Jellyfish Sampling and Identification Manual: Clive J. Fox Christine Beveridge

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sampling and identification


Prepared for Scottish Aquaculture Industry as part of Crown Estate

project C0111 - Jellyfish monitoring in western Scottish waters in relation
to aquaculture activities – establishment and testing of protocols for a
monitoring network
Clive J. Fox

Christine Beveridge

Aurelia aurita medusa beside ascending ring-net

Copyright statement

This work was created for educational purposes under a Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License

This work contains images which are themselves licenced under Creative Commons, before
re-use of images in this report please check the original copyright coding which applies.


Copyright statement ................................................................................................................... 1 

Contents ..................................................................................................................................... 2 
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 3 
Jellyfish taxonomy ..................................................................................................................... 5 
Jellyfish life-histories ................................................................................................................. 8 
Seasonality ................................................................................................................................. 9 
Monitoring jellyfish at farm sites............................................................................................. 11 
Record keeping when collecting samples ................................................................................ 11 
Estimating abundance of near surface scyphomedusae ........................................................... 11 
Collecting water samples for monitoring jellyfish................................................................... 12 
Analysing plankton samples .................................................................................................... 18 
Compilation of results .............................................................................................................. 22 
Appendix I Taxonomy of gelatinous organisms found on Scottish west coast ....................... 34 
Appendix II Visual guide to the larger scyphomedusae .......................................................... 37 
Appendix III Attachment of GO flowmeter to ring-net ........................................................... 40 
Appendix IV Recipe for buffered formalin ............................................................................. 42 
Appendix V Recommended protocol for sampling ................................................................. 43 
Appendix VI Recipe for observation fluid............................................................................... 45 
Appendix VII Key and pictorial guide to the common species we find in west Scotland
samples ..................................................................................................................................... 46 
Appendix VIII Example logsheets ........................................................................................... 81 
Appendix IX Example plankton labels .................................................................................... 82 
Appendix X List of companies supplying sampling equipment .............................................. 83 
References ................................................................................................................................ 85 


The present Crown Estate project arose from a series of workshops run for the Scottish
marine aquaculture industry at which concern was expressed about the impacts of jellyfish on
caged salmon in particular.

Since the 1990s several science papers have raised the prospect that the frequency and
intensity of jellyfish blooms could increase as a consequence of climate change, over-fishing,
coastal eutrophication and other factors (Purcell et al. 2007, Richardson et al. 2009, Brotz et
al. 2012). However whether jellyfish abundances are really increasing, or not, is highly
debateable (Condon et al. 2012). This is principally because we lack historical time-series
with which to compare present observations. What is definitely accepted is that jellyfish
blooms can cause severe problems for the finfish aquaculture industry.

The incident in which an influx of the oceanic species Pelagia noctiluca wiped out a salmon
farm in Northern Ireland is often cited (Doyle et al. 2008, Nickell et al. 2010). However such
extreme, but relatively rare events, can draw attention away from potentially more wide-
spread but lower-level chronic problems. Working at two salmon farms in Ireland, Baxter et
al. (2011a) recorded 27 taxa of jellyfish1 plus other gelatinous zooplankton and potentially
harmful algal cells in the water. Correlating the abundance of the various planktonic
organisms against fish mortality in cages at the Bantry Bay site revealed a positive link with
the abundance of harmful jellyfish2, with a lag of 1 to 7 days but was not significantly linked
with the abundance of harmful phytoplankton.

These results immediately highlight some issues with this sort of study – the potentially large
number of jellyfish species which might cause problems (many of these species are hard for
the non-specialist to identify), the fact that most of these species have small, transparent
medusa and are not easily observed, the correlative nature of this type of study (bearing in
mind that association does not always indicate cause and effect) and the potential multi-factor
causes of the gill-disease related mortalities (as discussed in those papers). However, (Baxter
et al. 2011b) went on to conduct challenge experiments where salmon were exposed to
macerated Aurelia aurita under controlled experimental conditions – exposure for even short
periods of time resulted in similar gill pathologies to those observed in the farm-based study.
It seems likely therefore that many jellyfish species could cause problems and we cannot
therefore assume that only those species previously identified as causing problems
(principally P. noctiluca, Muggea atlantica, Phialella quadrata and Solmaris corona) will
always be the culprits (Nickell et al. 2010).

Here we use the term jellyfish to include members of the phylum Cnidaria. In addition other
gelatinous organisms found in the plankton include sea-gooseberries (phylum Ctenophora),
tunicates (sub-phylum Tunicata) and the arrow-worms (phylum Chaetognatha)
In this study taxa grouped as harmful jellyfish included Muggiaea atlantica, Phialella
quadrata and Solmaris corona, on the basis of previous reports implicating these species as
causing problems for caged finfish.

Because so little appears to be known about the occurrence and abundance of jellyfish at
aquaculture farm-sites improved monitoring is required. However to be of significant value
the industry must accept that monitoring must be undertaken over a significant length of time
(likely several years for patterns in the data to emerge), over a sufficient number of locations
(so that spatial patterns can be identified) and that monitoring must be undertaken to a
sufficient standard (both in sampling techniques and sample analysis) such that the data are
consistent both in time and space. All of this has cost implications which have yet to be
thoroughly analysed.

In addition, we suggest that only if individual companies are willing to share their data will it
be possible to develop a more comprehensive picture of the problem at the regional-scale of
the west of Scotland.

We suggest that a properly run monitoring program, if run for a sufficient length of time, will
be able to address the following questions:-

1. Do particular locations have worse problems with jellyfish than others?

(eventually the aim should be to understand the factors responsible so that existing
and new sites can be evaluated for potential problems)
2. Which species are particularly associated with gill-health problems? (allowing
further research to focus on those species and their impacts with the potential to
identify suitable mitigation measures)
3. Are there trends in the abundance of these harmful species? i.e. are jellyfish really

The main aim of the C0111 project (2012-2014) is to initiate such monitoring.

As part of the project, a series of workshops are being run for the industry to provide training
in collecting samples for jellyfish monitoring, in the general background ecology of the
organisms and in identification of at least the key species.

A separate part of the project is developing a web-based database system allowing the
industry to submit, share and analyse jellyfish monitoring data. The system includes protocols
to ensure data confidentiality where companies require it.

Jellyfish taxonomy

Taxonomy is the scientific classification of organisms into a logical structure. Species are
identified using a two-part Latin name. For example, the ‘moon’ jellyfish has the scientific
name ‘Aurelia aurita’. The first part, ‘Aurelia’ is known as the ‘genus’ and the second part
‘aurita’ is the ‘species’ part. The accepted convention is for the Genus part only to be
capitalised but both parts to be italicized. It is strongly recommended to get used to using the
scientific names rather than the common names which some jellyfish species have (this is
because different common names can be used for the same species leading to potential
confusion and because the Latin names are universally understood, regardless of a
researcher’s native language).

