A Practical Guide To Gas Detection: DET Tronics

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A Practical Guide to Gas Detection

Combustible and toxic gas detection principles

Detector Electronics Corporation
6901 West 110th Street • Minneapolis, Minnesota 55438 USA
Tel: 612.941.5665 or 800.765.3473 • Fax: 612.829.8750
Due to the large number of existing hazardous vapors, all with specific physical
and chemical properties, there are many different technologies available for
detection including catalytic, infrared (both point and open path systems), metal
oxide semiconductor (MOS) and electrochemical detection and measurement

The intent of this guide is to furnish the user with information concerning the
principles of combustible and toxic gas detection, and to provide assistance in the
selection, placement, and use of gas detection equipment.
Table of Contents

1 Chapter 1 9 Chapter 2 15 Chapter 3 19 Chapter 4

Basic Concepts Detection Introductory Concepts Detection

for Combustible Substances of Combustible Substances for Toxic Substances of Toxic Substances

• Definitions & Concepts • Combustible Gas Detection • Definitions & Concepts • Toxic Gas Detection
• Combustible Materials • Types of IR Detection • Toxic Gases Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 1 Figure 2 Table 2
Figure 8
Table 1 Figure 3 Table 3
Figure 4
Figure 5

23 Chapter 5 29 Chapter 6 35 Appendix

Gas Detection Helpful Hints Approval Organizations

and Applications and Guidelines 37 Glossary

Table 4 Table 6 Table 11

Table 5 Table 7 Table 12 39 References
Table 8 Table 13
Table 9
Table 10 41 Worldwide Locations

Table of Contents i
Chapter 1 Basic Principles of Combustible Materials

Definitions & Concepts Combustible Material Lower Flammable Limit (LFL), Flash Point (FP)
Lower Explosive Limit (LEL)
A combustible material is a solid, The flash point is the temperature
liquid, or gas that may undergo The lower flammable limit or at which a liquid or volatile solid
the chemical reaction of lower explosive limit is the lower gives off vapor sufficient to form
combustion. Combustion occurs concentration limit of an explosive an ignitable mixture with the air
when an organic chemical (or range for a combustible mixture. near the surface of the liquid or
other substances such as At or above the LFL a combustible within the test vessel. In general,
hydrogen or sulfur) is oxidized to gas or vapor will support a self- any gas or vapor with a flash
produce energy, water, and propagating flame when mixed point below ambient temperature
carbon dioxide. For example, the with air and ignited. A mixture should be monitored.
combustion of the common below this concentration level is
combustible gas, methane: considered too "lean" to burn. Ignition Point (IP)
CH4 + 2O2 ➞ CO2 + 2H2O + energy The ignition point is the minimum
temperature required to initiate or
If the concentrations of the Upper Flammable Limit (UFL),
cause self-sustained combustion in
reactants (i.e., methane and Upper Explosive Limit (UEL)
any substance in the absence of a
oxygen) fall within the explosive The upper flammable limit or spark or flame.
limits of methane, and an ignition upper explosive limit is the upper
source is present, the released concentration limit of the explosive
energy will produce an explosion. range for a combustible mixture. Relative Vapor Density
Above the UFL, the mixture is
The vapor density is the weight of
considered “too rich” to cause an
Explosive Range vapor per unit volume, compared
to the weight of the same volume
The explosive range is the of air at a given temperature and
concentration range of a pressure. The substance is lighter
combustible gas or vapor (% by than air if the vapor density is less
volume in air) in which an than 1, and heavier than air if the
explosion can occur upon vapor density is greater than 1.
ignition. In other words, the
region between the LFL and the 100%

UFL (see following definitions) of a

gas or vapor. The explosive range TO BURN
varies with the particular gas or 0%
vapor. See Figure 1, a generic LEL UEL

example of Explosive Range, for FIGURE 1

clarification. Explosive Limits of Gases and Vapors.

Basic Principles of Combustible Materials 1

Chapter 1 Basic Principles of Combustible Materials

Combustible Materials PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL

The combustibility of a particular
substance depends on its physical Table 1 provides physical and
properties, the ignition point, and chemical properties of many
the flash point. combustible materials including:
its name, formula, molecular
weight, boiling point, relative
vapor density, flash point,
flammability limits in air, and
ignition temperature. If confused
as to what these properties mean,
refer back to the “Definitions &
Concepts” portion of this
chapter for clarification.

This is NOT a complete listing.
Refer to NFPA 325 “Guide to Fire
Hazard Properties of Flammable
Liquids, Gases and Solids” for a
more complete listing.12

Chapter 1 Basic Principles of Combustible Materials

TABLE 1 — Properties of Combustible Materials

Compound Formula MW B.P. (°C) Rel. Vap. F.P. (°C) Flammability Limits in Air I.T. (°C)
Dens. LEL (%Vol) UEL (%Vol)
acetaldehyde CH3CHO 44.1 20 1.52 -38 4 57 140
acetic acid CH3COOH 60.0 118 2.07 40 5.4 16 485
acetic anhydride (CH3CO)2O 102.1 140 3.52 54 2.7 10 (334)
acetone (CH3)2CO 58.1 56 2.0 -19 2.15 13 535
acetonitrile CH3CN 41.1 82 1.42 5 – 4.4 523
acetyl chloride CH3COCl 78.5 51 2.7 4 5.0 – 300
acetylene CH=CH 26.0 -84 0.9 – 1.5 100 305
acrylonitrile CH2=CHCN 53.1 77 1.83 -5 3 17 480
allyl chloride CH2=CHCH2Cl 76.5 45 2.64 <-20 3.2 11.2 485
allylene CH3C=CH 40.1 -23 1.38 – 1.7 – –
ammonia NH3 17.0 -33 0.59 – 15 28 630
amyl acetate CH3COOC5H11 130.2 147 4.48 25 1.0 7.1 375
aniline C6H5NH2 93.1 184 3.22 75 1.2 8.3 617
benzaldehyde C6H5CHO 106.1 179 3.66 65 1.4 – 190
benzene C6H6 78.1 80 2.7 -11 1.2 8 560
benzyl chloride C6H5CH2Cl 126.6 179 4.36 60 1.2 – 585
bromobutane CH3(CH2)2CH2Br 136.9 102 4.72 <21 2.5 – 265
bromoethane C2H5Br 84.9 38 3.76 <-20 6.7 11.3 510
butadiene H2C=CHHC=CH2 54.09 -4 1.87 – 2.1 12.5 430
butane C4H10 58.1 -1 2.05 -60 1.5 8.5 365
butanol CH3(CH2)2CH2OH 74.1 118 2.55 29 1.7 9.0 340
butene CH2=CHCH2CH3 56 -6 1.94 – 1.6 10 440
butanone C2H5COCH3 72.1 80 2.48 -1 1.8 11.5 505
butyl acetate CH3COOOCH2(CH2)2CH3 116.2 127 4.01 22 1.4 8.0 370
butylamine (CH3)3CNH2 73.1 63 2.52 -9 – – 312
butyraldehyde CH3CH2CH2CHO 72.1 75 2.48 <-5 1.4 12.5 230

Basic Principles of Combustible Materials 3

Chapter 1 Basic Principles of Combustible Materials

TABLE 1 — Properties of Combustible Materials (continued)

