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Collins WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System: Installation Manual

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installation manual

Collins General Aviation Division

Collins WXR-840
Weather Radar System
1st Edition, 28 April 1991

installation manual

Collins WXR-840
Weather Radar System
This publication includes:

General Information 523-0775823

Installation 523-0775824
Operation 523-0775825
Theory of Operation 523-0775826
Maintenance 523-0775827

Collins General Aviation Division

Avionics Group
Rockwell International Corporation
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52498

Printed in the United States of America


The material in this publication is subject to change. Before

attempting any maintenance operation on the equipment covered
in this publication, verify that you have complete and up-to-date
publications by referring to the applicable Publications and
Service Bulletin Indexes.

We welcome your comments concerning this publication. Although

every effort has been made to keep it free of errors, some may occur.
When reporting a specific problem, please describe it briefly and include
the publication part number, the paragraph or figure number, and the
page number.

Send your comments to: Publications Department

Collins General Aviation Division
Rockwell International Corporation
Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52498


Electronic control systems, such as autopilots, engine controls, fuel controls, temperature sensors, etc,
used for aircraft control can be susceptible to transmissions from communications transceivers, DME’s,
transponders, etc, that can interfere with aircraft operations. If such a situation occurs, discontinue
transmission or select a different frequency. If necessary, turn off the radio.


The area within the scan arc and within 5 metres (15 feet) of an operating WXR-840 Weather Radar
System constitutes a hazardous area. Do not operate the system in any mode other than standby
(STBY) or test (TEST) when the antenna might scan over personnel within that range. Never turn on
the transmitter while in a hanger. FAA Advisory Circular 20-68B, or superseding documents, provide
additional details regarding the radiation hazards associated with ground operation of airborne weather



Service personnel are to obey standard safety precautions, such as wearing safety glasses, to prevent
personal injury while installing or doing maintenance on this unit.


Use care when using sealants, solvents, and other chemical compounds. Do not expose to excessive heat
or open flame. Use only adequate ventilation. Avoid prolonged breathing of vapors and avoid prolong
contact with skin. Observe all cautions and warnings given by the manufacturer.


Remove all power to the unit before disassembling it. Disassembling the unit with power connected is
dangerous to life and may cause voltage transients that can damage the unit.


This unit may have components that contain materials (such as beryllium oxide, acids, lithium,
radioactive material, mercury, etc) that can be hazardous to your health. If the component enclosure
is broken, handle the component in accordance with OSHA requirements 29CFR 1910.100 or superseding
documents to prevent personal contact with or inhalation of hazardous materials. Since it is virtually
impossible to determine which components do or do not contain such hazardous materials, do not open
or disassemble components for any reason.


This unit exhibits a high degree of functional reliability. Nevertheless, users must know that it is not
practical to monitor for all conceivable system failures and, however unlikely, it is possible that
erroneous operation could occur without a fault indication. The pilot has the responsibility to find such
an occurrence by means of cross-checks with redundant or correlated data available in the cockpit.



Turn off power before disconnecting any unit from wiring. Disconnecting the unit without turning
power off may cause voltage transients that can damage the unit.


This unit contains electrostatic discharge sensitive (ESDS) components and ESDS assemblies that can
be damaged by static voltages. Although most ESDS components contain internal protection circuits,
good procedures dictate careful handling of all ESDS components and ESDS assemblies.

Obey the precautions given below when moving, touching, or repairing all ESDS components and units
containing ESDS components.

a. Deenergize or remove all power, signal sources, and loads used with the unit.
b. Place the unit on a work surface that can conduct electricity (is grounded).
c. Ground the repair operator through a conductive wrist strap or other device using a 470-kΩ or 1-MΩ
series resistor to prevent operator injury.
d. Ground any tools (and soldering equipment) that will contact the unit. Contact with the operator’s
hand is a sufficient ground for hand tools that are electrically isolated.
e. All ESDS replacement components are shipped in conductive foam or tubes and must be stored in
their shipping containers until installed.
f. ESDS devices and assemblies, that are removed from a unit, must immediately be put on the
conductive work surface or in conductive containers.
g. Place repaired or disconnected circuit cards in aluminum foil or in plastic bags that have a layer of,
or are made with, conductive material.
h. Do not touch ESDS devices/assemblies or remove them from their containers until they are needed.

Failure to handle ESDS devices as described above can permanently damage them. This damage can
cause immediate or premature device failure.

WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System


ΝΟΤΕ: This page replaces the pink Record of Addendums page and follows the advisories pages. Addendums are printed on pink paper.



Addendum 1 1-5 Sep 23/94 Rockwell Collins May 12/95 Rockwell Collins

Addendum 1 sheet 1 2-21 Aug 6/92 Rockwell Collins

Addendum 1 sheet 2 5-6 Aug 6/92 Rockwell Collins

Addendum 2 Advisory page i Apr 29/94 Rockwell Collins

Addendum 2 sheet 1 1-5 May 12/95 Rockwell Collins

Addendum 2 sheet 2 2-6 May 12/95 Rockwell Collins

Addendum 3 sheet 1 1-1 May 30/98 Rockwell Collins

Addendum 3 sheet 2 1-2 May 30/98 Rockwell Collins

Addendum 3 sheet 3 1-3 May 30/98 Rockwell Collins Feb 2/01 Rockwell Collins

Addendum 3 sheet 4 1-7 May 30/98 Rockwell Collins

Addendum 4 sheet 1 2-1 May 30/98 Rockwell Collins

Addendum 4 sheet 2 2-2 May 30/98 Rockwell Collins Feb 2/01 Rockwell Collins

Addendum 4 sheet 3 2-6 May 30/98 Rockwell Collins

Addendum 4 sheet 4 2-8 May 30/98 Rockwell Collins

Addendum 4 sheet 5 2-16 May 30/98 Rockwell Collins

Addendum 4 sheet 6 2-54 May 30/98 Rockwell Collins

Addendum 4 sheet 7 2-54 May 30/98 Rockwell Collins

Addendum 4 sheet 8 2-54 May 30/98 Rockwell Collins

Addendum 4 sheet 9 2-54 May 30/98 Rockwell Collins

Addendum 5 4-8 May 30/98 Rockwell Collins

Addendum 6 2-39 May 21/99 Rockwell Collins

Addendum 7 2-29 May 24/99 Rockwell Collins

Temporary Revision 8 RTR-1

523-0775822-08111A Feb 2/01
WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System


ΝΟΤΕ: This page replaces the pink Record of Addendums page and follows the advisories pages. Addendums are printed on pink paper.



8 1-3 Feb 2/01 Rockwell Collins

8 1-4 Feb 2/01 Rockwell Collins

8 2-2 Feb 2/01 Rockwell Collins

8 2-9 Feb 2/01 Rockwell Collins

8 2-10 Feb 2/01 Rockwell Collins

8 2-43 Feb 2/01 Rockwell Collins

8 3-5 Feb 2/01 Rockwell Collins

8 3-7 Feb 2/01 Rockwell Collins

8 3-8 Feb 2/01 Rockwell Collins

Temporary Revision 8 RTR-2

523-0775822-08111A Feb 2/01




PART NUMBER 523-0775822-00111A, DATED 28 APRIL 1991

Insert this addendum sheet facing page 1-1

of the General Information Section (523-0775823-001118)

This addendum adds the WXA-850A Weather Radar Adapter option to the WXR-840 radar system.

Add the following paragraph in Section 1.1.1 General Description immediately following the first paragraph.

An optional use of the WXR-840 system is to use the WXA-850A Weather Radar Adapter for direct information
interpretation on EFIS. This system consists of the RTA-84X Receiver/Transmitter/Antenna and the WXA-850A.
The WXA-850A converts the RTA output into TTL format for use on the EHSI displays. RTA control is through a
Control Display Unit (CDU). Refer to the WXA-850A CMM (523-0776543) for more details.

Addendum 3
30 May 1998 Sheet 1 of 4
523-0775822-03111A (Facing Page 1-1)
section I
general information

1.1 INTRODUCTION The distinguishing feature of the RTA-84X unit

is its 1-piece design combining the receiver,
This publication provides description, equipment transmitter, and antenna into a single unit.
specification, installation instructions, operating Refer to Figure 1-2. The forward portion of this
procedures, and information necessary for on-air- unit is the flat-plate antenna, which is available
craft maintenance of the WXR-840 Advanced in either 12-, 14-, or 18-inch-diameter models.
Weather Radar System. The antenna size is the primary distinguishing
feature between the RTA-842 (12-inch antenna),
1.1.1 General Description RTA-844 (14-inch antenna), and RTA-848 (18-
inch antenna) models. Directly behind the
The WXR-840 system is a second generation antenna and attached to it is the RF assembly,
solid-state weather radar system. The system consisting of the transmitter and receiver. This
consist of two separate units: the RTA-84X Re- design eliminates the need for a waveguide. The
ceiver/Transmitter/Antenna and the WXP-840A/B RF (receiver/transmitter/antenna) assembly is
Weather Radar Panel. Refer to Figure 1-1. EFIS mounted on the drive assembly and therefore
displays are used to display the radar presenta- swings from left to right as the system scans and
tion. up and down for tilt. The drive assembly

WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System, Overall View

Figure 1-1

28 April 1991 1-1





PART NUMBER 523-0775822-00111A, DATED 28 APRIL 1991

Insert this addendum sheet facing page 1-2

of the General Information Section (523-0775823-001118)

Add following paragraph just before Paragraph 1.2 Purpose of Equipment.

The optional WXA-850A has no controls or indicators. Refer to the WXA-850A CMM (CPN (523-0776543) for
more details.

Addendum 3
30 May 1998 Sheet 2 of 4
523-0775822-03111A (Facing Page 1-2)
general information 523-0775823

RTA-84X Major Subassemblies

Figure 1-2

contains the motor and gears for the scan and tilt stabilization enable/disable (STB) selection, HLD
functions and is attached to the base assembly. (display hold), AUTO (autotilt), and SEC (sector
The base assembly is cylindrical in shape, about scan).
15 inches in diameter and slightly less than 2
inches in depth. It serves as the mounting base 1.2 PURPOSE OF EQUIPMENT
and contains the power supplies and signal
processing portion of the RTA-84X unit. The The WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System
complete RTA-84X assembly must be mounted on provides the flight crew with a display of radar-
a forward bulkhead or radar antenna mounting detectable precipitation within 60 degrees of the
surface and be enclosed by a radome. For best flight path. Users must recognize that X-band
proper performance of any radar system the weather radar can detect only wet precipitation.
radome should be at least 90 percent RF trans- That is, precipitation like snow and some hail,
parent. which is typically dry, is generally not detectable
by X-band radar.
The WXP-840A (panel mount) or WXP-840B
(Dzus mount) Weather Radar Panel provides the 1.3 EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS
operating control functions. This unit is normal-
ly mounted in the instrument panel and occupies Table 1-1 is listing of the units that make up the
a space about 1½ inches high by 6¼ inches wide WXR-840 system. The table also shows the vari-
for the WXP-840A, and 1 7/8 inches high by 5¾ ous models available with their individual Collins
inches wide for the WXP-840B. The control func- part numbers. Table 1-2 is a listing of system
tions include MODE, GAIN, TILT, and RANGE and LRU (line replaceable unit) specifications.
selection knobs, plus pushbuttons for ground
clutter suppression (GCS), slave mode (SLV),

28 April 1991 1-2

WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System

WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System



Insert facing page 1-3.

This temporary revision supersedes sheet 3 of Addendum 3.

Subject: Add equipment, note, and revise text

Add RTA equipment to Table 1-1, WXR-840 Equipment Covered. A note is also added to the table.
Changes are in bold text.
P/O Table 1-1. WXR-840 Equipment Covered

ARINC 429 (50 ARINC 429 (100

622-9301-001 X X

622-9301-002 X X X

RTA-842 622-9301-003 X X X X

622-9301-004 X X X X

622-9301-011 X X X

622-9302-001 X X

622-9302-002 X X X

RTA-844 622-9302-003 X X X X

622-9302-004 X X X X

622-9302-011 X X X

622-9303-001 X X

622-9303-002 X X X

RTA-848 622-9303-003 X X X X

622-9303-004 X X X X

622-9303-011 X X X

NOTE: Information on the WXA-850A can be found in the WXA-850A CMM (523-0776543).

Change the first sentence of Paragraph 1.5 Storage to read as follows:

“The RTA-84X, WXP-840A/B and WXA-850A should be stored in its original packing materials and
shipping container.”

Temporary Revision 8 Page 1 of 9

523-0775822-08111A Feb 2/01
general information 523-0775823

Table 1-1. WXR-840 Equipment Covered.

1.4 RELATED PUBLICATIONS period of time, put the unit in an airtight plastic
bag with sufficient desiccant to absorb moisture.
Table 1-3 lists publications related to WXR-840 At no time should the ambient temperature of the
operation. storage area fall below -55 °C (-67 °F) or rise
above +85 °C (+185 °F). The relative humidity
1.5 STORAGE should never exceed 95 percent. If the unit is
stored for an extended period of time, retest the
The RTA-84X and WXP-840A/B should be stored unit prior to returning it to service to ensure that
in its original packing materials and shipping possible component degradation has not affected
container. If the unit is to be stored for a long performance.

28 April 1991 1-3

general information 523-0775823

Table 1-2. Equipment Specifications.


FAA TSO -C63c dated 18 August 1983

RTCA documents

RTA-84X DO-160B, DO-178A, DO-173, class 7 (with change no 1 dated 25 January 1985)

WXP-840A/B DO-173, DO-160A, DO-178A



Size RTA-842 RTA-844 RTA-848

Diameter 381 mm (15.0 in) 381 mm (15.0 in) 238.25 mm (18.76 in)

Depth 223.42 mm (8.8 in) 223.11 mm (8.8 in) 297.16 mm (11.7 in)

Weight (maximum) 9.14 kg (20.1 lb) 9.23 kg (20.3 lb) 10.73 kg (23.6 lb)

Size WXP-840A WXP-840B


Body 35.2 mm (1.39 in) 44.5 mm (1.75 in)

Bezel 37.6 mm (1.46 in) 47.6 mm (1.88 in)


Body 156.5 mm (6.16 in) 127.0 mm (5.0 in)

Bezel 158.8 mm (6.25 in) 146.1 mm (5.75 in)


Body 176.1 mm (6.93 in) 165.1 mm (6.5 in)

Overall 200.4 mm (7.89 in) 189.5 mm (6.6 in)

Mating connector depth 50.8 mm (2.0 in) 50.8 mm (2.0 in)

Weight (maximum) 0.86 kg (2.0 lb) 0.86 kg (2.2 lb)

Maintenance requirements On condition

Power requirements


27.5 V dc

Standby 3.4 A max

Operate 3.8 A max

115 V ac, 400 Hz 10 mA max, or

26 V ac, 400 Hz 2.3 mA max

(for analog stabilization only)

Size dimensions are maximum when azimuth and tilt angles are equal to 0°.

28 April 1991 1-4

WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System

WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System



Insert facing page 1-4.

Subject: Revise equipment specification as shown below in bold text.

P/O Table 1-2. Equipment Specifications.


FAA TSO -C63c dated 18 August 1983

RTCA documents
RTA-84X DO-160B, DO-178A, DO-173, class 7 (with change no 1 dated 25 January 1985)
WXP-840A/B DO-173, DO-160A, DO-178A

Temporary Revision 8 Page 2

523-0775822-08111A Feb 2/01

Located in the


523-0775822-00111A, 1st Edition, dated 28 April 1991

Insert this addendum facing page 1-5

in the General Information Section, 1st Edition,
dated 28 April 1991

This addendum sheet supersedes Addendum 1 sheet 1 of 1, dated 23 September 1994.

At the next revision to this manual, Table 1-2, Equipment Specifications, will be revised to correct the
transmitted output frequency and pulse width specification as follows:

Table 1-2. Equipment Specifications


Transmitted output

Frequency X-band 9343.85 ±1.8 MHz transmit

9338.85 ±1.8 MHz preheat on units without SB 19
9336.85 ±1.8 MHz preheat on units with SB 19

Pulse length Varies from 1.7 to 28.8 µs depending on range and mode as follows:
Range Mode Pulse length
5 MAP 1.7 µs
10 MAP 2.4 µs
25 MAP 4.8 µs
50 MAP 9.6 µs
100 MAP 19.2 µs
200 MAP 28.8 µs
300 MAP 28.8 µs
5 WX 2.4 µs
10 WX 4.8 µs
25 WX 9.6 µs
50 WX 19.2 µs
100 WX 19.2 µs
200 WX 28.8 µs
300 WX 28.8 µs

Changes are shown in bold text.

Addendum 2
12 May 1995 Sheet 1 of 4
523-0775823-021118 (Facing page 1-5)

Located in the


523-0775822-00111A, 1st Edition, dated 28 April 1991

Insert this addendum facing page 1-5

in the General Information Section, 1st Edition,
dated 28 April 1991

At the next revision to this manual, Table 1-2, Equipment Specifications, will be revised to correct the
transmitted output frequency and pulse width specification as follows:

Table 1-2. Equipment Specifications


Transmitted output

Frequency X-band 9345.85 ±1 MHz transmit

9338.85 ±85 MHz preheat on units without SB 19
9336.85 ±85 MHz preheat on units with SB 19

Pulse length Varies from 1.7 to 28.8 µs depending on range and mode as follows:
Range Mode Pulse length
5 MAP 1.7 µs
10 MAP 2.4 µs
25 MAP 4.8 µs
50 MAP 9.6 µs
100 MAP 19.2 µs
200 MAP 28.8 µs
300 MAP 28.8 µs
5 WX 2.4 µs
10 WX 4.8 µs
25 WX 9.6 µs
50 WX 19.2 µs
100 WX 19.2 µs
200 WX 28.8 µs
300 WX 28.8 µs

Addendum 1
23 September 1994 Sheet 1 of 1
523-0775823-011118 (Facing page 1-5)
general information 523-0775823

Table 1-2. Equipment Specifications.



27.5 V dc 0.5 A max


27.5 V dc 0.35 A, or

5 V ac/dc 1.5 A

Transmitted output

Power 24 Watts nominal

Frequency X-band (9343.85 ±1 MHz preheat and 9338.84 ±1 MHz transmit)

Pulse length 1.7, 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 19.2, 28.8 µs

Pulse repetition rate 208 to 324 pps in WX modes

100, 200, or 300 nmi 252 to 390 Hz

5, 10, 25, or 50 nmi 1461 to 2209 Hz

Duty factor 0.0015 to 0.03


IF bandwidth Less than 500 kHz

First IF 406 MHz

Second IF 33.8 MHz

MDS -128 dBm nominal

STC Dynamic: Optimized for range and pulse width


RTA-84X DO-160B

Pressure altitude Cat F2: Nonpressurized to 55 000 ft, uncontrolled temperature environment

Operating temperature Cat B: -55 to +70 °C

Humidity Cat B: Severe humidity environment, level I

Shock 6 g/11 ms, operational 15 g/11 ms, crash safety

Vibration Cat J: Turbojet; fuselage mounted

Cat N: Helicopter; rack mounted

Explosion Cat E1: Capable of operation in a flammable or explosive environment but not
intended for insulation in that environment

Magnetic effect Cat A: 0.3 to 1.0 meter for 1° deflection

Power input Cat BZ: Aircraft power with ac power generation with or without a battery floating
on the dc bus, +18- to +29.5-V dc operation, capable of surge operation at +40 V dc,
abnormal surges to +80 V dc for 100 ms

Voltage spike Cat A: Installations requiring very high tolerance to voltage spikes

AF susceptibility Cat Z: Aircraft with ac power generation with or without a battery floating on the
dc bus

Induced susceptibility Cat A: Interference- free operation

28 April 1991 1-5

general information 523-0775823

Table 1-2. Equipment Specifications.


RF susceptibility Cat Z: Interference-free operation

Electromagnetic interference Cat A: Interference- free operation


Pressure altitude 15 200 m (50 000 ft)



Continuous -20 to +55 °C (-4 to +131 °F)

Short term Up to +70 °C (+158 °F)

Storage -55 to +85 °C (-67 to +185 °F)

Humidity DO-160A Cat A



5 to 17 Hz 0.2 in, da

17 to 37 Hz 3.0 g peak

37 to 55 Hz 0.02 in, da

55 to 70 Hz 0.75 g peak

70 to 500 Hz 0.5 g peak

500 to 2000 Hz 0.25 g peak

Cooling Convection

Antenna 12 inch 14 inch 18 inch

Beam width 8° 7° 6°

Gain 27.5 dB 28.9 dB 30.5 dB

*Avoidance range 280 nmi 296 nmi 358 nmi

*Performance index 217.6 219.0 223.6

Data bus format

Data output ARINC 453

Data input ARINC 429


Analog 2-wire gyro synchro 50 or 200 mV/°

Digital ARINC 429 (50 kBd) (installations with IAPS)

ARINC 429 (100 kBd) (RTA-84X -002 status only)

Scan rate 27°/second, approx 14 scans/min (120°), approx 4.9 seconds/scan

28 April 1991 1-6





PART NUMBER 523-0775822-00111A, DATED 28 APRIL 1991

Insert this addendum sheet facing page 1-7

of the General Information Section (523-0775823-001118)

Add new Table 1-2A after Table 1-2 Equipment Specifications.

Table 1-2A. Optional Equipment.


WXA-850A 822-0053-001 Weather Radar Adapter

(WXA-850A requires 2 mounts for proper
Control Adapter Mount 827-5060-001, or Standard mount
628-9865-001 Mount modified with capture screw [preferred]

Add information to Table 1-3 Related Publications as follows: (Addition in bold)

Table 1-3. Related Publications


Collins WXA-850A Weather Radar Adapter Component Maintenance Manual 523-0776543

Addendum 3
30 May 1998 Sheet 4 of 4
523-0775822-03111A (Facing Page 1-7)
general information 523-0775823

Table 1-2. Equipment Specifications.


Selectable modes OFF

STBY (standby)
TEST (self-test)
TGT (target alert)
MAP (ground mapping)
WX (weather)

Special features GCS (ground clutter suppression, push on/push off)

SLV (slave)
STB (stabilization enable/disable)
HLD display hold (freeze)
SEC (sector scan)
Auto (automatic tilt control)
In-flight stabilization alignment (installation option)

Gain control Cal (calibrated - normal gain)

Three steps of increased gain (6 dB/step)
Three steps of decreased gain (6 dB/step)

Tilt control -15° to +15°

(-5° to +5° in 0.25° increments)
(-5° to -15° in 0.50° increments)
(-5° to -15° in 0.50° increments)

Selectable ranges 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, and 300 nmi

Table 1-3. Related Publications.


RTA-84X/85X Receiver/Transmitter/Antenna Repair Manual 523-0774785

WXP-840A/840B/850A/850B Weather Radar Panel Repair Manual 523-0774662

Collins Installation Practices Manual 523-0775254

22 August 1990 1-7/(1-8 blank)





PART NUMBER 523-0775822-00111A, DATED 28 APRIL 1991

Insert this addendum sheet facing page 2-1

of the Installation Section (523-0775824-001118)

This addendum adds the WXA-850A Weather Radar Adapter option to the WXR-840 radar system.

Add the following paragraph in Section 2.1.1 WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System Definition immediately
following the last paragraph.

An optional use of the WXR-840 system consists of the RTA-84X Receiver/Transmitter/Antenna and the WXA-
850A Weather Radar Adapter, with RTA control being provided through a Control Display Unit (CDU). Refer to the
WXA-850A CMM (CPN 523-0776543) for more details on this option.

