09 - Project Resourse Management

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Chapter 9
Project Resource
PMBOK-6th Page 307 to 358
Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management

1 Plan Resource Management

2 Estimate Activity Resources

3 Acquire Resources

4 Develop Team Executing

5 Manage Team

6 Control Resources M&C

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®
BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®
Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
01. Plan Resource Management ( Planning )


BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
01. Plan Resource Management ( Planning )

• Defining how to estimate, acquire, manage, and use team and physical resources.

.‫ه عملية تحديد كيفية تقدير موارد فريق والموارد المادية والحصول عليها وإدارتها واستخدامها‬

✓ Establishes the approach and level of management effort needed for managing project resources
based on the type and complexity of the project.

.‫المشوع وتعقيده‬ ً ‫المشوع‬

‫بناء عىل نوع ر‬ ‫✓ تؤسس أسلوب ومستوى جهد اإلدارة الالزم إلدارة موارد ر‬

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Project Resource Management

( 1 ) Plan Resource Management

Tools &
Techniques Outputs

1. Project Charter 1. Expert Judgement

2. Project management plan 2. Data representation 1. Resource management
3. Project documents 3. Organizational theory plan
4. Enterprise environmental 4. Meetings 2. Team Charter
factors 3. Project documents
5. Organizational process updates

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
01. Plan Resource Management ( Planning )


➢ The project charter provides the high-level project description and requirements. It also has the
key stakeholder list, summary milestones, and preapproved financial resources that may
influence the resource management of the project.


Quality management plan.

➢ The quality management plan helps define the level of resources that will be required to achieve
and maintain the defined level of quality and achieve the metrics for the project.

Scope baseline
➢ The scope baseline identifies the deliverables that drive the types and quantities of resources that
will need to be managed.
BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®
Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
01. Plan Resource Management ( Planning )


❑ charts .‫المخططات‬
• Various formats exist to document and communicate team member roles and responsibilities.

• Hierarchical Ex: OBS, RBS, WBS ‫مخططات عىل شكل التسلسل الهرم‬

Organizational breakdown structure (OBS). ‫هيكل التجزئة التنظيم‬

• is arranged according to an organization’s existing departments, units, or teams, with the

project activities or work packages listed under each department.
‫طبقا لألقسام أو الوحدات أو الفرق الموجودة بالمؤسسة مع إدراج أنشطة ر‬
.‫المشوع أو حزم العمل ضمن كل قسم‬ ‫التنظيم مرتب‬
‫ي‬ ‫هيكل التجزئة‬

• operational department, such as information technology or purchasing, can see all of its
project responsibilities by looking at its portion of the OBS.

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
01. Plan Resource Management ( Planning )


Resource breakdown structure (RBS). ‫هيكل تجزئة الموارد‬

➢ Hierarchical structure of identified resources. ‫الت تم تحديدها‬

‫هرم للموارد ي‬
‫هيكل ي‬
➢ Can be classified by category ( Labor, material, equipment, supplier)
)‫ موردين‬,‫ معدات‬,‫ مواد‬,‫يمكن ان يتم تصنيفها طبقا للنوع (عمالة‬

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
01. Plan Resource Management ( Planning )


• Assignment Matrix (RAM) ‫ن‬

‫تعيي المسئوليات‬ ‫مصفوفة‬
This type illustrates connection between work packages, or activities
and team members Ex: RACI (R= Responsible, A= Accountable, C=
‫ستخدم نف توضيح العالقات ن‬
Consult, I= Inform) ‫بي حزم العمل أو األنشطة وأعضاء فريق الم رشوع‬ ُ
‫ي‬ ‫وت‬

• Text-Oriented Formats ‫أشكال قائمة عىل النص‬

Team member responsibilities that require detailed descriptions can be specified

in text oriented formats.

Ex: responsibilities, authority, competencies, and qualifications.

‫المسؤوليات والسلطة والكفاءات والمؤهالت‬

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®
Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
01. Plan Resource Management ( Planning )

TT Organizational Theory ‫النظرية التنظيمية‬

• Provides information regarding the way in which people, teams, and organizational units behave.
.‫الت يترصف بها األفراد وفرق العمل والوحدات التنظيمية‬
‫توفر النظرية التنظيمية معلومات بشأن الطريقة ي‬

✓ Shorten the amount of time, cost, and effort needed to create the Plan Resource Management
process outputs.

