Continuing Professional Development Plan

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Continuing Professional Development Plan

Date: 2019-2020

Name: Simbarashe Njeku,

Unstructured CPD Date What I do? (learning activity) Relevance to the study
This will give me an
opportunity to expand my
 Reading technical or professional  Jan-Dec Buy and read 3 recent publication knowledge in supply and
literature 2020 in supply and logistics. logistics. 
 Serving as a member of committees or  Avail myself for nomination for This will help me to associate
working groups of a professional body Jan-Dec the CILT Zimbabwe Harare Branch with different individuals in
or a technical committee. 2020  committee. my profession.
 This will enhance my
 Courses,seminars,conferences,briefing Attend conferences and publish at performance in Supply and
sessions Dec 2020  least a journal.  logistics Industry
 This will provide knowledge
 Publish technical briefs on that will benefit other
logistics good practice by Dec practitioners in the same
Writing of articles, papers or books  Dec 2020  2020 industry.
 Working as a discussion leader on a  Contribute to the
structured course or preparation of  Jan-Dec  Support CILT Zimbabwe development of upcoming
training material for discussion group. 2020 Education. logistics.

 Undertaking research for a piece of  Conducting research for  This will help SZL to improve
project work.  Dec 2019 Schweppes ZIM Ltd on its operations.


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