Species are grouped together within a Genus and then within higher groupings (Family,
Order, Class, Phylum) to form a tree-like structure which is supposed to reflect the
organism’s evolutionary history. This tree-like scheme can become very confusing as
taxonomists have generated many intermediate groupings (e.g. Super-family, Sub-order, Sub-
phylum etc.) in attempts to ‘fit’ all known species into the scheme. Further complications
arise in that the classifications are often re-organised as a result of species, or even entire
groups, being re-classified as a result of research (the increasing application of genetic
methods, which can reveal previously hidden evolutionary relationships, has led to an
increase in taxonomic re-organising). It is not unusual to find considerable disagreement
between researchers on where particular species should be placed in these schemes. For the
sake of sanity I have chosen to follow the classification scheme given in the World Register
of Marine Species which is slightly simpler than that shown in
Howson and Picton (1997).

It is not necessary to have a comprehensive knowledge of the Cnidarian classification tree to

operate a monitoring scheme but some appreciation of the major groupings can be useful. A
more detailed view is presented in Appendix I which shows where the species we have found
in 2012 at our west of Scotland monitoring sites belong in the taxonomic tree.

Organisms commonly called jellyfish belong to the taxonomic group Cnidaria (their
distinguishing feature being the presence of ‘cnidocysts’ which are specialized venom
producing stinging cells used mainly for capturing prey).

Most people can recognise the larger jellyfish often seen floating at the sea surface or
stranded on beaches, particularly in summer time. These are mostly members of the class
Scyphomedusae and include species like the mauve stinger (P. noctiluca), moon jellyfish
(Aurelia aurita), Lion’s mane (Cyanea capillata), compass jellyfish (Chrysaora hysoscella),
blue jellyfish (Cyanea lamarkii) and Barrel jellyfish (Rhizostoma octopus). See Appendix II
Visual guide to the larger scyphomedusae.

Figure 1

Pelagia noctiluca (maeve stinger) –

an example of a species where the
benthic polyp stage has been lost

(reproduced with permission from

Encyclodepia of Life, Owen

Figure 2

Aurelia aurita blooms of this

species are common especially in
the sea-lochs

(reproduced with permission from

Encyclopedia of Life, image by
Stanislav Krečjik)

Other gelatinous organisms which are large enough to be easily seen with the naked eye are
the sea gooseberries or Ctenophora (their distinctive feature is the presence of "coombs"
which are groups of cilia used for swimming). The commonest coomb jelly in our waters,
Pleurobrachia pileus (Figure 3), also extends sticky fishing tentacles. In contrast to the true
jellyfish (Cnidaria), the cells responsible for this stickiness (colloblasts) do not produce

Figure 3

Pleurobrachia pileus, a common

ctenophore in UK waters showing the
sticky fishing tentacles extended

Reproduced with permission from the

Encyclopedia of Life, photo by National
Museums of Ireland

In addition to the true jellyfish and the ctenophores, other gelatinous organisms found in the
plankton include tunicates (Tunicata, Figure 4) and arrow-worms (Chaetognatha). However,
these latter two groups do not possess stinging cells and so are less likely to cause gill-
damage in caged finfish (although blooms might still cause problems associated with net

Figure 4

An appendicularian (phylum
Tunicata), Oikopleura doica. Usually
only the organism itself is seen in
plankton samples (as illustrated
here), the delicate ‘house’ it uses for
fishing being destroyed during

Reproduced with permission from

the Encyclopedia of Life, photo by
World Register of Marine Species

For the British Isles, Russell produced two seminal identification texts (Russell 1953, 1970)
and he recorded around 100 species. The vast majority (around 90 species) belong in the
Superclass Hydrozoa with only around 13 scyphozoan species being recorded. Thus in
addition to the larger medusae (almost all of which are members of the Scyphozoa) familiar
to most visitors to the UK coasts, there are numerous smaller species which can only be
observed by careful collection and examination. Looking at a water sample by eye little will
be apparent until the sample is examined under a microscope. Careful sorting of the sample
will often then reveal the presence of many hydromedusae.

Jellyfish life-histories

The life-cycle of Cnidarian jellyfish is fascinating and generally involves a cycle between
sessile (fixed) polyp stages and free-floating medusa stages. However, many of the oceanic
species have lost the polyp stage (presumably as they would not find suitable habitat in the
deep-sea) and spend all their lives floating as members of the plankton. In addition, some
cnidarians, such as Physalia physalia (Portuguese Man’O War), are actually colonial
organisms where individuals perform specialised functions such as providing flotation,
feeding or even emitting light (some authorities make a point of excluding these colonial
organisms from the ‘true jellyfish’).

Figure 5
Generalised jellyfish lifecycle (A) Medusae (B) Planktonic planula larvae (C) Benthic
polyps (scyphisotma) (D) Planktonic juvenile stage (ephyrae) (Photos Chad Widmer)

As a group, the jellyfish show a remarkable range of life-cycles but these can be
classified as variations on a basic pattern of alternating planktonic and benthic stages (
Figure 5 and Figure 6).
The common variations in life cycle include:-

1. Those with a hydroid stage, this is the most common pattern. Following sexual
reproduction by the adult medusa (Figure 5A), planktonic larvae (planula) are
produced (Figure 5B). These settle onto hard substrates changing into polyps (Figure
5.2) which, in some species, develop into colonies or hydroids. The next stage is
strobilation (Figure 5.3) or the production of small medusae (ephyra) which are
released into the water (Figure 5.4). Polyps may over-winter and strobilation may be
triggered by changes in water temperature, salinity, light or prey abundance. The
polyp stage can live for several years. Many species of jellyfish are therefore adapted

to take advantage of the onset of favourable conditions and the numbers of planktonic
medusae can increase rapidly.

It is normally the presence of the medusa in the water which will be of interest to the
aquaculture industry but the fact that, for many species, there is a complex coupling
between the benthic and planktonic stages means that polyp ecology should also be of
interest. For example it may be that farm structures themselves (cages, pens, nets etc.)
are providing additional sites for polyp development and this may be encouraging
blooms to develop locally. This is also being investigated as part of the Crown Estate

2. Those with direct development. This is most common in oceanic forms (including the
mauve stinger, Pelagia noctiluca) where planktonic larvae develop through the
ephyra stage into mature medusa (Figure 1).
3. Those with a parasitic life-stage. As far as is known none of the UK species are

A more detailed account of the role of the polyp stages in the life cycle of the Scyphozoan
species can be found in Lucas et al. (2012).

