Shadow of The Demon Lord: Character Creation

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The key takeaways from character creation are that players choose an ancestry, novice path, starting equipment, blessed tribes/communities, and background. The background provides additional benefits.

Characters can gain proficiencies, status, items, spells, languages, and other benefits depending on their background roll and result. Backgrounds represent a character's experiences prior to the start of the game.

Status in communities represents a character's rank and influence. Higher status provides benefits like access to hirelings, wages, and responsibilities. Players can perform tasks to increase their status over time.

Shadow of the Demon Lord

Character Creation 5d6 Background Benefit

5 You belonged to a tiny village alongside the River, +1 Profession.

1. Choose an Ancestry. There are 4 options. Read about them later in this where many traders stopped.
6 You spent 1d6 years as an exile from your +1 Profession.
2. You will begin on Level 1. Choose a Novice path and apply the Level 1
7 You belonged to a strange cult and saw many +1 Status with a related
strange things. Community.

3. Starting equipment will be; 8 You belonged to a group of river nomads, +1d6 ss worth of trade
travelling up and down the river. goods.
Clothing, Dagger (made of bone, chitin, crystal or redmetal), Backpack, 7
days rations, Wineskin, Tinderbox, 1d3+1 torches, 1 basic melee weapon, 9 You belonged to an armed trading community +1 related Profession.
2d6 silver coins. who drove giant lizards across the wilderness.

10 You grew up in a major city that had a major +1 Profession.

4. If you are Human or Ampuku choose one of the Blessed Tribes. You have problem.
Rank 1 Status with this tribe. Or you can be Tribeless. 11 You came into money when you found and sold an +1d6 ss.
orichalchum pendant.
5. Choose 2 Communities. You are Rank 1 with both of them. (Read about
12 You murdered someone in cold blood. +1 Corruption, +1
Communities). Profession.

13 You were mind controlled by an agent of the +1 Language (Dark

6. Choose or roll on the Backgrounds table below.
Golden Dead for a year. Speech).

14 You saved your town from terrible monsters. +1 Status with a related

15 You worked for a mystic for some time, who +1 Status with a related
fooled many pretending to speak for the Community.

16 You fell in love and the relationship is ongoing or A piece of jewellery

ended well. valued at 1d6 ss.

17 You have ties to a criminal organization like +1 Status with the

Ananzi. Community.

18 You were enslaved for 1d6 years by ash people. +2 Health.

19 Your best friend was a Winti tasked to work for 2 incantations of a Level
your Community. 1 spell from the Earth,
Air, Fire, Storm or Water

20 A withering disease struck your community. The +1 Boon resisting

survivors, like you, are stronger. Disease.

21 You were wealthy and respected until all that was +1 related Profession.

22 You spent the last few years fighting an addiction. +1 Boon resisting

23 You accidentally released a powerful Winti from -1 Status with the

its assigned task. This enraged a Community. Community, +1 favor
owed from a powerful

24 You saved an important noble from an +1 Status with a Blessed

assassination attempt. Tribe that is not your
own Tribe.

25 You took a redmetal spear from the body of a A redmetal heavy spear.
warrior you killed.

26 A druid in your community became corrupted by 2 incantations of a Level

the Wyld and you dealt with it. 1 spell from the Primal,
Nature or Chaos


28 You belonged to a nomadic tribe at the fringe of +1 related Profession.

the Wyld.

29 You were blessed by a Winti. +1 Boon on Perception

checks in darkness.