Compound Formula MW B.P. (°C) Rel. Vap. F.P. (°C) Flammability Limits in Air I.T. (°C)
Dens. LEL (%Vol) UEL (%Vol)
carbon disulfide CS2 76.1 46 2.64 <-20 1.0 60 100
carbon monoxide CO 28.0 -191 0.97 – 12.5 74.2 605
chlorobenzene C6H5Cl 112.6 132 3.88 28 1.3 7.1 637
chlorobutane CH3(CH2)2CH2Cl 92.5 78 3.2 <0 1.8 10.1 460
chloroethane C2H5Cl 64.5 12 2.22 – 3.6 15.4 510
chloroethanol CH2ClCH2OH 80.5 129 2.78 55 5 16 425
chloroethylene CH2=CHCl 62.3 -14 2.15 – 3.8 29.3 470
chloromethane CH3Cl 50.5 -24 1.78 – 10.7 13.4 625
2-chloropropane (CH3)2CHCl 78.5 47 2.7 <-20 2.6 11.1 520
cresol CH3C6H4OH 108.1 191 3.73 81 1.1 – 555
crotonaldehyde CH3CH=CHCHO 70.1 102 2.41 13 2.1 15.5 (230)
cumene C6H5CH(CH3)2 120.2 152 4.13 36 .88 6.5 420
cyclobutane CH2(CH2)2CH2 56.1 13 1.93 – 1.8 – –
cyclohexane CH2(CH2)4CH2 54.2 81 2.9 -18 1.2 7.8 259
cyclohexanol CH2(CH2)5CHOH 100.2 161 3.45 68 1.2 – 300
cyclohexanone CH2(CH2)5CO 98.1 156 3.38 43 1.4 9.4 419
cyclohexene C6H10 82.1 83 2.83 <-20 1.2 – 310
cyclohexylamine C6H11NH2 99.2 134 3.42 32 – – 290
cyclopropane CH2CH2CH2 42.1 -33 1.45 – 2.4 10.4 495
decahydronaphthalene C10H18 138.2 196 4.76 54 0.7 4.9 260
decane CH3(CH2)8CH3 142.3 173 4.9 96 0.8 5.4 205
diacetone alcohol CH3COCH2C(CH3)2OH 116.2 166 4.0 58 1.8 6.9 640
diaminoethane NH2CH2CH2NH2 49.0 116 2.07 34 – – 385
dibutyl ether (C4H9)2O 130.2 141 4.48 25 1.5 7.6 185
dichlorobenzene C6H4Cl2 147.0 179 5.07 66 2.2 9.2 (640)
1,1-dichloroethane CH3CHCl2 99.0 57 3.42 -10 5.6 16 440

Chapter 1 Basic Principles of Combustible Materials

TABLE 1 — Properties of Combustible Materials (continued)

Compound Formula MW B.P. (°C) Rel. Vap. F.P. (°C) Flammability Limits in Air I.T. (°C)
Dens. LEL (%Vol) UEL (%Vol)
dichloroethylene ClCH=CHCl 97.0 32 3.55 -10 9.7 12.8 440
dichloropropane CH3CHClCH2Cl 113.0 96 3.9 15 3.4 14.5 555
diethylamine (C2H5)2NH 45.1 56 2.53 <-20 1.7 10.1 310
diethylaminoethanol (C2H5)2NCH2CH2OH 117 161 4.04 60 – – –
diethyl ether (C2H5)2O 74.1 34.5 2.55 <-20 1.7 36 170
diethyl oxalate (COOC2H5)2 146.1 180 5.04 76 – – –
diethyl sulfate (C2H5)2SO4 154.2 208 5.31 104 – – –
di-isobutylene C8H16 112 105 3.87 2 – – 305
dimethylamine (CH3)2NH 45.1 7 1.55 – 2.8 14.4 400
dimethylaniline C6H3(CH3)2NH2 121.2 194 4.17 63 1.2 7 370
dimethyl ether (CH3)2O 46.1 -25 1.59 – 3.7 27.0 –
dioxane OCH2CH2OCH2CH2 88.1 101 3.03 11 1.9 22.5 379
dioxolane OCH2CH2OCH2 74.0 74 2.55 2 – – –
ethane CH3CH3 30.1 -89 1.04 – 3.0 15.5 515
ethanethiol C2H5SH 62.1 35 2.11 -20 2.8 18 295
ethanol C2H5OH 46.1 78 1.59 12 3.3 19 425
ethanolamine HOCH2CH2NH2 61.0 172 2.1 85 – – –
ethoxyethanol HOCH2CH2OC2H5 90.0 135 3.1 95 1.8 15.7 235
ethyl acetate CH3COOCH2CH3 88.1 77 3.04 -4 2.1 11.5 460
ethyl acrylate CH2=CHCOOC2H5 100.0 100 3.45 9 1.8 – –
ethylbenzene C2H5C6H5 106.2 136 3.66 15 1.0 6.7 431
ethyl cyclobutane C2H5CHCH2CH2CH2 84.2 – 2.0 <-16 1.2 7.7 210
ethyl cyclohexane C2H5CH(CH2)4CH2 112.2 131 3.87 14 0.9 6.6 262
ethyl cyclopentane C2C5CH(CH2)3CH2 98.2 103 3.4 1 1.1 6.7 260
ethyl formate HCOOCH2CH3 74.1 54 2.55 <-20 2.7 16.5 440
ethyl methyl ether CH3OC2H5 60.0 8 2.09 – 2.0 10.1 190

Basic Principles of Combustible Materials 5

Chapter 1 Basic Principles of Combustible Materials

TABLE 1 — Properties of Combustible Materials (continued)

Compound Formula MW B.P. (°C) Rel. Vap. F.P. (°C) Flammability Limits in Air I.T. (°C)
Dens. LEL (%Vol) UEL (%Vol)
ethylene CH2=CH2 28.1 -104 0.97 – 2.7 34 425
ethylene oxide CH2CH2O 44.0 11 1.52 – 3.7 100 440
ethyl mercaptan C2H5SH 62.1 35 2.11 <-20 2.8 18 295
ethyl methyl ketone CH3COCH2CH3 72.0 80 2.48 -1 1.8 11.5 505
formaldehyde HCHO 30.0 -19 1.03 – 7 73 424
hexane CH3(CH2)4CH3 86.2 69 2.79 -21 1.2 7.4 233
hexanol CH3(CH2)4CH2OH 102.2 157 3.5 63 1.2 – –
heptane C7H16 100.2 98 3.46 -4 1.1 6.7 215
hydrogen H2 2.0 -253 0.07 – 4.0 75.6 560
hydrogen cyanide HCN 27.0 26 .90 -18 5.6 40 (538)
hydrogen sulfide H2S 34.1 -60 1.19 – 4.3 45.5 270
isopropylnitrate (CH3)2CHONO2 105 105 – 20 2 100 175
kerosene 150 – 38 0.7 5 210
metaldehyde (CH3CHO)n n=4 to 6 112 6.07 36 – – –
methane (firedamp) CH4 16.0 -161 0.55 – 5 15 595
methanol CH3OH 32.0 65 1.11 11 6.7 36 455
methoxyethanol CH3OCH2CH2OH 76.1 124 2.63 39 2.5 14 285
methyl acetate CH3COOCH3 74.1 57 2.56 -10 3.1 16 475
methyl acetoacetate CH3COCH2CO2CH3 116 170 4.0 67 – – 280
methyl acetylene CH3C=CH 40.1 -23 1.4 – 1.7 – –
methyl acrylate CH2=CHCOOCH3 86.1 80 3.0 -3 2.8 25 –
methylamine CH3NH2 31.1 -6 1.07 – 5 20.7 430
methylcyclohexane CH3CH(CH2)4CH2 98.2 101 3.38 -4 1.15 6.7 260
methylcyclohexanol CH3C6H10OH 114 168 3.93 68 – – 295
methyl formate HCOOCH3 60.1 32 2.07 <-20 5 23 450
2-methylpentane C3H7CH(CH3)C2C5 86.2 2.97 <-20 1.2 – –

Chapter 1 Basic Principles of Combustible Materials

TABLE 1 — Properties of Combustible Materials (continued)

