Soal UTS Fajar Bahasa Inggris
Soal UTS Fajar Bahasa Inggris
Soal UTS Fajar Bahasa Inggris
questions number 6 to 8.
Jl.Merdeka Timur, no. 22 A Trip to the Zoo
Central Jakarta
Yesterday my family and I went to the
We proudly present zoo to see the elephant. When we got
STUDENT ENGLISH CONTEST to the zoo, we went to the shop to
Poetry Reading buy some food to give to the animals.
Speerch Contest
Story Telling After getting the food, we went to the
This competition is especially for junior student nocturnal house where we saw birds
Held on February 12th until februaruy 15th , 2021 and reptiles which only come out at
Contact Person : handini- 081180225522 night.
Arief s – 08511580772277
Or visit our website at
Before having lunch, we went for a
ride on the elephant. It was a thrill to
1. If both contact person could not be ride it. Dad fell off when he let go off
contacted, what should you do ? the rope, but he was ok.
A. contact your friend who studies in SMP
Nusantara I During the lunch we fed some birds
B. come to school and ask the school in the park. In the afternoon we saw
management the animals being fed. When we
C. browse or visit the schoo l website returned home we were very tired but
D. phone the public school fair happy. It was because we had so
much fun activities at many places at
2. “This competition is especially for junior the zoo.
student” the underlined word refers to…
A. poetry reading 6. What happened to the writer's dad when
B. school college he rode an elephant?
C. student english contest A. He felt a thrill
D. delivering speech B. He felt fun
C. He fell off
3. Delivering speech is a speaking skill that D. He failed
presents…. Idea to the public.
A. lots 7. Why did the writer and his family feel
B. the very tired after having a trip to the zoo?
C. a A. They had to visit many places in the
D. an zoo
B. They took a long time to reach the zoo
C. They had to feed a lot of animals in
the zoo
D. They had no time to take a rest in the
Read the following text to answer Read the following text to answer questions
questions number 13 to 15! number 18 and 19.
Advertisements ANNOUNCEMENT
Dear Riana,
I heard you achieved the first position in To: all employees
swimming competition. Congratulations for
your achievement! I will come to your house There will be a blackout each Saturday during
on Sunday. I have something to celebrate this month. Consequently, we will use the
your victory. Please tell your mother to generator as the electric source. So, please do
prepare my favorite food. not use air conditioners on Saturdays.
Please don’t forget to turn off the lights,
13. What competition did Riana win? computers, printers during the break as usual.
A. Running
B. Archery 18. Where can you read the
C. Chess announcement?
D. Swimming A. At school
B. In a bank
14. When will Lisa come to Riana’s house? C. In a company
A. On Sunday D. In a library
B. On Monday
C. On Tuesday 19. According to the text, what should the
D. On Saturday employees turn off each Saturday?
A. Computers
15. What does Lisa request to prepare? B. Air conditioners
A. Her clothes C. Lamps
B. Her favorite books D. Printers
C. Her favorite food
Read the following text to answer B. The audition time of Mega-Mega
questions number 20 and 21. drama
Announcement C. The price to register in the audition
D. The requirement of cast
This Thursday is August 17th, the
Independence day . 24. The announcement is released by ....
Don't miss the Independence Day festival! A. School drama committee
The festival begins at 08.00 in every B. Mega-Mega
district In Jakarta. C. Students association
Gather in front of our school at 07.30 to D. Student committee
see the parade with the principal.
Don't miss it! And Join many contests at Read the following text to answer questions
school. number 25 to 27.
Free registration, full of prizes! WE CAN HELP!
20. What does the text tell about? To. All 9th Gradeers
A. Independence day festival
B. Gathering in school We are approaching the end of our days at
C. Parade with the principal SMP Nusa Bangsa. Soon, we will leave the
D. School contest school we love very much. Let's leave
something memorable for the school and for
21. What time will the festival start? the students in need. Do not ruin your
A. 07.00 uniforms by spraying them with paint. Do not
B. 07.30 throw away your books. Donate your books
C. 08.00 and uniforms to the seventh and eighth
D. 09.00 graders. You might never know that your
books and uniforms are badly needed by some
of them. Give the stuff to Mrs. Katmiati at the
Read the following text to answer
staff office. The school is going to distribute
questions number 22 to 24.
the stuff to the needy students. Come on pals,
don't be foolish, let's do something useful.
The school drama is going to organize
Mariana Hartati
"Mega-Mega" drama cast audition. For Chief of Students Organization
those who are interested to join the
audition, please come to our office on
25. Why did Mariana Hartati write the
Monday, 4 August, at 2 pm. to register.