30 You gained access to an old Golden Dead +1 Insanity, +1d6 ss.

Belief Goal
Write down a Belief your character holds. They are not set in stone, and can Write down a Goal your character is pursuing right now. These are short term
change from session to session if we find they are not workable. goals, that you would like to achieve over the next session or two. It can be
related to one of your team mates. Or your Tribe. Or a Community. This will help
A good Belief; the GM prepare scenes that excite your character. You can change it every
● Is a statement of fact about how your character views the world. session, just make sure the GM knows what it currently is.
● Is an ideal or flaw your character lives.
● Probably has the words “always” or “never” in it. Example Goals:
● Is best written in the first person (“I”, “my”). ● Raise my status in the Impi Community.
● Begs to be tested. The GM will try to offer scenes where this belief is ● Go to Gwadu village and interrogate the tavern keeper about my brother.
called into question. ● Get enough money to buy an elephant.
○ When tested, your character will either support the Belief, or
reject it. Either way, we learn something about your character,
and you can earn bonus XP.
● If a couple sessions go by, and your Belief hasn’t come up, then it might
be better to change it. The GM might be struggling to work with that

Example Beliefs:
1. My courage comes from my flask.
2. A friend never hides the truth.
3. I always tell the truth, even when difficult.
4. I never turn away someone in need.
5. I don’t rest until the mission is complete.
6. My Tribe comes first.
7. I never depend on anyone.
8. I never turn away an opportunity for coin.
9. I deserve to lead.
10. I always have a backup plan.
Ancestry: Human Creating a Human
You are a descendent of one of the 5 Paragons - heroes who broke humanity free
from mind-slavery and formed the 5 Blessed Tribes. Our kind are the most
populous in this world. Members from all Tribes can be found in all cities and
regions, but the history of our Tribes has not always been peaceful.

Starting Attribute Scores: Strength 10, Agility 10, Intellect 10, Will 10. Choose
one attribute and increase it by 1.
(As per normal rules [pg 10], you may also move 1 point from one attribute to
another. You can do this only once.)
Perception: equals your Intellect score+1
Defense: equals your Agility score
Health: equals your Strength score
Healing Rate: equals ¼ your Health, round down
Size: ½ or 1
Speed: 10
Power: 0
Professions: Choose 3 professions.

Level 4 Expert Human

Health +5
Choose one of the following options:
1. Learn one spell from a tradition you already know.
2. Learn one new tradition.
3. Determined - When you roll a 1 on the dice from a boon, you can reroll
the die and choose the new number.
4. Shake It Off - You can use your action to heal damage equal to your
healing rate and remove one of the following conditions: fatigued,
impaired, or poisoned. Once you use this talent, you cannot use it again
until after you complete a rest.
5. Rising Fury - When you take damage, you make your next attack roll
before the end of the next round with 1 boon.
some clear way to other people, and they may be afraid or suspicious of
Ancestry: Ampuku you. You can try to hide it temporarily with disguises.
2. Spirit Weakness. You are magical and have weaker defense to magic used
Humans with spirit blood. They
against you. You take 1 bane to challenge rolls to resist spells, and a
are rare and have been born to
creature attacking you with a spell makes the attack with 1 boon.
human parents in the last 20
years. It is certain their
Choose Large OR two of the abilities below:
appearance has something to do
1. Beastspeech - You know the Beast Tongue spell and can cast it twice per
with Winti, but nobody is sure
what. (Note: they are not the
2. Fiery - You take half damage from Fire and can cast the Flame Missile
result of human/spirit mixed
cantrip at will (pg 128).
parentage - Ampuku are a
3. Light as a Feather - Your Speed is 12. You half damage after landing after
phenomenon without
a fall. Your jumping distance is x 2.
explanation). For many people,
4. Natural Armor - Your Defense is +3 while not wearing any armor.
the Ampuku are fearful and their
5. Natural Weapons - You can use part of your body as an efficient weapon
motives unknowable. Any person
that deals 1d6 damage if you attack with it.
who has close links to one is
6. Scaleskin. You have a swim speed equal to your Speed and can breathe in
something suspicious and odd. As
air and water.
you were born to human parents,
7. Shadowsight - You see in areas obscured by shadows as if those areas
you can belong to one of the
were lit.
Blessed Tribes.