✓ improve planning efficiency ‫ن‬

‫تحسي فعالية التخطيط‬

• The organization’s structure and culture impacts the project organizational structure.
‫هيكل المؤسسة وثقافتها تؤثر نف الهيكل التنظيم ر‬
‫للمشوع‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
01. Plan Resource Management ( Planning )

Resource Management Plan:

• Component of the project management plan. ‫عنرص من عنارص خطة إدارة ر‬


• How project resources should be categorized, allocated, managed, and released.

‫كيف ن‬
‫ينبغ تصنيف موارد ر‬
.‫المشوع وتخصيصها وإدارتها وتشيحها‬ ‫ي‬

▪ Identification of resources: ‫تحديد الموارد‬

➢ Methods for identifying and quantifying team and physical resources needed.
. ‫ن‬
.‫وتعيي الفريق والموارد المادية الالزمة‬ ‫طرق تحديد‬
▪ Acquiring resources

➢ Guidance on how to acquire team and physical resources for the project.
‫إرشاد لكيفية الحصول عىل الفريق والموارد المادية ر‬

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
01. Plan Resource Management ( Planning )

▪ Roles and responsibilities: .‫األدوار والمسؤليات‬

Role: civil engineer, business analyst, and testing coordinator.

Authority: The rights to apply project resources, make decisions, sign approvals, accept deliverables

Responsibility: The assigned duties and work that a project team member is expected to perform in order

to complete the project’s activities.

Competence: The skill and capacity required to complete assigned activities within the project constraints.

‫إدارة موارد فريق ر‬

▪ Project team resource management .‫المشوع‬
Guidance on how project team resources should be defined, staffed, managed, and eventually released.

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
01. Plan Resource Management ( Planning )

Resource Management Plan:
‫استاتيجيات التدريب ألعضاء الفريق‬
▪ Training: Training strategies for team members.

▪ Team development: Methods for developing the project team. ‫طرق تطوير فريق ر‬

▪ Resource control ً
‫طبقا الحتياجات ر‬
‫ وهو‬.‫المشوع‬ ‫ه الطرق الالزمة لضمان أن تكون الموارد المادية الكافية متاحة عند الحاجة‬
‫يشمل معلومات عن إدارة المخزون والمعدات والمستلزمات عىل مدار دورة حياة ر‬

▪ Recognition plan ‫خطة التقدير‬

➢ Which recognition and rewards will be given to team members, and when they will be given.
.‫تشمل أي تقدير وجوائز تقدم ألعضاء الفريق وموعد تقديمها لهم‬

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®
Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
02. Estimate Activity Resource ( Planning )

Team Charter
Team values and principles List values and principles that the team agrees to operate within. Examples include mutual respect.

Meeting guidelines Identify guidelines that will keep meetings productive. Examples include decision makers must be present,

start on time, stick to the agenda, etc.

Communication guidelines : List guidelines used for effective communication. Examples include everyone voices their opinion,

no dominating the conversation, no interrupting, not using inflammatory language, etc.

Decision-making process: Describe the process used to make decisions. Indicate the relative power of the project manager for

decision making as well as any voting procedures. Also indicate the circumstances under which a decision can be revisited.

Conflict resolution process: Describe the process for managing conflict, when a conflict will be escalated, when it should be

tabled for later discussion, etc.

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®
Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
01. Plan Resource Management ( Planning )

Plan Resource Management: Outputs

Team values and agreement ‫قيم الفريق واالتفاقيات‬

‫معايير وعمليات صنع القرار‬

‫إرشادات التواصل‬
Decision-making criteria
Communication guidelines
and process

Conflict resolution process

Meeting guidelines
‫عملية حل النزاعات‬
‫إرشادات االجتماعات‬

Team Charter
Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
02. Estimate Activity Resource ( Planning )


BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
02. Estimate Activity Resource ( Planning )

• Estimating team resources and the type and quantities of materials, equipment, and supplies
necessary to perform project work.
‫بالمشوع‬ ‫ والمستلزمات ن‬،‫ والمعدات‬،‫تقدير موارد فريق العمل ونوع وكميات المواد‬
‫الرصورية ألداء العمل‬

✓ it identifies the type, quantity, and characteristics of resources required to complete the project.
‫✓ تحدد نوع وكمية وخصائص الموارد الالزمة إلكمال ر‬

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Project Resource Management

( 2 ) Estimate Activity Resources

Tools &
Techniques Outputs

1. Project management plan 1. Expert Judgement

2. Project documents 2. Bottom-up estimating 1. Resource Documents
3. Enterprise environmental 3. Analogous estimating 2. Basis of estimates
factors 4. Parametric estimating 3. Resource breakdown
4. Organizational process 5. Data Analysis structure (RBS)
assets 6. PMIS 4. Project document updates
7. Meetings

