Human Nutrition
Human Nutrition
Human Nutrition
lost in urine
Overview of topic - Availability of energy is more important than
absolute amount
- Lecture 1 and 2 – Nutrients and foods
- Lecture 3 – Digestion Carbohydrates
- Lecture 4 – Energy and metabolism - Chemical classification
- Lecture 5 – Obesity and appetite Monosaccharides
- Lecture 6 – Genetics of obesity » Simple sugars – mostly hexoses (6-carbon)
» Glucose, galactose and fructose
Lectures 1 – Nutrients and foods Disaccharides
» Two monosaccharides linked together by a
Key points: glycosidic bond
- How does nutritional research inform public health? » Lactose (milk sugar): glucose + galactose
Recent changes in nutrient recommendations » Sucrose (table sugar): glucose + fructose
- Review the major groups of food nutrients » Maltose: glucose + glucose
Specifics of carbohydrates and fats Polysaccharides
» Glycaemic index » Long chains of monosaccharides – most
» Types and carriage of fats in the body abundant dietary carbohydrates
» Starch (several forms) – major plant glucose
Nutrition and public health storage
» Cellulose (fibre) – major part of plant cell wall
- Large improvements in nutrition in the last 100 years » Glycogen – major animal glucose storage
- Simple messages (e.g., eat adequate protein, vitamins - Body breaks down carbohydrates (except for fibre)
and minerals) into monosaccharides during digestion
- Major deficiencies rarely seen in developed nations
Converted to glucose in liver
Nutritional deficiencies
What effect does eating carbohydrates have on our
- Iodine deficiency – enlargement of thyroid
blood glucose concentration?
- Protein deficiency – swelling, water retention
- Different types of carbohydrates and different food
affect blood glucose differently
Nutritional messaging
- Glycaemic index
- Huge amount of nutritional research
- Manufacturers take advantage of confusion
What is the Glycaemic index?
- Healthy eating pyramid – Australian main messaging
- A ranking of foods (0-100) based on the immediate
- Nutrition information panel on backs of foods
effect of 50g carbohydrate on the concentration of
glucose in the blood
- High GI foods
Fast carbohydrate breakdown
What are nutrients?
- Nutrients are food in a form that can be used by the Blood glucose response fast and high
body - Factors affecting GI
- Macronutrients – serve as fuel or are essential in Type of sugar (fructose vs. glucose)
synthesis of cellular products Nature of starch (amylose vs. amylopectin)
Carbohydrates Processing and particle size (wholemeal vs. rye)
Proteins Cooking methods (carrots raw vs. cooked)
Fats Fat – large amounts may reduce GI
- Micronutrients – required in small amounts, such as - Why is the glucose response relevant?
vitamins and minerals Managing diabetes
» Prevent hyperglycaemia
What is energy in food? Reduce risk of type 2 diabetes (insulin resistance)
- Energy in food is transferred to bonds of ATP, which Prevention of coronary heart disease
is used by the cell Satiety, appetite control, weight reduction
- Different components yield different amounts
Fat = 37kJ/g Fructose – a cause for concern?
