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Thoughts from an adult with

Aspergers (Look me in the eye by John Elder Robison)

Teaching Social Interaction My conversational difficulties highlight a

Skills to Students with ASD problems Aspergians face every day. A
person with an obvious disability-for
example, someone in a wheelchair-is
treated compassionately because his
handicap is obvious. No one turns to a guy
in a wheelchair and says “Quick! Let’s run
across the street!” And when he can’t run
across the street, no one says, “What’s his
problem?” They offer to help him across
the street.
Presented by the MNPS Autism Team

Thoughts continued… Why be Concerned?!?!

With me, though, there is no external 70% of people with
sign that I am conversationally
handicapped. So folks hear some Autism are unemployed
conversational misstep and say “What
an arrogant jerk!” I look forward to The higher the
the day when my handicap will afford functioning, the higher
me the same respect accorded to a
guy in a wheelchair. And if the the unemployment!
respect comes with a preferred
parking space, I won’t turn it down. (Belini, 2007)

Objectives Social Interaction Skills

1. to understand the common social  By definition (Gresham & Elliot, 1995)

difficulties associated with autism  Socially acceptable learned behaviors
that enable a person to interact with
2. to understand an appropriate means
others in ways that elicit positive
of evaluating social skills responses and assist in avoiding negative
3. gain ideas for using these responses.
interventions in classroom

Autism Documentary

Social Interaction Skills

Early Social Skills Joint Attention

 Turn taking  Sharing affect ability to share
attention with another
 Eye contact  Proximity person while both are
 Sharing  Following simple paying attention to
 Parallel play commands the same object

 Cooperative play  Responding

Can be gestural or
 Imitation  Rejecting
 Joint attention: appropriately
gestural and  Requesting help

Later Social Skills

 Empathy  Comments
 Compliments  Feelings
 Sharing interests  Community rules
 Interpreting and using  Self monitoring
facial expressions  Critical thinking
 Initiate, terminate, and  Dating/sexual etiquette
maintain interactions  Grooming
 Conversation topics and  Respecting authority
amount of info
 Problem solving
 Lacks tact: appears rude
or naïve  Difficulty understanding
 Interpreting figurative
language,  Social anxiety and

Consequences of Poor Social Skills: 70% of
Understanding why this happens those on the spectrum are unemployed

 Repetitiveness and restricted interests

 Interpret literally  Poor Academic Performance
 Theory of Mind: difficulty understanding  Peer Failure
another person’s perspective or that they  Rejection
have thoughts and feelings different from  Isolation
their own  Anxiety
 Difficulty imitating  Depression
 Difficulty problem solving  Substance Abuse
 Pragmatics: form (syntax, morphology,  Suicidal Thoughts
phonology) and content (semantic) encodes  Violence Towards Self Bellini/2007
differently in ASD from early interactions or others.

Activity 1

Stand Up!!

What were the communication

difficulties you experienced?

Social Interaction Skills

Evaluation and Planning

Pragmatic Assessments Pragmatic Assessment

Formal Assessments Informal Assessment

 Test of Pragmatic Language  Language Sample

 Clinical Evaluation of Language  Observations:
Fundamentals: Pragmatic Profile  Parent/Teacher Report
 Social Emotional Evaluation  Social Language Checklist
 Pragmatics Language Skills Inventory
 Comprehensive Assessment of
Spoken Language
 Social Skills Rating system

Informal Assessment
Informal Assessment: Observations What is keeping the student from establishing and
What are you looking for? maintaining social relationships?

