Wachemo University: Collage of Engineering and Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering

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1|P a g e
Table of content
Content page

2.Classification of pressure vessel………………………………………4

3.What is pressure vessel…………………………………………………..4


4.1.General objective………………………………………………………5

4.2.Specific objective……………………………………………………….5

5.Purpose of pressure vessel………………………………………………5

6.Statement problem………………………………………………………….5

7.Application of pressure vessel………………………………………….5


9.Material selection…………………………………………………………….6

1o.Literature review…………………………………………………………….9

11.General design procedures……………………………………………...13

11.1.Design of shell……………………………………………………………14

11.2.Design of head…………………………………………………………..15

11.3.Design of nozzle…………………………………………………………17

11.4.Design of support………………………………………………………18

12.Result and discussion……………………………………………………….24



2|P a g e
Pressure Vessel
A pressure vessel, as a type of unit, is one of the most important components in
industrial and petrochemical process plants. In the broad sense, the term
pressure vessel encompasses a wide range of unit heat exchangers, reactors,
storage vessels, columns, separation vessels, etc.

Pressure vessel resembling those used today did not come about until the
1800s, when steam was generated in boilers helping to spur the industrial
revolution. However, with poor material quality and manufacturing techniques
along with improper knowledge of design operation and maintenance there was a
large number of damaging and often fatal explosions associated with these
boilers and pressure vessel, with a death occurring on a nearly daily basis in the
United States.

There have been many advancements in the field of pressure vessel

engineering such as advanced non-destructive examination, phased array
ultrasonic testing and radiography, new material grades with increased corrosion
resistance and stronger materials, and new ways to join materials such
as explosion welding, friction stir welding , advanced theories and means of more
accurately assessing the stresses encountered in vessels such as with the use
of finite element analysis, allowing the vessels to be built safer and more

3|P a g e
→Pressure vessels are classified based on two criteria, which are stated below:

I. Based on the end construction: pressure vessels are classified as:

a) Opened end: In this type of vessel due to fluid pressure circumferential or
hoop stresses are included. A simple cylinder with a piston is an example of
opened end vessel.
b) Closed end: In this type of vessel due to fluid pressure longitudinal
stresses in addition to hoop stresses are included. A tank is an example of
closed end vessel.
II. Based on the dimensions: according to the dimensions pressure
vessels are classified as:
a) Thick shell: If the ratio of wall thickness to shell diameter t/d is greater
than 1/10 it is said to be thick shell vessel type. They are used in high
pressure cylinders, tanks gun barrels.
b) Thin shell: If the ratio of wall thickness to shell diameter is less than
1/10 it is said to be thin shell vessel type. They are used in boilers, tanks
and pipes.

 What is pressure vessel?

Pressure vessels are used to store and transmit liquids, vapors, and gases
under pressure in general. The pressure of these fluids will exert pressure equally
in all direction on the walls and ends of the pressure vessels.

4|P a g e
 The main objective of this project is to design a pressure vessel that is used
to store fluids with high pressure.
Specifically our objective is to design each components of the pressure vessel
listed below:

 Head of the vessel

 Support of the vessel
 Shell of the vessel
 Nozzle of the vessel
 Purpose of pressure vessel
The majority of pressure vessels are for industrial purposes. Some private
sector uses, include hot water storage tanks and diving cylinders. Industrial uses
for pressure vessel include distillation towers, hydraulic reservoirs, and
containment of liquefied gases. Industrially, pressure vessels can be used for high
pressure or low pressure containment, depending on the need of the client and
the materials used. They can also be used for both cooling and process heating.


Pressure vessel is one of the most devices which used in industries. But there
are several defects created on this device. Such as corrosion, loss of thickness,
mechanical & metallurgical failure, cracking, mechanical deformation etc. and
these defects have negative influence on the function of this device.


 Pressure vessels are used in steam boilers.
 Pressure vessels are also used in storage of chemical in chemical plants.