Compound Formula MW B.P. (°C) Rel. Vap. F.P. (°C) Flammability Limits in Air I.T. (°C)
Dens. LEL (%Vol) UEL (%Vol)
naphtha (Petroleum) 35 2.5 -6 0.9 6 290
naphthalene C10H8 128.2 218 4.42 77 0.9 5.9 528
nitrobenzene C6H5NO2 123.1 211 4.25 88 1.8 – 480
nitroethane CH3CH2NO2 75 115 2.58 27 – – 410
nitromethane CH3NO2 61.0 101 2.11 36 – – 415
nitropropane CH3CH2CH2NO2 89.0 131 3.06 49 – – 420
nonane C9H20 128.3 151 4.43 30 0.8 5.6 205
nonanol CH3(CH2)7CH2OH 144.3 178 4.97 75 0.8 6.1 –
octane CH3(CH2)6CH3 114.2 126 3.93 13 1.0 3.2 210
octaldehyde C4H9CH(C2H5)CHO 128.0 163 4.42 52 – – –
octanol CH3(CH2)6CH2OH 130.2 195 4.5 81 – – –
paraformaldehyde HO(CH2O)nH n=8 to 100 25 – 70 – – 300
paraldehyde C6H12O3 132.0 124 4.56 17 1.3 – 235
pentane C5H12 72.2 36 2.48 <-20 1.4 8.0 285
pentanol C5H11OH 88.0 138 3.04 34 1.2 10.5 300
pentylacetate CH3COOC5H11 130.0 147 4.48 25 1.0 7.1 375
phenol C6H5OH 94.1 182 3.24 75 – – 605
propane CH3CH2CH3 44.1 -42 1.56 – 2.0 9.5 470
propanol CH3CH2CH2OH 60.1 97 2.07 15 2.15 13.5 405
propylamine C3H7NH2 59.1 32 2.04 <-20 2.0 10.4 320
propylene CH3CH=CH2 42.1 -48 1.5 – 2.0 11.7 455
pyridine N(CH)4CH 79.1 115 2.73 17 1.8 12.0 550
p-cymene CH3C6H4CH(CH3)2 134.2 177 4.62 47 0.7 5.6 435
styrene C6H5CH=CH2 104.2 145 3.6 30 1.1 8.0 490
tetrahydrofuran CH2(CH2)2CH2O 72.1 64 2.49 -17 2.0 11.8 260
tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol C4H7OCH2OH 102.1 178 3.52 70 1.5 9.7 280

Basic Principles of Combustible Materials 7

Chapter 1 Basic Principles of Combustible Materials

TABLE 1 — Properties of Combustible Materials (continued)

Compound Formula MW B.P. (°C) Rel. Vap. F.P. (°C) Flammability Limits in Air I.T. (°C)
Dens. LEL (%Vol) UEL (%Vol)
toluene C6H5CH3 92.1 111 3.18 6 1.2 7 535
toluidine CH3C6H4NH2 107.2 200 3.7 85 – – 480
triethylamine (C2H5)3N 101.2 89 3.5 <0 1.2 8 –
trimethylamine (CH3)3N 59.1 3 2.04 – 2.0 11.6 190
trimethylbenzene (CH3)3C6H3 120.0 165 4.15 – – – 470
trioxane OCH2OCH2OCH2 90.1 115 3.11 45 3.6 29 410
turpentine mixture – 149 – 35 0.8 – 254
xylene C6H4(CH3)2 106.2 144 3.66 30 1.0 6.7 464

MW = Molecular Weight (g/mol)

B.P. = Boiling Point
Rel. Vap. Dens. = relative vapor
F.P. = flash point
LFL = lower flammable limit
UFL = upper flammable limit
I.T. = ignition temperature

Data from IEC (North America)
and Hawley's Condensed
Chemical Dictionary.

Chapter 2 Detection of Combustible Substances


Theory of Operation Advantages
Two types of combustible gas The most traditional and The reference bead, or passive There are several benefits in
detection are addressed in this frequently used combustible gas bead, maintains the same choosing catalytic sensors for
chapter: detection method employs electrical resistance in clean air as detecting the presence of
catalytic oxidation. the active bead, but does not combustible gases.
• Catalytic catalyze the combustible gas. This • Capable of detecting the
• Infrared Absorption The catalytic gas sensor (or attempts to compensate for greatest possible range of
Pellistor) usually consists of a pair variations in the ambient combustible vapors, including
A general description of the of platinum wire wound resistors temperature, humidity, altitude, hydrocarbon and acetylene
sensing theory, the advantages, encased by a bead of ceramic, etc.
and the limitations are presented. • Good repeatability and
such as alumina. The active
catalytic bead is coated with a An example of a typical catalytic
catalyst, such as platinum or gas sensor is given in Figure 2. • Fast response time
paladium; the reference catalytic • Low initial cost
bead remains untreated. This • Good service life (typically 3
matched pair is then enclosed to 6 years)
behind a flameproof sinter. In
operation, the beads are
resistively heated to temperatures
ranging from 300°C to 700°C.


When a combustible gas comes in

contact with the catalytic surface,
it is oxidized. Heat is released,
causing the resistance of the wire
to change. The concentration of ACTIVE ELEMENT
gas present may be found by REFERENCE ELEMENT

placing the sensor pair into a

Wheatstone bridge circuit to sense FLAME ARRESTER

the resistance change. Depending

on the concentration of gas
present, the Wheatstone
arrangement produces a B1124

differential voltage between the FIGURE 2

active and reference beads. Diagram of a Catalytic Sensor

Detection of Combustible Substances 9

Chapter 2 Detection of Combustible Substances


The output of the catalytic sensor, • Susceptible to poisoning from
in millivolts, has a linear a variety of substances, such
relationship with the concentration as silicones, halogens (halon,
of the combustible gas present. chlorine, fluorine, bromine,
Although, it is possible to measure freon), phosphate esters,
up to 100% LFL with catalytic tetraethyl lead, acid and pvc
sensors, use of catalytics is not vapors, and other corrosive
recommended over 100% LFL. At materials.
high combustible gas • Consumptive technology –
concentrations, there may be exposure to high
insufficient oxygen to catalyze all concentrations of combustible
of the combustible gas. In this gas or for extended periods of
instance, the output may decrease time can consume the sensing
and indicate a concentration of element, thus requiring
less than 100% LEL. Other recalibration or replacement of
restrictions of catalytic sensing the sensor.
technology include:
• Non fail-safe, meaning the
• Requires oxygen levels greater sensor is unable to detect if it
than 10% to ensure oxidation is poisoned.
• Requires routine calibration • As with any diffusion based
(typically every three months) point detector, a number of
• Require either a constant detectors may be required to
current or voltage power monitor a hazardous area.
source (i.e., transmitter/card)
• Can only determine the
general presence of
combustible gases, not the
specific chemicals or the types
of gases.

Chapter 2 Detection of Combustible Substances


Theory of Operation
The infrared (IR) method of gas Defined as: the ratio of the Note:
detection relies on the IR intensity of light leaving (I) the IR gas detectors measure
absorption characteristics of gases sampling area to the intensity of transmission. This signal is not,
to determine their presence and light entering (Io) the sampling however, linear with gas
concentration. IR gas detectors area (otherwise known as the T, concentration. Thus, signal
consist of an IR light source the transmittance of IR) is processing algorithms are
(transmitter) and light detector proportional to the exponential of required to provide a linear output
(receiver) to measure the intensity the absorption coefficient of the with gas concentration.
both at the absorption wavelength particular gas (a), the
and a non-absorbed wavelength. concentration of the gas (c), and
If gas is present in the optical the length of sampling area (L).
path, it will affect the intensity of
light transmitted between the light
source and the detector. This
change in intensity provides the
data for determining that a
specific gas, or type of gas is

