Notes:: Certified Passive House Designer - 2021 A1 Introduction - 1

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Certified Passive House Designer | 2021 A1 Introduction | 1

The transmission heat losses are distributed differently in accordance Notes:
with the U-value of the individual building components of the building

Because the U-value of the window with 0.8 W/(m²K) is about five times
higher than the U-value of the opaque (non-transparent) building
components (0.1...0.15 W/(m²K)), even in the Passive House, the heat
losses through the windows are very high although the windows only
constitute a small share of the total building envelope area.
This is the reason why the window components require special
consideration during planning and implementation in the Passive

In Passive Houses, the energy gains of the window can compensate for
the heat that is lost through it. In the future, the heat gained through the
window will exceed its heat losses, so that they can contribute towards
the heating, as excellent windows in cleverly planned buildings already
do today.

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Certified Passive House Designer | 2021 A1 Introduction | 3

For comfort reasons, the difference between operative temperature and the Notes:
surface temperature should not be higher than 4.2 K. For a comfort room
temperature of 22 °C and an outdoor temperature of −16 °C this results in a
minimal U-value of 0.85 W/(m²K). This is the basis for the definition of the
maximal U-value for installed windows (see Module C1 ‘Windows’).
si = Interior surface temperature
op = Operative room temperature
(average of room temperature and surface temperatures)
Comfort criterion: 22 °C
e = Outside temperature
Comfort criterion: −16 °C (minimum of 24-hour average in
cool, temperate climate)
Uw, installed = U-value of the window including the linear thermal
transmittance of the connection frame to wall
Maximum for Passive House windows: ≤ 0.85 W/(m²K)
Rsi = Interior surface heat transfer resistance
Comfort criterion: (– 0.03 * cos β + 0.13) m²K/W
(for vertical surfaces cos β = cos 90° = 0)
 = Difference of temperature between operative room and
interior surface temperature (op − si)

Certified Passive House Designer | 2021 A1 Introduction | 4

As the temperature of the inner surface depends on the outside Notes:
temperature, different measures have to be taken in different climates.
The inner surface temperature depends on the thermal quality of a
building element, indicated by its U-value [W/(m²K)]. This fact results in
different u-values for different climates. Depending on the design-outside
temperature (average temperature of the coldest day in a year), the U-
value, required to achieve the comfort criterion can be calculated using
the equation given:
Rsi: The internal heat transfer resistance (in case of vertical windows
0.13 m²K/W)
op: Operative (perceived) room temperature [°C]
a: Design outside temperature [°C]

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The hygiene criterion is mainly about moisture. If there is too much moisture Notes:
mould can appear. For reasons of hygiene and to prevent damage to the
historic building substance, conditions, under which mould can grow, should
be avoided. In the actual context several kinds of mould and fungi can grow,
if the moisture in a pore of a material or at the surface of the material is over
80% relative humidity. Because the relative moisture varies with temperature
at a given relative indoor air humidity and indoor air temperature (i), the
temperature of the inner surface determines whether mould can grow. A
proper indicator for the temperature and thus for the hygiene criterion is the
temperature factor fRSi.
As for the comfort criterion, the hygiene criterion depends on the outside
temperature, because at a given window, the temperature of the inner
surface (Si) of the window is directly influenced by the outside temperature.
As mould needs time to grow, not the average temperature of the coldest
day but the average temperature of coldest period of several days is decisive
for the specific design outside temperature (a) to determine the
temperature factor fRSi.
The figure shows the temperature factor fRSi for mould-free conditions
plotted against the design outside temperature a and the required factors
for some European cities. The coldest spot at the inner surface of a window is
in most cases the glass edge. To meet the hygiene criterion, different
measures are needed in the climates of Europe. Ensuring warm glass edges is
generally recommended.

