Group 3 Research 2

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Lyceum Northwestern University

Tapuac, Dagupan city


Vices and It’s effect to the G12 stem 5 students

of lyceum northwestern university


Noel Mateo

Ma. Julianne de guzman

Jade Francis Fines

Kydelle Lim

Sunshine Ungos

Jamaica Talaña

Patricia dalaten

Janmar miles abuda

Elaine Mabalot

Ellaine Fernandez

Richa marie vitto


J.F.M Fines, P.C.R. Dalaten, R.M.L. Vitto, S.G.A. Ungos, N.D.

Mateo, M.J.C. De Guzman, E.T. Mabalot, E.G.D. Fernandez, J.M.D.
Talaña, and K.A. Lim of Lyceum Northwestern University – Senior
High School. Vices and It’s effect to the G12 stem 5 students of
lyceum northwestern university
This study entitled “Vices and It’s effect to the G12 stem 5
students of lyceum northwestern university’’. This study aimed to
determine the effects of vices to the Grade 12 Stem 5 of the
Lyceum Northwestern University.
In this study forty respondents were needed. With the assistance
of the respondents and our own observation, we were able to
determine the effects of vices. Among forty respondents most are
female and have vices. Also too much usage of social media is the
most common vices of the Grade 12 Stem 5
Most of the students have vices and these vices affects their
academic performance. In addition, most of them become lazy
because of these vices.


Throughout the course of the overall research study, from

writing and submitting a research proposal to conducting the

experiment and receiving the findings, the researchers would like

to express their heartfelt appreciation to those who lent a

helping hand and provided unending encouragement and inspiration.

This study would not have been achievable in any manner without

the support of those individuals.

First and foremost, praise and gratitude to our Almighty God

for His abundant blessings and devotion, as well as His utmost

power, wisdom, and encouragement, which have assisted and

inspired the researchers to successfully complete the study with

His grace.;

To the researchers' family and friends, particularly their

parents, for their encouragement, advice, physical, emotional,

and mental support, and sacrifices in educating and preparing

them for the future.

To Mr. Gerald M. Mamaril their Practical Research 2 Adviser,

who not only stood as a teacher but also as someone who taught

and supported the researchers with patience and empathy, and who

they considered to be the people behind the study's success; who

never left in the process of performing the study from beginning

to finish; To their classmates, STEM 5 2020 – 2021, for their

unending support, inspiration, assistance, and teamwork in

ensuring that no one is left behind.

This study is wholeheartedly dedicated to our beloved
parents, who have been our source of inspiration and gave us strength when
we thought of giving up, who continually provide their moral, spiritual,
emotional, and financial support.

To our brothers, sisters, relatives, mentor friends and

classmates who are shared their words of advice and encouragement to finish
this research paper.

And lastly, we dedicated this thesis to the Almighty God,

thank you for the guidance, strength, power of mind, protection and skills
that you gave to us and for giving us a healthy life everyday. All these,
we offer to you our Father.

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good,
for those who are called according to his purpose.”

Romans 8:28 ESV / 5 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful


TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………… 5
1.1 Rationale and Background of the Study…………………. 7
1.2 Review of Related Literatures…………………………………. 8
1.3 Conceptual Literature……………………………………………………...9

1.4Research Literature……………………………………………....... 11

1.5 Theoretical Framework of the Study……….... 13

1.6 Conceptual Framework.……………….…………………….…………….14

1.7 Paradigm of the study …………………………………………………..15
1.8 Statement of the Problem……………………………………………. 15
1.9Hypotheses……………………………………………………………………………………. 15
1.10 Significance of the Study.……………………………………. 16
1.11 Scope and Delimitation………………………………………………. 16
1.12 Definition of Terms……………………………………….………….. 17


2.1 Research design…………………………………………………………………. 18
2.2 Locale and population of Data……………………………. 18
2.3 Data gathering instrument………………………………………….18
2.4 Statistical treatment of Data……………………………. 19