This method works only for gases

that can absorb infrared
radiation. Most hydrocarbon
based gases absorb IR radiation
at around 3.4 micrometers, which
is transparent to both water and

carbon dioxide vapors. See

Figure 3 for an example of an IR

IR gas detection is rooted in the

principles expressed in the Beer- 2 3 4 5 6
7 8

Lambert Law.
T = I / Io = exp (-aLc) Spectrum Example

Detection of Combustible Substances 11

Chapter 2 Detection of Combustible Substances


Combustible IR gas detection can Theory of operation Advantages Limitations

take one of two forms: either the Point detectors follow the same A rapidly growing trend in Point IR detectors do have
point detector or the open principles of operation as combustible gas detection is the limitations, such as:
path detector. The primary described previously for infrared use of point IR detectors rather • Only detect hydrocarbon-
difference between point detectors detection. The point detector than catalytic detectors. Point IR based gases/vapors. It is not
and open path is the size of the IR operates on a short fixed path (30 detectors offer: possible to use IR in the
path and its relationship to the to 150 mm) between the IR light • Immune to poisoning from detection of hydrogen (H2),
gas/vapor sample source. The source and the light detector, contaminants. carbon disulfide (CS2) or
self-contained point detector has a assuming uniform concentration
• Low maintenance. acetylene, for example.
smaller IR path than the open path along this path. IR light is passed
detector, and is used to monitor • Factory calibrated. • As with all diffusion-based
through a sample of the
fixed areas of space. The open point detectors, a number of
gas/vapor, and received at the • Unaffected by prolonged
path detector usually consists of a individual detectors may be
sensor(s). The active sensor is set exposure to gas or high gas
separate transmitter and receiver, required to monitor a
in the absorption band of the gas concentrations.
which monitor much larger areas hazardous area.
being monitored, while the • Unaffected by changes in
of space. Consequently, in some reference sensor is not. The ratio oxygen level.
instances a single open path of the wavelengths are compared
detector serves the function of • Fail-safe, meaning the sensor
to determine if the gas/vapor is
multiple point detectors. is able to detect and indicate
present. conditions in which it is blind
to gas.

Chapter 2 Detection of Combustible Substances


Theory of operation

The open path IR detectors consist

of a IR light source (transmitter) LAMP
and an IR light detector (receiver), BEING DETECTED
4 TO 20 MA
usually positioned at opposite ends OUTPUT
of the open surveillance path DENOM.

(typically 10 – 100 m). As the IR DETECTOR ELECTRONICS ANALOG
beam reaches the receiver, it
passes through a focusing lens and SUPPLY DETECTOR ALARM
then passes through two narrow ADJUST
band IR filters – an active and a TRANSMITTER

reference wavelength. The detector OPTICS

computes the ratio between the LEAK SOURCE

two signals (Figure 4). FIGURE 4

Open Path Detection Example
The instrument's output is a
function of gas concentration
times the length of the surveillance
path, and is expressed in units of
LFL - m, ppm - m or % LFL - m. TRANSMITTER RECEIVER

(The unit of LFL - meters is defined

as: one LFL - m equals 100% LFL 20,000 PPM (100% LFL PROPYLENE) IN A 1 METER (3.28 FT) CLOUD
over a path of one meter.) RUPTURED PUMP SEAL
OR 20,000 PPM TIMES 1 METER = 20,000 PPM-M
OR 100% LFL TIMES 1 METER = 100% LFL-M

Consequently, a small dense cloud

of gas and a large dispersed
cloud of gas could produce the
same output. See Figure 5 for
clarification. V 2,000 PPM (10% LFL PROPYLENE) IN A 10 METER (33 FT) CLOUD
OR 2,000 PPM TIMES 10 METERS = 20,000 PPM-M


Illustration of a 2000 ppm-m gas open path output
for various concentrations and cloud sizes

Detection of Combustible Substances 13

Chapter 2 Detection of Combustible Substances


Advantages Limitations
Open path IR is most effective for Since a larger space is under
general area, perimeter and evaluation it is more susceptible to
straight line monitoring because it the following:
can monitor large areas with a • Obstructions in the beam path
minimum number of instruments. such as dust, rain, snow,
Some examples include, mobile equipment, personnel,
monitoring a bank of heat etc.
exchangers, a row of pumps,
• Weight of the gas/vapor in
tunnels, and pipelines. The
comparison to the surrounding
benefits experienced with open
path detection include:
• Only detect hydrocarbon-
• Greatest possible coverage –
based gases/vapors. It is not
some commercially available
possible to use IR in the
units are capable of detecting
detection of hydrogen (H2),
vapors over distances of 100
carbon disulfide (CS2) or
acetylene based substances.
• Immune to poisoning from
• It is more difficult to identify
the specific location of a
• Low maintenance. gas/vapor leak, or cloud
• Unaffected by prolonged concentration.
exposure to gas or high gas • Susceptible to condensation
concentrations. unless external optical surfaces
• Unaffected by changes in are heated.
oxygen level.
• Fail-safe, meaning the sensor Open Path systems are
is able to detect and indicate recommended for use in
conditions in which it is blind conjunction with point IR detectors
to gas. or catalytic sensor systems for
optimal combustible gas detection
within a hazardous area.

Chapter 3 Introductory Concepts for Toxic Substances

Toxic gases form another group of Gas detection methods are used The MSDS in Europe differ from
potentially hazardous chemicals. to continuously monitor and those in the US; additional
These differ from combustible measure the concentration of toxic transport and regulatory
materials in terms of the gases, and insure that it falls information is provided in Europe.
mechanisms and effects of within safe limits. Limits for short There are many sources for
exposure. Many toxic gases are and long term exposure to toxic obtaining MSDS on toxic
also combustible, in which case gases have been established by chemicals such as:
the potential for personnel occupational safety and health • Company's collection of MSDS
exposure and hazards will be the agencies such as Occupational on chemicals used at your
determining factors in selecting Safety and Health Organization facility
the appropriate detection method. (OSHA) in the United States and
• Internet
Control of Substances Hazardous
A toxic substance may be defined to Health (COSHH) in the United • Chemical manufacturer
as a chemical compound that can Kingdom. For specific information • Local Environmental or
cause a wide range of damage to on individual toxic chemicals refer Occupational Health Offices
humans, ranging from minor to the appropriate Material Safety • A chemistry library
irritations to the most extreme Data Sheets (MSDS), which • Chemical handbooks.
situation leading to death. Toxic include:
chemicals may be ingested, • Chemical's identity Note:
inhaled, or absorbed through the
• Manufacturer and contact The format may vary depending
skin. The effects of toxic
information on the source, however, the
substances vary by:
• Hazardous Ingredients and information provided will be
• Physical properties of the consistent.
Identity information (i.e.,
exposure limits)
• Length of exposure in units of
• Fire and Explosion Hazard
Data (i.e., flash point,
• Concentration in air of the firefighting procedures,
toxic chemical often measured flammability limits)
in parts per million (ppm) or
• Reactivity Data (i.e., health
milligrams per cubic meter (mg
hazards, emergency first aid,
routes of entry)
• Individual susceptibility.
• Precautions for Safe Handling
and Use
• Control Measures (i.e., gloves,
protective equipment)

Introductory Concepts for Toxic Substances 15

Chapter 3 Introductory Concepts for Toxic Substances

Definitions & Concepts Threshold Limit Value (TLV) Immediate Danger to Life
and Health (IDLH)
The threshold allowable time-
weighted average, expressed in The maximum concentration from
parts per million (ppm) or parts which one could escape within
per billion (ppb) or milligrams per minutes without any escape-
cubic meter (mg m-3), for impairing symptoms or irreversible
personnel exposure over a normal harm effects.4
8 hour workday and 40 hour
workweek.4 For optimal protection
from toxic gases, typically a full Lethal Concentration 50
scale range of 3 to 10 times the (LC50)
TLV of gas being monitored is
The concentration of a material in
selected. Exposure below the TLV
air that is expected to kill 50% of
generally does not have negative
a group of test animals inhaling
health effects.