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With an indoor temperature of 20 °C and a relative indoor air humidity of 50 %, there may be issues
relating to mould if the surface temperature falls below 12.6 °C. In the Central European (cool, temperate)
climate, a temperature factor of at least 0.7 is necessary at the glazing edge (fRsi) to ensure an adequate
surface temperature θsi,min.
The size of the linear thermal bridge at the glazing edge (Ψg-value) depends on the window construction
as well as the material(s) used.
The construction of Passive House windows can be optimised by a deeper glazing rebate upstand;
however, this often entails larger frame widths, which has a negative effect on the potential solar gains
through the windows. Insulation inserts on the outside, which shield the glazing edge from the cold, are
advantageous in this case.
The second option is to choose suitable materials for the warm edge, i.e. the thermally separated glazing
edge seal. Many manufacturers of profiles for spacers at the glazing edge have developed products made
of materials (stainless steel foil or a combination of stainless steel and plastic) which allow a high level of
thermal separation. In contrast to aluminium profiles, heat losses can be greatly reduced with these
In cool, temperate climates, mould can only be avoided reliably if plastic spacers are used.

The contents of this slide
are included in Passive
House Institute’s
e-learning course “Passive
House Fundamentals”.

Certified Passive House Designer | 2021 A1 Introduction | 9

With an indoor temperature of 20 °C and a relative indoor air humidity of 50 %, there may be issues
relating to mould if the surface temperature falls below 12.6 °C. In the Central European (cool, temperate)
climate, a temperature factor of at least 0.7 is necessary at the glazing edge (fRsi) to ensure an adequate
surface temperature θsi,min.
The size of the linear thermal bridge at the glazing edge (Ψg-value) depends on the window construction
as well as the material(s) used.
The construction of Passive House windows can be optimised by a deeper glazing rebate upstand;
however, this often entails larger frame widths, which has a negative effect on the potential solar gains
through the windows. Insulation inserts on the outside, which shield the glazing edge from the cold, are
advantageous in this case.
The second option is to choose suitable materials for the warm edge, i.e. the thermally separated glazing
edge seal. Many manufacturers of profiles for spacers at the glazing edge have developed products made
of materials (stainless steel foil or a combination of stainless steel and plastic) which allow a high level of
thermal separation. In contrast to aluminium profiles, heat losses can be greatly reduced with these
In cool, temperate climates, mould can only be avoided reliably if plastic spacers are used.

The contents of this slide
are included in Passive
House Institute’s
e-learning course “Passive
House Fundamentals”.

Certified Passive House Designer | 2021 A1 Introduction | 10

Single-glazing windows inevitably become misted even at normal air Notes:
humidities. Ice formation on the window pane is common in winter.
From the cost perspective, replacing single-glazed windows with
Passive House windows at any time is always worthwhile, irrespective
of their condition
Windows with insulating double glazing which are currently used in
construction (Ug = 1.1 -1.3 W/(m²K)) do not achieve the requirements
In the example shown here, an aluminium spacer has been used,
which leads to extremely high thermal bridge at the glazing edge. At
low outdoor temperatures (–10 °C) condensation forms near the
glazing edge due to the low surface temperature. A spacer made of thin
stainless steel or synth. Material could solve this problem. However, the
problems occurring at the glazing edge in central European climates
can only be solved with a combination of insulated frames, improved
spacers and triple glazing.

Certified Passive House Designer | 2021 A1 Introduction | 11

The effect of a non-airtight window seal is shown here: Notes:
Air flow from the inside towards the outside transports large amounts of
moisture, condensing inside the frame rebate.

Airtightness is essential not only in terms of comfort but also to

ensure absence of damages within the construction

The thermographic image clearly shows the low surface temperatures.

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Generally, old windows are not airtight, therefore uncontrolled air exchange Notes:
takes place, leading to impairment of thermal comfort and to considerable
heat losses (and avoidable heating costs). However, the leaks also ensure the
removal of moisture, therefore, the indoor air remains relative dry.
If non-airtight windows are replaced with airtight, thermally high-quality
windows, this will lead to considerable issues relating to hygiene will arise:
The low air change through an airtight window necessitates more frequent
manual ventilation by the user to remove the moisture in the indoor air.
Often, the users do not adapt their ventilation behaviour to the new
situation, and air humidity increases; critical conditions may arise in terms of
hygiene and condensation may even occur at the coldest places in the room.
If thermally high-quality windows are installed, the coldest spot in the room
may no longer be near the window (where moisture and mould can be
detected and removed quickly); instead, this may be at the outer corners or
integrated interior walls or even behind furniture. Condensate and mould
may form at these places.
It is therefore necessary to provide a concept for ventilation when windows
are replaced, or at least attention should be drawn towards this issue.