 Proximity: appropriate space • Rate social competence: interviews and rating scales
 Object/body use • Take date: during recess observe # of social initiations,
# of social responses, and amount of social engagement
 Initiations • Conversations skills: Initiations, responses, maintenance,
 Responses closure of social interactions (various settings)
 Behaviors: do they interfere • Cooperative play skills: joining in, taking turns, sharing,
 Transitions losing, games
• Friendship skills: proximity, appropriate topics, helping,
 Participation in routine or novel situations
rules, bullies, grooming
• Emotions: understanding emotions, problem solving skills
• Empathy
• Conflicts: anger, respect, NO,

www.cpsinstitute.org Determine: Skill Acquisition

Deficit or Performance Deficit

Child's Name ___________________________ Date _______

Difficulty handling transitions, shifting from one mindset or task to another (shifting cognitive set)
Difficulty doing things in a logical sequence or prescribed order
Poor sense of time
 Skill Acquisition Deficit: skill is absent
___ Difficulty reflecting on multiple thoughts or ideas simultaneously (will need to teach)
___ Difficulty maintaining focus for goal-directed problem-solving
___ Difficulty considering the likely outcomes or consequences of actions (impulsive)
___ Difficulty considering a range of solutions to a problem
___ Difficulty expressing concerns, needs, or thoughts in words  Performance Deficit: skill is in repertoire
___ Difficulty understanding what is being said
but the child does not use the skills
___ Difficulty managing emotional response to frustration so as to think rationally (separation of affect)
___ Chronic irritability and/or anxiety significantly impede capacity for problem-solving (enhance performance)
___ Difficulty seeing the “grays”/concrete, literal, black-and-white, thinking
___ Difficulty deviating from rules, routine, original plan
Difficulty handling unpredictability, ambiguity, uncertainty, novelty
Difficulty shifting from original idea or solution/difficulty adapting to changes in plan or new rules/possibly preservative or obsessive
Can the student do the skill with different
___ Difficulty taking into account situational factors that would suggest the need to adjust a plan of action people in different settings?

What if you are thinking…?

I don’t think I should modify or make excuses for
these kids. I know they can do it!

 Saying that they know how to do

something is only DECLARATIVE  Being able to say how to do
 I can teach mostly anyone the it doesn’t mean you can do
facts necessary to learn how
drive a stick shift car. But,
Doing Thinking
being able to say how to do
something does not mean you
can do it.
 We can bridge the gap
 What often keeps a child from
being successful are skills we
with visual support,
often do not teach… Feeling practice, and meaningful
It’s a continuum that requires


How to start planning and begin
Goal Selection
5 Steps  Goals should be functional and
 Identify and assess areas of need applicable to success in life
 Discern between skill acquisition  Ensure goals are appropriate for
deficits and performance deficits cognitive levels
 Select appropriate intervention  Goals should be positive
 Goals should be realistic and
 Implement intervention strategies
represent a challenge
 Evaluate program and modify as
needed  Set criteria based on baseline data
*Source: Bellini, 2007

The Hidden Curriculum

by Brenda Smith Myles, Melissa L. Trautman, and
Teachers Hidden Curriculum
Ronda L. Schelvan

 Refers to the set of rules that everyone  Teacher Expectations

in the school knows, but that no one has  What students should do when the bell
been directly taught: rings
 How to dress
 How to travel from class to class in the
 What type of backpack to carry
most direct way.
 How to greet a peer
 Where to hang out between classes  The administrative structure.
 What games are acceptable to play  Which teachers will tolerate lateness
 Who to ignore
 Which teachers give homework.
 Which teachers place value on final

Some more thoughts from

Many descriptions of autism and
Asperger’s describe people like as “not
wanting to contact with others” or
“preferring to play alone.” I played by
myself because I was a failure at playing
with others. I was alone as a result of my
own limitations, and being alone was one of
my bitterest disappointments of my young
life. The sting of those early failures
Social Interaction Skills followed me long into adulthood, even
Understanding and Decreasing Anxiety after I learned about
Look me Asperger’s.
in the Eye by John Elder

Some more thoughts on
by Jerry Newport Your Life Is Not a Label
“As far back as I remember, I was like a little bird
on a wire, ready to flee from the next
embarrassment at a moment’s notice. No matter
Fear and Anxiety are
how hard I tried to obey all the rules, spoken by
parents with frustration and siblings with
common feelings for people
sarcasm, I knew I would eventually screw up and
tread water in another sea of laughter. with ASD.
So, my stress and perhaps yours, came from many
sources: frustration, neurological overload, and
social humiliation to name a few.
There is nothing more frustrating than the lifelong
accumulation of scars that result from trying to
be like normal people and failing daily. It is
especially hard when your disability is invisible
like mine.”