Short Term Exposure Limit

The STEL is the maximum
concentration for a continuous
exposure for up to 15 minutes,
provided that the TLV is not

Long Term Exposure Limit

The LTEL is the maximum
concentration for exposure under
an 8 hour time weighted average
period.10 TLV is the more
commonly used term for this

Chapter 3 Introductory Concepts for Toxic Substances

Toxic Gases TABLE 2 — Occupational Exposure Standards

The occupational exposure Toxic Gas Formula Density* LTEL STEL
standards for several common ppm mg m -3
ppm mg m-3
toxic substances are provided in Ammonia NH3 .596 25 17 35 24
Table 2. Carbon Dioxide CO2 1.53 5000 9000 15000 27000
Carbon Monoxide CO .968 50 55 300 330
Chlorine Cl2 2.49 1 3 3 9
Hydrogen Sulfide H2S 1.19 10 14 15 21
Nitrogen Dioxide NO2 1.04 3 5 5 9
Ozone O3 1.66 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.6
Sulfur dioxide SO2 2.26 2 5 5 13
*With reference to air = 1.00

For a complete listing of occupational exposure standards for toxic substances refer to OSHA in the United States
and COSHH in the United Kingdom.

Introductory Concepts for Toxic Substances 17

Chapter 3 Introductory Concepts for Toxic Substances

To demonstrate the hazardous TABLE 3 — Effects of H2S

effects of toxic gases Table 3 ________________________________________________________________
presents the effects of exposure to PPM Level Time Effect
one of the most common toxic
gases encountered in industry, 170 – 300 1 hour Maximum permissible exposure level
hydrogen sulfide (H2S). 50 – 100 1 hour mild eye / respiratory irritation
200 – 300 1 hour marked eye / respiratory irritation
500 – 700 .5 to 1 hour unconsciousness, death
+1000 minutes rapid unconsciousness,
cessation of respiration, death

For further information consult the IDLH Sheets from NIOSH.11

Chapter 4 Detection of Toxic Substances


Two types of toxic gas detection Theory of operation

are addressed in this portion of Electrochemical sensors, or cells, As diffusion occurs, an oxidation When this occurs the output
the manual: are most commonly used in the or reduction reaction occurs at the becomes non-linear, thus limiting
• Electrochemical detection of toxic gases. They are active electrode. An exchange of the maximum measurable
• Metal Oxide Semiconductor available with different numbers electrons between the active concentration point.
(MOS) of electrodes determined by the element and the gas produces a
target gas, device stability and change in the potential of the In an attempt to compensate for
A general description of the cost. active electrode, while the counter this limitation a third electrode,
theory behind the technology, the electrode balances the reaction. called the reference electrode is
advantages, and the limitations The two-electrode electrochemical The active electrode potential must employed. The active electrode is
are presented. cell consists of an active (or fall within a specific range for a held at a fixed potential relative to
sensing electrode) and a counter reaction to occur. As the target the reference electrode. The
electrode connected externally via gas concentration increases, counter electrode while free to
a load resistor, as shown in Figure current flows causing the counter polarize, no longer has any affect
6. These electrodes are enclosed electrode to become polarized. If on the active electrode. Thus, the
in a case with a permeable the gas level continues to rise, the cell is able to detect vapors over a
membrane for diffusion of the gas, potential of the active electrode much greater concentration range,
which is submerged in an will eventually exceed the The three-electrode electrochemical
electrolyte. permitting range. cell configuration is shown in
Figure 7.








Two-electrode electrochemical cell FIGURE 7
(oxygen cell shown) Three-electrode electrochemical cell

Detection of Toxic Substances 19

Chapter 4 Detection of Toxic Substances


Advantages Limitations
Advantages of electrochemical There are limitations to using
sensors include: electrochemical cells such as:
• Highly sensitive. • Consumptive technology,
• Low power (i.e., intrinsically electrolyte evaporates (this
safe operation). varies with the sensor's design
and manufacturer) in arid
• Good specificity to target
• Restrictions in some cold
• Direct linear output of current
temperature environments.
to gas concentration.
• Requires routine calibration.
• Real zero.
• As with all point detectors a
number of devices may be
required to monitor a
hazardous area.
• Non fail-safe, meaning the
sensor is unable to detect if it
is poisoned.

Chapter 4 Detection of Toxic Substances


Theory of operation Advantages

Metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) In clean air, oxygen is adsorbed Advantages of MOS sensors
detectors are most frequently used at the surface of the MOS sensor include:
for detecting hydrogen sulfide which strips electrons from the • Quick response
gas. An MOS device usually active material and forms a
• Long life
consists of a gas sensitive resistive potential barrier, causing the
film, a platinum heater element resistance to increase. If a • Operate in low humidity
and an insulation medium. The reducing gas is present, such as • Detects refrigerant gases, e.g.
gas sensitive film, traditionally, is H2S, the sensor surface will Freons, CFCs and HFCs.
made from a basic material of tin adsorb the vapor and become • Wide operating temperature
oxide or tungsten oxide combined reduced, lowering the sensor range
with other oxides, catalyst or resistance. This change in • Able to detect a broad range
inhibitors to increase the selectivity resistance may be logarithmically of vapors, including
of the device. Figure 8 presents a correlated to the concentration of combustible gases
diagram of a typical MOS the gas/vapor present. The
detector. operating temperature of the MOS
sensor usually exceeds 100°C to
MOS sensors measure changes in speed up the rate of reaction,
electrical conductivity due to the reduce ambient temperature
presence of gas/vapor. In the effects, and provide greater
presence of gas/vapor the MOS degree of selectivity.
sensor produces a change in
electrical conductivity.



Diagram of a MOS detector

Detection of Toxic Substances 21

Chapter 4 Detection of Toxic Substances


Despite the advantages mentioned
above, this method is not
commonly employed due to:
• Must be frequently checked as
the calibration tends to drift
more than other technologies,
they "go to sleep."
• Non-specific to target
• High sensitivity to atmospheric
disturbances such as rain and
humidity changes.
• Affected by changes in oxygen
• As with all diffusion-based
point detectors, a number of
individual detectors may be
required to monitor a
hazardous area.
• Indirect measurement
• Non fail-safe, meaning the
sensor is unable to detect if it
is poisoned.

Chapter 5 Gas Detection Helpful Hints and Applications

This chapter of the guide contains What type of gas detection Suggestions for selecting 3. Review plant safety policy,
suggestions as to what type of method should be used? detection technology for an insurance requirements/
detection method is suitable for application: incentives, and regulatory or
different applications. Typical gas As illustrated in Chapter 2 and legal requirements/incentives
detection applications, along with Chapter 4 of this manual, there 1. The type of gas – combustible for additional information
the relevant gases to be are 4 main types of gas detection: or toxic – and its associated regarding hazard protection
monitored, basic guidelines for • Catalytic and Infrared (IR) for danger potential. and the need for gas
detector placement, and other combustible gases. In toxic gas applications, detection equipment.
considerations for proper a full scale range should be
• MOS and Electrochemical for
installation and usage will be chosen that is greater than the 4. The amount of funds available
toxic gases.
provided. TLV. (This allows you to set to purchase gas detection
alarm points at concentration systems, and life cycle cost
ranges above or below the analysis for maintenance,
TLV in situations where gas particularly calibration.
levels are hazardous.)
After these issues are addressed,
2. The potential risks that could the appropriate detection method
result from a leak, such as may be determined. Some tips for
when to use which method are
• level of toxicity and the
provided in Table 4. Table 5,
effects of exposure to
which lists many common
personnel for toxic
industries and the types of
hazardous gases in their
• explosion potential and processes may be of use.
magnitude for combustible
gases (Remember, that an Note:
explosion will only occur if These tables are intended as
the concentration falls guides only, and do not include
within the explosive every possible industry or every
range, oxygen is present, possible hazard within each
and there is an ignition industry. Each situation should be
source) carefully examined to determine
• value of the equipment or all possible risks and to determine
process within the area the best possible gas detection
under investigation equipment.

