Technical Proposal UNICEF

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Signature: _

Date: 15th June 2021 _

Name & Title: To assess the local market for hand hygiene products and services

Company: Global Research & Marketing


Postal Address: Towhid Tower, Third Floor (3A & 3C),

House 17/4, Tolarbagh, Mirpur-1, Dhaka-121

Tel No: 58052813

Fax No: _

E-mail Address:

Currency of Proposal:

Validity of Proposal: 15 july 2021 _

A proposal on



Global Research & Marketing (GRM)

Towhid Tower, Third Floor (3A & 3C),
House 17/4, Tolarbagh, Mirpur-1, Dhaka-1216.
Phone: (02) 58052813 / +88 01716600240, Email:, Web:
15th June, 2021

Subject: Submission of Proposal (Technical & Financial)

Dear Sir,
In Response to your Terms of Reference (ToR) for hiring consultant/individual towards
conducting a research “To assess the local market for hand hygiene products and services”, we
are pleased to submit our proposal for your kind consideration. The proposal shall be binding
upon us which may be subjected for modifications based on our discussions. The proposal
includes the following:
• Technical proposal
• Financial proposal
As advised, also please find herewith the required documents to testify our candidacy for the job.
We understand that UNICEF will not be bound to accept any of the proposals it receives.
However, we are looking forward to hearing positive from you.

Yours Sincerely,

Md. Abdul Hamid

Managing Director and CEO
Tel: 02 58052813 Cells: 01855933634/01716600240
Table of Contents
A. TECHNICAL APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY............................................................1
1.1 Background of the study........................................................................................................1
1.2 Objective of the Study...........................................................................................................1
1.3 Conceptual Framework of the Study.....................................................................................2
1.4 Research Questions................................................................................................................2
1.5 Scope of Work........................................................................................................................3
1.7 Limitations of the Study........................................................................................................4
1.8 Approach and Methodology..................................................................................................4
1.8.1 Quantitative Survey........................................................................................................5
1.8.2 Sample Size and Distribution.........................................................................................5
1.8.3 Qualitative Assessment...................................................................................................6
1.8.4 Data collection methods.................................................................................................7
1.8.5 Data Processing, Analysis and Report Preparation.........................................................7
B. WORK PLAN..........................................................................................................................8
3.1 Chronological Operational Plan............................................................................................8
C. ORGANIZATION AND STAFFING TEAM........................................................................11
The staffing team for this assignment would be following........................................................11
D. TEAM COMPOSITION.........................................................................................................14

Table of Figures
Figure 1: Conceptual Framework of the Study................................................................................2
Figure 2: Chronological Operational Plan.......................................................................................8

List of Tables
Table 1: Output and Key deliverables..............................................................................................3
Table 2: Summary of sample size against target population for each division................................6
Table 3: Tentative/proposed qualitative assessment........................................................................6
1.1 Background of the study
Poor water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) lead to death of almost 20,000 under-five children
per year due to diarrheal diseases and arsenic in Bangladesh. The incidence of diarrhea and
pneumonia among under five children can be reduced effectively by washing hand with soap and
water. It has been found through the study that, more than 40 percent diarrhea and 23 percent
ARIs can be reduced by handwashing. UNICEF-WaterAid-BBS 2018 highlighted that only 40
percent are aware about handwashing using water and soap before eating. Mothers and female
caretakers are critical in fostering healthy behaviors in families, with the potential to benefit
children across their lifecycle and multiple generations.
Now, the challenge is to sustain the acquired knowledge among them who has already acquired it
and to change the behavior of those who are not aware about the hand hygiene specially the last
mile community. Though there has been substantial progress, the country has to go a long way to
achieve WASH targets for schools. As per national standard for school, there should be one toilet
for 50 students with separate toilets for girls and boys while the toilet ratio in schools is currently
at 115:1.
So, UNICEF and WHO launched in June 2020 the global initiative HH4A means the Hand and
Hygiene for All. It has proposed three inter related “game-changers” to rapidly upscale hand
hygiene using a market-based approach. It will include product innovation & business solution
and scale up financing for hygiene. An analysis of the market for hand hygiene products and
services is essential to assess and quantify demand and product preferences and affordability, to
map and segment available products and services, identify gaps and needs, and identify existing
and potential suppliers and assess competitive dynamics.
1.2 Objective of the Study
Global Objective
To identify and analyze issues, constraints and potential risks within the current hand hygiene
product value chain, as well as its potential opportunities and capabilities
Specific Objectives
Under this broad objective, the specific objectives of the study will be

