Social Media and Addiction

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Social Media and Addiction

Thesis Statement: Individuals may become addicted to social media

unless they control the amount of time they spend on it
I. Definition: Social Media
Social media are interactive technologies that allow the creation or
sharing/ exchange of information, ideas, career interests, and other forms
of expression via virtual communities and networks.

II. Types of Social media

A. Social networks - A social network is a website that allows people with
similar interests to come together and share information, photos and
videos. ... Those who engage on social network sites as a personal
endeavor interact by using various forms of media to discuss their lives
and interests.
B. Bookmarking sites - Bookmarking Websites (also called social
bookmarking) allow users to save and share links to websites or
interesting articles with others. This is a good solution for storing and
organizing links important for us. Bookmarks are most often tagged which
allows subsequent users to search for them by topic.
C. Social news - Social media news, often referred to simply as social
news, refers to a more modern tendency to get news from social media
rather than more traditional news sources. This can take many forms,
whether it means reading news that people in your network have shared,
reading status updates and the like, or reading news from pages that you
D. Media sharing - Enabling others to view/play someone's multimedia
collection (photos, videos, music). It is most often done via the Web. See
media sharing site, photo sharing site and video sharing site.
E. Microblogging - Microblogging is a web service that allows the
subscriber to broadcast short messages to other subscribers of the
service. Microposts can be made public on a Web site and/or distributed
to a private group of subscribers.
F. Blogs, Comments, and Forums - Blogs are full of posts and comments,
created by authors, organised into categories. Forums are full of topics
and comments created by members, organised into different sub-forums.
G. Community Blogs - Community blogs are predominantly websites
where many authors can post journal entries on a single space and where
people can respond by commenting on posts to the community blog.
H. Sharing economy networks - The sharing economy is an economic
model defined as a peer-to-peer (P2P) based activity of acquiring,
providing, or sharing access to goods and services that is often facilitated
by a community-based online platform.

III. Uses of Social Media

A. Social networking serves as a way to connect individuals with other
people and businesses to share information, ideas, and messages.
B. Social bookmarking sites make it easy for people to find websites and
help you generate backlinks to your website.
C. Social news websites help participants to share a collective vision and
awareness of how their actions are integrated with those of other
D. Media sharing sites allow you to upload your photos, videos and audio
to a website that can be accessed from anywhere in the world.
E. Microblogs are important because they allow us to connect with the
world around us.
F. Blogs and forums have objective of helping others and sharing
information, can help in improving a company's online presence and SEO.
G. They can be used for anything that involves communicating or
publishing information on the World Wide Web.
H. The sharing economy is an emerging, highly flexible economic network
that allows people to share resources such as equipment, services, and
skills with one another, often at significantly lower cost than traditional
retail or employment arrangements.

IV. Conclusion
Social Media have a lot of advantages for us, it’s more convenient and
easy access for everything. However also social media have
disadvantages. Well everything is good, but in moderation.

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