SSI Workshop Introduction and Objectives A Huerta NEA
SSI Workshop Introduction and Objectives A Huerta NEA
SSI Workshop Introduction and Objectives A Huerta NEA
Alejandro Huerta NEA Nuclear Safety Division Andrei Blahoianu CNSC ,IAGE Chair Andrew Murphy USNRC, Chair IAGE Seismic Group
33 Member countries < 20% Worlds population > 3/5 worlds exports produce > 2/3 goods & services generates about 83% nuclear power in world. 343 reactors units in 17 OECD countries. 15 more units under construction.
NEA Characteristics
Small size and budget (80 staff members; budget of 13 million euros, + voluntary contributions and projects) Large representation (85% of the worlds nuclear power capacity) Non-political forum; climate of mutual trust Tries to pool worlds best nuclear expertise among developed countries Narrow focus: in-depth scientific, technical, legal work
foster the continuous enhancement of the knowledge base of nuclear safety and the safety expertise capability in member countries
assist member countries in the resolution of safety issues and strengthen confidence in the solutions and their implementation
address safety issues associated with new technologies and reactor designs
help to maintain an adequate level of capability and competence necessary to ensure the safety of existing facilities, in particular their long-term operation, and future nuclear facilities and activities enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the regulatory process and encourage harmonization of the regulatory processes
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NEA Committees
Steering Committee for Nuclear Energy
Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations
Committee on Nuclear Regulatory Activities
Radioactive Waste Management Committee
Nuclear Science Committee
Committee for Technical & Economic Studies on Nuclear Development & the Fuel Cycle
Data Bank
Committee on Radiation Protection and Public Health
Alejandro Huerta NEA - SSI Workshop October 2010
Nuclear Law Committee
CNRA Activities
Inspection practices
Operating Experience Feedback Incident Reporting System (IRS) Public communication of nuclear regulatory organisations. Flash@news. Senior group on the Regulators Role in Assessing Licensee Controls of Vendors and Other Contracted Services Regulation of New Reactors Senior task group on Challenges in Long Term Operation of Nuclear Power Plants Implications for Regulatory Bodies NEA High Level Forum on Long Term Operation (June 8, 2011)
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CSNI Structure
( CSNI )
July 2010
C HAIRMAN : J . R EPUSSARD - S ECRETARY : J . R EIG B UREAU : K . S ODA ( V - C ) , B . S HERON ( V - C ) , L . H AHN , J . - M . C AVEDON , A . W HITE
IAGE Mandate
Forum to exchange views, information and experience on generic technical aspects of integrity and ageing of components and structures, and review national and international programmes concentrating on research, operational aspects and regulation. Stimulate, in relevant technical areas, new research and recommend possible international co-operative projects. Develop technical positions on specific integrity issues of operating & new NPPs and research reactors covering the entire life cycle identify areas where further work is needed.
Discuss the potential impact of ageing and other challenges to integrity on the safety, regulation and operability of operating and new nuclear power plants.
IAGE products: workshops, SOARs, topical opinion papers
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Specialist meeting on the anti-seismic design of nuclear installations (1975) NEA/CSNI-7 Group of experts on reference seismic ground motions in nuclear safety assessments (1978) NEA/CSNI-26 Specialist meeting on the 1976 Friuli earthquake and the antiseismic design of nuclear installations (1977) NEA/CSNI28 Specialist meeting on probabilistic methods in seismic assessment for nuclear power plants (1980) NEA/CSNI-44 Second CSNI Specialist Meeting on Probabilistic Methods in Seismic Risk Assessment for Nuclear Power Plants (1983) NEA/CSNI-76
The figure illustrates the different areas of expertise and the topics addressed.
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The product will be a catalogue of seismic events recorded by NPPs around the world, describing the level of the earthquake and the consequences on the plant.
The group agreed to collect all and present at each Seismic sub-group meeting information about earthquakes in Member countries. The structure, organization, management, follow-up and updating of this catalogue and the data collected is the basis of the activities of the IAEA ISSC WA 9: Information and Notification System
Hosted by JNES, 25-26 November 2010, Niigata Institute of Technology, Kashiwazaki, Niigata, Japan
Embedded in the 1st Kashiwazaki International Symposium on Seismic Safety of Nuclear Installations: "Mission for Technology Innovation toward Next Generation 24-26 November 2010 Symposium will include a second embedded workshop on Seismic Isolation of Nuclear Facilities. The objectives of the workshop will be (i) overview of current status and activities on seismic observation in deep boreholes around the world; (ii) sharing information of recent development on survey, observation and analyzing techniques, simple ways of soil properties evaluation; (iii) discussion on related issues and topics.
WS on Soil Structure Interaction (SSI) Knowledge and Effect on the Seismic Assessment of NPPs Structures and Components
To review and disseminate recent findings and issues in SSI:
A description of the state-of-the-art engineering practices regarding SSI analysis A description of the issues associated with SSI analysis A comparison of SSI analysis approaches: Frequency Domain versus Time Domain Site effect: Simplified (1D) analysis versus 3D analysis and SSI analysis software limitations. A discussion of SSI methodology used in different countries including the topic of base isolation and treatment of uncertainties related to SSI parameters. A comparison of SSI results to available structural response records produced by real earthquakes
Better understanding of the current SSI analysis methods and practices and their effects on assessment of NPP structures and components
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WS on Soil Structure Interaction (SSI) Knowledge and Effect on the Seismic Assessment of NPPs Structures and Components
77 Participants from 13 Member Countries and 2 International Organisations
WS on Soil Structure Interaction (SSI) Knowledge and Effect on the Seismic Assessment of NPPs Structures and Components
Opening Session Technical Session
Day 1 Morning Introduction Papers (5) Day 1 Afternoon Methodologies and Frameworks (6) Day 2 Morning Case Studies / Analysis in Frequency Domain (8) Day 2 Afternoon Case Studies / Analysis in Time Domain (6) Day 3 Morning Case Studies / Analysis in Time Domain and Some Special Topics (7)
NEA is addressing seismic safety matters since early 70s CSNI/IAGE working group constitutes a forum to exchange views, information and experience on generic technical aspects of integrity and ageing of components and structures, as well as the seismic behaviour of structures systems and components. Based on international experience on probabilistic seismic hazards analysis and seismic PSA, on recent earthquakes, and on the nuclear renaissance, the priority of NEA countries for addressing seismic safety issues will focus on: Better characterisation of seismic input Engineering approach used for seismic qualification of structures, systems and components (SSC), including aging effects Validation of analytical methods Re-evaluation of existing facilities and assessment of beyond design basis conditions