Recommendations To Manage Patients For Bariatric Surgery in The COVID-19 Pandemic: Experience From China

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Obesity Surgery (2020) 30:4623–4626


Recommendations to Manage Patients for Bariatric Surgery

in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Experience from China
Zhiyong Dong 1 & Peng Zhang 2 & Jiangfan Zhu 3 & Jie Bai 4 & Chetan Parmar 5 & Wenhui Chen 1 & Ruixiang Hu 1 &
Jianxue Wang 1 & Tsz Hong Chong 1 & Shuwen Jiang 1 & Wah Yang 1 & Lilian Gao 1 & Xiaomei Chen 1 & Jingge Yang 1 &
Zefeng Xia 4 & Kaixiong Tao 4 & Cunchuan Wang 1,6

Received: 30 April 2020 / Revised: 22 May 2020 / Accepted: 28 May 2020 / Published online: 6 June 2020
# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2020

To the Editor: In our bariatric surgery department, we stopped elective

The novel coronavirus that arose in Wuhan in December bariatric surgeries in January to prepare for a possible influx
2019 is a new strain of coronavirus [1]. Most coronaviruses of COVID-19 patients. Since our patients are obese and most
cause only mild respiratory illness such as the common cold, have significant health comorbidities, it is important that they
but the new virus, named SARS-CoV-2 by the WHO, can not be exposed to patients infected with SARS-CoV-2.
cause severe disease, pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syn- Bariatric patients also have relatively weak immunity [8, 9].
drome (ARDS), kidney failure, and death [2–5]. Since there is As the epidemic came under control, we reopened in March
no specific treatment, the goal now is to protect the susceptible and gradually started performing bariatric surgery again. Since
population [1–4]. After the first cases were reported in early bariatric surgery departments in other parts of the world will
December in Wuhan [6, 7], the epidemic spread rapidly, but face the same challenges, we would like to narrate our expe-
enforced lockdowns and other measures slowed the spread of riences and give the recommendations of Chinese Society for
the disease beyond Wuhan. By May, the number of new cases Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (CSMBS) on how to scien-
were as few as 25 per week. Except for Wuhan, most cities in tifically and safely conduct bariatric programs under these
China returned to work gradually, but throughout the rest of epidemic conditions.
the world, the COVID-19 outbreak continued. Be aware that the initial inflow of patients for services once
you reopen can be enormous because of pent-up demand that
has grown in the interim. The demand will vary by region,
depending on to what extent facilities were closed during the
Zhiyong Dong, Peng Zhang and Jiangfan Zhu contributed equally to this
epidemic period. Our general rule for whether to open is based
on the number of current confirmed cases at the time of the
* Cunchuan Wang
planned reopening. We only reopened in those provinces with less than < 100 confirmed cases and reopened cautiously in
regions with 100 to < 500 cases. Patients should join a bariat-
Department of Bariatric Surgery, The First Affiliated Hospital of ric surgery program nearest to home to avoid the risks of
Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, China infection associated with travel. Surgery should not be per-
Department of General Surgery, Beijing Friendship Hospital, formed in a hospital that has treated COVID-19 patients
Beijing 100050, China until the hospital has been disinfected according to rec-
Department of Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery, Shanghai East ommendations [1].
Hospital, Tongji University, 1800 Yuntai Road, Shanghai 200124, For the prehospital evaluation, we recommend (1) that con-
sultation be conducted virtually by means of WeChat, email,
Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery, Union Hospital, Tongji or telephone, to investigate whether patients may have
Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology,
Wuhan, China
COVID-19 by asking about symptoms or any history of recent
travel to epidemic areas. If the consultation suggests the pres-
Whittington Hospital, London, UK
ence of COVID-19 infection, the patient should be advised to
Department of Bariatric Surgery, The First Affiliated Hospital of report to a nearby COVID-19 test center. (2) If no concerns,
Jinan University, No. 613 Huangpu Avenue West,
Guangzhou 510630, China
then record demographics and clinical information and advise
4624 OBES SURG (2020) 30:4623–4626

