1. Pinker #071001 In a sequence of bestsellers, including The Language Instinct and How the Mind Works, Pinker has argued the swathes of our mental, social and emotional lives may have originated as evolutionary adaptations, well suited to the lives our ancestors eked out on the Pleistocene savannah. Sometimes it seems as if nothing is immune from being explained this way. Road rage, adultery, marriage, altruism, our tendency to reward senior executives with corner offices on the top floor, and the smaller number of women who become mechanical engineers—all may have their roots in natural selection, Pinker claims. The controversial implications are obvious: that men and women might differ in their inborn abilities at performing certain tasks, for example, or that parenting may have little influence on personality. 2. Video-Conferencing Technology #071002 Never has the carbon footprint of multi-national corporations been under such intense scrutiny. Inter-city train journeys and long-haul flights to conduct face-to- face business meetings contribute significantly to greenhouse gases and the resulting strain on the environment. The Anglo-US company Teliris has introduced a new video-conferencing technology and partnered with the Carbon Neutral Company, enabling corporate outfits to become more environmentally responsible. The innovation allows simulated face-to-face meetings to be held across continents without the time pressure or environmental burden of international travel. Previous designs have enabled video-conferencing on a point-to-point, dual- location basis. The firm's VirtuaLive technology, however, can bring people together from up to five separate locations anywhere in the world - with unrivalled transmission quality. 3.Australia Higher Education Funding #071003 Financing of Australian higher education has undergone dramatic change since the early 1970s. Although the Australian Government provided regular funding for universities from the late 1950s, in 1974 it assumed full responsibility for funding higher education - abolishing tuition fees with the intention of making university accessible to all Australians who had the ability and who wished to participate in higher education. Since the late 1980s, there has been a move towards greater private contributions, particularly student fees. In 1989, the Australian Government introduced the Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) which included a loans scheme to help students finance their contributions. This enabled university to remain accessible to students by delaying their payments until they could afford to pay off their loans. In 2002, the Australian Government introduced a scheme similar to HECS for postgraduate students - the Postgraduate Education Loan Scheme (PELS). Funding for higher education comes from various sources. This article examines the three main sources - Australian Government funding, student fees and charges, and HECS. While the proportion of total revenue raised through HECS is relatively small, HECS payments are a significant component of students' university costs, with many students carrying a HECS debt for several years after leaving university. This article also focuses on characteristics of university students based on their HECS liability status, and the level of accumulated HECS debt. 4.Social Isolation #071004 Sound depressing, even apocalyptic? Well, it could be the future. If government forecasts are right, about 20 years from now, two out of five households will be single occupancy. And there is evidence the situation is already deteriorating. According to a report, Social Isolation in America, published in the American Sociological Review in 2006, the average American today has only two close friends. Twenty-five per cent of those surveyed said they do not have anyone to talk with about important things---And yet, while some are declaring a crisis in our ability to make friends, others are saying exactly the opposite. For example, MSN's Anatomy of Friendship Report, published last November, suggests that the average Briton has 54 friends - a spectacular rise of 64 per cent since 2003. 5. Edison #071005 Thomas Alva Edison was both a scientist and an inventor. Born in 1847, Edison would see tremendous change take place in his lifetime. He was also to be responsible for making many of those changes occur. When Edison was born, society still thought of electricity as a novelty, a fad. By the time he died, entire cities were lit by electricity. Much of the credit for that progress goes to Edison. In his lifetime, Edison patented 1,093 inventions, earning him the nickname “The Wizard of Menlo Park.” The most famous of his inventions was the incandescent light bulb. Besides the light bulb, Edison developed the phonograph and the “kinetoscope,” a small box for viewing moving films. Thomas Edison is also the first person in the US to make his own filmstrips. He also improved upon the original design of the stock ticker, the telegraph, and Alexander Graham Bell’s telephone. He believed in hard work, sometimes working twenty hours a day. Edison was quoted as saying, “Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.” In tribute to this important American, electric lights in the United States were dimmed for one minute on October 21, 1931, a few days after his death. 6. Impressionism #071006 Impressionism was a nineteenth century art movement that began as a loose association of Paris-based artists who started publicly exhibiting their art in the 1860s. Characteristics of Impressionist painting include visible brush strokes, light colours, open composition, emphasis on light in its changing qualities (often accentuating the effects of the passage of time), ordinary subject matter, and unusual visual angles. The name of the movement is derived from Claude Monet's Impression, Sunrise (Impression, soleil levant). Critic Louis Leroy inadvertently coined the term in a satiric review published in Le Charivari. Radicals in their time, early Impressionists broke the rules of academic painting. They began by giving colours, freely brushed, primacy over line, drawing inspiration from the work of painters such as Eugene Delacroix. They also took the act of painting out of the studio and into the world. Previously, not only still-lives and portraits, but also landscapes had been painted indoors, but the Impressionists found that they could capture the momentary and transient effects of sunlight by painting air (in plain air). 7.Trigger Points #071007 All approaches aim to increase blood flow to areas of tension and to release painful knots of muscle known as "trigger points". "Trigger points are tense areas of muscle that are almost constantly contracting," says Kippen. "The contraction causes pain, which in turn causes contraction, so you have a vicious circle. This is what deep tissue massage aims to break. "The way to do this, as I found out under Ogedengbe's elbow, is to apply pressure to the point, stopping the blood flow, and then to release, which causes the brain to flood the affected area with blood, encouraging the muscle to relax. At the same time, says Kippen, you can fool the tensed muscle into relaxing by applying pressure to a complementary one nearby. "If you cause any muscle to contract, its opposite will expand. So you try to trick the body into relaxing the muscle that is in spasm." 8. Poverty #071008 Measuring poverty on a global scale requires establishing a uniform poverty level across extremely divergent economies, which can result in only rough comparisons. The World Bank has defined the international poverty line as U.S. $1 and $2 per day in 1993 Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), which adjusts for differences in the prices of goods and services between countries. The $1 per day level is generally used for the least developed countries, primarily African; the $2-per-day level is used for middle-income economies such as those of East Asia and Latin America. 9. Indian Onion #071009 The most vital ingredient in Indian cooking, the basic element with which all dishes begin and, normally, the cheapest vegetable available, the pink onion is an essential item in the shopping basket of families of all classes. A popular saying holds that you will never starve because you can always afford a roti (a piece of simple, flat bread) and an onion. But in recent weeks, the onion has started to seem an unaffordable luxury for India's poor. Over the past few days, another sharp surge in prices has begun to unsettle the influential urban middle classes. The sudden spike in prices has been caused by large exports to neighboring countries and a shortage of supply. With its capacity for bringing down governments and scarring political careers, the onion plays an explosive role in Indian politics. This week reports of rising onion prices have made front-page news and absorbed the attention of the governing elite. 10. Seatbelt #071010 I am a cyclist and a motorist. I fasten my seatbelt when I drive and wear a helmet on my bike to reduce the risk of injury. I am convinced that these are prudent safety measures. I have persuaded many friends to wear helmets on the grounds that transplant surgeons call those without helmets, "donors on wheels”. But a book on 'Risk’ by my colleague John Adams has made me re-examine my convictions. Adams has completely undermined my confidence in these apparently sensible precautions. What he has persuasively argued, particularly in relation to seat belts, is that the evidence that they do what they are supposed to do is very suspect. This is in spite of numerous claims that seat belts save many thousands of lives every year. There is remarkable data on the years 1970 and 1978 countries in which the wearing of seat bells is compulsory have had on average about 5 per cent more road accident deaths following the introduction of the law. In the UK, road deaths have decreased steadily from about 7,000 a year in 1972 to just over 4,000 in 1989. There is no evidence in the trend for any effect of the seat belt law that was introduced in 1983. Moreover, there is evidence that the number of cyclists and pedestrians killed actually increased by about 10 per cent. 11. Spanish language #071011 If after years of Spanish classes, some people still find it impossible to understand some native speakers, they should not worry. This does not necessarily mean the lessons were wasted. Millions of Spanish speakers use neither standard Latin American Spanish nor Castilian, which predominate in US schools. The confusion is partly political - the Spanish-speaking world is very diverse. Spanish is the language of 19 separate countries and Puerto Rico. This means that there is no one standard dialect. The most common Spanish dialect taught in the US is standard Latin American. It is sometimes called "Highland" Spanish since it is generally spoken in the mountainous areas of Latin America. While each country retains its own accents and has some unique vocabulary, residents of countries such as Mexico, Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia generally speak Latin American Spanish, especially in urban centers. This dialect is noted for its pronunciation of each letter and its strong "r" sounds. This Spanish was spoken in Spain in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and was brought to the Americas by the early colonists. However, the Spanish of Madrid and of northern Spain, called Castilian, developed characteristics that never reached the New World. These include the pronunciation of "ci" and "ce" as "th." In Madrid, "gracias" (thank you) becomes "gratheas" (as opposed to "gras-see-as" in Latin America). Another difference is the use of the word "vosotros" (you all, or you guys) as the informal form of "ustedes" in Spain. Castilian sounds to Latin Americans much like British English sounds to US residents. 12. Ocean floor #071012 The ocean floor is home to many unique communities of plants and animals. Most of these marine ecosystems are near the water surface, such as the Great Barrier Reef, a 2,000-km long coral formation off the northeastern coast of Australia. Coral reefs, like nearly all complex living communities, depend on solar energy for growth (photosynthesis). The sun's energy, however, penetrates at most only about 300 m below the surface of the water. The relatively shallow penetration of solar energy and the sinking of cold, subpolar water combine to make most of the deep ocean floor a frigid environment with few life forms. In 1977, scientists discovered hot springs at a depth of 2.5 km, on the Galapagos Rift (spreading ridge) off the coast of Ecuador. This exciting discovery was not really a surprise. Since the early 1970s, scientists had predicted that hot springs (geothermal vents) should be found at the active spreading centers along the mid- oceanic ridges, where magma, at temperatures over 1,000 °Presumably was being erupted to form new oceanic crust. More exciting, because it was totally unexpected, was the discovery of abundant and unusual sea life - giant tube worms, huge clams, and mussels - that thrived around the hot springs. 13. "Black" Diamonds #071013 An exotic type of diamond may have come to Earth from outer space, scientists say. Called carbonado or "black" diamonds, the mysterious stones are found in Brazil and the Central African Republic. They are unusual for being the color of charcoal and full of frothy bubbles. The diamonds, which can weigh at more than 3,600 carats, can also have a face that looks like melted glass. Because of their odd appearance, the diamonds are unsuitable as gemstones. But they do have industrial applications and were used in the drill bits that helped dig the Panama Canal. Now a team led by Stephen Haggerty of Florida International University in Miami has presented a new study suggesting that the odd stones were brought to Earth by an asteroid billions of years ago. The findings were published online in the journal Astrophysical Journal Letters on December 20. The scientists exposed polished pieces of carbonado to extremely intense infrared light. The test revealed the presence of many hydrogen- carbon bonds, indicating that the diamonds probably formed in a hydrogen-rich environment—such as that found in space. The diamonds also showed strong similarities to tiny Nano diamonds, which are frequently found in meteorites. "They're not identical," Haggerty said, "but they're very similar." Astrophysicists, he added, have developed theories predicting that Nano diamonds form easily in the titanic stellar explosions called supernovas, which scatter debris through interstellar space. The deposits in the Central African Republic and Brazil, he said, probably come from the impact of a diamond-rich asteroid billions of years ago, when South America and Africa were joined. 14. Arabic Student #071014 HERIOT-WATT University in Edinburgh has become the first in Europe to offer an MBA in Arabic. Arab students will be able to sign up to study at a distance for the business courses in their own language. The Edinburgh Business School announced the project at a reception in Cairo on Saturday. It is hoped the course will improve links between the university and the Arab business world. A university spokeswoman said: "The Arabic MBA will raise the profile of Heriot-Watt University and the Edinburgh Business School among businesses in the Arabic speaking world and will create a strong network of graduates in the region." The first intake of students is expected later this year. Professor Keith Lumsden, director of Edinburgh Business School, said: "Arabic is a major global language and the Arab world is a center for business and industrial development. We are proud to work with Arab International Education to meet the demands of the region." 15. Richard Morris #071015 Richard Morris, of the school of accounting at the University of NSW, which requires an entrance score in the top 5 per percent of students, says attendance has been a problem since the late 1990s. Sometimes in the lecture we’ve only got about one third of students enrolled attending, he said. It definitely is a problem. If you don’t turn up to class you’re missing out on the whole richness of the experience: you don’t think a whole lot, you don’t engage in debates with other students or with your teachers. It is not all gloom, said Professor John Dearn, a Pro Vice-Chancellor at the University of Canberra, who said the internet was transforming the way students access and use information. It is strange that despite all the evidence as to their ineffectiveness, traditional lectures seem to persist in our universities. 