 To gather qualitative and quantitative data on hand hygiene practices/behavior in

correlation with faces disposal practices, hygiene products and services availability and
 To increase understanding of existing hand hygiene practices and the motivations
 To assess the availability of hygiene products and the major barriers and constraints in the
market development
 To gain insights into the constraints faced by household members, mainly women and
girls, in carrying out safer hand hygiene practices and the advantages they perceived in
these practices
 To gain insights into important channels of communication, particularly mass media to
scale up and sustain hand hygiene practices
1.3 Conceptual Framework of the Study

Project Beneficiaries
Analyze issues, constraints and Analyzed issues, constraints
potential risks within the and potential risks within the
current hand hygiene product current hand hygiene product
value chain, as well as its
Strategic Process value chain, as well as its
potential opportunities and potential opportunities and
capabilities capabilities

Gathering qualitative and quantitative Gathered qualitative and quantitative

data on hand hygiene data on hand hygiene
practices/behavior in correlation with practices/behavior in correlation with
faces disposal practices, hygiene faces disposal practices, hygiene
products and services availability and products and services availability and
affordability affordability
Increasing understanding of existing Increased understanding of existing
hand hygiene practices and the hand hygiene practices and the
motivations motivations
Assessing the availability of hygiene Assessed the availability of hygiene
products and the major barriers and products and the major barriers and
constraints in the market constraints in the market
development development
Gaining insights into the constraints Gained insights into the constraints
faced by household members, mainly faced by household members, mainly
women and girls, in carrying out safer women and girls, in carrying out safer
hand hygiene practices and the hand hygiene practices and the
advantages they perceived in these advantages they perceived in these
practices practices
Gaining insights into important Gained insights into important
channels of communication, channels of communication,
particularly mass media to scale up particularly mass media to scale up
and sustain hand hygiene practices and sustain hand hygiene practices

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework of the Study

1.4 Research Questions

The following research questions will be addressed in the study:

 What are the faces of disposal practices, hygiene products and services availability and
affordability in the targeted are?
 How the existing hand hygiene practices can be improved?
 What are the major barriers and constraints in the market development of hygiene
 What are constraints faced by household members, mainly women and girls, in carrying
out safer hand hygiene practices and the advantages they perceived in these practices?
 What are the channels of communication, particularly mass media to scale up and sustain
hand hygiene practices?
1.5 Scope of Work
The scope is focusing on the national and local hand hygiene market in Bangladesh, with a focus
on household hand hygiene products and facilities (hand washing fixtures, cleaning agents etc.)
and related services for hand hygiene, i.e., the full value chain. A combination of urban and rural
markets will be analyzed. In the context of rural and urban the most unprivileged and people in
hand to reach areas and LIC/slum condition will be considered with the focus on reducing
inequity. Suppliers traditionally gravitate to higher profit margins, which often may be contrary
to reducing inequity.
1.6 Outputs and deliverables
The specific deliverables for this assessment are detailed in the following table.
Table 1: Output and Key deliverables

Format Length Detail Responsible
Both draft and final
Data collection tools MS Word As per need versions of qualitative
Orientation on tools,
Physical/ As per plan/ UNICEF and
and data collection Qualitative
Virtual Need Consultant
Quantitative data Field survey by data
Questionnaire As per need UNICEF
collection enumerators
Qualitative Field assessment by the UNICEF and
Tools/ChecklistAs per need
assessment consultant Consultant
Data analysis and result
Data analysis STATA/SPSS As per need UNICEF
Script preparation and
Qualitative script Atlas.ti or
As per need summary findings [FGD, Consultant
writing/analysis Nvivo
KII, Case Study]
30-40 pages The structure of the
Draft Baseline
MS Word (excluding report will be developed Consultant
Assessment Report
annex) as guided by UNICEF.
Presentation on the ppt As per need The feedback/input on Consultant
Format Length Detail Responsible
the presentation should
draft report be incorporated in the
final report
Based on the feedback
40-50 pages
Final Baseline MS Word and on draft report the report
(excluding Consultant
Assessment Report PDF should be finalized. It
should be in English
Based on final report a
MS Word 2-3 page 2-3 pager for assessment Consultant
Summary/Fact Sheet
1.7 Limitations of the Study
In conducting any research, there must have some limitations and challenges in the field level
and as well as in the desk in proposing the appropriate methodology. As a researcher, it is our
duty to mix- up with the respondents but due to the nature of the responsibility and existing
domination of the social class, the respondents do not always feel free to communicate with the
research team. We have previous working experience which will help to facilitate the operation
in that particular area though. Except this there are some limitations in research design with
specific constraints on our population research or available procedures may affect the final
outcomes or results. After all it is our responsibility to minimize the limitations of the study as
far as possible.
1.8 Approach and Methodology
A suitable methodology will be developed to achieve the objective of identifying and analyzing
issues, constraints and potential risks within the current hand hygiene product value chain, as
well as its potential opportunities and capabilities. Considering the active participation and
response from different stakeholders, a mixed method approach, both quantitative and
qualitative, will be applied in this study. An appropriate sampling methodology will be
developed, taking into account the project timeframe, resources and the representativeness of the
project beneficiaries. A combination of methods and tools will assist to achieve the assessment
objective. The consultant will develop qualitative and qualitative tools including case stories in
discussion with UNICEF. The qualitative evidence will help in digging out the real scenarios of
hygiene practices and behavior. A field test and accommodation of feedback from the field test
will also be done to finalize the questionnaire and related tools.
Assessment areas: The assessment will be conducted in rural general, rural hard to reach and
urban general and urban low-income community settings.
The settings prioritized for this market assessment are:
• homes
• schools (Primary and secondary schools)
• health care facilities,
• markets and restaurants
• places of worship (mosques, churches)
• Sports’ venues (stadia, Parks, etc.)
• transportation hubs
• highways
1.8.1 Quantitative Survey
The assessment will apply quantitative method for data collection to obtain primary data and
information from the project beneficiaries. Primary quantitative data will be collected from direct
project beneficiaries at homes, school, health care facilities, markets and restaurants places of
worships sports’ venues transportation hubs and highways. As part of secondary sources relevant
documents will be reviewed and analyzed. A standard sampling procedure will be applied to
determine the sample size for the quantitative survey.