Stress in Persons’ with Set up your classroom to

Asperger’s increase relaxation
1. Be mindful of stress in your students
Verbal / physical 2. Establish a relationship with your students so
they can come to you for help and support
Withdrawal / Shut down 3. Create means to cope within the classroom
(break area, yoga, system for help, organize
areas, visual supports)
Increased Obsession 4. Incorporate social skills in lessons, centers, as a
designated area in the classroom, bulletin
Increased Stress / Anxiety boards
5. Facilitate relationships in your classroom
Anxiety through character building activities
6. Celebrate uniqueness often
Triggers Atwood, 1999

5 Point Scale
Kari Buron and Mitzi Curtis
tool which provides a visual representation
of stressors, inappropriate behaviors,
rules, etc..

Allows children the ability to connect

internal issues to a visual support

Encourages problem solving, self monitoring

and independence in resolving issues


Developing a Plan Relaxation Plans
 Identify stressors 1. Help students regulate stress- teach
 Recognize student to request a break, include
behaviors leading breaks in schedule, create break area
up to aggression or in classroom, coping strategies
shut down specific to situations
 Create supports, 2. Use self-monitoring- 5 point scale,
area, or a plan with checklists, power cards
the student 3.Tension release and breathing
exercises – yoga, deep breathing

“In the public school setting, children with

autism are often integrated into the general
education classroom with the hope that social
skills will be absorbed through proximity to
“normal” socialization.” “Instead, direct
instruction of specific skills combined with an
awareness of appropriate models is required.”

Social Interaction Skills “The Effectiveness of an Interview Template in Children with Autism: Structured Peer Interview to Facilitate Peer-
peer Interactions” Crooke, Pamela J. (2005)

Intervention Strategies

Why is this important? Promote Skill Acquisition

 Teaching social skills should become a  Role-playing  Incidental

Teach perspective Teaching
priority in our classrooms 
taking, social rules,  Sabotage
 Decreases anxiety problem solving, and
 Power Cards
mind reading
 Encourages relationships and support  Structured
 Discrete trial
through peers and teachers Teaching
 Reciprocal strategies
 Allows for problem solving directly in  Social narratives
the classroom  Social Skills Picture
Stories  Video modeling

Role-Playing: acting out and
Role-Play practicing newly learned skills
The students act out the skills in the appropriate Teaching students to:
1. Read nonverbal cues
The teacher acts as a hands on coach. 2. Conversation skills
3. Social rules (interrupting, eye
Use scripted and unscripted
contact, gaining attention, amount
Keep it fun
of information, etc…)
4. Sequence interactions
Let the students pick scenarios or practice use
units from class readings or other subjects

Conversation Skills Teaching Nonverbal Cues

 Conversation webs  Explain importance and use of gestures (cartoons

with volume down, magazine pictures, charades
(www.do2learn.com)  Teach understanding and interpretation of facial
 break down skills into individual expressions (start with cartoons, then move to
photos as line drawings are easier for children
pieces as needed: initiation, turn with ASD to identify, magazines, software,
taking, appropriate topics, endings websites www.cccoe.net/social)
 Teach tone, volume, proximity (5 point scale,
using visual supports videos, tapes, etc…)
 Comments: Appropriate vs.  Later social skills will need to focus on conduct
with the opposite sex, rules at work, etc….

Specific skills to Target during Specific skills to Target during

Role-Play Role-Play
 Gaining/Securing Attention: indirectly requests attention or  Complimenting: child reinforces a peer for winning a game
acknowledgment from peers (e.g., “Hey!”, “See this?”, (e.g., “You did it!”), reinforces peer for personal
“Look.”), calls a peer’s name, taps peer on the shoulder, performance (e.g. “nice try.”)
Greetings, Inviting others to play

 Requests for Actions/Objects: requests an action (e.g.,  Responding: commenting about events in an activity,
“Can I have a turn?”), requests an object (e.g., “Can I have a greeting, when others invite child to play, when others
marker?”), tells a peer what action to do or not to do (e.g., request, when others ask questions
“Stop it”, ‘Put it in there.”)
 Nonverbal cues: Understanding facial expressions (e.g.
 Commenting: express an opinion (e.g. “I think we should eyebrows raised mean surprised), Understanding body
start.”), response to a peer’s action (e.g. “You’re done.”), language (e.g. arms crossed when angry
express enjoyment or frustration (e.g. “Oh no!”)