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
02. Estimate Activity Resource ( Planning )

▪ Resource requirements : ‫متطلبات موارد النشاط‬
➢ Identify the types and quantities of resources required for each work package or activity.
‫نوع و كمية الموارد المطلوبة لكل نشاط‬

▪ Resource Breakdown Structure

➢ Hierarchical structure of identified resources. ‫الت تم تحديدها‬
‫هرم للموارد ي‬
‫هيكل ي‬
➢ Can be classified by category ( Labor, material, equipment, supplier)
)‫ موردين‬,‫ معدات‬,‫ مواد‬,‫يمكن ان يتم تصنيفها طبقا للنوع (عمالة‬

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
02. Estimate Activity Resource ( Planning )


Basis Of Estimates ‫أساس التقديرات‬

• Method used to develop the estimate. ‫الطرق المستخدمة يف وضع التقدير‬

• Resources used to develop the estimate (information from previous similar projects)

• Assumptions associated with the estimate. ‫االفتاضات المرتبطة بالتقدير‬

• Known constraints ‫القيود المعروفة‬

• Confidence level of the estimate ‫مستوى الثقة يف التقدير‬

• Documentation of identified risks influencing the estimate.

.‫وثائق المخاطر المحددة المؤثرة عىل هذا التقدير‬

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
03. Acquire Resources


BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
03. Acquire Resources

• Obtaining team members, facilities, equipment, materials, supplies, and other resources necessary to
complete project work.
‫ والموارد األخرى ن‬،‫ والمستلزمات‬،‫ والمواد‬،‫ والمعدات‬،‫ والمرافق‬،‫ه عملية الحصول عىل أعضاء الفريق‬
‫الرصورية الستكمال العمل ب ر‬
.‫المشوع‬ ‫ي‬

✓ Outlines and guides the selection of resources and assigns them to their respective activities.

‫✓ توضح وترشد ي‬
.‫ال اختيار الموارد وتخصصها إل أنشطتها ذات الصلة‬

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Project Resource Management

( 3 ) Acquire Resources

Tools &
Techniques Outputs

1. Project management plan 1. Decision making

2. Project documents 2. Interpersonal and team 1. Physical resource assignments
skills 2. Project team assignments
3. Enterprise environmental
3. Pre-assignments 3. Resource calendars
4. Virtual teams 4. Change requests
4. Organizational process 5. Project management plan
assets updates
6. Project documents updates
7. Enterprise environmental
factors updates
8. Organizational process assets

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
03. Acquire Resources

❑ ( multicriteria decision analysis) ‫تحليل القرارات متعددة المعايي‬

➢ ( Selection criteria are often used to select physical project resources, or the project team.)

- Availability. Verify the resource is available to work on the project within the time period needed.

- Cost. Verify if the cost of adding the resource is within the prescribed budget.

- Ability. Verify that the team member provides the capability needed by the project.

- Experience. Verify that the team member has the experience that will contribute to the project success.

- Skills. Determine if the team member has the relevant skills to use a project tool.

- Attitude. Determine if the team member has the ability to work with others as a cohesive team.

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
03. Acquire Resources


▪ The project management team may need to negotiate with:

✓ Functional managers.
Ensure that the project receives the best resources possible in the required timeframe and until their
responsibilities are complete.

✓ External organizations and suppliers

Provide appropriate, scarce, specialized, qualified, certified, or other specific team or physical resources.

‫التعيي المسبق‬

✓ Sometimes resources are assigned in advance (defined within charter) because of their experience or
the sponsor require these resources to be assigned in the project.

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
03. Acquire Resources

TT Virtual Teams: ‫ر‬

‫االفياضية‬ ‫فرق العمل‬
Team members with little or no time spent meeting face to face.

o The virtual team model makes it possible to:

▪ Form teams of people from the same organization who live in widespread geographic areas
‫ن‬ ‫تشكيل فرق من األفراد من نفس ر‬
‫الشكة يعيشون يف مناطق جغرافية واسعة االنتشار‬

▪ Add special expertise to a project team even though the expert is not in the same geographic area.
‫ً ن‬ ‫ختات خاصة إل فريق ر‬
‫المشوع حت وإن كان الخبت ليس متواجدا يف نفس المنطقة الجغرافية‬ ‫إضافة ر‬
‫ن‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ن‬
▪ Incorporate employees who work from home offices ‫العاملي من مكاتب يف منازلهم‬ ‫الموظفي‬ ‫ضم‬

▪ Include people with mobility limitations or disabilities )‫ضم أفراد يعانون من قيود خاصة (إعاقات‬

▪ Save the expense of offices and all physical equipment needed for employees.