Addendum 4
30 May 1998 Sheet 1 of 9
523-0775822-04111A (Facing Page 2-1)
section II

2.1 GENERAL MFD: MultiFunction Display. This refers

to the EFIS display, which normal-
This section contains information necessary for ly is situated in the center portion
proper installation of the WXR-840 Advanced of the instrument panel for good
Weather Radar System. The title page at the visibility by both the pilot and
front of this section provides an index of the copilot.
ND: Navigation Display. This refers to
2.1.1 WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar that part of the EFIS which takes
Definition the place of the conventional HSI
(Horizontal Situation Indicator).
The WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System
consists of one RTA-84X Receiver/Transmitter/ Display: The general term "display" is used
Antenna unit and one or two WXP-840A or WXP- in the following paragraphs when
840B units. Table 2-1 gives a listing of the referring to an MFD (MultiFunc-
various models of each unit available and the tion Display) or an ND (Navigation
distinuishing features of each. Throughout this Display). Specific references to
section, the nomenclature RTA-84X should be either the MFD or ND are made
understood as referring to any of the three RTA where applicable.
units (RTA-842, RTA-844, or RTA-848) listed in
Table 2-1. In addition, the nomenclature WXP- MODE: This refers to the specific operating
840A/B or WXP-840( ) should be understood as state of the system. The states
referring to any one of the weather radar panels are: OFF, STBY, TEST, TGT, MAP,
listed in Table 2-1. and WX.

2.1.2 EFIS System Compatibility STBY: This refers to STandBY, one of the
modes of the system. ln STBY
The WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System mode, power is applied to the RTA-
is compatible with the latest design in Collins 84X but transmission is inhibited
Electronic Flight Instrument Systems (EFIS). and the antenna is positioned to
Table 2-2 lists the Collins EFIS which are totally boresight (0° azimuth and 0° tilt).
compatible with the WXR-840 system. For Also, the normal range mark is dis-
details on the compatibility of other EFIS, con- played along with the STBY an-
tact your local Collins General Aviation Division nunciation and the display of wea-
representative or refer to the current Collins ther is inhibited.
Price Book.
TEST: This refers to the self-TEST mode
2.1.3 Glossary of the system. In this mode, TEST
is annunciated and a simulated
This paragraph provides a glossary of terms and target return is used to create a
definitions common to the WXR-840 system. rainbowlike pattern of colors on
the display. This verifies the sys-
EFIS: Electronic Flight Instrument Sys- tem’s ability to display weather
tem. This refers to the generation target information.
of cockpit instruments utilizing crt

28 April 1991 2-1





PART NUMBER 523-0775822-00111A, DATED 28 APRIL 1991

Insert this addendum sheet facing page 2-2

of the Installation Section (523-0775824-001118)

Add following note to Table 2-1 WXR-840 Equipment Covered. (Addition in bold)

Information on the WXA-850A can be found in the WXA-850A CMM (523-0776543).

Addendum 4
30 May 1998 Sheet 2 of 9
523-0775822-04111A (Facing Page 2-2)
installation 523-0775824

Table 2-1. WXR-840 Equipment Covered.

TGT: This refers to the TarGeT alert radar alert target (a radar target
feature of the system. When TGT of sufficient intensity to cause a
is selected, the system continues to red level display) is detected with-
transmit and process target infor- in a range of 7 to 200 nmi and 15°
mation but the display of weather to the left or right of straight
or ground return information is ahead, the TGT flashes to alert the
inhibited. In this mode, TGT is crew to the possibility of severe
annunciated on the display. If a weather conditions ahead.

28 April 1991 2-2

WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System

WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System



Insert facing page 2-2.

This temporary revision supersedes sheet 2 of Addendum 4.

Subject: Add equipment and note

Add RTA equipment to Table 2-1, WXR-840 Equipment Covered. A note is also added to the table.
Changes are in bold text.
P/O Table 1-1. WXR-840 Equipment Covered

ARINC 429 (50 ARINC 429 (100

622-9301-001 X X

622-9301-002 X X X

RTA-842 622-9301-003 X X X X

622-9301-004 X X X X

622-9301-011 X X X

622-9302-001 X X

622-9302-002 X X X

RTA-844 622-9302-003 X X X X

622-9302-004 X X X X

622-9302-011 X X X

622-9303-001 X X

622-9303-002 X X X

RTA-848 622-9303-003 X X X X

622-9303-004 X X X X

622-9303-011 X X X

NOTE: Information on the WXA-850A can be found in the WXA-850A CMM (523-0776543).

Temporary Revision 8 Page 3

523-0775822-08111A Feb 2/01
installation 523-0775824

Table 2-2. WXR-840 and EFIS Compatibility Table.



EFIS-85A(1) DPU-85A (with SB 41) 622-7244-002 All CPN’s

MPU-85A (with SB 41) 622-7250-002

EFIS-86A(1) DPU-86A (with SB 41) 622-7247-002 All CPN’s

MPU-86A (with SB 41) 622-7253-002

EFIS-85B(2/12) DPU-85G (with SB 25) 622-7448-002 All CPN’s

MPU-85G (with SB 25) 622-7454-002

EFIS-86B(2/12) DPU-86G (with SB 25) 622-7710-002 All CPN’s

MPU-86G (with SB 25) 622-7715-002

EFIS-85B(4/14) DPU-85N/MPU-86N All CPN’s All CPN’s

EFIS-86B(4/14) DPU-86N/MPU-86N All CPN’s All CPN’s

EFIS-85C(4/14) DPU-85R/MPU-85R All CPN’s All CPN’s

EFIS-86C(4/14) DPU-86R/MPU-86R All CPN’s All CPN’s

EFIS-86D(2) DPU-86K (with SB 43) 622-7713-003 All CPN’s

MPU-86K (with SB 43) 622-7718-003

EFIS-85E(4/14) DPU-85S 622-9283-001 All CPN’s

622-9283-002 All CPN’s
622-9283-003 622-9304-01X, 622-9305-01X
MPU-85S 622-9284-001 All CPN’s
622-9284-002 All CPN’s
622-9284-003 622-9304-01X, 622-9305-01X

EFIS-86E(4/14) DPU-86S 622-9285-001 All CPN’s

622-9285-002 All CPN’s
622-9285-003 622-9304-01X, 622-9305-01X
MPU-86S 622-9286-001 All CPN’s
622-9286-002 All CPN’s
622-9286-003 622-9304-01X, 622-9305-01X

PAC: This refers to the Path Attenuation uncertainty which are masked by
Compensation feature of the sys- intervening beam absorption. The
tem. The purpose of PAC is to bearing toward these areas is
compensate for the radar beam shown by a yellow bar (arc) at the
absorption as it penetrates a given perimeter of the radar display. The
precipitation cell. This overcomes yellow PAC Alert bar will appear
the tendency in noncompensated when the system can no longer
radar to underdisplay a precipita- detect a Z4 (red level) target at a
tion cell simply because the energy range where Z3 (yellow level) tar-
is absorbed as it penetrates the gets would normally be detectable
cell. without intervening weather. The
pilot can then recognize that, from
PAC Alert: When radar targets are of suffi- his present position, any precipita-
cient magnitude (intensity and tion in the sector between the
depth) to exhaust the full range of displayed weather and the yellow
attenuation correction, a condition PAC Alert bar may be under-
known as PAC Alert exists. PAC displayed and should be avoided.
Alert highlights those sectors of

28 April 1991 2-3

installation 523-0775824

arc, and ground targets are display

ed. This mode is typically used for
detection and display of prominent
The PAC feature is intended for
and familiar ground features as an
weather detection modes only.
aid to navigation. PAC and GCS
Using a weather detection mode
features are automatically disabled
and downward antenna tilt to pro-
in MAP mode. It is for this reason
duce a ground map will probably
that MAP should not be used as a
produce an inaccurate display.
weather detection mode.
The PAC circuit will incorrectly
detect the return signals from
WX: This refers to the normal weather
ground targets as intense storm
(WX) detection mode of the system.
targets and try to compensate for
It is annunciated by WX on the
the attenuated signal, resulting in
display. The range arc is
the yellow PAC Alert band appear-
displayed and weather targets are
ing at the perimeter of the display.
shown in green, yellow, red, and
In MAP mode, the PAC and PAC
magenta. The PAC and STC fea-
Alert features are automatically
tures are automatically enabled in
WX mode.
STC: This refers to the Sensitivity Time
GCS: This refers to Ground Clutter Sup-
Control feature. This feature is
pression. When this feature is
needed to compensate for the dra-
selected, those radar returns that
matic increase in return signal
appear as ground clutter are sup-
strength that occurs when a given
pressed. This feature eases the
storm cell becomes beam-filling.
ability to discern rainfall when
At that point, the energy reflected
viewed in the presence of ground
increases so abruptly that without
STC a given cell would be dis-
played at one or more levels of
SLV: This refers to the SLaVe feature.
intensity higher when at greater
This feature has application only
distances (when not beam-filling).
in dual WXP-840A/B installations.
In the WXR-840 system, STC uses
In SLV, on-side display is deter-
a complex software algorithm that
mined by the cross-side WXP-
is different for each display color.
840A/B control.
The objective is to display a given
rainfall rate at the same color
STB: This refers to STaBilization and
throughout the entire operating
specifically to the use of an atti-
tude reference signal to maintain a
constant antenna scan attitude,
Beam Width: Antenna beam width is normally
unaffected by aircraft pitch and
expressed as the angle between the
roll movement. When STB is dese-
3-dB points of the radiation pat-
lected on the WXP-840A/B, the
tern. This is approximately 6° for
attitude reference input signals are
the 18-inch antenna, 7.3° for the
effectively disconnected from the
14-inch antenna, and 8° for the 12-
antenna and USTB (UnSTaBilized)
inch antenna.
is annunciated. This has applica-
tion in those situations where an
MAP: This refers to the ground MAP
attitude reference failure has oc-
mode of the system. It is annunci-
curred that would otherwise render
ated by the word MAP on the dis-
the radar system unusable.
play. In MAP mode, the character-
istics of the system are optimized
for ground mapping. In addition,
the ½ range annunciator, range

28 April 1991 2-4

installation 523-0775824

HLD: This refers to the HoLD feature, right scan swing is reduced from
sometimes called freeze. This fea- the normal ±60° from straight
ture is selected and deselected by ahead to ±30°. This provides the
depressing the HLD button on the benefit of an increased display up-
WXP-840A/B. In HLD, the normal date rate where the dynamics of
display update is disabled so that the radar target require a more
a given display situation can be rapid radar observation.
studied more closely, undisturbed
by any subsequent display update. GAIN: This refers to the GAIN control
HLD automatically cancels with feature of the system. This allows
any change of MODE, RANGE, the adjustment of the system sen-
GAIN, GCS, and SLV. sitivity to varying target return
intensities. For example, adjusting
TILT: This refers to the feature which the GAIN control ccw from the
allows the pilot or copilot to set the CAL position progressively elimi-
antenna beam relative to the hori- nates the weaker targets from the
zon, in ¼ degree steps. Tilt setting display, allowing a more definitive
is important for optimum weather study of the most intense weather
detection and interpretation. radar targets. These selections are
annunciated by G-1, G-2, and G-3
AUTO: This refers to the AUTOtilt fea- on the display. Adjusting the
ture. When this feature is select- GAIN control cw has the effect of
ed, the system automatically ad- increasing the system sensitivity.
justs antenna tilt to maintain the These selections are annunciated
ratio of tilt/range that was estab- by G+1, G+2, and G+3 on the dis-
lished just before AUTO was se- play. In all cases, the selection of
lected. This reduces the amount of any GAIN switch position other
tilt readjust that may be needed in than CAL (CALibrated) results in
order to maintain the same ground an uncalibrated system where a
return threshold when a new range given display color is not indicative
is selected or when the aircraft of the same rainfall rate as when
changes altitude. in the CAL position.

RANGE: This refers to the selected maxi- CAL: This refers to the CALibrated posi-
mum range to be displayed. Typi- tion of the GAIN control switch.
cally, the ND has one range arc CAL is the only position in which
and one range annunciation at the the system display colors accurate-
½ range position. The MFD has ly present the detected rainfall
two range arcs and corresponding rate (Z level) for all range selec-
range annunciation, one at mid tions. It is anticipated that the
range and another at max range. WXR-840 system is operated most
The max range annunciation may of the time with the GAIN control
not appear on some earlier MFDs. in the CAL position and that the
On others the max range ring is other GAIN positions are used only
replaced by the compass arc. More occasionally. To avoid misinterpre-
recent MFDs display the max tation, the system should never be
range ring. left operating unattended with the
GAIN switch in a position other
SEC: This refers to the SECtor scan fea- than CAL, especially in flight.
ture. This feature is selected and
deselected by pressing the SEC
switch, which is concentric with
the RANGE switch. When this
feature is selected, the left and

28 April 1991 2-5





PART NUMBER 523-0775822-00111A, DATED 28 APRIL 1991

Insert this addendum sheet facing page 2-6

of the Installation Section (523-0775824-001118)

Change the first sentence to the first paragraph of Segment 2.3.1 General to read as follows:

This paragraph contains installation instructions and other data necessary for the proper installation of the WXR-
840 Advanced Weather Radar System, including the use of the optional WXA-850A Weather Radar Adapter.

Add the following information to Table 2-3 Contents of Installation Paragraph.

Table 2-3. Contents of Installation Paragraph.



2.3.7 RTA-84X and WXA-850A Option Installation Figure 2-16, Figure 2-17, Figure 2-18

Addendum 4
30 May 1998 Sheet 3 of 9
523-0775822-04111A (Facing Page 2-6)

Located in the


523-0775822-00111A, 1st Edition, dated 28 April 1991

Insert this addendum facing page 2-6

At the next revision to this manual, a new paragraph will be added as follows:

2.2.1 Criteria for Antenna Flat Plate Inspection

The following inspection criteria applies to all Collins radar antenna flat plates:

Before the flat plate is installed on the drive mechanism as well as at any service operation, the flat plate
should be inspected for physical damage.

Any dent that deforms the narrow (septum) sidewalls or the main feed manifold on the rear of the flat plate
should be seen as cause for rejection or replacement. The septum should be understood as referring to
the spacers between the front and back surfaces of the flat plate.

A surface dent with an area less than 2-in2 and a depth of not more than 0.050 inch should be seen as
acceptable. A greater surface area or deeper dent should be seen as unacceptable.

Any dent or bending that occurs at the extreme edge of the antenna and outside the last waveguide wall,
can be ignored unless the weld is broken. Any broken weld that results in a separation between the
waveguide wall and the flat plate surface should be seen as unacceptable.

Any warping that results in a flat plate distortion of 0.0625 inch or more, with respect to the center of the
flat plate, should be seen as cause of flat plate rejection and replacement. In the case of convex distortion,
this can be detected by laying the flat plate on a flat bench surface, face down, with the center area of the
flat plate firmly in contact with the bench surface. If any point on the edge of the flat plate is off the surface
by 0.0625 inch or more, the warping should be judged unacceptable. For concave distortion, use a straight
edge ruler of sufficient length against the front surface of the flat plate and note that all points are within
0.0625 inch of the straight edge surface. Use several points in both the vertical and horizontal plane to
ensure that the plate is not twisted.

Note: If and when windshear detection becomes operational and if these antennae are used in such an
application, the above criteria may not apply. In this case, damage inspection criteria may be

Addendum 2
12 May 1995 Sheet 2 of 4
523-0775824-021118 (Facing page 2-6)
installation 523-0775824

2.2 UNPACKING AND INSPECTION OF A mockup or detailed drawing of the planned

EQUIPMENT installation, prepared in advance, frequently aids
in improving the installation by optimizing cable
Carefully unpack the equipment from the ship- lengths and determining the amount and type of
ping container and visually inspect it for ship- hardware needed.
ping damage. Check the shipping container
against the invoice for proper content; account for 2.3.2 Preparation, Installation, and
each item on the invoice. Be sure to inspect all Replacement of Mating Connectors
packing material so as not to inadvertently
discard any necessary parts or attaching materi- The installation and removal of mating connec-
als. All claims for shipping damage should be tors requires special tools, such as the crimping
filed with the transportation company involved. and extraction tools listed in Table 2-4. In using
Replace the packing materials in the original these tools for the assembly and repair of connec-
shipping container and save it for use if claims tors, follow the procedure described below and
for damage are to be filed or, if no defects are refer to Figure 2-2 and Figure 2-3.
detected, for future use, such as storage or re-
shipment. Observe the following instructions while install-
ing the wires into the connector assemblies:
a. Be sure to thread all wires through the con-
2.3.1 General nector hood assembly first, so the hood can be
installed on the back of the connector after all
This paragraph contains installation instructions wires have been connected.
and other data necessary for the proper installa- b. The connecting wire must be crimped into the
tion of the WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar contact so the crimped portion of the contact
System. Table 2-3 gives an outline of the para- can enter the connector shell and provide a
graph, along with a listing of the tables and positive lock.
figures applicable to each subparagraph. c. Use the crimping tool (CPN 372-8108-010) to
crimp each wire into a contact. Use the
The installation procedures must be performed as insertion tool (CPN 371-8445-010) to insert
prescribed to ensure proper operation and the contact into the proper hole in the connec-
performance of the system. Deviation from these tor shell, and press in until the lock clicks
instructions can result in reduced performance or into place.
damage to the equipment.

Table 2-3. Contents of Installation Paragraph.



2.3.2 Preparation, Installation, and Replacement of Mating Table 2-4, Table 2-5, and Table 2-6
Connectors Figure 2-2 and Figure 2-3

2.3.3 Cabling and Wiring Harness Installation Figure 2-2 thru Figure 2-6

2.3.4 RTA-84X Receiver/Transmitter/Antenna Installation Table 2-4 thru Table 2-10

and Alignment Figure 2-1 thru Figure 2-5 and Figure 2-7
thru Figure 2-11

2.3.5 WXP-840( ) Weather Radar Panel Installation Table 2-4, Table 2-5, Table 2-6, and
Table 2-11
Figure 2-2, Figure 2-3, Figure 2-4,
Figure 2-6, Figure 2-12, and Figure 2-13

2.3.6 Aircraft Radome Considerations

28 April 1991 2-6

installation 523-0775824

Table 2-4. Special Installation Tools and Hardware.



Installation kits Refer to Table 2-5, Table 2-6, and

Table 2-7.

Crimping tool Cannon, CCT-D*C-1 372-8102-010

Insertion/extraction tool Cannon, CIET-20HDB 371-8445-010

Alignment bar Refer to Figure 2-10. 687-9729-001

RTA-84X mounting screws (qty 4) 1/4-inch-diameter shaft, length as re- Refer to Table 2-8.

Hexhead wrench

For RTA-84X mounting 3/16 inch or as required Not available from Collins
General Aviation Division

For WXP-840A locking screws 3/32 inch

Electronic inclinometer (for antenna align- Schaevitz Sensing Systems, Inc. Not available from Collins
ment) 21640 North 14th Avenue General Aviation Division
Phoenix, AZ 85027-2839
AngleStar Digital Protractor

d. After inserting each contact, pull gently on al for similar data for the EFIS system compo-
the wire to be sure that it is securely locked. nents.
Each wire should be capable of withstanding
a straight-out pull of about 1.4 kg (3 lb). A number of strapping options are provided in
e. If it is necessary to remove a contact, use the the WXR-840 system. These are shown on the
insertion/extraction tool to unlock the contact. interconnect diagram and described in Table 2-9
Then pull the contact out of the connector and Table 2-11.
from the rear (wire side). If the wire has
come loose from the contact because of crimp During the preparation and installation of the
failure, use the tool to unlock the contact. interconnecting cabling/harness, observe the
Then, using a small stiff pin or piece of wire, following precautions and instructions:
push out the contact by inserting the pin or
wire into the pin socket and pushing the a. Be sure that all parts of the aircraft electrical
contact out the rear of the shell. system, such as generators and ignition sys-
f. Slide the hood assembly (Figure 2-3) forward tems, are properly bonded and shielded to
onto the connector shell and secure with reduce the likelihood of interference.
screws as shown. Install the lock assembly. b. Be sure to observe the wire length require-
g. Install the keying plug on WXP-840( ) connec- ments between the RTA-84X and the WXP-
tor pin J2-5. 840( ) units in a dual WXP-840( ) installation.
Refer to Figure 2-4. The high data rate be-
2.3.3 Cable and Wiring Harness Installation tween these units causes the interconnect
cables to acquire the characteristics of an RF
Figure 2-4 is the interconnect wiring diagram for transmission line. Therefore, equal or near
the WXR-840 system; Figure 2-5 and Figure 2-6 equal cable lengths can result in signal can-
show the pin functions and numbering schemes cellation due to standing-wave interference.
for the mating connectors. Figure 2-15 gives c. Keep the harness away from high-current or
detailed circuit information for the WXR-840 high-energy cables.
system input/output circuits. It also shows d. Leave slack in the cables to allow for normal
similar data for the stabilization sources. Refer flexing due to vibration and installation/
to the applicable EFIS system installation manu- removal.

28 April 1991 2-7





PART NUMBER 523-0775822-00111A, DATED 28 APRIL 1991

Insert this addendum sheet facing page 2-8

of the Installation Section (523-0775824-001118)

Change Table 2-5 Contents of Crimp Type Mating Connector Kits as follows:

Change Table Header as shown below: (Change in bold)

Table 2-5. Contents of Crimp Type Mating Connector Kits.


ITEM PART NUMBER 687-9726- 687-9727-
003 002 (alternate) 003** 002 (alternate)

Add note to bottom row of Table 2-5: (Addition in bold)

* Use insertion/extraction tool CPN 371-8445-010 and crimping tool CPN 359-8102-010 with positioner CPN 359-8102-020.
**Use with WXA-850A Weather Radar Adapter.

Addendum 4
30 May 1998 Sheet 4 of 9
523-0775822-04111A (Facing Page 2-8)
installation 523-0775824

e. Provide adequate protective wrapping and aircraft power is applied only to the pins
clamping at locations where rubbing can specified and does not appear on others,
occur. especially signal lines.
f. Shields on all shielded wires must be connect- h. All interconnect wires should be marked in
ed as shown on the interconnect diagram. accordance with the Aircraft Electronics Asso-
g. After installation of the harness and before ciation’s Wire Marking Standard (refer to
installation of the equipment, check by actual Figure 2-14).
application of power, if possible, that the

Table 2-5. Contents of Crimp Type Connector Kits.



687-9726- 687-9727-
ITEM PART NUMBER 003 002 (alternate) 003 002 (alternate)

Mating connector

RTA-84X (P1)

Shell assembly 371-0213-040 1

Shell assembly 371-0922-040 1
Lock assembly 371-0040-010 1 1
Hood 371-0186-000 1 1
Hood (not supplied) 371-0147-000
*Contacts, socket 371-0213-110 37
*Contacts, socket 371-0946-040 37

WXP-840( ) (P1)

Shell assembly 371-0213-030 1

Shell assembly 371-0922-030 1
Lock assembly 371-0040-010 1 1
Hood 371-0185-000 1 1
Hood (not supplied) 371-0146-000
*Contacts, socket 371-0213-110 25
*Contacts, socket 371-0946-040 25

WXP-840( ) (P2)

Shell assembly 371-0213-040 1

Shell assembly 371-0922-040 1
Lock assembly 371-0040-010 1 1
Hood 371-0186-000 1 1
Hood (not supplied) 371-0147-000
Key kit 629-8381-001 1 1
*Contacts, socket 371-0213-110 37
*Contacts, socket 371-0946-040 37

*Use insertion/extraction tool CPN 371-8445-010 and crimping tool CPN 359-8102-010 with positioner CPN 359-8102-020.