5|P a g e
 Pressure vessels are used in in storage of petroleum products (petrol,
diesel etc).
 It is also used in engine cylinders.

The project is designed by the following order:

i. Establishment of the design conditions

ii. Selection of material
iii. Determination of the preliminary layout
iv. Stress analysis and fulfillment of design requirement and
v. Final design

The selection of materials, is based on the appropriateness of the design
requirements, mechanical properties and availability. There are a lot of
acceptable materials with acceptable temperature ranges and design stresses.
Design stresses are set using safety factors applied to material properties. The
main factors that influence material selection are:

a) STRENGTH: Strength is a material's ability to withstand an imposed force

or stress. Strength is a significant factor in the material selection for a
particular application. Strength determines how thick a component must be
to withstand the imposed loads. The overall strength of a material is
determined by its yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, creep and
rupture strengths. These strength properties depend on the chemical
composition of the material.
b) CORROSION RESISTANCE: Corrosion is the deterioration of metals by
chemical action. A material's resistance to corrosion is probably the most

6|P a g e
important factor that influences its selection for a specific application. The
most common method that is used to address corrosion in pressure vessels
is to specify a corrosion allowance. A corrosion allowance is supplemental
metal thickness that is added to the minimum thickness that is required to
resist the applied loads.
c) RESISTANCE TO HYDROGEN ATTACK : At temperatures from
approximately 148°C to 204°C, monatomic hydrogen diffuses into voids
that are normally present in steel. In these voids, the monatomic hydrogen
forms molecular hydrogen, which cannot diffuse out of the steel. If this
hydrogen diffusion continues, pressure can build to high levels within the
steel, and the steel can crack.
d) FRACTURE TOUGHNESS: Fracture toughness refers to the ability of a
material to withstand conditions that could cause a brittle fracture. The
fracture toughness of a material can be determined by the magnitude of
the impact energy that is required to fracture a specimen using Charpy V-
notch test. Generally speaking, the fracture toughness of a material
decreases as the temperature decreases.

The standard will have selected the materials based upon the above
material properties together with knowledge of the following properties that
influence fabrication and operation:

a. Elongation and reduction of area at fracture

b. Notch toughness
c. Ageing and embrittlement under operating conditions
d. Fatigue strength and
e. Availability

7|P a g e
Based on the above properties:-

Table-1 selected materials for each components of the pressure vessel

Number Components Selected Design Tensile

material stress stress
(N/mm2) (N/mm2)
1 Shell Low alloy 240 550
2 Head Stainless
3 Nozzle Low alloy 240 550
4 Support stainless

8|P a g e
B.S.Thakkar and S.A.Thakkar [1] did a case study and put efforts to design
the pressure vessel using ASME codes & standards to legalize the design. The
performance of a pressure vessel under pressure can be determined by
conducting a series of tests to the relevant ASME standard in future scope they
have mentioned Design of pressure vessel in PVELITE software can be accrue.
Further FEA analysis can be done to verify the above design procedure. They
concluded that the design of pressure vessel is more of a selection procedure,
selection of its components to be more precise rather designing of every
components, pressure vessel components are selected on the basis of available
ASME standard and the manufactures also follow the ASME standard while
manufacturing the components so that leaves designer free from designing the
components. This aspect of design greatly reduce the development time of new
pressure vessel, it also allows the designer to keep free from multiple prototype
for pressure vessel before finalizing the design, here standard part are used so it
reduce time for replacement so less overall cost.