Carbohydrates = 16kJ/g - Many claims but major one is that fructose initiates
Protein = 17kJ/g lipogenesis in liver
Alcohol = 29kJ/g - Amount consumed is critical
- Distinguish between: Large doses can cause problems in humans
Gross energy (E) = total energy Amounts consumed by the vast majority of
Digestible energy (DE) = E minus energy lost in Australians do not lead to these issues
Fats - Liver synthesises fats and cholesterol from
chylomicron residues
Important types of fats
- Fatty acids ‘Good’ and ‘bad’ cholesterol
Long chains of carbon molecules linked together 1. Chylomicrons release triglycerides and cholesterol in
and flanked by hydrogen and oxygen liver repackaged as very low-density lipoproteins
» Saturated (no C=C bonds) (VLDL) which carry fat to cells
» Unsaturated – either one or multiple C=C 2. LDL (low-density lipoproteins) carry cholesterol to
bonds cells – when oxidised, LDL can initiate plaque
“alpha’ and ‘omega’ ends formation in the walls of the arteries which cause
Differences in melting point due to shape of atherosclerosis (‘bad’ cholesterol)
saturated vs. unsaturated fatty acids 3. HDL (high-density lipoproteins) are synthesised in
Some fatty acids are essential in the diet (e.g., the liver carry fat and cholesterol back to the liver
linoleic acid) – others can be synthesised in the for excretion (‘good’ cholesterol)
body (non-essential)
Lecture 2: Food and nutrients (continued)
Trans fats – promoters of heart disease
» Cis fatty acids – hydrogens next to the double
Key points for this lecture:
bonds are on the same side of the carbon chain
- Proteins = amino acids
» Trans fatty acids – hydrogens are on opposite
- Macronutrient balancing – protein prioritisation
sides of the double bonds. This is a result of - Micronutrients
hydrogenation (natural microbiological or
Vitamins – fat or water soluble
Deficiencies and excesses
Trans fats banned in many countries, but not
- Phytochemicals/nutraceuticals
» Australia chooses to “work with food
- Prebiotics and probiotics
manufacturers” to reduce or eliminate trans
fats from products
» No legal requirement to label trans fats in
Australia - Proteins are polymers of amino acids linked together
» WHO recommends trans fats make up <1% of by peptide bonds
total energy intake… - No large body stores of protein
» Average Australian intake = 0.6% - Generally, proteins must be reduced to single amino
- Triglycerides acids before they can be absorbed
Most fats in food and body present as - Enzymes that hydrolyse peptide bonds and reduce
triglycerides (glycerol + 3 fatty acids) proteins or peptides to amino acids are called
In the body, triglycerides: proteases or peptidases
» Provide energy
» Store energy Digestion of protein involves breaking peptide bonds
» Insulate and protect body
» Transport fat soluble vitamins
- Sterols (especially cholesterol)
» Part of important hormones (testosterone,
oestrogen, corticosteroids)
» Precursor of bile acids
» Essential structural component of cell
» Part of particles that transport lipids in blood
» We consume ~300mg cholesterol per day, and
make 1,000mg in body Amino acids
» Dietary cholesterol intake has little effect on - There are 21 dietary amino acids
blood cholesterol - Protein turnover
» Saturated fat intake increases blood Constant synthesis and breakdown
cholesterol - Some amino acids can be made in the body, but some
are essential (cannot be synthesised)
Carrying fats in the bloodstream Which ones are essential depends on species…
- After absorption, fatty acids are mostly re-packaged Humans: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine,
as triglycerides methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan,
- Transported in blood in protein shells as valine
chylomicrons (lipoproteins) - Meat, eggs and milk – contain all in balance
- Deliver some fatty acids to peripheral tissues - Plant food often lack some essential amino acids
A varied diet of plant foods will usually supply all Vitamins and minerals
essential amino acid requirements
Protein deficiency or excess - Many act as co-enzymes
- Protein deficiency (Kwashiorkor) - Not synthesised by the body (must be obtained from
- Protein excess the diet)
