Playbook - The Blessed

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Sacred pouch

Your sacred pouch (magical) doesn’t take up space

Wait here for everyone else. When everyone’s ready,
The Blessed
in your inventory. It can hold up to 3 Stock (sacred take turns introducing your characters. When Danu, the Great Mother, provides. We need only learn her secrets: the names by which the trees
herbs, powders, stones, pigments, chalks, clay, and someone reveals something and you want to know call each other; the mark made with redberry juice to ward off impure spirits; the language of
so forth). Each time you gain an even-numbered more, ask them about it. When someone asks you a the wolves. A thousand such secrets Danu keeps, to share with only her true children. Her Blessed.
level, your pouch can hold +1 Stock. When anyone question, answer it truthfully.
but you looks inside your sacred pouch and touches the
13 On your first turn, introduce yourself by name, Background (Choose 1) Instinct (Choose 1)
materials therein, the Stock is ruined.
pronouns, background, origin, and appearance.
When you have a few days of downtime in familiar INITIATE DELIGHT
terrain, you may replenish your Stock. 23 On your second turn, describe your special Stonetop has long been home to a sacred order, To find beauty, in even the most ugly thing.
When you Forage, you can produce Stock instead possessions and how you contribute to the keepers of the old ways and speakers for Danu. You
of provisions. village (beyond working the fields). are one such initiate, the most gifted in generations. DETACHMENT
You gain the Rites of the Land move. To remain unmoved, to be cold as winter.
Your sacred pouch is... (choose 1 on each line) 33 On your third turn, describe your sacred pouch There are other initiates in Stonetop, serving the
an heirloom made just for you your own work and its remarkable trait. Then, tell us about goddess and the village. They aid you as followers— NURTURE
fur drakescale leather woven demonflesh Danu’s shrine in Stonetop and how she is worshipped. see the Initiates of Danu insert. Who are they? To help others grow, learn, or improve.
unadorned beadwork rich dyes runes
43 On your next turn, answer one of the following,
Choose 2 or 3:
What remarkable trait does it possess? (choose 1) naming one or more NPCs who live in Stonetop. Enfys, your acolyte, beloved by birds To protect the natural world.
It cannot be cut, torn, or burned by any Afon, strange and fae-touched
Who is your closest kin?
natural means. Gwendyl, your mentor, a talented healer REVERENCE
Unless someone is specifically searching for Olwin, your anointed lover, seer of fates
To demand sacrifice to the spirits and Danu.
your pouch, they will ignore its presence. Whose heart & soul is entwined with yours? Seren the Eldest, wise and hard as winter
So long as the pouch is sealed, nothing within
can be detected or found by magic, nor can any- Who taught you the secret ways? RAISED BY WOLVES
thing within escape or affect the outside world. Maybe not by wolves, but you grew up in the wild.
Unnatural and unclean creatures cannot bear to
Who is beloved by the goddess, your charge to
Beasts of land and air were your siblings. The sigh- Appearance
touch it. ing wind taught you language. The trees and rocks Choose 1 on each line, or make something up:
nurture/guide/protect/heal? were your home. Were you one of the Forest Folk?
Abandoned or orphaned? Lured into the Wood? fresh faced hale & hardy gray & wizened
The Earth Mother imperious voice raspy voice soothing voice
Danu has long been revered by all peoples, though 53 Go around again. Answer another question Regardless, you get the Trackless Step move (go curvy strapping rail-thin solid willowy