1.8.2 Sample Size and Distribution

For this survey, the study team is planning to utilize a cross-sectional survey design that will be
carried out in rural general, rural hard to reach and urban general and urban low-income
community where the project is going to be implemented. Each of the area is further,
administratively, sub-divided into progressively smaller thanas, unions, wards, and villages. An
enumeration area (EA) is either a union or village, or a group of small villages, or a part of a
large village. Firstly, we will select at least one upazila of each project implementing districts and
secondly, two unions from each upazila will be selected randomly as enumeration area. A fixed
number of primary sampling units (PSU), will be selected with the probability proportional to the
unit size. A representative sample of farmer households will be determined using standard
sampling design. The targeted beneficiaries will be selected using simple random sampling in
each enumeration areas. The sample size will be distributed proportionately among each PSU.
The sample will be considered at a 97% confidence level, with an accuracy rate or amount of
admissible error margin of 3%, as there is an issue of hard to reach during countrywide mobility
restriction in COVID-19 situation. We will set the probability of occurring and not occurring an
event, proportionately at same level (p = 0.5 and q = 0.5). The following sampling approach and
statistical formula will be applied for the sample size determination:
Z 2 pq
n = total number of estimated samples
e = 0.03 (3% significance level/admissible error margin)
p = 0.5 (proportion of defectiveness or success for the indicator)
q = (1-p) = 0.5
z = 2.17 (value of standard normal variable at 97% confidence level)
Our sample size for the population size n = 1308
To avoid non-response error due to the absence or any other reason (considering the frequent
movement of the respondents to other locations), 10% additional samples will be added. That
gives 1308 + (10% of 1308) = 1438 where 1440 samples will be selected to cover the expected
This sample size will be divided within the selected areas of the project.
Table 2: Summary of sample size against target population for each division.

Division Sample Size

Dhaka 180
Chattogram 180
Rajshahi 180
Khulna 180
Barishal 180
Sylhet 180
Rangpur 180
Mymensingh 180
Total 1440

1.8.3 Qualitative Assessment

Qualitative assessment will be done in order to get more detailed, more specific and accurate
information from the community representatives. In all cases various PRA tools and techniques
namely Key Informants’ Interview (KII), Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and case study will be
used. This assessment will be conducted with women, children, person with disabilities, youth
adolescent, school going children etc. They respondents of KII would be community leader,
community health workers in that area, others NGO who are working with WASH program and
respective government official. The outputs are expected to reinforce and validate the data and
information collected through the quantitative survey. The distribution of the sample/respondents
in the qualitative assessment will presented in a table.
Table 3: Tentative/proposed qualitative assessment