Table 1.1 ………………………………………………………………….. 20
Table 1.2………………………………………………………………………… 20
Table 2.1 ………………………………………………………………... 21
Table 2.2 ………………………………………………………………... 21
Table 2.3 ………………………………………………………………... 22
Table 3.1 ………………………………………………………………... 23
Table 3.2 ……………………………………………………...………… 23
Table 3.3…………………………………………………………………………… 24
Table 3.4……………………………………………………………………….. 25


4.1 Summary……………………………………………………………. 26
4.2 Conclusion…………………………………………………………... 26
4.3 Recommendation…………………………………………………… 26
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D

Chapter I

The problem

Background of the study:

Students from the twenty-first century are more aggressive and easily

to fall into vices. vices are commonly one of the concern challenges that

as of now people internationally are experiencing, nor people in towns and

national capital cities have undergoing through and even to our locality.

The youth Students tend to have a higher rate in involving to vices that

are serious problems that needs to be confronted to alleviate its effects.

According to Department of Health there are many cases that involves vices

that starts at an early age. They saw this data on the 2015 Global School-

Based Student Health Survey that consisted of students who was 13 to 15

years old. This may be caused by peer-pressure, mass media, curiosity. This

is where vices enter their life and start to change it slowly. Until they

started getting used to the vices and continued it until now. Which leads

to several negative effects to students especially on their academic


A vice is a practice, behavior, or habit generally considered immoral,

sinful, criminal, rude, taboo, depraved, or degrading, deviant or perverted

in the associated society. In more minor usage, vice can refer to a fault,

a negative character trait, a defect, an infirmity, or a bad or unhealthy

habit. Vices are habits that aren’t beneficial to individual. Vices of

students can be too much usage of gadgets, online games addiction, smoking,

drinking too much alcohol, etc. Students are much practicing that kind of

behavior and tend to abuse freedom.

The researchers have chosen to conduct this study because the

researchers also encountered some vices and its effect are very alarming.

This research seeks to study and explore the negative effects of different

kinds of addiction to the grade 12. The researcher wants to inform that

involving into vices is not good especially that they’re going to be

college soon. This study can help to formulate any prevention especially

for students.


This chapter contains a summary of the study's conceptual and research

literature. Related results from previous research are explored in order to

pave the foundations for the current study's future outcomes. Various vices

are not recommended for senior high school students because they cause

public issues and may result in personal shortcomings.

According to a study conducted by Researcher A in 2012, 56 percent of

senior high school students are involved in various vices. According to the

writers, youth must be mindful of these topics. They also dwell on the

repercussions of multiple vices.

According to Researcher B's 2015 study, 58 percent of senior high

school students are interested in multiple vices. Because of today's

youngsters, the number is rising. Because of their interest, many students

are inspired by their peers and engage in various vices. Social pressure,

escapism or interest, and a lack of parental supervision are the primary

reasons why students indulge in vices. The implications of these vices will

take several forms. It can be either positive or negative, and it can be

either short-term or long-term. The typical solution to this issue would be

improved police presence, strict parental guidance, or the school can hold

a monthly seminar/meeting about the detrimental impact of these vices on

students and notify the city government. Parents can be mindful of their

educational, moral, and family roles.

Conceptual Literature

Procrastination is the robber of time, according to Springer

Encyclopedia (2010). In the mid-twentieth century,

procrastination meant someone who put things off over and over again and

achieves nothing. Procrastination is a normal human behavior in which

people put off starting or finishing vital tasks. Despite this, behavioral

psychologists have only given procrastination a cursory glance. The

philosophical underpinnings of procrastination are first discussed in this

entry, with a specific emphasis on the relation between procrastination and

self-efficacy for self-regulation, particularly in the sense of academic


Adolescent procrastination is studied in a variety of environments,

with an emphasis on cross-cultural backgrounds and special needs pupils.

