Fuller - Final Implicit Theory - 5-3
Fuller - Final Implicit Theory - 5-3
Fuller - Final Implicit Theory - 5-3
Social Skills, Relationships, and Learning: Do Social and Emotional Learning Programs
Amber S. Fuller
This paper examined the influence of SEL programs and teacher-student relationships on
students’ academic achievement. The purpose of the review was to provide a knowledge base of
the influence on academic achievement scores and grades in reading and math, after applying
schools. After reviewing a limited body of research, strongly dominated yet limited by few
authors, the author of the paper found that SEL programs’ influence on academic achievement is
not widely studied as only 16% of generalized SEL programs are studied in this manner. The
research on two specific SEL programs examined in this study showed little to no influence on
communication. Finally, the author concluded that SEL programs require further research and
analysis to confirm the effectiveness of the programs and their influence on academic
achievement. Therefore, the author presented future suggestions to educators and researchers that
involve conducting further research, challenging current SEL programs and practices, and
Influence Learning
How do social and emotional learning and relationships with teachers impact student
learning? For the purposes of this paper, the terms “academic achievement” and “learning” will
be used interchangeably. Currently, schools across the nation are battling the COVID-19
pandemic. Bond (2020) reviewed the current state of education with COVID-19 precautions and
concluded that social and emotional learning (SEL) are still as important as before. However,
while students are shuttled into remote learning and in-person instruction is limited, additional
efforts must be made to ensure the practice of social and emotional learning to continue during
the pandemic (Bond). For instance, specific SEL practices like Responsive Classroom’s Morning
Meeting, where students greet each other and complete physical team-building exercises to build
relationships and practice social skills, must be adapted to accommodate for social distancing
(Bond). This paper will focus on SEL methods and teacher-student relationships (TSRs) from
pre-pandemic times, as current practices and programs may have more limitations than before
(prior to 2020). Overall, this paper aims to answer if social and emotional learning programs and
student achievement (Blair, 2002). As educators and policy makers began to understand the
connection of SEL and academic achievement, SEL programs were adopted by school districts to
teach social and emotional skills through intervention (Cook et al., 2018). Certain SEL programs
implement social skills that can be learned through relationship building in supportive
classroom may have positive or negative influence on student learning. TSRs may either be
warm and nurturing, or lackluster and harmful to student success (McCormick et al., 2015). In
some settings, students may be able to learn with or without the influence of teacher-student
relationships (McCormick et al., 2015). To help foster these relationships, SEL programs like
(McCormick et al., 2015). As I delve into SEL programs and their influence on student learning,
I will further assess the presence of student-teacher relationships in conducted research on SEL
For the purposes of this paper, I will examine two SEL programs, INSIGHTS and Second
Step, and data collected on teacher-student relationships from various studies. Reviewing these
two programs and TSR data will open the discussion to a broader perspective on whether social
and emotional learning programs and teacher-student relationships have any influence on student
Literature Review
This section begins with the historical review of social and emotional learning.
Afterwards, I will discuss the various competencies taught through generalized SEL programs.
Next, I will examine two specific SEL programs and their aims. Following the aims of two
specific SEL programs, I will review teacher-student relationships and the relevance of TSRs on
safe classroom environments and teacher perceptions. Then, I will examine how SEL programs
and teacher-student relationships influence students’ academic achievement in reading and math.
Finally, I will conclude the paper with recommendations for future research and provide
suggestions to educators on how to use social and emotional learning and relationships to support
Dating back to 380 B.C., Plato believed that focusing on the complete education of a
child was the most promising way to foster children to become productive citizens in society
(Beaty, 2018). The complete education or holistic learning approach focuses on all aspects of
student learning: academic, physical, social, mental, and emotional (Mahmoudi et al., 2012). In
1994, various professionals with similar beliefs met at the Fertzer Institute to develop ways to
educate students into becoming productive citizens (Beaty). During this time, the professionals
founded an organization called Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning
(CASEL) (Beaty). Further, CASEL members coined the acronym “SEL” for social and
emotional learning by defining the need to address students’ social and emotional wellbeing, and
the need for schools to provide intervention to address social-emotional needs of students to
support learning (Greenberg et al., 2003). Thus, SEL had officially been drafted to a framework
Although SEL has its importance, it is not the only important piece of a child’s education.
