Accident Relief Train

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1.1. Accident Relief Trains (ART) are located at strategic locations of each division
and are provided with telecommunication equipment for providing additional
facilities as under:

1.1.1. PA system shall be established for making important

announcements. Megaphones shall be given as per need at site.
1.1.2. Walkie-talkie sets shall be distributed
as per need.
1.1.3. Magneto communication as required at
1.1.4. Communication through satellite phone shall be established.
1.1.5. FAX, E-mail shall be established wherever communication media is
available. It shall be possible to provide the communication using satellite
technology / through Railways own OFC links, by extending bandwidth
from the accident site to the adjacent station / using BSNL connections.
Mobile telephone exchange (WLL) may be established , if available.

1.1.6. Wherever cell phone coverage exists, cell phones available with officers
and with ART shall be used.

1.1.7. It is desirable to send pictures of accident spot to Railway Board / Zonal /

Divisional Headquarters using e-mail for which extension of internet/railnet
to site is required. It is desirable to send video coverage to Railway Board /
Zonal / Divisional Headquarters, as and when the necessary equipment
are provided in the ARTs.


2.1. As soon as information regarding an accident is received, accident

information number shall be activated and manned. This number shall normally
be at the zonal/divisional headquarters. Adequate personnel shall be posted by
commercial branch to meet the demand depending on the seriousness of the
accident. Number of lines for this number shall be suitably augmented depending
on the demand.

2.2. Close liaison shall be maintained with BSNL officials for monitoring the call
rates and increasing the lines as necessary.

2.3. The accident information number should be made wide publicity through
audio, video and print media.

3.1. ARTs are provided with equipment as detailed in section D. The equipments
are to be periodically tested to ensure their satisfactory working at all times.
Testing / Inspections shall be carried out as under

Complete testing by ART nominated staff : once in 15 days.

Inspection by ASTE/DSTE: once in 3 months.
Inspection by Sr.DSTE/DSTE: once every year.

3.2. A register is to be maintained in the ART for making entries for testing of
equipment .

3.3. Whenever the ART returns from accident spot, equipments are to be
immediately checked for their proper working.

3.4. Any short fall / missing equipment should be replaced with good working
equipment at the earliest.
3.5. All equipments having shelf life, viz. jointing kits, torch cells etc., shall be
replaced in due time.


4.1. The list of minimum essential equipments to be provided in ART shall be as


4.1.1. GENERAL (Common for RE as well as non-RE areas)

S.No. ITEM Quantity

1. Inspection Book 1 no.
2(a) Magneto Telephone 4 nos.
2(b) Dry cells large 6-I, 1.5 volts each for magneto phones 12 Nos.
3. PVC insulated, PVC sheathed twin core cable 500 mts.
4. Microphone for cordless PA system 2 Nos.
5. Loud speaker horn type 5/10 watts 2nos.
6(a) Amplifier of minimum 20 watts power output (having 2 nos.
interface for
cordless microphones) and operating voltage of 12 V DC
6(b) 12V storage battery for 6(a) along with appropriate 2 sets
battery charger
7. Megaphones Transistorised (minimum 10 watts each) 3 nos.
8. Portable stand for loud speaker with adjustable height 2 nos.
from 1.5M
to 3M.
9. Field service telephone cable PVC insulated (D-8) 4 drums of
10. Push button auto telephone with tone/pulse switching 4 nos
11(a) Walkie-talkie sets (2/5watts-VHF) with 100% spare 30 nos
11(b) Battery chargers for 12(a) (two position charger with rapid 100%
12. Multimeter 1 no.
13. Extension Boards for power supply (Mains) 4 nos.
14. Hand held torch of 3 cells complete with dry cells 4 nos.
15. Jointing kit & material for cables and overhead wires –
this is
required to be decided by the Railways themselves
according to their local needs for different ARTs.
16. Tool Box containing:
a) soldering iron – 10W/12volts, 10 W/220V & 65 W/220V 1 no.each
b) Long nose plier – 200mm 1 no.
c) Cutter diagonal 200mm 1 no.
d) Box spanner 6, 5.5 & 5mm 1 no. each
e) Hammer Steel 750 grams 1 no.
f) Hammer wooden 1 no.
g) Adjustable spanner 300 mm 1 no.
h) Screw Driver – 200mm 1 no.
i) Screw Driver – 250 mm 1 no.
j) Mains tester (230 volts) 1 no.
k) Electrical insulation tape 12mm x 15 meters 1 no.
l) Resin core 500 gms
17 Tape recorder (cassette type) 2 nos.
18. Control way station equipment DTMF type 2 wire & 4 wire 2 nos.
amplispeaker telephone and suitable Ni-Cd cells
19. Cellular Phones/Fixed communication terminals 5 Nos.
20. Satellite phone (SAT phone – miniature type) 2 nos.
21. FAX Machine (Plain paper) 1 no.
22. Auto dialing system from emergency socket (only way 1 no.
emergency control telephone)
23. Map showing sections of track where communication 1 set.
cellular phone is possible
24. WLL mobile exchange with 30 handsets 1 set.