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The contents of this slide
are included in Passive
House Institute’s
e-learning course “Passive
House Fundamentals”.

Certified Passive House Designer | 2021 A1 Introduction | 15

Transmission factor of the glass Notes:
The thermal transmittance coefficient for the installed window, Uw,installed, is
calculated using the U-values of the glazing (Ug) and the frame (Uf), the
thermal bridge loss coefficient of the glazing edge (Ψg) and the connection of
the adjacent building components (ΨInstall) as well as the respective areas or
All these values are required for the correct consideration of the heat losses
of a window in the energy balance.
For the overall concept, apart from the heat losses also the solar gains
through the windows are important. Besides the orientation and shading of
the windows, the total solar g [-] and the frame proportion also influence the
solar gains. Since significant energy gains cannot be achieved through the
opaque frames, it is expedient to minimize the frame proportions (smaller
facing widths, large windows, no glazing bars, fewer glazing partitions).

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are included in Passive
House Institute’s
e-learning course “Passive
House Fundamentals”.

Certified Passive House Designer | 2021 A1 Introduction | 16

A gesamt: 1,00 x 1,50 m = 1,5m² Notes:
Af = 2x 1,3*0,1 + 2x0,1x1 = 0,26+ 0,2 = 0,46 m²
Ag = 1,5 – 0,45 = 1,05 m²

Lg = 2*0,8+2*1,3 = 4,2 m

Q = 0,46*0,8 + 0,58*1,05 + 4,2*0,03 = 1,103 W/K

Uw = 1,103 /1,5 = 0,74 W/m²K

Uw,Installed = (UW*AW + li * psi) / AW

= ( 0,74*1,5 + 5*0,01 ) /1,5 = 0,77

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are included in Passive
House Institute’s
e-learning course “Passive
House Fundamentals”.

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Q = Δ ΨInstallation * l * ft * Gt Notes:
= (0.05 W/(mK) – 0.02 W/(mK)) * 100 m * 1.0 * 120 kKh/a = 360 kWh/a
360 kWh/a / 100 m² = 3.6 kWh/(m²a)

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Qs = r * g * Ag * G Notes:

Qs = (0.84 * 0,95 * 0,85) * 0,50 * (0,71*2,31 m ²) * 359 kwh/m²a = 200


R= reduction factor

Energy balance (gains – losses) of south-facing window:

200 kWh/a - 145 kWh/a = +55 kWh/a

Certified Passive House Designer | 2021 A1 Introduction | 21

I would like to show you the evolution of glazing in this example: Notes:
Actually i should have started with a single pane, which has a thermal
transmittance of 5.5 W/m²K!
We are starting our evolution with the double pane

1) Double pane, air gap, no coating

2) Triple pane, air gap, no coating
3) Double pane, noble gas filling, no coating
4) Double pane, noble gas filling, low E coating Pos. 3
5) Triple pane, noble gas filling, coating Pos. 2 and 5

Certified Passive House Designer | 2021 A1 Introduction | 22

How do the dimensions of the gas gap influence the thermal performance? Notes:
In general you can say that the wider the gas gap, the better the thermal
performance up to a certain extent
Double glazing 14 mm (argon) – wider gaps lead to higher convection,
narrower gaps to higher conduction
The equivalent Ueq value includes the solar gains, transmission + solar
radiation gains
Triple panes have an optimum at 18 mm, due to the lower temperature
differences between the panes
The Ueq shows, that triple panes function as a heating in the course of a year

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This graphic displays the influence of the frame proportions of an rectangular Notes:
X- shows the side length
Y- Uw & proportion of glass

The bigger the dimensions of the window, the lower the Uw window, due to
reduced influence of glazing edge bond and increased influence of glazing.
Small windows have a higher frame proportion
Although the properties of the frame and glazing stay the same, the Uw-
value varies from 1.00 to 0,78 in this case, only changing the size

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The contents of this slide
are included in Passive
House Institute’s
e-learning course “Passive
House Fundamentals”.

