Distillation Without Hot Utilities Development of Novel
Distillation Without Hot Utilities Development of Novel
Distillation Without Hot Utilities Development of Novel
PII: S0255-2701(17)30518-4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cep.2017.10.027
Reference: CEP 7111
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Distillation without hot utilities; development of novel
Department of Chemical Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran,
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran, 8174673441
Process Engineering Institute, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran, 8174673441
Graphical Abstract
Novel configurations of distillation are proposed to reduce energy requirements.
The proposed models utilize cooling water as the sole source of thermal energy.
Performances of the proposed systems are compared to other alternatives.
Significant reduction in energy requirements was achieved using proposed models.
Abstract: Distillation with vapor recompression (VRC) has received much attention in recent
proposed that utilizes the same concepts, distillation without hot utilities (DWHU). In a DWHU
system, water at normal temperatures is the sole source of thermal energy for distillation. In this
paper, a set of novel DWHU configurations are proposed and their energy and economic
performances are presented and compared with previous systems such as conventional
distillation column and VRC. Seven configurations (including five DWHU configurations) were
studied for separation of a propylene/propane mixture. From both energy and economic points of
view, it has been revealed that the newly proposed DWHU configuration can outperform
Keywords: Distillation; Energy; Vapor recompression; DWHU; Distillation without hot utilities.
1. Introduction
Feed purification, reaction and products separation are the main sections of most of chemical
processes [1]. A large fraction of consumed energy in these processes is for separation of
chemicals. Various technologies can be used for separation of chemicals including membrane
systems [2-5], extraction [6, 7], recrystallization and distillation [8, 9]. Despite having low
thermodynamic efficiency, distillation is still the most common technology for separation of
chemicals. On the basis of characteristics of the materials, various types of distillation were
developed including azeotropic distillation [10, 11], extractive distillation [8, 12, 13], reactive
One of the key characteristics of the components affecting energy consumption of distillation
systems is the difference between boiling point of key components [17, 18]. For systems with
large boiling point difference (i.e. wide-boiling systems), distillation process can be carried out
simple distillation [17, 18]. Various systems have been developed for enhancing energy
efficiency of close-boiling distillation systems including heat pump assisted distillation [19, 20],
distillation with vapor recompression (VRC) [21-23] and internally heat integrated distillation
columns (iHIDiC) [24-27]. These three systems utilize the same basic principles. Conventional
distillation columns are composed of stripping and rectifying sections. Generally, in stripping
section, the system requires to gain thermal energy (QH) to provide required boil up for the
column (usually a reboiler is used). In rectifying section, the system requires to reject thermal
energy (QC) to provide required column reflux (usually a condenser is used). In both VRC and
iHIDiC, the main idea is to utilize QC of the rectifying section for providing required QH for the
stripping section. But temperature of rectifying section of the column is lower than stripping
section. Thus, additional equipment such as compressors are required in the two systems.
iHIDiCs transfer thermal energy from rectifying to stripping section in a series of distillation of
Numerous studies were dedicated to introducing new configurations and/or comparing various
configurations of these systems [21, 22, 28]. For instance, Waheed et al. [21], Kazemi et al. [28],
Long and Lee [29] and Matsuda et al. [30] proposed novel configurations of VRC, based on
addition of heat transfer stages to the system. Kumar et al. [31], Asprion et al. [32] and Jana and
Mane [33] proposed a new configurations of VRC based on intermediate reboilers. Johri et al.
[34] studied performance of VRC system on a batch process. Also, Xu et al. [35], Shi et al. [36]
and Feng et al. [37] studied systems based on VRC and dividing wall column. For the propylene-
propane separation system, Olujic et al. [38] introduced a system based on internally heat
integrated distillation concepts and Alcantara et al. [39] investigated various intensified
Simplified process flow diagrams of VRC, distillation with external heat pump (EHP) and heat
integrated distillation column are shown in Figure 1[19, 40, 41]. The main idea in these systems
is to provide the possibility of transferring heat from the top product to the bottom product. For
instance, in VRC, condenser and reboiler of a distillation column are eliminated. Temperature,
pressure and dew point of the top product of distillation columns are enhanced through
compression. The compression ratio must be high enough to have a top product with a higher
temperature than the bottoms one. Heat transfer from the top product to the bottoms one occurs
in a heat exchanger in order to provide the both column’s reflux and boil up.
