Tung 2018
Tung 2018
Tung 2018
An International Journal
To cite this article: Jung-Hua Tung, Cheng-Shun Chen, Wen-Yu Zhao & Cher-Ming
Tan (2018): Optimization of sandblasting process of complex 3D surface polishing using
variable viscoelastic diamond particles abrasive, Machining Science and Technology, DOI:
This article reports a novel and efficient diamond particles Abrasive blasting process;
abrasive with tunable viscoelasticity for sandblasting polishing. diamond particle; rust
Controlling the rust inhibitor content can change its viscoelas- inhibitor solution; surface
roughness value;
ticity to adhere diamond particles on polymer materials. Using viscoelasticity
the sandblasting mechanism, the abrasive deform and slide on
the workpiece surface, so that the diamond particles can cut
onto the surface peaks of the workpiece. Thus, the complicated
morphology can be rapidly and precisely polished. The friction
generated by the abrasive on the surface of the workpiece will
cause the rust inhibitor solution to evaporate, resulting in
reduced viscosity, which makes the diamond particles grad-
ually fall off from the abrasive. Applying Taguchi method, the
optimal parameters for viscosity and injection angle were
identified. The surface roughness was found to decrease from
Ra ¼ 1.47 lm to Ra ¼ 0.2 lm in 3 min. The two kinds of com-
plex concave surfaces of different materials were polished by
this innovative composite diamond particles abrasive with the
optimal parameter values, which has been verified to have 40
times higher efficiency than the traditional manual polishing.
In 1904, Thomas Pangborn took Tillman’s idea of sand blasting by using a
high-speed turntable to create centrifugal forces, which allowed abrasive
particles to be combined with compressed air and a hand-held nozzle to
release and impact the surface of the workpiece for cleaning purposes
(Deng, 2005). Since 1939, in order to make the workpiece surface clean,
oxide layer removed, hardened, anti-fatigue, polished, etc., people have
Figure 3. (a) ATR of abrasive (b) ATR of abrasive added with water-based anti-rust agent (c) polymer (d) Composite abrasive of hydrous polyamide infiltrate
with diamond particles.
Figure 3c. After adding water-based anti-rust agent, it will cause the mater-
ial particle size expand to 1.2 times from its original size, thus increasing
its elasticity. The water molecular in rust solution will infiltrate into the
molecular gap and hence increasing the number of hydrogen ions in the
material surface, thus enabling strong adhesion with the diamond particles,
as shown in Figure 3d.
The viscoelasticity of the material measured by water-based anti-rust
solution is of 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 50%, respectively. The dynamic
mechanical analysis system (DMA) test of infiltrated polymer is shown in
Figure 4. E0 (G0 ) storage module indicates the ability to store elastic energy
whereas; E00 (G00 ) loss module indicates the ability to consume energy
through viscosity. Tan d is the ratio of E00 /E0 . The lower the value of Tan d
is, the higher the viscosity of the polymer is (John, 1980). From Figure 4,
the optimal solution for poly lauryl lactam (PA12) with the anti-rust agent
is 15%, 20% and 25%. The PA12 can adhere fine diamond particles, and
the elastic deformation of the abrasive can make it slide on the workpiece
for a longer time.
Using compressed air to drive and turn the table enables the composite
abrasive to be accelerated and hit the workpiece surface with an appropri-
ate angle. The abrasive particles experience a reaction force when it hits the
workpiece surface. The internal soft particles distort instantly because of
the stress and slide along the workpiece surface. The hard surfaces of
diamond particles will cause friction and incise the workpiece surface
which makes the shape protruding blunt. As is shown in Figure 5, this pro-
cess will repeat itself, in this way, abrasive particles are recycled.
Figure 5. Composite materials infiltrate diamond particles and sandblast polishing operation
diagram (John, 1980).
Preparation of experimental materials
Experimental polishing abrasive
The experimental set-up is shown in Figure 6. First, melt the poly lauryl
lactam (PA12) raw materials (round granular) into the extrusion machine.
The PA12 material will come out as chips. Second, use a cutting machine
to cut the long strip into 10 cm pieces. Third, the 10-cm pieces are crushed
by a shredding machine and sieve out particles size of 0.5 mm–2 mm.
Finally, water-based rust inhibitor solution of ratios 15:1, 20:1 and 25:1,
which are produced by Kelly Chemical Company, are mixed with PA12
materials into three different viscoelastic abrasive particles. The size of the
diamond-adhered particle provided by the Tong Ta Diamond Tools Co.,
Ltd. (Tainan, Taiwan) is #3,000 (The number of empty eyes per square
inch screen is 3,000 particles) diamond particles.
Figure 7. (a) Sandblasting machine platform and guide and nozzle (b) sandblasting machine.
Table 3. Sandblasting polishing control factors and levels of Taguchi method experiment.