16. Edible insects #071016 Fancy locust for lunch? Probably not, if you live in the west, but elsewhere it’s a different story. Edible insects – termites, stick insects, dragonflies, grasshoppers and giant water bugs – are on the menu for an estimated 80 percent of the world’s population. More than 1000 species of insects are served up around the world. For example, “kungu cakes” – made from midges – are a delicacy in parts of Africa. Mexico is an insect-eating – or entomophagous – hotspot, where more than 200 insect species are consumed. Demand is so high that 40 species are now under threat, including white agave worms. These caterpillars of the tequila giant-skipper butterfly fetch around $250 a kilogram. Eating insects makes nutritional sense. Some contain more protein than meat or fish. The female gypsy moth, for instance, is about 80 percent protein. Insects can be a good source of vitamins and minerals too: a type of caterpillar (Usta Terpsichore) eaten in Angola is rich in iron, zinc and thiamine. What do they taste like? Ants have a lemon tang, apparently, whereas giant water bugs taste of mint and fire ant pupae of watermelon. You have probably, inadvertently, already tasted some of these things, as insects are often accidental tourists in other types of food. The US Food and Drug Administration even issues guidelines for the number of insect parts allowed in certain foods. For example, it is acceptable for 225 grams of macaroni to contain up to 225 insect fragments. 17. Foreign students' English standards #071017 Federal Education Minister Julie Bishop says she has seen no evidence that foreign students are graduating from Australian universities with poor English skills. Research by Monash University academic Bob Birrell has found a third of foreign students are graduating without a competent level of English. But Ms Bishop says Australian universities only enrol foreign students once they have achieved international standards of language proficiency. "This has been an extraordinary attack by Professor Birrell on our universities," she said. "International students must meet international benchmarks in English language in order to get a place at a university in Australia and they can't get into university without reaching that international standard." University of Canberra vice chancellor Roger Dean also says international students are required to sit an English test before being admitted to nearly all Australian universities. "There are, of course, intercultural difficulties as well as language difficulties," he said. "There are, of course, also many Australian students who don't speak such fantastically good English either. So we're trying to push the standard even higher than present but it's a very useful one already." Ms Bishop says Australia's university system has high standards. "I've seen no evidence to suggest that students are not able to complete their courses because they're failing in English yet they're being passed by the universities," she said. "I've not seen any evidence to back that up. International education is one of our largest exports, it's our fourth largest export and it's in the interest of our universities to maintain very high standards because their international recognition is at stake.” 18. Burger King #071018 Drive down any highway,and you’ll see a proliferation of chain restaurants—most likely, if you travel long and far enough you’ll see McDonald's golden arches as well as signs for Burger King, Hardee’s,and Wendy’s the “big four” of burgers. Despite its name, though Burger King has fallen short of claiming the burger crown, unable to surpass market leader McDonald's No. 1 sales status. Always the bridesmaid and never the bride, Burger King remains No. 2. Worse yet, Burger King has experienced a six-year 22 percent decline in customer traffic, with its overall quality rating dropping while ratings for the other three contenders have increased. The decline has been attributed to inconsistent product quality and poor customer service. Although the chain tends to throw advertising dollars at the problem, an understanding of Integrated Marketing Communication theory would suggest that internal management problems (nineteen CEOs in fifty years) need to be rectified before a unified, long-term strategy can be put in place. The importance of consistency in brand image and messages, at all levels of communication, has become a basic tenet of IMC theory and practice. The person who takes the customer’s order must communicate the same message as Burger King's famous tagline, "Have it your way,” or the customer will just buzz up the highway to a chain restaurant that seems more consistent and, therefore, more reliable. 19. Visual art #071019 It is the assertion of this article that students who use visual art as a prewriting stimulus are composing their ideas both in images and in words. The result of the art creation process allows students the distance to elaborate, add details, and create more coherent text. The process of writing is more than putting words on a piece of paper. Effective authors are able to create imagery and to communicate ideas using well-chosen words, phrases, and text structures. Emergent writers struggle with the mechanics of the writing process, i.e. fine motor control for printing legibly, recall of spelling patterns, and the use of syntax and grammar rules. As a result, texts written by young writers be simplistic and formulaic. The artwork facilitates the writing process, resulting in a text that is richer in sensory detail and more intricate than the more traditional writing-first crayon drawing-second approach. 20. Kimbell #071020 The first section of the book covers new modes of assessment. In Chapter 1, Kimbell (Goldsmith College, London) responds to criticisms of design programs as formalistic and conventional, stating that a focus on risk-taking rather than hard work in design innovation is equally problematic. His research contains three parts that include preliminary exploration of design innovation qualities, investigation of resulting classroom practices, and development of evidence-based assessment. The assessment he describes is presented in the form of a structured worksheet, which includes a collaborative element and digital photographs, in story format. Such a device encourages stimulating ideas, but does not recognize students as design innovators. The assessment sheet includes holistic impressions as well as details about “having, growing, and proving” ideas. Colloquial judgments are evident in terms such as “wow” and “yawn” and reward the quality and quantity of ideas with the term, “sparkiness”, which fittingly is a pun as the model project was to design light bulb packaging. In addition, the assessment focuses on the process of optimizing or complexity control as well as proving ideas with thoughtful criticism and not just generation of novel ideas. The definitions for qualities such as “technical” and “aesthetic” pertaining to users, are too narrow and ill-defined. The author provides examples of the project, its features and structures, students’ notes and judgments, and their sketches and photographs of finished light bulb packages, in the Appendix. 21. English class at Beijing Language Institute #071021 There were twenty-six freshmen majoring in English at Beijing Language Institute in the class of 1983. I was assigned to Group Two with another eleven boy and girls who has come from big cities in China. I was told that language study required smallness so that we would each get more attention from the skillful teachers. The better the school, the smaller the class. I realized that my classmates were ready all talking in English, simple sentences tossed out to each other in their red-faced introductions and carefree chatting. Their intonations were curving and dramatic and their pronunciation refined and accurate. But as I stretched to catch the drips and drops of their humming dialogue, I couldn’t understand it all, only that it was English. Those words now flying before me sounded a little familiar. I had read them and tried to speak them, but I had never heard them spoken back to me in such a speedy, fluent manner. My big plan of beating the city folks was thawing before my eyes. 22. Jean Piaget #071022 Jean Piaget, the pioneering Swiss philosopher and psychologist, spent much of his professional life listening to children, watching children and poring over reports of researchers around the world who were doing the same. He found, to put it most succinctly, that children don't think like grownups. After thousands of interactions with young people often barely old enough to talk, Piaget began to suspect that behind their cute and seemingly illogical utterances were thought processes that had their own kind of order and their own special logic. Einstein called it a discovery “so simple that only a genius could have thought of it.” Piaget's insight opened a new window into the inner workings of the mind. By the end of a wide-ranging and remarkably prolific research career that spanned nearly 75 years, from his first scientific publication at age 10 to work still in progress when he died at 84, Piaget had developed several new fields of science: developmental psychology, cognitive theory and what came to be called genetic epistemology Although not an educational reformer,he fashioned a way of thinking about children that provided the foundation for today’s education-reform movements. It was a shift comparable to the displacement of stories of "noble savages” and "cannibals” by modem anthropology. One might say that Piaget was the first to take children's thinking seriously. 23. Definition of Country #071023 What is a country, and how is a country defined? When people ask how many countries there are in the world, they expect a simple answer. After all, we've explored the whole planet, we have international travel, satellite navigation and plenty of global organizations like the United Nations, so we should really know how many countries there are! However, the answer to the question varies according to whom you ask. Most people say there are 192 countries, but others point out that there could be more like 260 of them. So why isn't there a straightforward answer? The problem arises because there isn't a universally agreed definition of 'country' and because, for political reasons, some countries find it convenient to recognize or not recognize other countries. 24. United Nations #071024 Founded after World War II by 51 "peace-loving states" combined to oppose future aggression, the United Nations now counts 192 member nations, including its newest members, Nauru, Kiribati, and Tonga in 1999, Tuvalu and Yugoslavia in 2000, Switzerland and East Timor in 2002, and Montenegro in 2006. United Nations Day has been observed on October 24 since 1948 and celebrates the objectives and accomplishments of the organization, which was established on October 24, 1945. The UN engages in peacekeeping and humanitarian missions across the globe. Though some say its influence has declined in recent decades, the United Nations still plays a tremendous role in world politics. In 2001 the United Nations and Kofi Annan, then Secretary-General of the UN, won the Nobel Peace Prize "for their work for a better organized and more peaceful world." Since 1948 there have been 63 UN peacekeeping operations, 16 are currently underway. Thus far, close to 130 nations have contributed personnel at various times; 119 are currently providing peacekeepers. As of August 31, 2008, there were 16 peacekeeping operations underway with a total of 88,230 personnel. The small island nation of Fiji has taken part in virtually every UN peacekeeping operation, as has Canada. 25. Market for Vegetarian foods #071025 Mintel Consumer Intelligence estimates the 2002 market for vegetarian foods, those that directly replace meat or other animal products, to be $1.5 billion. Note that this excludes traditional vegetarian foods such as produce, pasta, and rice. Mintel forecasts the market to nearly double by 2006 to $2.8 billion, with the highest growth coming from soymilk, especially refrigerated brands. The Food and Drug Administration's 1999 decision to allow manufacturers to include heart- healthy claims on foods that deliver at least 6.25 grams of soy protein per serving and are also low in saturated fat and cholesterol has spurred tremendous interest in soymilk and other soy foods. A representative of manufacturer Food Tech International (Veggie Patch brand) reported that from 1998 to 1999, the percentage of consumers willing to try soy products jumped from 32% to 67%. Beliefs about soy's effectiveness in reducing the symptoms of menopause also attracted new consumers. A 2000 survey conducted by the United Soybean Board showed that the number of people eating soy products once a week or more was up to 27%. Forty-five percent of respondents had tried tofu, 41% had sampled veggie burgers, and 25% had experience with soymilk (Soy foods USA e-mail newsletter). Mintel estimates 2001 sales of frozen and refrigerated meat alternatives in food stores at nearly $300 million, with soymilk sales nearing $250 million. 26. Wine and ale #071026 By the Bronze Age drinking vessels were being made of sheer metal, primarily bronze or gold. However, the peak of feasting – and in particular, of the “political” type of feast came in the late Hallstatt period (about 600 – 450 BC), soon after the foundation of the Greek colony of Massalia (Marseille) at the mouth of the Rhine. From that date on, the blood of the grape began to make its way north and east along major river systems together with imported metal and ceramic drinking vessels from the Greek world. Wine was thus added to the list of moodaltering beverages – such as and ale available to establish social networks in Iron Age Europe. Attic pottery fragments found at hillforts such as Heuneburg in Germany and luxury goods such as the monumental 5th century Greek bronze krater (or wine mixing vessel) found at Vix in Burgundy supply archaeological evidence of this interaction. Organic containers such as leather or wooden wine barrels may also have travelled north into Europe but have not survived. It is unknown what goods were traded in return, but they may have included salted meat, hides, timber, amber and slaves. 27. Oxford medical school #071027 When I enrolled in my master's course at Oxford last year, I had come straight from medical school with the decision to leave clinical science for good. Thinking back, I realize that I didn't put very much weight on this decision at the time. But today, I more clearly understand the consequences of leaving my original profession. When I meet old friends who are now physicians and surgeons, I sense how our views on medical problems have diverged. They scrutinize the effects of disease and try to eliminate or alleviate them; I try to understand how they come about in the first place. I feel happier working on this side of the problem, although I do occasionally miss clinical work and seeing patients. However, when I think about the rate at which my medical skills and knowledge have dissipated, the years spent reading weighty medical textbooks, the hours spent at the bedside, I sometimes wonder if these years were partly a waste of time now that I am pursuing a research career. Nonetheless, I know the value of my medical education. It is easy to forget the importance of the biosciences when working with model organisms in basic research that seem to have nothing to do with a sick child or a suffering elderly person. Yet, I still have vivid memories of the cruel kaleidoscope of severe diseases and of how they can strike a human being. I hope to retain these memories as a guide in my current occupation. 