A novel configuration of distillation is presented that uses no source of hot utilities. The system
utilizes cooling water at a normal temperature 16oC as the sole source of thermal energy. A large
number of petrochemical plants are located near oceans and seas, and have access to large
volumes of water. Since average temperature of oceans is 16oC, these plants can benefit from
these systems. The system is flexible and can be designed for various sources of available
cooling water at different temperatures. In this system, the hot utilities are eliminated and the
separation task of the column occurs without using any source of hot utilities such as steam. This
system was named as distillation without hot utilities (DWHU). It was shown that this distillation
system can outperform conventional ones. Similar to VRC and HIDiC, various configurations of
DWHU can be developed to enhance energy efficiency and operational economics of the system.
In this paper, a set of novel configurations of DWHU are presented. The proposed configurations
are designed to reduce energy requirements compared to previous ones. Performance of these
configurations were evaluated and compared with conventional distillation column and VRC.
2. Simulation
Various configurations were proposed for elimination of hot utility requirements through
application of VRC concepts. In the proposed systems, cooling water at a normal temperature
(16oC) was used as the only source of thermal energy. The system was designed in such a way to
utilize this water stream as both hot and cold utilities. The system was named as distillation
without hot utilities (DWHU). In the current paper, various novel configurations of DWHU are
developed and their performance is compared to each other, conventional distillation column and
A commercial process simulator (namely Aspen HYSYS) was used for evaluation of different
processing systems. The systems performances were compared for a purification of propylene
from a propylene/propane mixture plant. All the systems were proposed based on the data of an
and contains propylene and propane with mole fractions of 0.9622 and 0.0378, respectively.
Flow rate of feed is 376.4kmole/h. The systems are designed for producing a propylene stream
with propylene and propane mole fraction of 0.996 and 0.004, respectively. It should be noted
that these specifications are common in propylene-propane splitters. For instance, in methanol to
propylene process, a propylene-propane splitter with high pressure, very large number of plates,
and a feed containing more than 90mol% propylene is utilized. Operating at lower pressures
reflux ratio, fewer number of stages are required for separation and also, at a certain number of
stages, smaller reflux ratio are required. However, there is another issue associated with
pressure. Operating pressure influences the operating temperature of the system. Operating at
column of the current study, operating temperatures across the column were between 52-60 oC.
Reducing the pressure to a smaller value, e.g. 9bar, requires cryogenic operation. In this
Therefore it is common to use higher pressures. Specifications of the feed and products are
presented in Table 1.
Table 1
In methanol to propylene (MTP) process the propane stream is mixed with the C4 products, and
close boiling point temperatures of the two components. In industrial processing plants,
conventional distillation columns with a large number of stages, typically 150-200 stages are
usually used for this separation. In this study, a distillation column with 190 stages was designed
to meet the required purity of propylene (based on the data of an operating column). The new
configurations of these systems were also designed based on the same number of stages to
Before beginning the simulations, it was required to see, if the simulator can accurately predict
physical properties of the components. Peng-Robinson property package was used for
performing the simulations. The vapor liquid equilibrium (VLE) data of propylene-propane
system were modeled and compared to experimental data in order to see the see how accurately
the model can predict thermodynamic properties of the system (Table 2). It can be seen that the
obtained results are in good accordance to experimental results. Also, the results were validated
with the data of an operating C3 splitter plant, located in Iran and the results are shown in Table
Table 2: [42]
Table 3
In this study, pressure drops in shell and tube of heat exchangers were neglected and adiabatic
efficiency of implemented compressors were set to 75%. However, pressure drop across the
columns can be an important factor. Pressure drop leads to lower temperatures of the top
product, which in turn results in higher required compression ratios of the compressor in VRC
(for a specific value of heat transfer driving force at early stages of CRC). But when operating
pressure of the system is high, pressure ratio of compressor is slightly affected by pressure drop.
