Shear Force and Bending Moment Suvankar Roy

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Camellia Institute Of Technology


Name: Suvankar Roy

Sub: Engineering Mechanics
Topic: Shear Force and Bending
Sem: 3rd
Year: 2024
 Shear Force and Bending
The shear forces and bending moments
that arise will be determined by the loads
acting on the beam and the supports.
Shear Force and Bending Moment
Diagrams are commonly used to show
and analyze the resultant forces in the
beam (SFD & BMD).
Internal forces are generated within a
loaded beam to maintain balance. There
are two components to these internal
forces: shear forces (directed vertically)
and normal forces (oriented along the
axis of the beam). The internal forces
acting on the beam cross-section can be
readily represented by only two
resultants: shear force (the result of the
vertical internal forces) and bending
moment (the Resultant of the normal
internal forces).
 What Is Shear Force?
A shear force is a force that acts
tangentially on the body. Shear force is
caused by a tangential component of
a force applied on a body. Shearing
stresses are also produced by the shear
force in the body.
Consider Figure 1 to grasp the concept of
shear forces operating on an item. The
diagram depicts how shear force is
distributed tangentially throughout the
object's surface. That is, the force is
acting perpendicular to the resultant of
the internal stress.

Fig : Shear force
Using the figure, we can now see that
shearing forces are uneven forces that
push one component of a body in one
direction while pushing a different part in
a different direction. The figure below
demonstrates this.

Fig : Unaligned Shear Forces

Numerically, this shearing force will be
given by the algebraic sum of the forces
to the left or the right of the section.

∑ Fi

Sign and Convention of Shear
Now, the shear stress can change the
direction of beams. Hence, there comes a
need to adopt a “sign convention” for
them. These conventions are adopted for
beams only. Consider the cantilever beam
below which shows the direction of forces.

Fig : Shear Stress acting on a beam

A shearing force is considered "Negative
(-)" if:

o The right side of the section
goes down.
o The left side of the section is going up.
In the same way, a shearing force that is
"Positive (+)" if:
o The left side of the section is
going up.
o The right side of the section
goes down.
 What is a Bending
Any load-bearing object will deflect within
the structure. We refer to this as
‘bending’. In other words, bending
indicates that the load applied
perpendicular to a bar's axis causes the
bar to deform.

The tendency of a force to cause a body
to rotate around a particular point or axis
is measured by its moment.
Thus, bending moment refers to the
moment produced by a force or bending
in any structural part. The algebraic sum
of the applied load to the specified
distance from the reference point is the
Bending Moment. This is directional since
it is influenced by the direction of applied

∑ Pi

Consider the image below to understand

the bending moment in a structural

Fig : Bending moment
Sign and Convention of Bending Moment
Just like we adopted a few sign
conventions while learning about shear
stress above, we shall adopt the
conventions in bending moment. Consider
the beam subjected to bending below.

Fig : Bending Moment Sign Convention

 A moment of bending that
causes upward concavity will be
considered ‘positive.’ Also known as
a Sagging bending moment.

 A moment of bending that
causes upward convexity will be
considered ‘negative’. Also known as
the Hogging bending moment

 Shear Force and Bending

Moment Diagrams
We are aware that a Beam is a
structural part upon which a system of
external loads acting at right angles to
the axis act. Shear Force and Bending
Moment Diagram (SFD & BMD) is the
graphical representation of the Shear
Force distribution and Bending Moment
along the length of a beam.
Along the span length of the beam, the
shear force and bending moment values
change from section to section. These
diagrams can be used to determine the
Stress concentration of a loaded beam
and it contributes to the crucial failure
analysis required for the beam's design.
Types of Beams
Now, there are five major types of

Cantilever Beam A beam with one end
fixed and the other free is referred to as a
Simply Supported Beam The ends of a
simply supported beam rest freely on
walls, columns, or knife edges.
Fixed Beam A fixed beam is one whose
ends are fixed or built into the walls or
columns that hold it up.
Continuous Beam There are more than
two supports for a continuous beam.
Overhanging Beam In this, one or both
ends of the beam extend beyond the
Propped Cantilever Beam One end of
the beam is constrained in all degrees of
freedom, whereas the opposite end is
simply supported.

Types of Loading and Slope
As we mentioned before,
the Beams are subjected to various
loading patterns. This constitutes
different slopes for the Shear Force and
Bending Moment Diagrams. This is as
illustrated below:

 Properties of Shear Force
and Bending Moment

The following are some fundamental
properties of shear and moment
I. The region of the Shear diagram to
the right or left of the section
corresponds to the moment at the
II. At a particular point, the shear is
equal to the slope of the bending
moment diagram.
III. At a particular point, the load is the
slope of the shear diagram.
IV. The maximum moment occurs at
the point when the shear (also the
slope of the moment diagram) is
zero. At this stage, the
horizontal tangent is drawn to the
moment diagram.
V. When the SFD rises, the bending
moment diagram will exhibit a
rising slope curve.

VI. The BMD will have a decreasing
slope curve as the SFD lowers.
VII. When the SFD between two loading
sites is constant, the BMD will have
a line with a constant slope.

 Concept of Point of
Contraflexure in Shear
Force and Bending Moment
The opposing bending moments always
cause beam curvatures in opposite
directions. In this context, the points of
Contraflexure in a beam exposed to the
moment are those where:
1. The sign of the Bending Moment
2. The point with zero bending
moments, and

3. The point at which the beam
changes curvature.
As a result, the beam flexes in the
opposite direction at a point of
Contraflexure. The point of
Contraflexure is sometimes referred to
as the point of inflexion or a virtual

Fig : Point of Contraflexure in BMD of a beam


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