Categories of Computers and Computer Languages: (Ii) Type (Iii) Purpose
Categories of Computers and Computer Languages: (Ii) Type (Iii) Purpose
Categories of Computers and Computer Languages: (Ii) Type (Iii) Purpose
Learning Objectives
, This chapter focuses on computers and computer languages. Computers are categorised
on the basis of (i) generation (ii) type (iii) purpose (iv) size, speed, processing power and
price. The aim of this theme is to enable you to communicate with the computer by
using specific languages that are broadly divided into three categories namely machine
language, assembly language and higher level languages. You will also become aware of
' all the different operations performed by a computer which are controlled by computer t
, programs written in different computer programming languages. )
- - -
- ~ - - - - - .... .,,,. -- - - -
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- -- - ------- --~
Categories of Computers
A computer system primarily consists of hardware and
software. The development of thc<;c two components over
time has also led to the rapid development of tJ1e computer
Knowledge Scope ~
system. This development of computers can be clas!>ified Classification of computers
on the basis of four maJor categone:> that arc as follows based on generations; Basic
, Based on Generations features of analog, digital
and hybrid computers; Micro-
, Based on Type
computers, Mini -computers,
, Based on Purpose
Mainframe and Super-computer
• Based on Size
I. Based on Generations
The term 'generation' can be related to the word 'innovation'. In every generation, computer
technology becomes more advanced than the previous one. The major developments in
computer technology that ha\·e occured in different generations are as follows:
1l was developed by Professors J. Prespcr Eckcrl
and John Mi\l1chly in the USA nnd was built
by using the vacuum tubes technology. A high -
level programming lnngungc cnl\cd PORTRAN
(Formula 1\'anslalion) was also developed ~y
IBM (lntcrnnlionnl Business Machines) in th18
Vacuu m Tube~ used by
First Generation Computers
Features of the First Generation Computers
• TI1ese computers were very large in size and
a lot of space.
• Vacuum tubes were the main electronic com
occupied Knowledge Corner ~ \
Prof. Howard H. Aiken of
ponents Harvard University devel
used in these computers. . oped
the first electrom echanical I
• These computers were based on machine
level and computer nam ed as Harvard
assembly level languages.
Mark~- - - - - ]
• These computers were difficult to operate.
• They needed heavy air-conditioned systems beca
use of the tremendous amo unts of heat
generated by the vacuum tubes.
• These computers also consumed huge quantities
of power.
t 1
· tit'11I
:l 1he11
I t
A,rnt,,i MciLr
Ul11ft,11 C'omp11tcrs
A digitnl L'1)mp11t1.•r ilL'n •pts d11111 111 Ilic hl1111ry f1,n11 (0'1, a 11 d
l's). 1/.1.·ru (O) m1.•1ms OPP, /.,•., low s ig1111I ,111d (I) 111ca1 rn c>N,
1,1' , , high slgn,1I. 11 gives n.•1-11111 111 tt'l'lllll of dlgil H. All perHrnial
compulL'rs and lnplops 111·t• digital 111 11al11n•. lh•vlu.•H lilw
1.:.,lruli1lors, digit11I wntclws 1111d dlgltal l rkkt•I 11corl'hoard1-, foll
und1.•r this cnl egory.
I J11:1tal W:111.h
J:IJ,bl'ltl <:m111111t,•,·~
A hybrid cornp11tr r has co111bl1wd li.•:11111·1.•H of hoth digital
and annlog computers. 'I he n•s11ll ohtnl111•d can hl' ro 111 pilfl•d
with the known value of the sysll't11 "".d can allio ht.• dirl'rtly
visual ised. 'lhus, it has the advantage ol both tlll' Hystt·ni s,
/<cJr cxm11 p/C': 'I he illus!r.ilt•d digital wnld1 it1l llldl's hot It tlw
I lylirid W;1td1
O(J~t• ('(1t11t111t,•r.s
11 1l·r"' ·
~r•. ·i.,l·\'\lf\
.' .
designed for 1wrlc,rmlnJ'
~\x'. ,k t·,\~·k or ,, $pcc1hc apphcallon. ln thc1•H.', 11 SL'I ol
,l sll'~ . . ·\re built into the compt1lcrs for 11crforming
\\ "t\\."'11\~ '
,nstr ~ ·ks• 1ne)' are also known ns dedicated computer s
, ·ihC t,\~ '°
S\'t\. . , the)' perform a single lnsk repeatedly. 'Jhe
lx"-~1u~t: - .
