediate Delivery call KMParts.com at (866) 595-9616

Master PLC .................................................................... 31
Allocation, dynamic .................................................... 12
Capacity ..................................................................... 12
Memory module ................................................... 12, 83
Memory test ............................................................... 55
Message byte ................................................................. 75
Mode selector ................................................................ 14
Module number .............................................................. 34
Fixing clips ................................................................. 30
Position ....................................................................... 23
Top-hat rail ................................................................. 29

Network interface ........................................................... 10
Not Ready ...................................................................... 57

Operand addressing
Slaves with CPU ......................................................... 53
Slaves without CPU .................................................... 51
Operating states, overview ............................................ 58
Output data .................................................................... 46
Output signals .................................................................. 9

Parameter dialog fields .................................................. 31
Parity .............................................................................. 10
PC communication ........................................................ 56
Pin assignment .............................................................. 17
Programming device interface ................................... 16
PLC_Message ................................................................ 75
Plug connector ............................................................... 14
Plug connector for local expansion module .................. 15
Potential equalisation currents ...................................... 17
Power supply ................................................................. 26
Power supply unit ............................................................ 8
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 D

Power-up behaviour ...................................................... 55

Programming cable .............................................. 5, 16, 83
Programming device interface (PRG) ............................ 11
Pin assignment ........................................................... 16

For Immediate Delivery call KMParts.com at (866) 595-9616

Programming of networks .............................................. 10

Programming via Suconet K .......................................... 63

RAM memory ................................................................. 12
RAM module ................................................................... 12
Ready ............................................................................. 56
Real-time clock .............................................................. 14
Receive data ................................................................... 46
Recipe data .................................................................... 12
Relay outputs ................................................................... 9
Reset button ................................................................... 14
Retention ........................................................................ 60
Run ................................................................................. 56

Screen grounding kit ...................................................... 83
Screw terminal ............................................................ 8, 83
Selecting your network components ............................. 31
Send data ....................................................................... 46
Serial interface ................................................................ 10
Setpoint potentiometers ................................................. 11
Shutdown behaviour ...................................................... 55
Simulator ........................................................................ 83
Slave addressing ...................................................... 51, 84
Slave PLC with CPU ....................................................... 31
Slave PLC without CPU ................................................. 31
Software configuration ................................................... 31
Software requirements ..................................................... 5
Start-up behaviour ......................................................... 59
Station number ............................................................... 34
Status LEDs .............................................................. 13, 65
Stop bit ........................................................................... 10
Suconet K
Connection ................................................................. 17
Interface ................................................................ 10, 17
Summer/winter time
Switching between ..................................................... 14
Suppression of sources of interference ......................... 23
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 D

Symbols ............................................................................ 4
Syntax ...................................................................... 51, 53
System test .................................................................... 55

For Immediate Delivery call KMParts.com at (866) 595-9616

T connector .................................................................... 83
Temperature sensor ......................................................... 8
Terminal capacities, screw terminals ............................. 15
Overview ..................................................................... 15
Transferring user programs ........................................... 61
Transparent communication .......................................... 10
Twin-level terminal block ............................................... 83

User program test .......................................................... 55

Ventilation ...................................................................... 22
Voltage inputs .................................................................. 8

Warm start ..................................................................... 60
Wire break signals .......................................................... 70
Wiring ............................................................................. 29
06/99 AWB 2700-1364 D

For Immediate Delivery call KMParts.com at (866) 595-9616

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