SHS Career Orientation

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SHS Career Orientation on Curriculum Exits for Grade 12 Learners SY 2020-2021

A pleasant morning to one and all.

As we are about to begin, please watch our live stream in our official Facebook page.
Just a few reminders, we would like to seek your cooperation in completing this
webinar. Kindly focus your attention in this live stream to avoid interruption. Thank you. I
hope that everyone is present.
In a few minutes, we will start.
It is just and proper to begin this victorious day by acknowledging our Almighty Father in
a prayer and by taking pride of our country as we sing the Philippine National Anthem
thru and audio-visual presentation.
(Prayer and National Anthem)
To DepEd Butuan City division personnel under the SDS, Dr. Marilou B. Dedumo, our
prolific speakers from different agencies, the school principal of Ampayon NHS, Dr
Gewaresel T. Carlos, the SHS Coordinator, Mrs. Phoebe Jane R Tambis, SHS faculty,
graduating students, parents/guardians, ladies and gentlemen, a LOVE morning to all.
Welcome to our SHS Career Orientation on Curriculum Exits for Grade 12 Learners SY
Let us acknowledge the presence of the virtual attendees we have today. To do this, our
virtual applause to Mrs. Marites V. Negros.
(Attendance Recognition)
Thank you so much, Mam. Students, please stay tuned for we will be checking also
your attendance after this webinar. In addition, you can address questions that you have
in mind later and our speakers would gladly answer them all.

All the school’s undertaking is profoundly supported by a great leader. Let us lend our
ears to the principal of Ampayon NHS as she givers her message.
(Dr. Gewa’s Message)
Thank you so much, Doc for gracing this event today.
At this point, the SHS Department has prepared this promotional video. Roll VTR.
Credits to Sir JV Tambis and Mrs. Phoebe Jane R. Tambis and all teachers for the
documentations. This video will be posted in our official FB Page.
Career decision is a crucial action for individuals to take. It is a continuous process
throughout the development of a person. The Department of Education, together with
our partner institutions, plan and implement programs and interventions on how to
strengthen the student’s career planning and decision making.
We are down now to the highlight of our webinar, ---the orientation proper.
Let us know more about the guests who will give talks today. The introduction of
speakers will be done by Mrs. Darlin C. Moncada. Let us give her a virtual clap.
(Orientation Proper)
We do hope that the inputs shared by our speakers help you decide of what career to
pursue after graduation.
Many senior high school students were hesitant and worried about if they will be able to
land a job, establish a business on his/her own, proceed to college or take higher
vocational course.


Acknowldegement – Mam PJ
Closing Prayer – Sir Alfredo Grino

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