Venturi Scrubber Performance
Venturi Scrubber Performance
Venturi Scrubber Performance
42 316
3 authors, including:
Dilip Mehta
Synergia Life Science, Mumbai, India
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All content following this page was uploaded by Dilip Mehta on 08 December 2014.
Nomenclature The object of this program was to study particle collection efficiency in venturi
0" Cunningham correction factor scrubbers in order to account for the effects of particle size and wettability, ven-
c Concentration of particles in gas
(lb/ft3 or g/cm 3 ); ct- = inlet; c/ = turi size, and fluid flow rates. The body of information is directed to those in-
outlet terested in the prediction of particle collection efficiency in venturi scrubbers.
Vr Experimental determinations of particle collection efficiency were made for 1
/ Velocity ratio =
in., 2 in. diameter (throat) Venturis and for a 4 in. X 12 in. rectangular cross-
fa An empirical factor defined as the fac- sectioned venturi of 5000 CFM capacity. The test aerosols were spray-dried
tor " / " defined at "atomization ve-
locity" uranine alone, uranine mixed with boric acid to reduce hygroscopicity, and
methylene blue. Particle diameters ranged from 0.5 to 4.6 microns. Calvert's
K Inertial impaction parameter =
equation for particle collection efficiency in atomizing scrubbers was refined to
9 M Re include a continuous integration with point values of collection efficiency. Data on
experimentally determined collection efficiency and a computed correlative
L Ratio of liquid to gas flow rates
(gal/1000 ft3) = (gal/MCF) parameter "f" are presented in tables and plots. The results of this research in-
Q Volumetric flow rate (ft3/sec or m 3 /- clude the following:
sec), Qw = liquid; Qa = gas
R Radius (cm or /an); Rc = drop; Rp 1. The design equation is more rigorous after modification and can be solved
= particle with a slide rule, without need for additional charts.
Nile Reynolds number (dimensionless)
Vg Gas velocity relative to duct (ft/sec) 2. Particle wettability is very important and collection efficiency is higher for hy-
Vr Drop velocity relative to gas (ft/sec drophilic than hydrophobic particles.
or cm/sec)
p Density (lb/ft3) or (g/cm3); PL = 3. At low water to air ratios (i.e., below 2 gal/MCF) there is an increase in the
liquid; pp = particle effectiveness of water.
n Viscosity (poises or lb/sec-ft)
x Drag coefficient (fraction) 4. Data from the literature are utilized along with the present results to yield
7? Collection efficiency of a single drop recommended values of "f" for design purposes.
r)a Efficiency, "rj," evaluated at "atom-
ization velocity" 5. It was not possible to obtain reliable data from the 1 in. dia. venturi after
many dozens of meticulous experiments.
Venturi scrubbers are used extensively for theoretical analysis are almost al- with well defined particle properties and
for the collection of small particles and ways lacking. larger capacity than prior studies. Two
less frequently for mass transfer from round and one rectangular cross-section
gas streams. This paper reports an ex- A mechanistic theory describing col- Venturis were studied, but only the data
perimental study of particle collection lection of particles in a venturi type obtained on the 2 in. (throat) diameter
and an analysis of the data in terms of scrubber has been developed by Cal- round and the 4 in. X 12 in. (throat)
theory. Useful data on venturi per- vert. 1 It involves an empirical constant rectangular Venturis are presented.
formance which can be used for develop- which requires experimental evaluation. The data from a 1 in. diameter venturi
ing a general relationship are very scarce. As first presented, it utilized the data of were not used because of discrepancies
Data given by a number of investigators Ekman,2 Brink,3 and Yocum4 to eval- in the material balances for aerosol and
are of limited value because they are on uate the constant. The present study other inconsistencies. Our opinion is
an overall performance basis and im- extended over a two year period and was that it is very difficult to get good data
portant items of information necessary undertaken to obtain data on systems on such a small venturi.
lization of the water, perhaps because of particle size upon which this value is
lower wall losses and of less agglomera- based ranged from 0.5 /*m to 1.5 /xm dia
tion of drops. (density about 1.65 g/cm3).
The Ekman and Johnstone data2 yield The general trends and approximate Dr. Calvert's present address is
Applied Science, University of Cali-
distinctly lower values of / than either magnitudes of computed / values for our fornia at Riverside, Calif. 92502.
our data or those of Brink and Con- data and Ekman and Johnstone's as Mr. Lundgren is now at the Uni-
stant.3 Computation of / for Brink and shown in Figure 5 show a great de- versity of Minnesota and Dr. Mehta
Constant's data on the collection of 80% pendence upon particle material. The is in India. The work for this paper
was done at U. C. R. The paper
orthophosphoric acid mist in a 6 X 34 in. variation due to all factors is greatest at was presented as Paper No. 70-8 at
venturi at a gas velocity of 218 ft/sec the low liquid rates and levels out when the 63rd Annual Meeting of APCA
and L about 11 gal/MCF yields an L approaches the usual operating range, in St. Louis in 1970.
average value of about 0.45 for /. The around 10 gal/MCF.