28 April 1991 2-8

WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System

WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System



Insert facing page 2-9.

Subject: Revise table header

Revise column header in Table 2-7 as shown below. Change is in bold text.

P/O Table 2-7. Contents of Installation Kit.

CPN 687-9728-002

Temporary Revision 8 Page 4

523-0775822-08111A Feb 2/01
installation 523-0775824

Table 2-6. Solder Type Connectors.


Mating connectors


Connector assembly P1 371-0222-000 1

Hood assembly 371-0186-000 1
Hood assembly 371-0147-000 1
Lock assembly 371-0040-010 1

WXP-840( )

Connector assembly P1 371-0221-000 1

Hood assembly 371-0185-000 1
Hood assembly 371-0146-000 1
Lock assembly 371-0040-010 1

Connector assembly P2 371-0222-000 1

Hood assembly 371-0186-000 1
Hood assembly 371-0147-000 1
Lock assembly 371-0040-010 1
Key kit 629-8381-001 1

Table 2-7. Contents of Installation Kit.


Mounting hardware


Flat washers 310-0740-600 4

Lockwashers 310-0288-000 4

Alignment shims

Roll attitude

0.25° 687-9725-001 1
0.50° 687-9725-002 1
0.75° 687-9725-003 1
1.00° 687-9725-004 1

Pitch attitude

0.25° 687-9715-001, -002 2

0.50° 687-9715-003, -004 2
0.75° 687-9715-005, -006 2
1.00° 687-9715-007, -008 2
2.00° 687-9715-009, -010 2
4.00° 687-9715-011, -012 2
8.00° 687-9715-013, -014 2

Installation tag 523-0775-545 2

Mounting screws, hexagon socket head, not supplied in kit; refer to table 2-8 and select length required; quantity 4
required for each RTA-84X.

28 April 1991 2-9

installation 523-0775824

Table 2-8. Mounting Screws.


324-2634-000 MS16997-57 1/4-20UNC, 3/8 in

324-2635-000 MS16997-58 1/4-20UNC, 1/2 in
324-2636-000 MS16997-59 1/4-20UNC, 5/8 in
324-2637-000 MS16997-60 1/4-20UNC, 3/4 in
324-2638-000 MS16997-61 1/4-20UNC, 7/8 in
324-2639-000 MS16997-62 1/4-20UNC, 1 in
324-2640-000 MS16997-63 1/4-20UNC, 1/4 in
324-2641-000 MS16997-64 1/4-20UNC, 11/2 in
324-2642-000 MS16997-65 1/4-20UNC, 13/4 in
324-2643-000 MS16997-66 1/4-20UNC, 2 in
324-2644-000 MS16997-67 1/4-20UNC, 21/4 in
324-2645-000 MS16997-68 1/4-20UNC, 21/2 in
324-2646-000 MS16997-69 1/4-20UNC, 23/4 in
324-2647-000 MS16997-70 1/4-20UNC, 3 in

†Available from The Bristol Co., Waterbury, Connecticut.

Table 2-9. RTA-84X Strapping Options.



Digital/Analog Attitude P1-30 to P1-12 Analog Digital

With digital attitude selected P1-31 to P1-12 †ARINC 429, 100 kBd ARINC 429, 50 kBd

With analog attitude selected P1-31 to P1-12 50 mV/° 200 mV/°

*400-Hz attitude ref: 26 or 115 V ac P1-32 to P1-12 26 V ac 115 V ac

Instant GCS P1-34 to P1-12 Enabled Disabled

Antenna flat plate size12-inch P1-28 strapped to P1-12, P1-29 open

14-inch P1-28 open, P1-29 open

18-inch P1-28 open, P1-29 strapped to P1-12

*Attitude reference is not required when digital data is used.

†ARINC 429, 100 kBd available only in -002 units.

2.3.4 RTA-84X Receiver/Transmitter/ Refer to Figure 2-1 and Figure 2-7 through
Antenna Installation and Alignment Figure 2-11.
b. The aircraft radome must allow a minimum Introduction transmissivity of 85 percent. Refer to para-
graph 2.3.6 for additional discussion regard-
There are two primary requirements in radar ing the aircraft radome.
antenna installation:

a. The RTA-84X mounting surface must be as Strapping Options

perpendicular as possible to the aircraft pitch
attitude (roll axis). Some correction can be Refer to Table 2-9 for the RTA-84X strapping
accomplished by means of shims and spacers. options.

28 April 1991 2-10

WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System

WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System



Insert facing page 2-10.

Subject: Revise note in Table 2-9. Change is in bold text.

Table 2-9. RTA-84X Strapping Options.

Digital/Analog Attitude P1-30 to P1-12 Analog Digital
With digital attitude selected P1-31 to P1-12 †ARINC 429, 100 kBd ARINC 429, 50 kBd
With analog attitude selected P1-31 to P1-12 50 mV/° 200 mV/°
*400-Hz attitude ref: 26 or 115 V ac P1-32 to P1-12 26 V ac 115 V ac
Instant GCS P1-34 to P1-12 Enabled Disabled
Antenna flat plate size 12-inch P1-28 strapped to P1-12, P1-29 open
14-inch P1-28 open, P1-29 open
18-inch P1-28 open, P1-29 strapped to P1-12
*Attitude reference is not required when digital data is used.
†ARINC 429, 100 kBd available only in –002, -003, -004 units.

Temporary Revision 8 Page 5

523-0775822-08111A Feb 2/01
installation 523-0775824 Installation center location, locate and drill one of the

upper mounting holes, either left or right.
Refer to Figure 2-1 and Figure 2-7 through
Figure 2-11.
a. Park the aircraft in a reasonably level atti-
Tap holes in bulkhead or use fixed posi-
tion fasteners to secure the RTA-84X to
the aircraft bulkhead. The use of floating
Note fasteners will cause errors in antenna
It is not required that the aircraft be lev-
eled. The objective is to have the aircraft f. As shown in Figure 2-11, use one mounting
well within the limits of the inclinometer, screw (not supplied), one flat washer, and one
which is a gravity device and accurate up lockwasher (supplied in mounting hardware
to 19.99° from horizontal. All four edge kit), and attach the alignment bar. Use the
surfaces of the inclinometer are calibrated socket-head wrench to tighten the screw
so that measurements can be made with enough to support the weight of the bar and
the display window in its most horizontal inclinometer, but yet allow the free end to be
position. manually adjusted up or down.
g. With the electronic inclinometer resting on
b. Measure the aircraft roll attitude using the the alignment bar, adjust the bar by moving
electronic inclinometer referenced in table its free end up or down so the inclinometer
2-4. Record the value measured. indicates an angle as close as possible to the
c. Measure the aircraft pitch attitude using the aircraft roll attitude measured in step b.
electronic inclinometer, and record the value.
d. If mounting holes are satisfactorily predrilled,
skip to step m below. Otherwise, select the
center location for the RTA-84X mounting
The objective is to locate the second upper
hole pattern. Refer to Figure 2-7 or
mounting hole so that a center line drawn
Figure 2-9 for hole pattern dimensions. Be
through the two upper mounting holes is
sure to consider the contour of the radome in
within 0.25° of the same attitude as the
selecting the antenna location.
aircrafts roll attitude. Shims are provid-
ed in the installation kit to correct for
Note errors up to 1°. However, accuracy in
locating this second hole can eliminate
The antenna scans to a maximum of 62° left the need for these shims.
and right and tilts to a maximum of 32° up
and down. Within those limits the cone of h. Mark the second hole location using a center
radar beam illumination must be clear of any punch in the countersunk hole. Remove the
material or fixtures that can be non-transpar- inclinometer and alignment bar and drill this
ent to the RF energy or in any way distort hole.
the beam. This includes such things as recog- i. Install two socket-head mounting screws (not
nition lights. Further, the shape of the ra- supplied) with washers and lockwashers from
dome, as well as any other items in the vicini- the installation kit in the two upper mount-
ty of the antenna, must not mechanically ing holes. Leave about 1/2 inch of space
interfere with the free movement of the between the mounting surface and the flat
antenna. If the bulkhead (or mounting sur- washer for the RTA-84X mounting pads.
face) is not perpendicular to the aircraft pitch j. Install the RTA-84X onto the two socket-head
attitude, some type of adapter is needed to mounting screws. Be sure the washers are
provide a perpendicular mounting surface. between the screw head and the mounting
pad. Tighten the screws enough to hold the
e. Refer to figure Figure 2-7 or Figure 2-9 for unit securely against the mounting surface.
dimensions. Measuring from the selected

28 April 1991 2-11

installation 523-0775824

k. Swing the flat plate to the left or right to b. To mechanically align the RTA-84X so that
facilitate access to the lower mounting holes. the horizontal scan plane is parallel within
Mark the two lower screw locations. Locate 0.25° of the aircraft roll attitude. This en-
these holes in the center of the mounting slot sures that roll compensation is symmetrical;
of the lower mounting pads to allow equal see view C of figure Figure 2-8.
adjustment in either direction if needed.
l. Loosen the two upper screws and remove the Procedure
RTA-84X. Drill the two lower holes.
m. Install the RTA-84X onto the two upper a. Ensure the aircraft is park a reasonably level
screws, and then install the two lower screws attitude.
and tighten all four screws to a snug fit.
n. Locate and provide the necessary cable re-
straints for the interconnecting cable.
o. Connect the electrical mating connector to
It is not required that the aircraft be leveled.
connector J1, and engage and lock the lock
The objective is to have the aircraft well
within the limits of the inclinometer, which is
p. Do not install the aircraft radome until after
a gravity device and accurate up to 19.99°
the antenna alignment procedure is complet-
from horizontal. All four edge surfaces of the
inclinometer are calibrated so that measure-
ments can be made with the display window Mechanical Alignment
in its most horizontal position. Introduction
b. Measure the aircraft roll attitude using the
electronic inclinometer referenced in table
In order to properly perform the mechanical
2-4. Record the value measured.
alignment, it is necessary to have the aircraft in
c. Measure the aircraft pitch attitude using the
a reasonably level attitude. A precise measure-
electronic inclinometer, and record the value.
ment of the roll and pitch attitude is used as a
d. Ensure that the stabilization system is off or
reference in making the following adjustments.
that the roll and pitch inputs to the radar
The objective of this procedure is:
system are at null.
e. Turn radar power on and select STBY on the
a. To mechanically align the RTA-84X assembly
WXP-840( ). The antenna should stop at
so that, when the antenna is at 0° tilt, the
boresight (zero pitch and zero scan). Turn
radar beam is parallel within 0.25° of the
the power off.
aircraft pitch attitude, measured vertically.
f. Remove RTA-84X from the aircraft.
See Figure 2-1*.
g. Install two socket-head screws in the two
upper mounting holes. Leave about 1/2 inch
Note of space between the mounting surface and
the socket-head.
If alignment shims are used to compen- h. Place the electronic inclinometer across both
sate for a nonvertical mounting surface, it screws. Record the reading on the inclinome-
is important to check that the resulting ter. Subtract the aircraft roll attitude mea-
forward displacement of the RTA-84X sured in step b from this reading. This is the
does not result in interference between rotational error that will be removed by
the radome and the antenna flat plate means of a shim selected from the installation
motion. kit, CPN 687-9728-001.

* A third potential misalignment is suggested in view B of figure 2-8. In this condition, the mounting
surface is horizontally misaligned with respect to the aircraft center line so that the antenna faces
to the left or right of dead ahead. This causes a target to appear on the screen at the wrong azimuth.
At installation, this error is hard to detect. Fortunately, however, the error tends to become
insignificant at close-in ranges.

28 April 1991 2-12

installation 523-0775824

Table 2-10. Pitch Alignment Correction Shim Selection Guide.




0.25 0.045 687-9715-001 0.021 687-9715-002

0.50 0.089 687-9715-003 0.042 687-9715-004
0.75 0.134 687-9715-005 0.063 687-9715-006
1.00 0.178 687-9715-007 0.084 687-9715-008
2.00 0.356 687-9715-009 0.168 687-9715-010
4.00 0.713 687-9715-011 0.336 687-9715-012
8.00 1.433 687-9715-013 0.674 687-9715-014


1. The values are approximately linear: therefore, combinations can be selected for correction values not specifically listed.
For example, for a correction of 3.75°, add shim thickness listed for 2.0°, 1.0°, and 0.75°.
2. Two of each shim are supplied in kit CPN 687-9725-001.

i. If the result is more than 1.25°, the mounting

holes were improperly located. If they can be
relocated, this action should be taken. Other-
By placing the side of the electronic incli-
wise, install the 1-inch shim supplied in the
nometer against the flat plate surface,
installation kit. The remaining, excess error
you can measure the angle directly. Refer
cannot be mechanically removed. The in-
to figure 2-1. Be sure to get the edge of
flight calibration procedures can be used to
the inclinometer between the vertical
remove up to one additional degree of error.
rows of solder tabs on the flat plate sur-
j. If the error is less than 0.13°, no shims are
face and try to make all measurements at
needed and this alignment procedure is com-
approximately the same place on the flat
plete for this installation.
plate. The reading should be within 0.25°
k. If the error is more than 0.13° but less than
of the pitch attitude.
1.25°, select the shim closest to the angle
l. Manually tip the inclinometer slightly to Caution
determine the direction of rotation needed to
bring the reading to within 0.25° of the roll If shims are necessary for pitch align-
attitude. ment, they must be placed under both the
m. If ccw rotation is needed, remove the upper upper and lower mounting pads as shown
righthand screw and install the selected shim in Figure 2-1. Placing the shims under
on it. If cw rotation is needed, remove the the upper pads only, for example, will
upper left-hand screw and install the selected result in a gap between the lower pads
shim on it. and the mounting surface. This gap must
n. Reinstall the screw with the selected shim. be filled by a shim of complementary
Be sure the shim is properly seated within thickness, otherwise the force applied by
the mounting hole. the lower mounting screws can break the
o. Use the electronic inclinometer to ensure that pad.
the flat plate is at 90° ±0.25° with respect to
the aircraft pitch attitude. Install shims under the upper and lower
mounting pads to correct for proper align-
ment. Refer to Table 2-10 and Figure 2-1.
Tighten all four screws.

28 April 1991 2-13

installation 523-0775824

Pitch and Roll Attitude Alignment Diagram

Figure 2-1

p. When the alignment procedure is completed bonding the RTA-84X or the mounting screws
and satisfactory shims have been selected for to the mounting surface or to the shims.
installation, bond all selected shims to the q. Collins General Aviation Division recom-
airframe radar antenna mounting surface, mends that a record be made of the type/size
this includes the roll and pitch alignment of shims installed on a particular aircraft.
shims. Refer to the instructions shown in Figure 2-1 shows the tag that is supplied as
Figure 2-1. Be sure to use about the same part of the shim kit (CPN 687-9728-001).
amount of adhesive on all shims to minimize This tag is to be completed and appropriately
the misaligning effect of the adhesive. Be secured near the radar installation. Do not
sure, also, to use a minimum amount of affix it to the RTA-84X.
bonding material and remove excess to avoid

28 April 1991 2-14

installation 523-0775824

Table 2-11. WXP-840( ) Strapping Options.



*Dual WXP-840( ) J2-29 to J2-12 Right side Left side

Enable in-flight stabilization calibration J2-28 to J2-12 Enabled Disabled

*Leave J2-29 open for single WXP-840( ) installations.

2.3.5 WXP-840( ) Weather Radar Panel Connect the aircraft harness mating connectors
Installation to WXP-840( ) rear connectors Jl and J2 as
required. Insert the unit into its proper location. Introduction Secure the WXP-840A with four integral turnlock
fasteners. Use a 3/32-inch hexkey drive to tight-
Mount the WXP-840A/B(s) in the aircraft instru- en the fasteners. Secure the WXP-840B by
ment panel in a convenient location for easy tightening the Dzus fasteners. Clearance is
access by the operator(s). Refer to Figure 2-12 or required on the rear surfaces of the panel for the
Figure 2-13 for outline and mounting dimensions turnlock fasteners.
and connector information. The WXP-840A is
front panel mounted. The WXP-840B requires 2.3.6 Aircraft Radome Considerations
Dzus fasteners.
The average one-way transmission should not be Strapping Options less than 90 percent for any continuous scan of
the antenna relative to the radome. The mini-
Table 2-11 describes the strapping options for the mum transmissivity at any point should not be
WXP-840( ). less than 85 percent throughout the window area
of the basic radome, including any installed rain Lighting Selection erosion protection. (The window area is that
portion of the radome which is illuminated by the
For 28-V dc lighting, connect the lighting source antenna as the antenna is tilted and rotated in
to J2-2 and connect a jumper between rear con- azimuth to its mechanical limits.)
nector pins J2-1 and J2-22.
The addition of lightning protection devices and
For 5-V ac/dc lighting, connect the lighting source trim finishes should not degrade the transmission
to J2-1. (Leave J2-2 open.) efficiency by more than 3 percent. Average
radome paint causes a loss of about 3.5 to 5 Installation percent in transmissivity. Rubber or Mylar®
boots, where properly installed, present about a
If the WXP-840( ) is to be installed in an IMT-85 5-percent loss. If a boot is used, it must be
mounting tray, refer to the appropriate EFIS adequately sealed to prevent moisture accumu-
installation manual for installation details. lation between the boot and the radome surface.
Otherwise, refer to Figure 2-12 or Figure 2-13 for Plastic boots usually present a loss of 20 to 50
the outline and mounting dimensions. percent, which makes them totally unacceptable.

If there is reason to question the transmissivity

of the radome, it should be checked by a reputa-
ble radome authority, such as Cair Radomes,
Be sure to open the circuit breaker before
Plastics and Synthetics Division of Norton Com-
connecting the equipment to the aircraft
pany, Akron, Ohio.
harness. Check for complete connector
mating before applying power.

28 April 1991 2-15





PART NUMBER 523-0775822-00111A, DATED 28 APRIL 1991

Insert this addendum sheet facing page 2-16

of the Installation Section (523-0775824-001118)

Add new Paragraph 2.3.7.

2.3.7 RTA-84X and WXA-850A Option Installation

If the WXA-850A option is to be installed, complete all applicable parts of Paragraphs 2.3.1 through 2.3.4.
The WXA-850A then is installed with use of two control adapter mounts (either CPN 827-5060-001
[standard mount] or CPN 628-9865-001 [preferred mount]). Refer to Figure 2-19, Figure 2-20 and Figure 2-
21 for more details.
The WXA-850A typically installed in the equipment bay of the aircraft.


One or two WXA-850A units may be installed depending on aircraft specifications.

Electrical interconnects are given in Figure 2-4 WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System Interconnect
Wiring Diagram with the exception of two pins.


The wiring connections for the WXA-850A are the same as for the WXP-840A/B except
for pins J2-15 and J2-16 (ARINC 429 CONTROL DATA OUTPUT) which are not applicable
to the WXA-850A.

With the WXA-850A installation, the ARINC 429 control words for the RTA come from a secondary source,
usually from a Control Display Unit (CDU).

Refer to the WXA-850A CMM (CPN 523-0776543) for more details.

Addendum 4
30 May 1998 Sheet 5 of 9
523-0775822-04111A (Facing Page 2-16)
installation 523-0775824

The antenna scans up to a maximum of 62° to the than one LRU, the MOST PROBABLE CAUSE
left and right and 32° tilt up and tilt down (half OF FAILURE column lists the line replaceable
for manual tilt adjust and half for stabilization). units in the order of the greatest likelihood of
Within those limits, the cone of radar beam failure.
illumination must be clear of any material or
fixtures that can be nontransparent to the RF EFIS Cross-side Switching
energy or in any way distort the beam. This
includes such things as recognition lights. Fur- Typically, the MFD and the left side ND are con-
ther, the shape of the radome, as well as any trolled by the pilot’s (left) side controls (DCP-85
other items in the vicinity of the antenna, must or DSP-85). If cross-side control switching is
not interfere with the mechanical movement of provided, it is assumed that the operator is
the antenna. Figure 2-7 defines the minimum familiar with that system’s operation. No at-
space required by the unit, as measured from the tempt is made in this procedure to guide the
unit mounting base. If shims and/or special operator in that regard. Further, it is also
mounting adapters are used which effectively assumed that in dual WXP-840A/B installations,
move the unit forward from the antenna mount- the MFD and left side ND radar displays are
ing surface, these added dimensions must be controlled by the pilot’s WXP-840A/B, while the
taken into consideration for determining whether right side ND radar display is controlled by the
adequate clearance is provided. right side WXP-840A/B.

Users should be guided by FAA Advisory Circular Radar Antenna Operation
43-14, dated 24 February 1977, Maintenance of
Weather Radomes, in the Collins Installation If this is your first exposure to the WXR-840 Ad-
Practices Manual (CPN 523-0775254). vanced Weather Radar System, you will notice
antenna operation somewhat different from other
2.4 POSTINSTALLATION TEST systems. This paragraph describes that opera-
2.4.1 Introduction
There are three distinct operational features that
you may see:
a. Altitude Determination
The area within the scan arc and within
0.65 meter (2 feet) of an operating WXR-
At the scan turnaround point for every third
840 Advanced Weather Radar System can
scan sweep, the antenna automatically chang-
be a hazardous area. Do not operate the
es its tilt to two specific downward tilt angles.
system in any mode other than standby
In flight, this allows the system to establish
(STBY) or test (TEST) when the antenna
an altitude reference that is used in the AUTO
might scan over personnel within that
tilt feature. Therefore, depending on where
range. FAA Advisory Circular 20-68B
the TILT control is set, you will see the anten-
provides additional details on the radia-
na tilt up or down at these scan turnaround
tion hazards associated with ground oper-
ation of airborne weather radar (refer to
the Collins Installation Practices Manual,
b. Automatic Tilt Calibration
CPN 523-0775254).
This operational feature is dependent on the
Only authorized and qualified personnel should
TILT control setting. The automatic tilt
be allowed to operate the WXR-840 Advanced We-
feature requires knowledge of tilt-zero refer-
ather Radar System. The postinstallation test
ence. Tilt-zero is established by means of an
procedures are provided in table 2-12. In those
optical sensor built into the tilt mechanism.
cases where a test failure can be caused by more

28 April 1991 2-16

installation 523-0775824

As the antenna sweeps, the zero reference through zero during the altitude pass as
used in the calculating process can become described in paragraph a.
less precise because of computational error
buildup. Consequently, the program periodi- c. Rectangular Scan Pattern
cally drives the antenna to zero tilt (the opti-
cal sensor) and thereby recalibrates the tilt This scan pattern is seen in systems using two
system. In systems using two WXP-840A/B WXP-840A/B controls and is caused when the
controls, however, this will not occur if one TILT control settings are not identical. In
TILT control is set above zero and the other such a system, the antenna alternates be-
below zero. In this case, the unit will cross tween the two different TILT commands for
through zero at each scan sweep and thus no each sweep, resulting in the rectangular scan
special calibration action is required. Similar- pattern.
ly, in single or dual control systems, with
either or both TILT controls set above zero, Test Procedures
you will not see this zero calibration maneuver
because the system will calibrate as it passes The postinstallation test procedures are provided
in Table 2-12.

Table 2-12. Postinstallation Test Procedures.