Gas Detection Helpful Hints and Applications 23

Chapter 5 Gas Detection Helpful Hints and Applications

TABLE 4 — Guidelines for Detection Method Selection

Combustible Gas Detection Toxic Gas Detection
for: Catalytic for: Electrochemical for: MOS for:
• Hydrocarbon • Hydrocarbon • Low humidity is not an • High temperature
applications applications with wide issue and/or low humidity
• Anaerobic areas variety of vapors • Require high applications (e.g.,
• Corrosives/caustics present repeatability and deserts)
• Wastewater • Cost of ownership is consistency • Applications where
not a concern • Applications where oxygen is always
• Areas with constant
• Non-hydrocarbon oxygen is normally present
monitoring (hydrogen) present • Areas where ambient
combustible gases
• Low initial costs • Application where conditions are fairly
• Situations where cost
target gas should not stable
of ownership is a • Applications where
normally be present
concern oxygen is always
• Application where
target gas should not
normally be present

Chapter 5 Gas Detection Helpful Hints and Applications

TABLE 5 — Typical Gas Detection Installations and Gases

Industry Gas
Aircraft Hangars Combustibles
Battery & UPS Rooms H2
Biowaste/Mulch Pits Methane, H2S
Chemical, Solvent, & Paint Storage Combustibles
Coal Storage Areas and Domes Combustibles, CO, O2
Furnace Rooms, Kilns, Incinerators Combustibles, CO, O2, SO2, NO2
Gaseous Fuel Storage Spheres Combustibles
Ground Vaults Combustibles, O2, other toxics
Integrated Circuit Manufacturing Combustibles and toxics
Landfill & Land Reclamation Sites Methane, H2S
Liquid Fuel Storage, Tank Farms Combustibles
Nuclear Power Plants Combustibles, H2
Oil and Natural Gas Drilling Sites Combustibles, H2S
Offshore Platforms Combustibles, H2S, other toxics
Paint & Powder Spray Booths Combustibles
Paper & Pulp Mills Combustibles, H2S, Cl2, other toxics
Petroleum & Petrochemical Refineries Combustibles, H2S, O2, CO
Pipeline Compressors & Drive Packages Combustibles and toxics
Printing Operations Combustibles
Propane-powered Vehicles Combustibles
Public Institutions Combustibles and toxics
Restaurants & Kitchens Combustibles
Rocket Staging & Launch Pads Combustibles and toxics
Ships & Boats Combustibles
Steam & Gas Turbines Combustibles, H2, CO, O2
Tunnels & Parking Garages Combustibles, CO, O2
Wastewater Treatment Plants Methane, H2S, Cl2, O2
Welding Shops Combustibles and toxics

Gas Detection Helpful Hints and Applications 25

Chapter 5 Gas Detection Helpful Hints and Applications

Where should the sensor be Indoor vs. Outdoor Hazardous engineering judgement, to identify • If the density of the
placed? Areas: and select optimum detector gas/vapor is
locations. approximately equal to
While various regulatory No other single property has a that of air (1.29 g/cc at
authorities have put forth gas larger impact on vapor dispersion General Sensor Placement normal conditions), the
detection system design and characteristics and gas detection Guidelines: detector should be placed
performance requirements (see capability than the environmental at or near breathing level,
Chapter 6), there are no “third setting of the application. 1. Density of gas(es) to be or near leakage point.
party”* rules that define optimum monitored • The density of a gas is
detector placement, or quantity Indoor settings usually mean that • If the density of the effected by temperature.
requirements for an application. the overall hazardous area is well gas/vapor is less than air Heating will decrease the
contained. In addition, air flow (1.29 g/cc at normal density, making the gas
There are, however, factors that characteristics are usually fairly conditions) the gas/vapor lighter. Cooling will
should be considered when consistent, and can be identified will rise, in still air, so the increase the density of the
determining the best sensor and often controlled. Ceilings and detector should be placed gas, making it heavier.
locations within a hazardous walls usually are the likely areas near the ceiling. (Refer to Heating or cooling a gas
area. While some factors result in for gas accumulation and area Table 1 and Table 2 for by 30°C (54°F) will
hard-fast rules that apply to all delineation. Point(s) of human the relative densities of change the density of the
gas detection applications, other contact are usually easily many combustible and gas by approximately
factors will vary depending upon identifiable. These factors help the toxic gases.) 11%.
the specific situation. General application engineer to select the
• If the density of the
guidelines are provided below to optimum detector locations. 2. Air movement
gas/vapor is greater than
help identify the best locations of
air (1.29 g/cc at normal The velocity and direction of
detectors for optimal performance. Outdoor settings mean the air
conditions) the gas/vapor air will affect the distribution
flow characteristics of the
will settle, in still air, the of vapors or gases or both. To
* Instrumentation Society of hazardous area are less
detector should typically resolve this issue, the
America (ISA) offers the controllable. Typically, there are
be placed 18 to 24 in detectors should be placed
following standards: no clear areas of likely gas
(45.7 to 61 cm) above the where the currents with the
• RP92.0.02, Installation, accumulation, and often there are
floor or ground, or in maximum concentration of the
Operation and Maintenance multiple points for potential human
some instances inches gas being monitored reside.
of Toxic Gas Instruments, contact. Prevailing winds, if
above where the gas Smoke generator tests are
Hydrogen Sulfide present, may be variable at best.
would settle. (Refer to often helpful to identify dead
These areas present the
• RP12.13, Part II, Installation, Table 1 and Table 2 for air spaces.
application engineer with a
Operation and Maintenance the relative densities of • Pressurized vapors will be
challenge which requires
of Combustible Gas many combustible and distributed based upon
comprehensive application
Detection Instruments toxic gases.) location of leak.
analysis, and ultimately sound

Chapter 5 Gas Detection Helpful Hints and Applications

3. Gas/vapor source 4 Ignition source 7. Volatility Note:

• The detector will only For combustible gas detection Detectors should be placed If an explosion occurs obstacles
correctly sense gases or applications, sources of near the source for hazardous such as vessels and pipes may
vapors for which it is ignition should be identified. liquids with low volatility. become dislodged in a violent
calibrated. Verify that the The detector should be placed Heavy vapors such as manner, thus creating further
potential gas or vapor between the potential source gasoline require some air danger.
source is in agreement of the gas/vapor and the movement to disperse vapors.
with the detector ignition source. 11. Location of Personnel
calibration. 8. Vibration Particularly in situations
• The location and nature of 5. Ambient temperature Excessive vibration can dealing with toxic gases, it is
potential sources of Determine the maximum damage the detector, extremely important to
gases/vapors need to be ambient high temperature, producing unreliable results. consider where people at your
evaluated. These may including all hot surfaces To avoid this, attach the facility are likely to gather.
include pressure, amount (e.g., motors, pumps, or detector to a firm base. Review Process Instrumentation
of source, source steam lines). Diagrams (PIDS), facility maps,
temperature, and distance. 9. Accessibility and hazardous-area
• As a general precaution,
The detector should be classification drawings to find
the maximum ambient Ensure that the detector is
placed where leaks of these locations. A sensor
temperature plus a safety placed in a convenient
gas/vapor may occur. For should always be placed
factor of 50°C to 60°C location for future
help in finding potential between the leak source and
should be less than the maintenance and calibration
gas/vapor sources review the people.
flash point of the gas being requirements.
process and monitored. (Refer to Table
instrumentation diagrams 12. Mechanical damage and
1 for the flash points of 10. Structural arrangements
(PID), facility maps, and contamination
many combustible gases.) Physical or thermal barriers
hazardous-area • Detectors should be placed
(e.g., walls, troughs, or
classification drawings. in suitable locations to
6. Gas Dispersion partitions) may disrupt typical
• Common areas for avoid damage from normal
A hazardous gas or vapor gas dispersion patterns –
gas/vapor releases operations (e.g., cranes,
may travel from its source or allowing the vapor/gas to
include pump and traffic, exhausts,
create a cloud that expands accumulate. If this is a
compressor seals, washdowns) at your facility.
as it moves. Other factors such potential problem, determine
instrumentation sources, the dispersion patterns of the • Precautions (i.e., additional
as density, temperature, and
valve seals, gaskets, gas/vapor and place sensors) should be taken to
air movement as mentioned
sample points and less detectors accordingly. protect any expensive
before effect this behavior. If it
frequently process piping. equipment or valuables at
is possible to predict where
a facility from damage
the gas will move, place a
caused by gas leaks, such
sensor at that location.
as corrosion.
Gas Detection Helpful Hints and Applications 27
Chapter 5 Gas Detection Helpful Hints and Applications