Creating a Ampuku Ability: Large

Large - You are Size 2. Your Reach is 2 yards. Your Defense is reduced by 2. You
Starting Attribute Scores: Strength 10, Agility 10, Intellect 10, Will 10.
might not be able to squeeze into small spaces. Furniture and armor is not
(As per normal rules [pg 10], you may also move 1 point from one attribute to
designed for you and must be specially modified. Size ½ and smaller creatures
another. You can do this only once.)
can freely move through your space. Your attacks that normally do 1d6 damage
Perception: equals your Intellect score+1
now do 2d6. Your attacks that normally do less than 1d6 damage now do 1d6.
Defense: equals your Agility score
Health: equals your Strength score
Healing Rate: equals ¼ your Health, round down
Level 4 Expert Ampuku
Size: ½ or 1 Health +5
Speed: 10 Choose one of the following options:
Power: 0 1. Learn one spell from a tradition you already know.
Professions: Choose 2 professions. 2. Learn one new tradition.
3. Choose one of the starting Ampuku abilities that you have not already
Start with all of the disabilities below: chosen.
1. Obvious Ampuku. The magic of the spirits has infused your body. You can 4. Determined - When you roll a 1 on the dice from a boon, you can reroll
decide how this looks and what form it takes. Some Ampuku have animal the die and choose the new number.
features, or elemental features, or colorful skin or hair. This is visible in
Ancestry: Bast Creating a Bast
Starting Attribute Scores: Strength 10, Agility 11, Intellect 10, Will 9. Choose one
This species of cat people are scattered and small in number. Some are small in attribute and increase it by 1.
size, 4ft tall or so, while others are as tall as humans. They claim they once had an (As per normal rules [pg 10], you may also move 1 point from one attribute to
empire of their own, another. You can do this only once.)
which was defeated by Perception: equals your Intellect score+1
the insectoid kin. Now Defense: equals your Agility score
they live among us, Health: equals your Strength score
often facing suspicion Healing Rate: equals ¼ your Health, round down
and mistrust. They Size: ½ or 1
have a reputation as Speed: 12
collectors of Power: 0
interesting artifacts Professions: Choose 2 professions.
and wonders, and Start with all of the abilities below:
frequently travel 1. Shadowsight - You see in areas obscured by shadows as if those areas
widely without were lit.
settling down for long. 2. Skittish - You make Will challenge rolls with 1 bane.
3. Climber - You are a natural climber and you have 2 Boons to climbing
In some regions, checks.
skinchangers are a 4. Cat Spring - Your jump distance is doubled. When you take falling
major fear for humans. damage, the damage is reduced by 2d6.
Ignorant people 5. (Optional) Light Frame - Your Strength is reduced by -2 and your Agility is
sometimes do not increased by +1.
understand that Bast
have no connection to Level 4 Expert Bast
skinchangers. Health +5
Choose one of the following options:
As you are not human, 1. Learn one spell from a tradition you already know.
you will not be born 2. Spring Away - When a creature you can see gets a failure on an attack roll
into a Blessed Tribe. against your Defense or Agility, you can use a triggered action to retreat.
You can join 3. Fight or Flight - While you are frightened, you gain a +2 bonus to Speed
Communities. and you make challenge rolls to resist attacks with 2 boons. Also,
creatures make attack rolls against you with 1 bane.
4. Great Courage - You lose the Skittish trait and make challenge rolls to
resist the frightening and horrifying traits with 1 boon.
5. Silent - You make Agility challenge rolls to hide and sneak with 1 boon.
Power: 0
Ancestry: Professions: Choose 2 professions.