temperature approach of heat exchangers. This parameter was set to 7oC, unless one of the
Required temperature and/or vapor fraction of cold stream was achieved with an
Required temperature and/or vapor fraction of hot stream was achieved with an approach,
Performances of two heat exchangers were intimately related to each other. For instance,
in Configuration_III, where cooling water takes the heat in condenser and releases it to
the reboier. In these cases, the system was designed in such a way that none of the heat
exchangers operate with a temperature approach, lower than 7oC. So, one of heat
Also, it was assumed that large volumes of water at 16oC are available to the plant as a large
portion of petrochemical plants are located in the vicinity of oceans, seas and rivers. Utilizing the
water from these resources can be an inexpensive way of providing utility. However, in case of
utilizing sea water, high salinity of the water should also be considered (considering problems
such as corrosion). Details of design parameters for the base case distillation column are
presented in Supporting File 1. Condenser and reboiler duties of the base case were 16420 and
pressures and flow rates of streams, feed stage, reflux rate and products rates of the columns and
temperature approaches of heat exchangers. In this study, optimization methods such as genetic
algorithm were not used. Instead, in a preliminary study, the most important variables affecting
performance of the system were identified. Reflux ratios and compression ratios of compressor
showed the highest influence on performance of the systems. Based on this preliminary study, a
suitable point of operation for each system was obtained. The conventional distillation column
Distillation with VRC has been used for many years to enhance energy efficiencies of close-
boiling distillation systems. In order to evaluate performance of the new proposed systems, it is
required to compare their efficiency with other alternative systems such as VRC. The VRC
system was designed for propylene/propane separation process and the designed process flow
parameters for this configuration are presented in Supporting File 2. Temperature, pressure and
dew point of the top product are enhanced through compression in a compressor and heat
transfer from the high pressure top product to the bottom product occurs through a heat
exchanger. This heat exchanger acts as both reboiler and condenser of the column, in which,
required boil up and reflux for the column are partially provided (in some cases the required
reflux and boil up cannot be completely provided using VRC). So, in some cases trim cooling or
trim heating are required after this heat exchanger. This system was designed to produce the
products with the same purity as the conventional distillation column (Configuration_I). Also,
the distillation column is designed with the same number of stages. The VRC system was
designed in order to result in providing the same specifications for the column. For instance,
reflux ratio and boil up ratios are provided using the VRC system in order to match the
conditions of the base case distillation column. Other details of this design are shown in
Supporting File 2.
Figure 2
It is possible to design systems that only utilize water for providing thermal energy for
distillation systems. The main idea behind proposing such a configuration is to design a system
in such a way that, it requires heating at a temperature lower than water temperature and cooling
process, it would be possible to utilize water, at a certain temperature, in order to carry heat from
the top to the bottom product and produce required reflux and boil up streams. This idea is
applied on the propylene/propane separation column based on designing two interconnected
distillation columns operated at different pressures. This pressure difference across the systems
provides the possibility to remove the sources of hot utilities from the systems. The process flow
diagrams of the first two systems are shown in Figures 3 and 4 (Configurations _III and IV).
Also, design parameters for these configurations are presented in Supporting Files 3 and 4. In
Configuration _III, water at 16oC takes the heat from the top product of the second column in a
heat exchanger and releases it to the bottom product of the first column in another heat
exchanger. Water acts as both hot and cold utilities for the system (Figure 3). However, this idea
will be improved in the next configurations. Utilizing propane in a closed cycle results in lower
flow rates of water in the system. Utilizing propane helps using latent heats of vaporization and
Figure 3
Figure 4
Based on the same concepts, new configurations of DWHU are proposed in order to enhance
performance of the two systems and further energy saving. One of the newly proposed
Also, design parameters for this configuration are presented in Supporting File 5. In this
configuration, the water stream is used to reduce temperature of two other streams in the process.
However, this change results in higher capital costs of the process due to addition of another heat
exchanger to the system, results in reduction of the required flow rate of water and consequently
operating costs of the system. An economic analysis is required to evaluate overall economic
Figure 5
Another design for this separation is Configuration _VI (shown in Figure 6) in which the isobaric
propane cycle is eliminated. Also, design parameters for this configuration are presented in
Supporting File 6. The system is designed based on the same concepts. Heat is transferred from
the top to bottom product in a heat exchanger. The required column boil up is produced in this
heat exchanger, while the required column reflux is partially produced. However, it is required to
absorb more heat from the top product. The system is designed to be able to absorb heat from
this stream using cooling water. Application of this configuration can result in lower required
flow rates of water compared to all the previous configurations. This change not only can reduce
its operating cost but also decreases its capital costs as only two exchangers are required.
Figure 6
Another alternative design is shown in Figure 7 (Configuration _VII). Also, design parameters
for this configuration are presented in Supporting File 7. The system is very similar to
Configuration _VI, and the only difference is application of a two phase separator for separation
of reflux from the top product of the column. This change results in lower flow rates of water in
the system because just a fraction of the top product stream is condensed. In fact, lower flow
rates of water would be required because a fraction of the top product is not condensed. Thus, in
comparison to Configuration_VI, it is expected that capital costs of this system be increased, but
its operating costs will be decreased. An economic analysis is required to evaluate this change.