Treatment for academic procrastination is discussed in the final segment,

as well as prospective study directions. The student's worst enemy is

procrastination. Procrastination is a cancer that eats away at a student's

success, and we're in the midst of exam season.

According to a report by Eneza Education Articles (2013), absenteeism in

school is the practice of not attending classes without having a valid or

reasonable excuse. Absenteeism is a type of truancy that has a negative

impact on student success. Many factors lead to absenteeism, including

phobic puberty, a lack of interest, teacher approach, pampering, private

couching, illnesses, school infrastructure, and entertainment. Absenteeism

can lead to depression and, as a result of the time spent away from school,

to a lower level of education. It could also result in spiritual decay,

leading to substance addiction, early pregnancies, and disorderly behavior.

Chronic absenteeism, according to the results, lowers math and

reading performance, lowers educational participation, and lowers social

engagement. As a result, this report adds to the body of information about

how an understudied element of missed school impacts students' academic

success. Absenteeism may be induced, if a student does not want to attend;

these absences are usually voluntary and intentional, while other absences

are situational, where students must leave school due to their personal

circumstances, such as needing to travel regularly; these absences are

often beyond a student's control and are an unavoidable decision; student

absenteeism often starts in.

In this regard, the articles and encyclopedia listed above are

important to our ongoing research analysis of student vices and academic

achievement since they indirectly exposed the shortcomings of student

procrastination and absenteeism in school matters. As a result, it has a

significant impact on students' academic success and provides them with a

sense of a principle lit analysis.

Research Literature



(2015) conducted by Janssen Jill, Procrastination is a common occurrence

that is mostly inevitable due to the thousands of projects that we may be

working on at any given moment. Procrastination, on the other hand, has

been discovered to be domain-specific. Academic and employment, daily

activities and responsibilities, fitness, recreation, family and

partnership, and social contacts are all areas where people procrastinate,

according to researchers. Each domain has a particular prevalence rate, as

well as associations with other structures, causes, and outcomes. As a

result, each area should be examined separately in order to fully

comprehend its features, implications, and theoretical approaches. People

who procrastinate academically can be mindful of their acts consciously or


Furthermore, “intentionally halting or deferring work that must be

completed” is the most widely accepted term for academic procrastination.

Academic procrastination is similar to general procrastination in that it

is associated with reduced self-efficacy and life satisfaction, as well as

greater stress and mental wellbeing. However, research has found that

academic procrastination has a greater effect on an individual's well-being

than the other realms, and is linked to depression, anxiety, and

embarrassment, as well as irrational thought and poor self-esteem. Academic

procrastination has a negative effect on academic performance, resulting in

poor marks, misconduct, and lower GPAs.



al. The term absenteeism has been defined as the conscious and deliberated

action of been away from the physical space of the University classroom

conditioned. Students must assist in class on a daily basis in order to

receive professional instruction and achieve positive academic results.

From the educational, societal, economic, and personal perspectives,

absenteeism in school is regarded as a first-order challenge. A research on

the reasons of absenteeism was produced in order to determine the key

factors that affect the decision to not assist in class. Different classes

of students and teachers were responsible for the study's design.

It also supports the findings of the research report by including

considerations such as proximity of observation and presence of professors

in universities and schools, as well as obligations. The association

between absenteeism and academic grade is clearly manifested and

influenced, according to statistical evidence.

In this regard, the research study mentioned above is relevant to our

ongoing review of student vices and academic success because it impliedly

revealed the incommodity factors manifesting in student procrastination and

absenteeism in school matters. As a result, it has a significant impact on

students' academic success and provides them with a sense of study


Theoretical Framework of the Study

Theory of Cognitive Developments of Jean Piaget (1936) states "