28. Job-hunting #071028 When it comes to job-hunting, first impressions are critical. Remember, you are marketing a product - yourself - to a potential employer. The first thing the employer sees when greeting you is your attire; thus, you must make every effort to have the proper dress for the type of job you are seeking. Will dressing properly get you the job? Of course not, but it will give you a competitive edge and a positive first impression. Should you be judged by what you wear? Perhaps not, but the reality is, of course, that you are judged. Throughout the entire job-seeking process employers use short-cuts — heuristics or rules of thumb — to save time. With cover letters, it’s the opening paragraph and a quick scan of your qualifications. With resumes, it is a quick scan of your accomplishments. With the job interview, it’s how you’re dressed that sets the tone of the interview. How should you dress? Dressing conservatively is always the safest route, but you should also try and do a little investigation of your prospective employer so that what you wear to the interview makes you look as though you fit in with the organization. If you overdress (which is rare but can happen) or under dress (the more likely scenario), the potential employer may feel that you don't care enough about the job. 29. The horned desert viper #071029 The horned desert viper’s ability to hunt at night has always puzzled biologists. Though it lies with its head buried in the sand, it can strike with great precision as soon as prey appears. Now, Young and physicists Leo van Hemmen and Paul Friedel at the Technical University of Munich in Germany have developed a computer model of the snake’s auditory system to explain how the snake “hears” its prey without really having the ears for it. Although the vipers have internal ears that can hear frequencies between 200 and 1000 hertz, it is not the sound of the mouse scurrying about that they are detecting. “The snakes don’t have external eardrums,” says van Hemmen. “So unless the mouse wears boots and starts stamping, the snake won’t hear it.” 30. Impact and management of purple loosestrife #071030 The invasion of non-indigenous plants is considered a primary threat to integrity and function of ecosystems. However, there is little quantitative or experimental evidence for ecosystem impacts of invasive species. Justifications for control are often based on potential, but not presently realized, recognized or quantified, negative impacts. Should lack of scientific certainty about impacts of non- indigenous species result in postponing measures to prevent degradation? Recently, management of purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), has been criticized for lack of evidence demonstrating negative impacts of L. salicaria, and management using biocontrol for lack of evidence documenting the failure of conventional control methods. Although little quantitative evidence on negative impacts on native wetland biota and wetland function was available at the onset of the control program in 1985, recent work has demonstrated that the invasion of purple loosestrife into North American freshwater wetlands alters decomposition rates and nutrient cycling, leads to reductions in wetland plant diversity, reduces pollination and seed output of the native Lythrum alatum, and reduces habitat suitability for specialized wetland bird species such as black terns, least bitterns, pied-billed grebes, and marsh wrens. Conventional methods (physical, mechanical or chemical), have continuously failed to curb the spread of purple loosestrife or to provide satisfactory control. Although a number of generalist insect and bird species utilize purple loosestrife, wetland habitat specialists are excluded by encroachment of L. salicaria. We conclude that negative ecosystem impacts of purple loosestrife in North America justify control of the species and that detrimental effects of purple loosestrife on wetland systems and biota and the potential benefits of control outweigh potential risks associated with the introduction of biocontrol agents. Long term experiments and monitoring programs that are in place will evaluate the impact of these insects on purple loosestrife, on wetland plant succession and other wetland biota. 31. Space work for an astronaut #071031 The space work for an astronaut can be inside or outside, inside they can monitor machines and the work is carried out alongside the craft. They also need to make sure the Space Travel. Outside the craft, they can see how the seeds react in the space. Some seeds company send seeds to them to investigate how seeds change their biological character. When outside the craft, they can set up experiments or clean up the space rubbish. 32. Roman arena #071032 The Romans glorified the bravery shown in the arena, but trivialized the events and degraded the participants. Mosaic pictures of executions and combats, graphically violent to our eyes, were displayed in the public rooms and even dining rooms in the homes of wealthy Romans. How can the viewer today possibly understand such images? Until fairly recently, modern authors writing about the arena minimized its significance and represented the institutionalized violence as a sideline to Roman history. The tendency was also to view the events through our own eyes and to see them as pitiful or horrifying, although to most Romans empathy with victims of the arena was inconceivable. In the past few decades, however, scholars have started to analyze the complex motivations for deadly public entertainments and for contradictory views of gladiators as despised, yet beloved hero-slaves. 33. A Dog #071033 A DOG may be man's best friend. But man is not always a dog's. Over the centuries selective breeding has pulled at the canine body shape to produce what is often a grotesque distortion of the underlying wolf. Indeed, some of these distortions are, when found in people, regarded as pathologies. Dog breeding does, though, offer a chance to those who would like to understand how body shape is controlled. The ancestry of pedigree pooches is well recorded, their generation time is short and their litter size reasonably large, so there is plenty of material to work with. Moreover, breeds are, by definition, inbred, and this simplifies genetic analysis. Those such as Elaine Ostrander, of America's National Human Genome Research Institute, who wish to identify the genetic basis of the features of particular pedigrees thus have an ideal experimental animal. 34. The Ministerial Staffing System #071034 The contemporary ministerial staffing system is large, active and partisan - far larger and further evolved than any Westminster equivalent. Ministers' demands for help to cope with the pressures of an increasingly competitive and professionalised political environment have been key drivers of the staffing system's development. But there has not been commensurate growth in arrangements to support and control it. The operating framework for ministerial staff is fragmented and ad hoc. 35. Alaska Island #071035 Alaska's Aleutian Islands have long been accustomed to shipwrecks. They have been part of local consciousness since a Japanese whaling ship ran aground near the western end of the 1,100-mile (1,800-km) volcanic archipelago in 1780, inadvertently naming what is now Rat Island when the ship's infestation scurried ashore and made itself at home. Since then, there have been at least 190 shipwrecks in the islands. 36. Peter Garrett #071036 No one in Parliament would know better than Peter Garrett what largesse copyright can confer so it may seem right that he should announce a royalty for artists, amounting to 5 percent of all sales after the original one, which can go on giving to their families for as much as 150 years. But that ignores the truth that copyright law is a scandal, recently exacerbated by the Free Trade Agreement with the US which required extension of copyright to 70 years after death. Is it scandalous that really valuable copyrights end up in the ownership of corporations (although Agatha Christie's no-doubt worthy great-grandchildren are still reaping the benefits of West End success for her who dunnits and members of the Garrick Club enjoy the continuing fruits of A.A. Milne's Christopher Robin books)? No. The scandal is that “bien pensant” politicians have attempted to appear cultured by creating private assets which depend on an act of Parliament for their existence and by giving away much more in value than any public benefit could justify. In doing so they have betrayed our trust. 37. Katakana #071037 An eccentric mix of English, German and French has entered Japanese usage with grand abandon. A "kariya" woman is a career woman, and a "manshon" is an apartment. This increasing use of katakana, or unique Japanese versions of Western words, and the younger generation's more casual use of the Japanese language have prompted Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi to worry that these new words may not be understood by a wider audience. As a result, a government panel is proposing to publish a manual on how to speak proper Japanese. Foreign words became katakana Japanese because no existing Japanese words could quite capture a specific meaning or feeling. When the word "cool" traveled east, all of its English connotations did not make the journey. A kuru person in Japan is someone who is calm and never gets upset. On the other hand, someone who is kakkoii is hip, or in translation, "cool." Similarly, a hotto person is one who is easily excitable, perhaps passionate, but not necessarily a popular person or personality of the moment. 38. Complementary Therapies #071038 Complementary therapies - such as those practised by naturopaths, chiropractors and acupuncturists - have become increasingly popular in Australia over the last few decades. Interest initially coincided with enthusiasm for alternative lifestyles, while immigration and increased contact and trade with China have also had an influence. The status of complementary therapies is being re-visited in a number of areas: legal regulation; the stances of doctors' associations; their inclusion in medical education; and scientific research into their efficacy. 39. Mike’s Research #071039 In 2001 he received the SIUC Outstanding Scholar Award. In 2003 he received the Carski Award for Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching from the American Society for Microbiology. Mike’s research is focused on bacteria that inhabit extreme environments, and for the past 12 years he has studied the microbiology of permanently ice-covered lakes in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. In addition to his research papers, he has edited a major treatise on phototrophic bacteria and served for over a decade as chief editor of the journal Archives of Microbiology. He currently serves on the editorial board of Environmental Microbiology. Mike’s non- scientific interests include forestry, reading, and caring for his dogs and horses. He lives beside a peaceful and quiet lake with his wife, Nancy, five shelter dogs (Gaino, Snuffy, Pepto, Peanut, and Merry), and four horses (Springer, Feivel, Gwen, and Festus). 40. Meet Customer Demand #071040 It originally referred to the production of goods to meet customer demand exactly in time, quality and quantity, whether the ‘customer’ is the final purchaser of the product or another process further along the production line. 41. Egg-Eating Snakes #071041 Egg-eating snakes are a small group of snakes whose diet consists only of eggs. Some eat only small eggs, which they have to swallow whole, as the snake has no teeth. Instead, some other snakes eat bigger eggs, but it requires special treatment. These snakes have spines that stick out from the backbone. The spines crack the egg open as it passes through the throat. 42. Flower Attract Insects #071042 (Only the gist. Not the original text.) According to a research conducted by Cambridge University, flowers can their own ways to attract insects to help them pollinate. Flowers will release an irresistible smell. Beverley Glover from the University of Cambridge and her colleagues did an experiment in which they use fake flowers to attract bees and insects. In their experiments, they freed many bumblebees from their origins repeatedly, and got the same results. 43. Two farms #071043 Both farms were by far the largest, most prosperous, most technologically advanced farms in their respective districts. In particular, each was centred around a magnificent state-of-the-art barn for sheltering and milking cows. Those structures, both neatly divided into oppositefacing rows of cow stalls, dwarfed all other barns in the district. Both farms let their cows graze outdoors in lush pastures during the summer, produced their own hay to harvest in the late summer for feeding the cows through the winter, and increased their production of summer fodder and winter hay by irrigating their fields. 44. Investment #071044 One city will start to attract the majority of public or private investment. This could be due to natural advantage or political decisions. This in turn will stimulate further investment due to the multiplier effect and significant rural to urban migration. The investment in this city will be at the expense of other cities. 45. Anderson #071045 Fans of biographical criticism have a luxurious source in the works of Hans Christian Andersen. Like Lewis Carroll (and, to a lesser extent, Kenneth Grahame), Andersen was near pathologically uncomfortable in the company of adults. Of course, all three had to work and interact with adults, but all three really related well to children and their simpler worlds. Andersen, for a time, ra006E a puppet theater and was incredibly popular with children, and, of course, he wrote an impressive body of fairy tales which have been produced in thousands of editions since the 19th century. Most everyone has read or at least knows the titles of many of Andersen’s works: “The Ugly Duckling,” “The Emperor’s New Clothes,” “The Nightingale,” “The Little Mermaid,” “The Match Girl,” and many others. Though, as with most folk and fairy tales, they strike adult rereaders much differently than they do young first-time readers. Charming tales of ducks who feel awkward because they don’t fit in, only to exult in the discovery that they are majestic swans, gives child readers clearly-identifiable messages: don’t tease people because they’re different; don’t fret about your being different because some day you’ll discover what special gifts you have. A closer, deeper look at many of Andersen’s tales (including “The Ugly Duckling,” which is not on our reading list), reveals a darker, harder, more painful thread. People are often cruel and unfeeling, love is torturous–in general, the things of the material world cause suffering. There is often a happy ending, but it’s not conventionally happy. Characters are rewarded, but only after they manage (often through death) to transcend the rigors of the mortal world. 46. Olympic medalists #071046 In an often-cited study about counterfactuals, Medvec, Madey, and Gilovich (1995) found that bronze medalists appeared happier than silver medalists in television coverage of the 1992 Summer Olympics. Medvec et al. argued that bronze medalists compared themselves to 4th place finishers, whereas silver medalists compared themselves to gold medalists. These counterfactuals were the most salient because they were either qualitatively different (gold vs. silver) or categorically different (medal vs. no medal) from what actually occurred. Drawing on archival data and experimental studies, we show that Olympic athletes (among others) are more likely to make counterfactual comparisons based on their prior expectations, consistent with decision affect theory. Silver medalists are more likely to be disappointed because their personal expectations are higher than those of bronze medalists. 47. David Lynch #071047 David Lynch is professor and head of education at Charles Darwin University. Prior to this he was sub dean in the Faculty of Education and Creative Arts at Central Queensland University and foundation head of the University’s Noosa campus. David’s career in education began as a primary school teacher in Queensland in the early 1980’s and progressed to four principal positions before entering higher education. David’s research interests predominate in teacher education with particular interest in building teacher capability to meet a changed world. 