▪ Move forward with projects that would have been held or cancelled due to travel expenses.

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
03. Acquire Resources


➢ Documentation of the physical resource assignments records the material, equipment, supplies,
locations, and other physical resources that will be used during the project.
‫تسجل وثائق مهام الموارد المادية المواد والمعدات والمستلزمات والمواقع وغتها من الموارد المادية الت سو ف تستخدم أثناء ر‬
.‫المشوع‬ ‫ي‬



➢ Documentation of team assignments records the team members and their roles
and responsibilities for the project.
‫بالمشوع‬ ‫تسجل وثائق مهام فرق ر‬
‫المشوع أعضاء الفرق وأدوراهم ومسؤولياتهم الخاصة‬

O Resource Calendar ‫تقويم الموارد‬

➢ Identifies the working days, shifts, start and end of normal business hours, weekends, and public
holidays when each specific resource is available.
BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®
Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
04. Develop Team ( Executing )


BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
04. Develop Team ( Executing )

• Improving competencies, team member interaction, and the overall team environment to enhance project
‫لتحسي أداء ر‬
performance. .‫المشوع‬ ‫ن‬ ‫تحسي الكفاءات والتفاعل ن‬
‫بي أعضاء فريق العمل والمحيط العام الذي يعمل فيه أعضاء الفريق‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ه عملية‬

✓ improved teamwork, enhanced interpersonal skills and competencies, motivated employees, reduced
attrition, and improved overall project performance.

‫وتحسي األداء العام ر‬

.‫للمشوع‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ن‬
،‫الموظفي وانخفاض ترك العمل‬ ‫ن‬
‫وتحفت‬ ‫ن‬
‫وتحسي المهارات االجتماعية والكفاءات‬ ،‫الجماع‬ ‫ن‬
‫تحسي العمل‬ ✓

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Project Resource Management

( 4 ) Develop Team

Tools &
Techniques Outputs

1. Project management plan 1. Colocation

2. Project documents 2. Virtual teams 1. Team performance
3. Communication assessments
3. Enterprise environmental
technology 2. Change requests
4. Interpersonal and team 3. Project management plan
4. Organizational process updates
assets skills
5. Recognition and rewards 4. Project documents updates
5. Enterprise environmental
6. Training
factors updates
7. Individual and team
6. Organizational process
assessments assets updates
8. Meetings
Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
04. Develop Team ( Executing )

One of the models used to describe team development is the Tuckman ladder [19, 20], which
includes five stages of development that teams may go through.

Storming Adjourning

Norming Performing Forming

01 02 03 04 05

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
04. Develop Team ( Executing )

Team Development Stages:

1. Forming: The team members meet and learn about the project and their formal roles and responsibilities.

2. Storming: There are disagreements as people learn to work together

3. Norming: begin to work together. The team members learn to trust each other.

4. Performing: Team members work effectively together as well-organized unit

5. Adjourning: Team members complete the work and moves on from the project

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
04. Develop Team ( Executing )

TT Co-Location: ‫وحدة الموقع‬

• Placing the active team members in the same location to enhance their ability to
perform as a team.
• Ex: a team meeting room, common places to post schedules that enhance

TT Communication technology ‫تكنولوجيا االتصاالت‬

➢ important in addressing the team development issues in collocated and virtual teams.

• Shared portal A shared repository for information sharing (e.g., website, intranet)

• Video conferencing ‫المؤتمرات المرئية‬

• Audio conferencing ‫المؤتمرات السمعية‬

• Email/chat ‫المحادثات‬/‫ون‬ ‫التيد اإللكت ن‬

‫ي‬ ‫ر‬
BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®
Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
04. Develop Team ( Executing )

TT Recognition And Rewards ‫التقدير والمكافآت‬

➢ Rewards will be effective only if they satisfy a need that is valued by that individual
‫تلت حاجة ذات قيمة لدى ذلك الفرد‬
‫تكون المكافآت فعالة إذا كانت ر ي‬

➢ Cultural differences should be considered when determining recognition and rewards.

َ ُ
‫يجب أن تراع االختالفات الثقافية عند تحديد التقدير والمكافآت‬
TT Training: ‫التدريب‬

➢ Enhance the competencies of the project team members.