The relatively low power output of the WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System makes is reasonably safe to operate
indoors. However, operators should take necessary and reasonable precautions to ensure that personnel and
equipment specially sensitive to microwave radiation are not exposed. Be guided by FAA Advisory Circular 20-68B
(refer to the Collins Installation Practices Manual, CPN 523-0775254).

1.0 Initialization

Make the following selections.

On WXP-840A/B (both sides if dual):

GCS - released
STB - released
TILT - center (0)
AUTO - in (off)
HLD - not selected
SEC - not selected

Aircraft power - on


PWR - on

On DCP-85/DSP-85:

ARC or MAP format

Push RDR button.


The colors of weather radar mode annunciators, arc format, and map format depend on the type of EFIS display being
used. Refer to the appropriate EFIS manual for annunciator, arc format, and map format colors.

28 April 1991 2-17

installation 523-0775824

Table 2-12. Postinstallation Test Procedures.




In dual installations, perform this procedure first from the left side WXP-840A/B. At the start of the procedure,
depress the SLV switch on the right side WXP-840A/B. During the course of the procedure, the right side ND display
should be identical to that of the left side except that the mode annunciation will be preceded by an X (eg, XWX,
XMAP, etc). Therefore, during the course of the procedure, it is wise to glance over to the right side display,
occasionally, to ensure that the displays agree. When this procedure for the left side is completed, it must be repeated
for the right side.

1.0 Stabilization
Off or null


A portion of the test in this table can be performed inside the hanger.

2.0 Standby Test

On WXP-840A/B, left side, set MODE to In approximately 20 seconds, one range EFIS, WXP, RTA
STBY. arc with (2.5) at right end of range arc,
airplane symbol at bottom center, com-
pass sector, and STBY annunciator ap-

3.0 Range Annunciator

On WXP-840A/B, set RANGE as follows: On MFD or ND, range annunciator indi- RTA, WXP
cates the following:


5 5 2.5
10 10 5
25 25 12.5
50 50 25
100 100 50
200 200 100
300 300 150

4.0 Self-Test

On WXP-840A/B, set RANGE to 25 and On MFD or ND, antenna scans, test pat- RTA, WXP
MODE to TEST. tern 120°, six color bands outward be-
yond black around apex: green, yellow,
red, magenta, red/magenta, and yellow
(red/magenta alternates colors each scan
sweep). Refer to Figure 3-2 in the opera-
tion section.

5.0 Hold Test

Set RANGE to 10 or 50 and then back to Test pattern erases and then begins to RTA
25. redevelop.

Before pattern is complete, press HLD Test pattern development stops and an-
(only once). nunciator alternates between HOLD and

Press HLD. Test pattern resumes development and

annunciator is constant TEST.

28 April 1991 2-18

installation 523-0775824

Table 2-12. Postinstallation Test Procedures.




If the radome is installed, antenna operation cannot be observed. Unless it can be removed easily, you may skip this
test in favor of the outside-of-hanger tests, where the display is used to determine tilt operation.

6.0 TILT Control Test

On WXP-840A/B, set MODE to TEST and RTA, WXP

RANGE to 25.

Adjust TILT cw from center. Antenna tilts up and a positive tilt angle
is displayed on MFD or ND, 15° max.

Adjust TILT ccw from center. Antenna tilts down and a negative tilt
angle is displayed on MFD or ND, 15°

Set MODE to STBY. Antenna stops at boresight. RTA, WXP

AUTO Tilt Annunciator Test

On WXP-840A/B, pull outward on AUTO Tilt angle is now shown prefixed with an WXP, RTA
knob and adjust TILT. A (eg, A+10.0, A-2.5, etc).

Push in AUTO knob.


The following step applies only to installations with dual WXP-840A/B controls.

7.0 SLV Function Test Up to this point, all annunciations on the

right side should have been in agreement
with those on the left side except that
the mode annunciation was preceded by
an X.

Right Side Test

Release SLV switch on right side WXP-

840A/B and depress left side SLV switch.

Repeat all tests, starting with test 2.0,

using right side WXP-840A/B.

Double SLV Default Test

Depress SLV switch on both WXP-840A/B Note that all displays show that system EFIS, WXP, RTA
controls. is in standby and antenna parks at cen-
ter scan.

Set MODE on either WXP-840A/B to Note that all displays show that system EFIS, WXP
TEST. remains in standby.

28 April 1991 2-19

installation 523-0775824

Table 2-12. Postinstallation Test Procedures.



8.0 STB Control Test


In this step, a stabilization source input is required. There are three possible methods to supply this input:
1. Install the gyro on a tilt table and introduce the necessary input by tilting the gyro.
2. Use the flight-line test fixture shown in Figure 5-3 in the maintenance section, and patch a simulated roll/pitch
signal into the RTA-84X.
3. On an AHS-85( ) equipped installation, actuate the STIM mode to supply one or more of the simulated pitch/roll
input signals.


There should be no need to make an accurate measurement of this function. The objective is to ascertain that the
system responds to a roll and pitch input. However, if a stabilization problem is likely, perform the stabilization
accuracy test below.

8.1 Inside Hanger STB Control Test With Ra-

dome Removed

On WXP-840A/B, set MODE to TEST and Antenna scans. RTA, WXP

TILT to 0 (center).

Using one of the methods described in Antenna pitches up by amount of input.

test 8.0, apply 4° to 8° of pitch-down in-

ON WXP-840A/B, release STB switch Antenna returns to horizontal scan and

(STB off). USTB is annunciated.

Set pitch input to zero (null). There is no change in antenna scan mo-

Press in on STB switch (STB on). USTB is not displayed.

Apply 4° to 8° of roll right input (right Antenna tilts up when scan is to right of RTA, WXP
wing down). center and down when scan is to left.

ON WXP-840A/B, release STB switch Antenna returns to horizontal scan and

(STB off). USTB is annunciated.

Set pitch input to zero (null). There is no change in antenna scan mo-

Press in on STB switch (STB on). USTB is not displayed.


Unless any additional stabilization testing is necessary (test 9.0), disconnect any equipment or facility used in this
stabilization test and restore the installation to its normal configuration.


This completes the in-hanger procedures for installations with a single WXP-840A/B. If desired, test 9.0 can be
performed to check the stabilization to its normal configuration.

28 April 1991 2-20

installation 523-0775824

Table 2-12. Postinstallation Test Procedures.



8.2 Outside Hanger STB Control Test With

Radome Installed

In the next step, the aircraft must be outside the hanger. You should situate the aircraft so that the radar has a
clear view, extending ideally for several miles, and a reasonable horizontal and of 60° to 120°.


In the next step, the transmitter is turned on. Be certain that no personnel or combustible materials are within the
±60° hazardous area and a few feet from the front of the aircraft. Be guided by FAA Advisory Circular 20-68B (refer to
the Collins Installation Practices Manual, CPN 523-0775254).

On WXP-840A/B, set MODE to WX and RTA, WXP, stabiliza-

RANGE to 10 or 25. Be sure GCS is not tion system

Adjust TILT so that ground return is

shown at or near max distance.

Using one of the methods described in Ground return disappears or moves away
test 8.0, apply 4° to 8° of pitch down in- from apex (antenna tilts up).

Release STB switch (STAB off). Ground return moves back to earlier
position and USTB is annunciated.

Press in on STB switch (STAB on). Ground return position does not change
and USTB is not displayed.

Apply 4° to 8° of pitch-up input. Ground return moves closer to apex of


Set pitch input to zero (null). Ground return moves back to earlier

Apply 4° to 8° of roll right input (right Ground return moves away or disappears
wing down). on right side of display and moves closer
on left.

On WXP-840A/B, press in on STB switch Ground return moves back to earlier

(STAB off). position and USTB is annunciated.

Set roll input to zero (null) and press STB Ground return remains and USTB is not
switch (STB on). displayed.

9.0 Stabilization Accuracy Test


This test requires that the radome be removed and therefore should be seen as optional. This test is only required if
there is strong evidence of a stabilization accuracy problem.


This test requires a means of stopping antenna scan at certain scan angles in order to measure the tilt angle resulting
from the stabilization inputs. This is most conveniently done by using the RTA flight-line test fixture shown in
Figure 5-3 in the maintenance section and using the POWER ON/OFF switch to interrupt primary power to the unit.
An alternate method is to interrupt primary power by opening the circuit breaker at the appropriate instant. Antenna
scan can be monitored in the cockpit by observing the sweep on the radar display; antenna scan and display sweep are

28 April 1991 2-21

installation 523-0775824

Table 2-12. Postinstallation Test Procedures.




The objective of this step is to detect relatively large errors in antenna mechanical alignment. The in-flight stabiliza-
tion alignment procedure can compensate for a maximum of about 1° of roll and 1° of pitch alignment error and for a
gyro gain error of about 25%. Therefore, this step should prove that the antenna is within 1° of perfect alignment.

9.0 On WXP-840A/B, set MODE to TEST.

Apply the following gyro inputs, using one
of the methods described in step 8.0.

9.1 Gyro input:


(Null) Up 10°


In analog stabilization systems, it may be wise to measure the gyro input for added assurance that the input is correct.
Use the test jacks on the RTA flight-line test fixture and an accurate RMS meter. 10° of roll or pitch at 50 mV/° should
give a reading of 0.500 V ac, and 10° of roll or pitch at 200 mV/° should give a reading of 2.00 V ac.


Use the electronic inclinometer placed against the face of the antenna (shown in Figure 2-1) or against the flat plate
waveguide mounting flange to make the following measurements.

When antenna is at 0° scan, turn power Measure antenna tilt. It should be tilted RTA
off. down 10° from aircraft/gyro pitch 0.

9.2 Reapply power and set gyro input to:


(Null) Down 10°

When antenna is at 0° scan, turn power Measure antenna tilt. It should be tilted RTA
off. up 10° from aircraft/gyro pitch 0.

9.3 Reapply power and set gyro input to:


Right 10° (Null)


In the following steps, you are asked to stop the antenna at the right or left scan points. You should avoid stopping the
antenna at those points where it tilts down for the altitude check. Watch the movement for a time and notice when
those down tilts occur (you should see them at the end of every third sweep) and pick one of the other two points. Be
aware that you may pick one of the points where the antenna does its periodic 0° calibration check. If you do, you will
likely measure 0° pitch. One cannot reliably predict where or how frequently these checks will occur.

When antenna is at extreme left scan Measure antenna tilt. It should be tilted RTA
point, turn power off. down 8.7 ±0.2° from aircraft/gyro 0.

Reapply power and, when antenna is at Measure antenna tilt. It should be tilted
extreme right scan point, turn power off. up 8.7 ±0.2° from aircraft/gyro pitch 0.

28 April 1991 2-22

installation 523-0775824

Table 2-12. Postinstallation Test Procedures.



9.4 Reapply power and set gyro input to:


Left 10° (Null)


In the preceding step and in the next step, an equal and opposite deviation can indicate that the antenna is not aimed
correctly along the longitudinal (roll) axis of the aircraft (view B in Figure 2-8). To correct this condition, shim either
the left or right side of the antenna, using the same shim thickness for both the upper and lower mounting tabs, to
shift the aim of the antenna toward the right or left side respectively. If the error is not equal, it can indicate pitch
misalignment of the antenna (view D of Figure 2-8). This error should have been detected in steps 9.1 and 9.2. Too
much tilt at both scan angles can indicate that the antenna is rotated; that is, the antenna scan plane is not parallel
to the wings of the aircraft. This requires rotation of the antenna to compensate.

When antenna is at extreme left scan Measure antenna tilt. It should be tilted RTA
point, turn power off. up 8.7 ±0.2° from aircraft/gyro pitch 0.

Reapply power and, when antenna is at Measure antenna tilt. It should be tilted
extreme right scan point, turn power off. down 8.7 ±0.2° from aircraft/gyro pitch 0.


If any of these tests were significantly out of tolerance and it is clearly not the result of misalignment or a stabilization
system failure, the RTA-84X should be returned for repair.

Remove power from the system and disconnect the RTA flight-line test fixture.

Reapply power to the system and continue below.

10.0 Target Alert Function Test

Set MODE to TGT. Antenna sweeps and a boxed TGT ap- RTA, WXP
pears in upper right corner of display.

No weather or ground clutter is dis-



If a radar target such as a fairly intense rain cloud is visible at a distance of at least 7 miles and within 15° of straight
ahead, it may cause the annunciator to flash. If such a radar target is not available in the area, it may not be possible
to make a reasonable test of the target alert function.

11.0 Map Mode Function Test

Set Mode to MAP. Antenna sweeps and MAP is annunciat- RTA, WXP

TGT from previous step disappears.

Range mark changes color.

Ground targets appear.

Select different range. Ground targets become less pronounced

with grater ranges and tend to disappear
into vertex at ranges of 200 and 300.

28 April 1991 2-23

installation 523-0775824

Table 2-12. Postinstallation Test Procedures.



11.0 Press HLD. Mode annunciator alternates between RTA, WXP

(Cont) MAP and HOLD.

Press HLD again. Annunciator resumes a constant MAP


12.0 WX Mode Function Test

On WXP-840A/B, set range to 10 and Antenna sweeps. WXP, RTA

In addition to possible targets, display
shows range mark and WX mode annun-


If a distant target such as a rain cloud or terrain feature is evident, adjust TILT control on WXP-840A/B for the best
(largest) display of that target. Otherwise, adjust tilt for a reasonable ground target display.

Targets are displayed in green, yellow, WXP, RTA

red, and magenta.

ON WXP-840A/B, set RANGE to 25, 50, Target(s) shift position on display accord-
100, etc. ing to range selected.


Obviously, any target visible at 10 nmi will disappear into the vertex when the 100 or greater range is selected.

Press HLD. MODE annunciator alternates between WXP, RTA

WX and HLD.

Press HLD again. Annunciator resumes a constant WX dis-


13.0 AUTO Tilt Function Test


The AUTO tilt function cannot be tested easily and reliably while the aircraft is on the ground.

14.0 PAC and PAC Alert Functions Test


The PAC and PAC Alert functions cannot be tested easily and reliably while the aircraft is on the ground.

15.0 Gain Function Test

Set GAIN selector to first click ccw from Size of target decreases. WXP, RTA

G-1 is annunciated in upper left corner of

MFD and in lower left corner of ND.
Any contour area should decrease in size.

Set GAIN selector to second and then to At each step, target size and intensity
third click ccw from horizontal. level decreases.

G-2 or G-3 is annunciated.

28 April 1991 2-24

installation 523-0775824

Table 2-12. Postinstallation Test Procedures.



15.0 Set GAIN selector to first, second, and At each step, target size and intensity WXP, RTA
(Cont) third click cw from horizontal. level increases.

G+1, G+2, or G+3 is annunciated.


Each click of the GAIN adjustment from CAL to -3 effectively decreases the gain by about 6 dB. Each click of the GAIN
adjustment in the positive (+) direction has the effect of increasing the receiver gain by that same amount. This is
accomplished by decreasing the number of target illuminations required for a given target presence decision at ranges
beyond the STC range (approximately 50 nmi). GAIN CAL is the only gain selection in which a given rainfall rate
(Z-level) will be displayed at the proper display color for all ranges.

Set GAIN selector to CAL. G+0 may be annunciated.

16.0 GCS Function Test

Press in GCS switch. GCS is annunciated. WXP, RTA

Number of ground targets is noticeably


Release GCS switch. Ground target display reappears.


This completes the tests for installations with a single WXP-840A/B control. For dual system, repeat tests 10.0
through 16.0, using the right side control. Select SLV on the left side control and, during the course of the procedures,
note that the left side ND display agrees with that of the right side except that the mode annunciators are preceded by
an X (for cross-side). All other annunciators are the proper color according to the type of EFIS installed.

2.5 IN-FLIGHT STABILIZATION should make a special flight with the single
ALIGNMENT PROCEDURES mission of performing these radar system align-
ment procedures. Rather, if the procedures are
2.5.1 Introduction needed, installers should integrate them into
other aircraft check-out flight operations.
The in-flight stabilization alignment procedures
need not be performed if the following two condi- In those segments of the alignment procedure
tions are otherwise satisfied: where straight and level flight is required, it is
best to use heading or manual flight mode. The
1. The RTA-85X is installed with good mechani- deviation in beam centering that is normal in
cal accuracy so that the installation is well VOR and RNAV modes can detract from the
within the requirements of paragraph, desired precision.
Mechanical Alignment, and,
2. The installation uses a digital horizontal These stabilization alignment procedures are to
reference system like the AHS-85/85E Atti- be performed in flight. The procedures calibrate
tude Heading System. the WXR-840 system to the specific aircraft, and
especially to the vertical reference system, by
In those installations where the in-flight proce- compensating for the remaining mounting errors.
dure is enabled for customer use, the radar The procedures utilize an alignment mode, built
system Pilot’s Guide includes detailed instruc- into the RTA-84X, to introduce certain offsets
tions for in-flight alignment. into the antenna roll and pitch attitude control
functions. These are stored in nonvolatile memo-
In all cases it is not intended that installers ry and, therefore, if done correctly, need be per-

28 April 1991 2-25

installation 523-0775824

formed only once for a given equipment com- more of the parameters have been satisfacto-
plement. If any part of the installation affecting rily adjusted and stored in temporary memory
the stabilization system is changed or replaced, by means of the HLD button (see below),
the process must be repeated for that equipment. pressing in on the recessed button enters the
parameters into permanent nonvolatile mem-
In some installations, the stabilization alignment ory.
feature may not be enabled. This procedure
cannot be performed unless a strap is connected b. MODE Switch
between WXP-840A/B rear connector pins J2-28
and J2-12. The MODE switch is used to select the pa-
rameter to be adjusted, and the TILT control
The in-flight stabilization alignment procedures is used to adjust that parameter. The switch
are provided in paragraphs 2.5.3 (Table 2-14) and positions and the parameters thus selected
in 2.5.4 (Table 2-15). The first is a more detailed are summarized in Table 2-13.
version that can be used to gain familiarity with
the process. For those experienced in the pro- c. TILT Control Knob
cess, paragraph 2.5.4 is an abbreviated version
that requires less reading during the actual The TILT control knob is used to adjust the
procedure. alignment parameter selected by means of the
MODE switch. The amount of adjustment
2.5.2 Alignment Controls introduced becomes the electrical offset that
is used by the radar stabilization function.
All the controls used for this procedure are on the
WXP-840A/B control panel. These are described d. HLD (Hold) Switch
in the following paragraphs:
The HLD switch is used to store the adjusted
a. Stabilization Alignment Mode Activate But- value of the parameter into temporary radar
ton memory during the alignment process. There
are three adjustment parameters: roll offset,
This is a recessed black pushbutton located at pitch offset, and stabilization gain. Each of
the bottom center of the WXP-840A/B control. these is adjusted separately and must be
Use this button to activate or deactivate the entered into temporary memory before the
stabilization alignment mode. Refer to next parameter is selected.
Figure 3-1 in the operation section if neces-
sary. Use a small probe, similar to a ball- 2.5.3 Detailed In-Flight Alignment
point pen, to press in on the button. Do not Procedures
use a lead pencil. Lead residue can cause
damage to the unit. When the stabilization The detailed alignment procedures are provided
alignment mode is activated, TRIM is annun- in Table 2-14.
ciated on the EFIS display. When one of the
adjustment parameters is selected by means 2.5.4 Abbreviated In-Flight Alignment
of the MODE switch, the selected parameter Procedures
is annunciated in place of TRIM. After one or
The abbreviated in-flight alignment procedures
are provided in Table 2-15.

28 April 1991 2-26

installation 523-0775824

Table 2-13. MODE Switch In-Flight Alignment Parameters.


WX Selects roll offset for adjustment.

MAP Selects pitch offset for adjustment.

TGT Select stabilization gain for adjustment.

STBY Discards any adjusted parameters, activates all alignment parameters stored in memory,
cancels alignment mode, and resumes normal operation.

TEST Activates normal MAP mode to allow viewing of any radar target(s) using currently
adjusted alignment parameters not yet entered into memory.

OFF, then any mode Regarding stabilization alignment, selecting OFF has the same effect as selecting STBY.
Pulling the primary power circuit breaker also has the same effect.

Table 2-14. Detailed In-Flight Stabilization Alignment Procedures.


1.0 Before takeoff, be sure that stabilization alignment mode is enabled by a strap
between WXP-840A/B rear connector pins J2-28 and J2-12.

2.0 Before takeoff, position WXP-840A/B MODE switch to STBY and RANGE
switch to 50.

3.0 Complete all ground procedures for WXR-840 system installation and prepare
aircraft for flight.


You may want to delay the following step until immediately before starting the alignment procedures (step 10.0).
This allows the full compass rose format to be used during takeoff and climbout.

4.0 For EFIS installations with an MFD, push PWR and RDR buttons.

For EFIS installations without an MFD, place ND in a sector format that

allows radar display.

5.0 After takeoff, select MAP mode.

6.0 Climb to normal cruise altitude and trim aircraft.

7.0 Wait about 5 minutes, with no roll or pitch changes, for attitude reference
system to stabilize. Use heading or manual flight mode.

8.0 If not already done, select MAP MODE. (Be sure GCS is not selected.)

9.0 Adjust TILT and RANGE. Depending on cruise altitude, select range that Adjust so that near edge of
gives best half-range ground clutter ring with least downward tilt. ground clutter ring is aligned
with EFIS half-range arc.

10.0 If not already done in step 4.0:

For EFIS installations with an MFD, push PWR and RDR buttons.

For EFIS installations without an MFD, place ND in a sector format that

allows radar display.

28 April 1991 2-27

installation 523-0775824

Table 2-14. Detailed In-Flight Stabilization Alignment Procedures.



In the following step you will activate the stabilization alignment mode by using a probe to depress the recessed
switch. Do not use a lead pencil. Lead residue can cause damage to the mechanical switches and can cause short

11.0 Activate alignment mode by depressing recessed black button at bottom center
of WXP-840A/B control panel.


During the course of this procedure, STBY can be used at any time to erase any adjusted parameters and return to
the value stored in permanent memory. For new installations, the stored values may be zero for all parameters.

12.0 Select WX MODE. This selects roll offset for ad-


13.0 Adjust TILT. Adjust for best left/right sym-

metry of ground return dis-

14.0 Press HLD momentarily to store adjusted value in temporary memory.

15.0 Select MAP MODE. This selects pitch offset for


16.0 Adjust TILT. Adjust so that near edge of

display is at a constant dis-
tance display arc.

17.0 Press HLD momentarily to store adjusted value in temporary memory.

18.0 Select TGT MODE. This select stabilization gain

for adjustment.

19.0 Place aircraft into, and maintain, a shallow bank (10° to 15°, either left or


Prolong flight at a constant bank angle can cause precession in some gyro systems. Therefore, this attitude should
not be maintained for more than a few minutes. Additionally, after resuming straight and level flight, it is wise to
wait a few minutes for the gyro system to be corrected.

20.0 Adjust TILT. Adjust for best lest/right sym-

metry of ground return dis-

21.0 Press HLD momentarily to store adjusted value in temporary memory.

22.0 At this point, select TGT MODE and any desired RANGE to view any radar
target display before storing adjusted parameters in permanent memory.

28 April 1991 2-28





PART NUMBER 523-0775822-00111A, 1ST EDITION, DATED 27 APRIL 1991

Insert this addendum sheet facing page 2-29

of the Installation Section (523-0775824-001118)

Table 2-16 contains an In-Flight Stabilization Alignment Procedure for AMS-5000 Equipped Beechjet 400A.