48. Carbon Detox #071048 In his fascinating book Carbon Detox, George Marshall argues that people are not persuaded by information. Our views are formed by the views of the people with whom we mix. Of the narratives that might penetrate these circles, we are more likely to listen to those that offer us some reward. A story that tells us that the world is cooking and that we'll have to make sacrifices for the sake of future generations is less likely to be accepted than the more rewarding idea that climate change is a conspiracy hatched by scheming governments and venal scientists, and that strong, independent-minded people should unite to defend their freedoms. He proposes that instead of arguing for sacrifice, environmentalists should show where the rewards might lie: that understanding what the science is saying and planning accordingly is the smart thing to do, which will protect your interests more effectively than flinging abuse at scientists. We should emphasize the old-fashioned virtues of uniting in the face of a crisis, of resourcefulness and community action. Projects like the transition town’s network and proposals for a green new deal tell a story which people are more willing to hear. 49. Darkness in the Northern Hemisphere #071049 The increasing darkness in the Northern Hemisphere this time of year "indicates to the plant that fall/autumn is coming on. So it starts recouping materials from the leaves before they drop off. Evergreens protect their needle-like foliage from freezing with waxy coatings and natural "antifreezes." But broadleaf plants, like sugar maples, birches, and sumacs, have no such protections. As a result, they shed their leaves. But before they do, the plants first try to salvage important nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus. 50. Essays #071050 Essays are used as an assessment tool to evaluate your ability to research a topic and construct an argument, as well as your understanding of subject content. This does not mean that essays are a 'regurgitation' of everything your lecturer has said throughout the course. Essays are your opportunity to explore in greater depth aspects of the course - theories, issues, texts, etc. and in some cases relate these aspects to a particular context. It is your opportunity to articulate your ideas, but in a certain way: using formal academic style. 51. Estée Lauder #071051 Leonard Lauder, chief executive of the company his mother founded, says she always thought she "was growing a nice little business." And that it is. A little business that controls 45% of the cosmetics market in U.S. department stores. A little business that sells in 118 countries and last year grew to be $3.6 billion big in sales. The Lauder family's shares are worth more than $6 billion. But early on, there wasn't a burgeoning business, there weren't houses in New York, Palm Beach, Fla., or the south of France. It is said that at one point there was one person to answer the telephones who changed her voice to become the shipping or billing department as needed. You more or less know the Estée Lauder story because it's a chapter from the book of American business folklore. In short, Josephine Esther Mentzer, daughter of immigrants, lived above her father's hardware store in Corona, a section of Queens in New York City. She started her enterprise by selling skin creams concocted by her uncle, a chemist, in beauty shops, beach clubs and resorts. No doubt the portions were good — Estée Lauder was a quality fanatic — but the saleslady was better. Much better. And she simply outworked everyone else in the cosmetics industry. She stalked the bosses of New York City department stores until she got some counter space at Saks Fifth Avenue in 1948. And once in that space, she utilized a personal selling approach that proved as potent as the promise of her skin regimens and perfumes. 52. A big, bad idea? #071052 The two researchers showed that reintroducing the wolves was correlated with increased growth of willow and cottonwood in the park. Why? Because grazing animals such as elk were avoiding sites from which they couldn't easily escape, the scientists claimed. And as the woody plants and trees grew taller and thicker, beaver colonies expanded. 53. Gas Drilling #071053 Gas drilling on the Indonesian of java has triggered a “mud volcano” that has killed 13 people and may render four square miles (ten square kilometers) of countryside uninhabitable for years. In a report released on January 23, a team of British researchers says the deadly upwelling began when an exploratory gas well punched through a layer of rock 9300 feet (2800 meters) below the surface, allowing hot, high pressure water to escape. The water carried mud to the surface, where it has spread across a region 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) in diameter in the eight months since the eruption began. The mud volcano is similar to a gusher or blowout, which occur in oil drilling when oil or gas squirt to the surface, team says. This upwelling, however, spews out a volume of mud equivalent to a dozen Olympic swimming pools each day. Although the eruption isn't as violent as a conventional volcano, more than a dozen people died when a natural gas pipeline ruptured. The research team, who published their findings in the February issue of GSA Today, also estimate that the volcano, called Lusi, will leave more than 11,000 people permanently displaced. 54. Movement in painting #071054 Movement in painting that originated in France in the 1860s and had enormous influence in European and North American painting in the late 19th century. The Impressionists wanted to depict real life, to paint straight from nature, and to capture the changing effects of light. The term was first used abusively to describe Claude Monet's painting Impression: Sunrise (1872). The other leading Impressionists included Paul Camile, Edgar Degas, Edouard Manet, Camille Pissarro, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, and Alfred Sisley, but only Monet remained devoted to Impressionist ideas throughout his career. The core of the Impressionist group was formed in the early 1860s by Monet, Renoir, and Sisley, who met as students and enjoyed painting in the open air - one of the hallmarks of Impressionism. They met other members of the Impressionist circle through Paris café society. They never made up a formal group, but they organized eight group exhibitions between 1874 and 1886, at the first of which the name Impressionism was applied. Their styles were diverse, but all experimented with effects of light and movement created with distinct brush strokes and fragments of color dabbed side-by-side on the canvas rather than mixed on the palette. By the 1880s the movement's central impulse had dispersed, and a number of new styles were emerging, later described as post-impressionism. British Impressionism had a major influence on the more experimental and progressive British painters in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Many of the painters were affected in the circle of Walter Sickert, who spent much of his career in France and was an influential figure who inspired many younger artists. His friend and exact contemporary Philip Wilson Steer is generally regarded as the most outstanding British Impressionist. 55. Genetically Modified Food #071055 Genetically modified foods provide no direct benefit to consumers; the food is not noticeably better or cheaper. The greater benefit, proponents argue, is that genetic engineering will play a crucial role in feeding the world's burgeoning population. Opponents disagree, asserting that the world already grows more food per person than ever before – more, even, than we can consume. 56. School-to-work Transitions #071056 School-to-work transition is a historically persistent topic of educational policymaking and reform that impacts national systems of vocational education and training. The transition process refers to a period between completion of general education and the beginning of vocational education or the beginning of gainful employment as well as to training systems, institutions, and programs that prepare young people for careers. The status passage of youth from school-to-work has changed structurally under late modernism, and young people are forced to adapt to changing demands of their environment especially when planning for entry into the labour market. Since the transition to a job is seen as a major success in life, youth who manage this step successfully are more optimistic about their future; till others are disillusioned and pushed to the margins of society. While some young people have developed successful strategies to cope with these requirements, those undereducated and otherwise disadvantaged in society often face serious problems when trying to prepare for careers. Longer transitions lead to a greater vulnerability and to risky behaviours. 57. Farming #071057 In the last years of the wheat boom, Bennett had become increasingly frustrated at how the government seemed to be encouraging an exploitative farming binge. He went directly after the Department of Agriculture for misleading people. Farmers on the Great Plains were working against nature, he thundered in speeches. 58. National Sustainable Development Strategies #071058 The principal recommendation of the world conferences was that countries must take full responsibility for their own development. National responsibility for national development is the necessary consequence of sovereignty. The Monterrey Consensus states that ‘Each country has primary responsibility for its own economic and social development, and the role of national policies and development strategies cannot be over-emphasized. The Johannesburg Plan of Implementation called for all governments to begin implementing national sustainable development strategies (NSDS) by 2005 and the 2005 Summit agreed on a target of 2006 for all developing countries to adopt and start implementation of these strategies to achieve the internationally agreed goals. The automatic corollary of that principle is that each country must be free to determine its own development strategy. It is essential that all donors and lenders accept the principle of country ownership of national development strategies. This implies the acceptance of the principle that development strategies should not only be attuned to country circumstances, but also be prepared and implemented under the leadership of the governments of the countries themselves. The 2005 World Summit also acknowledged, in this regard, that all countries must recognize the need for developing countries to strike a balance between their national policy priorities and their international commitments. 59. Australian Overseas Departures #071059 Over the past ten years, Australian overseas departures have grown from 1.7 million to 3.2 million. This represents strong average, annual growth of 6.5 per cent. This paper analyses outbound travel demand to each destination country using the travel demand models of short- term resident departures. The models are specified in terms of a double logarithmic linear functional form, with overseas departures as the dependent variable and real household disposable income prices of travel and accommodation in Australia, and overseas and the exchange rate as independent variables. The models were estimated using historical time series data from 1973 to 1998. The data were obtained from several sources such as the World Tourism Organization, Australian Bureau of Statistics, World Bank and International Monetary Fund. The results suggest that the estimated elasticity parameters are consistent with standard economic theory. The number of short-term resident departures is positively influenced by per capita real household disposable income; and the price of domestic travel and accommodation, and negatively influenced by the price of travel and accommodation overseas. The estimated demand models were used to develop the Tourism Forecasting Council’s long run forecasts. The forecasts suggest that the number of short-term resident departures will increase strongly over the next ten years, largely due to the strength of the Australian economy, competitive trove prices, and Australians’ interest in experiencing different cultures and lifestyles. 60. Would you credit it? #071060 There isn’t a financial director around who wouldn’t like to accelerate cash flow by reducing debtor days- in other words, get customers to pay up faster. In Europe’s top 1,000 quoted companies, nearly one quarter of all invoices are unpaid at any point in time, according to recent research carried out by the ASF organization. This means they are sitting on a total of 274 bn (?) overdue debt. Most of this is caused by poor collection practices. According to Jan Porter, ASF’s Managing Director, “You can set up all the systems you want, you can insist on watertight contracts and payment terms, the government can even introduce late payment legislation, but there are always some debtors who fail to pay on time. Once a payment is overdue, your first step is to talk to your debtor. You should let them know the payment is late and try to find out if there is a dispute about the work, or if your debtor has financial problems. This is OK, but Tim Vainio, a chartered accountant, believes that too many companies are afraid of losing a relationship, and that, before undertaking any action, the focus should be on recovering as much money as possible, rather than on preserving a relationship. 61. Lure New Students #071061 In an attempt to lure new students, leading business schools - including Harvard, Stanford, the University of Chicago and Wharton – have moved away from the unofficial admissions and prerequisite of four years’ work experience and instead have set their sights on recent college graduates and so-called ‘early career ‘professionals with only a couple years of work under the belt. 62. Father’s Books #071062 None of the books in my father’s dusty old bookcase were forbidden. Yet while I was growing up, I never saw anyone take one down. Most were massive tomes – a comprehensive history of civilization, matching volumes of the great works of western literature, numerous others I can no longer recall – that seemed almost fused to shelves that bowed slightly from decades of steadfast support? 63. Mount Everest #071063 Mount Everest called Chomolungma ("goddess mother of the world") in Tibet and Sagarmatha ("goddess of the sky") in Nepal, Mount Everest once went by the pedestrian name of Peak XV among Westerners. That was before surveyors established that it was the highest mountain on Earth, a fact that came as something of a surprise—Peak XV had seemed lost in the crowd of other formidable Himalayan peaks, many of which gave the illusion of greater height. In 1852, the Great Trigonometrical Survey of India measured Everest's elevation as 29,002 feet above sea level. This figure remained the officially accepted height for more than one hundred years. In 1955, it was adjusted by a mere 26 feet to 29,028 (8,848 m). The mountain received its official name in 1865 in honor of Sir George Everest, the British Surveyor General from 1830—1843 who had mapped the Indian subcontinent. He had some reservations about having his name bestowed on the peak, arguing that the mountain should retain its local appellation, the standard policy of geographical societies. Before the Survey of India, a number of other mountains ranked supreme in the eyes of the world. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the Andean peak Chimborazo was considered the highest. At a relatively unremarkable 20,561 feet (6,310 m), it is in fact nowhere near the highest, surpassed by about thirty other Andean peaks and several dozen in the Himalayas. In 1809, the Himalayan peak Dhaulagiri (26,810 ft.; 8,172 m) was declared the ultimate, only to be shunted aside in 1840 by Kanchenjunga (28,208 ft.; 8,598 m), which today ranks third. Everest's status has been unrivalled for the last century-and-a-half, but not without a few threats. 