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The design principles for fixed glazings are easy to follow: Notes:
Make the frame as slim as possible.

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1. transmission trough the panel Notes:

2. Transmission through the frame

3. Thermal bridge of the connection of pane and frame
4. Transmission through glazing
5. Thermal bridge of the glazing edge bond
6. Thermal bridge of the connection of frame and threshold
7. (not displayed here) connection to wall

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If a window is positioned properly in the insulation layer and if the frame is Notes:
well-covered with insulation, Ψinstallation (linear thermal bridge due to
installation) will be below 0 W/(mK), because the extended insulation of the
frame improves the frame values compared to the entered values.

The contents of this slide
are included in Passive
House Institute’s
e-learning course “Passive
House Fundamentals”.

Certified Passive House Designer | 2021 A1 Introduction | 37

If a window is positioned properly in the insulation layer and if the frame is well-covered
Notes: with insulation,
Ψinstallation (linear thermal bridge due to installation) will be below 0 W/(mK), because the extended
insulation of the frame improves the frame values compared to the entered values.
Improper installation may lead to a Ψinstallation value much greater than 0.05 W/(mK). The diagram shows
the considerable worsening of the U-values of the installed windows due to the increase in the installation
thermal bridge.
The effect of the chosen window position in the wall or the insulation on the installation thermal bridge by
is apparent:
• The optimum installation position in the middle reduces the installation Ψ-value to 0.01 (top) and
0.017 W/(mK) (bottom). Here, the window is positioned in the insulation layer and the frame is
completely covered with insulation.
• Installation flush with the interior surface (right) has a disastrous effect; heat losses are increased by a
third. Solar gains decrease simultaneously (not shown here) due to the greater amount of shading by
the reveal.
• Installation flush with the facade only (left) leads to a slight worsening of the installation thermal
bridge in this particular case (window is insulated on the outside). There is no shading by the reveal, so
in terms of thermal efficiency (solar gains!), this type of installation may be more favourable than
installation in the insulation layer. However, whether this type of installation is practical is to be

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are included in Passive
House Institute’s
e-learning course “Passive
House Fundamentals”.

Certified Passive House Designer | 2021 A1 Introduction | 38

Extended insulation of aluminium parts is practically ineffective because Notes:
the cold is “sucked in” due to the high thermal conductivity of the
aluminium beneath the insulation. If the facing frame consists of fibreglass-
reinforced plastic instead of aluminium, the thermal bridge in the example
is cut to 50 %.

Certified Passive House Designer | 2021 A1 Introduction | 39

Extended insulation of aluminium parts is practically ineffective because Notes:
the cold is “sucked in” due to the high thermal conductivity of the
aluminium beneath the insulation. If the facing frame consists of fibreglass-
reinforced plastic instead of aluminium, the thermal bridge in the example
is cut to 50 %.

Certified Passive House Designer | 2021 A1 Introduction | 40

Extended insulation of aluminium parts is practically ineffective because Notes:
the cold is “sucked in” due to the high thermal conductivity of the
aluminium beneath the insulation. If the facing frame consists of fibreglass-
reinforced plastic instead of aluminium, the thermal bridge in the example
is cut to 50 %.

Certified Passive House Designer | 2021 A1 Introduction | 41

Thermally optimised installation of roller shutter casings. What matters most Notes:
is the material, the arrangement of the building components in relation to
each other and extended insulation, if possible.

PU: polyurethane

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Checklist: Notes:
• List of materials with conductivities (densities, emissivities)
• List of boundary conditions used
• Representation of the model
• Isothermal map or temperature field map (alternatively heat flow)
• 1D heat flux (U-values)
• Geometric dimensioning
• Equation with allocated values

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The contents of this slide
are included in Passive
House Institute’s
e-learning course “Passive
House Fundamentals”.