Configuration_VII, a fraction of top product of the second column is liquefied for providing
reflux and the remaining was drawn as a vapor product. This leads to smaller required water
flow rate in the system. However, a two phase separator must be added to the system. Therefore,
economic comparison was required between the two cases. Applicability of Configuration_VII
depends on the downstream unit operation. If the downstream unit operation requires liquid
Figure 7
𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑢𝑡𝑦
It should be noted that in all of the presented DWHU configurations, the ratio of of
𝑟𝑒𝑏𝑜𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑢𝑡𝑦
the base conventional distillation column has a significant influence on their performances. Ideal
𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑢𝑡𝑦
condition can be considered for ratio of unity. Under this condition, both required
𝑟𝑒𝑏𝑜𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑢𝑡𝑦
hot and cold utilities for operation of the system are eliminated, i.e. zero water flow rate. By
increasing or decreasing this ratio from one, higher flow rates of water are required. Application
of DWHU systems is not recommended for ratios far from one. In this case, only a very small
fraction of boil up or reflux of the column is produced through heat transfer of the top product to
the bottom product while the rest of thermal energy should be provided through heat transfer
with a large volume of water. However, under this condition, the systems are still operational.
The various presented processing systems are compared based on a certain value of
𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑢𝑡𝑦
. For a system with different ratio, the overall performance of the DWHU
𝑟𝑒𝑏𝑜𝑖𝑙𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑢𝑡𝑦
configurations is reduced compared to the base case. However, among the DWHU systems, the
3. Results and discussion
mixture have been used for production of propylene with the same purity. These processing
systems were simulated by Aspen HYSYS and were economically evaluated by Aspen
Economic Evaluation software. The results of simulation and economic evaluation of the
systems are presented and compared in this section for identification of weakness and strength of
Initially, energy requirements of VRC and distillation without hot utilities (DWHU) systems
were evaluated. In chemical systems, usually cooling water is used as the cold utility and high,
medium and low pressure steam is used as the hot utility. Heat transfer between these utilities
and various streams of the process provides required thermal energy for operation of the
chemical plant. Utilizing VRC and DWHU systems can lead to lower condenser and/or reboiler
duties and therefore lower energy and utility requirements of the system. Cold utility and
required mechanical work of the seven configurations are presented in Figure 8. The results were
obtained based on the same feed specifications and product purities. As shown in Figure 8, the
conventional distillation column (Configuration _I) requires the highest net energy for its
operation and application of the VRC (Configuration _II) results in 73.6% reduction in cold
utility requirements of the process. If Configuration_III is selected, would have required slightly
higher cold utilities, but, it would not have required any source of hot utilities. This characteristic
of the system, reduces total utility requirements of the system by 52.7% compared to the base
using the closed isobaric propane cycle reduces the energy requirements of DWHU system as a
large fraction of the required energy is provided through the closed cycle. Based on the presented
results, 92.6% reduction in cold utility requirements of the system can be gained by
implementing Configuration _III. By using Configuration _VII, cold utility requirements of the
system can be reduced by 95.8%. This is equivalent to 97.8% reduction in total utility
requirements. Based on these results, from energy consumption view point, Configuration _VII
Figure 8
Evaluation of performance of the systems only based on total energy requirements can lead to
uneconomical results because costs of providing different sources of energy and utility (e.g.
cooling water, steam and electricity) must be considered. Equivalent required work for operation
of the seven configurations is shown in Figure 9. These values were calculated based on the
𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑡 − 𝑇𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑘
𝑊𝑒𝑞 = 0.75 × 𝑄𝑟𝑒𝑏 × ( ) + 𝑊𝑝𝑢𝑚𝑝 + 𝑊𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝 (𝑒𝑞1)
The conventional distillation column does not require power as a source of energy as cooling
water and steam are used as the sources of thermal energy in condenser and reboiler. However,
based on the performed calculations, its required equivalent work is higher than all of the other
six configurations. But, in the other six configurations, power is required because of presence of
a compressor. Based on the presented results, among the other six cases, the VRC system
(Configuration _II) requires the highest amount of equivalent work for its operation and by
selecting a DWHU system (for instance Configuration _VII), it is possible to decrease equivalent
work requirements of the system by 3.9%. Based on Figure 9, the DWHU configurations exhibit
the best performance. It can also be concluded from Figure 9 that DWHU systems outperforms
Figure 9
Performance of the seven configurations is compared from energy consumption point of view,
but selection of a configuration for operation of this process is based on economics of the
configurations. Capital and operating costs of the configurations were evaluated using Aspen
Economic Evaluation software (Figure 10). Costs of utilities were taken as follows.
