Br2e Elem Videoscripts
Br2e Elem Videoscripts
Br2e Elem Videoscripts
Viewpoint 3
employing some staff. So I need an office for me and my staff.
Tom has two locations to visit today. The first location is here –
an office in the centre of town. In these offices there are desks,
chairs and phones, but the offices are quite small. VIDEO SCRIPT
Tom It’s very modern. And it’s small, but it has everything I need This is Fresh Direct – a British company with sites all over the
at the moment. Two rooms – an office and a meeting room UK. This one is in the south of England. James Cartwright is its
– and all the furniture. I don’t know … it’s not very attractive, Operations Manager.
and it is near a main road, so there’s a lot of noise. There are
James Fresh Direct is a supplier of fruit and vegetables to the food
lots of other offices here, too, so you have to share the kitchen
service industry.
and the toilets.
But the location is very good – the station is nearby, so it’s Their clients in the food service industry range from small shops
good for staff getting to work and for clients or visitors. But and cafés to large hotel and restaurant chains. Fresh Direct takes
there’s no parking. about 700 orders every day, so it needs a good system in its
VIDEO SCRIPT James We’ve got a warehouse management system that looks after
products right the way through the supply chain, so everything that
The second location is a barn conversion in the countryside, five
comes in is on a screen, everything that goes out is also on a screen.
kilometres from the centre of town. The barn conversion is very
large but there’s no furniture or phone. Fresh Direct scans and records every product that goes in and out
of the warehouse. When an order comes in, they know exactly what
Tom It’s really nice. It has a lot of the things I need – space, light,
products they have in stock.
a lot of character, very quiet – a good place to be creative.
When they receive an order, there is a simple process to follow.
The facilities are good – a kitchen and toilets. There isn’t
James The first stage would be receiving the order from the
any public transport here, but there’s a car park outside. But
customer. When we receive the order it’s keyed onto our, onto our
there’s no furniture, so that would add to the cost. order management system.
I don’t know if it has an Internet connection. That’s not After that, the warehouse, the warehouse managers will allocate
difficult to get, though. the order to an individual picker, who will then go and assemble the
I need to go and think about this before I make a decision. I order onto a pallet.
like both the offices. I think the barn conversion is beautiful, A second person will then take the instruction off the picker and
and I think the office in the centre of town is very convenient. double-check both quantity and quality of the product.
I don’t know.
Finally, when they are certain that everything is to the right
standard, they load the pallet onto a lorry and deliver it to the
customer. The company uses around 200 lorries to deliver the