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Memory Controllers

Memory Controllers
n The MBC-5 Memory Controller IC has been manufactured for the purpose of memory
management. All Game Boy Color games should be produced using the MBC-5 memory

MBC-5 Instructions
MBC-5 supports high speed mode for DMG (Game Boy), MGB (Game Boy Pocket), MGL (Game Boy
Light), SGB (Super Game Boy), SGB2 (Super Game Boy 2), henceforth all referred to as DMG, as well
as CGB (Game Boy Color).
Maximum ROM size 64 Mbit (512 banks in units of 128 Kbit).
Maximum RAM size 1 Mbit (16 banks in units of 64 Kbit).
NOTE: MBC-5 is MBC-1 upward compatible.

Register Table

Name Address (h)

RAMG 0000 ~ 1FFF
ROMB0 2000 ~ 2FFF
ROMB1 3000 ~ 3FFF
RAMB 4000 ~ 5FFF

Memory Map
MBC5 System Memory Mapping

RAM Bank Maximum 0Fh

CPU Address

Maximum 1Mbit Register Group

Set with RAMB register 4000H E000H
Access only possible
when RAMG register Built-in
RAM Bank 1
Work RAM Area ROM
holds 0Ah 2000H C000H

RAM Bank 0 External Extended RAM Area

ROM Bank Maximum 1FFH
0000H A000H
Display RAM Area

Free (no image) Bank Switching Area

Maximum 64Mb
6000H Bank 0 ~ 3FH Set with ROMB0,
5000H RAMB
(Bank initial value 1h) ROMB1

4000H 8000H
3000H ROM Bank 1
ROMB0 Program Resident Area
2000H 4000H
Bank 0 fixed
Write Read

* Concerning CPU addresses 0000H ~ 7FFF

When writing, data is written to the bank control register. When reading, ROM
contents are read.

4-1 CGB-06-0001-002A
Released: September 18, 1998
Explanation of Registers

External Extended Memory Register (RAMG)

This register enables/disables access to external extended RAM. Access to external extended RAM
is enabled by writing 0Ah in the RAMG register space from 000h to 1FFFh. If anything other than
0Ah is in this register, then read and write to RAM is disabled.

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Initial value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Lower ROM Bank Register (ROMB0)

This register sets the lower 8 bits of the 9-bit ROM bank register. The ROM bank can be changed by
writing the desired ROM bank number in the ROMB0 register, which is the area from 2000h to

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Initial value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Upper ROM Bank Register (ROMB1)

This register sets the upper 1 bit of the 9-bit ROM bank register. The ROM bank can be changed by
writing the desired ROM bank number in the ROMB1 register, which is the area from 3000h to

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Initial value -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 0

Memory Controllers

RAM Bank Register (RAMB)

This register sets the RAM bank register. The RAM bank can be changed by writing the desired
RAM bank number in the RAMB register, which is the area from 4000h to 5FFFh.

Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Initial value -- -- -- -- 0 0 0 0

Note: Bits that are crossed out are ignored by MBC5, but please use them as "0." The initial
values are the values that are set automatically when the power is turned on and the
system reset.

MBC-5 Programming Cautions

Changing from MBC1 to MBC5

Selecting ROM Banks

If addresses between 3000h and 3FFFh are used for register 1 (ROM bank control) in your MBC1
program, then MBC5 will not be able to select the ROM bank as intended by ROMB1. So please
use an area between 2000h ~ 2FFFh for register 1 in your MBC1 program. In MBC1 programs of
more than 8 Mbits, register 2 (the ROM or RAM bank control register) is used in the ROM upper
bank. Be careful, because in the case of MBC5, the RAM bank will change but the ROM bank will
stay the same.

ROM banks 20, 40, 60h

MBC1 cannot use 20, 40, 60h ROM banks, but MBC5 can.

Register 3 of MBC1 (ROMRAM select)

Because ROM and RAM addresses are independent in MBC5, there is no need for the ROMRAM
select. A write instruction to set register 3 left over in a program for MBC1 will be ignored and
have no effect on MBC5.

4-3 CGB-06-0001-002A
Released: September 18, 1998
General Notes of Caution

Memory Image

When a memory device with less than the maximum built-in memory capacity (ROM: 64 Mbit,
RAM: 1Mbit) is used, memory images will be generated in the free bank areas. Since this can cause
problems, please do not develop software which use images.

Protecting RAM Data

In order to protect RAM data, we recommend that you disable RAM (RAMG = 00h) whenever RAM
is not being accessed.

Examples of MBC5 programs with DMG, CGB

Setting Bank Switching Area (4000h ~ 7FFFh) to ROM Bank 1FFh

LD ($2000),A ; Set ROMB0
LD A,$01
LD ($3000),A ; Set ROMB1

Setting External Extended Memory Area (A000h ~ BFFFh) to RAM Bank Fh and Accessing the Area

LD A,$0F
LD ($4000),A ; Set RAMB
LD A,$0A
LD ($0000),A ; Enable access to RAM
RAM access process
LD A,$00
LD ($0000), A ; Prohibit access to RAM


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