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Kaatialaite Fe3+ (H2 AsO4 )3 • 3−5H2 O

c 2001-2005 Mineral Data Publishing, version 1

Crystal Data: Monoclinic. Point Group: 2 or 2/m. As acicular crystals, to 50 µm, in

aggregates; as powdery coatings on löllingite.

Physical Properties: Hardness = n.d. D(meas.) = 2.64(2) (synthetic). D(calc.) = 2.64

H2 O is variable according to relative humidity; becomes cloudy on exposure to light.

Optical Properties: Semitransparent. Color: White, gray, greenish gray to yellow.

Luster: Earthy.
Optical Class: Biaxial (+). Orientation: Z ∧ c ' 3◦ . α = 1.573–1.581 β = 1.573–[1.582]
γ = 1.626–1.636 2V(meas.) = 13◦ –15◦

Cell Data: Space Group: P 21 or P 21 /n (synthetic Fe(H2 AsO4 )3 • 5H2 O). a = 15.25–15.363
b = 19.60–19.844 c = 4.72–4.752 β = 91.77◦ −91.90◦ Z = 4

X-ray Powder Pattern: Kaatiala pegmatite, Finland.

8.35 (vs), 9.91 (s), 7.72 (s), 6.09 (m), 3.76 (m), 3.53 (m), 3.408 (m)

Chemistry: (1) (2)

As2 O5 [51.9] 59.9
CO2 1.73
As2 O3 [14.2]
Al2 O3 0.58
Fe2 O3 11.2 13.8
MgO 0.24
CaO 3.00
H2 O 16.2 25.8
Total [99.05] 99.5
(1) Kaatiala pegmatite, Finland; by AA, As determined after volatilization of arsenolite impurity,
H2 O and CO2 by elemental analyzer; after deduction of small amounts of Ca, Mg, As2 O3 , CO2
as impurities, corresponds to (Fe0.93 Al0.08 )Σ=1.01 (H2 AsO4 )3.00 • 5.97H2 O. (2) Niederbeerbach,
Germany; corresponds to Fe1.00 (H2 AsO4 )3.02 • 5.26H2 O.

Occurrence: A secondary mineral in a granite pegmatite (Kaatiala pegmatite, Finland); in an

oxidized Ag–As vein in gabbro (Niederbeerbach, Germany).

Association: Arsenolite, löllingite, calcite, gypsum (Kaatiala pegmatite, Finland).

Distribution: From the Kaatiala pegmatite, near Kuortane, Finland. In Germany, at Glasberg,
Niederbeerbach, Odenwald, Hesse; Wittichen, Black Forest; St. Andreasberg, Harz Mountains;
and Lauta, near Marienberg, Saxony. From Jáchymov (Joachimsthal), Czech Republic. In the
U.S. mine, Gold Hill, Tooele Co., Utah, USA.

Name: For the Kaatiala pegmatite, Finland, in which it was first found.

Type Material: Mineralogical-Geological Museum, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway; The

Natural History Museum, London, England.

References: (1) Raade, G., M.H. Mladeck, R. Kristiansen, and V.K. Din (1984) Kaatialaite,
a new ferric arsenate mineral from Finland. Amer. Mineral., 69, 383–387. (2) Schmetzer, K.
and O. Medenbach (1986) Kaatialaite from Nieder-Beerbach, Odenwald – a second occurrence.
Neues Jahrb. Mineral., Monatsh., 337–342. (3) Boudjada, A. and J.C. Guitel (1981) Structure
cristalline d’un orthoarséniate acide de fer(III) pentahydraté: Fe(H2 AsO4 )3 .5H2 O. Acta Cryst.,
37, 1402–1405 (in French with English abs.).
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