• ·t·ons needed to perform a particular tm;k nrc
. ·tf\\1. \
into the internal memory or the
,em,ai,entl)' stored
I ter which help it to perform the given task on a
·onlFu Specific purpr,•,c i:r,mputer~ are
'". le command. These computers are used to control air
st used to contr<,J the air traffic
~~- ~~c licrhts, the collection of tolls on highways,
tf3J.ll\., (["dlll t)
rl ,rnose Ccu,:p,,tprs
Gt"llrf'(l I- l
,, ,1,,111111 ,,1,1
I 11, ,, ,,
l/////1///1 ,,, i/1/1 /11 !l1111
ll/1/ /11/1I/1•1111 //1 '/{1 1111/ 11111111,,/,
fl lt// Ill/ I /1/,/ 1 1/1111 / l11 /1 1 1/1/1/1
, 1~11 :,, li /11,1 1~ 1111I ,,, IN11,/t, 'I 11 1 'I
',, /I /1 11 I i/1 II /11111 1/ 11/ 1/11 I I'/;//
1111111111111 ,, 11 nl 1111 11111 ,, I Ii,, /111111,;
I 111/'II//I II I/ II // 11 ~1 1111111111111
411 11
I I,, I flt I'II 'I' " ' , ti I,,I/ I /II I Wit I li//l//41///Jl/111/1///l//1111
M/11/1 ,,,,,,,,11, lh
M1t11, illll/t/1/1 / It 1/1 Jlt/1111l/1 I IJ11111 ,,, 11,J,, 1,
fl) h I
Jt 1• the fund~
ii 4 1,
lf//1( / I fl/lf/llf/f /J la,lYfJ,ii'_i, "-"
11,,v,,,, 1,, y,, II,,, ,"' ,,, I'" w,, J/ 11 I ",, 11J•I, ICJ< '"
I•"' ,w,, ,,. '"I"' J"''"I'"''''., 'I/11,,,, I "'" )'"' " '
·•" 11,,., I I" ,, J,.111 II,, /•t"'' ,. ,,.,,,,,, /, , wc.,11 ,, ,
11 ,.,1,, •I lu,, •·1, 'Il11• l1J M , ""'J,, 1/ e, I" I,,,
(,1 ,,,, ,, ,,,,,,,11,, 1/1
',,1),,, '"I"'"'""''"'''' w,,. I,,,. I,/( AY I , /,,.,,,.,l'"tl
1,y 11,,, / ,II A'/ 1,,.,,,11,,
t\11111,t\1,n,,,1, l1 I, I'" " I,,•A , f•A 11" M '""'
II /1// lll /j11 •1t,11tljlf/l1•11j,
-6-, '
110 0 -r.,.
101 f'I(, Knowledge Corner
are I
'I 10110
, ;')100
lnstru.ction is a command
ters 111( or order given to the
her '.I I JI
computer to perform a Earlier, instructions in
specific task. machine level language
- - were given by pressing
switches. Switch on
d This is the basic language understood by all computers. meant 1 and switch off
During early times, instructions were given only in terms meant O (zero) .
of Os and ls.
I , t 1 I mtl:lld '
,, ,~1d rs
1hrfl l'f'lh l .. ,
, ,, grnC'r,ll
InuI·,"" t
I!: \ (' I,, fllll C I 0 1! \llllllll!'
t • nt , s oj A$..crmbh I c, d l an · · ·
I. It take~ fc~, time in i.:oding instructions.
2. Programming logic can be de\'eloped
Knowledge Corner n
Instructions written in m nemonics are furtt-ei
fth imp
tY u er
e~il). coded into a special form called the OP<oce tt ,..
These codes are actually fed to the computer ~
um1tutions of .1.ssembl) Lew•l 1 rmg11ag..: to perform different tasks.
among llC ool
I. Instructions de\'eloped in the form of Few tasks are illustrated below:
mnemonics must be coded into the Mnemonics Codes Tasks
OP-Code form. LOAD A ---- 7B
- - - -
Enter t he value in A C wa~ develop
2. A translator is required to convert the LOAD B C2 value in B b) Oennis R.1t
OP-Code into a computer-readable 1
binary form.
ADD A, B 23 Add the values of A {or use '-'"th
and B 'Powerful \an
3. Jr is a machine-dependent language. STORE C B4 Store result in C llpp\ications.
fl. Higlz-lel'el Language (HLL) ll.._ EF Stop ,omp\ex ma
l.mgu~gc \S ,
In this system, instructions are written almost like Engl' h 1 . .
develop and understand programming logi A ~guage Wh1Ch makes 1t easter to
c. program written i11 a h.ig h - leve l language C311
be executed in almost all computers. Hence high-le,, 1 l·
level and assembly level languages. Some well-known h·e hanguages ·are pre ferre d over machint'
FORTRA N , Pascal, etc, ig •1eve} languages are BASIC, COBl)L.