Intelligence changes as children grow. It occurs through interaction of

innate capacities and environmental events." Theory of cognitive

development explains the development of thinking in human being from

infancy to adulthood. Constructivist Theory of Lev Vygotsky (1962) was

propounded by Jerome Bruner in 1966 (Olorode and Jimoh,2016) states "People

construct their own understanding and knowledge of the world, through

experiencing things and by reflecting on those experiences." Vygotsky

believed that learning is a collaborative process, and that social

interaction is fundamental for cognitive development. While his other

Theory of the Zone of Proximal Development states " Children are learning

from co-construct knowledge. Therefore, the social environment in which the

children learn has a massive impact on how they think and what they think

about." Latent Learning Theory was coined by Edward Tolman states "An

organism learns due to some stimulus in the environment which elicits a

specific response from an organism." Latent learning theory explains

learning from observation and without any obvious reinforcement. In this

theories, it is assumed that the students' cognitive development results

from observational processes and the social environment. Where the students

learn how to smoke, drink alcohol, gamble, internet/video games ,and drugs

through the influence of other people from his or her environment usually

the parents, friends, neighborhood ,and peers. Having vices can produce a

"rush" - feeling of relaxation,euphoria, election ,and election and

enhanced sense of well-being. Anxiety, depression, shyness,social

awkwardness, and stress are relieved temporarily. Those are some advantages

of having vices. But too much of everything is not good for their health

and also for their studies.

Conceptual Framework

This study was anchored by Absenteeism Workplace Theory 2014 by Federica

Cucchiella, Absenteeism is the term generally used to pass on to impulsive

employee absences from the workplace. Many causes of absenteeism are

legitimate personal illness or family issues for example, but absenteeism

also can often be traced to other factors such as a poor work environment

or workers who are not committed to their jobs. If such absences become

excessive they can have a seriously adverse impact on a business’s

operations and ultimately its profitability. A component model of

organizational commitment was used to study job withdrawal intentions

turnover and absenteeism. Affective commitment emerged as the most

consistent predictor of these outcome variables and was the only view of

commitment related to turnover and to absenteeism.

The theory above relates to our present study since it tackles about

absenteeism which is the main contributor why students in school of Lyceum

Northwestern University Grade 12 student of Stem 5 are not maintaining

consistently their academic performance. Also, it emphasize the

shortcomings of absenteeism that can affect a student’s academic

performance in school.

Paradigm of the study

Student vices Academic


Statement of the Problem

This Study aims to know the vices and it's effect towards G12 STEM 5

students of Lyceum Northwestern University Specifically, it seeks to answer

the following questions:

1. What are the vices of the participant?

2. What cause these students to take the bad vices?

3. How do vices affect you as a student?


H:There is an effect of vices to the grade 12 Stem 5 students

H:There is a significant difference before and after using vices.

Significance of the study

The study deals with vices of Science, Technology, engineering, and

mathematics class number 5 in Lyceum Northwestern University and its effect

to the student’s academic performance. Considering that vices are hard to

resist especially during the juvenile stage of a person, thus the results

from this study will be of great benefit for the following;

Students- This study will be beneficial for the students to raised

awareness on how vices can affect their studies and to be educated on how

to quit or avoid having vices.

Parents-this study will provide information to the parents regarding on how

vices can affect their children’s academic performance. Also, this will

help them to guide their children on how to manage their vices.

Teachers – the results from this study may enlighten the school teachers on

why vices can affect the student’s performance in class. It can also help

to determine an effective teaching strategy to enhance the student’s

capacity to manage of their vices.

Future researchers – The outcome of this research study may be beneficial

for those future researchers having a similar stud. This study may be one

of the bases that a new theory in learning will arise


The scope of this study is to determine whether the students vices such as

procrastination and absenteeism affects the academic performances of Grade

12 Stem 5 students of Lyceum Northwestern University. This study delimits

to the respondents of the study. Where all Grade 12 Stem 5 students that

are enrolled in the school year 2020-2021 are only allowed to participate
in this research, for whom they often intentionally delaying their work

that is needed to respond as earlier and to themselves who aren't attending

in school classes consistently are included to this study.

Definition of terms

Vices - is a bad habit or a moral failure. Drinking alcohol, smoking

cigarettes, and gambling in card games these are all examples of typical


Academic performance

Is the assessment of a student's ability in a variety of academic subjects.

