How To Make A Reference List

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The document outlines the proper formatting for different types of references such as books, journal articles, newspaper articles, and electronic media. Key details like author names, publication dates, titles and sources should be consistently reported.

The different types of references listed include books (with 1, 2 or 3+ authors), journal articles (with 1 or 2 authors and for society/institution as author), newspaper articles, magazines, microforms, audiovisual media and special instructional materials.

When citing an internet source, one should provide as much information as possible to help readers relocate the information and give accurate URLs or DOIs. At minimum, the citation needs a title, date, URL/DOI and author name if available.

4) References with the same authors in the same order are arranged by year of publication, the

earliest first:
Kaufman, J. R., Jones, K. (1977).
Kaufman, J. R., Jones, K. (1980).

5) The order of several works by different authors with the same surname is arranged alphabetically
by the first initial:
Eliot, A. L. (1983).
Eliot, G. E. (1980).


Although the format for books, journal articles, magazine articles and other media is similar, there are some
slight differences. Items in a reference list should be double-spaced. Also, use hanging indents: entries should
begin flush left with subsequent lines indented.

One author:
Castle, E. B. (1970). The teacher. London: Oxford University Press.
Two authors:
McCandless, B. R., & Evans, E. D. (1973). Children and youth: Psychosocial development.
Hinsdale, IL: Dryden Press.
Three or more authors: (list each author)
Smith, V., Barr, R., & Burke, D. (1976). Alternatives in education: Freedom to choose.
Bloomington, IN: Phi Delta Kappa, Educational Foundation.
Society, association, or institution as author and publisher:
American Psychiatric Association. (1980). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders
(3rd ed.). Washington, D.C.: Author.
Editor or compiler as author:
Rich, J. M. (Ed.). (1972). Readings in the philosophy of education (2nd ed.). Belmont, CA:
Chapter, essay, or article by one author in a book or encyclopedia edited by another:
Medley, D. M. (1983). Teacher effectiveness. In H. E. Mitzel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of educational
research (Vol. 4, pp. 1894-1903). New York: The Free Press.
One author:
Herrington, A. J. (1985). Classrooms as forums for reasoning and writing. College Composition
and Communication, 36(4), 404-413.
Two authors:
Horowitz, L. M., & Post, D. L. (1981). The prototype as a construct in abnormal psychology.
Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 90(6), 575-585.
Society, association, or institution as author:
Institute on Rehabilitation Issues. (1975). Critical issues in rehabilitating the severely
handicapped. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 18(4), 205-213.
No author:
More jobs waiting for college grads. (1986, June 17). Detroit Free Press, pp. 1A, 3A.
One author:
Powledge, T. M. (1983, July). The importance of being twins. Psychology Today, 19, 20-27.
No author:
CBS invades Cuba, returns with Irakere: Havana jam. (1979, May 3). Down Beat, 10.
ERIC report:
Plantes, Mary Kay. (1979). The effect of work experience on young men's earnings. (Report No.
IRP-DP-567-79). Madison: Wisconsin University. Madison Institute for Research on
Poverty. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED183687)
ERIC paper presented at a meeting:
Whipple, W. S. (1977, January). Changing attitude through behavior modification. Paper
presented at the annual meeting of the National Association of Secondary School
Principals, New Orleans, LA. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED146500)


This category includes the following types of non-book materials:
Audiorecord Flashcard Motion picture Videorecording Slide Kit
Chart Game Picture Transparency Realia Filmstrip
A bibliographic/reference format for these non-print materials is as follows:
Author's name (inverted.----Author's function, i.e., Producer, Director, Speaker, etc. in parentheses.----Date of
publication in parentheses----Title.----Medium in brackets after title, [Filmstrip]. HOWEVER, if it is necessary
to use a number after a medium for identification or retrieval purposes, use parentheses instead of brackets, e.g.,
(Audiorecord No. 4321).----Place of publication: Publisher.
Maas, J. B. (Producer), & Gluck, D. H. (Director). (1979). Deeper in hypnosis [Motion Picture]. Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.