the patient online about diet and physical exercise protocols. examination of cardiopulmonary function; use continuous
(3) If the BMI is more than 50 kg/m2, the patient should adopt positive airway pressure (CPAP) to improve lung ventilation
dietary adjustment and reasonable exercise to reduce 5% of and systemic hypoxia in cases of obesity hypoventilation syn-
the excess weight before admission [10, 11]. Make an appoint- drome (OHS); for cardiopulmonary insufficiency or severe
ment for CT scan, routine blood test, and nucleic acid test complications, there should be an online consultation of the
before admission. (4) After admission, the patient and medical departments of anesthesia, respiratory, cardiovascular, endo-
staff should take protective measures (use of personal protec- crine, and other relevant departments to plan the surgical
tive equipment [PPE]). The patient must test negative for timing and provide individualized diagnosis and treatment
COVID-19 by PCR. The admission flow chart should be [12]. The process for emergency patients should be followed
followed (Fig. 1). in those cases. If SARS-CoV-2 infection is confirmed or high-
For the preoperative evaluation, we recommend (1) re- ly suspected, preoperative preparation should be completed in
evaluation of epidemiological information to exclude an isolation ward (Fig. 2).
COVID-19-infected if necessary; (2) re-evaluate whether For operating room management, we recommend (1) main-
there is any history of fever or respiratory symptoms; confirm taining a high vigilance to prevent nosocomial infection until
the results of lung CT, nucleic acid test, routine blood exam- more is known about the disease. Be aware that some patients
inations, and other relevant tests. Repeat the PCR if necessary could be in a long incubation period following infection with
in case of a false positive; (3) complete a preoperative SARS-CoV-2 and have no clinical manifestations but could

Fig. 1 Clinic process of morbid obesity patients

OBES SURG (2020) 30:4623–4626 4625

Fig. 2 Admission process of emergency patients

be infective. (2) Routine blood exam, PCR, CT, and epidemi- in a negative pressure/infection room for surgery, and the
ological screening should be redone when the patient is about number of theater team members should be minimized.
to enter the operating room. (3) Proper donning and doffing of After the operation, the operation room should be thoroughly
full PPE is necessary; patients should wear a surgical mask. disinfected [1, 2].
Since endotracheal tube insertion is an aerosol generating pro- For prevention of nosocomial infection, we recommend
cedure (AGP), the anesthesiologist should wear appropriate that (1) unnecessary visitors not be allowed in the hospital.
PPE and use a disposable breathing tube. (4) Rapid recovery (2) Medical staff should practice secondary protection during
anesthesia should be used for a quick and enhanced recovery. routine diagnosis and treatment and during AGP procedures.
(5) If the patient needs to be admitted to ICU/HDU postoper- (3) A preoperative health handbook should be provided, and
atively, they should be in a designated non-COVID-19 area to personnel instructed to wear masks, perform hand hygiene,
prevent cross-infection. (6) When patients return to the ward and reduce unnecessary close contact. (4) Patients with any
after surgery, use a single room to avoid potential cross- sign of fever and cough during hospitalization should undergo
infection and limit the number of visitors. (7) Patient mobility a COVID-19 test. (5) Testing before discharge is unnecessary
should be restricted within the patient’s room or in an area for all patients. We advise limited social activities after dis-
with good air circulation, and the patient be required to wear charge [14].
a mask throughout the hospital [13]. If SARS-CoV-2 infection For follow-up after discharge, we recommend follow up by
is confirmed or highly suspected, the patient should be placed telephone, WeChat, email, QQ, Facebook, or online medical
4626 OBES SURG (2020) 30:4623–4626

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First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine. Publisher’s Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdic-
Compiled According to Clinical Experience, 2020. tional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

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