Which the researchers looking the effect of their academic performance

while having typical vices.

Students – which is the respondents oh the study being able to ask for the

effects of the academic performance is a person who is enrolled in a school

or other educational institution and who is seeking knowledge, developing

careers, and obtaining employment in a desired field.

Risk of having vices -it is the likelihood that an individual will be

suffer an adverse health effect as a result of being exposed to vices and

will affect to the academic performance of the students.

Effect - It is the result of being affected by the vices a positive or a

negative effect to the academic performance to the students.

Chapter II

Research design
Quantitative design will be used in this study. In this research, survey-
questionnaires will be used obtain the needed data and to determine the
effects of vices to the grade 12 stem 5 students of the Lyceum Northwestern
Locale and population of Data
The research work was conducted at Google form which is a site that use to
make surveys.
The researcher used the entire population of the Grade 12 Science,
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Section 5 of Lyceum
Northwestern University (L-NU)-Senior High School (Shs) The population is
composed of 46 students.
Data gathering instrument
The collection method used for this research study is survey questionnaires
to the participants from Grade 12 Science Technology Engineering and
Mathematics (STEM) Section 5 of Lyceum Northwestern University (L-NU)
Senior High School (SHS).
Prior to the conducting of interview, an approval from the respondents was
Upon their approval, the researchers began sending survey links that
contain questions that are related to the study. The researchers provide
some choices to avoid misunderstandings and confusions.
The kind of survey can provide multiple perspectives at a time. It allows
the researcher to explore issues which emerge during the conversation. In
other words, the researcher did not only focus on discovering answer to
specific questions but was also able to delve further into related issues
that could enrich the data of the study.” The survey allowed the researcher
to explore the of the participants. In preparation for the survey, the
researcher had the following three main guiding questions:
1.What are the vices of the participant?
2.What cause these students to take the bad vices?
3.How do vices affect you as a student?
Responses from the participants during the survey were recorded through
online website (Google form)

Statistical treatment of Data

The researchers will tabulate and analyze the data to be gathered after the
collection of data with the use of percentage frequency distribution and
evaluate the questions under study. to treat and evaluate the questions
under study. First, the researchers will use the percentage frequency
distribution to tabulate the gathered data and determine the frequency of
each response. Using this statistical treatment would display the data that
specifies the percentage under each question. The percentage of demographic
profile of the respondents and the questions to determine the vices and its
effect to the Grade 12 stem 5.
The percentage will show the percentage of the respondents. The given
formula below will be used to tabulate the frequency and percentage
%= x 100
% = percent
F= frequency
N= Total number of respondents

Chapter III

This chapter presents the statistical graphs and tables which

interpret the findings gathered from the survey questionnaires. The tables

show the vices and its cause and effect. The graphs interpret how Stem 5

students have vices and what are its cause and effect.

Part 1: Demographic profile

Table 1.1: shows the age of the respondents.

Age Responses Percentage

17 12 30%

18 25 62.5%

19 3 7.5%

Table 1.1 shows that 12 or 30% of respondents are in 17 years of age,

25 or 62.50% of respondents are already 18 years old and 3 or 7.50% of

respondents are 19 years old.

Table 1.2: shows the gender of the respondents

Gender Responses Percentage

Female 27 67.5 %
Male 13 32.5 %

Table 1.2 shows that 27 out of 40 or 67.50% of the respondents are female
and 13 out of 40 or 32.50% are male.

Part 2: Vices of the Stem 5 students

Table 2.1 shows the results from respondents to the question, do you have


Do you have vices? Responses Percentage

Yes 39 97.5%
No 1 2.5 %

Table 2.1 shows that 39 out of 40 respondents have vices while there

only one respondent who do not have vices.