Figure 6
Example of another species with an alternating benthic and planktonic life-cycle, in this
case the species is Cyanea capillata (A) Mature medusa (B) Planktonic planula larvae (2)
Benthic polyp (scyphisotma) (3) Strobilating benthic polyp (4) Planktonic juvenile stage
(ephyrae) (Photos Chad Widmer)


As mentioned above for many species the planktonic medusa will grow, mature and sexually
reproduce in a single season. In mid-latitude waters the young ephyrae are generally released
into the water around the time of the spring-plankton bloom to exploit the abundant prey such
as copepods and other small zooplankton. The abundance and size of the medusae increases
during the summer (Figure 7). The blooms may terminate quite suddenly and it is not unusual
to find large strandings of post-reproduction scyphozoan species (e.g. Aurelia aurita) on

beaches in late summer and autumn. However, there are species differences in timing and this
may reflect whether the jellyfish is a ‘cold’ or ‘warm’ adapted species.

At our monitoring site in 2012, Obelia spp. appeared earliest but peaked around mid-July.
Lizzia blondina also seemed to peak in mid-July but did not show the early peak exhibited by

Figure 7 Seasonal patterns in jellyfish at the SAMS monitoring site in the Firth of Lorn
in 2012. Taxa codes are for juvenile and adult medusa unless otherwise indicated:
1Anthozoa 2 Aurelia aurita ephyra 3 Aurelia aurita 4 Bougainvillia muscus 5
Bougainvillia principis 6 Bougainvillidae spp. 7 Clytia hemisphaerica 8 Codonium
proliferum 9 Corymorpha nutans 10 Coryne eximia 11 Cosmetira pilosella 12 Cyanea
capillata 13 Cyanea lamarkii 14 Euphysa aurata 15 Eutima gracilis 16 Eutima spp. 17
Hybocodon prolifer 18 Hydractinia borealis 19 Hydroida 20 Hydrozoa spp. Larvae 21
Hydrozoa spp 22 Laodicea undulata 23 Leuckartiara octona 24 Lizzia blondina 25
Lovenella clausa 26 Mitrocomella polydiademata 27 Obelia spp. 28 Phialella quadrata 29
Pleurobrachia pileus 30 Proboscidactyla stellate 31 Rathkea octopunctata 32 Sarsia
tubulosa 33 Siphonophora spp. 34 Slabberia halterata 35 Stauridiosarsia gemmifera 35
Damaged hydromedusae 37 Zanclea costata (uncertain) 38 Total medusa

Monitoring jellyfish at farm sites

Effective monitoring of jellyfish at farm sites must deal with the following aspects.

1. Accurate recording of the date and time of sampling along with notes on weather
conditions and additional comments on fish behaviour.
2. An estimate of the abundance of the larger visible scyphomedusae near the surface.
These larger animals will not be sampled effectively by ring-nets so a separate visual
estimate must be made. Visual counts are strongly affected by sea-state hence the
need to record weather conditions as well.
3. Collection of water samples for analysis of the small, semi-transparent medusa.
4. Reasonably rapid analysis of the collected water samples as medusa in even well-
fixed samples will degrade over time.
5. Compiling and comparing data between sites and years.

The following sections consider each of these items in turn.

Record keeping when collecting samples

If data and samples collected are to be of any use it is essential that accurate records are kept.
The best approach is to use pre-printed log-sheets printed on waterproof paper. Use of pre-
printed log-sheets helps prevent operators forgetting to record key parameters which easily
happens if just using a blank waterproof notebook.

Examples of the log-sheets we use are at ‘Appendix VIII Example log-sheets’.

These sheets can be modified and printed out onto waterproof paper available from
Aquascribe (see suppliers listing under ‘Appendix X List of companies supplying sampling

Estimating abundance of near surface scyphomedusae

The larger scyphomedusae are often seen at the surface, at least on calm days. They can be
readily identified (Appendix II Visual guide to the larger scyphomedusae) by eye.

Estimating the abundance is somewhat harder and probably only an approximation can be
achieved in the field without resorting to photographic methods.

One needs to record the estimated abundance within a standard area. Standing on a cage or
dory deck it is reasonable to estimate within 9 m2 of sea surface. Ideally small marker buoys
should be set up to bound the area. The approx.. number of jellyfish seen in the area should
be recorded in the following bounds:-

Absent; 1-2; 2-4; 4-8; 8-10; >10

Again replication is needed so three estimates at different locations would be ideal.

A suggested layout for farm sampling is shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8

The main point is to locate the jellyfish sampling points in places where they are not in the
shadow of the cages taking account of the predominant tidal patterns at the site.

Collecting water samples for monitoring jellyfish

The standard approach to collecting water samples to examine for the medusa is by using a
simple ring-net (Figure 9).

Figure 9

A 1 m diameter ring-net hanging up to

dry after use. The rod for fixing a
flowmeter is visible in the mouth

In the background is a red heavy-duty

nylon bag used to store the net. These
are not generally supplied as standard
and must be custom made. A proper
storage bag is highly recommended as
the plankton mesh of the net is easily
torn if caught on any sharp objects
during storage or transport to the
sampling location.

The mesh size of the ring-net should be fine enough to retain all plankton of interest but
sufficiently large so that excessive clogging does not occur. For general sampling a mesh size
of 270 microns (there are 1000 microns in 1 mm) is usually suitable. If excessive clogging
occurs e.g. during the spring bloom, it may be necessary to move up to a 500 micron mesh
net. Ideally one net of each mesh size should be available at each sampling location.

Because medusae are fragile it is best to have a non-filtering cod-end on the net (Figure 10),
this design ensures the plankton are always in seawater as the cod-end is brought in-board.

Figure 10

Left hand picture shows a

cod-end modified for
sampling jellyfish by covering
the mesh panel of the
standard filtering cod-end
(right hand picture)

Figure 11

A custom made non-filtering cod-end

suitable for attachment to a ring-net for
sampling jellyfish (Spartel Ltd.).

It is also important that the cod-end can be

removed quickly from the net for
emptying the catch – the screw thread on
this design allows this but is strong enough
to support the weight of the water in the
cod-end as the net is recovered in-board.

Because medusae are patchily distributed it is desirable to sample as large a volume of water
as practical (this helps give a more precise estimate of the average abundance of medusa in
the water).

For hand-hauling a 1 m ring-net is difficult to handle and a 0.5 m diameter net is more
manageable (Figure 12).

If at all possible a 1 m diameter ring-net is recommended (Figure 13) which will sample
around 24 m3 of water if sampling down to a typical depth of 30 m.

Figure 12

A 0.5 m diameter ring-net fitted with a

non-filtering cod-end suitable for sampling
jellyfish (Spartel Ltd.). The ropes down
the net sides allow additional weight to be
added to ensure the net sinks when

Figure 13

If a winch is available then a 1 m ring-net

is preferred because it will sample a larger
volume of water

A 0.5 m ring-net will only sample around 6 m3 of water if sampling down to a typical depth
of 30 m. We would therefore recommend, if at all possible, that each replicate sample
consists of three hauls where the contents of the end-bucket are pooled together (meaning
about 18 m3 will have been filtered).

It is also vital to collect replicate samples. There are several reasons for this:-

1. Replication allows one to calculate a more reliable average number of medusa in the
2. Replication means that if a sample is lost in transport e.g. through leakage, there will
still remain samples which can be analysed for that sampling event.