, rol th, ,1111pl,•,1 h11:h I,·, !'I l,lllg11,1 g,'s Im h1•g111111 •11, In 1111' /f'H
,~ ,en met tlll11.lh. l ~,·11c1ull )', .Ill 1)11' '• ol 1,1~ks rl••velriJJl'<l I
John K,•rnc
furtt, r ht' ,rrfo1111r ,\ 111 I\ \Sil (i , .. ~1.1phi1\ ,111d g1·1H·1,d
1 Kurt, ,it th•' 0
P<oci ni,) II is .,t . . ,, ,,pplkd 111 lhl' tidd., ol ',l ll' llll' ,111d Coll"V." 111 U r, A
1 \
mput r , <'>' G\\' !\A Sil ,111d ()BA!-,\( · ,11 l' 111on• popul,11
~d1ool , hildn•n.
C \\'JS dt>,dopcJ brtw1·1.•n tlw yca1s l%lJ and 197 \ Knowledge Corner
,n B
b l)enni~ Rit chtl' ut Ih1.· lkll ·1ell-plwm· l.,1bo1 ,1101 ic1,
i us~ I\Jlh thl' Unix 01wrati11g sysll'lll. 'llrn, ,.., ;1 In l'l'J4, r-oHIHAN Nl
of A 1
lnvl'nll'<.l by lohn B,1 ku
[PO"erful l.111guag1: U!>l'd Jor l'nginel'ring ,111d 1,det1llli1.
pphC'..ttJ1111s . It providl.''> dll.'1. I ive tools to pc, f 01 Ill ,111y
It w.,..,th1• tir-.t widely u
high lcwl &enerJI purpo
c.ompkx matlwmalrt,tl oper ,1t1011 in silllpk 101111. ' I his
languag(' 1~ widdy w,ed by l'llA!JH'l'r'> ,llld sl k11li<,ls ,
C 11 l,llltW ,~cw,._ d •v •lop •d
as1cr ro In c,11 ly l 'lHll'> by flj.irn
age c.:m
C Stroll <;ll\lP at Al&I, B •II
ad1i11e L,,btH .itor It'\, New Jers v. USA
/Al:~ !..··'.gu,1_-::e
<YUage S can also be easil
J,-\\:-\ is also an object oriented ...-... •5 e 13ll~ -:_ -n..ey allow mul
~ l"c;. JllefS.. lLl •
(oop l lanru::iae. This lan2Uage was initially
~ rogran1entered bv• a prog=m1
0 ;:, .... ,.
35 p ~ d l
called OAK {named after the oak tree). It is _ t1lll13Il ctured Query Langu,
._o Stru . \ •
,ery strong in text and string operations. f.·\.\ :-\ ,-~--.d3Y·
,,er. ::u1ificia\ inte\l1g,ence
is a multipurpose language thar is ,,idely used o''~
fur general progran:uning and ror web designing. e< of 4C~ .
.,, ~-a11tnS• inc:re;1se
- the producm
Howe,.-er, it also requires a language processor to
1. '{he) ilv accessible
execute programs on a computer system. . are eas .
:!. '{he) can oft.en develop th1
l'isua/ Basic fl'B) 3- l]sers developed in -!G
.t pro~ -
It is another object oriented programming · of languages..
language that has more ad.anced features as . SOft -',•!?•ltllg~ "
compared to BASIC language. It uses a menu- D;._q;., ' s developed
drfren approach and allows the user to create I 1•
1be program
grams d~·eloped
2. 'Jhe pro
interactn-e programs. This language can easily
be used to link a program ,,ith a graphical
presentation. slator and its Types
Tran demand onl;
uters un
CoillPd Os\. The as5embh-. 1e,
Differences between High-level Languages and
Low-level Languages ls ~ easily. Howe...-er, these
logic · eed a
-e "-e n
High-level languages Knowledge Corner Hen'- • chine le,el langu
1. These languages are
used to write programs
Low-Jevd l.anguaga
L These ~auages
,- ---------..::-..,.:
into a ma
are U5cd to "-Tile JAVA language was devefopeo-;;--
in simple English and l•THe-r
programs "-ith the ye_ar 1991 by James Gosling at SL,1
by using alphabets and Microsystems, USA. -~~bler is a soitw-are ,
numbers. combination of Os
and 1s. ~ assembl-y le,;cl langua11
2. They are machine-
2. They are machine- basic operations.
Assembly Le-."al
4Gl.s Fourth Generation
languages (4GLs)
James Gosling; 2. Compiler
The fourth generation languages are popujarh-
Inventor of JAVA language Compiler is a software
known as -1-GLs. These languages are 5Peciall~-
designed to make cost-effective softwares and ~ Machine la le,;el language. It acccp
langti nguage and assembly code.
also reduce the execution time of the programs. age are known fi
generan as rst
Tuev are used in the field of database queries, data on and
languages O
n generation H~··Hc-,e·
martipulation, analysis and report making. h. , · n the oth h La~~age
ign-ieve1 Ian u er and, o der
tliird generang ages are known as
on languages.