Beneficiary type FDG KII Case study

Children (Below 12 years) 2 1
Women 2 1
Person with social disabilities 2 1
Adolescent 2 1
Community Leader 3
Community health workers 2
Govt. Officials 3
Total 8 13 4
1.8.4 Data collection methods
The survey will be carried out using semi-structured questionnaire to capture the quantitative
response through an app-based data collection tool. A structured and mostly pre-coded
questionnaire will be developed through a rigorous and systematic process. To make the data
representative, sample size will be distributed proportionally and the analysis will be weighted
depending on the target population in the respective areas using systematic random sampling. In
selecting and identifying the sample respondent, we will use the list of project beneficiaries as
appropriate. It is also worth mentioning that if we fail to reach any respondent from the
beneficiary list, we will consider the previous or next beneficiary as respondent.
To serve the purposes, we prefer to use “Nebu” android apps to collect data. The tools using in
the smartphones and tablets along with simplicity and flexibility will make it easy to streamline
every step of the collection, analysis, and reporting of data. It will further reduce the errors
A structured checklist for FGD, KII and case study will be developed by consultant for each of
the respondent categories through a rigorous and systematic process. These tools, both
quantitative and qualitative, will be shared with UNICEF management for their feedback. The
number of qualitative assessments will be finalised after a joint consultation between UNICEF
and consultant. The quantitative data and status will be extracted from the qualitative assessment
findings and secondary data source.
1.8.5 Data Processing, Analysis and Report Preparation
The collected quantitative data will be cleaned and analyzed using appropriate software such as
SPSS, STATA, MS-Excel, etc. The data from qualitative assessment will expected to be analyse
in Atlas.ti or Nvivo. MS-excel could also be used for data compute, editing, to produce
descriptive tables (frequency, average, ration, percentage, classification). Finally, report will be
produced based on analyzed assessment data or findings.
3.1 Chronological Operational Plan
The operational plan for the study will be the following stages -

3. 4.
1. 2. Preparation of Review &
Desk Research Inception Report Tools, Programming Finalization tools
& Piloting and Inception

5. 7.
6. 8.
Team Recruitment Coding, Editing &
Field Work Analysing Data
and Training Cleaning

Draft Report &
Final Report

Figure 2: Chronological Operational Plan

Desk Research
At the very first, after the awarding of the project there a desk research where we’ll find the
related document and studies to achieve the goals of the objective more. The secondary data in
this stage will help the researchers to learn and perceive about the assignment more.
Inception Report
Based on the desk research, with the help of secondary data a report will be made. The report
will guide us where to go.
Preparation of Tools
One of the most important stages of any research is preparing the tools. Tools for both qualitative
and quantitative methods will be developed here. The tools consist design for KII, FGD, and
Case Study. The analysis tool will also be developed here. The tools will be sent to UNICEF
team to review and necessary correction will be made according to their guidelines.
Review & Finalization of Tools and Inception Reports
The tools and inception report will be reviewed and finalized in this stage.
Team Recruitment, Training, and Piloting
The team recruitment will be done for field work at this stage. They will be provided rigorous
training for a couple days based on the developed tools. They will be tested, monitored, and
checked several ways to keep the quality of data on track. Piloting will be done here and the
questionnaire will be modified if it needs.
Field Work
After the proper training the team will step for the team work. To maintain the quality, the lead
consultant along with the key research team will visit and check if the enumerators are collecting
data properly.
Editing & Cleaning
After collecting the data, it’ll be entered. Then necessary cleaning will be done. And after that,
editing will be done to make it for analysis phase.
Analysing Data
After the end of editing and cleaning, the analysis part will be started. The analyst will analyse
the data and interpret that accordingly.
Draft Report & Workshop
When the analysis of data will be done, the lead researcher will develop the draft report. A
workshop will be done to present the findings to UNICEF team.
Final Report
As per the suggestions from the UNICEF team based on the draft report, the lead researcher will
write the final report. Then the final report with the main conclusions and recommendations in
terms of operational strategy will be submitted to the UNICEF team with other necessary
Timeline of the Study
Serial No. Activities Days
1. Contract signing July 01-July 03
2. Document review and tools preparation July 04-July 15
3. Data enumerators recruitment July 16-July 20
4. Training for data enumerators and field test July 26-August 06
5. Data collection (quantitative and qualitative) August 07-September 07
6. Data/information cleaning, summarizing and September 08-September15
7. Draft report preparation and submission September 16-October 06
8. Draft assessment summary/fact sheet October 07- October 18
9. Feedback sharing on the draft report and fact October 19- October 30
10. Presentation on draft findings/report November 01- November 20
11. Final report submission by addressing feedback November 21- December
The staffing team for this assignment would be following
Human Resources No. of Individuals
Lead Consultant 1
Associate Consultant 1
WASH Expert 1
Survey Manager 1
Research Executive 2
Data Analyst 1
Enumerators 16
Supervisors 3
Facilitators 3
Note Takers 3

There will be composed of the following personals:

Lead Consultant: Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman, PhD.
Educational Qualification: Bachelor of Commerce, Masters of Commerce, PhD. (DU)
Experience: With more than 20 years of experience, Dr. Mizanur Rahman is serving at
University of Dhaka as a professor in Department of Marketing. Before that, he was the Dean
(faculty of Business & Economics) at Daffodil International University, Bangladesh. He is also
an adjunct faculty at numerous universities in Bangladesh. His areas of expertise are Marketing
Research, Brand Management, Strategic Marketing, Integrated Marketing Communications,
Global Marketing, and Services Marketing. He has published a numerous number of publications
in different world-renowned journal.
 Served as a Supply Chain Consultant in the Project titled “Identifying Effective Measures
for Carbon Emission Reduction from Brick Industries: A Study in Dhaka Megacity” from
June 2016 to June 208, The Ministry of Environment and Forests, GOB.
 Conducted different Research Projects of Partex Group as a Chief Consultant from 2016-
 Conducted different Research Projects of different local companies in Bangladesh.
Associate Consultant: Afrista Birjis, PhD
Educational Qualification: Ms. Afrista has done her PhD from University of Dhaka (on-going).
She has also done her Master of Business Administration in Marketing from University of
Experience: She is currently the Assistant Professor of Department of Business Administration,
Notre Dame University of Bangladesh. She has also been the Lecturer of Department of
Business Administration, Notre Dame University of Bangladesh. She was the Lecturer of
Department of Business Administration, Atish Dipankar University of Science & Technology.
WASH Expert: Md. Mahidul Islam, M.Phil
Education: Md. Mahidul Islam has completed M.Phil from Institute of Education Research,
University of Dhaka. He also completed his Master of Social Science (MSS) and Bachelor of
Social Science (BSS), in Anthropology from University of Dhaka.
Experience: Mr. Mahidul has more than 15 years’ experience of working as a WASH expert.
Currently he has been working as a Team Leader at Knowledge Management Consultants Ltd.
(KMC). He was also the Researcher at Gender and Water Alliance where he has conducted
research on ‘Gender Impact Study of EU – SWITCH ASIA Project of SNV-Bangladesh’.
Improving consumer awareness and access to certified safe tomato and mango products Value
chain in Bangladesh. He has also conducted a study on Improving consumer awareness and
access to certified safe tomato and mango products in Bangladesh.
Project Coordinator: Md. Abdul Hamid, Development, Sustainability, and Population
Expert (Managing Director of GRM)
Educational Qualification: MPS from University of Dhaka, Bangladesh and MBA from the
University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Experience: Having more than 18 years’ working experience in the research and development
sector. He is the Managing Director of Global Research & Marketing (GRM). He has extensive
experience in planning, executing, monitoring & controlling Research Projects, International and
local business development, Project and team management, Research proposal/report preparation
and submission, Data management, Report writing, etc.
Research Executive:
1. Md. Omor Faruque
Educational Qualification: MBA from Institute of Business and Administration (IBA),
University of Dhaka, and B.Sc. from the department of Statistics of the University of Chittagong.
Experience: Over 5 years of experience in research, Mr. Omor is specialized in Consumer and
Market Insights with hands on experience of different quantitative and qualitative researches and
statistical data analysis skills, especially in SPSS and R. Efficient in objective-based works. Has
a look-into-details attitude which paved the way to be insightful.
2. Md. Jamil Hasan
Educational Qualification: BBA & MBA from Department of Marketing, University of Dhaka.
Experience: Being a research assistant in the time of his undergraduate, he learned research
intensely. His experience and education about the industries later drove him to succeed in
research and development for both the qualitative and quantitative study.
Data Analysts: Tanvir Hossain
Educational Qualification: Professional Cost and Management and Accounting from ICMAB.
Professional Msters in Applied Statistics and Data Science from Jahangirnagar University. MBA
from from IBA, University of Dhaka. BBA from East West University.
Experience: Over 5 years of experience in data analysis. Mr. Tanvir has a great expertise in data
analysis in in SPSS, STATA, Excel.
The team composition for the study will be as per the following:
Name of Staff Area of Expertise Position Farm Task Assigned No. of
Assigned Days
1. Dr. Md. Value Chain Expert, are Lead Professor, Lead Role Throughout 30
Mizanur Marketing Research, Consultant University Study and Prepare Study Days
Rahman, PhD Brand Management, of Dhaka. Tools, Draft Report and
Strategic Marketing, Final Report including
Integrated Marketing conduction of validation
Communications, meeting and sharing
Global Marketing, and session
Services Marketing.
2. Afrista Consumer Insights, Associate Global Develop Tools, 40
Birjis, PhD Value chain, Market Consultant Research & Questionnaires, Analysis Days
Assessment, Marketing and Reporting
Communications expert.
3. Md. WASH, Monitoring WASH Expert Global Coordinating in 40
Mahidul and Evaluation Expert, Research Developing tools, Days
Islam Social Impact & Preparing Report,
Management Plans, Marketing Validation Meeting and
Gender Action Plan Sharing Session.
4. Md Abdul Project management, Project Global Coordinating overall 40
Hamid Data Acquisition, Coordinator Research & project, Management Days
Population science Marketing Role Throughout Study
expert. including organizing the
validation meeting and
5. Omor Value chain analysis, Research Global Will provide assistance 60
Faruque consumer behaviour Executive Research & to the consultants and Days
and attitude, Marketing participate in the whole
Entrepreneurship research process.
Branding and Brand
6. Md. Jamil Value chain analysis, Research Global Will provide assistance 60
Hasan consumer behaviour Executive Research & to the consultants and Days
and attitude, Marketing participate in the whole
Entrepreneurship research process.
Branding and Brand
7. Md. Tanvir SPSS, STATA, Data Data Global Will be responsible for 7
Ahmed Analysing, Insights Analyst Research & conducting data Days
Management Marketing analysis.
Relevant Experience of GRM