At a minimum we recommend collection of three replicates per sampling event.

One might be tempted to collect more replicates as this will yield more precise estimates but
this must be balanced against the effort and cost of analysing the samples. As we will see
analysis costs can be significant. In our experience collection of three replicates every two
weeks during the summer at a site seems a reasonable compromise and will yield useful data.
Sampling frequency can be reduced during the winter but should not be reduced too early in
the year as Baxter et al. (2011a) recorded a peak in gill-related mortalities in late October to
early November.

Replicates should be collected at different points around the cages in order to reduce the
effect of small-scale patchiness. If particular problems with fish behaviour have been noted,
additional samples could be collected inside the cage.

Another important issue is what water volume is actually being filtered. A simple estimate is
to take the mouth opening area of the net in m2 and multiply it by the depth sampled.
However, the actual volume filtered can vary substantially from this estimate. This can
happen when currents force more water through the net than predicted or when clogging
occurs often due to phytoplankton, resulting in less water being filtered than predicted.

The normal solution is to place a flow-meter in the mouth of the net. A suitable model is from
General Oceanics (Figure 14). The meter is equipped with a back-stop to prevent the rotor
turning when the net is being lowered. The flowmeter MUST be read before the net is
deployed and at the end of the deployment. The difference in counts can be converted to
water flow using a formula supplied by the manufacturer. Instructions for mounting and using
the flowmeter are at “Appendix III Attachment of GO flowmeter to ring-net”.

Figure 14

General Oceanics design flowmeter

Having recorded the flowmeter counts before deployment, the net should be lowered to the
required sampling depth and then slowly recovered. The net should not be washed down
using a deck-hose as this can damage the jellies. The net should be moved up and down a few
times at the surface to wash material into the end bucket.

The end bucket should be un-screwed and the contents gently poured through a sieve of
appropriate mesh size. It is a good idea to do this over a large washing-up bowl so that any
spilled material can be recovered and passed back through the sieve (Figure 15).

Figure 15

A sieve and measuring jug are

essential for transferring
samples from the ring-net to
plastic sample jars

The sample should then be rinsed as gently as possible into a measuring jug using 4%
formalin from a wash-bottle (wear safety goggles) which facilitates pouring the sample into a
plankton jar.

Ideally the contents of the jar should at this stage be no more than 1/3 full to allow sufficient
space to top up with 4% formalin (at least as much volume again).

The recipe for 4% buffered formalin is at ‘Appendix IV Recipe for buffered formalin’.

A pre-printed plankton sample label (Appendix XI) must be completed in pencil and the label
inserted inside the plankton jar.

The jars should then be sealed tightly and either taken to the analysis facilities onshore or
posted away for analysis.

Diluted formalin is not considered hazardous and can be shipped through the post but must be
packaged securely.

Analysing plankton samples


Even diluted formalin is unpleasant and presents some health risks so samples prior to
analysis should be gently rinsed off with fresh water (ideally in a fume cupboard or otherwise
in a well-ventilated area.

Fixed samples can be analysed in freshwater or one can use Steadman’s observation fluid
(‘Appendix VI Recipe for observation fluid’). This contains chemicals which act as
fungicides and will help preserve the samples in good condition.

A plankton sorting station needs to be equipped with a suitable microscope and a selection of
wash bottles, petri or similar transparent dishes and jugs will be needed. For counting
samples glass petri dishes are better than plastic which easily get scratched. Fixing a grid
beneath the dish can help sorting as one can work up and down the columns.

Figure 16

For sample sorting you will need wash

bottles, jugs, glass jars to store samples in
and some form of crating.

Small portions of the plankton sample should be placed in a petri or similar viewing dish and
examined under the microscope (Figure 17). Practice is needed to judge how much the
sample should be diluted by which will depend on the abundance of gelatinous zooplankton
in the sample.

Figure 17

Sorting plankton samples is made easier if

sub-samples are placed in a tray with a
base marked off in small squares.

Figure 18

A selection of soft tweezers and mounted

needles will be needed for manipulating
zooplankton under the microscope

Medusae will need to be identified and counted and the data recorded using either log-
sheets or an electronic recording system (
Figure 19).

Figure 19

Plankton sorting and analysis at SAMS,

this is quite a sophisticated setup with a
research grade microscope attached to a
semi-automated image measuring system
which allows rapid recording of taxa
along with length and width data

Many of the features of transparent medusa can be made more visible using dark-field
illumination (Figure 20). See ‘Appendix X List of companies supplying sampling

Figure 20

Many of the features of transparent

medusa are more easily seen using dark-
field illumination (for microscopes not
fitted with this option, a similar result can
be obtained using dark card under the
sample tray and illuminating from above.

The taxa level to record to needs deciding beforehand e.g. identifying to species level can be
extremely time consuming and higher level of identification may be sufficient e.g. to family
level. However, species level data would generally be needed if one is to relate outbreaks of
gill disease to particular causative agents.

When there are large numbers of jellies in a sample it may be impractical to analyse the
whole sample in which case the sample can be split using a rocking splitter (Figure 21). It is
essential that the number of splits performed is recorded so that the final counts can be
correctly raised up to the total volume of water sampled.

Figure 21

Rocking sample splitter – to use tilt

the splitter so the undivided chamber
(rear of the photo) is downwards,
place sample in the undivided
chamber and mix gently using a
figure-8 stirring, then rock the splitter
to the position shown. A half-split
sample can be recovered from the
open chamber and the remainder of
the sample returned to the storage
jar. Successive splits can be made by
re-splitting a split sample giving
fractions of ½, ¼, 1/8, 1/16 of the
original volume.

After analysis the sample should be returned to a suitable sized glass jar and fresh 4%
formalin added. Remember to replace the insert plankton label before storing.

For long-term storage, sealing the lids with paraffin wax (wax and a melting bath can be
purchased from histological laboratory suppliers) will help reduce evaporation. It will be up
to individual companies as to how long samples are stored for and some breakdown of

medusa will occur over time. However, long time-series of plankton samples may be
extremely valuable in the future for looking at how site conditions have changed over time.

Plankton samples should be placed in secure trays or boxes labelled on the outside with the
site and year of sampling to allow samples to be quickly located.

Samples should not be subject to low temperatures as this will cause formalin to precipitate.

Compilation of results

Individual companies will need to collate their records following their internal procedures but
we suggest that there is much to be learnt if companies are willing to share their jellyfish
monitoring data.

To this end we have written a web-based system which allows submission of observations
and viewing of the data.

Companies can set whether they wish to keep data confidential or to allow other registered
users to view data.

Only registered users can access the system – it is not publically open.

Given the volume of water filtered when the sample was collected (in m3) and the fraction of
the sample which was analysed, it is easy to convert the number of counts of each taxa to a
concentration of organisms per cubic metre of seawater.

Count in subsample x Raise factor

Volume filtered


Raise factor 1 Number of splits

If whole sample was analysed then raise factor defaults to 1.