IL\f: ln . (ompur
· dcnf,,1n d mg . _
'Jhese Janguages can alsoall be easily accessed by peop Ie w h o do nol I, r 1 • •
",.,.,mers. They ow multiple comm . ave any ,orma training
rogr..... on operations to be . ~ . 1 , 1 .
as P d entered by a programmer. per OJ mec wit 1 a sin gle
d structured Query Language (SQL) is lhe onl y :"'''de1y used 4GL in commercial use.
To ay, jficial intelligence Iangu
However, art ages are also classified as 4GL.
aues of 4GLs
Adw1n t t> ••
l. 'JheY increase the product1V1ty of programming.
_'Jhey are easily accessible as compared to third generation languages.
3. Users can often develop their own applications using 4GLs.
_ programs developed in 4GLs are more portable than those developed in other generation
of languages.
Disadvantages of 4GLs
1. 'Jbe programs developed in the 4GLs need high processing speed of the CPU.
_'Ibe programs developed also require more space in the memory of the computer system.
J. Assembler
Assembler is a software which is used to convert a program (a set of instructions) written in
an assembly level language into a machine level language. It helps a computer to perform its
basic operations.
Machine Level
Assembly Level Assembler Ill Language
2. Compiler
Compiler is a software that converts a program written in a high-level language into a machine
level language. It accepts the entire program at a time and then generates its equivalent machine
Machine Level
High-level Ill Language
J. Imcrpn fer t
I 1 t1
· software t Ja •s also used to conver a p rog ram Wrillcn .11 o l •
nterpreter 1s a . 1 1language. It accepts in struc tions and 1 ' ''Bh 1.
. bits. 1 . 1en t m achme eve t m ent At th e Lim
mto equ1va e of execut ion the Bcncrat
' Cs I))c,~I Ii,
line- y- .
me o, statement-by-sta
the next line unless the pmaous _ e line/statement
. is e,coc-free. , control aq11 \
"' , do,,, ,,
.ai Interpreter 11 ( ' chine level languages. Instr
n••-lllljJl"I" Knowledge Corner
_ _ __ ~ • In ma only two dIgl1s. '·"·· Os and
having . s in assembly level Ian
1 • 1nslrh LeveI Languages use lnstru
Differences between a Compiler
. and an Interpreter Do You know? ~ • Hlg Java, etc.
C++, rocessor lranslator Is
Compiler Interpreter
Eve ry high-leveJ I
el langu~ge or a high-level I➔
1. It converts the entire
program into its
l . It converts the entire
program into i~ I
I its own specific /lllluage ha
coding it into a llloa~:-ller ro/
language, 1ne level
1ev mbler c onverts an assernb
Asse .5 used to convert a
compiler 1
A ge at once.
machine code at once. machine code line by 1angua te r converts instruc
• An lnter_p;
line. The firs t compiler w line-by-lin .
2. It displays the errors . as
2. It displays the errors designed by Grace H
for the entire program of one line at a time ---....:-..:..:--==---....:::::.=-.:::_- ----PPer.
only after compilation.
during the conversion ~
to its machine code.
• purpose
andcan be classi,ed on the basis ol th,ee major categMes, namely, Qen,.,,~
• ENIAC (Electconic Nume,;cal tntegrator And Calculator) was the first fully operational elo:I,..
and general-purpose
using the technology computer. belonged to the firat generation of computera and was Oi
of vaccum Ittubes.
• microcomputers.
The fourth generation of computera used mboprocessors and led to the emergence o
• The Ufth generation ot compu/era are WOrking on the concept of artificial intelligence
• computers
on the basisandof supercomputers.
size, computeo; are classified into mini computers, microcomputers, main!,.,,.. ··· ··· ·· ··············· ··········
······ ······················· ···
• and hybrid
Based computes.
o~ their purpose, computeo; are cagegori5ed as analog computers ' digital compute,
• A computer language is a medium of communication betw ·· ······ ··········· ·············
• Computer languages are broadly classified into two cate . . ···· ········ ········ ···· ·······
een a user and a computer.
high-level languages. !!Ones Vtz_ low.1eve1 languages and
• Low-level languages use instructions that are directty ..<leuted ··· ··· ···· ······ ···· ······ ·····
machine level languages and assembly tevei tanguag.._ and can be categorised as ····· ····· ··········· ·········
······· ······················