1. Assignment name: Provision of Country: Bangladesh

Market Research Location within country: Cox’s Bazar
Name of Client:
Address: House No. N/E (N) 8, Road No. 90,
United Nations High Commission for
Gulshan 2, 1212 Dhaka, Bangladesh
Refugees (UNHCR)
Duration of assignment (months): 12
Total No of staff-months of the assignment:
Research Staff – 7
Start date (month/year): Nov 2019
Field Staff – 4
Completion date (month/year): Nov 2020
Approx. value of the contract: 15 Lakhs Approx. value of the services provided by
BDT your firm under the contract: 15 Lakhs

No of professional staff-months provided

by associated Consultants: NA
Name of associated Consultants, if any: Name of senior professional staff of your
Md. Tajvir Abbas firm involved and functions performed:
Principal researcher – Md. Abdul Hamid
Associate Consultant – Md. Tajvir Abbas
Narrative description of Project: The local procurement component of the UNHCR in
Bangladesh has been constantly increasing since the onset of the Rohingya Emergency in the
middle of 2017. Since then, the procurement component has evolved with the type of the
purchased commodity groups expanding from simple to more complex items. The needs of the
UNHCR-Bangladesh Operation range from standard market-available products to specialized
and tailor-made items, kits and products. Similarly, the local market in Bangladesh is evolving
and expanding with visible increase in the number of local vendors at the Dhaka, Chittagong
and Cox's Bazar. The variety of commodities available to procure locally has also widened.
Notwithstanding the above, the information on local vendors needs to be constantly updated
and expanded. Furthermore, there is a requirement to visit the selected vendors in order to
verify authenticity of their profiles. Pre-qualification of vendors as part of market survey will
ensure that UNHCR continues dealing with reputable, registered and well-established vendors
which are able to comply with the agency's requirements. Apart, enabling UNHCR with the
ability to engage strong and capable commercial actors in the forthcoming tenders will
undoubtedly help achieving greater "value for money" for the organization. In view of the
above, the decision was made to contract a commercial entity for carrying out a country-wide
market survey.

Outcome of the project: Purchase Requisition (PR) submission time line, delivery lead time,
time when the good and services are needed must be identified clearly. There should be a
minimum time gap between purchase requisition submission time and time when the goods
and service are needed. Procurement unit should have minimum processing time of the
purchase requisition. Identification of causes of delay must be identified and mitigated with
priority. If PR is not submitted with the minimum time, user unit may have to accept the delay.
On the other hand, if vendor causes the delay, procurement unit may consult the vendor and
figure out reason

Research Design: Both quantitative and quantitative information through structured and/or
semi-structured questionnaire(s)
Sampling Size: 450 survey, 8 FGD, 12 KII, and 15 Workshop
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:
Designing the tools and instruments, Field Training, Field data collection, Data Analysis and
Presentation of Findings

2. Assignment name:
Income Enhancement and Employment Country: Bangladesh
Creation of Entrepreneurs through Year-Round Location within country: Mujibnagar,
Onion Cultivation - A Value Chain Project Kushtia

Name of Client: 3/11, Block-D, Lalmatia
Wave Foundation Dhaka-1207

Duration of assignment (months): 3 Months

Total No of staff-months of the assignment:
Start date (month/year): December 2019
Research Staff – 5
Completion date (month/year): February
Field Staff – 30
Approx. value of the contract: 10 Lakhs Approx. value of the services provided by
BDT your firm under the contract: 10 Lakhs

