Ey Erformance Ndicators: 4wire KPI Dashboard K P I

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Leading Software Solutions for Wire Harness Production

4Wire KPI Dashboard
Key Performance Indicators
4Wire KPI Dashboard
Key Performance Indicators

Visualization of
relevant production
Reliable figures from ongoing
production are an important
management control tool. The
data collected in the 4Wire CAO
system can be calculated both as
standardized and customized

The 4Wire KPI Dashboard visu-

alizes the figures and presents
them extremely clear.
OEE overview on group level

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
are process indicators used to
measure the progress and degree
of fulfillment of important objec-
tives and critical success factors
in wire harness production.

The ability to compare figures is a

pre-requisite for measuring plant
and machines with comparable
charts at group level.

Plant orders and order backlog on plant level

4Wire KPI Dashboard

n Company-wide, consistent n Motivation of employees to improve

presentation of overall equipment performance
n Consistent control of production
n Continuous improvement based on quality
measured production effectiveness
n Fast and target oriented reacting on
n Fact-based justification of process insufficient production performance
optimization and / or product
investment n Detection and visualization of
optimization potential

System concept
Complementary Systems Locations

4Wire CAO 4Wire PLS Head Office Krailling/Munich

Cutting and Assembly Production and Logistics Suite DiIT GmbH
Optimization Justus-von-Liebig-Ring 11a
D-82152 Krailling near Munich
The software solution 4Wire CAO is the 4Wire PLS is a flexible solution specially Phone +49 (0)89 - 89 32 50 - 0
leading manufacturing execution system made to support customer specific wire Fax +49 (0)89 - 89 32 50 - 50
for the cutting area and assembly. It is the harness production (KSK). info@diit.de
only system, that is used worldwide and www.diit.de
supports all languages. Production processes are complex and
different in every company contrary to
Branch Office Berlin
commercial functions, especially in wire Am Borsigturm 33
The system has interfaces to machines
from Schleuniger, Ar tos, Komax, harness production with quantity one. D-13507 Berlin
ShinMaywa, Schäfer, Yazaki and others, Therefore, 4Wire PLS functionality Phone +49 (0)30 - 64 0996 - 37
that are continuously updated in close depends on the project at hand. There Fax +49 (0)30 - 64 0996 - 36
cooperation with the machine manu- are no unnecessary, missing or con- sales@diit.de
facturers. That is why 4Wire CAO has the voluted functions in 4Wire PLS.
latest and the largest scope of functions Branch Office Mexico/USA
that can be regarded as a de facto Customer specific data structures are 1370-B Pullman Drive, Suite A
standard. generated automatically with no extra TX-79936 El Paso
effort. This software technology was Phone +1 915 856 8868
The software solution 4Wire CAO is funded by the European Commission Fax +1 915 856 7825
flexible, scalable and efficient and already and has been awarded with the highest
successfully installed by many successful award category “excellent”.
Branch Office China
108, BH Center
companies. Due to its modularity, 4Wire
7755 Zhongchun Rd
CAO is also beneficial for small and
Shanghai 201101
medium-size companies.
Phone +86 (21) 6252 6677
Fax +86 (21) 6240 8655

© DiIT 2019

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