Firstport - Autumn 2021

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Alexandra Court Newsletter

Autumn 2021

We are your managing agent Key contacts onsite:

Welcome to this edition of your Alexandra Danielle Irwin

Court newsletter, which we hope you will Tel: 01594 43421
find informative and provide you with
information regarding current news and
events at your development. In you, have any queries or concerns you can
find some helpful guidance and information on
As your managing agent, our role here at our website Alternatively, you
FirstPort is to ensure your building is safe, well can contact our customer services team using
maintained and serviced. the details below.

We encourage any resident who wishes to Tel: 0333 321 4051

publicise an event or has an interesting story
that they would like to share with their
neighbours, to get involved by contacting us
using the details opposite, we would love to hear
from you.
Danielle Irwin
Development Manager
Dear Residents,
It’s October, how did that happen? I will be
sending around next of kin forms to update. I
will also be arranging a date to test the
emergency pull cords.
I hope are all well. I have been struggling
myself with the reopening of all the industries
after the Covid pandemic. But can say I’m
starting to feel a lot like me again. Thank you
for all your support, and well wishes during
this time.

Covid 19 I have decided to keep the laundry room rota,
as it is working well. I still have open slots if
With the guidelines having lifted now, the
anyone would like extra. Also if you aren’t
guest room is open, and contractors are once
using your allocated slot. Could you please let
again allowed to enter the development.
me know, and I’ll put it on the notice board for
It is a personal choice over whether or not you someone else to use.
where masks, but please respect other
We now have a TV/DVD Player in the
residents decisions, and their personal space.
communal lounge. We have license for this, so
Some of us are still extremely wary, and
please feel free to come, and watch TV or a
worried about catching COVID. Especially with
DVD. The TV isn’t a smart TV, but we have a
how busy it is in the village, and around here
ROKU box coming next week, which will make
at the current time with tourists.
it Smart. I will also put a TV Guide in there
each week.
End of year Budget
This now means we are also licensed to play
We have a fair bit in our budget. We
CD’s and radio in the communal lounge.
unfortunately have a rather large job that
Also there is a sign-up sheet outside of my
needs doing on the lift. This has been sent to a
office for the Christmas meal, with a
section 20 at head office, because of the costs.
provisional menu attached. This will take
But we still will be able to go ahead with some place on Wednesday 15th December at 5.30pm
changes to the development. at The Angel Inn, Bowness.
Please remember to turn all lights, and the TV
off when leaving the communal lounge.
Internal Redecoration

. Wallpaper choices have been chosen.

Please see selections below
Thank you
Reception Area, and Lounge
A massive thank you to all residents at
Alexandra Court, who have made me feel Lismore 1097.03 top
welcome this past year.
Lismore 1097.04 bottom
Special thanks to helpful residents Nobby, and
Dianne our fire alarm extraordinaire, Nobby,
Mike & Tony for helping take the rubbish in &
All other aspects of development
out when I’m not here, and taking the bric a
brac to the tip. and Nobby again our helpful Lismore 1097.03
Gardener, and handyman. Who are being
joined this year by Susan. To Kath, and Brian I’m currently waiting for a date when works
for getting our coffee mornings back up, and will begin. I have looked into the contingency,
running. Kath, thank you for being our games and hope to replace our carpet and furniture
queen, and editor of the residents monthly also. However we have received a rather large
newsletter, and Carol for making our reception bill for part of the lift to be replaced. So we
area look good, by fixing my awful flower may have to do this in stages.
displays, and turning them into masterpieces.

Estates & Management

Refuse Room
I urge everyone who is wanting to make
changes inside or outside their property to
Please see the recycling guidance of what the consult with me first to see if consent is
SLDC will collect from us in the Refuse Room. needed for the work. If consent is needed then
E&M will send an application form to be
Please. Do Not go through the grey bins. completed, and sent for approval before any
works can start. Problems can arise when you
Lynne will be sending a communication to
come to sell your property if consent is not
everyone in regards to this matter.

Also please be vigilant about putting any

personal information in there I.E Anything with If you notice anything in or around the
a name or address, DOB, should be removed, development, that needs attention, please let
destroyed, or shredded. me know

Danielle (Development Manager)

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