No of professional staff-months provided

by associated Consultants: NA
Name of associated Consultants, if any:
Name of senior professional staff of your
Md. Abdul Hamid firm involved and functions performed:
Associate Consultant – Md. Abdul Hamid
Research Manager – Polin Kumar Saha
Narrative description of Project:
 Overall Objective: The major objective of measuring the changes achieved as compared
to the baseline survey conducted in lune 2017 before the project intervention was initiated
among the farmers
 To determine the household income and employment opportunity of the farmers through
year-round onion production, processing and marketing in a sustainable manner
 To identify and documents tire key factors of success of the project, how can these be
 To know the scientific reliability of the year-round onion production, processing and
 To know the environmental viability of the year-round onion production, preservation and
marketing in the project area
 To measure and document the economic benefit of year-round onion production compare
with other HVC in the project area
 To determine the interest of the onion farmers on the project’s intervention in the project
 To identify the problems of year-round onion production, processing and marketing in
sustainable manner
 To provide necessary recommendations on what strategies should be adopted in order to
improve project design

Outcome of the project: Conducting survey in 2 union of Mujibnagar Upazilla. The project
aimed to increasing the income and generating employment of entrepreneurs through year-
round onion cultivation in a sustainable manner. The project is implemented under ‘Promoting
Agricultural Commercialization and Enterprises (PACE) Project’ of Palli Karma-Sahayak
Foundation (PKSF).

Research Design: PRA methods and tools to collect both quantitative and quantitative
information through structured and/or semi-structured questionnaire(s)
Sampling Size: Total Structured Interview 163, (Quantitative Survey- 149, KII-10, FGD-4)
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:
Designing the tools and instruments, Field Training, Field data collection, Data Analysis and
Presentation of Findings
3. Assignment name:
Baseline Survey on of Profit and Loss on Country: Bangladesh
Shrimp Farmer and Environmental impact Location within country: Shamnagar,
assessment. Ashashuni, Koira

Name of Client: Address:

Ledars Bangladesh and Bread for The World Head Office: Village: Munshigonj, Post
Office: Kadamtala, Post Code: 9455, Upazila:
Germany. Shyamnagar, District: Satkhira, Bangladesh.
Phone: +88 018 5480 2301,
+88 019 1927 2800
Duration of assignment (months): 10
Months Total No of staff-months of the assignment:
Start date (month/year): April 2018 Research Staff – 5
Completion date (month/year): February Field Staff – 20
Approx. value of the services provided by
Approx. value of the contract: 15 Lakhs
your firm under the contract: 15 Lakhs
No of professional staff-months provided
by associated Consultants: NA
Name of associated Consultants, if any: Name of senior professional staff of your
Foysal Mohammad Shahriar firm involved and functions performed:
Project Coordinator – Md. Abdul Hamid
Research Officer – M. Tajvir Abbas, Syed
Tanim Ahmed
Narrative description of Project:

Overall Objective: The overall objectives of the study was to identify the Profit and Loss on
Shrimp Farmer and Environmental impact assessment.

Outcome of the project: This study has tried to find out the indirect cost of the shrimp
industry. It has considered 7 sectors to do this. Agriculture, Livestock, Loss of employment,
Loss of Business, Decrease of Animal Husbandry, Cost of Medical Facilities, Pollution of
Environment. Like rice production has decreased due shrimp cultivation, the production of
other agriculture production has also decreased. For this reason, before shrimp cultivation, the
total loss and the cost of the farmers needs to be calculated.

Research Design: Mixed Methods (Qualitative and quantitative information through

structured and/or semi-structured questionnaires)
Sampling Size: Total Structured Interview 254, (Quantitative Survey- 225, KII-22, FGD-5,
Case Study-2)
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:
Designing the tools and instruments, Field Training, Field data collection, Data Analysis and
Presentation of Findings
4. Assignment name: Efficient Country: Bangladesh
Multimodal Logistics Study and
Assessment in Bangladesh
(Infrastructure assessment) in RMG,
Furniture, Metal, Grocery and Leather Location within country: Nation Wide
sectors. (In association with PWC

Address:  Plot E, 32 Syed Mahbub Morshed

Name of Client: World Bank Group
Avenue, Dhaka 1207

Duration of assignment (months): 14

Months Total No of staff-months of the assignment:
Start date (month/year): December 2017 Research Staff – 5
Completion date (month/year): January Field Staff – 30
Approx. value of the services provided by
Approx. value of the contract: 18 Lakhs
your firm under the contract: 18 Lakhs
No of professional staff-months provided
by associated Consultants: N/A
Name of associated Consultants, if any:
N/A Name of senior professional staff of your
firm involved and functions performed:
Project Coordinator – Md. Abdul Hamid
Research Officer – M. Tajvir Abbas
Narrative description of Project:

Overall Objective: This study focuses on gaining useful on-ground insights about the current
status of the transportation and logistics market from the perspective of the service purchasers.
How the services purchaser like RMG, Furniture, Metal, Grocery and Leather sectors get
impacted by the current transportation and logistic systems in Bangladesh across the country.

