Eneniu18102 - Huynh Le Huong Kieu
Eneniu18102 - Huynh Le Huong Kieu
Eneniu18102 - Huynh Le Huong Kieu
Date: 17 June 2021
Duration: 45 minutes
Proctor (online) Examiner:
Nguyễn Hoàng Phương Mai Nguyễn Hoàng Phương Mai
Students read the instructions carefully and write the answers for all the parts on this test paper.
Note: Please make sure that your answers are original and in your own words. Your paper will be
checked for plagiarism.
1. "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" (originally titled "The Story of the Three Bears") is a 19th-
century British fairy tale that has been widely used in teaching English to young learners.
Read the story and answer the questions:
‘Someone’s been sleeping in my bed!’ said Daddy Bear.
‘Someone’s been sleeping in my bed!’ said Mummy Bear.
‘Someone’s been sleeping in my bed - and she’s still there!’ said Baby Bear.
Goldilocks woke up and saw the three bears. ‘Help!’ She ran downstairs and into the forest.
She never came back again.
a. How many sentence patterns are there in this story? What are they? How many times
(4 points)
Using repetitive drill is important because students easily forget what they have been
taught over the time. Repetition will help students to remember vocabularies better.
Multiple exposures to vocabulary items will help students to store new words better.
2. What are 5 criteria to guide the development of language assessments? Briefly define each
- Reliability: The assessment should be reliable with accurate and consistent results.
- Practicality: An assessment task needs to be practical (time and place, amount of time and
3. Name 2 types of alternative assessment you might use with young learners. What are the
advantages and disadvantages of each? (10 points)
Alternative Advantages Disadvantages
-Can be used for students at all -Can be hard to figure out what
Portfolio stages of language development should be included and who
Assessment -Can show a young learner a young decides.
leaner’s progress over time - Can be difficult to evaluate the
individual items
-Can help students to integrate to the - Can be very subjective so that
Peer assessment assessment process. students cannot improve their
-Can build the closed relationship skills effectively.
between students when sharing ideas -Sometimes bad peer feedback will
and giving feedback for each other affect the students’ relationship
4. It is believed that when teaching vocabulary to young learners, the more decisions they
make about a word, and the more cognitively demanding these decisions, the better the word
is remembered (deep processing of vocabulary items). Think of activities/questions to make
learners work with these vocabulary items at a high cognitive/personal level (one item/one
activity) (10 points)
a. seasons (eg. spring, summer, autumn, winter, etc.)
b. feelings (eg. sad, happy, angry, surprised, etc.)
c. transport (eg. bicycle, car, bus, etc.)
d. emergency (eg. fire, injury, ambulance, fire truck, police station, etc.)
a. When you see Santa Claus and snow, what weather is it?
b. When you get 100 points, how do you feel?
When your mom is angry, how do you feel?
c. When you see a lot of people on a very big vehicle, what is that?
d. When a house is on fire, what kinds of truck does the fireman will drive to the house?
5. Consider the following scenario: You are an English teacher in a primary school. A visiting
teacher comes to visit your classroom and is surprised to see your students out of their seats
playing games and having fun. In addition, he wonders why your students’ homework looks like
an art project, and it seems to him that your students aren’t really learning English. That
teacher thinks that you need to give students more grammar exercises.
Given this situation, how would you explain why you are teaching this way? (100 words) (10
Playing games and having fun may be related to drawing which is another kind of assessment
which can help students develop their creation. This is one of the alternative assessments. In
term of content-based approach, it will develop students’ knowledge in other subject and
improve students’ score for less smart students and motivate English learning.