Howard M. Vollmer and Donald L. Mills
Howard M. Vollmer and Donald L. Mills
Howard M. Vollmer and Donald L. Mills
There are some indications that the development of nuclear technology is associated with rudi-
mentary professionalization of labor, including the development of specialized techniques with under-
lying theoretical formulations, a career pattern supported by an association of colleagues, and a
community-recognized status. With nuclear technology, moreover, the importance of public health and
safety considerations is recognized as related to the professionalization process.
actors are being operated, built, or planned actor operators, turbine operators, gen-
for non-military uses in the United States.3 erator operators, or maintenance personnel
The number of workers involved in these for mechanical maintenance (including
and related aspects of nuclear technology general mechanics, welders, machinists,
has been increasing in recent years. In pipefitters, plumbers, and related trades),
1956 there were about 83,000 persons em- electrical maintenance, instrumentation,
ployed in installations owned directly by and chemical analysis. Use of radioisotopes
the United States Atomic Energy Commis- in industry involves production workers
sion and operated by private contractors; (using radiation gauges or tracer tech-
over 40,000 of these were manual or hourly niques), radiographicequipment operators,
rated employees.4In 1961 there were about radiological well-logging equipment opera-
130,000 employees in 158 AEC contractor- tors, maintenance repairmen of radiologi-
operated installations, 53,000 of which were cal equipment, industrial laboratory tech-
manual workerswho worked with, or in the nicians (using radiological techniques),
vicinity of, radiation sources. Approxi- personnel who manufacture radiological
mately 25,000 of these manual workers are equipment, and persons in related occupa-
in skilled crafts or trades. In addition, at tions. In addition, the new occupation of
least 22,000 employees are now employed radiation monitoring has developed in re-
in other contexts affected by nuclear tech- sponse to the potential hazards of use of
nology, such as the construction of nuclear radiation in industry.
facilities, industrial laboratories using ra- Therefore, it would seem that the im-
diation sources (not under contract to the pact of nuclear technology upon American
AEC), nuclear instrument manufacturing, labor is worthy of notice, both in terms of
radioactive waste disposal, and uranium numbers of personnel and in terms of the
mining.5 General Electric Company is an variety of occupations involved.
example of an industrial organization that
employs more than 1,800 persons who SPECIALIZED TECHNIQUES
work directly with radiation sources and That nuclear technology requires the de-
more than 6,400 persons who work in the velopment of specialized techniques sup-
vicinity of these sources.6 ported by a body of general theory for
Manual or hourly rated job classifica- operating and maintenance personnel has
tions in nuclear power plants typically re- been recognized by various authorities in
quire operating personnel to serve as re- the field.7 These needs for specialized and
3 Atomic Industrial Forum, The Atomic Indus-
7 See, e.g., John I. Saks, "Labor Implications
try: 1958 (New York: Atomic Industrial Forum,
of Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy," Monthly
1959), p. 12; and United States Atomic Energy Labor Review, LXXX (1957), 927-28; F. W.
Commission, Major Activities in the Atomic En- Erhard, "Industrial Training Aspects of the Peace-
ergy Programs, January-December 1960 (Wash-
ful Uses of Atomic Energy," Proceedings of the
ington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1961), International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of
p. 437. Atomic Energy (New York: United Nations,
'James J. Bambrick, Jr., and Albert A. Blum, 1956), XIII, 66; K. K. Campbell, "Maintenance
Labor Relations in the Atomic Energy Field Work in the Field of Nuclear Energy," Proceed-
("Studies in Personnel Policy," No. 158 [New ings-1953 Conference on Nuclear Engineering
York: National Industrial Conference Board, (Berkeley: University of California Bookstore,
1957]), pp. 22-25. 1953), p. G-12; D. Cochran, "Engineering Prob-
lems in Nuclear Power Plant Development,"
6 Major Activities in the Atomic Energy Pro-
grams, p. 109. United States Congress Joint Committee on
Atomic Energy, Report on Atomic Power and
' W. A. McAdams, "Radiation
Protection in the Private Enterprise (82d Cong., 2d sess. [Washing-
Industrial Use of Radiation" (paper read at the ton, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1952]), p.
Second United Nations International Conference 306; and D. 0. Woodbury, Atoms for Peace (New
on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, 1958). York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1955), p. 246.