SEL is only one fraction of a child’s learning, accompanying math, reading, and science
instruction (Elias, 2003). Elias refers to social and emotional learning as the “missing piece” (p.
7) in education, as social and emotional learning support academic learning with skills needed to
function in relationships and the community. In 2002, the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)
was introduced and the act imposed new factors of accountability for states and districts (Zins et
al., 2004). Alongside accountability for academic success via report cards and state testing,
schools began to employ social and emotional learning programs to support student academic
success (Zins et al.). Zins et al. reported that districts were not apt to employ any programs that
were not research-based, requiring evidence of improvement, as the need for accountability was
irrefutable. Liston et al. (2007) noted that school districts’ goals were focused solely on programs
that would serve the purpose of boosting student achievement. Therefore, SEL programs only
served a purpose to school districts, if the programs would raise students’ academic achievement
(Liston et al., 2007). Once policy makers and educators began drawing parallels between SEL
programs and skills to the academic success of students, the need for SEL programs in schools
rose (Zins et al., 2004). Zins et al. (2004) and Greenberg et al. (2003) both cautioned that
introducing SEL programs in isolation, lacking a holistic learning approach, may be a serious
misstep. If school districts approach SEL with short-term, fragmented interventions, schools may
not reap the anticipated benefits. Further, Greenberg et al. suggested SEL should hold the same
importance as academic learning and be included into the school’s vision, mission, and culture,
fitting appropriately into the educational puzzle alongside math, reading, and other academic
The concept of the missing piece is again acknowledged, as the Every Student Succeeds
Act (ESSA) of 2015 allowed public schools the privilege to redesign outdated goals to ensure
equitable education for students (Gayl, 2017). As states were granted the opportunity to change
their goals and policies under the ESSA Act, many students were ushered into holistic learning
(Gayl, 2017). With growing support for SEL programs under NCLB and ESSA, a need for more
SEL programs became apparent (Cook et al., 2018). Generalized, SEL programs are school-
based interventions that teach students core social and emotional skills like identifying emotions
and empathizing, setting goals, problem-solving, building and maintaining relationships, and
other various skills needed to be a successful citizen (Cook et al., 2018). As a result of SEL
program implementation, social skills were integrated into daily routines in classrooms and
schools (Schonert-Reichl et al., 2017). Roorda et al. (2011) explained that the integration of
social skills occurred due to the refinement of SEL in the past two decades. Further, CASEL
This section reviews the five, refined social skill areas that are taught in classrooms in
many SEL programs and how they relate to student success. Prior to 2020’s pandemic, schools
were incorporating classroom or schoolwide SEL programs like INSIGHTS, Second Step,
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), and others to help learners succeed in
CASEL’s pre-determined five skills of social and emotional learning (Gayl, 2017). The
aforementioned programs helped students learn about social and emotional skills through
modeling and practicing of learned skills in their everyday lives. Alongside practicing of SEL
environments for students (Crick & Dodge, 1994). The five overarching skills taught in
classrooms, using SEL programs, are as follows: proper decision-making, relationship building
and maintaining, empathy and compassion, self-regulation, and mindfulness (CASEL, n.d.).
Students’ emotions and their ability to navigate the five social and emotional
competencies may dictate their academic success (Elias et al., 1997). When students began
learning to employ these five competencies, educators and parents hoped to see improvements in
socializing, better coping mechanisms, fewer behavioral problems, and higher achievement in
reading and math (Greenberg et al., 2003). Greenberg et al. suggested that monitoring of the
social skills practice and improvements, or lack thereof, in the five competencies was influential
in the success of students’ academic achievement. Further, students that receive monitored
intervention in the five skill areas may be set up for lifelong success, as learners and citizens
(Gayl, 2017).
