O A. B. C. o A. B. C. D. e o A. B. C. D. E. F.: (I) (Ii) (Iii) (If
O A. B. C. o A. B. C. D. e o A. B. C. D. E. F.: (I) (Ii) (Iii) (If
O A. B. C. o A. B. C. D. e o A. B. C. D. E. F.: (I) (Ii) (Iii) (If
This section will cover the introduction part of the proposal establishing the rationale for the study.
o Present a selective and critical review ofthe relevant literatrr,; to show
a. the understanding of the researcher/student about the m;iin issues and in that context;
b. what is now available in the existing stock of knowledge on the chosen subject of study i.e., which different
aspects ofthe subject had already been studied and how and what are the curr"nt findings/observations;
c. what are the debates around thern; and
d. show what knowledge gap the study is going to fill in);
This pat will comprise the content of the section on Literatune Review.
e Formulate the objectives and scope of the study, including hypotheses, if planned for testing;
o Present a methodology outllned with appropriate approach for research onthe proposed topic along with an acceptable
theoretical framework covering
a. the research questions, and specific issues;
b. objectives and scope ofthe study
c. all parameters/dimensions and variables relating issues under investigation
d. the criteria and methods for assessment/measurement the dirnensions/variables,
e. The different sets of data/infonnation required to be collected/assembled;
f. the sources of dpta and data collection tools and instruments, and
C. an appropriate design for data collection and processing;
The rnethodology part should actually explain how the stated objectives of the proposed research are going to be
achieved and this part should be very specific with description of the practical wiys in which the propo."d research
will be conducted and what would be the research process i,e,, the series of sequential actions/steps for attaining the
objectives of the research.
Special Note:
The proposal should finally include a tentative outline of the report to be prepared with mention of titles of the chapters and
sub-chapters/sections under the different chapters. However, the proposed outline will be a tentative one; the details m,".y vary
depending on the research process and the contents.
The researcher/student must know and follow standard refenencing rnethod throughout the entire text of the report.