The requirements are as follows:
A. To throw away their books
• Your latest photograph of post card size
B. To ask her friends to remember SMP
Nusa Bangsa
• The registration form (get it at the office)
C. To inform their friends about leaving
The audition will be held on Sunday, 10
the school son
August at 9 am.
D. To persuade her friends to donate
The list of the selected candidates win be
their stuff to the needy
announced in a week. We appreciate your
26. What should a students do if we wants
to donate his uniform?
Thank you
A. He should meet Marina Hartati
The Committee No charge for the
B. He should give them to Mrs
registration form
C. He should come to the Students
22. Where should the participant go for
Organization office
D. He should distribute them to the
A. School
seventh and eighth graders
B. The committee's office
C. Cast audition hall
27. From the text we can conclude that the
D. The stage
nineth graders are going to ....
A. Donate soon
23. These information are included in the
B. Graduate soon
announcement, except ....
C. Visit Mrs. Katmiyati
A. The place Mega-Mega drama will
D. Go to the staff office
be staged
The following text is for questions 28 to 31 31. 1 tb parsley – chopped.
Ingredients The underlined word is closest in
1 tb margarine, dairy free meaning to …
1 tb Vegetables oil A. Drawn
1 c onion – chopped B. Hacked
8 oz Mushrooms – sliced C. Poured
1 lg Garlic clove – minced D. Cut
1/3 celery – thinly sliced
3 c Soybean milk Read the following text to answer questions
4 c Potatoes – cubed ½ inch number 32 and 33.
¼ ts Black pepper Bale Kambang
1 ts Salt, or to taste
1 tb Parsley – chopped Bale Kambang is a small village in the
Directions Southern coast of East Java, seventy
1. Saute onion, garlic, celery, and green kilometers from Malang town and two
pepper in hot oil and margarine about 3 hours' drive from South. It is well known
minutes. Add sliced mushrooms and sauté for its long beautiful white sandy beach as
3 more minutes. well as the similarity of its temple to the
2. Add soybean milk, black pepper, salt one of Tanah Lot in Bali.
and potatoes. Bring mixture almost to a
boil; reduce heat and simmer 25 minutes, In Bale Kambang, there are three small
stirring occasionally. rocky islands namely Ismaya Island,
3. Make about 6 cups. Thin with extra Wisanggeni Island, and Anoman Island,
soybean milk if soup is too thick. those names are taken from "wayang"
4. Garnish with parsley and serve with figures (Java traditional puppets). These
the veal. islands are surrounded by Indonesian
Ocean which huge waves frighten most
28. What is the topic of the text? overseas cruisers.
A. How to make creamy mushroom 32. What makes Bale Kambang famous?
potatoes. A. Small rocky islands
B. The materials of creamy mushroom B. Long beautiful beach
potatoes. C. Huge waves of ocean
C. Steps of cleaning creamy mushroom D. Overseas cruisers
D. How to produce heat and simmer 33. What is the main idea of the second
soybean and potatoes. paragraph?
A. There are three rocky islands in Bale
29. The text states that … Kambang
A. Extra soybean milk must be added if B. Huge waves frighten many overseas
the soup is too thick cruisers
B. Six cups of soy bean milk must be C. Names of rocky islands are taken
added to the soup from "wayang"figures
C. Soybean milk is used merely for D. The rocky islands are in the middle
garnish of the sea
D. Extra cups must be provided for
everybody 34. Anna: Was Indonesia team as strong as
30. According to the text when should we Cindy : No, I think Japan was
add sliced mushroom? stronger than Indonesia.
A. After adding soybean milk, black Ana :But … China, Japan or
pepper, salt & potatoes. Indonesian
B. After frying onions, garlic, celery & Cindy : China.
green pepper. A. Which team is the strongest
C. As soon as we heat and simmer B. Which team is the weakest.
onion, garlic and green pepper. C. Which country plays better.
D. Before pouring the oil and D. Which country plays the fastest
35. Jane: Do you want to join us for the
coming holiday?
Gina : Where are you going?
Jane : To Pangandaran beach.
Gina : … My family plans to visit D. At 12.02
my grandfather in the village.
A. I am certain 40. Why did the people gather under the
B. That’s a good idea Town Hall clock?
C. I don’t doubt that A. To welcome the New
D. I am not sure Year
B. To see the newly bought clock
C. To strike the laughing
D. To stop people who shouted