What Is Theory
What Is Theory
What Is Theory
What is Theory?
a well-substantiated explanation of some
aspect of the natural world; an organized
system of accepted knowledge that
applies in a variety of circumstances to
explain a specific set of phenomena;
"theories can incorporate facts and laws
and tested hypotheses"; "true in fact and
What is Theory?
hypothesis: a tentative theory about the
natural world; a concept that is not yet
verified but that if true would explain
certain facts or phenomena; "a scientific
hypothesis that survives experimental
testing becomes a scientific theory"; "he
proposed a fresh theory of alkalis that later
was accepted in chemical practices"
What is Theory?
• An extremely well-substantiated
explanation of some aspects of the natural
world that incorporates facts, laws,
predictions, and tested hypotheses. (Eg,
Einstein's Theory of Gravitation, 1916)
What is Theory?
• is a set of statements or principles devised
to explain a group of facts or phenomena,
especially one that has been repeatedly
tested or is widely accepted and can be
used to make predictions about natural
What is Theory?
• a step in the scientific method in which a
statement is generated on the basis of highly
confirmed hypotheses and is used to generalize
about conditions not yet tested.