Playbook - The Blessed
Playbook - The Blessed
Playbook - The Blessed
Moves You start with Spirit Tongue, Call the Spirits, 1 from your Background, and 1 of your choice. TRACKLESS STEP NATURE’S WRATH
When you move through nature with care and (Requires level 6+ and Danu’s Grasp)
AMULETS & TALISMANS IMPROVED STAT patience, you make no sound, leave no trace and Danu’s Grasp gains the area tag and can affect any
When you craft a protective charm for someone, Each time you take this move, increase one of your can ignore any hindering or treacherous terrain creature. A mortal reduced to 0 HP is subdued or
spend 1 Stock and name a source of harm (fire, stats by 1 (to a max of +2). (briars, mire, scree, etc.). When you spend 1 Stock killed (your choice) rather than bound in stone.
stabbing, etc.). When they would suffer such harm and mark others, they each gain this benefit so long
while bearing your charm, roll +INT: on a 10+, they INTO THE LION’S DEN as the mark remains. 1 Stock can mark a number of POTENT WORKINGS
ignore the harm entirely; on a 7-9, they suffer only When you approach a beast calmly and show no fear, individuals up to your level +INT. (Requires level 6+ and Amulets & Talismans)
half the damage or effect; on a 6-, they suffer the it will not harm you—though it may well threaten When you craft a protective charm, you may spend
harm normally. One can benefit from only 1 charm you and test your nerve. When you lay your hand VEIL 1 additional Stock to choose 1:
at a time, and it loses its potency after 1 use. gently upon a beast, it will calm to your touch. When you wrap yourself or another in a subtle veil,
Name an additional type of harm
spend 1 Stock and choose 1:
On a 10+, the charm retains its potency
BARKSKIN LIGHTNING ROD A type of being you name (including “people”)
When you are touching the ground, you have 2 When you Defend while touching the ground, you will tend to ignore your presence SHARED SOULS
armor. When you mark another with 1 Stock, they can spend 1 Readiness to intercept a nearby magical People will perceive you as someone else, (Requires level 6+ and Into the Lion’s Den)
gain this benefit so long as the mark remains. attack and redirect it harmlessly into the ground. though you must wear something of an When you mark a beast with 1 Stock, you can
individual’s in order to impersonate them direct its actions and perceive through its senses
When your deception comes under scrutiny, roll no matter the distance between you. Treat it as a
Each time you take this move, choose an additional When Seasons Change and you oversee the sacred
+INT: on a 10+, the veil holds, and no one is the follower with 3 Loyalty; when you spend its last
remarkable trait for your sacred pouch and increase rites, you can sacrifice 2 Surplus to increase the
wiser; on a 7-9, the veil holds, but there is further Loyalty, the effect ends.
your max Stock by 2. steading’s Fortunes by 1 (max +3). If you sacrifice
something (or someone) much-loved and greatly scrutiny or a complication (GM’s choice).
DANU’S GRASP valued, you can redo a roll from Seasons Change, (Requires level 6+ and Healer’s Arts)
When you call on the world itself to bind a spirit or a with your choice of advantage or disadvantage. When you draw a malady from a patient’s body,
When you mark a boundary with sacred signs,
perversion of nature, spend 1 Stock and roll +WIS: mind, or soul, spend 1 Stock and roll +WIS: on a
4 SPIRIT TONGUE spend 1 Stock and describe who or what they affect
on a 10+, choose 2 from the list below; on a 7-9, 10+, you remove the malady and can safely discard
You can speak with natural beasts and spirits of the (using no more words than your level). Also, choose
choose 1. it or store it in your sacred pouch (taking the space
wild. You can always ask the GM “what spirits are whether the affected beings are repelled or trapped
You avoid or prevent their counterattack by the signs. of 1 Stock) to study or inflict on another; on a 7-9,
active here?” and get an honest answer.
Roots, vines, and earth restrain them you remove it, but choose 1:
When your wards or bindings are first tested, roll
They take 2d4 damage (ignores armor) BORROW POWER Your patient suffers lingering harm or trauma
+INT: on 10+, they will hold as long as the signs
If this brings them to 0 HP, they are pulled into the (Requires Spirit Tongue) You suffer some of the malady’s effects
remain unmarred (and the affected creature can do
earth and bound in rune-etched stone. When a spirit or beast loans you power, ask the GM It will be harmful and dangerous to discard
nothing to affect them directly); on a 7-9, they hold
for one of its tags or moves. Store it in your pouch in
for now but may be overcome through might or will.
HEALER’S ARTS place of 1 Stock. When you use the borrowed tag or SUPERIOR STAT
When someone Recovers under your care, they move, roll +WIS: on a 10+, you do it and can use the WILD SOUL (Requires level 6+)
recover (extra) HP equal to your WIS. If you also power again; on a 7-9, you do it, but lose the power. (Requires level 2+ and the Blessed) Increase one of your stats by +1 (to a max of +3).
spend 1 Stock, they heal an extra 5 HP and their Each time you take this move, gain a Ranger move
wounds/injuries are stabilized.
of your choice for which you qualify. You can’t pick
(Requires Spirit Tongue) (Requires level 6+ and Spirit Tongue)
Improved Stat or Superior Stat.
HEED MY WORDS When you perform a short ritual and invoke the When you speak on behalf of Danu, natural beasts
When you Persuade by talking sense or warning spirit(s) of a place or object, spend 1 Stock. The and spirits of the wild respect your authority. All
against foolishness, you have advantage. spirit(s) manifest before you and will hear what but the most headstrong will do as you command,
you have to say. What they do next is up to them. even against their instincts.