Asaathi Start with all of the abilities below:

1. Venomous Bite - When you make an unarmed strike, you can attack with
A species of serpent your fangs. The attack does 1d6 damage (counts as a Finesse weapon). A
people originating from success on your attack roll against a living creature forces the target to
the deserts of the northern make a Strength challenge roll. On a failure the target becomes
region. They have arms but Poisoned with a powerful hallucinogen for 1 minute. At the end of the
no legs, and slither on a duration a target is poisoned in this way, it must get a success on a Will
muscular tail. challenge roll or gain 1 Insanity.
Unfortunately for the 2. Alien Mind - You are good at resisting mind control and charm effects.
Asaathi, human alchemists You take 2 Boons to challenge rolls to resist such spells, and a creature
have found uses for some attacking you with such a spell makes the attack with 2 Banes.
of their organs in potion 3. Reptilian - You are never at risk of suffering the effects of exposure in
making. Asaathi therefore warm environments. You take 1 Bane when rolling to resist cold climates,
usually live solitary lives and when you take damage from cold, you also become fatigued for 1
away from human round.
civilization. 4. Slitherer - You can burrow and move through soft sand while hidden at
half Speed. You can climb without using hands. You move across natural
There are many factors that make Asaathi entirely alien to humans. They are difficult terrain (roots, rocks, undergrowth) at full Speed. You can crawl
reptilian, being hatched from an egg without any parental involvement in at full speed.
upbringing and socialization. Their diet is entirely carnivorous. Their fangs carry a
madness-inducing toxin. Start with ONE of the abilities below
1. Magic - You discover 1 tradition of your choice.
As you are not human, you will not be born into a Blessed Tribe. You can join 2. Shadowsight - You see into shadows as if they were lit.
Communities. 3. Constrict - When you grab an enemy, you do not need free hands and
gain 1 Boon to your grab challenge.
Creating an Asaathi
Starting Attribute Scores: Strength 10, Agility 10, Intellect 10, Will 10. Level 4 Expert Asaathi
(As per normal rules [pg 10], you may also move 1 point from one attribute to Health +4
another. You can do this only once.) Choose one of the following options:
Perception: equals your Intellect score 1. Learn one spell from a tradition you already know.
Defense: equals your Agility score 2. Learn a new tradition.
Health: equals your Strength score 3. Snake Eyes - You can use an action, or a triggered action on your turn, to
Healing Rate: equals ¼ your Health, round down activate Snake Eyes. For 1 minute, you impose 1 bane on attack rolls
Size: 1 made against you, and you make challenge rolls to resist attacks with 1
Speed: 10 boon. In addition, you recognize illusions for what they are and can see
invisible creatures and objects within the range of your vision. You can
use this talent a number of times per day equal to 1 + your Power score.
You regain expended uses when you complete a rest.
4. Rending Bite - Your Vicious Bite deals 1d6 extra damage.
5. Quick Grab - When the total of you attack roll for an attack with a melee
weapon is 20 or higher and beats the target number by at least 5, you
can attempt to grab the target without using an action.
House Rules
We will use only these Ancestries; Human, Bast, Ampuku, Asaathi.

You may use Paths (i.e. Classes) from any of the published SotDL books. My only
rule is that if you want to use material outside of the core rule book, then you
must have purchased and own a copy of that PDF. I want to support small

Status. We will track your Status with various factions and communities, such as
your Tribe. Status represents your rank and influence within the community.
1. Rank 1. You are a member in good standing, otherwise unknown. If you
wish to advance, you will help the faction by volunteering to perform
errands for your seniors.
2. Rank 2. You are a valued member. You can draw favors or items from
other members equal to a commoner wage each week. You will not be
asked to perform petty errands.
3. Rank 3. You are a solid and respected member. Your name is known. You
can gain the service of a common hireling for one week per month, and
may draw a merchant’s wage each week. You may be called upon to
manage small operations.
4. Rank 4. You are a well-known member. You can command a handful of
common hirelings or a highly skilled hireling for one week per month.
Other high status members now consider you a threat to their status.
You may be called upon to manage important operations.
5. Rank 5. You are a famous member. You can command squads of common
hirelings or handfuls of expert hirelings for one week per month. You
attract eager members hoping to gain status by serving you. Some
powerful members are threatened by you. You can draw a handsome
wage each week.

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