Thiemann, K. & Goldstein, H. (2004). Effects of Peer Training and Written Text Cueing on Social Communication of Thiemann, K. & Goldstein, H. (2004). Effects of Peer Training and Written Text Cueing on Social Communication of
School-Age Children With Pervasive Developmental Disorder. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 47, School-Age Children With Pervasive Developmental Disorder. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 47,
126-144. 126-144.

Reciprocal Strategies (learning
back and forth exchanges)
Reciprocal Questions

 Conversation game: supply visuals as  Newspaper Reporter (give child

prompts, provide topic, provide simple questions to ask peer in order
scripts if necessary to get your student asking questions
and increasing interactions)
 Eden Conversation program
 Eden Asking Questions program

Activities to teach perspective,

problem solving, social rules, and mind
 Label and recognize emotions: through
cartoons, magazines, pictures, videos,
break down into features of the face if
 Understand emotions (Why is he feeling
that way, what is he thinking)
 Prediction of consequences (What will
happen next? What happened before?)
 Selection of alternative behaviors
(sarcasm, understanding situation to
interpret behaviors)
 Thought bubble activities

Activities to teach perspective taking,

Thought Bubble Activity social rules, problem solving, mind
 Interest inventories (list of possible peer
interest that could be used for conversation
 Mind reading activities (Howlin)
 If-then statements to infer the
thoughts and interests of others
 Software programs (Simon Baron-
Cohen, do 2 learn)
 Social scenarios ( what has happened)

Discrete Trial


•Prompt (if necessary)

•Response (behavior)
Consequence (reinforcement)

Example from Eden Curriculum Social Narratives

 SD “your turn”  Activities include  Written in first person and describes how
 Procedure  Passing ball people feel and think in certain situations.
 Model activity  Banging drum
 Uses directive statements to show
 Model activity again 
and give SD  Stacking rings students how to act in those situations
 Same procedure as  Pegs  Read repeatedly until the child over learns
steps 1-2 Hi fives
 Randomize activities

it and rereads before problematic
 Turning pages
 Continue procedure  Sandbox with shovel and
with other activities pail  Should be written at child’s instructional
 Generalize responses to Jumping
various teachers in

level for self awareness, self calming, self
 Making sandwhich
various settings management

Social Skill Picture Stories

The depiction of various social skills – the

correct way to act with accompanying
text that explains what the children are

Incidental Teaching Sabotage

Setup the environment/activity so that

Teaching as the situations occur rather the child will be unsuccessful. This
than in structured settings. will require the child to communicate
Example – a teacher points out (at recess) to
the student with ASD that a peer looks
physically hurt. She coaches the student
with ASD to stop playing and ask the other
student if he is OK. (The teacher is
amplifying the cue (someone is hurt) so that
the student with ASD reacts and does not
remain oblivious.)

Power Cards
Power card
help change an unwanted or inappropriate
behavior by capitalizing on the special interests  Front of power card has the logo on it.
that characterize children and youth with AS. A Back of power card
brief, motivational text related to a special The contestants on Survivor think everyone
interest or a highly admired person is combined should have fun playing games. They also want you
to remember three things when playing games
with an illustration and made into a bookmark- with other people:
or business card-sized POWER CARD that the  Games should be fun for everyone.
student can refer to whenever necessary. For  If you win a game, you can: Smile, give high fives,
younger children the special interest or hero is or say, "Alright!"
worked into a brief story.  If you lose a game, you can: Take a deep breath
and say, "Good job" to the opponent or say,
"Maybe next time."