Also, details of investment costs (including purchased equipment costs) of the seven
configurations are reported in Supporting File 8. The results indicate that the base case
distillation column requires the highest operating costs and the lowest capital costs. The lower
capital costs were due to addition of various equipment such as compressors in VRC and DWHU
configurations. However, the results indicate that by addition of this equipment and applying the
proposed schemes, the operating costs of the system can be significantly reduced. The capital
costs were estimated by Aspen Economic Evaluation software. Pressure vessels were designed
based on ASME design codes. Type of the compressors was centrifugal compressors driven by
electric motors. Kettle type reboilers were used. The 2/3 rule for heat exchangers were applied.
Minimum overdesign factor for surface area of heat exchangers was set to 1.15. Furthermore, the
towers were sieved trays with tray spacing of 24 in and flooding factor (vapor velocity/ vapor
velocity at flooding condition) of 0.8 and downcomer liquid velocity of 0.4-0.5 fps.
Figure 10
The configurations were economically evaluated and total annual costs of the processes (based
on payback period of 5 years) are reported in Figure 11. The results indicate that total annual
costs of DWHU configurations are lower than VRC and conventional distillation column. This
observation was attributed to two characteristics of DHWU systems. These systems require no
source of hot utilities and much smaller cold utilities, which results in lower operating costs.
Although new equipment such as compressors is added, DWHU systems utilize the two sections
of column at two different pressures. Pressure of the stripping section is significantly lower than
rectifying section, which results in lower purchased costs of column. These issues contribute to
column and VRC. The results indicate that the lowest total annual costs can be obtained by
selecting Configurations_VI and VII. Selecting Configuration_VI can lead to 17.6 and 5.6%
reduction in total annual costs can be obtained in comparison to conventional distillation column
and vapor recompression, respectively. A summary of the obtained results are reported in Table
Figure 11
Table 4
Generally, this method gives the best performance for close-boiling systems, in plants that have
access to large volumes of water, e.g. located near oceans and seas. For wide-boiling systems
large compression ratios would be required, which affects economic performance of the system.
The proposed systems not only are applicable to propylene/propane separations, but also to
other similar close-boiling separations. However, further research is required for economic
necessary to select a basis for evaluating energy and economic performance of the main ideas.
4. Conclusions
In this paper, novel configurations of distillation without hot utilities (DWHU) are presented. In
the DWHU systems, only cooling water at a normal temperature is used as utility. In other
words, cooling water acts as both hot and cold utilities for the distillation column. The
performance of the new introduced systems are evaluated and compared to conventional
distillation column, VRC and base DWHU. It has been revealed that, based on energy
requirements and associated costs, the newly proposed DWHU system can outperform VRC and
conventional distillation column. It has been revealed that compared to conventional distillation
column, by using the proposed DWHU system, 33.3% reduction in required equivalent work of
the system can be obtained. Also, by using the proposed system, annual operating costs and total
annual costs of the process can be reduced by 35.9 and 17.6%, respectively.
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Figure Caption
Figure 1: Simplified process flow diagrams of a) heat pump assisted distillation [19] b) vapor recompression
[39]and c) heat integrated distillation[38]
Figure 2: Process flow diagram of vapor recompression-VRC (Configuration_II)
Figure 3: Process flow diagram of the base DWW system (Configuration_III)
Figure 4: Process flow diagram of DWW with incorporation of an isobaric propane cycle (Configuration_IV)
Figure 5: Process flow diagram of DWW with incorporation of an isobaric propane cycle and two stage heat
transfer to cooling water (Configuration_V)
Figure 6: Process flow diagram of DWW without propane cycle (Configuration_VI)
Figure 7: Process flow diagram of DWW with vapor phase products without propane cycle
Energy requirements (kW)
12000 Cold utility
Configuration number
Equivalent work requirements (kW) 5000
Configuration number
Operating costs (USD/year) Capital costs (USD)
Operating costs (USD/year)
Configuration number
Figure 10: Required capital and operating costs of the seven configurations
Figure 11: Total annual costs of the seven configurations
Table 1: Specifications of the feed and products
Table 2: Comparison of the vapor liquid equilibrium data obtained by simulation and experiment [41](1=
propylene, 2= propane)
X1 Y1
Temperature Pressure
Experiment Experiment
(oF) (psi) Simulation Simulation
[41] [41]
82.7 154.2 0.107 0.107 0.124 0.124
82.7 168.2 0.514 0.514 0.546 0.549
82.7 179.1 0.900 0.900 0.907 0.909
134.9 301.0 0.138 0.138 0.151 0.154
134.9 322.4 0.478 0.478 0.503 0.505
134.9 342.2 0.874 0.874 0.880 0.883
Table 3: Comparison of simulation results with data of an operating plant
Table 4: Summary of obtained results