➢ Scheduled training takes place as stated in resource management plan.
➢ Unplanned training takes place as a result of observation.
➢ Training costs could be included in the project budget or supported by the performing organization if the
added skills may be useful for future projects.

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
04. Develop Team ( Executing )

TT Individual And Team Assessments ‫تقييمات األفراد وفريق العمل‬

These tools help project manager:

• Assess team members preferences, aspirations. ‫تقييم تفضيالت أعضاء الفريق وطموحاتهم‬
• How they organize information. ‫كيفية قيامهم بمعالجة وتنظيم المعلومات‬

• How they make decisions. ‫كيفية قيامهم باتخاذ القرارات‬

• How they prefer to interact with people. ‫كيفية التفاعل مع األفراد‬

Examples of these tools are

• Surveys, interviews, and focus groups. ‫االستقصاءات والمقابالت المنسقة والمجموعات‬

These tools provide improved understanding, communication, and trust among the team.
‫بي أعضاء الفريق وتيست أعمال فرق ر‬
.‫أكت إنتاجية خالل فتة الم رشوع‬ ‫ن‬
‫وااللتام واالتصال ن‬ ‫توفر هذه األدوات فهم أفضل وتعمل عىل تعزيز الثقة‬

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
04. Develop Team ( Executing )

O Team Performance Assessments:

As project team development efforts such as training, team building, and colocation are implemented, the
project management team makes formal or informal assessments of the project team’s effectiveness.
Effective team development strategies and activities are expected to increase the team’s performance,
which increases the likelihood of meeting project objectives.

• The evaluation of a team’s effectiveness may include indicators such as:

✓ Improvement in skills ‫التحسينات ن يف المهارات‬

✓ Improvement in competencies ‫التحسينات ن يف الكفاءات‬

✓ Reduce staff turnover rate ‫انخفاض معدل ترك العمل‬

✓ Increased team cohesiveness ‫زيادة تماسك الفريق‬

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
05. Manage Team ( Executing )


BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
05. Manage Team ( Executing )

• Tracking team member performance, providing feedback, resolving issues, and managing team changes
to optimize project performance.
‫حسي أداء ر‬
.‫المشوع‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ه عملية تت ُبع أداء أعضاء الفريق وتقديم التعليقات وحل اإلشكاالت وإدارة التغيتات ن يف الفريق من أجل ت‬

✓ influences team behavior, manages conflict, and resolves issues.

‫✓ تؤثر عىل سلوك الفريق وتدير ن ن‬
.‫التاع وتحل اإلشكاالت‬

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Project Resource Management

( 5 ) Manage Team

Tools &
Techniques Outputs

1. Project management plan 1. Interpersonal and team

2. Project documents skills 1. Change requests
2. PMIS 2. Project management plan
3. Work performance
3. Project documents updates
4. Team performance 4. Enterprise environmental
assessments factors updates
5. Enterprise environmental
6. Organizational process

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

TT Interpersonal and team skills

❑ Conflict Management: ‫إدارة ن ن‬


• Conflict is inevitable in a project environment

‫ال مفر من حدوث نزاع نف أي بيئة ر‬
‫مشوع‬ ‫ي‬

/Reconcile Force/Direct
Conflict Management Smooth/Acco

Problem Solve

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
05. Manage Team ( Executing )

❑ Conflict Management: ‫إدارة ن ن‬


• There are five general techniques for resolving conflict.

Retreating from an actual or potential conflict situation; postponing the

issue to be better prepared or to be resolved by others.

‫التجهت له بشكل أفضل أو ترك حله لآلخرين‬ ‫فعىل أو محتمل؛ أو تأجيل اإلشكال حت يتم‬
‫التاجع عن موقف نزاع ي‬

Emphasizing areas of agreement rather than areas of difference.

Smooth/Acco ‫الت ن‬
‫كت عىل جوانب االتفاق بدال من جوانب االختالف‬

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
05. Manage Team ( Executing )

Compromise/reconcile. Searching for solutions that bring some degree of

satisfaction to all parties in order to temporarily or partially resolve the conflict.
- This approach occasionally results in a lose-lose situation
Withdraw/Avoid ً ً ً
‫حرصا عىل حل ن ن‬
Compromise ‫جزئيا‬ ‫التاع مؤقتا أو‬ ‫البحث عن حلول تجلب درجة من الرضا لشت األطراف‬