Table 2.2: shows the vices of the 39 respondents

What are your vices/bad Responses Percentage

Online games 24 61.5%
Drinking alcohol 3 7.7 %
too much usage of 27 69.2%

social media
Reading 1 2.6%
too much watching of 1 2.6%

Watching and reading 1 2.6%


Table 2.2 shows that too much usage of media gains the highest votes which

has a 27 out of 39 respondents or 69.20% followed by online games which has

a 24 out of 39 votes or 61.50%. While there were 3 out of 39 votes or 7.7%

for drinking alcohol. 1 out of 39 or 2.60% votes for reading also 1 out of

39 votes or 2.60% for too much watching of drama and, watching and reading


Table 2.3 shows the time spent of the respondents on their vices or bd


How much time do you Responses Percentage

spend on your vices/bad


2-4 hours a day 14 35.9%

5-8 hours a day 12 30.8%

9-12 hours a day 7 17.9%

12-15 hours a day 7 17.9%

Table 2.3 shows that 14 out of 39 or 35.90% respondents spend 2 to 4 hours

a day on their vices while 12 out of 39 or 30.80% respondents spend 5 to 8

hours a day on their vices. 7 out of 39 or 17.90% respondents can spend 9

to 12 hours a day on their vices and also 7 out of 39 or 17.90% can spend

12 to 15 hours a day for their vices.

Part 3: Cause and its effect

Table 3.1: shows the results from respondents to the question if their

vices affect their study.

Does vices affect your Responses Percentage

Yes 20 52.6%
No 18 47.4%

Table 3.1 shows that 20 out of 39 or 52.60% respondents voted yes that

their vices affect their studies while 18 out 39 respondents voted no that

their vices does not affect their study.

Table 3.2: shows the effect of the respondent’s vices to their academic


How does it affect your Responses Percentage

academic performance?
It does not affect my 18 50%

study at all
It makes me lazy 19 47.4%
Instead of doing my 1 2.6%

school works I either

check my social medias

or play games.

Table 3.2 shows that vices make them lazy gains the highest votes from the

respondents which has a 19 out of 39 or 47.40% while 18 out of 39 or 50% of

the respondent’s studies are unaffected by their vices. 1 out of 39

respondents check social media or play games instead of doing school works.

Table 3.3 shows what causes the respondents to take bad vices or habits.

What causes you to take Responses Percentage

bad vices/habits?
Family problem 1 2%
Sadness 20 51%
Academic Pressure 10 25%
Peer Pressure 5 12%
Undecided 4 10%

Table 3.3 shows that sadness gains the highest votes which has a 20 out of

39 or 51% votes while academic pressure gains 10 out 39 or 25% votes. 5 out

of 39 or 12% respondents are peered pressured and 1 out of 39 or 2%

respondent takes vices because of family problems. 4 out of 39 or 10% of

the respondents are undecided.

Table 3.4 shows the results from respondents to the question, do you think

having vices can make any difference in your grades before and after you

had vices.

Do you think having Responses Percentage

vices can make any

difference in your

grades before and after

you had vices?

Yes 21 52.5%
No 19 47.5%

Tables 3.4 shows that 21 out of 40 or 52.50% of the respondents think that

vices can make any differences in their grades before and after they had

vices while 19 out of 39 or 47.50% of the respondents voted no, that it

does not make any difference.

Chapter IV

This chapter contains the summary, conclusion, and recommendations of the study.

The study focused on the vices and its effect to the Grade 12 Stem 5
In preparing the survey,40 respondents from Stem 5 were needed to
determine the effects of having vices.
With the assistance of the respondents and our own observation we are able
to determine whether the vices has a bad effect or none.

Based on the results and finding, we therefore conclude that a

lot of the students have vices and vices can affect a lot of students in

terms of education. This was proven based on the results of survey of the

40 respondents.


The following recommendations for research are based on the study findings:

1. Conduct a similar study with the addition of vices and its


2. Conducting a research on how to lessen usage of vices.

3. The researchers recommend that this research study may

serve as their guidelines for the study that they will be

conducting in the near future. This research can also be one of

their bases in making their research for the process in conducting

their research.