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Airtight connection by using adhesive tape on prepared parapet Notes:

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Solution with massive loadbearing element Notes:

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This way, an airtight connection is not possible. There is no place to put the Notes:
adhesive tape.
Most importantly, the parapet and the reveal must be repaired and prepared
before the window is installed.
The person who installs the window should also be responsible for the
airtight connections to ensure that everything is prepared the window is

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Use appropriate adhesive tape – not the inappropriate one used here. Notes:

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Tapes and connections have to be applied accurately. Notes:

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Little leaks can often be detected at junction points of curtain walls. Notes:

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Keeping solar loads low is a primary requirement for the summer period. Notes:
Size and orientation of the windows should be carefully planned. Large
transparent areas will make the building prone to easily overheat and also
increase the risk of localized overheating. Keep this in mind while sketching
the design of your buildings.

Appropriate shading elements at windows are required. Overhangs perform

well on façades facing towards the equator, while east- and west-facing
façades require elements that can handle low sun altitudes.

Temporary shading devices are key for buildings which must adapt to
changing seasons.
Direct solar gains are in some climates the bigger source of
overheating in the summer.
External temporary shading can be used to avoid those direct
gains towards the inside of the building.
The impact of temporary shading depends on the radiation that
goes inside and if the device is manually or automatically
If its manually controlled then it will also depend on the user
behaviour and should then be taken into account in the Summer
Stress test.
Having some direct view to the outside will increase the user acceptance of
these devices.

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Bright rooms, lit by natural light are beautiful and healthy. Besides that, the Notes:
more natural light can be brought into the room, the more artificial light can
be saved. And saving of artificial light means energy saving in two ways. First,
saving the energy for the light itself, second, to cool the heat produced by
the artificial light.
On the other hand, natural lighting can cause overheating issues as well as
glare. So, there is a need of sun and glare protection. Especially in winter
times, solar gains are most desirable to reduce the heating demand. But in
winter, the deep sun causes glaring. This can be avoided by outside shading.
But outside shading reduces the solar gains and does often not fit to the
historic context. So for anti-glare protection, an inside shading is the measure
of choice. The solar energy may enter the room, can heat it up and that
without glaring.
But in summer, this is reversed. Inside shading is nearly useless, because
sunlight enters the room and increases the cooling loads. Thus, in summer,
outside shading is the best option.

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A promising opportunity is the so-called ‘integrated shading’. At casement or Notes:
box windows, a shading can be located in the air gap between the outside
single pane and the inside thermal layer. The shading can also be integrated
in a sealed gas gap of an integrated glass unit (IGU). Generally, the nearer the
shading device is to the inside of the building, the more energy can enter into
the room. The farer the shading is to the outside, the less energy enters the

Certified Passive House Designer | 2021 A1 Introduction | 72

If sufficient space is available, a lamella store should be used as shading Notes:
device, because its shading coefficient is variable. In addition, redirection of
daylight is possible with lamella. So, anti-glare protection as well as day
lighting can be provided by one shading system. In addition, placing shading
devices in an operable air gap is advantageous because the devices can easy
be repaired or replaced in case of damage.

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Screens should only be used if there is not enough space for lamella, because Notes:
they are not as efficient, daylight redirection is not possible and screens are
often not as durable as lamella.

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Glass-integrated lamella are an interesting option, especially, if no gas gap is Notes:
available. This lamella is weather protected, too, but the sealed position in
the gas gab means that it is hard to repair or to be replaced. In case of
damage, the complete glass unit must be removed. The lamella store causes
a wider gas gap, resulting in a thicker pane, which is harder to be integrated
in a slim frame. If the lamella store is to be covered by the frame, the frame
has to be wider; less solar energy can be harvested in winter time. The stores
are often driven by magnetic clutches, which allow to operate the screen
without penetration of the gas gap.
Another very interesting option is the shading by an electro-chromic layer.
This layer changes its transparency by applying an electric potential. The g-
value can be altered between 0.15 and 0.40. For southern climates, this is a
promising possibility. At present times, electro-chromic glazing is very
expensive, but high money saving potentials in the production are feasible.

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