Force/direct. Pushing one’s viewpoint at the expense of others; usually enforced

Force/Direct through a power position to resolve an emergency. often results to a win-lose situation.
‫دفع وجهة نظر أحد األفراد عىل حساب اآلخرين وتقديم حلول مرضية لطرف واحد فقط وعادة ما تكون مفروضة من خالل‬
.‫ هذا األسلوب ينتج غالبا موقف طرف رابح وطرف خارس‬.‫منصب ذي سلطة لحل حالة طارئة‬

Problem solve. Incorporating multiple viewpoints and insights from differing

perspectives; requires a cooperative attitude and open dialogue that typically leads to
Problem Solve
consensus. result in a win-win situation.
BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®
Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
05. Manage Team ( Executing )

TT Emotional intelligence ‫ن‬

‫العاطف‬ ‫الذكاء‬

• Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify, assess, and manage the personal emotions of oneself
and other people. ‫هو قدرة الشخص عىل تحديد وتقييم والسيطرة عىل انفعاالته وكذلك تلك الخاصة باآلخرين‬

• The team can use emotional intelligence to reduce tension and increase cooperation by identifying,
assessing, and controlling the sentiments of project team members.

‫العاطف ن يف الحد من التوتر وزيادة التعاون من خالل تحديد وتقييم والتحكم ن يف انفعاالت أعضاء‬
‫ن‬ ‫يمكن لفريق إدارة ر‬
‫المشوع استخدام الذكاء‬
‫فريق ر‬

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
05. Manage Team ( Executing )

TT Influencing ‫التأثي‬

• Because project managers often have little or no direct authority over team members in a matrix
environment, their ability to influence stakeholders on a timely basis is critical to project success.
،‫المبارسة أو ال يتمتعون بها عىل أعضاء الفريق ن يف بيئة العمل القائمة عىل نظام المصفوفة‬
‫ر‬ ً
‫نظرا ألن مديري المشاري ع يتمتعون بقدر ضئيل من السلطة‬
.‫المشوع‬ ً
‫حيويا لنجاح ر‬ ً ‫المعنيي عىل أساس الوقت يعد‬
‫أمرا‬ ‫ن‬ ‫فإن قدرتهم عىل التأثت عىل‬

✓ Ability to be persuasive. ً
‫مقنعا‬ ‫القدرة عىل أن تكون‬
✓ Clearly articulating points and positions. ‫التعبت بوضوح عن وجهات النظر والمواقف‬
✓ High levels of active and effective listening skills. ‫مستويات عالية من مهارات اإلنصات الفعالة والمؤثرة‬
✓ Awareness of, and consideration for, the various perspectives in any situation.
✓ Gathering relevant information to address issues and reach agreements.
BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®
Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
05. Manage Team ( Executing )

TT Leadership ‫القيادة‬
▪ Successful projects require leaders with strong leadership skills.
‫تتطلب ر‬
‫المشوعات الناجحة قادة ذوي مهارات قيادية قوية‬
▪ Leadership is the ability to lead a team and inspire them to do their jobs well.
.‫ه القدرة عىل قيادة الفريق وتشجيعه عىل القيام بوظائفه جيدا‬
‫القيادة ي‬

▪ It is especially important to communicate the vision and inspire the project team to achieve high
.‫العال‬ ‫المشوع لتحقيق األداء‬ ‫ن‬
‫وتحفت فريق ر‬ ‫ومن المهم بشكل خاص توصيل الرؤية‬

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
05. Manage Team ( Executing )

O Change Requests
• staffing changes, whether made by choice or by uncontrollable events

Can cause the schedule to slip or the budget to be exceeded

Moving people to different assignments, outsourcing some of the work

Replacing team members who leave

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
06. Control Resources


BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
06. Control Resources

• Ensuring that the physical resources assigned and allocated to the project are available as planned.
‫عملية ضمان أن الموارد المادية المعينة والمخصصة ر‬
‫للمشوع متوفرة كما هو مخطط‬
• Monitoring the planned versus actual utilization of resources and taking corrective action as necessary.
‫الفعىل للموارد والقيام باإلجراء التصح ي‬
‫ي‬ ‫مراقبة االستغالل المخطط مقابل االستغالل‬

✓ Ensuring that the assigned resources are available to the project at the right time and in the right
place and are released when no longer needed.
‫للمشوع نف الوقت المناسب ن‬
‫✓ ضمان أن الموارد المعينة متاحة ر‬
.‫وف المكان المناسب وتشيحها حينما تتوقف الحاجة إليها‬
‫ي‬ ‫ي‬

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Project Resource Management

( 6 ) Control Resources

Tools &
Techniques Outputs

1. Project management plan 1. Data Analysis

2. Project documents 2. Problem Solving 1. Work Performance
3. Interpersonal and team Information
3. Work performance data
skills 2. Change requests
4. Agreements
4. PMIS 3. Project management plan
5. Organizational process updates
assets 4. Project documents updates

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
06. Control Resources


BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
06. Control Resources



BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Lecture 06 : Project Resource Management
06. Control Resources

TT Problem Solving
➢ Problem solving may use a set of tools that helps the project manager to solve problems that arise
during the control resource process.