The researchers recommend the students to avoid their vices and

bad habits that can affect them negatively. Students can spend

their time in more worthy things than spending their teen age days

with such vices and find another way to calm themselves instead. It

is also suggested to avoid their vices and bad habits that can

affect them negatively. Students can spend their time in more

worthy things than spending their teen age days with such vices and

find another way to calm themselves instead.


Springer Encyclopedia (2010), Procrastination is the robber of time









Federica Cucchiella, Absenteeism Workplace Theory 2014



Appendix A
Letter to the Principal
Dr. Ma. Manette A. Madrid, Ed D.
February 27, 2020
Senior High School Principal
Lyceum-Northwestern University
Dagupan City, Pangasinan
Dear Dr. Madrid,
We, the group 3 namely Jade Francis Fines, Noel Mateo, Kydelle Lim,
Patricia Cyril Dalaten, Sunshine Grace Ungos, Jamaica Talana, Elaine
Mabalot, Ellaine Fernandez, Richa Vitto, Ma. Julianne de Guzman, Janmar
Miles Abuda from Grade 12 STEM 5 of Lyceum-Northwestern University is
currently working on a research entitled “Vices and It’s effect to the G12
stem 5 studentsof lyceum northwestern university”.
In line of these, we, the researchers are seeking your permission to allow
us to conduct an interview survey to your STEM students. Rest assured that
the data we’ve gathered will remain confidential and only to be used in
academic purposes.
We believe that you are with us in enthusiasms to finish the requirement as
compliance for our subject and to develop our well-being. We hope for your
positive response on this humble matter. Your approval to conduct this
study will be greatly appreciated.
Sincerely Yours, Recommending Approval:

Jade Francis Fines Dr. Ma. Martha Manette A. Madrid Ed D.
Sunshine Grace Ungos Principal
Jamaica Mae Talana
Kydelle Lim
Elaine Mabalot
Ma. Julianne De Guzman
Ellaine Fernandez
Richa Marie Vitto
Janmar Miles Abuda
Patricia Cyril Dalaten
Noel Mateo

Appendix B
Letter to the Respondents
February 27, 2020
Dear Respondents,
We, the group 3 namely Jade Francis Fines, Noel Mateo, Kydelle Lim,
Patricia Cyril Dalaten, Sunshine Grace Ungos, Jamaica Talana, Elaine
Mabalot, Ellaine Fernandez, Richa Vitto, Ma. Julianne de Guzman, Janmar
Miles Abuda from Grade 12 STEM 5 of Lyceum-Northwestern University is
currently working on a research entitled “Vices and It’s effect to the G12
stem 5 students of lyceum northwestern university”.
In line of these, we, the researchers are seeking your permission to
allow us to conduct an interview survey to you. Rest assured that the data
we’ve gathered will remain confidential and only to be used in academic
We believe that you are with us in enthusiasms to finish the
requirement as compliance for our subject and to develop our well-being. We
hope for your positive response on this humble matter. Your approval to
conduct this study will be greatly appreciated.

Sincerely Yours, Recommending Approval:

Jade Francis Fines Mr. Gerald M. Mamaril
Sunshine Grace Ungos Practical Research 2 Adviser
Jamaica Mae Talana
Kydelle Lim

Ma. Julianne de Guzman
Richa Marie Vitto
Patricia Cyril Dalaten
Elaine Mabalot
Ellaine Fernandez
Janmar Miles Abuda
Noel Mateo

Appendix B
Survey Questionnaire

do you have vices/bad habits?
Yes, I have
No, I don’t have
What are your vices/bad habits?
Online games
Drinking alcohol
Too much usage of social media
How much time do you spend on your vices/bad habits?
2-4 hrs a day
4-8 hrs a day
8-12 hrs a day
12-15 hours a day
Does vices affect your study?
How does it affect your academic performance?
It does not affect my study at all
It makes me not go to class
It gives me low grades
It makes me lazy

What causes you to take bad vices/habits?