64. William Shakespeare #071064 For all his fame and celebration, William Shakespeare remains a mysterious figure with regards to personal history. There are just two primary sources for information on the Bard: his works, and various legal and church documents that have survived from Elizabethan times. Naturally, there are many gaps in this body of information, which tells us little about Shakespeare the man. 65. The Eiffel Tower #071065 The Eiffel Tower was the tallest building in the world when it was completed in 1889. It was built for the World's Fair to demonstrate that iron could be as strong as stone while being infinitely lighter. And in fact, the wrought-iron tower is twice as tall as the masonry Washington Monument and yet it weighs 70,000 tons less! It is repainted every seven years with 50 tons of dark brown paint. Called "the father of the skyscraper," the Home Insurance Building, constructed in Chicago in 1885 (and demolished in 1931), was 138 feet tall and 10 stories. It was the first building to effectively employ a supporting skeleton of steel beams and columns, allowing it to have many more windows than traditional masonry structures. But this new construction method made people worry that the building would fall down, leading the city to halt construction until they could investigate the structure's safety. In 1929, auto tycoon Walter Chrysler took part in an intense race with the Bank of Manhattan Trust Company to build the world's tallest skyscraper. Just when it looked like the bank had captured the coveted title, workers at the Chrysler Building jacked a thin spire hidden inside the building through the top of the roof to win the contest (subsequently losing the title four months later to the Empire State Building). Chrysler also decorated his building to mirror his cars, with hubcaps, mudguards, and hood ornaments. 66. How does outer space affect the human body? #071066 Researchers already know that spending long periods of time in a zero-gravity environment ---such as that inside the International Space Station (ISS) ---result in loss of bone density and damage to the body’s muscles. That’s partly why stays aboard the ISS are limited at six months. And now, a number of NASA astronauts are reporting that their 20/30 vision faded/deteriorated after spending time in space, with many needing glasses once they returned to Earth. 67. C.S. Lewis #071067 C. S. Lewis, or Jack Lewis, as he preferred to be called, was born in Belfast, Ireland (now Northern Ireland) on November 29, 1898. He was the second son of Albert Lewis, a lawyer, and Flora Hamilton Lewis. His older brother, Warren Hamilton Lewis, who was known as Warnie, had been born three years earlier in 1895. Lewis's early childhood was relatively happy and carefree. In those days Northern Ireland was not yet plagued by bitter civil strife, and the Lewises were comfortably off. The family home, called Little Lea, was a large, gabled house with dark, narrow passages and an overgrown garden, which Warnie and Jack played in and explored together. There was also a library that was crammed with books - two of Jack's favorites were Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson and The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. This somewhat idyllic boyhood came to an end for Lewis when his mother became ill and died of cancer in 1908. Barely a month after her death the two boys were sent away from home to go to boarding school in England. Lewis hated the school, with its strict rules and hard, unsympathetic headmaster, and he missed Belfast terribly. Fortunately for him, the school closed in 1910, and he was able to return to Ireland. After a year, however, he was sent back to England to study. This time, the experience proved to be mostly positive. As a teenager, Lewis learned to love poetry, especially the works of Virgil and Homer. He also developed an interest in modern languages, mastering French, German, and Italian. 120.Three degrees #071120 Three degrees does not sound like much but it represents a rise in temperature compatible with the global heating that occurred between the last ice age, some 15,000 years ago, and the warmth of the eighteenth century. When Earth was cold giant glaciers sometimes extended from the polar-regions as far south as St Louis in the US and the Alps in Europe. Later this century when it is three degree hotter glaciers everywhere will be melting in a climate of often unbearable heat and drought punctuated with storms and floods. The consequences for humanity could be truly horrific, if we fail to act swiftly, the full impact of global heating could cull us along with vast populations of the plant and animals with whom we share Earth. In a worst case scenario, there might- in the 22nd century -be only a remnant of humanity eking out a diminished existence in the polar-regions and the few remaining oases left on a hot and arid Earth. 121.Native species in North America #071121 Of the more than 1,000 bat species worldwide, 22 are native to North America. And while there are no pollinator bats in our area, gardeners should champion those that do live here, because they’re insectivorous. These bats consume moths, beetles and mosquitoes, and can eat up to 500 mosquito-sized insects per hour. They also protect gardens and crops from such pests as cucumber beetles, cutworms and leafhoppers. 122.Wind #071122 Wind is air in motion. Sometimes air moves slowly, giving a gentle breeze. At other times it moves rapidly, creating gales and hurricanes. Gentle or fierce, wind always starts in the same way. As the sun moves through the sky, it heats up some parts of the sea and land more than others. The air above these hot spots is warmed, becomes lighter than the surrounding air, and begins to rise. Elsewhere, cool air sinks, because it is heavier. Winds blow because air squeezed out by sinking, cold air is sucked in under rising, warm air. Winds will blow wherever there is a difference in air temperature and pressure, always flowing from high to low pressure. Some winds blow in one place, and have a local name - North America’s chinook and Frances mistral. Others are part of a huge circulation pattern that sends winds over the entire globe. 123.Two sentiments #071123 Over the last ten thousand years there seem to have been two separate and conflicting building sentiments throughout the history of towns and cities. One is the desire to start again, for a variety of reasons: an earthquake or a tidal wave may have demolished the settlement, or fire destroyed it, or the new city marks a new political beginning. The other can be likened to the effect of a magnet: established settlements attract people, who tend to come whether or not there is any planning for their arrival. The clash between these two sentiments is evident in every established city unless its development has been almost completely accidental or is lost in history. Incidentally, many settlements have been planned from the beginning but, for a variety of reasons, no settlement followed the plan. A good example is Currowan, on the Clyde River in New South Wales, which was surveyed in the second half of the 19th century, in expectation that people would come to establish agriculture and a small port. But no one came. Most country towns in New South Wales started with an original survey whose grid lines are still there today in the pattern of the original streets. 124.Paris is very old #071124 Paris is very old—there has been a settlement there for at least 6000 years and its shape has been determined in part by the River Seine, and in part by the edicts of France’s rulers. But the great boulevards we admire today are relatively new, and were constructed to prevent any more barricades being created by the rebellious population; that work was carried out in the middle 19th century. The earlier Paris had been in part a maze of narrow streets and alleyways. But You can imagine that the work was not only highly expensive, but caused great distress among the half a million or so residents whose houses were simply razed, and whose neighbourhoods disappeared. What is done cannot usually be undone, especially when buildings are torn down. 125.Significance of instinct #071125 What is the significance of instinct in business? Does a reliable gut feeling separate winners from losers? And is it the most valuable emotional tool any entrepreneur can possess? My observations of successful company owners lead me to believe that a highly analytical attitude can be a drawback. At critical junctures in commercial life, risk-taking is more an act of faith than a carefully balanced choice. Frequently, such moments require decisiveness and absolute conviction above all else. There is simply no time to wait for all the facts, or room for doubt. A computer program cannot tell you how to invent and launch a new product. That journey involves too many unknowns, too much luck - and too much sheer intuition, rather than the infallible logic that machines deliver so well. As Chekhov said: “An artist’s flair is sometimes worth a scientist’s brains” - entrepreneurs need right-brain thinking. When I have been considering whether to buy a company and what price to offer, I have been blinded too often by reams of due diligence from the accountants and lawyers. Usually it pays to stand back from such mountains of grey data and weigh up the really important issues- and decide how you feel about the opportunity. 126.The Origin of Species #071126 In The Origin of Species, Darwin provided abundant evidence that life on Earth has evolved over time, and he proposed natural selection as the primary mechanism for that change. He observed that individuals differ in their inherited traits and that selection acts on such differences, leading to evolutionary change. Although Darwin realised that variation in heritable traits is a prerequisite for evolution, he did not know precisely how organisms pass heritable traits to their offspring. Just a few years after Darwin published The Origin of Species, Gregor Mendel wrote a ground breaking paper on inheritance in pea plants in that paper, Mendel proposed a model of inheritance in which organisms transmit discrete heritable units (now called genes) to their offspring. Although Darwin did not know about genes, Mendel’s paper set the stage for understanding the genetic differences on which evolution is based. 127. Global Textile Industry #071127 The environmental impact of the global textile industry is hard to overstate. One- third of the water used worldwide is spent fashioning fabrics. For every ton of cloth produced 200 tons of water is polluted with chemicals and heavy metals. An estimated 1 trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity powers the factories that card and comb, spin and weave, and cut and stitch materials into everything from T- shirts to towels, leaving behind mountains of solid waste and a massive carbon footprint. “Where the industry is today is not really sustainable for the long term,” says Shreyaskar Chaudhary, chief executive of Pratibha Syntex, a textile manufacturer based outside Indore, India. With something of an “if you build it, they will come” attitude, Mr.Chaudhary has steered Pratibha toward the leading edge of eco-friendly textile production. Under his direction, Pratibha began making clothes with organic cotton in 1999. Initially, the company couldn't find enough organic farms growing cotton in central India to supply its factories. To meet production demands, Chaudhary's team had to convince conventional cotton farmers to change their growing methods. Pratibha provided seeds, cultivation instruction, and a guarantee of fair- trade prices for their crops. Today, Pratibha has a network of 28,000 organic cotton growers across the central states of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Orissa. 128.Modify cultural ideas #071128 People modify cultural ideas in their minds, and sometimes they pass on the modified versions. Inevitably, there are unintentional modifications as well, partly because of straightforward error, and partly because inexplicit ideas are hard to convey accurately: there is no way to download them directly from one brain to another like computer programs. Even native speakers of a language will not give identical definitions of every word. So it can be only rarely, if ever, that two people hold precisely the same cultural idea in their minds. That is why, when the founder of a polithilosophical movement or a religion dies, or even before, schisms typically happen. The movements most devoted followers are often shocked to discover that they disagree about what its doctrines—really are. 129.Great engineers #071129 Great engineers have a passion to improve life; a burning conviction that they can make life better for everyone. Engineers need to have a talent for invention and innovation, but what drives them is the conviction that they can find a better way to do things; a cheaper and more efficient solution to the problems of human existence on this planet of limited resources that we call Earth. Many of us spend a lot of time complaining about the difficulties and problems of life. It is easy to find fault with things that make daily life arduous. For an engineer, these difficulties can be opportunities. How can this be made to work better? How can that process be made more efficient? How can components be made more cheaply, more accurately and more fit-for- purpose? Great engineers are convinced that everything can be improved. Instead of complaining, they think of ways to make things better. 130.Monkeys and typewriters #071130 This illustration often used is the one that the monkey and the typewriters. OK, we have a monkey sitting at a typewriter and the claim here is basically if you leave chance in time long enough you will get life. Don’t worry about it, yes, it's strange, yes it's wonderful, but leaves enough matter 600 million years on earth and you will have life. So, the monkey sitting at the typewriter, the chances are eventually he produces the complete works of Shakespeare but he doesn't manage to do it in 600 million years. So what I decide to do is to run the numbers. I instead of saying typing the complete work of Shakespeare. I just run the numbers for how long would it take a monkey typing one key striker a second. To type “to be or not to be that is the question”, right? On average how long is it gonna take my monkey friend one keystroke a second. I don't know how you think it would be. Maybe you could have a guess. Would it be less or more than 600 million years, which is the period life on earth isn't supposed to have emerged within and when I run the numbers “to be or not to be is the question” takes 12.6 trillion trillion trillion years to type just that phrase and a DNA String that something of that complexity emerges by chance undirected within 600 million years? Again, it’s mathematically possible but it's so incredible unlikely that it would have that it tilts me in favor of the Christian story in which God creating life, simply a question of saying let that be and there was. 131.Stress #071131 Stress that tense feeling often connected to having too much to do, too many bills to pay and not enough time or money — is a common emotion that knows few borders. About three-fourths of people in the United States, Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, South Korea and Britain reported experiencing stress on a daily basis, according to AP-Ipsos polling. Anxious feelings were more intense during the holidays. Germans feel stress more intensely than those in other countries polled. People in the United States cited financial pressures as the top worry. About half the people polled in Britain said they frequently or sometimes felt that life was beyond their control, the highest level in the 10 countries surveyed. 132.Buying a house #071132 Buying a house can be a daunting process... First you need to work out how much... budget planner if you don’t already have one... rate increases and for other unforeseen events.... different ownership ratio to the normal 50/50. ...the ordinary course of events, settlement takes.....group certificates for the PAST two years. 133.Wagonways in Germany #071133 Roads of rails called Wagonways were being used in Germany as early as 1550. These primitive railed roads consisted of wooden rails over which horse-drawn wagons or carts moved with greater ease than over dirt roads. Wagonways were the beginnings of modern railroads. By 1776, iron had replaced the wood in the rails and wheels on the carts. Wagonways evolved into Tramways and spread throughout Europe. Horses still provided all the pulling power. In 1789, Englishman, William Jessup designed the first wagons with flanged wheels. The flange was a groove that allowed the wheels to better grip the rail, this was an important design that carried over to later locomotives. 