Perform Stock Control Procedures
Perform Stock Control Procedures
Perform Stock Control Procedures
and Advice
Title: Perform Stock Control Procedures
Unit Code Unit Descriptor Skill Area HSC Indicative Hours:
This unit encompasses the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to Inventory
handle stock in a retail environment. It involves receiving and processing
incoming goods, rotating stock, participating in stocktakes, reordering stock 30
and dispatching goods.
The Range of Variables provide the range of applications of this unit of competency to allow for differences within enterprises and
workplaces. It provides details of practices, knowledge and requirements referred to in the elements and performance criteria. The
variables chosen in training and assessment will depend on the work contexts.
The following variables may include but are not limited to:
• Store policy and procedures in regard to:
- stock control
- dispatch
• Stock recording may be:
- manual
- electronic
• Stocktakes may be:
- cyclical
- compliance driven
• Store stock control may include:
- checking incoming or existing stock
- special orders
• Stock may be moved:
- manually
- mechanically
• Handling techniques may vary according to:
- stock characteristics
- industry codes of practice
• Reporting of faults may involve:
- telephone
- fax
- email
- letter
- face to face
• Legislative requirements may include:
- occupational health and safety
- hazardous substances and dangerous goods
- labelling of workplace substances
- waste removal and environmental protection
- transport, storage and handling of goods
• Relevant personnel may include:
- team leader
- supervisor
- store/area manager
There are a number of processes that are learnt throughout work and life which are required in all jobs. They are fundamental processes and generally transferable to other work
functions. Some of these are covered by the key competencies, although others may be added. The questions below highlight how these processes are applied in this unit of
competency. Following each question a number indicates the level to which the key competency needs to be demonstrated where 0 = not required, 1 = perform the process, 2 =
perform and administer the process, and 3 = perform, administer and design the process.
How can information be collected, analysed and Maintaining stock levels, receiving and processing incoming goods will 1
organised? require information to be collected, analysed and organised.
How are activities planned and organised? Identifying stock levels and reordering requires activities to be planned and 1
How can team work be applied? Team work may be applied when undertaking stocktake procedures. 1
How can the use of mathematical ideas and techniques Mathematical ideas and techniques may be required when receiving goods 1
be applied? and checking and validating delivery.
How can problem solving-skills be applied? Problem-solving skills may be applied when identifying excess stock and 1
determining storage or return of items.
How can the use of technology be applied? The use of technology may be applied when recording stock and reporting 1
faults and problems.