Are there any other 1. When multiple gases/vapors 4. For indoor applications, be
precautions to be taken are present, sensors should be aware that a confined area
when installing Gas calibrated to detect the gas will increase the danger or
Detectors? that provides the least amount hazard potential, or both, of
of relative sensor output at the gas due to higher
concentrations up to 100% explosion pressures caused
LFL. by contaminant of the
2. Generally, a diffusion-based
gas detector can be 5. A dust cover or rain shield is
considered to provide recommended for dirty, dusty,
adequate coverage for a wet, and outside applications.
distance of 18 ft (5.5 m),
according to the Christian 6. For catalytic applications,
Michelsen Institute, Norway. verify that the sensor is
installed facing downwards.
This is for unobstructed space 7. Sensor wiring should be
only. It is not suitable for indoor routed away from other high
applications. current ac or dc wiring.

3. For outside applications,

careful consideration of
prevailing wind conditions,
which can disperse the gas in
various directions and greatly
reduce the measured
concentration at the detector,
is required.

Chapter 6 Approval Organizations and Guidelines

Government law, insurance APPROVAL AGENCIES TABLE 6 — Approval Agencies

companies, and/or company ________________________________________________________________
policy require product approvals Approval agencies perform testing World Area Approval Agency
from authorized organizations in accordance with standards
Australia SIMTARS, SSL
throughout the world to maintain developed by committees which
Belgium ISSeP
protection of personnel and are made up of representatives
Brazil CEPEL
property. This chapter describes from industry, government, and
Canada CSA
the different organizations around approval agency authorities.
China Government of CHINA
the world and the guidelines that These organizations differ
Denmark DEMKO
are used to ensure product quality geographically. Det-Tronics works
Germany PTB, TUV, BVS, DMT
and performance, thus eliminating with many approval bodies from
Norway DNV
potential hazards. across the globe; Table 6 lists
these organizations and their
United Kingdom BASEEFA, SIRA
respective countries.
United States ITS, FMRC, UL ,NEMA

Countries without approval agency may follow the IEC standards.

Approval Organizations and Guidelines 29

Chapter 6 Approval Organizations and Guidelines

HAZARDOUS LOCATION TABLE 7 — Classes defined by the National Electrical Code

PRODUCT APPROVAL ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
National Electrical Code
Class I Locations where flammable gases or vapors may be present in the air in quantities sufficient to
produce explosive or ignitable mixtures.
In North America, equipment is
classified for use in hazardous Class II Locations where combustible or electrically conductive dusts may be present in the air in quantities
locations by the National sufficient to produce ignitable mixtures.
Electrical Code (NEC) as part of a Class III Locations where easily ignitable fibers or flyings not normally suspended in air may be present in
Class, Division, Group, and quantities sufficient to produce ignitable mixtures.
Temperature Code. The "Class"
defines the general nature of the
hazardous material in the
surrounding atmosphere (Table 7). TABLE 8 — Divisions defined by the National Electrical Code
The "Division" defines the
probability of hazardous material
being present in an ignitable Division 1 Locations in which the probability of the atmosphere being hazardous is high due to flammable
concentration in the surrounding material being present continuously, intermittently, or periodically.
atmosphere (Table 8). The Division 2 Locations which are presumed to be hazardous only in an abnormal situation.
"Group" defines the hazardous
material in the surrounding
atmosphere (Table 9). The
"Temperature Code" indicates the
maximum surface temperature of
the apparatus or components
based on –40°C to +40°C
ambient temperature limits (–50°C
to +40°C in Canada) (Table 10).
The temperature code is assumed
"T5" unless specified otherwise.

Chapter 6 Approval Organizations and Guidelines

TABLE 9 — Groups as defined by the National Electrical Code

Flammable Gases and Vapors (Class I) Flammable Dusts and Debris (Class II)
Group A Group B Group C Group D Group E Group F Group G

Acetylene, or Hydrogen, or Ethylene, or gases Propane, or gases Conductive metal Carbon dust Flour, starch, or
gases or vapors of gases or vapors of or vapors of or vapors of dust grain dust
equivalent hazards equivalent hazards equivalent hazards equivalent hazards

TABLE 10 — Temperature Codes

North American IEC Max Surface Temp Max Surface Temp
Temperature Code Temperature Code °C °F
T1 T1 450 842
T2 T2 300 572
T2A 280 536
T2B 260 500
T2C 230 446
T2D 215 419
T3 T3 200 392
T3A 180 356
T3B 165 329
T3C 160 320
T4 T4 135 275
T4A 120 248
T5 T5 100 212
T6 T6 85 185

Approval Organizations and Guidelines 31

Chapter 6 Approval Organizations and Guidelines

INTERNATIONAL TABLE 11 — Gas Groups defined by the IEC

ELECTROTECHNICAL ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
COMMITTEE (IEC) Gas Group Representative Atmosphere

The IEC consists of close to 40 IIC Acetylene, hydrogen, or gases or vapors of equivalent hazards.
countries, attempting to establish IIB Ethylene, or gases or vapors of equivalent hazards.
international standards for IIA Propane, or gases or vapors of equivalent hazards.
electrical products. The IEC uses I Methane, or gases or vapors of equivalent hazards.
"Gas Groups," "Zones," and
"Temperature Codes" to classify
equipment for use in hazardous
locations. The "Gas Groups"
define the hazardous material in
the surrounding atmosphere (Table TABLE 12 — IEC Zones
11). The "Zone" defines the ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
probability of hazardous material Zone 0 An explosive concentration of gas or vapor is present continuously or is present for long periods
being present in an ignitable of time.
concentration in the surrounding
atmosphere (Table 12). The Zone 1 An explosive concentration of gas or vapor is likely to be present for short periods of time under
"Temperature Code" indicates the normal operating conditions.
maximum surface temperature of Zone 2 An explosive concentration of gas or vapor is likely to be present for very short periods of time
the apparatus or components due to an abnormal condition.
based on –20°C to +40°C
ambient temperature limits (Table Zone 20 An explosive atmosphere of dust is present continuously or is present for long periods of time.
10). Zone 21 An explosive atmosphere of dust is likely to be present for short periods of time under normal
operating conditions.
Zone 22 An explosive atmosphere of dust is likely to be present for very short periods of time due to an
abnormal condition.

Chapter 6 Approval Organizations and Guidelines

Comparison of Classification TABLE 13 — NEC and IEC Comparison

Codes ________________________________________________________________
Table 13 presents a comparison
of the National Electrical Code Class I, Division 1 Zone 0 and Zone 1
and International Electrotechnical Class I, Division 2 Zone 2
Committee hazardous location Class II, Division 1 Zone 20 and Zone 21
classification nomenclatures. Class II, Division 2 Zone 22
Class III, Division 1 None
Class III, Division 2 None

Approval Organizations and Guidelines 33


Fill in the following information to guide you in the selection and placement for different applications at your site.

1. Provide a general description of the application in which the detector(s) will be placed (for example,
environmental conditions, equipment conditions, equipment present and locations).