M Javed Hyder and M Asif [2] presented work to optimize location and size
of opening in pressure vessel cylinder using ANSYS. Analysis performed for three
thick-walled cylinders with internal diameter 20, 25, and 30 cm having 30 cm
height and thickness of 20 mm. First they done analysis of pressure vessel cylinder
without hole, they found tangential, longitudinal, radial and von misses stress,
then optimization of hole size is carried out by making hole having diameter of
4,8,10,12,14,16 and 20 mm located at center in each of three thick cylinders. They
have found that the optimum size of hole is 8 mm cylinder having internal
diameter 20 cm and hole size 10mm for cylinder having internal diameter of 25
cm and 30 cm has lowest von misses stress value and finally 12mm hole located at
1/6, 1/8, 2/8, 3/8, and 4/8 of cylinder from top in all three cylinders, and they
found von misses stress is maximum at the center 0.5 location and decreased
directed away from the center and the stress increased at the location change

9|P a g e
from 0.1250 to 0.0625 from cylinder top due to end effect and finally the found
von misses stress is minimum at location 1/8 of cylinder height.

V.N Skopinsky, A.B. Smetankin [3] presented work on modeling and stress
analysis of nozzle connection in ellipsoidal head of pressure vessel under external
loading. In this paper they used Timoshenko shell theory and the finite element
method. The effect of stress concentration in external loading has more effect
than in the internal pressure. There is an appreciable increase of the maximum
stress for shell in the interaction region even at small level of nominal stress. Non
radial and offset connection have non uniform distribution of stress on the
interaction curve between the nozzle and the head. The influence angular
parameter for non-radial nozzle connection is shown in their paper. A decrease of
maximum effective stress as an angle increase is more significant for non-central
connection, and in case of torsional moment loading the angle affects the stress
in opposite manner. The stress in the shell increases as alpha angle increase.

James j xu, benedict c. sun, Bernard kolpik [4] had did work on local pressure
stress on lateral pipe-nozzle with various angle of interaction. This paper report
variation of local pressure stress factor at the junction of pipe-nozzle when its
angle varies from 90 to 30 degree. The circumferential and longitudinal stress at
four symmetric point around the pipe-nozzle junction are plotted as function of
an angle. The ALGOR finite element software was employed to model for the true
pipe-nozzle geometry. The numerical stress result come from parameters beta
and gamma which are the nozzle mean radius and pipe thickness at angle 90
degree. At this angle, result had low value local stress. This stresses increase as
angle of interaction is decrease from 90 degree and stress value more decrease
when angle is decrease from 45 degree. The inside crotch point B has worst
circumferential stress value and included that angle 90 degree local pressure
stress are same at point A and B as same as C and D due to symmetry and it had
low stress value than other angle.

Pavo baliev [5] proposed method for stress analysis in cylindrical pressure
vessels with ellipsoidal heads, based on the ax symmetry shell theory. The starting
point were the approximate solutions of the differential equation system that

10 | P a g e
were used to get mathematical expressions for determining internal forces,
moments and displacements in the vessels wall. Application of the method was
shown on a selected numerical example, while a special computer programmed
was created for calculation purposes.

Shafique M.A khan [6] done analysis and show result of stress distribution in
a horizontal pressure vessel and the saddle supports. The results are obtained
from a 3D finite element analysis. A quarter of the pressure vessel is modeled
with realistic details of saddle support. Physical reasons for favoring of a
particular value of ratio of the distance of support from the end of the vessel to
the length of the vessel are also outlined.

BB. M J Mungla [7] had conducted design and analysis of various

components of pressure vessels like shell, heads, flanges, and nozzle and support
structures along using ASME code. Design of base ring and skirt sections has not
been covered under ASME code and their dimensions are calculated with general
design principles. Stress analysis of these components has been carried out with
combined load cases.

Modi A J. Jadav [8] concluded that the radial stresses in case of hemispherical
head pressure vessel is low compared to other types of head. In this paper he
studied the comparative structural behavior of different types of geometry of
pressure vessel. The head is under uniform pressure. The analytical and finite
element method used for finding stresses in pressure vessel, the aim is finding
best head for specific parameter with finite element analysis of thin cylinder
pressure vessel. Here, three types of geometry are considered like hemisphere,
flat, and ellipsoidal and computation result compared with finite element analysis.

