2018 IEEE International Conference on Innovative Research and Development (ICIRD)
11-12 May 2018,Bangkok Thailand
Mobility Assistance Robot for disabled persons using
Electromyography(EMG) Sensor Syed Faiz Ahmed1 , Athar Ali1 , M. Kamran Joyo1M. Rehan2, Fahad A. Siddiqui2, Jawad A. Bhatti2, Aatika Liaquat2 M. M. S. Dezfouli3 1 Universiti Kuala Lumpur, British Malaysian Institute, Malaysia 2 Electronic Engineering Department, Sir Syed University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi, Pakistan 3 Universiti Kuala Lumpur Institute of Product Design and Manufacturing (UniKL IPROM), Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia Syedfaiz@unikl.edu.my, athar.ali@s.unikl.edu.my, murehan@hotmail.com,
Abstract— Mobility Assistance Robot (MAR) is a stand stool
or an electronic walker. This robot can make a wheelchair bound person to experience the sensation of standing and navigating while standing up. This is not just a wheelchair substitute but indeed an absolutely new and advanced platform of mobility which makes the life of a disabled person easier. It can be controlled by an android mobile phone and users bind or tie themselves into a standing position without any difficulty. This robot can also be controlled through Electromyography (i.e. muscle movement). Electromyography is basically a method of monitoring the motion of neutrons, which are then converted into analog electrical signals and further working is then carried out through these signals. MAR has the potential to carry (lift) the disabled person automatically. It provides a platform for disabled person to ride on it and move with a maximum speed of 10 km/h. The robotic vehicle can be moved in any desired direction using both android mobile application and muscle Fig. 1: The Traditional Wheelchair [9] movement. The person on ride can get the feeling of roaming around like a normal human with legs. This robot is specifically Fig. 1 shows the structure of a traditional wheelchair. A bulky designed to provide a platform for disabled person to live like and heavy structure which requires assistance to get onto it normal humans. This Robot has many social benefits and caters and maintenance of such a big structure is also an issue. the need of real world. The structure in Fig. 2 shows an idea of mobility device Keyword—Electronic Wheel Chair; EMG; proposed in this research paper. It is not as heavy as traditional Electromyography wheelchairs and in addition any assistance is not needed for the person who intends to mount himself on it as it can pull up I. INTRODUCTION a human through its pneumatic system.
People with leg disabilities have to face a lot of problems
in their everyday life. This disability prevents them from fulfilling their basic daily activities. With the passage of time a lot of inventions have been made to make life of such people easier, and indeed these inventions surely have a positive effect on their lives, the most prominent and common example of such inventions/ devices are wheelchairs [1]. From ages wheelchairs are serving disable people and even wheelchairs have evolved from very basic chair to an electronic or automatic chair. However, this research is not about advancement in traditional wheelchairs neither about developing any substitute of wheelchairs but an absolutely new and advanced platform of mobility which makes the lives of a disabled people easier. Fig.2: Proposed Structure
2018 IEEE International Conference on Innovative Research and Development (ICIRD) II. METHODOLOGY Firstly, the Android phone’s Bluetooth has to be setup. Then it connects to the module which is named as A. Block Diagram: MAR after entering the correct password, so that no one else The proposed Robot can be controlled through android phone but only the user (who knows the password) can connect to as well as through the muscle movement. Fig. 3 shows the it. As this connection gets established, the Arduino gets block diagram of proposed system. connected to the mobile phone. Then the user needs to open the application (Bluetooth RC Car), as visible in figure 5. This application has keys that show the directions. So, when any of these four directions is pressed by the user it will give the corresponding command to the Arduino and then the Arduino will direct the device to move in the particular direction. This will make the robot move in any direction in which user wants to move the robot. 2. Electromyography (EMG): is a diagnostic medical procedure for monitoring the electrical activity generated by the motion of neutrons. EMG Fig.3: Block diagram of the system signal can be read by using a device called an electromyography [2]. The layout of device for reading EMG As the block diagram (Fig. 3) shows, that we are getting signal is shown in Fig. 6. signals from two separate sources (one at a time) to operate Working of this system is such that, the module has our device. The signal from either of the two systems will to be setup properly. The electrodes must be placed on correct make the motors move hence driving the Robot. Separate positions. Then as the muscles are moved it will change the Arduino and relays are used for both systems to avoid any output of the sensor/module