Table 2-16. In-Flight Stabilization Alignment Procedure for AMS-5000 Equipped Beechjet 400A
1 Fly to cruise altitude (15k to 30k feet). Fly in HDG or ROLL mode for wings level
flight over known level terrain.
2 Select RANGE 50 and MAP mode.
3 Enter the STAB TRIM mode by pressing the STABILIZATION TRIM line key on CDU
Radar page 2.
Enter WXSETUP in the scratchpad and press the ENTER PASSWORD line key. The STAB TRIM page should now be
displayed on the CDU.
Leaving the STAB TRIM page for any
reason, such as going to a TUN page, will
end the STAB TRIM without saving any
settings and the process must be started
4 Adjust TILT for ground returns at about 25 miles.
5 Press the ROLL OFFSET line key to display the ROLL OFFSET page.
Adjust the TILT knob for an equal amount of ground returns on the left and right
sides of the display.
Press TEMPORARY CAPTURE line key when satisfied.
6 Press the PITCH OFFSET line key to display the PITCH OFFSET page. Set for best arc shape, not egg-shaped or
flat. The picture should stay the same with
Adjust the TILT knob for returns in the center and returns on the left/right to be equal the aircraft nose up or down.
Press TEMPORARY CAPTURE line key when satisfied.
7 Use ½ BANK to set up and maintain a 10° to 15° bank angle.
8 Press the ROLL GAIN line key to display the ROLL GAIN page.
Adjust the TILT knob for equal amount of ground returns on the left and right sides
of the display.
Press the TEMPORARY CAPTURE line key when satisfied.
9 Repeat any adjustments as necessary.
Press the CAPTURE line key to permanently store the new settings or press the
CANCEL line key to exit the STAB TRIM mode without saving.
10 Observe the radar display in normal flight for proper stabilization. Repeat the above
adjustments as necessary.

Addendum 7
23 May 1999 Sheet 1 of 1
523-0775822-07111A (Facing Page 2-29)
installation 523-0775824

Table 2-14. Detailed In-Flight Stabilization Alignment Procedures.


23.0 If, for any reason, you want to readjust a parameter, select MODE switch
position corresponding to desired parameter and readjust TILT as necessary.
Press HLD to store adjusted value in temporary memory.

24.0 If, for any reason, you want to restart procedure, select STBY to discard any
adjusted values and return to step 8.0.

25.0 If you are satisfied that the adjustments are the best that can be obtained,
press recessed button to store adjusted values in permanent memory and exit
stabilization alignment mode.

Table 2-15. Abbreviated In-Flight Stabilization Alignment Procedures.


1.0 After arriving at cruise altitude, trim aircraft for straight and level flight. Use
heading or manual flight for straight and level flight.

2.0 Select RANGE 50 and MAP MODE.

3.0 Adjust TILT. Adjust for ground return at

about 25 nmi.

4.0 Press recessed button. This activates alignment


5.0 Select WX, adjust TILT, and press HLD to save. Adjust for left/right symme-
try of display.

6.0 Select MAP, adjust TILT, and press HLD to save. Adjust for uniform distance
to display edge.

7.0 Set up and maintain a constant aircraft bank altitude of about 10° to 15°.

8.0 Select TGT, adjust TILT, and press HLD to save. Adjust for left/right symme-
try of display.

9.0 Trim aircraft for straight and level flight.

10.0 Repeat as necessary:

a. Select STBY.

b. Go back to step 2.0.


Return to step 5.0, 6.0, or 7.0

11.0 Press recessed button.

28 April 1991 2-29

installation 523-0775824

Use of Crimp and Insertion Tools

Figure 2-2

28 April 1991 2-30

installation 523-0775824

RTA-84X and WXP-840( ) Mating Connector Assembly

Figure 2-3

28 April 1991 2-31/(2-32 blank)

installation 523-0775824

WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System,

Interconnect Wiring Diagram
Figure 2-4 (Sheet 1 of 3)

28 April 1991 2-33/(2-34 blank)

installation 523-0775824

WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System,

Interconnect Wiring Diagram
Figure 2-4 (Sheet 2)

28 April 1991 2-35/(2-36 blank)

installation 523-0775824

WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System,

Interconnect Wiring Diagram
Figure 2-4 (Sheet 3)

28 April 1991 2-37/(2-38 blank)





PART NUMBER 523-0775822-00111A, 1ST EDITION, DATED 27 APRIL 1991

Insert this addendum sheet facing page 2-39

of the Installation Section (523-0775824-001118)

In Figure 2-5, the description for pin 31 of the RTA-840 mating connector does not completely show the functions
provided on this pin for attitude input.

The description for pin 31 should read as follows:

31 ARINC 429 12.5 kBd / 100 kBd DIGITAL OR

50 mV/DEGREE / 200 mV/DEGREE

The line over the description indicates that the pin is connected to pin 12, PROGRAM COMMON.

Addendum 6
20 May 1999 Sheet 1 of 1
523-0775822-06111A (Facing Page 2-39)
installation 523-0775824

RTA-84X Receiver/Transmitter/Antenna Connector J1 Pin Assignments

Figure 2-5

28 April 1991 2-39

installation 523-0775824

WXP-840( ) Weather Radar Panel, Connector J1 Pin Assignments

Figure 2-6 (Sheet 1 of 2)

28 April 1991 2-40

installation 523-0775824

WXP-840( ) Weather Radar Panel, Connector J1 Pin Assignments

Figure 2-6 (Sheet 2)

28 April 1991 2-41/(2-42 blank)

WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System

WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System



Insert facing page 2-43.
Subject: Replace Figure 2-7.

Temporary Revision 8 Page 6

523-0775822-08111A Feb 2/01
installation 523-0775824

RTA-84X Receiver/Transmitter/Antenna,
Outline and Mounting Diagram
Figure 2-7

28 April 1991 2-43

installation 523-0775824

RTA-84X Antenna to Aircraft Axis Mounting Diagram

Figure 2-8

28 April 1991 2-44

installation 523-0775824

RTA Mounting Hole Pattern Diagram

Figure 2-9

RTA Mounting Hole Alignment Bar

Figure 2-10

28 April 1991 2-45

installation 523-0775824

Use of Alignment Bar Diagram

Figure 2-11

28 April 1991 2-46

installation 523-0775824

WXP-840A Weather Radar Panel,

Outline and Mounting Dimensions
Figure 2-12

28 April 1991 2-47

installation 523-0775824

WXP-840B Weather Radar Panel,

Outline and mounting dimensions
Figure 2-13

28 April 1991 2-48

installation 523-0775824

Wire Marking Strandard

Figure 2-14

28 April 1991 2-49

installation 523-0775824

WXR-840 System Input/Output Circuits

Figure 2-15 (Sheet 1 of 4)

28 April 1991 2-50

installation 523-0775824

WXR-840 System Input/Output Circuits

Figure 2-15 (Sheet 2)

28 April 1991 2-51

installation 523-0775824

WXR-840 System Input/Output Circuits

Figure 2-15 (Sheet 3)

28 April 1991 2-52

installation 523-0775824

WXR-840 System Input/Output Circuits

Figure 2-15 (Sheet 4)

28 April 1991 2-53/(2-54 blank)





PART NUMBER 523-0775822-00111A, DATED 28 APRIL 1991

Insert this addendum sheet and following sheets

with Figure 2-17 and Figure 2-18 after Page 2-54
of the Installation Section (523-0775824-001118)

Insert new Figure 2-16 (Sheet 1).

Figure 2-16 (Sheet 1 of 2). WXA-850A Weather Radar Adapter (CPN 822-0053-001),
Installation Control Drawing
Addendum 4
30 May 1998 Sheet 6 of 9
523-0775822-04111A (Following Page 2-54)




PART NUMBER 523-0775822-00111A, DATED 28 APRIL 1991

Insert new Figure 2-16 (Sheet 2).

Figure 2-16 (Sheet 2 of 2). WXA-850A Weather Radar Adapter (CPN 822-0053-001),
Installation Control Drawing
Addendum 4
30 May 1998 Sheet 7 of 9




PART NUMBER 523-0775822-00111A, DATED 28 APRIL 1991

Insert new Figure 2-17

Figure 2-17. WXA-850A Control Adapter Mount (CPN 827-5060-001),

Component Location Diagram



– Mount, control adapter 827–5060–001

1 Strap, mounting 827–5053–001
2 Spring, conical 634–1519–002
3 Clamp, mounting 827–5058–001
4 Nut, special 653–1299–001
5 Retainer, nut, special 653–2142–001
6 Screw, .112-40 X .19 (qty 2) 342–0043–000
7 Screw, .138-32 X .375 (qty 5) 343–0169–000
8 Washer, lock, No. 6 (qty 5) 310–0282–000

Addendum 4
30 May 1998 Sheet 8 of 9




PART NUMBER 523-0775822-00111A, DATED 28 APRIL 1991

Insert new Figure 2-18

Figure 2-18. WXA-850A Control Adapter Mount (CPN 628-9865-001),

Component Location Diagram



– Mount, control adapter 628–9865–001

1 Strap, mounting 628–9866–001
2 Spring, conical 634–1519–002
3 Clamp, mounting 628–9867–001
4 Nut, special 653–1299–001
5 Retainer, nut, special 653–2142–001
6 Screw, .112-40 X .19 FLH (qty 2) 342–0043–000
7 Screw, .138-32 X .75 PNH 343–0174–000
10 Washer, lock, No. 6 (qty 5) 310–0282–000
11 Nut, hex, lock, No. 6 846–2016–010

Addendum 4
30 May 1998 Sheet 9 of 9
section III

3.1 WEATHER RADAR SYSTEM the WXR-840 system operating mode, range, tilt,
OPERATION etc, for display on their respective NDs (Naviga-
tion Displays).
This section provides information for a basic
understanding of the operation of the WXR-840 3.1.1 Introduction
Advanced Weather Radar System.
The WXP-840A/B Weather Radar Panel provides
Figure 3-1 shows the WXR-840 Advanced Weath- the data processing, mode control, range selec-
er Radar System operating controls. All operat- tion, and other system operating controls for the
ing controls for the WXR-840 Advanced Weather WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System.
Radar System are located on the WXP-840A or Weather radar information from the WXP-840A/B
WXP-840B Weather Radar Panel. The installa- is displayed on the MFD (MultiFunction Display;
tion can feature either one or two WXP-840A/B refer to Figure 3-2) or the NDs (Navigation
panels. This optional dual control capability Displays) which are part of the Collins EFIS
allows the pilot and copilot to individually select (Electronic Flight Instrument System).

WXP-840A/B Control Functions

Figure 3-1

28 April 1991 3-1

operation 523-0775825

The WXR-840 system provides the following antenna scan drive circuits, are inhibited when-
display and performance features: ever STBY is selected. Approximately 20 seconds
after turning the MFD PWR switch on, one range
a. A 4-color weather display: green, yellow, red, arc, airplane symbol, compass sector, and STBY
and magenta, plus the black screen itself should appear on the MFD. It may be necessary
b. PAC (Path Attenuation Correction), with a to adjust the INT (intensity) control on the MFD.
PAC Alert arc appearing in yellow at the
perimeter of the display TEST
c. GCS (Ground Clutter Suppression)
d. SLV (SLaVe) switching for use when two TEST mode initiates the radar self-test function
indicators (such as both NDs or an MFD and and causes the radar self-test display to appear.
an ND) and two WXP-840A/B controls are TEST is annunciated on the MFD.
e. AUTO (AUTOtilt) The radar self-test display is graphically de-
f. Sector scan scribed in Figure 3-2 and consists of six colored
g. In-flight stabilization/alignment mode (instal- arcs evenly spaced across the full sector of the
lation option) display. Each arc verifies the system’s ability to
process and display the precipitation intensity
The following paragraphs describe the WXP- level or other display data that is normally repre-
840A/B operating controls. sented by that color. At the apex, occupying a
range approximately equal to two of the color
bands, are two arcs of black which represent no
detectable moisture. Progressing outward, the
colored arcs proceed as green, yellow, red, magen-
The colors of weather radar mode annun-
ta, a ring that alternates between red and ma-
ciators, arc format, and map format de-
genta, and, finally, an outer band of yellow. The
pend on the type of EFIS display being
green band represents the first level of precipita-
used. Refer to the appropriate EFIS man-
tion. The first band of yellow represents the
ual for annunciator, arc format, and map
second level of precipitation intensity, while the
format colors.
outer band represents PAC Alert. Red is used for
the third level of intensity, and magenta is used
3.1.2 MODE Control
for the most intense precipitation level.
The MODE control is a rotary switch used to TGT (Target Alert)
select the various operating modes of the WXR-
840 system. The MODE control switch positions
TGT mode permits weather targets to be detected
and the corresponding modes are as follows.
and annunciated without the targets themselves
appearing on the weather radar display. This OFF
mode is normally used when other data (eg,
checklists, remote data, etc) is being displayed on
OFF mode removes power from the RTA-84X
the MFD.
Receiver/Transmitter/Antenna and WXR-840A/B
Weather Radar Panel. OFF will be displayed on
When TGT mode is selected, the radar transmit-
the MFD.
ter is energized, the antenna scans, TGT (mode)
is annunciated, and, box with TGT inscribed STBY (Standby)
appears non-flashing to the right of the lubber
line or the digital heading readout. The target
In STBY mode, power is applied to the RTA-84X
alert mode notifies the pilot when a weather
Receiver/Transmitter/Antenna with a short (ap-
target that is producing rainfall rates greater
proximately 3-second) initialization period. Dur-
than 0.5 inch/hour within 7 to 200 nmi and ±15°
ing the initialization process, the RTA drives its
of dead ahead is detected. The boxed TGT an-
antenna to the boresight position (0° azimuth and
nunciator will flash when preceding target condi-
0° tilt). The antenna will remain in this position
tions are detected within the target alert window,
as long as STBY is selected. The weather dis-
regardless of the range selected.
play, radar transmitter, and, after initialization,

28 April 1991 3-2

operation 523-0775825

WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System, Typical Self-Test Pattern

Figure 3-2

This flashing annunciation indicates to the pilot weather above the minimum display threshold
that a severe precipitation rate has been detect- appears as one of four colors: green, yellow, red,
ed. When this occurs, the pilot should select the or magenta (in the order of least reflective to
weather mode and RDR should be selected or the most reflective). (Refer to Table 3-2 for a reflec-
MFD, or the NDs should be placed in a format tivity chart that shows the relationship between
that allows weather to be displayed. reflectivity levels, precipitation rates, and dis-
played colors.) WX will be displayed in the upper MAP left of the MFD.

Selecting MAP mode automatically disables the With WX mode selected, the PAC (Path Attenua-
PAC Alert and GCS features. Map format, range tion Correction) feature is automatically enabled.
annunciators, ground targets, and MAP will be The purpose of PAC is to compensate for the
displayed. MAP will be displayed in the upper radar beam absorption as it penetrates a given
left of the MFD. precipitation cell. This overcomes the tendency
in non-compensated radar to underestimate the WX true image of a precipitation cell simply because
the energy is absorbed as it penetrates the cell.
Selecting WX mode allows the weather radar When radar targets are of sufficient magnitude
system to operate in the weather detection mode. (intensity and depth) to exhaust the full range of
Detectable weather is color coded; detectable attenuation correction, a condition known as PAC

28 April 1991 3-3

operation 523-0775825

Alert exists. PAC Alert highlights those sectors The GAIN control can be used in the MAP and
of uncertainty which are masked by intervening WX modes. The display color of a target depends
beam absorption. The bearing toward these on the GAIN setting currently being used. In WX
areas is shown by a yellow arc (bar) at the perim- mode and with the GAIN control in the CAL
eter of the radar display (refer to Figure 3-3). position, all detectable targets are shown in the
(For the WXR-840 system, the yellow PAC Alert following four colors: green, yellow, red, and
arc will appear when the system can no longer magenta (least reflective to most reflective). In
detect a Z4 (red level) target at a range where Z3 MAP mode and with the GAIN control in the CAL
(yellow level) targets would normally be detect- position, all detectable targets are shown in four
able without intervening weather.) The pilot can colors.
then recognize that, from his present position,
any precipitation in the sector between the The selected GAIN is annunciated (G-1, G+3, etc)
displayed weather and the yellow PAC Alert arc in the upper left of the MFD. In the CAL posi-
may be underestimated and should be avoided. tion, G+0 may be annunciated.

3.1.4 TILT Control

The radar antenna is fully stabilized to compen-
The PAC feature is intended for weather
sate for aircraft pitch and roll attitude changes.
detection modes only. Using a weather
The TILT control allows adjusting the vertical
detection mode and downward tilt to pro-
aim of the radar antenna from approximately 15°
duce a ground map will probably produce
down to 15° up from horizontal. When stabiliza-
a display which makes correct interpreta-
tion (STB) is on, the combined TILT and stabili-
tion more difficult. The PAC circuit will
zation control range is from 30° down to 30° up.
interpret the return signals from ground
targets as intense storm targets and try
The tilt angle, in fourths of a degree with the
to compensate for the attenuated signal,
hundredth’s digit rounded off (eg, +10.7, -5.2,
resulting in the yellow PAC Alert arc
etc), is annunciated on the MFD.
appearing at the perimeter of the display.
In MAP mode, the PAC Alert feature is
3.1.5 RANGE Control
automatically disabled.
The RANGE control is a rotary switch that is
3.1.3 GAIN Control
used to select the maximum display range of the
WXR-840 system. All of the selectable ranges
The GAIN control is a 7-position switch for
provide one range arc in the center of the MFD
manual gain control of the radar receiver. When
and ND (if weather radar is selected on the ND’s
placed in the CAL position, the gain is preset to
control panel along with a sector format) with
a value that allows the radar receiver to calibrate
half-scale range annunciation at the right-hand
its operation to the Z4 (red) return level. Each of
end of the range arc and full range annunciation
the minus settings (-1, -2, -3) reduces receiver
at the outer range arc. The selectable ranges and
sensitivity below the CAL level by 6 dB for a
range mark annunciations are shown in
total reduction of 18 dB when in the -3 position.
Table 3-1.
Adjusting the GAIN control switch cw (ie, in the
+ direction) has the effect of increasing the Table 3-1. Selectable Ranges and Annunciation.
system sensitivity by appropriating sensitivity
factors from other features. For example, within
the STC range, the normal receiver sensitivity SELECTED RANGE, RANGE MARK
reduction for STC is partially or wholly canceled
in order to effect an increase in receiver sensi- 5 2.5
tivity. At ranges beyond STC, the various rain- 10 5
fall rate threshold levels are reduced or narrowed 25 12.5
50 25
to give the appearance of an increase in sensi-
100 50
tivity. 200 100
300 150

28 April 1991 3-4

WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System

WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System



Insert facing page 3-5.

Subject: Revise table

In Table 3-2, delete the column “REFLECTIVITY LEVEL”, the result of which is shown below:

Table 3-2. Reflectivity Chart.

in/hr mm/hr
less than 0.03 Less than 0.762 Black
0.03 to 0.15 0.762 to 3.81 Green
0.15 to 0.5 3.81 to 12.7 Yellow
0.5 to 2.0 12.7 to 50.8 Red
2.0 and greater 50.8 and greater Magenta

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Table 3-2. Reflectivity Chart.

LEVEL in/hr mm/hr COLOR

Z1 = <20 dBz less than 0.03 Less than 0.762 Black

Z2 = >20 dBz 0.03 to 0.15 0.762 to 3.81 Green

Z3 = >30 dBz 0.15 to 0.5 3.81 to 12.7 Yellow

Z4 = >40 dBz 0.5 to 2.0 12.7 to 50.8 Red

Z5 = >50 dBz 2.0 and greater 50.8 and greater Magenta

PAC Alert Radar Display

Figure 3-3

3.1.6 GCS (Ground Clutter Suppression) ground return display. When not selected,
Pushbutton ground display is removed at the normal antenna
sweep rate.
The ground clutter suppression feature is enabled
by pressing the GCS button and is available only When selected, GCS is annunciated on the MFD.
in the wx mode. When selected, GCS reduces the
intensity of ground returns so that most of them 3.1.7 SLV (SLaVe) Pushbutton (Not present
disappear from the display, allowing better on some systems)
definition of precipitation targets. Any MODE or
RANGE change automatically cancels GCS. At The slave mode is enabled by pressing the latch-
system power-up, GCS is not selected. GCS ing push-on/push-off SLV button so that the
should only be used to help differentiate weather feature is selected (button in). The SLV mode is
returns from ground returns (clutter). When used only in those installations that have dual
selected, GCS is enabled for approximately 12 WXP-840A/B panels. Therefore, in SLV operable
seconds, after which normal operation is restored systems, pressing the SLV button on one WXP-
automatically. A special strap is used at installa- 840A/B selects the slave mode and causes the ND
tion to select a feature called "Instant GCS." on that side to display the MODE, RANGE, TILT,
When selected, this feature allows fast removal of and GAIN selected by the other WXP-840A/B in

28 April 1991 3-5

operation 523-0775825

the installation. (Weather radar must be selected manually for different altitudes or range selec-
on the ND’s control panel along with a sector tions. The normal procedure for using autotilt is
format.) System control is then accomplished by as follows:
the other WXP-840A/B (the one without SLV
selected). Selecting SLV on both WXP-840A/B a. Select WX or MAP mode and the maximum
panels places the WXR-840 in the standby mode, range desired.
and STBY is annunciated on the MFD and the b. Adjust the TILT control so that a light band
NDs. Momentarily pressing the SLV button a of ground return is visible at the outer perim-
second time returns the system to normal opera- eter of the display.
tion. c. Engage AUTOtilt.

3.1.8 STB (STaBilization) Pushbutton When autotilt is on and a different range is

selected or the aircraft changes altitude, the
The latching push-on/push-off STB button en- RTA-84X automatically tilts the antenna to
ables or disables the radar antenna pitch and roll maintain the same relationship between beam
stabilization circuits. This feature is disabled deflection and display. Altitude information is
only when a failure in the horizontal and/or internally derived. Pushing the AUTO switch
vertical reference system causes the radar system back to its "in" position turns off the autotilt
to become unusable. STB is normally enabled feature.
(button in).
Autotilt is annunciated with an A preceding the
If stabilization is not selected, USTB is annunci- tilt angle in fourths of a degree with the
ated on the MFD. If stabilization is selected, hundredth’s digit rounded off (eg, A+10.7, A-5.2,
there is no stabilization-related annunciation. If etc).
there is an attitude fault, a flashing USTB is
annunciated. 3.1.11 SEC (Sector) Pushbutton

3.1.9 HLD (Hold) Pushbutton The sector scan switch is a non-latching momen-
tary switch located concentric with the RANGE
Pressing the non-latching HLD button (located control. Sector scan is selected by pressing in on
concentric with the GAIN control) interrupts the SEC switch. When SEC is thus selected, the
updating of the weather display on the MFD. antenna azimuth scan angle is reduced from ±60°
Updating is resumed when the HLD button is on either side of the aircraft’s nose to ±30°. With
pressed again; when a MODE, RANGE, GAIN, the antenna scan angle reduced by 50 percent,
GCS, SLV, or SEC change occurs; or when power the weather radar display update rate is doubled.
to the system is cycled (turned off and then This feature can be effectively used for a more
turned on again). The system powers up with careful study of dynamic conditions and is espe-
HLD mode not selected. cially useful in aircraft which use two WXP-
840A/B’s. In such an installation, either panel
ln HLD mode, the weather radar annunciator in can select or cancel the reduced sector scan
the upper left corner of the MFD and at the left function for the WXR-840 system. The system
end of the range mark on the ND alternates powers up with SEC mode not selected.
between HOLD and the selected mode (HOLD-
WX-HOLD-WX, etc). The alternating words serve SEC mode is annunciated by decreasing the
to remind the pilot that the system is in the HLD range mark to the new reduced sector scan area.
mode and the weather radar display is not being
updated. 3.1.12 Fault Monitor

3.1.10 AUTO (AUTOtilt) Switch The fault monitoring function built into the
WXR-840 system has priority over any selected
Autotilt is selected by pulling outward on the mode. The word FAULT is annunciated and
AUTO switch (located concentric with the TILT alternates between FAULT and the selected mode
control). Autotilt is designed to reduce pilot annunciation if a fault is detected anywhere in
workload by reducing the need to readjust tilt the system. If the fault is in the form of an

28 April 1991 3-6

WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System

WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System



Insert facing page 3-7.