not always worshipped or served by priests. In from 4, or pass. When everyone has passed, go on. mark it now). Also, when you Forage, you have ceremonial robes furs, leather work clothes
Stonetop’s Pavilion of the Gods, Danu’s shrine is... advantage.
(choose 1) 63 On your next turn, ask your fellow PCs one of For some reason, you’ve made yourself known to
these. When others ask you, answer as you like. Place of origin and name
... loved, well-used, dripping with offerings Stonetop and perhaps you even call it home. But Stonetop is your home, or close enough, but where
and petitions. Which one of you do the spirits whisper of ? the ways of humans are still strange to you. Once are you (or your family) from originally? Pick 1 and
... little more than a token of respect, for per session, when your wild ways offend or alienate a name to match (or make up something similar).
her holy places are anywhere but here. you from someone, mark XP.
Which one of you has joined me in a sacred rite? Stonetop: Arwel, Blodwen, Brynmor, Celyn,
... given wide berth by most, and approached
VESSEL Fflur, Gwynn, Tegwen, or Winned
only with care and propitiation.
... neglected and all but forgotten, except by Which of you has made a blood-oath with me? A seed of Danu’s power has taken root in your soul. Barrier Pass: Alagh, Bora, Chambui, Enebish,
a few. Perhaps it has always been there and only recently Jalakai, Kamala, Sechen, or Todogen
Which one of you doubts the power of Danu? sprouted. Or maybe it was planted in you during The Steplands (Hillfolk): Bejn, Decla, Franza,
What do the folk of Stonetop leave as offerings? some portentous event.
(choose 2-3) Irv, Ivet, Jak, Sibl, or Yez
Regardless, your dreams have been haunted by The Wild: mix and match 1-3 of these:
fruits of harvest figurines/effigies 73 Go around again. Ask another question from 6, strange markings and symbols. You feel the mystic Autumn, Badger, Big, Black, Bloody, Brave,
whisky/spirits salt/crystals or pass. When everyone has passed, go on. power in plants, stones, and soil. And you’ve felt the
pure rain water metal nails/tools Crow, Cub, Dark, Doe, Fang, Fierce, Flower,
growing wrath of the Earth Mother as foul things Gentle, Green, Grim, Hart, Leaf, Little, Lonely,
blood/burnt flesh incense/sage bark 83 Add your home to the steading playbook. begin to move about. Take the Danu’s Grasp move Old, Owl, Pale, Pup, Quick, Quiet, Rain, Red,
When everyone is done, let spring break forth! (go mark it now). Sharp, Snake, Snow, Spring, Summer, Tall, Tree,
Danu’s power flows through you, but at great cost. Yellow, White, Wind, Winter, Wolf, Whisper
When you would spend 1 Stock from your sacred
pouch, you may choose to lose 2d4 HP instead. I am
Stats Assign these scores: +2, +1, +1, +0, +0, -1. When a debility is marked, you roll with disadvantage. Special possessions (Pick 2, in addition to your sacred pouch)
Strength Dexterity Intelligence Wisdom Constitution Charisma
4 Sacred pouch (magical): see back page. Herb garden: shears, mortars & pestles, herbs,
Stock: seeds, remedies, mild poisons, spades, etc.
Apiary: beeswax, candles (close, lasts ~1 hr), Each spring, d4 uses of bendis root (reach, area,
(STR) (DEX) (INT) (WIS) (CON) (CHA) honey, bee smokers, hat & veils, etc. burns ~1 hr, fumes repel perversions of nature).
Collected offerings ( uses): Expend a Mastiffs, 2-3 followers (alert, keen-nosed, fierce,
weakened dazed miserable use to produce something valuable to a spirit of overprotective); HP 6; Damage d6 (hand, grabby);
the wild. Restore 1 use each season. Instinct: to bark & threaten; Cost: affection.
Goat herd: milk, cheese, pelts, meat, blood,
(discuss with GM)
d6 horn, wool, etc. Each season, 1 in 4 chance of
having a bezoar (swallow it to cure poison).
Damage HP (max 18) Armor XP Level