that will make the Arduino react kind of conflict hence saving patient from any mishap. if it exceeds a particular threshold set in programming. B. Working of the sub-systems (Modules) and overall C. Circuit Diagrams system: The proposed system is divided in two phases, so separate 1. ANDROID: circuits are designed to operate both the phases / systems. The HC-05 module is used to connect the device to android first system is designed to operate the Robot using Android / device through bluetooth. The board used for this Bluetooth controlled system or via Android Mobile purpose is shown in Fig. 4. RC CAR is an android application. The conceptual view of android controlled application through which the Robot is controlled. The system is shown in Fig. 7. layout of RC Car is shown in Fig. 5. Second system is designed to operate the Robot using EMG Signal. The conceptual view of EMG controlled system is shown in Fig. 8. Initially the connection between Bluetooth module and mobile phone is established. The transmission of signal takes place wirelessly. The signal is received at the Arduino Tx pin which then converts the signal through programming and gives digital output. These converted signals are used to control the motor of the Robot. The program is made to move the Robot in four basic Fig.4: Bluetooth Module [10] directions, namely: FORWARD, BACKWARD, RIGHT and LEFT
2018 IEEE International Conference on Innovative Research and Development (ICIRD)
Fig.7: Bluetooth controlled system
Fig.8: EMG controlled system
Fig.9: Flowchart for android based control system After acquisition and classification of the EMG signals in the MyoWare sensor, the transmission of signal takes place trough the connection of Arduino and MyoWare. The signal is received at the Arduino analog pins which then converts the signal through programming and provides digital output. The converted (digital) signals are used to control the motor of the robot. This program is also made to move the robot in four basic directions, namely: FORWARD, BACKWARD, RIGHT and LEFT. III. SYSTEM MODEL Both the systems which have been discussed above, have a different technique of programming. Below are the two flowcharts showing the flow of programming in each of the systems separately. When the system starts, it will wait until a signal is received from the Bluetooth device. If any of these letters i.e. F, B, L, R is received it will active/switch two different channels of the relay as per its program, then the relay module will energize the motors through which the robotic vehicle will move. When EMG based control system starts, it will wait until a signal from the muscle sensor is received. The signal is generated on the motion of the muscles. If the signal is in the threshold (TH) ranges mentioned above, it will active/switch two different channels of the relay as per its program, then the relay module will energize the motors Fig.10: Flowchart for EMG based control system through which the robot will move.
2018 IEEE International Conference on Innovative Research and Development (ICIRD) IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS V. CONCLUSION: This Device can easily be used by any individual having Mobility device allows patients with walking lower-limb paralysis; however, it has some limitations as well. disabilities to take part in outdoor activities, meeting friends, Few measures and assess are required to ensure, so that the dinning out & maintain their independent lifestyle. It helps robot can be used effectively and safely. The parameters on them to re-integrate themselves into the society, hence which the device functions properly are listed below: improves their quality of life x Height: 140 – 190 cm The prevalence of mobility devices is highest among x Weight: 40 – 120 Kg the oldest age groups, with the risk of limited walking x Foot length: 23 – 35 cm capacity increasing with advancing age [3-5] Not only physically challenged people are required to have such The logic behind programming is that we have set a devices but it’s of great significance for the people who face threshold level as the signal exceeds the threshold level the mobility issues when they reach old age. the United Nations controller will react as per the condition programmed in the (UN) and the World Health Organization (WHO) also microcontroller. recommends the use of mobility assistance devices to make the life of such people easier. [6-8] Although many such devices are being invented and a great piece of work is being carried out in this field, yet the increasing population of disabled people some who are born like this and a huge number is of those who survived from any accident in this fast-moving dangerous world requires more and more advancement in this field. We have tried to explain both the systems (i.e. EMG and Bluetooth controlled) with all possible details in this paper. This is not just a piece of research, but a practical work has been done in this area. Fig. 14 shows the picture of device Fig.12: Fig.12: Results of EMG before motion called MOBILITY ASSISTANCE ROBOT.
Fig.12: Results of EMG after motion
Fig.14: The Mobility assistance robot
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