This section introduces two widely-practiced SEL programs that support SEL through the
five social skill competencies in classroom environments. While there are various SEL programs
that may be adopted by schools throughout the country, INSIGHTS and Second Step are the
programs chosen for examination in this paper. Both programs have informative findings on the
The first program that is reviewed is called INSIGHTS – INSIGHTS into Children’s
learning program that is employed in low-income elementary schools for students that are
academically at-risk and in need of positive behavior supports (McCormick et al., 2015).
INSIGHTS is a research-based program that teachers, students, and parents use to help with
student temperaments (McCormick et al., 2015). Temperament is based on how a person reacts
to others, life events, etc. (McCormick et al., 2020). INSIGHTS aims to improve classroom
McCormick et al. stated that INSIGHTS uses four temperament characters to help students relate
to the program: a shy character, a grumpy character, a friendly and persistent character, and a
character that is happy and has a suitable work ethic. Teachers and parents are given examples to
recognize these qualities in their students, review their perception of the characters, and react to
using this program, educators and families hope to build more positive relationships by modeling
and encouraging empathy, which may influence the effort and motivations of students in
academic areas.
The second program that will be examined is known as Second Step. Second Step is an
SEL program that was targeted toward elementary schools and developed by Committee for
Children (Cook et al., 2018). Although, Second Step has the ability to reach students from
preschool through twelfth grade, this paper will primarily focus on the program at the elementary
level (Cook et al., 2018). Cook et al. remarked that students at the elementary level are still
developing their social skills and are likely able to profit from proper intervention. Cook et al.
also recognized that Second Step is SEL-based curriculum that focuses on social skill
manage emotions, and solve problems. Frey et al. (2000) stated that modeling and support from
peers and the classroom teacher in a whole group setting may make the program more beneficial
than when a program is implemented in a small group setting. Cook et al. (2018) reviewed
Second Step’s “logic model” (p. 2) which followed the pattern of instructing social skills,
providing practice with peers, and reinforcing skills through review means. By using this
program, educators and families aim to strengthen social and emotional skills of students to
INSIGHTS and Second Step are SEL classroom interventions that focus on social skills
and classroom environments. While using these programs, students and teachers practice social
skill building through teacher and student interactions and relationships in the classroom (Frey et
al., 2000). In the following section, I will account for teacher-student relationships formed in
classroom environments.
Classroom environments are managed by teachers through routines and learning occurs
thereafter. As teachers and students gather together for learning, teacher-student relationships
(TSRs) are formed (Roorda et al., 2011). Roorda et al. cited that an emphasis on teacher-student
relationships has risen in the past twenty years, like Beaty (2018) noted the same increase in SEL
programs in the last two decades. Wubbels & Brekelmans (2005) focused on the linkage between
approach” (Wubbels & Brekelmans, 2005, p. 2). The inclusion or exclusion of communication
can be perceived as positive or negative, depending on the message and body language between
teachers and students (Wubbels & Brekelmans). After establishing frequent communication in
the learning environment, the perceived messages create a pattern for consistency between
teachers and students (Wubbels & Brekelmans). Therefore, Wubbels & Brekelmans noted that
the communications established over time form a relationship of either positive or negative
repetitive communications, are analyzed via the teacher’s perceptions of the students’ behaviors,
students’ feelings towards their teachers, what students learn, and how students react (Wubbels
& Brekelmans). These formed relationships and perceptions may have direct influence on
student learning and vary between student relationships with various teachers (Wubbels &
Brekelmans). According to Ladd et al. (1999), the environment and temperaments of teachers
and students may influence perceptions about the formed relationships. The perceptions about
the relationships may have direct effects on student motivation; therefore, perceptions and