Acid load - Water soluble – B, C
Calcium loss Enter blood directly after absorption
- How much is too much? Excesses excreted in urine
Protein normally 10-25% of daily energy intake - Fat soluble – A, D, E, K
Enter lymph first, require protein carriers in blood
Macronutrient balance Excesses stored in fat
Vitamin bioavailability
- Determining bioavailability is complex
- Influenced by:
Amount in food
Amount absorbed
» Previous nutrient intake
» Other food consumed concurrently
» Method of preparation (e.g., cooked vs raw)
» Source (e.g., naturally occurring vs. fortified)
- Only specific appetite is for sodium
All digestion is ultimately enzymatic
- Concentration may not reflect availability
- Traditional to distinguish between digestion by
Fibre-mineral interactions (e.g., phytic and oxalic
That are produced by our own digestive system
Mineral-mineral interactions (e.g., zinc and iron
enzymatic digestion
block copper absorption)
That are produced by symbiotic microorganisms
- Deficiencies
in the gut fermentative digestion
Iron, calcium and iodine common
- Excesses
The hollow tube
Sodium (hypertension)
- The gut is an open tube that runs through us
Phytochemicals and nutraceuticals - Nothing is ‘in’ until it crosses the exterior wall (even
- Constituents that either naturally occur in plant foods if that ‘exterior’ wall is deep inside us)
(phytochemicals), or are added to foods - The lining of the gut is HIGHLY selective about
(nutraceutical) what is absorbed where
Phytochemicals Mucosa (inside of tube)
- Colour and flavour - Highly convoluted
Sulphur compounds (garlic) - High surface area
Capsaicin (chillies) - Exocrine cells
Lycopene (tomatoes) Acid, enzymes, etc. to gut
- Potential health effects - Endocrine cells
Antioxidants (chocolate, tea, wine, fruits) Hormones to blood
Caffeine (coffee, tea) Sensitive to the composition of digesta
Salicin (aspirin)
- E.g., sterols (margarine)
- Substrate which stimulates the growth and/or activity
of one or a limited number of beneficial bacteria in
the colon
- Food or supplement that contains live micro-
organisms which benefit the host by improving ‘the
balance of intestinal microbes’
- Saliva
Buffering and lubrication
Secretion is under nervous control – Pavlov
Enzymatic digestion – amylase (starches)
Toxin binding
- Physical digestion
Teeth in mammals
Exposure of cell contents and larger surface area
allows more rapid and complete digestion
Small intestine
Digestion in stomach
- Chemical and enzymatic digestion initiated, - Primary site of digestion and absorption in the GI
particularly of proteins tract
- Some fat digestion by lipase (but most lipase in small - Extends from the stomach to the large intestine
intestine) - Comprised of
- Little to no absorption in stomach (ethanol/aspirin – Duodenum
major irritants) Jejunum
- E.g., Ileum
Substrate – protein - Surface area of small intestine is large for maximal
Gastric enzyme process absorption
Product – peptides
Not absorbed Digestion in small intestine
- E.g., - Major site for enzymatic digestion of proteins,
Substrate – fat carbohydrates (sugars and starches) and fats
Gastric enzymes process - Good correspondence between digestive enzymes
Product – fatty acids and natural diet (e.g., amylase, sucrase, galactosidase
Not absorbed in vegetarians)
Thermic effect of food Can white fat turn into brown fat?
- Brown and white fat cells develop from different
- Metabolic rate increases when you eat (energy for precursors
digestion, absorption, transport, storage) - But beige adipocytes are found within some white fat
- ~10-15% of daily energy expenditure deposits
No difference in obese vs lean individuals Characteristics of white fat before stimulation
- Protein-rich meals tend to be more thermogenic Thermogenic action after stimulation
- Caffiene leads to higher MR – sone lipolysis - Not clear whether white cells become beige cells, or
- Hot and spicy foods have a very minor effect whether beige cell precursors occur in conjunction
with white adipose tissues
Physical activity
Lecture 5: Obesity and appetite
- Deliberate activity to maintain or improve health or Key points:
fitness - Body composition – why the focus on fat?
