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Elementary  Student’s Book Video scripts

Viewpoint 1 The most popular email password is PASSWORD or 123456.

Most people rarely change their password.
We open 29% of our work emails outside the office on our mobile
Tom Sutherland is a web designer. He designs websites for In the time you watched this video, the world sent 20 million more
companies. At the moment, he works from home. emails.
Tom My business is getting quite big now. I have a lot of different
clients and I can’t do the work alone any more. I have to start

Viewpoint 3
employing some staff. So I need an office for me and my staff.
Tom has two locations to visit today. The first location is here –
an office in the centre of town. In these offices there are desks,
chairs and phones, but the offices are quite small. VIDEO SCRIPT
Tom It’s very modern. And it’s small, but it has everything I need This is Fresh Direct – a British company with sites all over the
at the moment. Two rooms – an office and a meeting room UK. This one is in the south of England. James Cartwright is its
– and all the furniture. I don’t know … it’s not very attractive, Operations Manager.
and it is near a main road, so there’s a lot of noise. There are
James  Fresh Direct is a supplier of fruit and vegetables to the food
lots of other offices here, too, so you have to share the kitchen
service industry.
and the toilets.
But the location is very good – the station is nearby, so it’s Their clients in the food service industry range from small shops
good for staff getting to work and for clients or visitors. But and cafés to large hotel and restaurant chains. Fresh Direct takes
there’s no parking. about 700 orders every day, so it needs a good system in its
VIDEO SCRIPT James  We’ve got a warehouse management system that looks after
products right the way through the supply chain, so everything that
The second location is a barn conversion in the countryside, five
comes in is on a screen, everything that goes out is also on a screen.
kilometres from the centre of town. The barn conversion is very
large but there’s no furniture or phone. Fresh Direct scans and records every product that goes in and out
of the warehouse. When an order comes in, they know exactly what
Tom It’s really nice. It has a lot of the things I need – space, light,
products they have in stock.
a lot of character, very quiet – a good place to be creative.
When they receive an order, there is a simple process to follow.
The facilities are good – a kitchen and toilets. There isn’t
James  The first stage would be receiving the order from the
any public transport here, but there’s a car park outside. But
customer. When we receive the order it’s keyed onto our, onto our
there’s no furniture, so that would add to the cost. order management system.
I don’t know if it has an Internet connection. That’s not After that, the warehouse, the warehouse managers will allocate
difficult to get, though. the order to an individual picker, who will then go and assemble the
I need to go and think about this before I make a decision. I order onto a pallet.
like both the offices. I think the barn conversion is beautiful, A second person will then take the instruction off the picker and
and I think the office in the centre of town is very convenient. double-check both quantity and quality of the product.
I don’t know.
Finally, when they are certain that everything is to the right
standard, they load the pallet onto a lorry and deliver it to the
customer. The company uses around 200 lorries to deliver the

Viewpoint 2 products on time, to different parts of the country.

The warehouse is open 24/7. Employees work 40 hours a week in
shifts. So it is essential that the system of processing orders works
VIDEO SCRIPT perfectly. This well-organized operation has made Fresh Direct a
There are three billion email accounts in the world. Most people very successful company.
have more than one account.
The world sends about 150 billion emails per day.
90 billion are for business.
The average business person sends over 110 emails per day.
And we spend over 30% of our working week checking our emails.
That’s about 11.5 hours per week.
A computer programmer called Ray Tomlinson sent the first email
in 1971.
But email wasn’t popular until after 1991 when Tim Berners-Lee
invented the World Wide Web.
In 1998, the Oxford English Dictionary added the word ‘spam’.
Spam (noun): advertising material sent by email to people who
have not asked for it.
Around 75% of email is spam.