11 | P a g e
From the literature review it is seen that ASME and other code are providing
solutions for more general cases and required higher factor of safety. Also limit
load and stress concentration formulae are not available for non-standard shape
and intersection and geometrical discontinuity. Most of researchers have worked
in thin-pressure vessels and there is scope in studying the opening in thick
pressure vessel. From the above discussion it is cleared that study of the effect of
change in size, position, location of the opening in pressure vessel to study the
stress concentration is essential. The position and location of the opening on
cylinder is not studied in past by researcher and there is no code provision for
such design.


12 | P a g e
A vessel must be designed to withstand the maximum pressure to which it is
likely to be subjected in operation.

For vessels under internal pressure, the design pressure is normally taken as
the pressure at which the relief device is set. This will normally be 5 to 10 percent
above the normal working pressure, to avoid spurious operation during minor
process upsets.

PD=Po + Po×10/100 →PD=1.6 + 1.6×1/10

PD=1.6 + 0.16

PD=1.76 MPa

The strength of metals decreases with increase temperature so the
maximum allowable design stress will depend on the material temperature. The
design temperature at which the design stress is evaluated should be taken as the
maximum working temperature of the material, with due allowance for any
uncertainty involved in predicting vessel wall temperatures.


Then, From typical design stress table the stress for low alloy steel:-

Design stress, σD=240 MN/m2

Tensile stress, σt=550 MN/m2


13 | P a g e
For cylindrical shell thickness required to resist internal pressure can be
determined from the formula. Now assume outer diameter of the shell is 1M .
Then check for which option that our pressure is safe.
pD > 0.385 SE .........................use t=R o (√ )
pD R
pD <0.385 SE.........................use t= ..........................(2)
If SE+0.4 p D

Where S = allowable stress (Design stress)

E = joint factor

Since, 1.76MPa<0.385×240Mpa then, use equation (2)

SE+ 0⋅ 4 P D

1.76 ×500
t= 240+0.4∗1.76

t= 240.668 =3.5mm, for carbon and low alloy steel corrosion allowance of 2mm
should be used. Therefore,


To calculate the length of the shell

=K . for P>3 . 43 MPa
where k=cons .. .. . . 4<K <6

But for economic purpose select K= 4

L= 4 D
=4×1000 mm
Then, ∴L =4000mm

14 | P a g e

Figure-1 cylindrical shell

All pressure vessel shell must be closed at the end by heads. The e t nds of
cylindrical vessel are closed by head various shapes. This are:-

 Flat plates head

 Hemispherical head
 Ellipsoidal head etc

But my design head is ellipsoidal head. Most standard ellipsoidal are

manufactured with a major and minor axis ratio of 2:1 the following equation
can be calculated required thickness.

1) To calculate thickness
sE +0.9 P D

1.76 N /mm 2× 500 mm

t= 240 N /mm2+ 0.9∗1.76

t= =3.4m

15 | P a g e
2) To calculate ellipsoidal head volume
∏ D O2×h
V h=
∏ ¿ (1 m)2 ×0 . 25 m
6 Do
∴V h = 0. 131 m3 h=
where, 4

Calculate the stress on the shell using lame’s equation

 Tangential stress: - is the maximum tensile stress and it is known as

circumferential stress.
 Radial stress: - is the maximum compressive stress and it is negative.
The negative sign indicates that the radial stress is opposite to
design stress equal.

Since, if the stress is less than the maximum tensile strength of the
material, then the design is safe. Now to calculate the value of stress.

a) Tangential stress
P D∗(Ri) 2 Ro 2
σt= (1 + Ri 2 ) ,Ri=Ro-t=500mm-5.5mm=494.5mm
Ro 2−Ri 2



b) Radial stress

P D R i2 Ro 2
σr= Ro 2−Ri 2 1− Ri 2 )


c) Longitudinal stress

16 | P a g e
PD∗Di 2
σL= Do2−Di 2



The formula that I am going to calculate is the same as thickness formula to
calculate for shell, the only difference is the diameter we use. At Di= 300 mm

t= SE+ 0.4 PD
t=1.09mm E=1

Length of nozzle,

=k where k= 4 <k <6 ⇒ L=4×300 mm
∴ L = 1 .2 M




Here no need of volume b/c its function is to as way of a fluid. The stress
developed on nozzle.