- Metabolic rate increases during exercise, but most - Understanding of fat balance vs. energy balance
people do little exercise - Understanding the efficiency of fat deposition
- Exercise contributes relatively little to overall daily - Appetite
energy expenditure for most people Importance of hypothalamus
Factors that influence long and short-term
Non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) regulation
- Fidgeting, moving around, changing posture, walking
to lectures, housework, etc. Obesity and human health
- NEAT originally thought to contribute little to
energy balance - Commonest nutritional disorder
People overfed and activity limited measured - > 65% Australians overweight (30% obese)
oxygen consumption and body composition - Health issues
» “Easy gainers” and “hard gainers” Type II diabetes
Human body fat (adipose tissue)
» Heart disease
- Specialised connective issue that is the major storage
» Stroke
site for fat (in the form of triglycerides)
- Mammals have two forms:
Energy balance – the physics model
White adipose tissue – heat insulation,
- Energy balance = E intake – E expenditure
cushioning, energy reserve
» Little cytoplasm Simple and common approach
» Single lipid droplet BUT perhaps too simple
» Eccentric nucleus
Body composition – “overfatness” not overweight
Brown adipose tissue (BAT) – thermogenic - Bodies are made of:
(makes heat)
Fat - Protein
Water Some stimulation of insulin – inhibition of fat
“Ash” (minerals) oxidation
Small amount of carbohydrate (glycogen in High protein diets increase protein oxidation
muscles and liver)
- All except fat are largely constant Ethanol
- Metabolised by liver in preference to other nutrients
Energy intake > energy expenditure - Products from alcohol metabolism inhibit glycolysis
- Energy density of tissues varies (glucose breakdown), gluconeogenesis (glucose
More energy stored in less fat generation), and fatty acid oxidation
Same amount of energy stored in different tissues Fatty acids accumulate in the liver
leads to different changes in mass Long term damage with excessive alcohol
» 1,000kJ as fat = 27g consumption
» 1,000kJ as glycogen = 59g
- Efficiency of conversion to fat differs between Important of maintaining fat balance
nutrients - Excess fat intake and low fat oxidation both
5% of energy in fat used to store fat as fat – fat influence obesity
can readily be deposited as fat in the body - Not all fat in your body is the same – some fat is
25% of carbohydrate used to store carbohydrate more easily mobilised
as fat - Steady states are reached between rate of fat
» Significant metabolic cost – not favoured in deposition and fat oxidation
the body
Body mass index
» Carbohydrate is not converted to fat except in
cases of massive overfeeding of carbohydrate
BMI = [weight(kg)/height(m)2]
- Need to consider both energy and nutrient balance
- Developed by a Belgian mathematician in 1830s
- A study in 1972 determined BMI to be ‘at least as
What determines fat deposition and fat removal
good as any other relative weight index’
- WHO 1980s – standardised measure for recording
- Dietary carbohydrate stimulates insulin
obesity statistics?
- Net result of insulin (in whole body)
- Adopted by life insurance industry – risk of dying
Increase in % of energy derived from greater for people who are overweight or obese
carbohydrate oxidation
Decrease in % energy derived from fat BMI-related health risks
- The logic behind the ‘low carb’ diets
Claims: Hypertension, heart disease, type II diabetes, sleep
» Avoid cards because they promote fat storage apnoea, osteoarthritis, infertility
» You will burn fat if you don’t eat carbs
Facts: Category Risk +other factors
» Carbs only promote fat storage if energy <25 Low Low
intake exceeds energy expenditure 25-27 Low Moderate
» Long-term health outcomes are better for 27-30 Moderate High
people who eat carbohydrates 30-35 High Very high
» Weight loss is due to loss of water, glycogen 35-40 Very high Extreme
and muscle, and to restriction of energy intake >40 Extreme Extreme
rather than the absence of carbohydrates
- Ketones Limitations of the BMI
In the absence of glucose, incomplete breakdown - Easy to calculate and understand, but…
of fat for energy produces ketone bodies Does not take into account location of body fat
» Ketones can be used as an alternative fuel for Some (e.g., frail and elderly and bodybuilders)
cells that normally require glucose (e.g., brain) can’t be classified
» During ketosis, metabolism slows to conserve Does not distinguish between body fat and learn
energy body mass
» Symptoms of headache, nausea, fatigue as Makes little allowance for age/body types
body adjusts to ketones as fuel
Long term effects poorly understood Fat deposition
Appetite centre
- Remember – appetite centre regulates
Food intake
Energy expenditure
Physical activity
- Leptin reduces feeding and weight – what effect does
it have on energy expenditure
What is the brain target of Leptin?
- Most likely target is hypothalamic pathway
containing Neuropeptide Y (NPY)
NPY is a potent stimulant of food intake and
suppressor of energy expenditure
Administration of NPY to hypothalamus in rats
leads to rapid obesity
Leptin decreases action of NPY