Shs Eapp q1 Las Wk5 Day1-4
Shs Eapp q1 Las Wk5 Day1-4
Shs Eapp q1 Las Wk5 Day1-4
Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Learning Concepts:
An outline is a summary that gives the essential features of a text. It shows how the
parts of a text are related to one another as parts that are equal of importance, or
sections that are subordinate to a main idea.
It is a tool used to organize written ideas about a topic or thesis into a logical order.
Outlines arrange major topics, subtopics, and supporting details. Writers use outlines
when writing their papers in order to know which topic to cover in what order. Outlines
for papers can be very general or very detailed.
it gives an overview of the topic and enables us to see how various sub topics
relate to one another
recording the information in our own words tests our understanding of what we
it is an effective way to record needed information from reference books you do not
1. Topic outline
2. Sentence outline
Directions: Read the selection and make a topic outline. Use the space provided below. (15 points)
Based on their origin, air pollutants can be classified into primary and secondary air
Primary pollutants are emitted directly from the sources, are found in the atmosphere in
their emitted form. Examples include, sulphur oxides, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, ash,
smoke, dust, fumes, mist, sprays and radioactive compounds.
Secondary pollutants are formed in the atmosphere by chemical reactions between
primary pollutants and atmosphere constituents. These are usually formed by photochemical
reactions, hydrolysis or oxidation. Examples include ozone, aldehydes and ketones.
Activity No. 2
Directions: Read the selection and make a sentence outline. Use the space provided below. (15 points)
Bullying in Schools
Bullying in the schools has negative effects on individual students and on the
school climate as a whole. Bullying can cause long-term problems for both the victims
of bullying and the bullies themselves. To explore the effects of bullying on
adolescents, we will define bullying, identify the characteristics of bullies and victims,
outline the extent and consequences of bullying, and present resources for further
information and assistance.
Bullying is any behavior that is initiated by one or more students against a
victim or victims that causes physical or psychological intimidation. Bullying
behaviors can be classified as either direct (such as teasing, threatening, hitting, or
stealing) or indirect (such as rumor spreading or social isolation). Boys typically
employed direct methods of bullying, while girls tend to use in direct methods. Either
way, behaviors must occur repeatedly overtime to be classified as bullying.
Characteristics of Bullies and Victims
There are specific behaviors that bullies tend to exhibit. The bullies often
need to feel powerful and in control. They may feel no remorse when they inflict injury
and suffering on others. Bullies tend to defy authority and are likely to break school
rules. They seem to have little anxiety and appear to possess high self-esteem.
Students who come from homes characterized by physical punishment tend to be
more likely to exhibit these types of behaviors.
Victims also tend to exhibit specific characteristics. They are often anxious,
insecure, cautious, and have low self-esteem. Victims tend to be socially isolated, and
may lack social skills and friends. Because they tend to be weaker than their peers,
either physically or socially, victims rarely retaliate against bullies. Students who have
close ties with their parents/guardians or who have overprotective parents/guardians
are more likely to be victimized by bullies.
Proper use of outline format 5
Organization: Arrangement of headings makes sense, guides 5
the reader
Completeness 5