σc< σt:242.2N/mm2<550N/mm2 Then, the design is safe.

17 | P a g e
The major sources of dead weight loads are:
1. The vessel shell.
2. The vessel fittings: man ways, nozzles.
3. Internal fittings: plates (plus the fluid on the plates); heating and cooling
4. External fittings: ladders, platforms, piping.
5. Auxiliary equipment which is not self-supported; condensers, agitators.
6. Insulation.
7. The weight of liquid to fill the vessel.
For preliminary calculations the approximate weight of a cylindrical vessel with
domed ends, and uniform wall thickness, can be estimated from the following
equation of steel vessels:
W S = 240 C V D m ( H V +0.8 Dm ) t ..............................................(2.3 .1 )

Where W S = total weight of the shell, excluding internal fittings, such as plates,
CV = A factor to account for the weight of nozzles, man ways, internal
supports, Etc; which can be taken as
= 1.08 For vessels with only a few internal fittings,
= 1.15 For distillation columns, or similar vessels, with several man ways,
H V = Height, or length, between tangent lines (the length of the
cylindrical section)
t= Wall thickness, mm
Dm= Mean diameter of vessel
= ( Di+t×10−3 ) m
Thus, Ws=240*1.15*0.5(4m+0.8*0.5)0.0055

To find the weight of fluid which score the maximum weight?

The density of crude oil from the table we seeρ=761kg/m3

18 | P a g e
W F =m f g
=v f ρf g
Where v f = the volume of fluid in the vessel
ρf = The maximum density of crude oil
W F= Weight of fluid

Thus, WF=0.5*761*9.81
To find the total weight of the system will be


I choose round bar as support that is skirt support, is preferable to vertical

position. The three skirt support is welded at the cylindrical part of the
W total
shell.Therefore, weight each support carries of load.
W total
W each = P=
3 =3736.7/3=1245.567

The material selection for skirt support is stainless steel.

The length of weld part (x) is subject to pure shear and the bar weld at two part.

p= 2×0 .707×S×τ allo ×x Where S=weld thickness

τ allo= allowable shear stress
p= weight of each load

19 | P a g e
τ allo = n= factor of safty
n=3 . 2

σ y= σ t σ t = 540 Mpa
Take in the standard table

σy 540 Mpa
τ allo = =
√3×n √ 3×3 . 2
=97 . 43 Mpa

S= 10mm

p=2×0 .707×S×τ allo×x

2469. 66 N
2×0 .707×10 mm×97 . 43 Mpa
∴ x =17 . 93 mm

Adding in 10.2mm starting and stopping welding

∴x =28mm

Then, find the diameter of support

The diameter of a support is determined by buckling consideration

∏ EI
P= e 2
Where pe =bulcking load ( eulerian load )
E=elastic mod ules of stainless steel
N =length from the ground
I = 2nd moment of inertia

Pe=n× p
=3 .2×2469.66 N
Take N= 2m

20 | P a g e
2 4
p e×N ∏ D
I= 2 I=
∏ ¿E 64
P e×N 64
D4 = 2
× ¿
∏ ¿E ∏¿
Then diameter of support is.

7902 . 91 N ×( 2 m)2 64
= 2
2 3 .14
( 3 . 14 ) ×210000 N /mm
∴ D= 42 .65 mm


Use the following formula important to find the size and number of bolt.