Business Result Second edition  Elementary  Student’s Book Video scripts 1

© Oxford University Press
Viewpoint 4
Receptionist  Good afternoon. Waiter  Table for two?
Patricia  Hi, I have a reservation. Marcus  Yes, please.
Receptionist  OK. What’s your name, please? Waiter  OK. Over here, please.
Patricia  Miss Patricia Reyes. Waiter  Excuse me just one moment.
Receptionist  Yes. For two nights. Marcus  So, how did you think the presentation went this morning?
Patricia  Yes, just two. Patricia Good, I think. There was a positive reaction from most
Receptionist OK. Could I have your credit card, please? Thank you. people.
Could you just sign here? Thanks. Here is your room Marcus Your research has been very thorough. We’ve been pleased
key. You’re on the first floor, room 105. The lifts are just with your work.
over there. Breakfast is between seven and nine-thirty. Waiter Sorry about that, it’s the lunchtime rush. Can I get you some
Would you like a wake-up call? drinks?
Patricia  Er, yes, please. At seven. Patricia  Yes, I’ll just have some sparkling water, please.
Receptionist  And would you like a newspaper? Marcus  I’d like some still water, so a bottle of both, please.
Patricia  No, thank you. But I will need the Internet. Waiter OK, I’ll go and get those for you. Do you need another
Receptionist All our rooms have Internet, but you need a password. moment with the menu?
The password’s on there. The instructions are on the Patricia  I’m ready.
back. Marcus  Actually, I need a few more minutes, please.
Patricia  OK. Thanks. Patricia  So, how long have you worked for the company?
Receptionist  Would you like help with your bags? Marcus  Oh, now you’re asking! It’s been nearly 20 years.
Patricia  No, I’ll be fine, thanks. Patricia Wow, that’s a long time! It must be a good place to work,
Receptionist OK. I hope you enjoy your stay. Reception is open 24 then.
hours and you can call from your room. Marcus  Oh yes, it definitely has its benefits.
Patricia Great, thanks. Waiter  Here you are. Are you ready to order now?
… Marcus  Yes, thank you. Patricia?
Patricia  Hi. I’m in room 105. Patricia  I’ll have the lasagne, with a side salad, please.
Receptionist  Yes. Miss Reyes. Waiter  The lasagne comes with a salad.
Patricia There’s a problem with the Internet in my room. It keeps Patricia  Oh, that’s fine.
stopping. Is there something wrong with the connection? Marcus  And I’ll have the seafood pizza, please.
Receptionist  Oh, I’m sorry. I can check that for you. Waiter OK.
Patricia  I’m going out now, but I’ll need it later. Marcus  So, how’s your hotel?
Receptionist OK. Patricia  Very good, actually, lovely rooms.
Patricia Also, can somebody check the air conditioning in my Marcus  Yes, we usually use that hotel. I hear it’s very comfortable.
room? It’s very hot in there. Waiter Excuse me. I’m afraid we’re out of the seafood pizza. All of
Receptionist Did you find the dial on the wall? It’s normally near the the other pizzas are available, though.
light switch. Marcus  Oh, OK, well, what do you recommend?
Patricia  Oh! I looked next to the air conditioner. Waiter  The four seasons is very good.
Receptionist Yes, it is a bit confusing. Did you need anything else? Marcus  OK, I’ll have one of those then, please.
Do you need a taxi? Waiter  OK, it won’t be too long.
Patricia Yes I do, but I do need to find a cash machine first. Is there Marcus  I’ll get this.
one near here? Patricia  Oh, thank you.
Receptionist Yes, if you turn right out of the hotel, and cross the Waiter  I’ll just get the card machine.
road, there’s another hotel. Go past it and turn right. Marcus So we should be finished by four o’clock today. So you
There’s a cash machine there. might have time for some sightseeing!
Patricia So I go right out of the hotel, go past another hotel and Patricia That would be nice! But I’m afraid I’ll have to catch up on
turn right. some work this evening.
Receptionist Yes. Waiter If you could check the amount and enter your pin number,
Patricia  So I’ll go and get some money and come back for a taxi. please?
Receptionist  I’ll order one for about ten minutes’ time? Marcus  Here you are.
Patricia  Perfect. Thanks. Waiter  Thank you, enjoy the rest of your day.
Receptionist  You’re welcome. Patricia  So, thanks again for lunch.
Marcus  You’re welcome. We’d better be getting back.

2 Business Result Second edition  Elementary  Student’s Book Video scripts

© Oxford University Press

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