Structured Learning

 Didactic instruction (explanation of the

skill steps)
 Modeling of skill steps

The A-Team thinks everyone should  Role-playing skills with feedback

be respectful to their teachers. They  Practice in and outside the group
want you to remember 3 things when
you are in class:
1.Raise your hand if you have a question
2.If you need a break tell your teacher
3.Use kind words like please and thank you.

Didactic Instruction Cartooning

 Using simple pictures and text as a whole or
in strips to understand a situation
 The instructor explains the steps of a  description of the event that caused the
particular skill, using a visual of the skill problem
steps  feelings and thoughts of everyone involved
 Why is it important to compliment others?  a solution to the problem and ideas on how
 What can you compliment others about? to avoid it in the future
 Why should you use a nice voice tone when  reinforcement
complimenting others?  appropriate symbols (stick figures, smiley
faces, thought bubbles)
 colors used to express feelings (green-happy,
blue-sad, black-angry

Promote Social
 Peer sensitivity  Peer Mentoring
training  Self-Monitoring
 Reinforcement/mo  Relaxation plans
tivation  Prompting
 Priming  Video modeling
 Modifications  Social narratives
 Game playing


Teaching child to be aware of behavior

1. Identify behavior, emotion, or skill
2. Define behavior, emotion, or skill
3. Introduce/teach behavior, emotion, skill
4. Select self-monitoring procedure
5. Teach self-monitoring strategy
6. Implement
7. Provide feedback
Source: Bellini, 2007

Prompting Level of Prompting will Vary

 Supports used to help students learn

 When requesting a physical response:
new skills and successfully perform
 Gesture – gesture to indicate the correct
behaviors response
 Partial Physical – hand over hand
assistance to initiate response, the
 Have a plan for fading immediately student completes on his own. (tap the
elbow to get him to pick something up,
tap the shoulder to get him to sit down)
 Determine a prompt hierarchy with the  Full Physical – hand over hand assistance
team to perform the entire response.

Prompts continued Video Modeling
VERBAL CUES  Includes videos that
depict appropriate target
• Visual – a written cue that elicits a behaviors and/or videos of
response themselves performing the
desired behavior
• Partial Verbal – stating part of/or  “One Key reason for the
the initial sound of the verbal success of video modeling
is that it increases the
response you are expecting. (“What child’s attention to the Courtesy of Indiana University

time is it? It is _____.”) television, or computer

screen. And if you do not
• Full Verbal – stating the entire have attention, you will not
verbal response. (“What time is it? have learning.”
It is 2:00.”) Bellini, S., akullian, J., & Hopf, A. (2007). Increasing social engagement in young children with autism spectrum disorders using
video self-modeling. School Psychology Review, 36, 80-90
Bellini, S. & Akullian, J. (2007). A meta-analysis of video modeling and video self-modeling interventions for children and
adolescents with autism spectrum disorders. Exceptional Children, 73, 261-284.


Promote Social Performance

Reinforcement/Motivation Reinforcement/Motivation

 Increases desired behaviors  should receive praise and social reinforcers, even
when receiving a more tangible reinforcer.
 The type of reinforcer must be appropriate and
natural to the activity the student is doing and to
 Forces us to monitor student’s the level of student understanding.
behavior  Reinforcement can include a variety of items or
activities. Give the student CHOICES.
 The teacher needs to make sure the reinforcing
 Provides feedback to student consequence immediately follows the behavior or
skill being learned or increased so that the
relationship between the two is clear to the
student. However, be careful to not interrupt a
social interaction.

Priming Modifications

 Priming – Preparing the student for Are necessary modifications in place?

the upcoming task.
Not Teaching…. Preparing
Consider student’s sensory deficits
 Cognitive Priming: use visual and/or verbal

 Behavioral Priming: practicing skill right

before having to perform in natural setting

Game Playing Practice

 Increase social opportunities. The students
Games require social interaction but should be given opportunities to practice skills
are structured. Most children with peers in other settings.
interact not just during conversation  Feedback from the student, peers, adults as to
but during activities. how the opportunity was successful or not

 Use popular games  Select activities that are appropriate for

practicing (student preferred activities)
 Teach child how to play
 Use other strategies for practicing (e.g. role-