communication in TSRs may have a direct influence on academic achievement in reading and
math (Ladd et al.). In support, students that have experienced positive communication with their
teachers may have a positive influence in academic achievement; however, if their teacher-
student communication was negative, the influence on achievement may also be negative
(Wubbels & Brekelmans). The following section will overview the influences, if any, of SEL
Academic Achievement
influence on academic achievement in reading and math? Although the previously mentioned
authors’ hypotheses surrounding SEL programs and TSRs include assumptions of an influence
on academic achievement, the research findings were contradictory. The previously reviewed
studies revealed a lack of research on SEL programs and their influence on academic
achievement. Overall, Durlak et al. (2011) remarked that a mere sixteen percent of SEL
programs account for students’ academic achievement. Of the studies that examined academic
achievement, most focused on the immediate results produced by the SEL programs and did not
examine long-term effects (McCormick et al., 2015). Further, McCormick et al. stated that these
inconsistent findings related to student learning are potentially misleading because findings
support McCormick et al.’s findings, Wenz-Gross et al. (2018) asserted that Second Step is a
well-known and implemented program that was not widely studied. McCormick et al. (2015)
stated more specifically that few studies have been conducted to determine the influence of
INSIGHTS on student learning. Therefore, the search results yielded few returns on INSIGHTS or
Alongside limited research, the research available on INSIGHTS implementation and its
O’Connor, and McClowry (2015; 2020). These three researchers conducted their first study in
2015 and additional research later in 2020 to describe the long-term effects of INSIGHTS
(McCormick et al. 2020). Therefore, the subsection below will mainly examine these two studies
on INSIGHTS and academic achievement from 2015 and 2020. Similarly, Second Step research
was also lacking in ties to academic achievement. The sole study that I examined was conducted
by Cook et al. (2018). After searching extensively, any additional research mentioned will
studies on TSRs and students’ academic achievement were more widely available and will be
discussed later in this section. In the following sections, I will explore the limited studies of the
two SEL programs’ and the more widely researched studies on TSRs’ influence on academic
As previously mentioned, this examination will focus on two SEL programs and their
achievement in reading and math? Accounting for the lack of long-term studies, the program’s
positive influence on students’ academic achievement have not been reported with consistency.
McCormick et al.’s (2015) two-year study of kindergarten and first grade students that
participated in INSIGHTS yielded positive results for first grade students’ academic achievement
in reading. These same first grade students did not show any significant improvement in math
scores. However, kindergarten students from the study that participated in INSIGHTS did not
show any improvement in academic achievement in reading or math (McCormick et al., 2015).
McCormick et al. hypothesized that the lack of influence on academic achievement may be due
to the pre-existing heavy demands of character building necessary for kindergarten students to be
active participants in learning. As well, McCormick et al. suggested the influence of INSIGHTS
on reading achievement merely reflected that teachers are strongly focused on reading instruction
compared to mathematics instruction, spending more instructional hours on reading than math.
McCormick et al. (2015) supported the reading claim further by stating that INSIGHTS provided
more reading opportunities for students than mathematical opportunities, as the program includes
Any growth or improvement in math scores of students may have been caused by
classroom climate, more so than reading scores (McCormick et al., 2015). When McCormick et
al. (2020) completed their second study on third to fifth graders, the claim that mathematic
achievement was not influenced by INSIGHTS was yet again supported. Reading achievement at
that time was positively influenced for third and fourth grade students but not positively or
negatively influenced for fifth or sixth grade students (McCormick et al., 2020). In summary,
McCormick et al. (2015; 2020) demonstrated that while INSIGHTS somewhat influenced reading
achievement in first, third, and fourth grades, it did not influence math achievement from
kindergarten through sixth grade and required additional studies to solidify its influence.