Materials available via the Internet include journals, newspapers, research papers, government reports, web
pages, etc. When citing an Internet source, one should:
1. Provide as much information as possible that will help readers relocate the information. Also try to
reference specific documents rather than web pages when possible.
2. Give accurate, working addresses (URLs) or Digital Object Identifiers.

References to Internet sources should include at least the following four items:
1. A title or description
2. A date (either date of publication or date of retrieval)
3. An address (URL) or Digital Object Identifier
4. An author's name, if available

In an effort to solve the problem of changed addresses and broken links, publishers have begun to assign Digital
Object Identifiers (DOI) to documents, particularly to scholarly journal articles. DOIs should be used in
reference lists when they are available. A DOI may be pasted into the DOI Resolver at
to confirm a citation. For journal articles, if no DOI is available, a database name or URL may be added for
particularly difficult to find publications. Since journal articles, unlike many web pages, are unlikely to change,
a retrieval date is not necessary. Electronic book citations only need source information when the book is
difficult to find or only available electronically.

Internet article based on a print source (exact duplicate) with DOI assigned:
Stultz, J. (2006). Integrating exposure therapy and analytic therapy in trauma treatment.
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 76(4), 482-488. doi:10.1037/0002-9432.76.4.482
Article in an Internet only journal with no DOI assigned:
Sillick, T. J., & Schutte, N. S. (2006). Emotional intelligence and self-esteem mediate between
perceived early parental love and adult happiness. E-Journal of Applied Psychology, 2(2),
38-48. Retrieved from
Daily newspaper article, electronic version available by search:
Botha, T. (1999, February 21). The Statue of Liberty, Central Park and me. The New York Times.
Retrieved from
Raymon H. Mulford Library, The University of Toledo Health Science Campus. (2008).
Instructions to authors in the health sciences. Retrieved June 17, 2008, from
Annual report:
Pearson PLC. (2005). Reading allowed: Annual review and summary financial statements 2004.
Retrieved from


American Psychological Association. (2008). Electronic resources. Retrieved June 17, 2008 from

American Psychological Association. (2008). Frequently asked questions. Retrieved June 17, 2008 from

Bloom, B. S. (Ed.). (1956). Taxonomy of educational objectives: The classification of educational goals, by a

committee of college and university examiners. New York: D. McKay.

Botha, T. (1999, February 21). The Statue of Liberty, Central Park and me. The New York Times. Retrieved


CBS invades Cuba, returns with Irakere: Havana jam. (1979, May 3). Down Beat, 10.

Herrington, A. J. (1985). Classrooms as forums for reasoning and writing. College Composition and

Communication, 36(4), 404-413.

Maas, J. B. (Producer), & Gluck, D. H. (Director). (1979). Deeper in hypnosis [Motion Picture]. Englewood

Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Mandel, B. J. (1978). Losing one's mind: Learning to write and edit. College Composition and Communication,

29, 263-268.

Medley, D. M. (1982). Teacher effectiveness. In H. E. Mitzel (Ed.), Encyclopedia of educational research (Vol.

4, pp. 1894-1903). New York: The Free Press.

Raymon H. Mulford Library, The University of Toledo Health Science Campus. (2008). Instructions to authors

in the health sciences. Retrieved June 17, 2008, from

Sillick, T. J., & Schutte, N. S. (2006). Emotional intelligence and self-esteem mediate between perceived early

parental love and adult happiness. E-Journal of Applied Psychology, 2(2), 38-48. Retrieved from

Stultz, J. (2006). Integrating exposure therapy and analytic therapy in trauma treatment. American Journal of

Orthopsychiatry, 76(4), 482-488. doi:10.1037/0002-9432.76.4.482 revised 06/23/08 jam

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