134. Imperial Control #071134 In the southern cone especially, from Venezuela to Argentina, the region is rising to overthrow the legacy of external domination of the past centuries and the cruel and destructive social forms that they have helped to establish. The mechanisms of imperial control - violence and economic warfare, hardly a distant memory in Latin America-are losing their effectiveness, a sign of the shift toward independence. Washington is now compelled to tolerate governments that in the past would have drawn intervention or reprisal. Throughout the region a vibrant array of popular movements provide the basis for a meaningful democracy. The indigenous populations, as if in a rediscovery of their pre-Columbian legacy, are much more active and influential, particularly in Bolivia and Ecuador. These developments are in part the result of a phenomenon that has been observed for some years in Latin America: As the elected governments become more formally democratic, citizens expressed an increasing disillusionment with democratic institutions. They have sought to construct democratic systems based on popular participation rather than elite and foreign domination. 135.DNA sequence #071135 The recipe for making any creature is written in its DNA. So last November when geneticists published the near-complete DNA sequence of the long-extinct woolly mammoth, there was much speculation about whether we could bring this behemoth back to life. Creating a living, breathing creature from a genome sequence that exists only in a computer's memory is not possible right now. But someone someday is sure to try it, predicts Stephan Schuster, a molecular biologist at Pennsylvania State University, University Park, and a driving force behind the mammoth genome project. 136.UWS #071136 UWS graduates Racha Abboud and Anna Ford, whose story first appeared in GradLife in December 2009, have successfully risen through the ranks to be appointed Associates at leading western Sydney law firm, Coleman Greig Lawyers. The promotion marks the culmination of many years of hard work for these legal eagles who are the first to rise to this level from the firm's Cadet Lawyer program with UWS. 137.Joseph Engelberger #071137 Joseph Engelberger, a pioneer in industrial robotics, once remarked “I can't define a robot but I know one when I see one” If you consider all the different machines people call robots, you can see that it's nearly impossible to come up with a comprehensive definition. Everybody has a different idea of what constitutes a robot. 138.Two siblings #071138 No two siblings are the same, not even identical twins. Parents often puzzle about why their children are so different from one another. They’ ll say, I brought them up all the same. They forget that what determines our behaviour isn't what happens to us but how we interpret what happens to us, and no two people ever see anything in exactly the same way. 139.Promoting good customer service #071139 Promoting good customer service must start at the top. If management doesn’t realise how important this aspect of their business is, they will be at an instant disadvantage in their industry. Good customer response equates to loyal customers, which are the cornerstone of any successful business. No matter how money you invest in your marketing, if you don't much have the fundamental elements of your business right, it's wasted money. 140. Music in ancient Egypt #071140 Music was as important to the ancient Egyptians as it is in our modern society. Although it is thought that music played a role throughout the history of Egypt, those that study the Egyptian writings have discovered that music seemed to become more important in what is called the ‘pharaonic’ period of their history. This was the time when the Egyptian dynasties of the pharaohs were established (around 3100 BCE) and music was found in many parts of every day Egyptian life. 141.Women’s participation in labour force #071141 With the increase in women 's participation in the labour force, many mothers have less time available to undertake domestic activities. At the same time, there has been increasing recognition that the father 's role and relationship with a child is important. A father can have many roles in the family, ranging from income provider to teacher, carer, playmate and role model. Therefore, balancing paid work and family responsibilities can be an important issue for both fathers and mothers in families. 142. Paris Opera #071142 Most important of all is the fact that for each new ballet-pantomime created at the Paris Opera during the July Monarchy, a new score was produced. The reason for this is simple: these ballet -pantomimes told stories -elaborate ones -and music was considered an indispensable tool in getting them across to the audience. Therefore, music had to be newly created to fit each story Music tailor-made for each new ballet-pantomime, however, was only one weapon in the Opera's explanatory arsenal. Another was the ballet-pantomime libretto, a printed booklet of fifteen to forty pages in length, which was sold in the Operas lobby(like the opera libretto), and which laid out the plot in painstaking detail, scene by scene. Critics also took it upon themselves to recount the plots (of both ballet- pantomimes and operas) in their reviews of premieres. So did the publishers of souvenir albums, which also featured pictures of famous performers and of scenes from favorite ballet-pantomimes and operas. 143. Dictatorship #071143 Dictatorship is not a modern concept. Two thousand years ago, during the period of the Roman Republic, exceptional powers were sometimes given by the Senate to individual dictators such as Sulla and Julius Caesar. The intention was that the dictatorship would be temporary and that it would make it POSSIBLE to take swift and effective action to deal with an emergency. There is some disagreement as to how the term should be applied today. Should it be used in its original form to describe the temporary exercise of emergency powers? Or can it now be applied in a much broader sense-as common usage suggests? 144. Bees food #071144 Bees need two different kinds of food. One is honey made from nectar, which actually is a fluid that is collected in the heart of the flowers to encourage pollination by insects and other animals. Secondly, come from pollen, it is fine powdery substance in yellow, consisting of microscopic grains stored from the male part of a flower or from a male cone. It contains a male gamete that can fertilize the female ovule, which is transferred by wind, insects or other animals. Let us go with the honeybee from her flower to the hive and see what happens. Most bees gather only pollen or nectar. As she sucks nectar from the flower, it is stored in her special honey stomach ready to be transferred to the honey-making bees in the live. 145.Wind moving #071145 Wind is air moving around. Some winds can move as fast as a racing car, over 100 miles an hour Winds can travel around the world. Wind can make you feel cold because you lose heat from your body faster when it is windy. Weather forecasters need to know the speed and direction of the wind. the strength of wind is measured using the Beaufort scale from wind force when there is no wind, to wind force 12 which can damage houses and buildings and is called hurricane force. 146. How to make cloth #071146 About 10,000 years ago, people learned how to make cloth. Wool, cotton, flax, or hemp was first spun into a thin thread, using a spindle. The thread was then woven into a fabric. The earliest weaving machines probably consisted of little more than a pair of sticks that held a set of parallel threads, called the wrap, while the cross-thread, called the weft was inserted Later machines called looms had roads that separated the threads to allow the weft to be inserted more easily. a piece of wood, called the shuttle, holding a spool of thread, was passed between the separated threads. The basic principles of spinning and weaving have stayed the same until the present day though during the industrial revolution of the 18th century many ways were found of automating the processes. With new machines such as the spinning mule, many threads could be spun at the same time, and, with the help of devices like the flying shuttle, broad pieces of cloth could be woven at great speed. 147.Two types of genes #4906 #071147 Recently, research into embryonic development has given us an even better insight into how major structural changes might occur in a given population of organisms. We now understand that there are two major types of genes: developmental and “housekeeping” genes. Developmental genes are those that are expressed during embryonic development, and their proteins control the symmetry, skeletal development, organ placement, and overall form of the developing animal. In contrast, “housekeeping” genes are expressed during the animal's daily life to generate proteins which keep the cells, tissues, and organs in the body functioning properly. as you might suspect, mutations in developmental genes can have radical consequences for body form and function, whereas mutations in “housekeeping” genes tend to affect the health and reproductive success of the post-embryonic animal. 148.Seminars #071148 Seminars are not designed to be mini-lectures. Their educational role is to provide an opportunity for you to discuss interesting and/or difficult aspects of the course. This is founded on the assumption that it is only by actively trying to use the knowledge that you have acquired from lectures and texts that you can achieve an adequate understanding of the subject. If you do not understand a point it is highly unlikely that you will be the only person in the group in that position; you will invariably be undertaking a service for the entire group if you come to the seminar equipped with questions on matters which you feel you did not fully understand. The seminar is to provoke discussion. 149.Hard work #071149 It is important to emphasize the need for hard work as an essential part of studying law, because far too many students are tempted to think that they can succeed by relying on what they imagine to be their natural ability, without bothering to add the expenditure of effort. To take an analogy some people prefer the more or less instant gratification which comes from watching television adaptation of a classic novel to the rather more laborious process of reading the novel itself. Those who prefer watching television to reading the book are less likely to study law successfully, unless they rapidly acquire a taste for text-based materials. 150.Leadership #071150 Leadership is all about being granted permission by others to lead their thinking. It is a bestowed moral authority that gives the right to organise and direct the efforts of others. But moral authority does not come from simply managing people effectively or communicating better or being able to motivate. It comes from many sources, including being authentic and genuine, having integrity, and showing a real and deep understanding of the business in question. All these factors build confidence. Leaders lose moral authority for three reasons: they behave unethically; they become plagued by self-doubt and lose their conviction; or they are blinded by power lose self-awareness and thus lose connection with those they lead as the context around them changes. Having said all this, it has to be assumed that if someone becomes a leader, at some point they understood the difference between right and wrong it is up to them to abide by a moral code and up to us to ensure that the moment we suspect they do not, we fire them or vote them out. 151.Retirement #071151 For a start, we need to change our concept of 'retirement', and we need to change mind-sets arising from earlier government policy which, in the face of high unemployment levels, encouraged mature workers to take early retirement. Today, government encourages them to delay their retirement. We now need to think of retirement as a phased process, where mature age workers gradually reduce their hours, and where they have considerable flexibility in how they combine their work and non work time. We also need to recognise the broader change that is occurring in how people work, learn, and live. Increasingly we are moving away from a linear relationship between education, training, work, and retirement, as people move in and out of jobs, careers, caregiving, study, and leisure. Employers of choice remove the barriers between the different segments of people's lives, by creating flexible conditions of work and a range of leave entitlements. They take an individualised approach to workforce planning and development so that the needs of employers and employees can be met simultaneously. This approach supports the different transitions that occur across the life course - for example, school to work, becoming a parent, becoming responsible for the care of older relatives, and moving from work to retirement. 152.The growth of the internet #071152 The exponential growth of the internet was heralded, in the 1990s, as revolutionizing the production and dissemination of information. Some people saw the internet as a means of democratizing access to knowledge. For people concerned with African development, it seemed to offer the possibility of leapfrogging over the technology gap that separates Africa from advanced industrialized countries. 153.When to revise? #071153 Timing is important for revision. Have you noticed that during the school day you get times when you just don't care any longer? I don't mean the lessons you don t like, but the ones you find usually find OK, but on some occasions, you just can't be bothered with it. You may have other things on your mind, be tired, restless or looking forward to what comes next. whatever the reason, that particular lesson doesn't get 100 percent effort from you. The same is true of revision. Your mental and physical attitude are important. If you try to revise when you are tired or totally occupied with something else, your revision will be inefficient and just about worthless. If you approach it feeling fresh, alert and happy, it will be so much easier, and you will learn more, faster. However, if you make no plans and just slip in a little bit of revision when you feel like it, you probably won’t do much revision! You need a revision timetable, so you don't keep putting it off. 154.Distance learning #071154 Distance learning can be highly beneficial to a large variety of people from young students wanting to expand their horizons to adults looking for more job security. with programs that allow learners of all ages to take courses for fun, personal advancement and degrees, distance learning can meet the needs of a diverse population. Perhaps one of the most notable and often talked about advantages of distance learning is the flexibility the majority of programs allow students to learn when and where it's convenient for them. For those who are struggling to balance their distance learning goals with working a fulltime job and taking care of a family this kind of flexibility can allow many people to pursue education who would not otherwise be able to do so. Since there are no on-campus courses to attend, students can learn from their own homes, at work on their lunch breaks and from virtually anywhere with internet access. For some it can even be a big source of savings on the fuel costs and time required to commute to classes. 155.Computational thinking #071155 Developing computational thinking helps students to better understand the world around them. many of us happily drive a car without understanding what goes on under the bonnet. So is it necessary for children to learn how to program computers? After all, some experts say coding is one of the human skills that will become obsolete as artificial intelligence grows. Nevertheless, governments believe coding is an essential skill. Since 2014, the principles of computer programming have featured on England's curriculum for children from the age of five or six, when they start primary school. While not all children will become programmers, Mark Martin, a computing teacher at Sydenham High School, London, argues that they should learn to understand what makes computers work and try to solve problems as a computer might. 