Shifting the focus onto another SEL program, Cook et al.’s (2018) Second Step
implementation with low-socioeconomic, elementary students did not produce any significant
relationship between the program and student learning. Cook et al. (2018) conclude in their
findings that no suggested effects on academic achievement were present. The Second Step
participants in the control group had nonsignificant findings in their reading and math scores on
the Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Achievement (Cook et al.). Cook et al. remarked that their
initial hypothesis, that Second Step’s SEL program would benefit students through improving
their social skills, was unfounded. Second Step’s influence could have been unfounded due to
several factors (Cook et al.). First, Cook et al. explained that the lack of influence on academic
achievement may be contributed to the short-term length of the study they had conducted.
Similar to McCormick et al. (2015; 2020), Cook et al. supported the long-term implementation
Further, Cook et al. discussed how Second Step’s influence might have influenced elementary
students with average or above academic achievement most, as average or above average
performing students can apply the SEL to their academic learning instead of focusing most of
their efforts on catching up to peers academically. Despite these additional hypotheses from
Cook et al., Second Step’s program did not influence students’ academic achievement in reading
or math.
Overall, as students were selected to participate in INSIGHTS and Second Step, the only
influence that these programs had on academic learning was discovered in first, third, and fourth
grade reading scores on the reading and math assessment from McCormick et al.’s INSIGHTS
studies (2015; 2020). Further, McCormick et al.’s INSIGHTS studies reflected the program had
no influence on kindergarten, fifth, or sixth grade reading achievement and no influence on math
scores in kindergarten through sixth grade (2015; 2020). Cook et al.’s (2018) Second Step study
lacked evidence to support any influence on academic achievement. Completing more research
studies, as McCormick et al. and Cook et al. suggested, may yield different results. In the past,
INSIGHTS and Second Step have not yielded enough, short-term or long-term, studies to deduce
their complete impact on student learning (McCormick et al.; Cook et al., 2018).
TSRs have yielded more positive results on academic achievement. Graziano et al. (2007) stated
communicated positively with their teachers were perceived differently by their teachers and
received better grades than students with negative TSRs, as they appear motivated and interested
in learning (Roorda et al., 2011). Positive communication and interactions between teachers and
students have influenced the learning environment and motivate students through social goals
like pleasing their teachers or parents, and getting peer approval (Urdan & Maehr, 1995).
Students with negative TSRs were inversely influenced, engaging less in academic activities and
scoring lower on tests (Ladd et al., 1999). These negative impressions of disinterest and lack of
motivation have influenced teacher perceptions of student ability and resulted in students
receiving poorer scores and grades (Ladd et al., 1999). Further, Roorda et al. also found that
negative TSRs influenced lower levels of academic achievement, reasoning that there is no
Focusing on one particular study, Graziano et al.’s study of 325 kindergarteners, using
the Academic Performance Rating Scale and Student-Teacher Relationship Scales, attempted to
find further influence of TSRs on academic achievement (2007). Graziano et al. found additional
evidence that students with positive TSRs and higher capacities to regulate their emotions
received higher math and reading scores on the Academic Performance Rating Scale. Students
that had positive TSRs showed more persistence with assignment completion and provided more
accurate answers to test questions (Graziano et al.). Both Graziano et al. (2007) and Roorda et al.
(2011) found that students with positive TSRs had teachers that positively pushed them to
achieve and, as a result, these students aimed to make their teachers happy.