If sample was split once then a half the original sample was analysed so raise factor = 2

and so on for further splits

For statistical modelling it can be desirable to work with the original count data so these
records should always be kept, even when abundances are entered in the web-reporting
system as numbers per cubic metre.

The web-based recording system is briefly described below:-

Individual companies will need to collate their records following their internal procedures but
we suggest that there is much to be learnt if companies are willing to share their jellyfish
monitoring data.

To this end we have written a web-based system which allows submission of observations
and viewing of the data. You can find the demo system

Companies can set whether they wish to keep data confidential or to allow some or all
registered users to view data. By default, all data is confidential.

Only registered users can access the system (henceforth: website) – it is not publically open.

General Website User Interface

1. The website is currently located You can use your

favourite Web Browser (such as: Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, etc.) to
access the website.
2. The user interface consists of:
a. The top status bar
i. Link to User Settings page (identified by your username)
ii. Link to Sign Out from the website
iii. Link to project contact/co-ordinator (login not required)
b. The page header and main menu consist of:
i. Tabs to add new Incidents and Observations to the database
ii. Tabs to view available Incident and Observation data from the
iii. All tabs open into the main content area
c. The main content area
3. From the website home page you can:
a. Login to the website to access your data and enter observations
b. Request access to the website
c. Read about the Jellyfish project in the “info” tab





Login and Registration

1. Before you can log in to the website for the first time, you must complete and send the
registration form by following the “Request access to this site” link from the home
2. All fields on the registration form are required.
3. By default, your data is marked as private. Nobody else on the website can access,
view, or manage your data unless you specifically request us to give them access to do
so. You may also choose to share your data with all other users of the website by
ticking the “I would like to share my data with other users of the site” checkbox on
the registration form.


4. One of our project managers will contact you to validate your request and provide you
with your login username and password.

View Observation Data

1. To view available jellyfish observation data, open the View Observation page by
clicking on the “view observations” tab. This page is also the first page you will see
every time you log in to the website.
a. NOTE: You can only see the observation data from your own sites. You may
also see the observation data from other company’s sites, if that company has
decided to share their data with you. By default, you will only see your own
2. Choose one, several, or all locations for jellyfish observations. By default, all
locations (sites) are selected.
3. Choose one, several, or all jellyfish species for jellyfish observations. By default, all
jellyfish species are selected.
4. Choose or enter the start and end date for jellyfish observations. If necessary, adjust
the date range by editing the date fields:
a. Manually, by entering the correct date and time string in the following format:
b. Using the provided calendar tool ( )
5. Use the Reload button ( ) to update the results. The results will load lower
down on the same page.





6. The result section starts with the count of all available jellyfish observations (records)
found in the database using the site, jellyfish species, and date range choices you have
made above.
7. It continues with a chart, showing the number of total observations and average
abundance per day using the site, jellyfish species, and date range choices you have
made above. This chart combines the data from all selected sites and jellyfish species
selected above.
8. The results section concludes with a table of all available jellyfish observation data
from the database using the site, jellyfish species, and date range choices you have
made above.
a. If the table is longer than the view frame, you can scroll down the table using
the slider on the right side of the table view frame.



8. 8.a.

Add a new Incident

1. To add a new jellyfish incident, open the Add Incident page by clicking on the “add
incident” tab. This web form consists of standard form elements you might have
already encountered elsewhere on the web.
a. NOTE: You can only add incident data from your own sites.
2. Choose the location of your jellyfish incident from the available list of sites. You can
only choose one.
3. Choose the type of jellyfish incident from the available list of incident types. You can
only choose one.
4. Enter the approximate number of fish involved in this incident
5. Enter any Notes or Comments into the Comments / Notes box.
6. Choose or enter the date and time for jellyfish incident. By default, this field already
contains current date and time. If necessary, adjust the observation date and time:
a. Manually, by entering the correct date and time string in the following format:
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss; OR
b. Using the provided calendar tool ( )
7. Once all the fields have been completed, click on the button to
insert your incident into the database.


3. 5.


4. 6.

8. If there is an incorrect or missing value in any of your form entries, the form will
notify you with a red warning message located below the incident form frame.


9. If there was no error and your incident data has been successfully written to the
database, the form will notify you with a green information message located below
the incident form frame.


Add a new Observation

1. To add a new jellyfish observation, open the Add Observation page by clicking on the
“add observation” tab. This web form consists of standard form elements you might
have already encountered elsewhere on the web.
a. NOTE: You can only add incident data from your own sites.
2. Choose the location of your jellyfish observation from the list of available sites. You
can only choose one.
3. Choose the species of your jellyfish observation from the list of available jellyfish
species. You can only choose one.
4. Choose the sea state during your jellyfish sampling from the list of available sea
states. You can only choose one.
5. Enter the sea surface temperature during your jellyfish sampling into the Water Temp.
6. Enter the abundance of sampled jellyfish as either:
a. An exact abundance value in npm3 ; OR
b. A discrete abundance estimate from the list of available abundance values
(Low, Medium, and High).
7. Enter the number of replicate haul for your jellyfish observation sample into the
Replicate Haul box.
8. Enter any Notes or Comments into the Comments / Notes box.
9. Choose or enter the date and time for jellyfish observation. By default, this field
already contains current date and time. If necessary, adjust the observation date and
a. Manually, by entering the correct date and time string in the following format:
YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss; OR
b. Using the provided calendar tool ( )
10. Once all the fields have been completed, click on the button to
insert your incident into the database.
11. If you have a lot of observations this can be a slow process, in this case contact Clive
Fox who can upload blocks of data for you.


4. 8.


12. If there is an incorrect or missing value in any of your form entries, the form will
notify you with a red warning message located below the observation form frame.


13. If there was no error and your observation data has been successfully written to the
database, the form will notify you with a green information message located below
the observation form frame.


View User Settings
1. If you are logged in, you can access your current user settings by clicking on your
username in the status bar (top right corner of the website).
2. You can verify your username and company details.
3. You can check the list of all the measuring sites you have access to. In addition to
your own sites, you may also see a list of additional businesses and measuring sites
from any other companies which have decided to share their data with you.


2. 3.