156.Papal reform #071156 Since the last papal reform, several proposals have been offered to make the Western calendar more useful or regular .Very few reforms, such as the rather different decimal French Republican and Soviet calendars, had gained official acceptance, but each was put out of use shortly after its introduction. 157.Petrified Forest #071157 The Petrified Forest is home to some of the most impressive fossils ever found and more are being discovered each year as continuing erosion is exposing new evidence. Fossils found here show the Forest was once a tropical region, filled with towering trees and extraordinary creatures. More than 150 different species of fossilized plants have been discovered by paleontologists and evidence indicating ancient native people who inhabited this region about 10,000 years ago have been confirmed by archeologists. 158. The speech of alchemy #071158 To learn the speech of alchemy, an early form of chemistry in which people attempted to turn metals into gold, it helps to think back to a time when there was no science: no atomic number or weight, no periodic chart no list of elements. to the alchemists the universe was not made of leptons, bosons, gluons, and quarks. Instead it was made of substances, and one substance-say, walnut oil- could be just as pure as another-say, silver-even though modern scientists would say one is heterogeneous and the other homogeneous. Without knowledge of atomic structures, how would it be possible to tell elements from compounds? 159.Interior design #071159 Interior design is a professionally conducted, practice-based process of planning and realization of interior spaces and the elements within. Interior design is concerned with the function and operation of the aesthetics and its sustainability. The work of an interior designer draws upon many other disciplines, such as environmental psychology, architecture, product design and, aesthetics, in relation to a wide range of building spaces including hotels corporate and public spaces, schools, hospitals, private residences, shopping malls, restaurants, theaters and airport terminals. 160.Australia’s dwelling #071160 The stock of Australia's dwellings is evolving, with current homes having more bedrooms on average than homes ten years ago. At the same time, households are getting smaller on average with decreasing proportions of couple families with children and increasing couple only and lone person households. This article examines the changes in household size and number of bedrooms from 1994-95 to 2003-04. 161.The narrative of law #071161 The narrative of law and order is located fundamentally at the level of individual guilt and responsibility. Criminal acts are seen as individual issues of personal responsibility and culpability, to which the state responds by way of policing, prosecution, adjudication and punishment. This is but one level at which crime and criminal justice can be analysed. The problem is that so often analysis ends there, at the level of individual action, characterised in terms of responsibility, guilt, evil. In few other areas of social life does individualism have this hold. To take but one instance, it would be absurd to restrict analysis of obesity, to individual greed. It should similarly be widely seen as absurd to restrict analysis of criminal justice issues to the culpability of individuals. 162.Interdisciplinary Centre #071162 A new interdisciplinary centre for the study of the frontiers of the universe, from the tiniest subatomic particle to the largest chain of galaxies, has been formed at The University of Texas at Austin. The Texas Cosmology Centre will be a way for the university's departments of Astronomy and Physics to collaborate on research that concerns them both “This centre will bring the two departments together in an area where they overlap--in the physics of the very early universe,” said Dr. Neal Evans, Astronomy Department chair. Astronomical observations have revealed the presence of dark matter and dark energy, discoveries that challenge our knowledge of fundamental physics. And today's leading theories in physics involve energies so high that no Earth-bound particle accelerator can test them. They need the universe as their laboratory Steven Weinberg, Nobel laureate and professor of physics at the university, called the Centre's advent”(movement)a very exciting development “for that department. 163. Foreign Policy #071163 The foreign policy of a state, it is often argued, begins and ends with the border. No doubt an exaggeration, this aphorism nevertheless has an element of truth. A state's relation with its neighbours, at least in the formative years, are greatly influenced by its frontier policy, especially when there are no settled borders. Empire builders in the past sought to extend imperial frontiers for a variety of reasons; subjugation of kings and princes to gain their allegiance (as well as handsome tributes or the coffers of the state), and, security of the 'core' of the empire from external attacks by establishing a string of buffer states in areas adjoining the frontiers. The history of British empire in India was no different. It is important to note in this connection that the concept of international boundaries (between two sovereign states), demarcated and delineated, was yet to emerge in India under Mughal rule. 164.Film #071164 Film is where art meets commerce. As Orson Welles sai “A painter just needs a brush and the writer just needs a pen, but the producer needs an army.” And an army needs money a producer is just like an entrepreneur, we raise money to make films. First we need to find an original idea or a book or a play and purchase the rights, then we need money to develop that idea often a reasonably small sum besides, to commission a writer for the screenplay isn't something you would want to gamble your own money on, so you find a partner. We are lucky here in the UK, as we have Film4, BBC Films and the UK Film Council, all of these are good places to develop an idea. Producing in Britain is very different to producing in America or even Europe because the economic dynamic is different. 165.Life expectancy at birth #071165 Life expectancy at birth is one of the most widely used and internationally recognised indicators of population health. It focuses on the length of life rather than its quality, and provides a useful summary of the general health of the population. While an indicator describing how long Australians live that simultaneously takes into account quality of life would be a desirable summary measure of progress in the area, currently no such measure exists, and this is why life expectancy at birth is used as the Main Progress Indicator here. During the decade 1999 to 2009, life expectancy at birth improved for both sexes. A girl born in 2009 could expect to reach 83.9 years of age, while a boy could expect to live to 79. 3 years. Over the decade, boys 'life expectancy increased slightly more than girls'(3. 1 compared with 2. 1 years). This saw the gap between the sexes' life expectancy decrease by one year to 4.6 years In the longer term, increases in life expectancy also occurred over most of the 20th century. Unfortunately, life expectancy isn't shared across the whole population though, being lower in Tasmania and the northern Territory, and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 166.Nutrition scientists #071166 Since nutrition scientists are constantly making new discoveries, we need to revise our recommendations for healthy eating from time to time. However, nutrition is an art as well as a science. It's an art because it requires creativity to develop a healthy eating plan for people who differ in their food preferences, beliefs and culture, let alone in their nutritional needs according to their genes and life stage. As we discover more about how our genes and our environment interact, it's becoming increasingly difficult to provide a single set of dietary recommendations that will be suitable for everyone. 167.Debt-for-developing exchanges #071167 Books and articles highlighting intractable debt, poverty and development abound in both the academic and popular literature. This addition to the debate is both timely and interesting as it subsumes the economic debate to the broader social, political, environmental and institutional context of debt in developing countries. Debt-for-Development Exchanges: History and New Applications is intended for a wide audience including: academics from a range of disciplines (including accounting and finance); non-Government organisations (NGOs); civil society groups; and, both debtor and creditor governments and public sector organization. Professor Ross Buckley, author and editor, has developed an international profile in the area of debt relief and this book is the outcome of an Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery grant to explore debt-for development mechanisms that relieve debt, improve development outcomes from aid, are practically and politically attractive to creditors and contribute to regional security. 168.Intelligence of animals #071168 Comparing the intelligence of animals of different species is difficult, how do you compare a dolphin and a horse? Psychologists have a technique for looking at intelligence that does not require the cooperation of the animal involved. The relative size of an individual's brain is a reasonable indication of intelligence. Comparing across species is not as simple an elephant will have a larger brain than a human simple because it is a large beast, instead we use the Cephalization index, which compare the size of an animal's brain to the size of its body. Based on the Cephalization index, the brightest animals on the planet are humans, followed by great apes, porpoises and elephants. As a general rule, animals that hunt for a living (like canines) are smarter than strict vegetarians (you don't need much intelligence to outsmart a leaf of lettuce). Animals that live in social groups are always smarter and have large EQ's than solitary animals. 169.Marmosets and tamarins #071169 With their punk hairstyles and bright colors, marmosets and tamarins are among the most attractive primates on earth. These fast-moving, lightweight animals live in the rainforests of South America. Their small size makes it easy for them to dart about the trees, catching insects and small animals such as lizards, frogs, and snails. Marmosets have another unusual food source- they use their chisel-like incisor teeth to dig into tree bark and lap up the gummy sap that seeps out, leaving telltale, oval-shaped holes in the branches when they have finished. But as vast tracts of rainforest are cleared for plantations and cattle ranches marmosets and tamarins are in serious danger of extinction. 170.Integrate sales activities #071170 Organisations need to integrate their sales activities more both internally and with customers' needs according to a new book co-authored by an academic at the University of East Anglia. The book addresses how sales can help organisations to become more customer oriented and considers how they are responding to challenges such as increasing competition, more demanding customers and a more complex selling environment. Many organisations are facing escalating costs and a growth in customer power, which makes it necessary to allocate resources more strategically. The sales function can provide critical customer and market knowledge to help inform both innovation and marketing. However, the authors say that within the industry there is still uncertainty about the shape a future sales team should take, how it should be managed, and how it fits into their organisations business model. 171.Northern spotted owls #071171 Our analysis of the genetic structure of northern spotted owls across most of the range of the subspecies allowed us to test for genetic discontinuities and identify landscape features that influence the subspecies’ genetic structure. Although no distinct genetic breaks were found in northern spotted owls, several landscape features were important in structuring genetic variation. Dry, low elevation valleys and the high elevation Cascade and Olympic Mountains restricted gene flow, while the lower Oregon Coast Range facilitated gene flow, acting as a “genetic corridor.” The Columbia River did not act as a barrier, suggesting owls readily fly over this large river. Thus, even in taxa such as northern spotted owls with potential for longdistance dispersal, landscape features can have an important impact on gene flow and genetic structure. 172.New Zealand #071172 Twelve hundred miles east of Australia lay the islands of New Zealand. Long before they were discovered by Europeans, a Polynesian race of warriors, the Maoris, had sailed across the Pacific from the northeast and established a civilization notable for the brilliance of its art and the strength of its military system. When Captain Cook visited these islands towards the end of the 18th century, he estimated that the population numbered about a hundred thousand. 173.Medical examination #071173 The most common reason for carrying out a detailed medical examination of a dead person – a post-mortem or autopsy – is when it is necessary to establish the cause of death. In some circumstances, a doctor may be allowed to perform a post-mortem in pursuit of medical knowledge. The examination is usually performed by a pathologist and involves dissection of the body, and tests were done on blood, tissues and internal organs, but sometimes it is performed by a doctor. 174.Learning process #071174 Learning is a process by which behavior or knowledge changes as a result of experience. Learning from experience plays a major role IN enabling us to do many things that we clearly were not born to do, from the simplest tasks, such as flipping a light switch, to the more complex, such as playing a musical instrument. To many people, the term “learning” signifies the activities that students do reading, listening, and taking tests in order to acquire new information. This process, which is known as cognitive learning, is just one type of learning, however. Another way that we learn is by , which is the focus of this module. You probably associate certain holidays with specific sights, sounds, and smells, or foods with specific flavors and textures. We are not the only species with this skill even the simplest animals such as the earthworm can learn by association. 175. Progressive enhancement #071175 Progressive enhancement is a design practice based on the idea that instead of designing for the least capable browser, or mangling our code to make a site look the same in every browser, we should provide a core set of functionality and information to all users, and then progressively enhance the appearance and behavior of the site for users of more capable browsers. It's very productive development practice instead of spending hours working out how to add drop shadows to the borders of an element in every browser, we simply use the standards-based approach for browsers that support it and don't even attempt to implement it in browsers that don’t. After all, the users of older and less capable browsers wont know what they are missing. The biggest challenge to progressive enhancement is the belief among developers and clients that websites should look the same in every browser. As a developer, you can simplify your life and dedicate your time to more interesting challenges if you let go of this outdated notion and embrace progressive enhancement. 176.Economic depression #071176 As the economic depression deepened in the early 30s, and as farmers had less and less money to spend in their town, banks began to fail at alarming rates. During the 20s, there was an average of 70 banks failing each year nationally. After the crash during the first 10 months of 1930, 744 banks failed-10 times as many. In all, 9,000 banks failed during the decade of the 30s. It's estimated that 4,000 banks failed during the one year of 1933. By 1933, depositors saw $140 billion disappear through bank failures. 