Digging Deep 255 The Book of Revelation - Part 18
Digging Deep 255 The Book of Revelation - Part 18
Digging Deep 255 The Book of Revelation - Part 18
In our last study, we saw the perfect bliss of those in heaven where they neither hunger nor thirst
because of the Lamb constantly feeds and refreshes them at the living fountain of waters, while
all tears are wiped away from their eyes. Now in our next study, our attention is shifted back to
what will be happening then to those on earth. It is frightening. May we not be left behind when
Jesus comes again in Jesus Name. Amen.
When a man hands over a case to God for judgement, his enemies are in for big trouble. There
are some angels that can stand in the presence of God but now, but now, by the special grace of
Jesus; we can now enter into the holiest. The judgments of the trumpets are horrible ones and it
is frightening to know that worse judgement than these will still befall the unrepentant ones.
Rev. 8:1-5; Rom. 12:19-20; Heb. 10:31; Heb. 12:29; Rev. 8:2,6; Luke 1:18-20; 1 Kings 18:15;
11 Kings 3:14; 11 Kings 5:16; Heb. 10:19, 22; Rev. 8:7-12; Exo. 19:16,19; Isa. 27:13; Joel 2:1;
Zeph. 1:16; Zeph. 9:14; 1 Cor. 15:52-43; 1 Thess. 4:16; Matt. 24:31; Exo. 9:24; Exo. 7:20-21;
Zeph. 1:3; Joel 2:10; Exo. 10:21-23; Rev. 8:13; Pro. 29:1.
The judgement of the fifth trumpet is so terrible that people will be seeking death and yet will be
unable to die. It will be the time foretold when death are more blessed than the living, may we
not be around at that time.
Rev. 9:1-2; Job. 38:4, 7; Isa. 24:21-22; Rev. 9:3-12; Joel 1:7-18; Joel 2:1-11; Jer. 8:3; Job. 3:20-
River Euphrates is a significant river: the former headquarters of Satan is believed to be there.
The four fallen angels imprisoned there are very wicked and on their release will mobilize 200
million oriental soldiers to wipe out one third of all living beings on earth. In spite of this, the
remainders will not repent and the judgement of God on the unrepentant wicked ones will just
have to continue.
Rev. 9:13-21; Jude 6; Acts 15:18; Rom. 1:25-32; Exo. 20:13; Exo. 22:18; Exo. 20:14; Exo.
In the last part of this series, we examined in detail, Rev. 19 and
discovered that despite the tortures of the stranger locusts of the
bottomless pit, the people of the world refuse to repent. Now we move
on to Rev. 10 to see what happens next. May the Almighty teach us
Himself in Jesus Name Amen.
Before the 7th angel sounded his trumpet, there is again an interlude and
a scene was acted in the spiritual realm. A mighty “angel” believed to be
Christ Himself came and took possession of the earth, declaring that the
time of the final show-down had come. John found himself in a situation
where he saw joy at the end of long tunnel of great tribulations. He was
happy but sad, like the lot of any prophet would normally be.
Rev. 10:1-4; Ps. 104:3; Eze. 1:28; Matt. 17:2; Joel 3:16; Hos. 11:10;
Amos 3:8; Ps. 29:3-5, 7:9; 11 Cor. 12:4; Rev. 10:5-7; Heb. 10:36-37;
Thess. 2:3; Rev. 10:8-11; Eze. 3:1-3; Ps. 19:10; Ps. 119:103.
The ideal of a force of evil opposed to the god of all goodness is not the
personification of evil. Even in the days of Paul, the spirit of the
antichrist had been at work. But soon, the masterpieces of Satan will put
on the flesh and hold away on the earth for horrible years.
Isa. 27:1; Isa. 51:9; Ps. 89:10; 1 Sam. 2:12; 1 Sam. 1:16; 1 Sam. 25:17,
25; 1 kings 21:10, 13; 11 Cor. 6:15; matt. 24:24-44; Mark 13:6, 22; Luke
21:8; john 5:43; 11 Thess. 2:1-11; 1 John 2:18; 1 john 4:3; 11 John 7.
In Rev. 10, we saw John the revelator eating a strange little book. As
from Rev. 11, we can see him unfolding some of the things in the book
even as the 7th trumpet below. May God bless us as study in Jesus
Name. Amen.
The temple of Christ’s time had been leveled by the Romans 25 years
before the book of revelation was written. Therefore the temple that john
saw must be one in future. But today, we Christians are the true temple
of Christ on earth. During the tribulation, the Jews will build a new
temple with assistance of the Antichrist.
Rev. 11:1-2; Dan. 9:27; 1 Pet. 2:5; Eph. 2:20-21; 1 Cor. 3:16; 11 Cor.
6:16; Eze. 40; Zech. 2; Luke 21:24;
Rev. 11:3-6; Mal. 3:1; Mal. 4:5-6; 1 kings 17:1; 11 kings 1:9, 10; Mark
9:4; Eze. 7:14-18; Num. 20:12; 1 Kings 19:16; 11 Kings 2:11; Rev.
11:7-14; 1 Sam. 1:9-10; Rev. 11:15-19; Ps. 2:2; Heb. 8:5.
In Rev. 11, we learnt among other things, about the 2 tribulations
witnesses believed to be Moses and Elijah. We saw, through their death
resurrection and ascension, that the devil may win a battle but God will
always win the war. Today we shall look at Rev. 12 in detail. May the
Lord bless us as we study in Jesus Name. Amen.
John saw a wonder in heaven, a woman heavy with child and a dragon
waiting to swallow the child as soon as it was born the child is believed
to be Christ and the woman the Jewish nation. The plan of the dragon
was frustrated by God as a further proof that God will always take care
of His own.
Rev. 12:1-6; Ps. 2:9; Rev. 19:15; Jer. 3:6-10; Hos. 2:19-20; Gen. 3:14-
15; 1 Thess. 4:17-18; mark 13:14.
Satan made a second attempt to take over heaven but was defeated and
cast down to the earth. The martyrs then Sang a song of victory. As
usually, those who choose to suffer rather than be disloyal to Christ
always win the greatest victory over Satan.
Rev. 12:7-9; Job 1:6-9; Job 2:1-6; Zech. 3:1-2; Rev. 12:10-12; Gen.
39:7-22; Gen. 41:14-44; John 12:25; 1 john 1:7; Rom. 8:1-2; Rev. 2;10;
Rev. 12:13-17; Exo. 19:4; Deut. 32:11-12.