End-User Support
1. If you have any questions, problems, or suggestions as you use this website, please
contact Clive Fox ( or Lovro Valcic (

Appendix I Taxonomy of gelatinous organisms found on Scottish
west coast

NOTE This is not a comprehensive listing of all the gelatinous organism taxa for the UK but
focuses on those species we have identified so far from monitoring in 2012 on the Scottish
west coast and those recorded in Baxter et al. (2011a) from Ireland. I have chosen to follow
the classification scheme in the World Register of Marine Species

KEY to taxonomic groups P Phylum; C Class; SC Sub-class; O Order; SO Sub-order; F

Family; SF Sub-family

P C SC O SO F SF Species
Parasagitta elegans (was Sagitta elegans)
Parasagitta setosa (was Sagitta setosa)
Doliolum spp.
Oikopleura spp.
Pelagia noctiluca (Mauve stinger)
Chrysaora hysoscella (Compass jellyfish)
Cyanea capillata (Lion’s mane)
Cyanea lamarkii (Blue jellyfish)
Aurelia aurita (Moon jellyfish)
Rhizostoma pulmo (was R. octopus) (Barrel jellyfish)
Physalia physalis (Portuguese Man’O War)
Apolemia uvaria (String jelly)
Agalma elegans (String jelly)
Nanomia bijuga (String jelly)
Muggiaea atlantica

P C SC O SO F SF Species
Corymorpha nutans
Euphysa aurata
Codonium proliferum
Coryne eximia
Sarsia tubulosa
Slabberia halterata
Stauridiosarsia gemmifera (was Sarsia gemmifera)
Velella vellela (By-the-wind sailor)
Ectopleura dumortierii
Hybocodon prolifer
Zanclea costata
Amphinema rugosum
Leuckartiara octona
Bougainvillia muscus (synonym B. ramosa)
Bougainvillia principis
Bougainvillia pyramidata
Lizzia blondina
Hydractinia borealis
Proboscidactyla stellata
Rathkea octopunctata
Eutima gegenbauri (was Octorchis gegenbauri)
Eutima gracilis
Laodicea undulata
Lovenella clausa
Cosmetira pilosella
Mitrocomella polydiademata
Phialella quadrata

Clytia hemisphaerica
Obelia spp.
Solmaris corona
Aglantha digitale

P C SC O SO F SF Species
Beroe gracilis
Pleurobrachia pileus

Appendix II Visual guide to the larger scyphomedusae

Appendix III Attachment of GO flowmeter to ring-net

Figure 22

GO flowmeter with front cap removed (left); GO flowmeter mounted on bar in the ring-
net mouth (mid); correctly mounted GO flowmeter with the front cap fitted (right)

1. Check that the flowmeter is spinning freely, any tendency to jam will result in useless
records. If the vanes do not spin freely the flowmeter may need cleaning, should be
inspected for damage or may need the position of the vanes on the shaft adjusting (see
manufacturer instructions).
2. Remove the metal front cap to reveal the locking screw (Figure 22 left).
3. Loosen the locking screw so that the flowmeter can be slid onto the bar in the ring-net
mouth (Figure 22 mid).
4. Tighten the locking screw gently and replace the metal front-cap.
5. Screw on the nut to the mounting bar (this just acts as a safety)
6. Ensure before deployment that the meter is parallel to the net wall of the mouth-
opening (Figure 22 right).

Record the meter reading BEFORE and AFTER the deployment (

7. Figure 23).
8. If the net is being placed temporarily on the deck between deployments it is a good
idea to gently rotate the flowmeter through 90o so that the vanes and shaft are not
being banged against the deck.

Figure 23

GO flowmeter correctly deployed in the

mouth of a 1 m ring-net


In our experience these flow-meters are not particularly robust and if banged against a boat
deck etc. the shaft can easily be bent and the meter will jam. A careful check should be kept
on whether one is getting the right order of magnitude of counts during a deployment.

In addition the meters are quite hard to clean – we recommend that the grub-screw is
removed and the opening enlarged gently using a twist drill (

Figure 24) as it allows the meter to flood more quickly. After use it is essential that the flow-
meter is soaked in a bucket of freshwater overnight. Failure to do this will mean the meter
clogs and will not spin freely. It is essential that operators check that the flow-meter is
spinning freely before deployment. Periodically the flow-meter should be soaked overnight in
a solution of 1:10 vinegar:freshwater to help keep it clean.

Figure 24

GO flowmeter with the grub screw

removed and the opening widened using a

Appendix IV Recipe for buffered formalin

Appropriate COSHH and Safe System of Work will need to be prepared for this.


Commercial formalin 40% solution

Sodium acetate trihydrate (can be purchased from Amazon at £16.36 for 10 kg

or from chemical companies like Sigma (but more expensive).


To make 10 l of 4% buffered formalin

1. Weigh 250 grams of sodium acetate trihydrate into the carboy
2. Add 1 litre of the 40% formalin
3. Top up with 9 litres of tap water (fresh not seawater - using seawater
leads to a hyper-osmotic solution which will cause more shrinkage of
specimens than using freshwater)
4. Mix thoroughly

NOTE Formalin is a recognised health hazard to humans so company COSHH

regulations must be followed when handling.

Appendix V Recommended protocol for sampling
These pages can be printed off onto waterproof paper and used at the farm as a
checklist when collecting samples

Gear (per sampling trip)

1 x 1.0 m or 0.5 m ring-net 270 µm mesh

1 x 1.0 m or 0.5 m ring-net 500 µm mesh (optional)

1 x non-filtering end-bucket for net

1 x sinking weight (such as old shackles or similar)
1 x deployment rope
1 x General Oceanics flowmeter
1 x 270 µm mesh sieve
1 x 10 l carboy 4% buffered formalin (see below)
1 x log-sheets and labels pack, pencil
1 x safety goggles
1 x disposable gloves
3 x plastic sample jars
1 x spray bottle
1 x plastic washing-up bowl or tray


1. Aim is to collect 3 replicate samples approximately every fortnight.

2. Assemble the flow-meter onto the rod at the top of the net.
3. Ensure the end bucket is firmly (hand tight only) fitted.
4. Record sampling details, location, date, time, sea state, any obvious large jellyfish at
surface around the cages (see Identification sheet for common large species).
5. Check that the flow-meter is not damaged and the rotor can turn freely (Note the
flow-meters have a reverse stop so should only turn in one direction. The shafts of the
flow-meters can be easily bent if they are dropped on the cage deck for example, if
the rotor doesn't turn freely then, either the flow-meter will need cleaning or the flow-
meter disassembled and the shaft straightened. If damaged badly it will need returning
to the supplier for repair).
6. Record the flow-meter count on the log-sheet.
7. Lower the net slowly to within a few metres of the seabed, if tide is running deploy on
side of cages where the net will be carried away from the cage.
8. Slowly hand-haul the net back to the surface.
9. Record the flow-meter count on the log-sheet (after a few deployments you will have
an idea of how many counts you expect).
10. Place the end-bucket in a plastic bowl and carefully unscrew the end bucket.
11. Gently tip the contents into the plastic bowl then pour the contents slowly through the
270 µm mesh sieve.