Moves You start with Spirit Tongue, Call the Spirits, 1 from your Background, and 1 of your choice. TRACKLESS STEP NATURE’S WRATH
When you move through nature with care and (Requires level 6+ and Danu’s Grasp)
AMULETS & TALISMANS IMPROVED STAT patience, you make no sound, leave no trace and Danu’s Grasp gains the area tag and can affect any
When you craft a protective charm for someone, Each time you take this move, increase one of your can ignore any hindering or treacherous terrain creature. A mortal reduced to 0 HP is subdued or
spend 1 Stock and name a source of harm (fire, stats by 1 (to a max of +2). (briars, mire, scree, etc.). When you spend 1 Stock killed (your choice) rather than bound in stone.
stabbing, etc.). When they would suffer such harm and mark others, they each gain this benefit so long
while bearing your charm, roll +INT: on a 10+, they INTO THE LION’S DEN as the mark remains. 1 Stock can mark a number of POTENT WORKINGS
ignore the harm entirely; on a 7-9, they suffer only When you approach a beast calmly and show no fear, individuals up to your level +INT. (Requires level 6+ and Amulets & Talismans)
half the damage or effect; on a 6-, they suffer the it will not harm you—though it may well threaten When you craft a protective charm, you may spend
harm normally. One can benefit from only 1 charm you and test your nerve. When you lay your hand VEIL 1 additional Stock to choose 1:
at a time, and it loses its potency after 1 use. gently upon a beast, it will calm to your touch. When you wrap yourself or another in a subtle veil,
Name an additional type of harm
spend 1 Stock and choose 1:
On a 10+, the charm retains its potency
BARKSKIN LIGHTNING ROD A type of being you name (including “people”)
When you are touching the ground, you have 2 When you Defend while touching the ground, you will tend to ignore your presence SHARED SOULS
armor. When you mark another with 1 Stock, they can spend 1 Readiness to intercept a nearby magical People will perceive you as someone else, (Requires level 6+ and Into the Lion’s Den)
gain this benefit so long as the mark remains. attack and redirect it harmlessly into the ground. though you must wear something of an When you mark a beast with 1 Stock, you can
individual’s in order to impersonate them direct its actions and perceive through its senses
When your deception comes under scrutiny, roll no matter the distance between you. Treat it as a
Each time you take this move, choose an additional When Seasons Change and you oversee the sacred
+INT: on a 10+, the veil holds, and no one is the follower with 3 Loyalty; when you spend its last
remarkable trait for your sacred pouch and increase rites, you can sacrifice 2 Surplus to increase the
wiser; on a 7-9, the veil holds, but there is further Loyalty, the effect ends.
your max Stock by 2. steading’s Fortunes by 1 (max +3). If you sacrifice
something (or someone) much-loved and greatly scrutiny or a complication (GM’s choice).
DANU’S GRASP valued, you can redo a roll from Seasons Change, (Requires level 6+ and Healer’s Arts)
When you call on the world itself to bind a spirit or a with your choice of advantage or disadvantage. When you draw a malady from a patient’s body,
When you mark a boundary with sacred signs,
perversion of nature, spend 1 Stock and roll +WIS: mind, or soul, spend 1 Stock and roll +WIS: on a
4 SPIRIT TONGUE spend 1 Stock and describe who or what they affect
on a 10+, choose 2 from the list below; on a 7-9, 10+, you remove the malady and can safely discard
You can speak with natural beasts and spirits of the (using no more words than your level). Also, choose
choose 1. it or store it in your sacred pouch (taking the space
wild. You can always ask the GM “what spirits are whether the affected beings are repelled or trapped
You avoid or prevent their counterattack by the signs. of 1 Stock) to study or inflict on another; on a 7-9,
active here?” and get an honest answer.
Roots, vines, and earth restrain them you remove it, but choose 1:
When your wards or bindings are first tested, roll
They take 2d4 damage (ignores armor) BORROW POWER Your patient suffers lingering harm or trauma
+INT: on 10+, they will hold as long as the signs
If this brings them to 0 HP, they are pulled into the (Requires Spirit Tongue) You suffer some of the malady’s effects
remain unmarred (and the affected creature can do
earth and bound in rune-etched stone. When a spirit or beast loans you power, ask the GM It will be harmful and dangerous to discard
nothing to affect them directly); on a 7-9, they hold
for one of its tags or moves. Store it in your pouch in
for now but may be overcome through might or will.
HEALER’S ARTS place of 1 Stock. When you use the borrowed tag or SUPERIOR STAT
When someone Recovers under your care, they move, roll +WIS: on a 10+, you do it and can use the WILD SOUL (Requires level 6+)
recover (extra) HP equal to your WIS. If you also power again; on a 7-9, you do it, but lose the power. (Requires level 2+ and the Blessed) Increase one of your stats by +1 (to a max of +3).
spend 1 Stock, they heal an extra 5 HP and their Each time you take this move, gain a Ranger move
wounds/injuries are stabilized.
of your choice for which you qualify. You can’t pick
(Requires Spirit Tongue) (Requires level 6+ and Spirit Tongue)
Improved Stat or Superior Stat.
HEED MY WORDS When you perform a short ritual and invoke the When you speak on behalf of Danu, natural beasts
When you Persuade by talking sense or warning spirit(s) of a place or object, spend 1 Stock. The and spirits of the wild respect your authority. All
against foolishness, you have advantage. spirit(s) manifest before you and will hear what but the most headstrong will do as you command,
you have to say. What they do next is up to them. even against their instincts.

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