Outcome of the project: This project has tried to find out the sources and distribution of the
required raw material in the factory and the monthly procurement quality in the company. It
also determined the route, mode, and cost of the of the transportation thorough which the
company source their raw materials and logistics. The pros and cons of each and every route
have been analysed rigorously with specific statistical model.

Research Design: Quantitative Methods

Sampling Size: Total Structured Interview 200+ Business Entities, (Quantitative Survey-
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:
Designing the tools and instruments, Field Training, Field data collection, Data Analysis and
Presentation of Findings
5. Assignment name:
Country: Bangladesh
Consumers/Beneficiary Satisfaction Survey in
Location within country: Dhaka, Jashore,
Major Rice Production Areas of Bangladesh
Rajshahi, Mymensingh, Comilla, Bogra

Name of Client: Address:

Syngenta Foundation, Germany Green Rowshanara Tower (level-5&6, 755
Satmasjid Road, Dhaka 1205

Duration of assignment (months): 3

Months Total No of staff-months of the assignment:
Start date (month/year): November 2016 Research Staff – 5
Completion date (month/year): January Field Staff – 30
Approx. value of the contract: 25 Lakh Approx. value of the services provided by
BDT your firm under the contract: 25 Lakh BDT

No of professional staff-months provided

by associated Consultants: N/A
Name of associated Consultants, if any: Name of senior professional staff of your
Polin Kumar Saha firm involved and functions performed:
Project Coordinator – Md. Abdul Hamid
Research Officer – M. Tajvir Abbas
Narrative description of Project:

Overall Objective:
The overall objective of the study was to find out the consumers/beneficiary satisfaction in the
major rice production area in Bangladesh. How the beneficiary control weeds in their rice
paddies and what kinds of fertilizers they apply for their desired level of outcome.

Outcome of the project:

It has been found that time of the application of the fertilizers and with regards to the cost of
application in specific to that area. the total costs for one application per acre of in the stage
“from land preparation till transplanting has been discussed with proper data and analytics.
The media through which the respondents get information about weed control methods in the
stage “from land preparation till transplanting has been discussed with statics. Different new
technology rice herbicide concept has also been discussed in that report as per client
Research Design: Quantitative Methods
Sampling Size: Total Structured Interview 600+, (Quantitative Survey-600+)
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:
Designing the tools and instruments, Field Training, Field data collection, Data Analysis and
Presentation of Findings
6. Assignment name:
Country: Bangladesh
End Evaluation Report (Final Version) of
Location within country: Rangpur
Dhaka Shishu Area Programme
Address: 2 Abedin Tower, 35 Kemal Ataturk
Name of Client:
Ave, Dhaka 1213
World Vision
Duration of assignment (months): 3
Total No of staff-months of the assignment:
Research Staff – 6
Start date (month/year): Dec. 2019
Field Staff – 24
Completion date (month/year): March 2020
Approx. value of the contract: 50 lakhs Approx. value of the services provided by
BDT your firm under the contract: 50 lakhs BDT

No of professional staff-months provided

by associated Consultants: N/A
Name of associated Consultants, if any:
Shahriar Parvin Name of senior professional staff of your
firm involved and functions performed:
Project Coordinator – Md. Abdul Hamid
Research Officer – M. Tajvir Abbas
Narrative description of Project:

Overall Objective: The main purpose of the End Programme Evaluation was to identify the
impacts of the program in the lives of children, families; community, partners and stakeholders
focusing child-wellbeing outcomes in relation to the project expected outcomes. The
evaluation focused on progress made towards the goal and objectives at the Programme and
project outcome/impact level throughout the journey of the Programme in the community.
Both qualitative and quantitative approaches were used for collecting authentic and relevant
dada using qualitative

Outcome of the project: The third phase (from 01 October 2011 to 30 September 2019) of
this program is going on aligning with the Learning through Evaluation with Accountability &
Planning-3 (LEAP3). As per the LEAP3 guideline and Transition Design Document Program
World Vision Bangladesh took initiative to evaluate the program with a view to assess the
progress or success of Programme and project goal, outcomes indicators and development area
of the Programme.

Research Design: Mixed Methods

Sampling Size: Total Structured Interview 425+, (Quantitative Survey-40+ KII-20)
Description of actual services provided by your staff within the assignment:
Designing the tools and instruments, Field Training, Field data collection, Data Analysis and
Presentation of Findings
Annex – 1: CVs of the Key Team Members
Annex – 2: Commercial Documents of GRM
Annex - 3: Detailed profile of GRM

Submitted by:

Authorized Signature
Md. Abdul Hamid
Managing Director & CEO
Contact Number: +88 01855933634
Tel: +8858052813

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