Let D = internal diameter of cylinder

P = pressure in the cylinder

dc = core diameter of the bolt

σ tb =
Permissible tensile stress of the bolt

n = number of bolt

Here we know that the upward face acting on the cylinder cover is:

∏ ¿ D×ρ ......................................... ( 1 ) ¿

This force is resisted by n number of bolt and the resisting force offered by n
number of bolts is

21 | P a g e
F R=
∏ ¿ dc 2×σ
tb ×n.. . .. ... .. .. . .. ... .. .. ... .... ... .. ( 2 ) ¿

From equation (1) the upward force acting on cylinder cover is

∏ ¿ ×806 2×49 .5 ⇒ F=25243230 . 87 N ¿

From equation (2) the resisting force by the bolt

F R=
∏ ¿ ×dc 2×σ
tb ×n ¿

Table-2 standard table

Designation pitch mm nominal pitch core diameter σdepth
tb =550 N /mm
of stress
Here select the material for the bolt low alloy steel. So, and
Diameter nut $ diameter bolt nut bolt mm area
M 60
the core diameter is from the table by taking standard si 2
Bolt (d=D) mm mm mm mm mm

M 60 5.5 60 56 . 428 53 .177 54 . 046

3.374 2360dc=53 . 177 mm
From the table

F R=
∏ ¿ ×53.1772×550×n ¿F =1220899.77×n Since F=F R
F 25243230.87
∴ n= = =20.67≈21 bolts
1220899.77 1220899.77

If the bolt and nut are made up of similar material then the effective height of
the nut made equal to the nominal diameter of the bolt. Since the bolt diameter
is 60mm. so the effective height of the nut is also 60mm.


22 | P a g e
Standard flanges will be specified for most applications. Special designs
would be used only if no suitable standard flange were available; or for large
flanges, such as the body flanges of vessels, where it may be cheaper to size a
flange specifically for the duty required rather than to accept the nearest
standard flange, which of necessity would be over-sized.
Standard flanges are available in a range of types, sizes and materials; and are
used extensively for pipes, nozzles and other attachments to pressure vessels.

Table-3 Typical standard flange design (All dimensions mm).


d1 D3
D4 F D2 K

100 114.3 210 16 148 3 18 170 130


Gaskets are used to make a leak-tight joint between two surfaces. It is
impractical to machine flanges to the degree of surface finish that would be
required to make a satisfactory seal under pressure without a gasket. Gaskets are
made from “semi-plastic” materials; which will deform and flow under load to fill
the surface irregularities between the flange faces. The following factors must be
considered when selecting a gasket material:
1. The process conditions: pressure, temperature, corrosive nature of the
process fluid.
2. Whether repeated assembly and disassembly of the joint is required.
3. The types of flange and flange face.

Based on the above mentioned factors considering the operating

temperature and corrosiveness of the process fluid will be the controlling factor in
gasket selection. Vegetable fiber and synthetic rubber gaskets can be used at
temperatures of up to 100 c.

23 | P a g e
24 | P a g e
25 | P a g e
26 | P a g e
27 | P a g e
28 | P a g e
As we have seen in the above pages we have designed a pressure vessel for
crude oil with inner service pressure of 1.6Mpa and service temperature of 200 oc.
we have designed all components of the vessel as per our specific objective. We
have found thickness of the shell and length of the shell, 5.5mm and 4000mm,
respectively. We have found thickness and volume of the head for elliptical shape,
3.4m and 0.131m3, respectively. We have found thickness of the nozzle 1.09mm.
Finally we have found the diameter of the support, skirt, 42.65mm.

We have seen that our designed pressure vessel can withstand the fluid’s,
crude oil, pressure and temperature with out fracture.

29 | P a g e
From this project we have learned how vertical pressure vessels of skirt
support can be designed. From the calculations we concluded that our designed
pressure vessel can withstand the applied internal pressure, by the working fluid,
at a certain temperature.

30 | P a g e
 R.K. Sinnot, Coulson & Richardson’s, Chemical Engineering, volume 6, Third

 Paul Buthod and Tulsa, Oklahoma, pressure vessel handbook, Tenth

 Dennis R. Moss, Pressure Vessel Design Manual, Third Edition.
 Mr. G. Ghanbari, Mr. Mohammad Raza Lazadi and M. Serai. Pressure

Vessel Design Guides & Procedures.

31 | P a g e

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