2. List all combustible and toxic gases and/or vapors which may be present at the site under surveillance.

Gas or Vapor Name Toxic or Combustible Concentration Notes

3. Required measuring range(s): ____________________________________________________________________

4. Are there any other substances present (for example, dust)? If so, please list:

5. A) Is detection in:
❑ Normal oxygen environment (21 Vol %)
❑ Oxygen deficient environment
❑ Oxygen enriched environment
B) Estimate the concentration of oxygen present in the atmosphere:__________________________________

6. Ambient temperature ranges for the application:

Minimum: _________________ ❏ °C ❏ °F
Maximum: _________________ ❏ °C ❏ °F
Normal: _________________ ❏ °C ❏ °F

Appendix 35

7. Ambient humidity range for the application:

Minimum RH: _______________%
Maximum RH: _______________%

8. Pressure range for the application:

Minimum: _________________ ❏ kPa ❏ psi
Minimum: _________________ ❏ kPa ❏ psi
Maximum: _________________ ❏ kPa ❏ psi

9. Velocity range of the application:

Minimum: _________________ ❏ m/sec ❏ ft/sec
Maximum: _________________ ❏ m/sec ❏ ft/sec

10. List any potential contaminants (poisons) that may affect the performance of the detectors.

11. Define the classification for the application:

Class: _________________
Zone/Division: _________________
Group: _________________

12. Are any additional accessories necessary?


13. Other considerations or precautions.



Associated Apparatus Explosion-proof/Flame- Hazardous Chemical

Apparatus in which the proof Any chemical which is a
circuits are not necessarily A protection concept that physical or health hazard.4
intrinsically safe, but are requires electrical equipment
relied upon to maintain to be capable of containing Ingress Protection
intrinsic safety in hazardous an internal explosion of a Protection against ingress of
locations by providing specific flammable vapor-air solid foreign objects and/or
intrinsically safe outputs. mixture, thereby not allowing water.
the propagation of ignition
Boiling Point temperature gases to the Intrinsic Safety
The temperature of a liquid at external environment which A protection concept that
which its vapor pressure is may be potentially explosive. requires electrical equipment
equal to the atmospheric In addition, the equipment to be incapable of releasing
pressure of the environment. must operate at a safe sufficient electrical or thermal
temperature with respect to energy to cause ignition of a
Calibration the surrounding atmosphere. specific hazardous substance
The capability to adjust the under "normal" or "fault"
instrument to "zero" and to Flammable Materials operating conditions.
set the desired "span." Flammable materials are a
special group of combustible Non-incendive/
Dust Ignition proof materials that rapidly burn Non-sparking
A protection concept that and are easily ignited. The A type of protection which
prevents dust from entering an flash point of a liquid clarifies requires electrical equipment
enclosure and will not allow this further. The Flash Point to be non-sparking and
arcs, sparks or heat (FP) of a flammable liquid is incapable of releasing
generated inside the below 100°F (37.7°C), while sufficient electrical or thermal
enclosure to cause ignition of the FP of a combustible liquid energy to cause ignition of a
the exterior accumulations or is at or above 100°F specific hazardous substance
atmospheric suspensions of a (37.7°C). The distinction under "normal" operating
specified dust on or near the between the behavior of the conditions.
enclosure. vapors of the combustible and
flammable liquids must be
considered for hazard
protection, since it is the
vapors that cause explosions.

Glossary 37

Ordinary Locations Shipping

A location where potentially Equipment designed to meet
explosive substances are not specific criteria for use on
present. Electrical equipment ocean-going vessels. The
certified for use in these equipment must comply with
locations must not present a humidity, vibration,
shock or fire hazard. temperature, and enclosure
requirements established by
Performance Approval each approval authority.
An approval stating the the
instrument is certified to Special
operate correctly under set of A concept which has been
stringent conditions. adopted to permit the
certification of those types of
Pressurized electrical equipment which,
A type of protection by which by their nature, do not comply
the entry of a surrounding with the requirements
atmosphere into the enclosure specified for equipment with
of electrical apparatus is established types of
prevented by maintaining a protection; but which can be
protective gas at a higher shown to be suitable for use
pressure inside the enclosure in prescribed zones or
than that of the surrounding hazardous areas.
Sprays (or Mists)
Purging Medium sized releases of fuel
The passing of a quantity of that are mixed with air upon
protective gas through an release. Found typically at
enclosure so that any pipe gaskets, pump seals and
explosive atmosphere present valve stem failures under high
in the enclosure is reduced to pressure.
a concentration significantly
below the lower explosive Vapor Pressure
limit. The pressure of a vapor at
any given temperature that is
in equilibrium with its liquid
or solid form.


For additional information on any 1. Mark E. Dundas, New 6. Canadian Electrical Code 10. Richard J. Lewis, Sr.,
of the topics mentioned in this Technologies in Infrared Part 1; Safety Standard for Hawley's Condensed
manual or any other issues related Hydrocarbon Detection, ISSN Electrical Installations, CSA Chemical Dictionary,
to the detection of combustible Volume 31, Number 4, 1992 Standard C22. 1-1990, Thirteenth Edition, Van
and toxic gases, the following list Sixteenth Edition, Canadian Nostrand Reinhold, 1997
of resources is suggested: 2. Robert H. Sonner, William V. Standards Association,
Dailey, and David E. Wright, Rexdale, Ontario, Canada 11. IDLH Documentation, NIOSH
An Open Path Infrared (National Institute for
Hydrocarbon Detector, ISA 7. Classification of Locations for Occupational Safety and
Spring Symposium, Chicago, Electrical Installations in Health),
IL, May 1-3 1984 Petroleum Refineries, API http://www.ded.gov/niosh/
Recommended Practice 7783064.html, last updated
3. Installation, Operation, and 500A; Fourth Edition, August 16, 1998
Maintenance of Combustible Committee on Refinery
Gas Detection Instruments, Equipment, Refining 12. NFPA 325, Guide to
ISA – RP12.13, Part II – Department, American Properties of Flammable
1987 Petroleum Institute, USA, Liquids, Gases, and Volatile
1982 Solids, 1194 Edition
4. Genium Publishing
Corporation, Worker Safety 8. Earley, Mark W., and Murray, 13. Denis P. Nolan, P. E.
Resources, Richard H., and Caloggero, “Handbook of Fire and
http://genium.com/glossary_ John M., The National Explosion Protection
search/, August, 1998 Electrical Code – 1990 Engineering Principles for Oil,
Handbook, Fifth Edition, Gas, Chemical and Related
5. British Standard Code of National Fire Protection Facilities,” Noyes
Practice for Selection, Association, Quincy, Publications, 1996
Installation and Maintenance Massachusetts, USA., 1989
of Electrical Apparatus for
Use in Potentially Explosive 9. Manual for Classification of
Atmospheres (Other than Gases, Vapors, and Dusts for
Mining Applications or Electrical Equipment in
Explosives Processing and Hazardous (Classified)
Manufacture, BS5345: Part Locations, NFPA 497M,
1: 1989, British Standards 1991 Edition, National Fire
Institution, London, England Protection Association,
Quincy, Massachusetts, USA

References 39

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Worldwide Offices 41
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Fax: (281) 556-9860

Det-Tronics is a member Since it was founded in Throughout the years, Det-Tronics' Mission is
of the Fire Protection 1973, Det-Tronics has Det-Tronics has to be the world's leading
Group of Kidde maintained a policy of established itself as a manufacturer of
International, which is a worldwide service, leader in innovation, and detection safety systems
division of Williams Plc. quality, and innovation. a provider of high for high hazard, high
The company has an quality solutions. This risk applications. Our
international network of reputation was achieved name must be
distributors, sales by aggressively striving synonymous with
representatives and to meet customer's near SAFETY, QUALITY,
branch offices to serve and long term needs. SERVICE and VALUE
the global needs of Det-Tronics quality and where the customers'
industry. Det-Tronics service are unsurpassed, goal is the protection of
has a full force of and are based on the life and property.
experienced field service philosophy: "We will
and application never leave a customer
engineers who are with our problem."
available to give advice
and technical assistance.
They analyze specific
applications and then
design the best solution
for the job.
Detector Electronics Corporation
6901 West 110th Street • Minneapolis, MN 55438 USA
Tel: 612.941.5665 or 800.468.3244 • Fax: 612.829.8745 • Web site: www.detronics.com

© Detector Electronics Corporation

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