Family problem
Peer pressure
Academic Pressure
Do you think having vices can make any difference in your grades before and
after you had vices?

Appendix D
Sample Survey
o 17
 18
o 19
o 20
o 21

 Male
o Female
do you have vices/bad habits?
 Yes, I have
o No, I don’t have
What are your vices/bad habits?
 Online games
o Drinking alcohol
o Smoking
o Too much usage of social media
How much time do you spend on your vices/bad habits?
 2-4 hrs a day
o 4-8 hrs a day
o 8-12 hrs a day
o 12-15 hours a day
Does vices affect your study?
 Yes
o No
How does it affect your academic performance?
o It does not affect my study at all
o It makes me not go to class
o It gives me low grades
 It makes me lazy
What causes you to take bad vices/habits?
o Family problem
 Sadness
o Peer pressure
o Academic Pressure
Do you think having vices can make any difference in your grades before and
after you had vices?
 Yes
o No


Name: Jade Francis M. Fines

Nickname: Jade
Birthday: February 1,2000
Age: 21
Address: #22 Palamengco St. Lambayan, Mapandan, Pangasinan
Email address:
Ambition: Veterinarian
Motto: Hard times will always reveal true friends.

Name: Richa Marie L. Vitto

Nickname: Cha
Birthday: April 28, 2002
Age: 18
Address: Bogtong Bolo Mangatarem, Pangasinan
Email address:
Ambition: To be a Doctor
Motto: We may encounter many defeats but we must not be defeated

Name: Ungos, Sunshine Grace Avila

Nickname: Shine
Birthday: October 22, 2002
Age: 18
Address: #253 Bari Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Email address:
Ambition: To be a Doctor
Motto: Work until your signature becomes an Autograph

Name: Mabalot,Elaine T.
Birthday: April 18,2002
Age: 18
Address: 250 P.Molina St.Bari,Mangaldan,Pangasinan
Email address:
Ambition: To be a Doctor
Motto: It is going to be hard,but that does not mean its impossible.

Name: Lim, Kydelle A

Nickname: Kidel
Birthday: May 05, 2002
Age: 18
Address: #111 Quezon Boulevard San Carlos City Pangasinan
Email address:
Ambition: To be a Doctor
Motto: life is short, make it shorter

Name: Dalaten, Patricia cyril R.

Birthday: February 14, 2002
Age: 19
Address: #241 Pantal district Dagupan City
Email address:
Ambition: To be a Veterinarian
Motto: Be where your feets are.

Name: Talaña,Jamaica Mae De Vera

Nickname: Jam
Birthday: February 22,2002
Age: 19
Address: #243 Malabago Mangaldan, Pangasinan
Email address:
Ambition: To be a Doctor
Motto: If you want to fly, give up everything that weighs you down.

Name: Mateo, Noel D.

Nickname: Noel
Birthday: November 16, 2002
Age: 18
Address: #215 Malued district, Dagupan City, Pangasinan
Email address:
Ambition: IT
Motto: Everybody makes mistakes

Name: Fernandez, Ellaine Grace Decano

Nickname: leigh
Birthday: May 27, 2003
Age: 17
Address: Banaoang, Calasiao Pangasinan
Email address:
Ambition: To be a Doctor
Motto: Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.

Name: Ma. Julianne de Guzman

Nickname: lianne
Birthday: March 29, 2003
Address: #011 palya St. Lambayan, Mapandan, Pangasinan
Email address:
Ambition: To be a doctor
Motto: Failure is an opportunity to begin again.

Name: Janmar Miles Abuda

Nickname: Miles
Birthday: January 17, 2000
Age: 21
Address: #3 Rabanzo Apartment, Bangus Ave., Tondaligan Blue Beach
Subdivision, Bonuan Gueset, Dagupan City
Email address:
Ambition: To be a doctor/businessman
Motto: Failure is always a step closer to your success.


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