Factors Description Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
M Water-basedantirust solution content 15% 20% 25%
A Polish angle 25 45 65
T Polish time 1.5 min 3 min 4.5 min
W Workpiece roughness Ra ¼ 2 lm Ra ¼ 1.75 lm Ra ¼ 1.47 lm
on the workpiece surface as well as the adhesion of the abrasive with the
attached diamond particles. Second, the injection angle will determine
the pressure of the abrasive grains when it hit the workpiece. Third,
the sandblasting time will directly affect amount of cutting on the work-
piece surface. Finally, the workpiece surface roughness value will affect the
sandblasting efficiency. Therefore, we choose four control factors and three
levels of Taguchi’s experimental method as shown in Table 3.
determined. The η value factor response and the best polishing redistribu-
tion factor are shown in Figure 8. From the experimental results, the robust
parameters were identified which are as follows: water-based antirust solu-
tion content of 20%, spray angle of 25 , processing time of 3 min, and the
workpiece surface roughness of Ra ¼ 1.47 lm. The best polishing efficiency
parameter combination is M2A1T2W3.
Figure 9 shows the workpiece surface photographs taken by the
KEYENCE VHX-500 3D optical microscope before and after polishing for
3 min, respectively, at working condition of M2A1W3.
Applying the robust parameters identified in Taguchi’s method on the
abrasive, the results on the two different lamp shade molds are as follows
shown in Figure 10. Initially, the roughness of both SKD61 and aluminum
lamp mold are of the value of Ra ¼ 0.4 lm. When #3,000 diamond particle
is adhered to abrasive particles and used to polish the SKD61 mold for
5 min, the roughness decreases to Ra ¼ 0.12 lm. The roughness decreases
to Ra ¼ 0.06 lm when abrasive that is adhered with #20,000 diamond par-
ticle size is used for 3 min. The same parameters are also applied on alumi-
num-lamp mold. It was found that the roughness of lamp mold decreases
to Ra ¼ 0.1 lm and Ra ¼ 0.047 lm, respectively, when #3,000 diamond par-
ticle are used for 5 min and #20,000 diamond particle are used for 3 min.
According to the data provided by the mold factory (Cosmovac Industries,
Ltd., Tainan County, Taiwan), this advanced diamond abrasive polishing
efficiency is 65 and 40 times higher than the traditional polishing methods.
Figure 9. (A) Before processing Ra ¼ 2.00 lm (up left), (a) After processing Ra ¼ 1.42 lm (down
left), (B) Before processing Ra ¼ 1.75 lm (up middle), (b) After processing Ra ¼ 0.36 lm (down
middle), (C) Before processing Ra ¼ 1.47 lm (up right), (c) After processing Ra ¼ 0.23 lm
(down right).
Figure 10. SKD61 and 7075 aluminum tool after using composite diamond abrasive sandblasting.
also increases, so it can be used to dip with diamond particle and enhance
the elasticity of abrasive. First, DMA system was used to to find E0 (G0 ) and
E"(G") so as to make particle viscoelastic curve chart and set the optimum
ratio of the water-based anti-rust solution content. Second, the designed
experiment (DoE) method was used to determine the optimum amount of
water-based rust inhibitor, whereas the robust processing parameters are
12 J.-H. TUNG ET AL.
obtained from the L9(34 ) orthogonal table using the Taguchi’s method.
Finally, the best method of sandblasting and polishing is used to process the
two different materials, and the roughness value and processing time are
obtained. Experiments showed that its efficiency increased more than 40
times as compared with the manual traditional methods.
This novel adjustable-viscoelasticity diamond particles abrasive is suitable
for 3D surface sandblasting polishing. The Taguchi’s experiments result
shows that it has very high polishing efficiency for the complex surface and
it can even polish narrow inner angles to mirror surface roughness quickly.
The polishing abrasive is adhered with diamond particles by physical
interaction of collision and then gradually falls on the workpiece. The
abrasive is finally recovered into the collector and its viscoelasticity will
be readjusted again for circulation polishing. Through this recovery
processing, it can achieve maximum economic benefits.
It was found that for superabsorbent and polymer materials with low
density, high viscosity and adjustable elasticity, when different concentra-
tion of water-based anti-rust solution is added to the abrasive, the optimal
sandblasting polishing parameters can be determined using the Taguchi’s
experiment method and performed on two different set of materials of
car lampshade reflection plates. The obtained results are further compared
with manual polishing and it was justified and concluded that this novel
sandblasting give higher efficiency.
Therefore, this innovative adjustable viscoelastic PA12 can be infiltrated
with fine diamond particles. By using the optimized processing parameters,
this abrasive will contribute significantly to three dimensional precise
polishing processing to achieve high efficiency and accuracy.
The authors thank the Kun-yu Pan’s general manager of Cosmovac Industrial Co., Ltd. for
providing the equipment and Chang Gung University Center for Reliability Science and
Technologies (CReST) for providing the facilities for the test.
This study was funded by Ministry of Science and Technology
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