12. If using a 0.5 m ring-net, make three dips and combine the catches to make a single
replicated sample – the 0.5 m ring-net does not sample much water so pooling three
hauls improves the precision of the data.
13. Gently wash the sieve contents into a plastic sample jar with 4% buffered formalin
using the spray bottle.
14. Top up the jar contents with 4% buffered formalin.
15. Make sure the plankton label is filled in (using pencil) and put into the jar - if this is
not done we will not be able to relate the jars back to the correct haul and will not be
able to convert the jellyfish counts to numbers per m3 water filtered.
16. Move to a slightly different location within the farm.
17. Repeat steps 6 through 15 two more times putting each hauls catch into a separate jar.
18. Disassemble the net and flow-meter, make sure these are washed with freshwater and
then throroughly dried before storage.
19. Pack the sample jars with the log-sheet and post to

Dr Clive Fox
Scottish Marine Institute
Dunstaffnage, Oban
PA37 1QA

Appendix VI Recipe for observation fluid

Appropriate COSHH and Safe System of Work will need to be prepared for this.


Propylene glycol (1,2-Propanediol)



Prepare diluted solution in fume cupboard

Mix together 50 ml of 1-Phenoxy-2-propanol and 500 ml 1,2-Propanediol (Propylene glycol)

by shaking vigorously in a sealed container as the two chemicals are not very miscible.

Add deionised water to make up to 10L, and mix thoroughly again.

Use as an alternative to 4% formaldehyde during observation of zooplankton.

Once diluted solution is prepared store in a carboy.

Appendix VII Key and pictorial guide to the common species we find in west Scotland samples
This is still a work in progress and further species will be added as and when they are observed.

Another very useful reference is (Conway 2012).

Last update Autumn 2013 Features Taxa This guide Conway page
Flat medusa
fringed with many tentacles, based on symmetry of 8 Obelia spp. 90
Figure 25
canals becoming more branched towards the perimeter Aurelia aurita 29
Figure 26
yellow/brown, wide circular muscle band, marginal tentacle group located back Cyanea capillata 27
from edge Figure 27
blue/grey. marginal tentacle groups develop sequentially Cyanea lamarckii 28
Figure 28
Spherical medusa
very delicate Bolinopsis infundibulum 105
Figure 29
more robust jelly, 8 combs of cilia (note this is not member of Cnidaria) Pleurobrachia pileus 104
Figure 30
Hemispherical or domed medusa
2 long tentacles, cirri on tentacle and non-tentacle bulbs, stomach extends past margin
gonads on peduncle Eutima gracilis 84
Figure 31
gonads on peduncle and on subumbrella Eutima gegenbauri 85
Figure 31
based on symetry of 4
gonads on inter-radial walls of stomach, spindle shaped cordylus-like structures Modeeria rotunda 81
between tentacles Figure 32

Last update Autumn 2013 Features Taxa This guide Conway page
gonads undulating close to stomach, many tentalces with ocelli on base, cordyli Laodicea undulata 74
between tentacles Figure 33
gonads on periradial canals, tentacle numbers based on multiples of 4
jelly firm and thick
8 vesicles around the margin,
no additional cirri Phiaella quadrata 80
Figure 34
6 to 10 marginal cirri between adjacent marginal tentacles and up Cosmetrira pilosella 77
umbrella margin Figure 35
jelly soft and thin,
more than 8 small vesicles around the margin Clytia hemispherica 89
Figure 36
gonads close to margin
1 to 3 spiral lateral cirri at the base of the tentacle, gonads Lovenella clausa 79
close to margin Figure 37
6 to 8 coiled marginal cirri between each adjacent marginal Mitrocomella (76)
tentacles polydiademata Figure 38
no gonads on periradial canals
ocelli present
4 tenacles with bulbs of equal size
one ocelli per tentacle bulb
stomach does not extend beyond margin Coryne eximia 46
Figure 39
asexual budding from marginal tentacles Codonium proliferum 47
Figure 40
stomach extends beyond margin
long fat stomach Sarsia tubulosa 45
Figure 41

Last update Autumn 2013 Features Taxa This guide Conway page
thin thread leads to stomach with budding from above the Stauridiosarsia gemmifera 48
stomach Figure 42
ocelli large, tentacle with terminal knob of nematocysts Slabberia halterata 49
Figure 43
more than one ocelli per tentacle bulb, branched oral tentacles from oral Bougainvilliidae 68-70
lips Figure 44
large banana shaped tentacle bulb with many tentacles Bougainvillia princips 70
Figure 45
ocelli absent
4 tentacle bulbs with one larger
firm jelly with large apical dome,
one tentacle from large bulb with nematocyst rings Euphysa aurata 54
Figure 46
umbilical canal going to tip of apical process Corymorpha nutans 53
Figure 47
thinner jelly, dome asymmetrical, budding from the larger tentacle bulb Hybocodon prolifera 52
Figure 48
many tentacle bulbs
broad radial canal
oral tentacles originating at oral margin Hydractinia borealis 62
Figure 49
no oral tentacles Leuckartiara octona 73
Figure 50
based on symmetry of 6, gonads on radial canal close to stomach Probosidactyla stellata 38
Figure 51
based on symmetry of 8
thick apical dome of jelly, budding from around the stomach, ocelli absent
8 tentacle groups with 2 to 3 tentacles per group,
oral tentacles originate above the oral margin and don't branch Lizzia blondina 67
Figure 52

Last update Autumn 2013 Features Taxa This guide Conway page
8 tentacle groups with 3 to 5 tentacles per group, black
oral tentacles originate at oral lips and are branched Rathkea octopunctata 66
Figure 53
Cone shaped asymmetrical Muggiaea atlantica 98
Figure 54
Larval stages
Figure 55

Figure 25
Figure 26
Figure 27

Figure 28

Figure 29

Figure 30

Figure 31

Figure 32

Figure 33

Figure 34

Figure 35

Figure 36

Figure 37

Figure 38

Figure 39

Figure 40

Figure 41

Figure 42

Figure 43

Figure 44

Figure 45

Figure 46

Figure 47

Figure 48

Figure 49

Figure 50

Figure 51

Figure 52

Figure 53

Figure 54

Figure 55

Appendix VIII Example log-sheets

COMPANY……………………… FARM LOCATION…………….…………………….

LATITUDE….…………………… LONGITUDE…………………………………….

DATE …………………………… AVERAGE DEPTH ……………………………. m

GEAR (tick as appropriate)

Ring-net diameter 0.5 m □ 1m □

Mesh size 270 micrometer □ 500 micrometer □
General Oceanics flowmeter Used □ not used □
MATERIAL PRESERVED (Circle appropriate number) 1 2 3 hauls in 4% buffered formalin

SEASTATE ………………………………………CLOUD COVER………………………..



Species Absent 1 to 2 2 to 4 4 to 8 8 to 10 >10

Sampling sub-site 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3




Replicate haul Number of Flow counts start Flow counts Depth sampled to
hauls combined end (m)

Please pack this sheet with samples, make sure jar labels are included and return to: Dr Clive Fox,
Scottish Marine Institute, Dunstaffnage, Oban, PA37 1QA
Appendix IX Example plankton labels

These labels are designed in Excel and printed onto the waterproof Aquascribe paper. One
label must be filled in for each plankton replicate sample using pencil and placed inside the
sample jar.