Subject: Revise table

Revise data in Table 3-3 as shown below. Changes are in bold text.

Table 3-3. Table of Radar Display Versus Rainfall Rate.


Severe turbulence, large hail,
Extreme 6 Greater than 5.0 lightning, extensive wind gusts and
Magenta Greater than 2.0 turbulence
Severe turbulence, lightning,
Intense 5 2.0 to 5.0
organized wind gusts, hail likely
Very strong 4 1.02 to 1.97 Severe turbulence likely, lightning
Red 0.5 to 2.0
Strong 3 0.48 to 0.98 Severe turbulence possible, lightning
Yellow 0.15 to 0.5 Moderate 2 0.10 to 0.48 Light to moderate turbulence
Green 0.03 to 0.15 Weak 1 0.01 to 0.10 possible, lightning

Black Less than 0.03

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operation 523-0775825

interrupted communication link between the 3.1.13 Other Operational Considerations

RTA-84X and the WXP-840A/B, then the word
FAULT appears non-flashing. Temporary fault Precipitation Display Levels
conditions can be cleared by selecting STBY mode
and then returning the mode control to any other The WXR-840 has been designed to accurately
operational selection. If this method does not detect and display precipitation. While it is not
clear the fault, then the system should be turned uncommon for a weather radar system to detect
off and some type of repair action performed. and display solid or dry objects, weather radar
should never be used for that purpose. Table 3-3
is an expansion of the reflectivity chart in
Table 3-2 and shows the relationship between the
displayed levels of the WXR-840 system, rainfall
The WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar
rates, and VIP (Video Integrated Processor)
System has been designed to exhibit a
thunderstorm levels as used by the US national
very high degree of functional integrity.
Weather Service.
Nevertheless, the pilot must recognize
that it is not practical to provide monitor-
The table shows that the display color green
ing for all failure conditions. However
corresponds closely with the weather service VIP
unlikely, it is possible that erroneous
level 1. Display color yellow corresponds with
operation could occur without a fault
VIP level 2. Display color red covers VIP levels
indication. It is therefore the responsi-
3 and 4, and magenta covers VIP levels 5 and 6.
bility of the pilot and/or copilot to detect
such an occurrence by continually assess-
Storm categories from strong to very strong with
ing the reasonableness of the displayed
rainfall rates up to approximately 2 inches/hour
information and by monitoring returns
are included in the red display level return, while
from known weather or terrain and cross-
storm categories from intense to extreme and
checking the displayed data against other
rainfall rates greater than 5 inches/hour are
sources of weather information, such as
included in the magenta display level return.
radio broadcasting stations, other pilots,
The REMARKS column of the table suggests
and visual sightings.

Table 3-3. Table of Radar Display Versus Rainfall Rate.




Magenta Greater than 2.0 Extreme 6 Greater than 5.0 Severe turbulence, large hail, light-
ning, extensive wind gusts and tur-

Intense 5 2.0 to 5.0 Severe turbulence, lightning, orga-

nized wind gusts, hail likely

Red 0.47 to 2.0 Very strong 4 1.02 to 1.97 Severe turbulence likely, lightning

Strong 3 0.48 to 0.98 Severe turbulence possible, light-


Yellow 0.16 to 0.47 Moderate 2 0.10 to 0.48 Light to moderate turbulence pos-
sible, lightning
Green 0.04 to 0.16 Weak 1 0.01 to 0.10

Black Less than 0.04

28 April 1991 3-7

operation 523-0775825

what can probably be expected for each storm power, addresses the performance of the trans-
category. mitter. Obviously, if insufficient energy is avail-
able at the radiating antenna, insufficient energy
It is important to note that when the WXP- will be available at the target and the perfor-
840A/B GAIN control is in the CAL position and mance of the radar system will be degraded. The
a red target is being displayed, it cannot be fourth item, radome transmissivity, has become
determined from the display alone if the red area an increasingly important issue with the more
is a VIP level 3 or 4 storm. Likewise, if a magen- modern radar systems. The output power of
ta target is being displayed, it cannot be deter- modern radar systems has been significantly
mined from the display alone if the magenta area decreased compared to earlier systems. For
is a VIP level 5 or 6 storm. If this information is example, a typical weather radar system availa-
necessary, it must be acquired during preflight or ble about mid-century featured a power output of
from Flight Watch when in route. If WX mode is several hundred kilowatts. The WXR-840 output
selected and the display shows areas of magenta, power is a nominal 25 watts. This dramatic
Table 3-3 shows that VIP level 5 or 6 storms can reduction in output power demands a compen-
be expected to be extremely hazardous, and the sating increase in overall performance efficiency,
pilot is cautioned that flight near these areas can largely in the form of increased receiver sensitivi-
be hazardous and should be avoided. ty and sophisticated signal processing.

A good analogy of weather radar operation is that

of operating a flashlight on a dark night. First,
consider beam focus; the sharper the focus of the
Proper use of the GAIN control allows the
flashlight beam, the greater the distance at
experienced pilot to estimate rainfall
which an object can be seen and the more detail
rates greater than a VIP level 3 (red) or 5
is observable in the illuminated object. The
(magenta) return. Targets still being dis-
reason for this is that the light energy is concen-
played in a reduced gain condition would
trated into a narrower cross-sectional area and
imply that hail and very heavy rainfall
therefore a greater concentration of energy is
are likely.
available at the target to be reflected back to the
observer. In radar, technology has yet to achieve Signal Strength at the Target and
good narrow beam concentration in a small
Propagation Attenuation
antenna reflector. Hence, it is true today that
the larger the reflector, the narrower the beam,
A limitation that must be understood involves
and the narrower the beam the better the radar
factors affecting the transmitted radar signal
performance. It is also true that the larger
strength at the target. A number of easily identi-
reflector offers improved return signal reception.
fiable factors can be considered:
In the case of the flashlight analogy, however,
your eye is able to distinguish the position of an
a. Propagation attenuation
object even if it is on the fringe of the flashlight
b. Beam width
beam. This part of the analogy does not hold in
c. Transmitter output power
radar. Radar is not able to detect, with precision,
d. Radome transmissivity
that the reflected energy being detected may have
reflected from an object on the fringe of the radar
As the transmitted radar beam radiates through
beam and hence is being diminished in its promi-
the atmosphere, it gradually weakens. This loss
nence because it is positioned outside the area of
of signal strength is called propagation attenua-
greatest energy concentration. In a radar dis-
tion and is due primarily to distance and inter-
play, all detected objects are assumed to be at the
vening atmospheric conditions. The second
center of the beam. This can result in a slight
factor, beam width, somewhat related to the first,
exaggeration in the size of a target.
involves the degree to which the transmitted
energy is concentrated into a beam. The specifi-
Attenuation due to distance is a function of basic
cations for beam width generally relate to the
physics as well as the design of the weather
angle which encloses the power level between 50
radar antenna (beam width). The same condi-
and 100 percent of the peak power level of the
tions that cause the transmitted energy to be
beam. The third factor, transmitter output

28 April 1991 3-8

WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System

WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System



Insert facing page 3-8.

Subject: Revise table

Revise data in Table 3-3 as shown below. Changes are in bold text.

Table 3-3. Table of Radar Display Versus Rainfall Rate.


Severe turbulence, large hail,
Extreme 6 Greater than 5.0 lightning, extensive wind gusts and
Magenta Greater than 2.0 turbulence
Severe turbulence, lightning,
Intense 5 2.0 to 5.0
organized wind gusts, hail likely
Very strong 4 1.02 to 1.97 Severe turbulence likely, lightning
Red 0.5 to 2.0
Strong 3 0.48 to 0.98 Severe turbulence possible, lightning
Yellow 0.15 to 0.5 Moderate 2 0.10 to 0.48 Light to moderate turbulence
Green 0.03 to 0.15 Weak 1 0.01 to 0.10 possible, lightning

Black Less than 0.03

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operation 523-0775825

attenuated also affect the reflected (returning) will grow in intensity due to lessened attenuation
energy. As a rule of thumb, doubling the dis- right up to the 65- or 75-nmi STC boundary.
tance to a target reduces the strength of the From the STC boundary inward, the MFD or NDs
signal by a factor of 4 and in some instances by display a justified image that allows accurate
a factor of 16. All airborne weather radars have assessment (assuming attenuation due to precipi-
a maximum range for detecting any returns from tation is taken into account). For most radars,
a storm that contains just 12.5 mm (approximate- targets beyond the STC boundary will not be
ly 1/2 inch)/hour rainfall. That distance is known properly displayed according to the standard
as the "avoidance range" and is a performance relationship between return level and rainfall
index that results when certain standard condi- intensity. However, the WXR-840 provides
tions (specified by ARINC characteristic no 564-1) range-adjusted thresholds to help compensate for
are applied to the radar system performance this relationship at ranges beyond 65 or 75 nmi.
characteristics. Other factors, such as a poorly
designed radome or one that has been subjected Pilots are well advised to remember that any
to poor maintenance care, will measurably de- return (display level 1, 2, 3, or 4) from a storm at
grade the theoretical avoidance range of the a significant distance usually indicates extremely
airborne weather radar system. high rates of rainfall and, as shown in the RE-
MARKS column of Table 3-3, moderate to severe
The avoidance range of the WXR-840 Advanced turbulence can be expected. These areas of
Weather Radar System is 280 nmi when used rainfall should be avoided. As the aircraft ap-
with a 12-inch flat plate antenna. This means proaches a target, the decrease in range causes
that the radar system is capable of showing a the target display intensity to increase. This
green return from a storm at 280 nmi that has a intensification may be the result of decreasing
level 3 rainfall rate of 12.5 mm/ hour, provided range and not necessarily target intensification.
the radar system is searching through dry air
and a good radome. Notice the result of attenua- The second type of attenuation that can reduce
tion due to distance on this theoretical target: the performance of any X-band airborne weather
radar system is attenuation due to intervening
At 280 nmi, 12.5 mm (or 1/2 inch)/hour rainfall, precipitation. Moisture, and especially rainfall,
which is a VIP level 3 (or possibly 5; refer to deflects radar signals. This has the effect of
Table 3-3), the radar produces only a green reducing the energy level available at a more
display on the MFD or ND, a full two levels less distant target and thus can be seen as signal
than the true intensity level. In the WXR-840 path attenuation. The amount of attenuation due
system, STC (sensitivity time control) is used to to precipitation depends entirely on the rainfall
compensate somewhat for this condition. Obvi- rate. For example, the WXR-840 Advanced
ously, there is a practical limit as to the amount Weather Radar System, with its avoidance range
of correction that can be applied. In the WXR- of 280 nmi in dry air, may not be able to detect a
840 system, the limit is an optimized function of VIP level 5 or 6 storm even at 125 nmi if there is
the mode and maximum range selected. intervening rainfall. There are instances where
wide bands of moderate rainfall or narrower Range Compensation bands of heavy rainfall can attenuate the trans-
mitted energy to a point where it can no longer
As previously discussed, attenuation due to detect rainfall beyond a certain point. This can
distance reduces the strength of radar signals. result in a display that would seem to indicate no
As the aircraft approaches a storm, this type of rainfall beyond that point when in fact it is not
attenuation rapidly decreases, thus increasing known whether there is rainfall or not simply
signal strength and giving the appearance on the because there is no "visibility" beyond that point.
displays of rapid intensification of the target. At These blind areas are caused by the inability of
ranges of approximately 65 nmi (with a 12- or the radar energy to penetrate the intervening
14-inch antenna) or 75 nmi (with an 18-inch precipitation.
antenna), the weather radar system compensates
for this problem by its sensitivity time control As an aid in the detection and avoidance of these
(STC) circuit. As the aircraft approaches a potentially hazardous blind areas, the WXR-840
storm, the returns displayed on the MFD or NDs system provides a PAC (Path Attenuation Correc-

28 April 1991 3-9

operation 523-0775825

tion) feature. The purpose of PAC is to compen- Antenna Size

sate for the radar beam attenuation as it pene-
trates a given precipitation cell. This overcomes The WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System
the tendency in non-compensated radar to under- is available with an 18-, 14-, or 12-inch flat-plate,
estimate the true image of a precipitation cell phased-array antenna. In most cases, the area
simply because the radar energy is attenuated as available within the radome of the aircraft deter-
it penetrates atmospheric conditions ahead of the mines which antenna can be used. Collins Gen-
object cell. When these radar targets are of eral Aviation Division recommends installing the
sufficient magnitude (intensity and depth) to use largest possible antenna that will fit into the
up the full range of attenuation correction, a space available. The larger the antenna, the
condition known as "PAC Alert" exists. PAC narrower the beam width, and the better the
Alert informs the pilot when the radar encoun- overall system performance.
ters a target having rainfall rates heavy enough
to attenuate the beam so much that targets Figure 3-4 shows the beam width relationship
behind it may be hidden. PAC Alert highlights between the 18-, 14-, and 12-inch antennas. (The
these areas of uncertainty by placing a yellow beam width angle shown on the drawing is not to
PAC Alert arc at the outer perimeter of the radar scale but the dimensions shown are correct.) The
range being displayed and located along the commonly held concept of radar beam shape is
perimeter with respect to the bearing toward that the beam is a very narrow and parallel beam
these areas. The pilot can then recognize that, (pencil beam). Note that the beam of energy
from his present position, any precipitation in the radiating from the antenna is actually cone-
area between the displayed target(s) and the yel- shaped. The diagram also shows that the larger
low PAC Alert arc(s) is undetectable and should the diameter of the antenna, the narrower the
be avoided. beam width. The narrower beam width improves
the ability of the radar system to detect targets
Note at the longer ranges, minimize beam width
distortion, and improve detail on the display.
In addition to the PAC Alert feature,
The radar system performance at lower altitudes
proper adjustment of the TILT control
is also improved when a larger antenna (narrow-
allows the pilot to "see" radar shadows,
er beam width) is used. Figure 3-4 shows that a
thus avoiding the mistake of trying to fly
radar system with a 12-inch antenna and at
through a thin spot that is actually the
40,000 ft and 0° tilt angle would probably show
heart of the storm. This adjustment
ground targets at less than 100 nmi. With an
procedure is located in the operation
18-inch reflector and at the same altitude, the
section of the pilot’s handbook.
ground return would probably not appear until
well over 100 nmi. The narrower beam allows a
The important thing to remember about attenua-
more direct observation at the lower and mid-
tion due to precipitation is that the radar energy
sections of a storm cell and reduces the display
may not be able penetrate a given precipitation
clutter caused by ground targets.
cell with enough energy remaining to give an
accurate assessment of any additional cell(s) that
The airborne weather radar system measures the
may be lurking beyond. Of course, it is also
intensity of the precipitation in a storm cell by
possible that a given single cell can be of suffi-
the amount of signal reflected back from the
cient depth and/or intensity that the radar is
target. Therefore, all other factors being equal,
unable to detect its full depth. Even with PAC
radar systems with different sized antennas may
Alert, the pilot is cautioned never to assume that
not agree on the intensity of a given cell. This is
an area behind heavy rainfall is clear of precipi-
caused by the different level of energy available
tation because the radar is showing a level 0
at a given cell location simply because it is
(black) return and/or the yellow PAC Alert arc is
spread over a larger area (in the case of the
not being displayed.

28 April 1991 3-10

operation 523-0775825

smaller antenna sizes). Note the beam width at The average one-way transmission should not be
50 nmi for the 18-, 14-, and 12-inch antennas in less than 90 percent for any continuous scan of
Figure 3-4. At 50 nmi, the 18-inch antenna pro- the antenna relative to the radome. The mini-
duces a beam having a circular diameter of mum transmissivity at any point should not be
approximately 5.2 nmi. At the same distance, the less than 85 percent throughout the window area
14-inch antenna has a beam approximately 6.3 of the basic radome, including any installed rain
nmi in diameter, and the 12-inch antenna pro- erosion protection. (The window area is that
duces a beam approximately 7 nmi in diameter. portion of the radome which is illuminated by the
antenna as the antenna is tilted and rotated in
At this point, it is appropriate to introduce a phe- azimuth to its mechanical limits.)
nomenon that is evidenced when a given radar
target transitions from being less than, to more The addition of lightning protection devices and
than, beam filling. This is illustrated in trim finishes should not degrade the transmission
Figure 3-5. If a given cell which is less than efficiency by more than 3 percent. When properly
beam filling has a reflectivity of R, that same applied, radome paint causes a loss of about 3.5
cell, having grown to be beam filling, displays a to 5 percent in transmissivity. Rubber boots,
reflectivity of R4. The WXR-840 system com- when properly installed, present about a 5-
pensates somewhat for this by comparing the percent loss. If a boot is used, it must be ade-
data received to that of a theoretical average. quately sealed to prevent moisture accumulation
The result of this comparison is used to adjust between the boot and the radome surface. Plastic
the processing of that data and provide a more boots usually present a loss of 20 to 50 percent,
uniform and consistent display as the average which makes them totally unacceptable.
cell transitions from being less than, to more
than, beam filling. Obviously, not every cell fits A radome not meeting the above requirements
this model exactly. Therefore, it is not uncom- will cause a reduction in weather radar detection
mon for a given cell to appear to increase and/ or and definition. If there is reason to question the
decrease in intensity at various distances. transmissivity of the radome, it should be
checked by a reputable radome authority, such as Aircraft Radomes Cair Radomes, Plastics and Synthetics Division of
Norton Company, Akron, Ohio.
Although not part of the WXR-840 Advanced
Weather Radar System, the radome contributes To further assist the pilot in selecting or evaluat-
significantly to overall system performance. A ing a radome, refer to FAA Advisory Circular
poorly designed, constructed, repaired, or main- 43-14, Maintenance of Weather Radomes, in the
tained radome can blind the radar antenna, Collins Installation Practices Manual (CPN
resulting in poor transmission and reception of 523-0775254).
signals. There are many instances where the
crew will squawk the radar as being inoperable
or weak when the problem is actually the ra-

28 April 1991 3-11

operation 523-0775825

Radar Antenna Reflector Size Versus Beam Width

Figure 3-4

28 April 1991 3-12

operation 523-0775825

Storm Cell Reflectivity, Beam Filling Versus Non-Beam Filling

Figure 3-5

28 April 1991 3-13/(3-14 blank)

section IV
theory of operation

4.1 WEATHER RADAR SYSTEM THEORY 4.1.2 Physical Description

4.1.1 General Refer to Figure 4-1. The WXR-840 system is a

second generation solid-state weather radar
This section provides an introduction to the system. The system consists of two separate
operation of the WXR-840 Advanced Weather units: the RTA-84X Receiver/Transmitter/An-
Radar System. The material begins with a brief tenna and the WXP-840A/B Weather Radar
physical description. This is followed by a brief Panel. EFIS indicators are used to display the
outline of the purpose of weather radar. The radar presentation.
background paragraph provides peripheral infor-
mation on weather radar in general and relates The mechanical feature that distinguishes the
this to the WXR-840 system. The theory of RTA-84X unit from earlier generation weather
operation is contained in paragraph 4.4. Detailed radar designs is its 1-piece construction, combin-
circuit theory is provided in the individual repair ing the receiver, transmitter, and antenna into a
manuals. single unit. Refer to Figure 4-2. The forward

WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System, Overall View

Figure 4-1

28 April 1991 4-1

theory of operation 523-0775826

portion of this unit is the flat-plate antenna, RTA-84X assembly must be mounted on a for-
which is available in either 12-, 14-, or 18-inch- ward bulkhead or radar antenna mounting
diameter models. The antenna size is the prima- surface and enclosed by a radome. It is vital to
ry distinguishing feature between the RTA-842 proper performance of any radar system that the
(12-inch antenna), RTA-844 (14-inch antenna), radome be at least 85 percent RF transparent.
and RTA-848 (18-inch antenna) models. Directly
behind the antenna is the RF assembly, consist- Refer to Figure 4-3. The WXP-840A (panel
ing of the transmitter and receiver. Mating the mount) or WXP-840B (Dzus mount) Weather
antenna and receiver-transmitter eliminates the Radar Panel provides the operating control
need for a waveguide. The RTA (receiver/trans- functions. These units are normally mounted in
mitter/antenna) assembly is mounted on the drive the instrument panel. The WXP-840A occupies a
assembly and therefore swings from left to right space about 1.5 inches high and 6.2 inches wide.
as the system scans and points up or down for The WXP-840B occupies a space about 1.88
tilt. The drive assembly contains the motors and inches high and 5.75 inches wide. The control
mechanical system for the scan and tilt functions functions include MODE, GAIN, TILT, and
and is attached to the base assembly. The base RANGE selection knobs, plus pushbuttons for
assembly is cylindrical in shape, about 15 inches ground clutter suppression (GCS), slave mode
in diameter and slightly less than 2 inches in (SLV), and stabilization enable/disable (STB)
depth. It serves as the mounting base and selection. The WXP-840A/B also supplies the
contains the power supplies and signal processing final data processing function to format the video
portion of the RTA-84X unit. The complete data as needed by the EFIS system.

RTA-84X Major Subassemblies

Figure 4-2

28 April 1991 4-2

theory of operation 523-0775826

WXP-840A and WXP-840B Weather Radar Panels, Front Panel View

Figure 4-3

28 April 1991 4-3

theory of operation 523-0775826

4.2 PURPOSE OF EQUIPMENT detecting an echo reflected by a target. Because

the propagation velocity of a radio wave is known
The WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System and fairly constant*, the range to the target is
provides the flight crew with a display of radar- easily determined by measuring the time between
detectable precipitation along and within 60° on transmit and the arrival of the echo. By using a
either side of the flight path. Refer to Figure 4-4. fairly narrow beam of transmitted energy, the
direction (aim) of the radiating antenna is the
4.3 BACKGROUND direction to the target.

Radar is an acronym derived from RAdio Detect- X-band weather radar depends on the reflective
ing And Ranging. The technique involved is one character of water to provide visibility of rain or
of transmitting a burst (pulse) of energy and wet hail. Dry precipitation generally does not

Precipitation Presentation on an EFIS Indicator

Figure 4-4

*The propagation velocity of a radio wave is generally recognized to be 12.359 microseconds/radar mile.
That is, it takes a signal 12.359 µs to travel 2 nautical miles, 1 mile out and one mile back. Therefore,
distance (radar miles) = time (microseconds) divided by 12.359 microseconds/radar mile.

28 April 1991 4-4

theory of operation 523-0775826

Table 4-1. Z-Level Rainfall Rate and WXR-840 System Display Colors.