Peer Sensitivity Training Peer Mentoring

Child specific or general overview  Select age-appropriate sensitive peer

 Peer must willing
 Can pair during difficult times such as
Celebrate differences
 Peer must be given specific instructions on
Allow the children to be involved in the how to increase communication success
training (e.g. if student w/ASD needs simple direct
 Alternate peers

Considerations for Social
 Reduce Aberrant Behaviors Prior to Initiating
 Match Social Interaction Programs to Students' Social Interaction Programs
Needs and Settings.
 Provide Ongoing Instruction and Monitoring
 Establish Reasonable Social Interaction
Expectations  Task Analyze Social Interaction Skills
 Be Sensitive to Local Social Interaction Norms  Consider the Importance of Setting and Material
and Conditions Variables
 Program for Interaction Quality As Well As
 Consider Social Validity in Programming
 Recognize That Not All General Education  Prioritize Social Interaction Skills
Students Will Be Suited to Social Interaction
 Tailor Reinforcement to Meet Individual Needs

Continued Social Skills Groups

 Educate Tutors and Others About Autism  When first beginning – make sure the
 Facilitate Initial Interactions level of understanding is
commensurate with all students
 Make Data-Based Program Decisions
 Review the purpose of the group
 Generalize Social Skills
 Establish group rules and
 Maintain Acquired Social Skills reinforcement/consequences
 Get to know each other through
discussion and/or worksheet inventories
 Game or snack time

Social Skills Groups Cont. Social Skills Groups Cont.

 Set and display a schedule for the  Prepare a visual of the agreed upon
group: group rules
 Talk Time  Listen to each other (wait for a pause to talk
 SkillTime during a conversation, raise your hand and
 Game Time
wait to be called on during skill time).
 Talk nicely to each other (do not yell, tease, or
 All Done
 Keep hands and feet to yourself (do not push,
hit, kick, pinch, or grab others).

Social Skills Groups Cont. Social Skills Groups

 Humor: incorporate humor through

 When getting to know each other -- jokes, charades, newspaper cartoons,
 Use various prompts and visuals to help silly stories, etc….
the students focus on each other –
prompt them to respond or ask follow-up

Include all communication

A Last Thought from John
I may look and act pretty strange at times, but
deep down I just want to be loved and understood
for who and what I am. I want to be accepted as
part of society, not an outcast or outsider. I
don’t want to be a genius or freak or something on
display. I wish for empathy and compassion from
those around me, and I appreciate sincerity,
clarity, and logicality in other people. I believe
most people-autistic or not- share this wish. I
hope you’ll keep those thoughts in mind the next
time you meet someone who looks or acts a little

Look me in the Eye by John Elder


Bellini, S., akullian, J., & Hopf, A. (2007). Increasing social engagement in young
children with autism spectrum disorders using video self-modeling. School
Psychology Review, 36, 80-90
Bellini, S. & Akullian, J. (2007). A meta-analysis of video modeling and video self-
modeling interventions for children and adolescents with autism spectrum  www.usevisualstrategies.com
disorders. Exceptional Children, 73, 261-284.
“The Effectiveness of an Interview Template in Children with Autism: Structured
Peer Interview to Facilitate Peer-peer Interactions” Crooke, Pamela J. (2005)
Thiemann, K. & Goldstein, H. (2004). Effects of Peer Training and Written Text
Cueing on Social Communication of School-Age Children With Pervasive
Developmental Disorder. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research,  www.thegraycenter.org
47, 126-144.
Buschbacher, P. & Fox, L. (2003). Understanding and Intervening With the
Challenging Behavior of Young Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 34, 217-227.
Teacher's Toolbox. "Teacher's Toolbox." . . . 11 September 2007.  www.teacch.com
Susan Klein. "Model Me Kids." . 2004. Model Me Kids®, LLC.. 11 September 2007.
Fovel, T. (2002). The ABA Program Companion.
Bashe, P. & Kirby B. (2001). The Oasis Guide to Asperger Syndrome-Revised.


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