Appendix X List of companies supplying sampling equipment

This appendix suggests some suppliers we have used in the past. SAMS do not endorse any
particular suppliers nor receive any commission on any orders resulting. Companies listed
below may not necessarily be the cheapest supplier and purchasers are advised to search for
alternate options before placing any orders.

Plankton nets and flowmeters:- We tend to use equipment supplied by Spartel Ltd. as it is
robust and the company will customise designs. Spartel Ltd., Bridge House, Gara Bridge,
Totnes, Devon TQ9 7JT. Costs for a ring-net will
be around £300, make sure to specify correct size, non-filtering cod-end suitable for sampling
jellyfish, fitted rod for flowmeter attachment and additional weight ropes. GO flowmeters are
around £300 each (make sure to specify the non-reversing option).

There are other suppliers of plankton sampling equipment in the U.K. but SAMS cannot
comment on their suitability for jellyfish sampling.

Plankton jars:- We tend to use plastic jars for sampling at sea as they will not break if
dropped. Medfor Products Ltd., 84 Alexandra Road, Farnborough, GU14 6DD.

For longer-term storage of samples we transfer into glass jars of various sizes (and re-use the
polycarb. jars as they are expensive).

Glass honey jars, Freeman and Harding Ltd., Tel: 01322 351315,

Smaller vol. glass jars: Solmeida Ltd., Tel: 0844 8080 900,

Waterproof printable A4 paper (AQL4): - Aquascribe, PO Box 50, Newark, Notts,

NG23 5GY. £34 per 250 sheets,

For concentrating and transferring samples in the field, several plastic measuring jugs and a
large washing-up type bowl will be needed. It will also be necessary to filter off excess
seawater – for this one can use either commercial sieves or you can make your own filters
using plastic pipe and plankton mesh (Spartel will supply offcuts for this purpose). For either
type of filter, the mesh size must be equal, or less than the mesh size of the plankton net
(normally around 270 micron) otherwise sampled material will be lost.

Two rinse bottles one containing seawater and one containing pre-diluted formalin are needed
for washing the samples off the sieve into a measuring jug and then into a plankton jar. can supply pre-made sieves.

It is a good idea to keep all the field kit in a box so that it is ready to go and you don’t
suddenly discover you have forgotten an item once out on the water.

Soft tweezers are useful for manipulating medusa without damaging specimens - TAAB
Laboratories Equipment Ltd., 3 Minerva House, Calleva Park, Aldermaston, Berks, RG7
8NA, England.

Microscopes: – there are a wide range of options available from ultra-expensive research
instruments (around £8,000) through education grade (£300-£1500) to cheap hobby level
(<£300). Unfortunately to be able to see features required for identifying jellyfish requires a
reasonably good instrument (education grade or above). Ideally the microscope should be of
stereo design and equipped with the optional dark-field optics although one can get-away
with using a dark background as long as the microscope has a top-light. A stereo-microscope
with zoom and magnifications from at least x10 to x40 is recommended. The option to switch
illumination from below to above can be particularly useful for analysing plankton samples.
Slightly more expensive models allow a camera to be attached which can be useful for
photographing unknown specimens so that the photos can be sent to other experts for their
opinion. Another option to consider is ergonomics, more expensive models allow adjustment
of the eye-piece widths and viewing angles which can become an important consideration if
analysts are expected to work at the instrument for extended periods of time.

Research grade instruments are supplied by companies such as:-

Leica; Olympus and Zeiss

There are a wide range of suppliers of educational grade microscopes on the internet, many of
these suppliers can advise on suitable makes and models for particular applications

You will also need a selection of petri dishes or other sample sorting trays, beakers, probes
for moving specimens in the sorting tray. A separate set of sieves is also very useful so that
from the field sampling kit.

Most of these items can be obtained from normal lab. suppliers such as Fisher.

Baxter EJ, Rodger HD, McAllen R, Doyle TK (2011a) Gill disorders in marine-farmed
salmon: investigating the role of hydrozoan jellyfish Aquacult Environ Interact 1:245-257

Baxter EJ, Sturt MM, Ruane NM, Doyle TK, McAllen R, Harman L, Rodger HD (2011b)
Gill damage to Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) caused by the common jellyfish (Aurelia
aurita) under experimental challenge Plos One 6:e18529 10.1371/journal.pone.0018529

Brotz L, Cheung WWL, Kleisner K, Pakhomov E, Pauly D (2012) Increasing jellyfish

populations: trends in Large Marine Ecosystems Hydrobiologia 10.1007/s/10750-012-1039-7

Condon RH, Graham WM, Duarte CM, Pitt KA, Haddock SHD, Sutherland KR, Robinson
KI, Dawson MN, Decker MB, Mills CE, Purcell JE, Malej A, Mianzan H, Uye S-i, Gelcich
S, Madin LP (2012) Questioning the rise of gelatinous zooplankton in the world’s oceans
BioScience 62:160-169

Conway DVP (2012) Marine zooplankton of southern Britain. Part 1: Radiolaria, Heliozoa,
Foraminifera, Ciliophora, Cnidaria, Ctenophora, Platyhelminthes, Nemertea, Rotifera and
Mollusca. 25, Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, Plymouth, United
Kingdom, 138 pp.

Doyle TK, De Haas H, Cotton D, Dorschel B, Cummins V, Houghton JDR, Davenport J,

Hays GC (2008) Widespread occurrence of the jellyfish Pelagia noctiluca in Irish coastal and
shelf waters J Plank Res 30:963-968 10.1093/plankt/fbn052

Howson C, Picton BE (eds) (1997) The species directory of the marine fauna and flora of the
British Isles and surrounding seas, Vol. Marine Conservation Society

Lucas CH, Graham WM, Widmer C (2012) Jellyfish life histories: Role of polyps in forming
and maintaining scyphomedusa populations In: Lesser M (ed) Advances in Marine Biology,
Vol 63. Academic Press, Amsterdam, p 133-196

Nickell T, Davidson K, Fox C, Miller P (2010) Developing the capacity to monitor the spatial
and temporal distributions of jellyfish in western Scottish waters, Scottish Association for
Marine Science, Oban, 47 pp.

Purcell JE, Uye S-i, Lo W-T (2007) Anthropogenic causes of jellyfish blooms and their direct
consequences for humans: a review Mar Ecol Prog Ser 350:153-174 doi: 10.3354/meps07093

Richardson AJ, Bakun A, Hays GC, Gibbons MJ (2009) The jellyfish joyride: causes,
consequences and management responses to a more gelatinous future Trends in Ecology and
Environment 24:312-322 10.1016/j.tree.2009.01.010

Russell FS (1953) The Medusae of the British Isles:I Anthomedusae, Leptomedusae,

Limnomedusae, Trachymedusae and Narcomedusae, Vol. Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, 529 pp + 535 plates pp.

Russell FS (1970) The Medusae of the British Isles:II Pelagic Scyphozoa, Vol. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, 284 pp.

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