4.1.2. Specific Equipments required for ARTs having beats in non-RE area
S.No. ITEM Quantity
1. 2 wire portable control phone in a suitable box with dry 2 sets
2. Telescopic pole of minimum 6 meters height with its 2 nos.
opening space at least 350mm
3. Overhead control alignment charts 1 set

4.1.3. Specific Equipments required for ARTs having beats in RE Area:

S.No. ITEM Quantity
1. 4 wire Emergency portable control telephone in a suitable 2 sets
with dry cells
2. Tapping transformers (1120 : 1120) 2 nos each
3. Terminating transformers (1120:470) 2 nos.

4.2. Adequate space shall be provided in the ART for housing all the equipments.

4.3. The telecom equipment shall be properly housed to avoid the equipment
rolling off during the movement of ART.

4.4. Adequate packing shall be provided for sophisticated equipments like satellite
phones, walkie-talkie sets, FAX machines, PA equipment etc.

4.5. Sophisticated equipments shall not be stacked one above the other, unless
packed in proper protective boxes and arrangements are provided to secure
them properly.

4.6. Arrangements shall be made for extending power supply for charging batteries
for PA system, VHF batteries etc. For satisfactory charging of batteries,
regular power supply shall be made available near to the Art location, where it
is normally stationed.


5.1. Every ART shall have nominated telecom staff. The incharge shall generally
be SE/JE and shall be assisted by 2 Telecom Maintainers and 3 Khalasi
Helpers / Khalasis.

5.2. The nominated staff shall test the ART equipment as per schedule and ensure
satisfactory working of all equipments.

5.3. The nominated staff shall respond immediately whenever an accident takes
place and proceed by ART to the site of accident.

5.4. The nominated staff shall be responsible for establishing communication as

detailed in para 17.5 & 17.6, immediately on reaching the site of accident.


6.1. All active devices shall be tested for their satisfactory operation.

6.2. Charging of batteries shall be carried out as per requirement. The requirement
may vary depending on the battery and the self-discharge characteristics of the

6.3. Wherever feasible, batteries shall be separated from the equipment and
protected properly to minimize the self-discharge.

6.4. Primary cells viz., torch cells shall be replaced as soon as deterioration in
performance is observed. In any case, the cells shall be replaced at interval
not exceeding one year. Leak proof cells only shall be used.

6.5. Detailed guidelines are given below:

While inspecting the telecom equipments in ART, the following guidelines
related to the equipments shown against them may be observed

1. Portable Telephone Set:

a) Check for any physical damage to the phone, wires,
cords and the plug. (Pole and connecting bracket in
the case of 2W PT set).
b) Condition of dry cells; change if due.
c) Quality of speech both way.
2. Magneto Phones:
a) Check for any physical damage to the phones & wires.
b) Condition of dry cells; change if due.
c) Quality of speech both way.
d) Ring Test.
e) Check FS cable’s continuity & insulation.

3. Megaphones:
a) Condition of dry cells; change if due.
b) Quality of speech and condition of volume control.
c) Working of the Siren.
4. P.A. System:
a) Functional Test.
b) Quality of reproduction of the amplifier.
c) Condition of mike cords.
d) Condition of Loud Speaker wires.
e) Functional test in the case of cordless mike.
f) Condition of standby battery 12V.

5. Walkie – Talkie sets:

a) Functional test.
b) Quality of speech.
c) Condition of battery.
d) Battery swapping after charge.

6. 25W VHF set:

a) Physical check of set, antenna, feeder, mike and battery cord
b) Functional test.
c) Condition of 12V storage battery.

7. Way Station Control Equipment:

a) Functional test (Ring & Speech).

8. Auto Dialler:
a) Functional test.

9. Fax Machine:
a) Physical check.
b) Functional test.

10. Cassette Tape Recorder:

a) Functional test.
b) Condition of dry cells; change if due.

11. Checking of Records:

a) Availability of all material as per check list.
b) Inspection book for record of inspections.
c) Record of charging of storage batteries &
walkie-talkie batteries.
d) Record of replacement of dry cells.

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