➢ The project manager should use methodical steps to deal with problem solving, which can include:

✓ Identify the problem. Specify the problem.

✓ Define the problem. Break it into smaller, manageable problems.

✓ Investigate. Collect data.

✓ Analyze. Find the root cause of the problem.

✓ Solve. Choose the suitable solution from a variety of available ones.

✓ Check the solution. Determine if the problem has been fixed.

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Questions & Answers
Project Resource Management

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Q1) After completing some work required to develop your
project team members, such as improving competencies, team
member interaction. What will you do next?
A. Team performance assessments
B. Team building activities
C. Staff assignments PMBOK 363
D. WBS dictionary elements

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Q2) Two team members on your project often disagree. You
need a conflict resolution method that provides a long-term
resolution. You decide to use which one of the following
A. Smoothing
B. Problem solving
C. Compromise
D. Withdrawal

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Q3) you are a project manger , in implementation phase A
conflict appeared between two members of your team and the
conflict start to impact the whole team and the moral become
low , What should you do ?
A) Do nothing
B) ask the team members to solving the conflict by them self.
C) interfering for solve the problem immediatly
D) escalate the problem to HR department.

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Q4) Rina and Gimo are the senior developers in a website development
project. They have argued about the best web design product to use in
developing the new website. As the project manager, you use a forcing
approach to make a decision and reduce the conflict. What is the main
characteristic of this approach?
A- Forcing to close the project
B- Highlighting areas of agreement rather than areas of disagreement
3- Asserting one‘s viewpoint at the expense of others
4- Withdrawing from the actual conflict


BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Q5) Which one of the following tools and techniques is
NOT part of the Develop Team process?
A- Co-location
B- Recognition and Rewards PMBOK 336
C- Rolling Wave planning
D- Training

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Q6) A large insurance company has chosen your company to
develop a new line of business. This is a large and prestigious
project for the company, and you have told the senior
management you will create a team meeting room for this
project. This is one of the strategies for:
A- Co-location
B- Centralized Team
C- Project Control PMBOK 340
D- Develop Team

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Q7) You are managing a project. An audit team wants to know
where they can find information on training plans for the
project team members and certification requirements. This are
in the:
A- Resource Breakdown Structure
B- Staff Release Plan
C- Resource Management Plan
D- Communications Management Plan

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Q8) You have outsourced programming to a company in another
country and structural engineering to a company in a different
country. The project does not have the budget to bring all the
teams together, so you must rely on email, fax, videoconference,
and chat to work together. This is an example of:
A- Global Team
B- Virtual Team
C- Cross Functional Global Team
D- Diverse Team

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Q9) A project manager wishes to illustrate the connections
between the work that needs to be done and the project team
members. According to the PMBOK, the resulting document is a:
A- Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)
B- Resource Planning Chart (RPC)
C- Task Assignment Model (TAM)
D- Resource Assignment Chart (RAC)


BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Q10) Lesley is managing a software development project for the World Climate
Control Organization. Since her team members are dispersed across the globe, she
would like to set up online conferences in the next two months to let everyone in her
project know what is going on and what their roles are within the project. She wants
to use these conferences as team development activities to learn and exchange
information in the project. To schedule such activities, which of the following should
she use to keep track of the availability of team members?
A- Project charter
B- Resource calendars
C- Responsibility assignment matrix
D- Project staff assignments

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Q11) Which of these is not an Enterprise environmental factor
that can influence the Plan Resource Management process?
A- Organizational culture
B- Lessons learned on organizational structures
C- Marketplace conditions
D- Facilities and resources

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Q12) You are in a meeting with your senior manager, who is helping you to organize
and manage a team of IT people from diverse backgrounds. While you are discussing
the creativity and breakthrough performance your team is demonstrating now, your
senior manager indicates that your team has moved from the storming to the
performing stage. Which of the following describes the characteristics of the
performing stage?
A- In the performing stage, the team completes the work and disbands as a project team.
B- In the performing stage, the team function as a well organized unit and resolve issues effectively.
C- In the performing stage, the team members are not collaborative.
D- In the performing stage, the team starts to work together and adjust their behavior


BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Q13) A project manager needs team members that report to a
functional manager. What technique is the project manager
most likely to use to obtain these resources?
A- Pre-assignment
B- Authority
C- Negotiation
D- Coercion PMBOK 332

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Q14) You are in the process of identifying how to estimate, acquire,
manage, and use team and physical resources. Which of the following
inputs in this process?
A. Networking-Organizational Theory-project management plan
B. Project documents-Resource calendar-staffing management plan
C. Project charter- Project management -enterprise environmental factors-
Organizational process assets .
D. Project staff Assignments-Resource Calendar-Human resource management


BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Q15) You are a project manager of a construction project. While doing the
estimation, you realize that you will need 8 resources for 6 months. You
can get only 3 resources after negotiating with the functional manager and
as per the organizational policy, you can hire 3 more in every 6 months. As
a project manager what will be your next step?
A. Work With Virtual Team.
B. Negotiate with External Organizations and Suppliers.
C. Negotiate with functional manager to get more 2 resources .
D. Request your project customer to get more resources.

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Q16) After completing some work required to develop your
project team members, such as training and improving
competencies. what will you do next?
A- Team Performance assessments
B- Team building activities
C- Staff assignments
D- WBS dictionary elements


BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Q17) Two team members on your project often disagree.
You need a conflict resolution method that provides a
long-term resolution. You decide to use which one of the
following approaches?
A- Smoothing
B- Problem solving
C- Compromise
D- Withdrawal

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Q18) You are a project coordinator from the buyer side. The supplier
side project manager reached out to you to recommend a change in the
proposal which will greatly benefit the end product. You believe the
same but your PM think otherwise. As per him it's a waste of time and
told you to continue with the existing project plan. What conflict
resolution technique did the project manager use?
A- Smoothing
B- Problem solving
C- Compromise
D- Direct/ Force

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Q19) Your project is going very well ahead of schedule and under budget,
and near to complete. The one of very vital technical members
transferred to other project out of organization. and one of team member
told you that he can do his job and complete the project without him .
What should you do next?
A- Do nothing , the project near to completion.
B- Assign other member to take his duties.
C- Negotiated with Functional manager to assign anew member.
D- Evaluate the impact with team members.

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Q20) A tool that provides a visual representation of
human resource allocation to a project, number of
working hours, and availability on the project over a
series of time periods is a:
A. Resource Histogram
B. Resource Breakdown Structure (RBS)
C. Organization Breakdown Structure (OBS)
D. Stakeholder Register

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Q21) You have been asked by your project manager to help
them create a chart that illustrates the project resources that
will be working on each work package. What would be the best
type of chart to use?
A. Milestone chart
C. Project organization chart

BY: EL-Sayed Mohsen , PMP®, PMI- RMP®

Project Management Professional PMBOK 6 Edition
Q22) You are working in a matrix organization and managing a
project. The functional manager transferred some resources you
need from your project to another project. What should you do
A- Negotiate with Functional manager to assign a new resources
B- Escalate this problem to the sponsor
C- Complete the project without this resources
D- Update Stakeholder Register

+966554665714 /Sayed Mohsen PMP / PMP TRICKS

Project Management Professional PMBOK 6 Edition
Q23) You are managing a large infrastructure project . two
important team members are having some issues. You met
the team members and documented the problem and target
resolution date. What is the document the project manger
used it?
A- Risk register
B- Issue log
C- Stakeholder register
D- Change log

+966554665714 /Sayed Mohsen PMP / PMP TRICKS

Project Management Professional PMBOK 6 Edition
Q24) You are managing a large construction project. Your project
team works in two different buildings across the city. You want to
communicate the vision and inspire the project team to achieve high
performance. Which of the following skills help the project manager ?
A- Feedback
B- Emotional intelligence
C- Leadership
D- Political awareness

+966554665714 /Sayed Mohsen PMP / PMP TRICKS

Project Management Professional PMBOK 6 Edition
Q25) You are managing a large construction project .Your project team
works in two different buildings across the city. The team has been
struggling to perform effectively ,Moral is Low and has a difficult time
resolving problems. What would be the BEST team development
technique to resolve this issue?
A- Negotiation.
B- Recognition and Rewards.
C- Co-location.
D- Training.

+966554665714 /Sayed Mohsen PMP / PMP TRICKS

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/Sayed Mohsen PMP +966554665714 / PMP TRICKS

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