Z LEVEL dBZ COLOR in/hr mm/hr

Z1 <20 Not displayed <0.03 <0.762

Z2 >20 Green 0.03 to 0.15 0.762 to 3.81

Z3 >30 Yellow 0.15 to 0.5 3.81 to 12.7

Z4 >40 Red 0.5 to 2.0 12.7 to 50.8

Z5 >50 Magenta 2.0 to 5.0 50.8 to 127.0

Z >60 Magenta 5.0 to 8.0 127.0 to 203.2

Table 4-2. VIP Categories and WXR-840 System Display Colors.



Not displayed <0.04

Weak 1 0.01 to 0.10 Green 0.04 to 0.16 Light to moderate turbulence (is possi-
ble with)* lightning

Moderate 2 0.10 to 0.48 Yellow 0.16 to 0.47 Light to moderate turbulence (is possi-
ble with) lightning

Strong 3 0.48 to 1.02 Red 0.47 to 2.0 Severe turbulence (is possible with)

Very strong 4 1.02 to 1.97 Severe turbulence (is possible with)


Intense 5 2.0 to 5.0 Magenta >2.0 Severe turbulence (is very likely with)
lightning, organized wind gusts, and

Extreme 6 >5.0 Severe turbulence (is certain with) large

hail, lightning, and extensive wind

*Words in parenthesis are added for clarity.

provide a reliable reflectivity to X-band radio used most often by industry and refers to rainfall
wave energy. Fog, at virtually all densities, as rate in terms of a Z-level, which is a measure of
well as clouds, also do not provide a reliable echo, the rainfall reflectivity. In this system, rainfall
probably because of the small size of the water rate is occasionally expressed in terms of dBZ.
particles. It is for this reason that visual sight- The second system is used by the US National
ings of cloud formations may not appear on a Weather Service. This system relates rainfall
weather radar display. rate and a measure of possible associated turbu-
lence to a defined VIP (video integrated proces-
The WXR-840 system is a color weather radar sor) category. Table 4-1 and Table 4-2 describe
system (ie, various colors are used to differentiate these systems and show the color used by the
between a number of target intensities). There WXR-840 system to display rainfall intensity
are two systems used in measuring relative within each of the defined levels or categories.
rainfall rate or weather intensities. The first is

28 April 1991 4-5

theory of operation 523-0775826

4.4 SYSTEM OPERATION 4.4.2 Block Diagram Theory of Operation

4.4.1 Introduction Refer to Figure 4-5. The desired range and mode
is selected on the WXP-840A/B control panel. In
Refer to Figure 4-5. The operation of the WXR- response to this manual selection, control data is
840 system can be described in terms of the transmitted to the RTA via either of the three
following major functions: ARINC 429 data input bus lines. This data is
received by the program control function. This
a. Manual interface function is microprocessor controlled and, de-
b. Electronic control pending on the range and mode selected, sends
c. Scan and tilt control control information to the antenna scan and tilt
d. Transmitter control circuits, the transmitter, the receiver, and
e. Receiver the data processing circuits.
f. Data processing
g. Display control The scan and tilt control circuits drive the me-
chanical scan function, which sweeps the antenna
The manual interface function consists of the horizontally for scan and vertically for tilt.
manual controls on the WXP-840A/B. The data Horizontal motion is a constant sweeping move-
link between the WXP-840A/B and the RTA-84X ment. The vertical movement depends on either,
is in the form of a ARINC 453 digital data bus. or both, of two sources: manual tilt and automat-
With power applied and WX (weather) mode ic stabilization. The objective of automatic
selected, the appropriate data is supplied to the stabilization is to keep the antenna scan line
RTA-84X, which causes the process control to horizontal; it automatically adjusts the antenna
enable the scan and tilt electronics and mecha- tilt (vertical aim) as needed in response to air-
nism. This causes the RTA RF and antenna craft pitch and roll attitude changes. The manu-
assembly to scan (ie, to physically move in a al tilt is supplied by the operator and depends on
sweeping motion from side to side, 60° to either the need to observe a particular precipitation
side of straight ahead, as shown on Figure 4-4). pattern at an antenna aim other than straight
The tilt function moves the RTA assembly verti- ahead.
cally (ie, up or down). The tilt function is both
automatic (for stabilization) and manual (for pilot The transmitter function generates the energy
selectable antenna aiming). A total of 60° of tilt bursts that are radiated by the antenna. These
deflection is available, 30° above and 30° below energy bursts are in the form of X-band pulses of
horizontal. One-half of that amount is for manu- various widths, depending on the mode and range
al tilt and the other half is for automatic stabili- selected, and at a repetition rate of 208 to 324
zation. At the same time, the process control also pulses per second in weather detection modes.
causes the transmit, receiver, and data process- The energy level is a nominal 24 watts.
ing functions to operate. The transmit function
involves the generation of the RF pulses that are When the radiated energy encounters a sufficient
radiated by the antenna. The energy reflected amount of wet precipitant (liquid water), a
back to the antenna by the precipitant is detected portion of the energy is reflected back to the
in the receive function. The resulting video antenna. This returned energy is directed into
information is processed into a signal which the receiver by means of a special RF switching
identifies the direction, intensity, and range of device known as a duplexer. The receiver ex-
the precipitation that produced the reflected tracts the received signal from the other RF noise
energy. This signal is supplied to the control which is usually present and supplies it to the
panel, which formats the signal suitable for use data processing function in the form of raw
in the EFIS processing and display function. (unprocessed) video data. The data processing
Thus, by synchronizing the antenna sweep with function uses this video data to generate the
the display, the pilot is presented with a radar ARINC 453 digital data which is supplied to the
picture of the precipitation pattern along the ARINC 453 receiver function in the WXP-840( )
flight path.

28 April 1991 4-6

theory of operation 523-0775826

panel. The data contains all information neces- such as mode, range, tilt angle, and possible pilot
sary to properly display the location and charac- alert data.
ter of the radar target: range, azimuth, and
intensity. The receiver function extracts various items of
information from this data input. Weather data,
The raster timing and EFIS output driver func- such as precipitation targets, is stored in the
tion generates the main control signals needed by WXR data RAM devices. The other display items,
the EFIS display device. These include the such as range, mode, tilt, and gain annunciation
retrace and clock signals. Integrated into this parameters, are stored in the screen memory
signal pattern is the radar display information, circuits. The operating instructions are stored in
including the range mark(s) and text information the program EPROM devices. The raster timing

WXR-840 Advanced Weather Radar System, Block Diagram

Figure 4-5

28 April 1991 4-7





PART NUMBER 523-0775822-00111A, DATED 28 APRIL 1991

Insert this addendum sheet facing page 4-8

of the Theory of Operation Section (523-0775826-001118)

Add new Paragraph 4.4.4 just after Paragraph 4.4.3 Input and Output Circuits.

4.4.4. Optional WXA-850A operation

The optional WXA-850A receives system operating data and range bin data from the RTA-84X by way of
the ARINC 453 serial digital bus. Range bin data is reformatted, processed, and then stored in RAM to
compose the radar picture. During display update cycles, the entire data content is read from RAM and
converted to red, blue, and green video signals that are sent to the EFIS display. System operating data is
separated from the range bin data and sent to the EFIS display by way of a serial data bus. This
information is mode, range, gain, etc. that is stroke written onto the display over the raster image. The
WXA-850A generates all of the raster timing signals that control the video circuits in the EFIS display
during raster image part of the display update cycle.

Addendum 5
30 May 1998 Sheet 1 of 1
523-0775822-05111A (Facing Page 4-8)
theory of operation 523-0775826

and EFIS output driver circuits provide the 4.4.3 Input and Output Circuits
display signals for the EFIS display. This data is
the EFIS raster timing data and the video dis- Figure 2-15 in the installation section shows the
play data. input and output circuits and system interface for
the RTA-84X and WXP-840A/B and the stabiliza-
The data for operation of the entire radar system tion sources and affected EFIS. Sheet 1 of the
is generated by the CPU and supporting circuits. figure begins with the primary power inputs for
This data is largely in response to the front panel the RTA-84X and WXP-840A/B. Notice that the
operating controls which are used to determine MODE switch in the WXP-840A/B applies the
mode, range, and the other operational parame- ground necessary to enable the power supply in
ters. The control data for the RTA-84X is format- the RTA-84X but it does not affect its own power
ted in the ARINC 429 transmitter circuits. supply.

28 April 1991 4-8

section V


This section contains information necessary to 5.2.1 Introduction

evaluate the performance capability of the WXR-
840 Advanced Weather Radar System. Through-
out the remainder of the section, the term RTA-
84X should be understood as applying to either
The area within the scan arc and within
the RTA-842, RTA-844, or RTA-848. Similarly,
0.65 meter (2 feet) of an operating WXR-
the term WXP-840( ) should be understood as
840 Advanced Weather Radar System can
applying to either the WXP-840A or the WXP-
be a hazardous area. Do not operate the
840B. Where reference is intended to a specific
system in any mode other than standby
model, the specific model reference will be used.
(STBY) or test (TEST) when the antenna
might scan over personnel within that
In performing flight-line maintenance on the
range. FAA Advisory Circular 20-68B
WXR-840 system it must be recognized that you
provides additional details on the radia-
are dealing with a number of aircraft systems in
tion hazards associated with ground oper-
addition to the radar system. Those additional
ation of airborne weather radar (refer to
systems can be summarized into the following.
the Collins Installation Practices Manual,
CPN 523-0775254).
a. EFIS: These are the DPU, MPU, EFD, MFD,
and either a DSP or a DCP and CHP, compo-
Only authorized and qualified personnel should
nents of that system.
be allowed to operate the WXR-840 Advanced
b. Attitude source: This system consists of the
Weather Radar System. The flight-line perfor-
gyro, 332D-11( ), or other type attitude source
mance test procedures are provided in Table 5-1.
(eg, AHS-85( )).
In those cases where a test failure can be caused
c. Radome: This is one of the most critical por-
by more than one LRU, the MOST PROBABLE
tions of the airframe affecting radar perfor-
CAUSE OF FAILURE column lists the line re-
mance. Refer to paragraph in the
placeable units in the order of the greatest
operation section of this manual for more
likelihood of failure.
discussion on radome requirements.
d. Aircraft wiring. After the radar system has EFIS Cross-Side Switching
been successfully installed and has operated
satisfactorily, a failure in the aircraft wiring
Typically, the MFD and the left side ND are con-
generally appears as broken wires, loose
trolled by the pilot’s (left) side controls (DCP-85
connections, frayed wires causing a short
or DSP-85). If cross-side control switching is
circuit, etc. Intermittent system operation is
provided, it is assumed that the operator is
most often caused by this type of failure.
familiar with that system’s operation. No at-
tempt is made in this procedure to guide the
The flight-line performance test is for perfor-
operator in that regard. Further, it is also
mance evaluation in the aircraft and will aid in
assumed that in dual WXP-840A/B installations
isolating a problem to a system component, the
the MFD and left side ND radar displays are
RTA-84X, or the WXP-840( ).
controlled by the pilot’s WXP-840A/B, while the
right side ND radar display is controlled by the
right side WXP-840A/B.

28 April 1991 5-1

maintenance 523-0775827

Table 5-1. Flight-Line Performance Test Procedures.



1.0 Initialization

Make the following selections.

On WXP-840A/B (both sides if dual):

GCS - released
STB - released
TILT - center (0)
AUTO - in (off)
HLD - not selected
SEC - not selected

Aircraft power - on


PWR - on

On DCP-85/DSP-85:

ARC or MAP format

Push RDR button.


The colors of weather radar mode annunciators, arc format, and map format depend on the type of EFIS display
being used. Refer to the appropriate EFIS manual for annunciator, arc format, and map format colors.


In dual installations, perform this procedure first from the left side WXP-840A/B. At the start of the procedure,
depress the SLV switch on the right side WXP-840A/B. During the course of the procedure, the right side ND display
should be identical to that of the left side except that the mode annunciation will be preceded by an X (eg, XWX,
XMAP, etc). Therefore, during the course of the procedure, it is wise to glance over to the right side display,
occasionally, to ensure that the displays agree. When this procedure for the left side is completed, it must be
repeated for the right side.


Off or null


A portion of the test in this table can be performed inside the hanger.

2.0 Standby Test

On WXP-840A/B, left side, set MODE to In approximately 20 seconds, the range EFIS, WXP, RTA
STBY. arc with (2.5) at right end of range arc,
airplane symbol at bottom center, com-
pass sector, and STBY annunciator

28 April 1991 5-2

maintenance 523-0775827

Table 5-1. Flight-Line Performance Test Procedures.



3.0 Range Annunciator

On WXP-840A/B, set RANGE as follows: On MFD or ND, range annunciator RTA, WXP
indicates the following:


5 5 2.5
10 10 5
25 25 12.5
50 50 25
100 100 50
200 200 100
300 300 150

4.0 Self-Test

On WXP-840A/B, set RANGE to 25 and On MFD or ND, antenna scans, test RTA, WXP
MODE to TEST. pattern 120°, six color bands outward
beyond black around apex: green, yel-
low, red, magenta, red/magenta, and
yellow (red/magenta alternates colors
each scan sweep).

5.0 Hold Test

Set RANGE to 10 or 50 and then back to Test pattern erases and then begins to WXP, RTA
25. redevelop.

Before pattern is complete, press HLD Test pattern development stops and an-
(only once). nunciator alternates between HOLD
and TEST.

Press HLD again. Test pattern resumes development and

annunciator is constant test.


If the radome is installed, antenna operation cannot be observed. Unless it can be removed easily, you may skip this
test in favor of the outside-of-hanger tests, where the display is used to determine tilt operation.

6.0 TILT Control Test

On WXP-840A/B, set MODE to TEST and RTA, WXP

RANGE to 25.

Adjust TILT cw from center. Antenna tilts up and a positive tilt

angle is displayed on MFD or ND, 15°

Adjust TILT ccw from center. Antenna tilts down and a negative tilt
angle is displayed on MFD or ND, 15°

Set MODE to STBY. Antenna stops at boresight.

6.1 AUTO Tilt Annunciator Test

On WXP-840A/B, pull outward on AUTO Tilt angle is now shown prefixed with WXP, RTA
knob and adjust TILT. an A (eg, A+10.0, A-2.5, etc).

Push in AUTO knob.

28 April 1991 5-3

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Table 5-1. Flight-Line Performance Test Procedures.




The following step applies only to installations with dual WXP-840A/B controls.

7.0 SLV Function Test


Up to this point, all annunciations on the right side should have been in agreement with those on the left side except
that the mode annunciation was preceded by an X.

7.1 Right Side Test

Release SLV switch on right side WXP-

840A/B and depress left side SLV switch.

Repeat all tests, starting with test 2.0,

using right side WXP-840A/B.

Double SLV Default Test

Depress SLV switch on both WXP-840A/B Note that all displays show that system EFIS, WXP, RTA
controls. is in standby and antenna parks at
center scan.

Set MODE on either WXP-840A/B to TEST. Note that all displays show that system EFIS, WXP
remains in standby.

8.0 STB Control Test


In this step, a stabilization source input is required. There are three possible methods to supply this input:
1. Install the gyro on a tilt table and introduce the necessary input by tilting the gyro.
2. Use the RTA flight-line test fixture shown in Figure 5-3, and patch a simulated roll/pitch signal into the
3. On an AHS-85( ) equipped installation, actuate the STIM mode to supply one or more of the simulated pitch/roll
input signals.


There should be no need to make an accurate measurement of this function. The objective is to ascertain that the
system responds to a roll and pitch input. However, if a stabilization problem is likely, perform the stabilization
accuracy test below.

8.1 Inside Hanger STB Control Test With Radome Removed

On WXP-840A/B, set MODE to TEST and Antenna scans. RTA, WXP

TILT to 0 (center).

Using one of the methods described in test Antenna pitches up by amount of input.
8.0, apply 4° to 8° of pitch-down input.

On WXP-840A/B, release STB switch (STB Antenna returns to horizontal scan and
off). USTB is annunciated.

Set pitch input to zero (null). There is no change in antenna scan


Press in on STB switch (STB on). USTB is not annunciated.

28 April 1991 5-4

maintenance 523-0775827

Table 5-1. Flight-Line Performance Test Procedures.



8.1 Apply 4° to 8° of roll right input (right Antenna tilts up when scan is to right RTA, WXP
(Cont) wing down). of center and down when scan is to left.

On WXP-840A/B, release STB switch (STB Antenna returns to horizontal scan and
off). USTB is annunciated.

Set pitch input to zero (null). There is no change in antenna scan


Press in on STB switch (STB on). USTB is not annunciated.


Unless any additional stabilization testing is necessary (test 9.0), disconnect any equipment or facility used in this
stabilization test and restore the installation to its normal configuration.


This completes the in-hanger procedures for installations with a single WXP-840A/B. If desired, test 9.0 can be
performed to check the stabilization to its normal configuration.

8.2 Outside Hanger STB Control Test With Radome Installed

Situate the aircraft so that the radar has a

clear view, extending ideally for several
miles, and a reasonable horizontal and of
60° to 120°.


In the next step, The aircraft must be outside when the transmitter is turned on. Be certain that no personnel or
combustible materials are within the ±60° hazardous area and a few feet from the front of the aircraft. Be guided by
FAA Advisory Circular 20-68B (refer to the Collins Installation Practices Manual, CPN 523-0775254).

On WXP-840A/B, set MODE to WX and RTA, WXP, stabiliza-

RANGE to 10 or 25. Be sure GCS is not tion system

Adjust TILT so that ground return is

shown at or near max distance.

Using one of the methods described in test Ground return disappears or moves
8.0, apply 4° to 8° of pitch down input. away from apex (antenna tilts up).

Release STB switch (STAB off). Ground return moves back to earlier
position and USTB is annunciated.

Press in on STB switch (STAB on). Ground return position does not change
and USTB is not annunciated.

Apply 4° to 8° of pitch-up input. Ground return moves closer to apex of


Set pitch input to zero (null). Ground return moves back to earlier

Apply 4° to 8° of roll right input (right Ground return moves away or disap-
wing down). pears on right side of display and
moves closer on left.

28 April 1991 5-5

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Table 5-1. Flight-Line Performance Test Procedures.



8.2 On WXP-840A/B, press in on STB switch Ground return moves back to earlier RTA, WXP, stabiliza-
(Cont) (STAB off). position and USTB is annunciated. tion system

Set roll input to zero (null) and press STB Ground return remains and USTB is
switch (STB on). not displayed.

9.0 Stabilization Accuracy Test


This test requires that the radome be removed and therefore should be seen as optional. This test is only required if
there is strong evidence of a stabilization accuracy problem.

On WXP-840A/B, set MODE to TEST.

Apply the following gyro inputs, using one

of the methods described in step 8.0.


Use the electronic inclinometer to make the following measurements. Refer to Figure 2-1 in the installation section.

Antenna at boresight.


(Null) Up 10° Down 10°

(Null) Down 10° Up 10°

Manually swing antenna toward right stop

(toward right wing).


Right 10° (Null) Up 8.7 ±0.2°

Left 10° (Null) Down 8.7 ±0.2°


If any of these tests were significantly out of tolerance and it is clearly not the result of misalignment or a
stabilization system failure, the RTA-84X should be returned for repair.

10.0 Target Alert Function Test

Set MODE to TGT. Antenna sweeps and a boxed TGT ap- RTA, WXP
pears in upper right corner of display.

No weather or ground clutter is displa-



If a radar target such as a fairly intense rain cloud is visible at a distance of at least 7 miles and within 15° of
straight ahead, it may cause the annunciator to flash. If such a radar target is not available in the area, it may not
be possible to make a reasonable test of the target alert function.

28 April 1991 5-6

maintenance 523-0775827

Table 5-1. Flight-Line Performance Test Procedures.



11.0 Map Mode Function Test

Set Mode to MAP. MAP is annunciated. RTA, WXP

TGT from previous step disappears.

Range mark changes color.

Ground targets appear.

Select different range. Ground targets become less pronounced

with grater ranges and tend to disap-
pear into vertex at ranges of 200 and

Press HLD. Mode annunciator alternates between


Press HLD again. Annunciator resumes a constant MAP


12.0 WX Mode Function Test

On WXP-840A/B, set range to 10 and Antenna sweeps. WXP, RTA

In addition to possible targets, display
shows range mark and a WX mode


If a distant target such as a rain cloud or terrain feature is evident, adjust TILT control on WXP-840A/B for the best
(largest) display of that target. Otherwise, adjust tilt for a reasonable ground target display.

Targets are displayed in green, yellow, WXP, RTA

red, and magenta.

On WXP-840A/B, set RANGE to 25, 50, Target(s) shift position on display ac-
100, etc. cording to range selected.


Obviously, any target visible at 10 nmi will disappear into the vertex when the 100 or greater range is selected.

Press HLD. MODE annunciator alternates between WXP, RTA

WX and HLD.

Press HLD again. Annunciator resumes a constant WX


13.0 AUTO Tilt Function Test


The AUTO tilt function cannot be tested easily and reliably while the aircraft is on the ground.

14.0 PAC and PAC Alert Functions Test


The PAC and PAC Alert functions cannot be tested easily and reliably while the aircraft is on the ground.

28 April 1991 5-7

maintenance 523-0775827

Table 5-1. Flight-Line Performance Test Procedures.



15.0 Gain Function Test

Set GAIN selector to first click ccw from Size of target decreases. WXP, RTA

G-1 is annunciated. Any contour area

should decrease in size.

Set GAIN selector to second and then to At each step, target size and intensity
third click ccw from horizontal. level decreases.

G-2 or G-3 is annunciated.

Set GAIN selector to first, second, and At each step, target size and intensity
third click cw from horizontal. level increases.

G+1, G+2, or G+3 is annunciated.


Each click of the GAIN adjustment from CAL to -3 effectively decreases the gain by about 6 dB. Each click of the
GAIN adjustment in the positive (+) direction has the effect of increasing the receiver gain by that same amount.
This is accomplished by decreasing the number of target illuminations required for a given target presence decision
at ranges beyond the STC range (approximately 50 nmi). GAIN CAL is the only gain selection in which a given
rainfall rate (Z-level) will be displayed at the proper display color for all ranges.

Set GAIN selector to CAL. G+0 may be annunciated.

16.0 GCS Function Test

Press in GCS switch. GCS is annunciated. WXP, RTA

Number of ground targets is noticeably


Press GCS switch again to release GCS Ground target display reappears.


This completes the tests for installations with a single WXP-840A/B control. For dual system, repeat tests 10.0
through 16.0, using the right side control. Select SLV on the left side control and, during the course of the
procedures, note that the left side ND display agrees with that of the right side except that the mode annunciators
are preceded by an X (for cross-side). All other annunciators are the proper color according to the type of EFIS

5.3 FLIGHT-LINE ISOLATION be seen as an indication that the source of the

PROCEDURES signal is operational. Table 5-3 make use of this
Table 5-2 is a list of equipment needed for the
flight-line fault isolation procedures. The test The fixture shown in Figure 5-3 provides access
fixtures are shown in Figure 5-1 and Figure 5-3 to the input/ output signals of the RTA-84X. The
and are for local fabrication. The fixture in procedures in Table 5-4 make use of this fixture.
Figure 5-1 allows access to the input/output This fixture also provides access to the stabiliza-
signals for the WXP-840A/B. Generally, the tion signals. These are not available at the
presence of a signal at any of the test points can WXP-840A/B connector. If the complaint or fault

28 April 1991 5-8

maintenance 523-0775827

isolation suggests a stabilization system failure, remove the radome. Because of the difficulty in
it may be more expedient to diagnose the failure radome removal, it is best not to remove it unless
at the RTA-84X rather than at the gyro location. there is strong evidence of an RTA-84X failure.
To use this fixture, however, it is necessary to

Table 5-2. Equipment Required for In-Aircraft Fault Isolation.