After reviewing studies about TSRs, the findings show that TSRs can positively or
negatively influence academic achievement. If students were involved in positive TSRs, their
negative TSRs, their academic achievement was negatively influenced (Roorda et al., 2011).
significantly influence students to achieve higher scores on reading or math tests (McCormick et
al., 2020). However, when students positively communicated and interacted with teachers and
peers, students’ achievement in reading and math reflected a positive influence unlike the scores
of students with negative TSRs (Graziano et al., 2007). TSRs have demonstrated the ability to
raise student achievement in reading and math, when students have a positive relationship with
their teacher (Graziano et al.). In the following section, I will review my hypothesis, make
suggestions for future research, and draw a conclusion for educators that may implement SEL
After examining the influence of SEL programs like Second Step and INSIGHTS on
academic achievement, my initial belief that SEL programs had a positive influence on students’
academic achievement was incorrect. In conclusion, the limited research on the influence of
academic achievement through SEL programs conducted by McCormick et al. (2015; 2020) and
Cook et al. (2018) primarily reflected a lack of influence with limited positive influence on
reading scores. Therefore, the researchers suggested further studies are necessary to determine
the influence of these two SEL programs on academic achievement. In contrast, the examination
of TSRs and their influence on academic achievement proved that the relationships built within a
safe, caring environment positively influence academic achievement in reading and math. What
As it was my belief that SEL programs were influencing students’ abilities to self-
regulate and focus in the classroom, lessening student behaviors, and providing strategies for
students to absorb more academic information, the research on the programs has shown that
these programs have little influence on academic achievement. As the findings from the studies
contradict my belief that SEL programs that teach self-regulation consistently and positively
influence academic achievement, I have become concerned with SEL programs’ ability to
increase social-emotional competency. If students are not receiving higher scores in reading and
math as a result of improved social-emotional skills, the question now becomes: are SEL
As a teacher in a low socio-economic area, where these programs are often implemented,
I have not been provided with readily available evidence. Therefore, with limited evidence from
SEL program research being thin and strongly dominated by two groups of authors, I urge
educators to assess their SEL programs by asking for data. Educators may assess the programs in
the form of reviewing yearly data collected from their students or data collected from program
researchers like McCormick et al. (2015; 2020) or Cook et al. (2018). Within the upcoming
years, I hope to see an increase in studies that surround SEL programs and their influence on
academic achievement. Without this evidence, educators must push to review the yearly data
from programs that are implemented within their schools, question the benefits and influences of
the programs, and decide what programs or methods would be most effective for their students.
Educators’ further inquiry into program outcomes could potentially save school districts’ money,
as programs like Second Step and INSIGHTS are costly. If a program is found to have a negative
or null influence, money spent on the programs should be reallocated. Similarly, when students
are provided with reading or math programs, their progress is monitored to determine usefulness
of the intervention and the program is either maintained or replaced based on its effectiveness to
“missing piece” of social-emotional learning and evaluate current programs and methods to
determine efficacy.
have is for future educators to shift their focus from costly SEL programs and find methods that
place emphasis on TSRs. For example, Responsive Classroom’s Morning Meeting is a free
method that school districts could implement to foster relationships in classrooms. This method
could be implemented with more frequency than both SEL programs reviewed above, providing
routine. As well, Morning Meeting can be aligned to fit each district’s needs, as the content
discussed within the meetings is not scripted, like Second Step or INSIGHTS, but rather a
generalized method that is tailored to fit the needs of students in each classroom. Each day, the
teacher would have students greet one another, share about themselves or a concept, complete a
team-building activity, and discuss the events of the day through a written message. Within this
activities. As students are participating in this routine, they are building a safe and caring
environment, solidifying relationships with teachers and their peers, and forming healthy
Overall, the contradictory findings between SEL programs’ and TSRs’ influence on
academic achievement demand educators to assess what methods positively increase academic
achievement. As students require a holistic approach, educators must reflect on what is most
effective for their students academically, socially, emotionally, and more. Without further
research or proper assessment of implemented programs, teachers are expecting SEL programs
to influence students’ capacity to learn academic content. The findings of the studies have
proven my hypothesis and the authors’ hypotheses to be unfounded. Although it is safe to say
that SEL programs do not have strong influences on academic achievement, educators should
now focus on forming and maintaining TSRs to improve student learning. The current research
shows that TSRs are worth the time and effort, as students learn and apply knowledge best when
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