Activity 2
Activity 2
Activity 2
teaching and learning more effective and achievable. The styles of managing
learning situations determine of how effectiveness of a teacher as a manager.
Adviser – A teacher must be a good listener, and a communicator. They must care
about the student’s future. Being an adviser a teacher must reach out and guide
their students when they need help and provide solutions or mitigate the
problem at hand.
Enabler – Though the word itself has a negative connotation, being an enabler
can also mean that a teacher must enable or make something possible out of her
students. She must be the one who enables them to see themselves and their
future, who drives them forward to what they want to become.
Reflector – To become a better version of ourselves a teacher must embrace
feedback and criticism and reflect on our own teaching. As in learning, the
students are not the only ones learning in school, the teacher too as well.
Monitor – As a teacher we must be aware and be able to find out problems that
our students may be facing, by identifying these difficulties we can then provide
and revise our instructions that would prove to be more effective.
Adapter – As a teacher in an ever changing society, one must be flexible. Being
literate in many things is a requirement nowadays most especially internet and
technological literacy. Our current situation is evidence of how teacher are also
great adapters.
Assessor – As an assessor, a teacher must think critically, creatively, and logically.
Assessing students gives the teacher an idea of how students learn, their
attitudes, what skills they have, and how are they progressing. It helps the
teacher drive instructions that is tailored to the students.
Planner – It is also an essential role for successful teaching. Planning and
organizing ahead of time ensures that the instructions that you are giving are
ready and the student’s time in the classroom will be worthwhile. We should be
able to organize our lessons that ensures long term success.
Helper – Like being an advisor, a teacher must also connect to his/her students to
be able to know them better and help them if they have concerns. We should be
able to help our students and along with it we must be able to help ourselves too.