CSO Storage Makes A Splash in Monticello: Specialsection

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pipe & distribution systems

CSO Storage
Makes a
Splash in
Monticello Large-diameter SRPE pipe was installed underground to prevent overflow into nearby bodies of water.

By Cory Carlson, Andrew Jenkins When a combined sewer overflow (CSO) The Storage Challenge
& D. Adam Downey detention system was needed for the city The site presented challenges in terms of lim-
of Monticello, Ind., innovation was the only ited space, a high water table and tight hydraulic
thing overflowing. limitations on the existing sewer systems. Further,
Nestled between Lake Shafer and Lake Freeman property owners directly uphill of the site were jus-
SRPE pipe helps resort in north-central Indiana, the city of Monticello tifiably concerned with maintaining their aesthetic
is a popular Midwest summer vacation destina- views of the scenic Tippecanoe River.
city meet long-term tion. Hugging twin lakes and home to Indiana Considering the site layout challenges and its
Beach Amusement Resort, it is no wonder the city visible location to the public, traditional storage
control plan touts “life with a splash.” Still, there was room structure options quickly were eliminated. Open
for improvement of the neighboring waterways concrete tanks would be difficult and expensive
through upgrades to the city’s sewage system. to build on site. Steel tanks were evaluated, but
For this community of approximately 5,400 would have required an additional pump station
year-round residents, the city owns and operates to convey the incoming wet weather flows to the
a combined sewer collection system and Class II storage structures. A large-diameter tunnel did
wastewater treatment plant with a design aver- not appear financially or geographically practical,
age flow of 1.1 million gal per day (mgd) and peak given the site and the city’s budget.
capacity of 2.4 mgd. This collection system has six
CSO outfalls that discharge into the Tippecanoe The Storage Solution
River and Lake Freeman. With innovations in plastic pipe technology,
In an effort to comply with the federal Clean creation of a steel-reinforced polyethylene (SRPE)
Water Act, the city’s long-term control plan CSO storage system was economical and possible.
included the reduction and elimination of CSOs. This solution borrowed the model of an under-
Specific to this was the Bryan’s Lift Station ground, high-performance detention system
Improvements Project, created to increase the lift by utilizing a grid of buried pipe to store com-
station’s pumping capacity to 2.5 mgd and provide bined sewage out of visible sight. For Bryan’s Lift
approximately 500,000 gal of detention to manage Station, Contech’s DuroMaxx SRPE pipe system
wet weather events. was engineered into a CSO detention and drain-
Bryan’s Lift Station originally was constructed age system that met the challenges of having a
in the 1950s and served combined sanitary and small footprint, water-tight joint performance
storm sewers. During peak water events, the lift and long-term durability.
station was overwhelmed and unable to handle the “With tight site constraints and poor subsurface
full flow. Because the wastewater treatment plant conditions, the DuroMaxx pipe was ideal for maxi-
was located approximately 1 mile downstream, mizing capacity while minimizing the overall foot-
untreated sewage backups and subsequent CSO print,” said Project Manager Jonathan Borgers, P.E.,
events occurred, affecting Monticello’s waterways. of Wessler Eng. “DuroMaxx pipe specifically was
Overflow would specifically discharge directly into selected for the underground CSO storage structure
the Tippecanoe River upstream of Lake Freeman. based on its availability in larger diameters.”
With approximately $1 million in grant funding The pipe matrix includes a 96-in.-diameter
Views of the nearby Tippecanoe River at Bryan’s from the Indiana Office of Community and Rural manifold pipe connected directly to the new lift
Lift Station remain unobstructed due to the SRPE’s Affairs, the first of two project phases was able to station wet well, above the typical submersible
underground construction. proceed ahead of schedule. pump-operating water depths, to ensure that

30 January 2013 • Water & Wastes Digest

pipe & distribution systems

normal dry weather flows did not back up into the pipes, capturing the “first flush” and eliminating
storage structure. Six additional leader pipes slope CSOs from all but the most extreme conditions.
down to the connected manifold pipe and have After events, the pump station runs at full speed
access risers at the higher ends. until the storage structure has drained and the wet
The significant slope of these leader pipes facili- well level falls back to normal operating depths.
tates system flushing after wet weather events. The system boasts the advantages of a bur-
During wet weather flows when the submersible ied and out-of-sight tunnel, along with a low-
pumps cannot keep up with incoming flows, the depth profile that plays well into existing system The pipe matrix spans the 1-mile distance between the
wet well backs up into the manifold and leader hydraulics and high water tables. The 80-ksi WWTP and the storage structure at Bryan’s Lift Station.

steel-reinforcing ribs with pressure-

rated polyethylene resin provide a
strong and durable pipe, exactly what
the city sought. The ability to nest the
varying-diameter SRPE pipe, coupled
What Makes HOBAS® The Standard? with the material’s lighter weight
compared with traditional storage
Precision centrifugal casting, consistent high systems, also reduced the freight and
quality, fiberglass-reinforced, polymer mortar pipes installation costs.
F&K Construction Inc. of Flora, Ind.,
Responsive customer service, on-site field reps the selected contractor, installed the
backed by extensive engineering support grid of 96-, 84- and 72-in.-diameter
SRPE pipe. Because DuroMaxx SRPE
is lightweight, installation was quick,
which meant less expense and fewer
dewatering issues.
“One thing we really like about the
product is it is fast and easy to install,
and doesn’t need a large machine to
lift the large diameter pipe,” said Greg
Kuns, owner of F&K Construction. “It
goes together quickly, so it helped the
progress of the job move along nicely.”
Due to the proximity to the
Tippecanoe River and Lake
Time Proven Freeman, joints also were a con-
Leak Free cern. Electrofusion joints were used,
because each joint can be individu-
Long Lasting ally vacuum tested, and they provide
Corrosion Resistant
the water-tight protection needed.
Additionally, because the DuroMaxx
High Strength SRPE pipe has fewer joints to assemble
on site, installation is faster.
Quick, Easy Installation Bearing a smaller footprint than
High Flow Capacity alternative systems, the SRPE pipe
offered easier constructability and
room for future expansion. Storage
for 395,000 gal was created during
the Phase I configuration. In 2014,
as part of Phase II of the project, the
96-in. manifold pipe is expected to be
extended west approximately 25 ft, and
two more leader pipes will be added to
expand the system to the full 500,000
gal of storage volume indicated in the
city’s long-term control plan. WWD

Cory Carlson, P.E., is product manager,

detention, and Andrew Jenkins is director
of plastic products for Contech Engineered
Solutions. D. Adam Downey is operations
specialist, project engineer and Class IV & D
wastewater operator for Wessler Eng. Carlson
can be reached at ccarlson@conteches.com
or 513.645.7410. Jenkins can be reached at
ajenkins@conteches.com or 513.645.7355.
Downey can be reached at adamd@
wesslerengineering.com or 317.788.4551.

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