WXP-840( )/850( ) flight-line test Refer to Figure 5-1. For fault isolation in cockpit

RTA flight-line test fixture Refer to Figure 5-3. For fault isolation under radome and for
input of simulated stabilization signals

Oscilloscope Tektronix 435 or equivalent For signal analysis

Digital voltmeter Any; 35 V dc max and 130 V ac max For voltage measurement

Ammeter Any; 5 A dc max For current measurement

Table 5-3. Fault Isolation Procedures at the WXP-840A/B.


Setup Turn off aircraft power to radar system.

Remove WXP-840A/B from its normal location and connect test fixture (as shown in Figure 5-1)
between WXP-840A/B and aircraft wiring.

Be sure 28 V DC PWR ON/OFF switch on test set is set to OFF.

Connect dvm between +V and -V jacks.

Connect ammeter between HI-I and LO-I jacks.

Turn on power to radar and EFIS systems.

Set 28 V DC PWR ON/OFF switch to ON.

Set MODE switch to STBY. REMOTE ON LED is on.


Strapping Options LED indicators may light, depending on straps installed. A lighted lamp indicates an installed strap.

Input voltage Measure input voltage. +27.5 V dc, ±5 V dc A/C power supply

Input current Measure input current (press PUSH I 0.5 A max, 0.25 A min WXP-840A/B

Lighting voltage Connect dvm 28 V or 5 V LIGHTING Depends on lighting used. Lighted lamp indicates
COMMON. voltage used.

Data bus (429) Connect scope to CONTROL DATA Look for signal activity. WXP-840A/B
(ARINC 429) test jacks.

Data bus (453) Connect scope to WXR DATA (ARINC 453) Look for signal activity. RTA-84X
test jacks.

WXP DATA Connect scope to WXP DATA test jacks. Look for signal activity. WXP-840A/B

WXP CLOCK Connect scope to WXP CLOCK test jacks. Look for signal activity. WXP-840A/B

28 April 1991 5-9

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Table 5-3. Fault Isolation Procedures at the WXP-840A/B.


RANGE MARK Connect scope to RANGE MARK test Look for signal activity. WXP-840A/B

WXR BUSY Connect scope to WXR BUSY test jacks. Look for signal activity. WXP-840A/B

WXR RETRACE Connect scope to WXR RETRACE test Look for signal activity. WXP-840A/B

WXR SHADOW Connect scope to WXR SHADOW test Look for signal activity. WXP-840A/B

WXR CONTROL Connect scope to WXR CONTROL test Look for signal activity. WXP-840A/B

Table 5-4. Fault Isolation Procedures at the RTA-84X.


Setup Turn off aircraft power to radar system.

Disconnect aircraft mating connect/cable from RTA-84X and connect test fixture (as shown in
Figure 5-3) between RTA-84X and aircraft wiring.

Be sure 28 V DC PWR ON/OFF switch on test set is set to OFF.

Set test fixture REMOTE ON/OFF/NORMAL switch to OFF.

Connect dvm between V/I+ and V- jacks.

Connect ammeter between V/I+ and I- jacks.

Turn on power to radar and EFIS systems.

Set 28 V DC PWR ON/OFF switch to ON.

Set WXP-840A?B MODE switch to STBY.

Set test fixture REMOTE ON switch to NORMAL.

Input voltage Measure input voltage. +27.5 V dc, ±5 V dc A/C power supply

Input current Measure input current (press PUSH I 3.5 A max, 3.0 A min RTA-84X

Discretes Some of the TYPE

cators should light. Those
that do light indicate the
strapping options installed.
You may want to compare
the indication to the aircraft
documentation to verify
correct installation.

Data bus (429) Connect scope to CONTROL DATA (ARINC Look for signal activity. WXP-840A/B (no. 1)
429 NO. 1) test jacks.

28 April 1991 5-10


Located in the


523-0775822-00111A, 1st Edition, dated 28 April 1991

Insert this addendum sheet between pages 5-10 and 5-11

At the next revision to this manual, paragraph 5.4 will be revised and expanded as follows:


There are no regular, routine, or periodic maintenance requirements for the Collins WXR-840 Advanced
Weather Radar System. However, it must be recognized that mechanically moving parts typically require
cleaning and lubrication. Therefore, it is suggested that whenever the system is inspected, tested, or repaired
for any other reason, the mechanical drive mechanism should be inspected to determine whether cleaning and
lubrication may be required. Furthermore, instances have been reported where physical damage to the radar
flat plate and/or mechanism has occured while the radar was exposed (radome removed). Therefore, users are
urged to be alert to the possibility of inadvertent damage during such procedures and ensure that the radar is in
good working condition when the radome is reinstalled and secured.

5.4.1 Cleaning and Lubrication of Scan and Tilt Mechanism

Inspect the mechanical portion of the RTA-84X, primarily the scan and the tilt gears and sectors, for
contaminants such as dirt and/or grease buildup. Unless the mechanism has been severely contaminated by
dirt and dried/baked lubricant, it should not be necessary to remove the unit for disassembly. In most cases, if
a small amount of contamination is present, adequate cleaning is possible using a small soft-bristled brush and
a lubricant based cleaning solution such as Genesolv 2004 or equivalent. After cleaning, apply a small amount
of grease, such as Aeroshell 7 or equivalent, to the gear and sector teeth. Wipe any excess grease from the
surrounding areas using a lint free cloth. Pay particular attention to the scan and tilt mechanism and note that
all mechanically mating parts are adequately lubricated. The scan and tilt motor bearings are lifetime lubricated
and therefore should not require re-lubrication.

5.4.2 Criteria for Antenna Flat Plate Inspection

Flightline Inspection:

At any service operation in which the radome is removed, ensure that the radar is in good physical condition
before the radome is reinstalled; that is, that no damage has been inflicted to the radar while the radome was
off. If such damage has occured, the radar should be removed and returned to a repair shop to determine the
extent of the damage and affect whatever repair is needed.

Shop Inspection:

At any service operation in which it is necessary to remove the radar assembly, antenna assembly, or the flat
plate, the flat plate should be carefully inspected for physical damage. The flat plate, or the flat plate drive
mechanism, should never be removed from the airplane for the single purpose of inspecting the flat plate for
damage unless it is clear that such damage has occured and removal is therefore necessary in order to
critically evaluate the extent of the damage.

Continued on reverse side:

Addendum 2
12 May 1995 Sheet 3 of 4
523-0775827-022118 (Facing page 5-11)

Located in the


523-0775822-00111A, 1st Edition, dated 28 April 1991

This addendum is backing sheet 1 of Addendum 2

Continued from reverse side:

Criteria for shop inspection:

Any dent that deforms the plate surfaces; either front or back, septum sidewalls, or the main feed manifold
on the rear of the flat plate should be seen as cause for rejection or replacement. The septum should be
understood as referring to the spacers between the front and back surfaces of the flat plate.

A surface dent with an area less than 2-in2 and a depth of not more than 0.050 inch should be seen as
acceptable. A greater surface area or deeper dent should be seen as unacceptable.

Any dent or bending that occurs at the extreme edge of the antenna and outside the last waveguide wall,
can be ignored unless the weld is broken. Any broken weld that results in a separation between the
waveguide wall and the flat plate surface should be seen as unacceptable.

Any warping that results in a flat plate distortion of 0.0625 inch or more, with respect to the center of the
flat plate, should be seen as cause of flat plate rejection and replacement. In the case of convex distortion,
this can be detected by laying the flat plate on a flat bench surface, face down, with the center area of the
flat plate firmly in contact with the bench surface. If any point on the edge of the flat plate is off the surface
by 0.0625 inch or more, the warping should be judged unacceptable. For concave distortion, use a straight
edge ruler of sufficient length against the front surface of the flat plate and note that all points are within
0.0625 inch of the straight edge surface. Use several points in both the vertical and horizontal plane to
ensure that the plate is not twisted.

Note: If and when windshear detection becomes operational and if these antennae are used in such an
application, the above criteria may not apply. In this case, damage inspection criteria may be

Addendum 2
12 May 1995 Sheet 4 of 4
523-0775827-022118 (Backing Addendum 2, sheet 3)
maintenance 523-0775827

Table 5-4. Fault Isolation Procedures at the RTA-84X.


In a dual WXP-840A/B installation only:

Data bus (429) Connect scope to CONTROL DATA (ARINC Look for signal activity. WXP-840A/B (no. 2)
429 NO. 2) test jacks.

Data bus (453) Connect scope to WXR DATA (ARINC 453) Look for signal activity. RTA-84X
test jacks.

TEST Set WXP-840A/B MODE switch to TEST. Antenna scans. RTA-84X

STAB tests Connect scope to STAB REF - IN test jacks. Look for an ac signal (either Stabilization system
26 or 115 V ac). reference source

Connect scope to PITCH - IN test jacks. Look for an ac signal. Stabilization source

Input a pitch command from gyro source or Look for antenna response: RTA-84X
simulated source. antenna up for pitch-down,
antenna down for pitch-up.

Input a roll command from gyro source or Look for antenna response; RTA-84X
simulated source. antenna pitch changes as it
scans from side to side.

Complete Remove test equipment and restore system to its normal operating configuration.



As part of each maintenance operation the me- 5.5.1 Introduction

chanical portion of the RTA-84X, primarily the
scan and the tilt gears and sectors, should be The stabilization alignment procedures are to be
inspected for contaminants such as dirt and/or performed in flight. The procedures calibrate the
grease buildup. Unless the mechanism has been WXR-840 system to the specific aircraft, and
severely contaminated, it should not be necessary especially to the vertical reference system, by
to disassemble the unit for lubrication purpose. compensating for the remaining mounting errors.
In most cases if contaminants are present, ade- The procedures utilize an alignment mode, built
quate cleaning is possible using a small soft- into the RTA-84X, to introduce certain offsets
bristled brush and lubricant-based cleaning solu- into the antenna roll and pitch attitude control
tion. After cleaning to remove the contaminants, functions. These are stored in nonvolatile memo-
apply a small amount of grease to the gear and ry and, therefore, if done correctly, need to be
sector teeth. Wipe excess grease from the sur- performed only once for a given installation.
rounding areas using a lint-free cloth. After
lubricating these parts, it is good practice to In some installations, the stabilization alignment
operate the unit, paying particular attention to feature may not be enabled. This procedure
the scan and tilt mechanism and noting that all cannot be performed unless a strap is connected
mechanically mating parts are lubricated ade- between WXP-840A/B rear connector pins J2-28
quately at the mating points. The scan and tilt and J2-12.
motor bearing are lifetime lubricated and should
not require re-lubrication. Table 5-5 is a listing The in-flight stabilization alignment procedures
of the materials needed for this maintenance. are provided in paragraph 5.5.3 (Table 5-7) and
in paragraph 5.5.4 (Table 5-8). The first is a
more detailed version that can be used to gain

28 April 1991 5-11

maintenance 523-0775827

Table 5-5. Materials and Tools Required for Routine/Periodic Maintenance.



Oil Lubrication oil Cobehn Inc., 005-0392-000, 2-oz bottle

Fairchild, N.J.
Univis P12, 04882

Freon Fluorocarbon cleaning agent E.I Du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc., Not available
Freon Products Div,
Wilmington, Del.
Freon TMS, 73925


Allied Chemical,
Allied Corp.,
Morristown, N.J.
Genesolv DMS, 70308

Grease Lubricating grease Shell Oil Co., 005-0810-000, 5-lb pail*

Huston Tex.
Aeroshell 7

Brush Soft bristled Not available

Cloth Lint-free cloth Not available

*Contact manufacturer for lesser quantities.

familiarity with the process. For those experi- parameters is selected by means of the MODE
enced in the process, paragraph 5.5.4 is an abbre- switch, the selected parameter is annunciated in
viated version that requires less reading during place of TRIM. After one or more of the parame-
the actual procedure. ters have been satisfactorily adjusted and stored
in temporary memory by means of the HLD but-
5.5.2 Alignment Controls ton (see below), pressing in on the recessed
button enters the parameters into permanent
All of the controls used for this procedure are on nonvolatile memory.
the WXP-840A/B control panel. These are de-
scribed in the following paragraphs. b. MODE Switch

a. Stabilization Alignment Mode Activate But- The MODE switch is used to select the pa-
ton rameter to be adjusted, and the TILT control
is used to adjust that parameter. The switch
This is a recessed black pushbutton located at positions and the parameter thus selected are
the bottom center of the WXP-840A/B control. summarized in Table 5-6.
Use this button to activate or end the stabili-
zation alignment mode. Refer to Figure 3-1 c. TILT Control Knob
in the operation section if necessary. Use a
small probe, similar to a ballpoint pen, to The TILT control knob is used to adjust the
press in on the button. Do not use a lead alignment parameter selected by means of the
pencil. Lead residue can cause damage to the MODE switch. The amount of adjustment
unit. When the stabilization alignment mode introduced becomes the electrical offset that
is activated, TRIM is annunciated on the is used by the radar stabilization function.
EFIS display. When one of the adjustment

28 April 1991 5-12

maintenance 523-0775827

d. HLD (Hold) Switch 5.5.3 Detailed Alignment Procedures

The HLD switch is used to store the adjusted The detailed alignment procedures are provided
value of the parameter into temporary radar in Table 5-7.
memory during the alignment process. There
are three adjustment parameters: roll offset, 5.5.4 Abbreviated Alignment Procedures
pitch offset, and stabilization gain. Each of
these is adjusted separately and must be The abbreviated alignment procedures are provid-
entered into temporary memory before the ed in Table 5-8.
next parameter is selected.

Table 5-6. MODE Switch In-Flight Alignment Parameters.


WX Selects roll offset for adjustment.

MAP Selects pitch offset for adjustment.

TGT Select stabilization gain for adjustment.

STBY Discards any adjusted parameters, activates all alignment parameters stored in memory,
cancels alignment mode, and resumes normal operation.

TEST Activates normal MAP mode to allow viewing of any radar target(s) using currently
adjusted alignment parameters not yet entered into memory.

OFF, then any mode Regarding stabilization alignment, selecting OFF has the same effect as selecting STBY.
Pulling the primary power circuit breaker also has the same effect.

Table 5-7. Detailed In-Flight Stabilization Alignment Procedures.


1.0 Before takeoff, be sure that stabilization alignment mode is enabled by a strap
between WXP-840A/B rear connector pins J2-28 and J2-12.

2.0 Before takeoff, position WXP-840A/B MODE switch to STBY and RANGE
switch to 50.

3.0 Complete all ground procedures for WXR-840 system installation and prepare
aircraft for flight.


You may want to delay the following step until immediately before starting the alignment procedures (step 10.0).
This allows the full compass rose format to be used during takeoff and climbout.

4.0 For EFIS installations with an MFD, push PWR and RDR buttons.

For EFIS installations without an MFD, place ND in a sector format that

allows radar display.

5.0 After takeoff, select MAP mode.

6.0 Climb to normal cruise altitude and trim aircraft.

7.0 Wait about 5 minutes, with no roll or pitch changes, for attitude reference
system to stabilize.

8.0 If not already done, select MAP MODE. (Be sure GCS is not selected.)

28 April 1991 5-13

maintenance 523-0775827

Table 5-7. Detailed In-Flight Stabilization Alignment Procedures.


9.0 Adjust TILT and RANGE. Depending on cruise altitude, select range that Adjust so that near edge of
gives best half-range ground clutter ring with least downward tilt. ground clutter ring is aligned
with EFIS half-range arc.

10.0 If not already done in step 4.0:

For EFIS installations with an MFD, push PWR and RDR buttons.

For EFIS installations without an MFD, place ND in a sector format that

allows radar display.


In the following step you will activate the stabilization alignment mode by using a probe to depress the recessed
switch. Do not use a lead pencil. Lead residue can cause damage to the mechanical switches and can cause short

11.0 Activate alignment mode by depressing recessed black button at bottom center
of WXP-840A/B control panel.


During the course of this procedure, STBY can be used at any time to erase any adjusted parameters and return to
the value stored in permanent memory. For new installations, the stored values may be zero for all parameters.

12.0 Select WX MODE. This selects roll offset for


13.0 Adjust TILT. Adjust for best left/right sym-

metry of ground return dis-

14.0 Press HLD momentarily to store adjusted value in temporary memory.

15.0 Select MAP MODE. This selects pitch offset for


16.0 Adjust TILT. Adjust so that near edge of

display is at a constant dis-
tance display arc.

17.0 Press HLD momentarily to store adjusted value in temporary memory.

18.0 Select TGT MODE. This select stabilization gain

for adjustment.

19.0 Place aircraft into, and maintain, a shallow bank (5° to 10°, either left or


Prolong flight at a constant bank angle can cause precession in some gyro systems. Therefore, this attitude should not
be maintained for more than a few minutes. Additionally, after resuming straight and level flight, it is wise to wait a
few minutes for the gyro system to be corrected.

20.0 Adjust TILT. Adjust for best lest/right

symmetry of ground return

21.0 Press HLD momentarily to store adjusted value in temporary memory.

28 April 1991 5-14

maintenance 523-0775827

Table 5-7. Detailed In-Flight Stabilization Alignment Procedures.


22.0 At this point, select TGT MODE and any desired RANGE to view any radar
target display before storing adjusted parameters in permanent memory.

23.0 If, for any reason, you want to readjust a parameter, select MODE switch
position corresponding to desired parameter and readjust TILT as necessary.
Press HLD to store adjusted value in temporary memory.

24.0 If, for any reason, you want to restart procedure, select STBY to discard any
adjusted values and return to step 8.0.

25.0 If you are satisfied that the adjustments are the best that can be obtained,
press recessed button to store adjusted values in permanent memory and exit
stabilization alignment mode.

Table 5-8. Abbreviated In-Flight Stabilization Alignment Procedures.


1.0 After arriving at cruise altitude, trim aircraft for straight and level flight.

2.0 Select RANGE 50 and MAP MODE.

3.0 Adjust TILT. Adjust for ground return at about

25 nmi.

4.0 Press recessed button. This activates alignment mode

5.0 Select WX, adjust TILT, and press HLD to save. Adjust for left/right symmetry of

6.0 Select MAP, adjust TILT, and press HLD to save. Adjust for uniform distance to
display edge.

7.0 Set up and maintain a constant aircraft bank altitude of about 5° to 10°.

8.0 Select TGT, adjust TILT, and press HLD to save. Adjust for left/right symmetry of

9.0 Trim aircraft for straight and level flight.

10.0 Repeat as necessary:

a. Select STBY.

b. Go back to step 2.0.


Return to step 5.0, 6.0, or 7.0

11.0 Press recessed button.

28 April 1991 5-15

maintenance 523-0775827

WXP-840( )/850( ) Flight-Line Test Fixture, Panel Layout Diagram

Figure 5-1

28 April 1991 5-16

maintenance 523-0775827

Table 5-9. WXP-840( )/850( ) Flight-Line Test Fixture Parts List.


Chassis, 4 x 6 504-1918-002

Cover, chassis, qty 2 504-1920-001

DS1 Indicator, lampholder/lens, red 262-2322-070

Bulb, 28 V 262-1883-020

DS2 Indicator, lampholder/lens, red 262-2322-070

Bulb, 28 V 262-1883-020

DS3 Indicator, lampholder/lens, red 262-2322-070

Bulb, 5 V 262-1883-000

DS4 LED, red 353-0293-040

DS5 LED, red 353-0293-040

DS6 LED, red 353-0293-040

R1 Resistor, cc, 2.7 kΩ, 10%, 1/4W 745-0764-000

R2 Resistor, cc, 2.7 kΩ, 10%, 1/4W 745-0764-000

R3 Resistor, cc, 2.7 kΩ, 10%, 1/4W 745-0764-000

S1 Switch, spdt 266-5321-150

S2 Switch, pushbutton 260-2708-000

TP1-TP30 Choose from list below

Jack, tip, white 360-0149-000

Jack, tip, red 360-0150-000
Jack, tip, black 360-0151-000
Jack, tip, brown 360-0152-000
Jack, tip, green 360-0153-000
Jack, tip, orange 360-0154-000
Jack, tip, blue 360-0155-000
Jack, tip, yellow 360-0156-000
Jack, tip, violet 360-0157-000
Jack, tip, gray 360-0158-000

28 April 1991 5-17

maintenance 523-0775827

WXP-840( )/850( ) Flight-Line Test Fixture, Schematic Diagram

Figure 5-2 (Sheet 1 of 2)

28 April 1991 5-18

maintenance 523-0775827

WXP-840( )/850( ) Flight-Line Test Fixture, Schematic Diagram

Figure 5-2 (Sheet 2)

28 April 1991 5-19

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RTA Flight-Line Test Fixture, Panel Layout Diagram

Figure 5-3

28 April 1991 5-20

maintenance 523-0775827

Table 5-10. RTA Flight-Line Test Fixture Parts List.


Chassis, 4 x 6 504-1918-002
Cover, chassis, qty 2 504-1920-001
DS1 Indicator, lampholder/lens, red 262-2322-070
Bulb, 28 V 262-1883-002
DS2 LED, red 353-0293-040
DS3 LED, red 353-0293-040
DS4 LED, red 353-0293-040
DS5 LED, red 353-0293-040
DS6 LED, red 353-0293-040
DS7 LED, red 353-0293-040
DS8 LED, red 353-0293-040
DS9 LED, red 353-0293-040
DS10 LED, red 353-0293-040
R1 Resistor, cc, 2.7 kΩ, 10%, 1/4W 745-0764-000
R2 Resistor, cc, 2.7 kΩ, 10%, 1/4W 745-0764-000
R3 Resistor, cc, 2.7 kΩ, 10%, 1/4W 745-0764-000
R4 Resistor, cc, 2.7 kΩ, 10%, 1/4W 745-0764-000
R5 Resistor, cc, 2.7 kΩ, 10%, 1/4W 745-0764-000
R6 Resistor, cc, 2.7 kΩ, 10%, 1/4W 745-0764-000
R7 Resistor, cc, 2.7 kΩ, 10%, 1/4W 745-0764-000
R8 Resistor, cc, 2.7 kΩ, 10%, 1/4W 745-0764-000
R9 Resistor, cc, 2.7 kΩ, 10%, 1/4W 745-0764-000
R10 Resistor, cc, 10 kΩ, 10%, 1/4W 745-0785-000
S1 Switch, spdt 266-5321-150
S2 Switch, pushbutton 260-2708-000
S3 Switch, dpdt 266-5321-200
S4 Switch, dpdt 266-5321-200
S5 Switch, dpdt 266-5321-200
S6 Switch, dpdt 266-5321-200
TP1-TP24 Choose from list below
Jack, tip, white 360-0149-000
Jack, tip, red 360-0150-000
Jack, tip, black 360-0151-000
Jack, tip, brown 360-0152-000
Jack, tip, green 360-0153-000
Jack, tip, orange 360-0154-000
Jack, tip, blue 360-0155-000
Jack, tip, yellow 360-0156-000
Jack, tip, violet 360-0157-000
Jack, tip, gray 360-0158-000

28 April 1991 5-21

maintenance 523-0775827

RTA Flight-Line Test Fixture, Schematic Diagram

Figure 5-4 (Sheet 1 of 2)

28 April 1991 5-22

maintenance 523-0775827

RTA Flight-Line Test Fixture, Schematic Diagram

Figure 5-4 (Sheet 2)

28 April 1991 5-23/(5-24 blank)

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