177.Mayan Civilisation #071177 The Classic era of Mayan civilisation came to an end around 900 AD. Why this happened is unclear; the cities were probably over-farming the land, so that a period of drought led to famine. Recent geological research supports this, as there appears to have been a 200-year drought around this time. 178.Snails #071178 Snails are not traditionally known for quick thinking, but new research shows they can make complex decisions using just two brain cells in findings that could help engineers design more efficient robots. Scientists at the University of Sussex attached electrodes to the heads of freshwater snails as they searched for lettuce. They found that just one cell was used by the mollusc to tell if it was hungry or not, while another let it know when food was present. Foodsearching is an example of goal-directed behaviour, during which an animal must integrate information about both its external environment and internal state while using as little energy as possible. Lead researcher Professor George Kemenes, sai “This will eventually help us design the” brain “of robots based on the principle of using the fewest possible components necessary to perform complex tasks.”What goes on in our brains when we make complex behavioural decisions and carry them out is poorly understood.”Our study reveals for the first time how just two neurons can create a mechanism in an animal's brain which drives and optimises complex decision-making tasks. 179.Language comes naturally #071179 Language comes so naturally to us that it is easy to forget what a strange and miraculous gift it is. All over the world members of our species fashion their breath into hisses and hums and squeaks and pops and listen to others do the same. We do this, of course, not only because we like the sounds but because details of the sounds contain information about the intentions of the person making them. We humans are fitted with a means of sharing our ideas, in all their unfathomable vastness. When we listen to speech, we can be led to think thoughts that have never been thought before and that never would have occurred to us on our own. Behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed. Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains. Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever, and rich, with a comfortable home and happy disposition, seemed to unite some of the best blessings of existence. Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. I have found it impossible to carry the heavy burden of responsibility and to discharge my duties as King without the help and support of the woman I love. 180.Chemistry #071180 Chemistry is an extremely important topic in physiology. Most physiological processes occur as the result of chemical changes that occur within the body. These changes include the influx/efflux of ions across a neuron’s membrane, causing a signal to pass from one end to the other. Other examples include the storage of oxygen in the blood by a protein as it passes through the lungs for usage throughout the body. 181.English is changing #071181 English has been changing throughout its lifetime and it's still changing today. For most of us, these changes are fine as long as they’re well and truly in the past. Paradoxically, we can be curious about word origins and the stories behind the structures we find in our language, but we experience a queasy distaste for any change that might be happening right under our noses. There are even language critics who are convinced that English is dying, or if not dying at least being progressively damaged through long years of mistreatment. 182.SpaceX Dragon Capsule #071182 SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket lifted off from Cape Canaveral, Florida, on Friday at 1845 GMT (1445 EDT), reaching orbit 9 minutes later. The rocket lofted an unscrewed mockup of SpaceX’s Dragon capsule, which is designed to one-day carry both crew and cargo to orbit. “This has been a good day for SpaceX and a promising development for the US human space flight programme,” said Robyn Ringuette of SpaceX in a webcast of the launch. In a teleconference with the media on Thursday, SpaceX’s CEO, Paypal co-founder Elon Musk, said he would consider the flight 100 percent successful if it reached orbit. “Even if we prove out just that the first stage functions correctly, I’d still say that’s a good day for a test,” he said. “It’s a great day if both stages work correctly.” SpaceX hopes to win a NASA contract to launch astronauts to the International Space Station using the Falcon 9. US government space shuttles, which currently make these trips, are scheduled to retire for safety reasons at the end of 2010. 183.Experience of Crime #071183 Crime is an integral part of everyday life. It is a prominent feature in the news and is a popular subject for frictional portrayal. Most students commencing legal studies will have some experience of crime, whether directly, as a victim of crime or indirectly through exposure to media coverage. This means that most offenses covered on the syllabus, such as murder, theft and rape will be familiar terms. This tends to give students the impression that they know more about criminal law than they do about other subjects on the syllabus. This can be a real disadvantage in terms of the academic study of criminal law because it tends to lead students to rely on preconceived notions of the nature and scope of the offenses and to reach instinctive, but often legally inaccurate, conclusions. It is absolutely essential to success in criminal law that you put aside any prior knowledge of the offenses and focus on the principles of law derived from statutes and cases. By doing this you will soon appreciate just how much difference there is between everyday conceptions of crime and its actuality. 184.Plants research #071184 Plants serve as the conduit of energy into the biosphere, provide food and materials used by humans, and they shape our environment. According to Ehrhardt and Frommer, the three major challenges facing humanity in our time are food, energy, and environmental degradation. All three are plant related. All of our food is produced by plants, either directly or indirectly via animals that eat them. Plants are a source of energy production. And they are intimately involved in climate change and a major factor in a variety of environmental concerns, including agricultural expansion and its impact on habitat destruction and waterway pollution. What's more, none of these issues is independent of each other. Climate change places additional stresses on the food supply and on various habitats. So, plant research is instrumental in addressing all of these problems and moving into the future. For plant research to move significantly forward, Ehrhardt and Former say technological development is critical, both to test existing hypotheses and to gain new information and generate fresh hypotheses. If we are to make headway in understanding how these essential organisms function and build the foundation for a sustainable future, then we need to apply the most advanced technologies available to the study of plant life, they say. 185. Mass migration #071185 Mass migration has produced a huge worldwide economy of its own which has accelerated so fast during the past few years that the figures have astonished experts. Last year remittances sent home by migrants were expected to exceed $232 billion according to the World Bank which tracks these figures vital through the flow of remittances is to alleviate the plight of the migrant’s family it can’t on its own lift entire nation out of poverty. Those who study the impacts of remittances argue that money allows poor countries to put off basic decisions of economic management like reforming their tax collection systems and building schools. 186. Conflict #071186 Most of us are scared of open conflict and avoid it if we can. And there is a risk to expressing and working through conflict. If the working involves harsh words and name-calling people fell deeply hurt and relationships can be damaged. Some group members may be afraid that if they really express their anger, they may go out of control and become violent, or they may do this. These fears can be very real and based on experience. 187. Brain Action #071187 Researchers in Europe and the US wanted to find out exactly what happens to our brain when we find ourselves stunned with fright in the hope of better understanding how fear interplays with human anxiety disorders. For the first time, they traced and linked three parts of the brain responsible for freezing behaviours: the amygdala, ventrolateral periaqueductal grey region and magnocellular nucleus. Mice are excellent lab animals where it comes to anxiety and fear experiments. When a mouse is scared, its defensive behaviours range from freezing, attacking, risk assessment or fleeing the scene. How a mouse acts depends on variables such as access to escape routes or the level of threat faced. So Andreas Lüthi at the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research in Switzerland and colleagues from Europe and the US observed brain activity in mice placed in frightening situations to trace the brain circuits responsible for freezing behaviours. In particular, the researchers wanted to learn more about a part of the brain called the ventrolateral periaqueductal grey region, which was believed to play some part in a mouse’s instinct to freeze or flee. 188. Effective Leader #071188 In search of lessons to apply in our own careers, we often try to emulate what effective leaders do. Roger Martin says this focus is misplaced, because moves that work in one context may make little sense in another. A more productive, though more difficult, approach is to look at how such leaders think. After extensive interviews with more than 50 of them, the author discovered that most are integrative thinkers -that is, they can hold in their heads two opposing ideas at once and then come up with a new idea that contains elements of each but is superior to both. 189. History Books #071189 What history books tell us about the past is not everything that happened, but what historians have selected. They cannot put in everything: choices have to be made. Choices must similarly be made about which aspects of the past should be formally taught to the next generation in the shape of school history lessons. So, for example, when a national school curriculum for England and Wales was first discussed at the end of the 1980s, the history curriculum was the subject of considerable public and media interest. Politicians argued about it; people wrote letters to the press about it; the Prime Minister of the time, Margaret Thatcher, intervened in the debate. Let us think first about the question of content. There were two main camps on this issue – those who thought the history of Britain should take pride of place, and those who favored what was referred to as 'world history'. 190. Platypus #071190 The platypus looks like no other creature on Earth. Physically, it appears to be a hybrid blend of a bird, beaver, reptile and otter, with additional characteristics not contained in any of these four. On cursory examination, the platypus has a bill that most resembles that of a waterfowl, not the mouth of any known mammal. Yet it is not an ordinary bill. It is actually a well-designed sensory organ. Not a nose, but a highly sensitive electro-location sensor, detecting miniscule electrical impulses generated by its food source of small crustaceans and worms. No other mammal has a sensor so highly developed --- in fact; only one other mammal has this ability at all. Then there are the webbed feet, similar to those found on otters. Unlike an otter, however, the webbing is far more pronounced on the front feet of the platypus, which it uses like paddles for swimming. While in the water, the back feet are tucked into its body and hardly used at all. 191. Online campus #071191 Remember when universities were bursting at the seams with students sitting in the aisles, balancing books on their knees? No more, it seems. E-learning is as likely to stand for empty lecture theatres as for the internet revolution, which has greatly increased the volume and range of course materials available online in the past five years. "The temptation now is to simply think, 'Everything will be online so I don't need to go to class'," said Dr Kerri-Lee Krause, of the Centre for the Study of Higher Education at the University of Melbourne. The nation's universities are in the process of opening the doors for the new academic year and, while classes are generally well attended for the early weeks, it often does not last. "There is concern at the university level about student attendance dropping and why students are not coming to lectures," Dr Krause said. But lecturers' pride - and fierce competition among universities for students - mean few are willing to acknowledge publicly how poorly attended many classes are. 192. Scientist’s Job #071192 Scientists make observations, have assumptions and do experiments. After these have been done, he got his results. Then there are a lot of data from scientists. The scientists around the world have a picture of world. 193. DNA Barcoding #071193 DNA barcoding was invented by Paul Hebert of the University of Guelph, in Ontario, Canada, in 2003. His idea was to generate a unique identification tag for each species based on a short stretch of DNA. Separating species would then be a simple task of sequencing this tiny bit of DNA. Dr Hebert proposed part of a gene called cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) as suitable to the task. All animals have it. It seems to vary enough, but not too much, to act as a reliable marker. And it is easily extracted, because it is one of a handful of genes found outside the cell nucleus, in structures called mitochondria. Barcoding has taken off rapidly since Dr Hebert invented it. When the idea was proposed, it was expected to be a boon to taxonomists trying to name the world's millions of species. It has, however, proved to have a far wider range of uses than the merely academic—most promisingly in the realm of public health. One health-related project is the Mosquito Barcoding Initiative being run by Yvonne-Marie Linton of the Natural History Museum in London. This aims to barcode 80% of the world's mosquitoes within the next two years, to help control mosquito-borne diseases. Mosquitoes are responsible for half a billion malarial infections and 1m deaths every year. They also transmit devastating diseases such as yellow fever, West Nile fever and dengue. However, efforts to control them are consistently undermined by the difficulty and expense of identifying mosquitoes— of which there are at least 3,500 species, many of them hard to tell apart. 194. Heart disease #071194 If you have a chronic disease such as heart disease, diabetes, asthma, or back or joint pain, exercise can have important health benefits. However, it's important to talk to your doctor before starting an exercise routine. He or she might have advice on what exercises are safe and any precautions you might need to take while exercising. 195. Funerary Violin #071195 In the 250 years of its active evolution, Funerary Violin moved from the formal to the personal. It is clear from the earliest accounts of the form that its role during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries was largely heraldic, to exemplify the continuity of the social structure. The few works that have survived from this period are often surprisingly unemotional and at times overtly grandiose. 196. Arbitration #071196 Arbitration is a method of conflict resolution which, with more or less formalized mechanisms, occurs in many political and legal spheres. There are two main characteristics to arbitration. The first is that it is a voluntary process under which two parties in conflict agree between themselves to be bound by the judgment of a third party which has no other authority over them; the judgment, however, is not legally binding. The second is that there is usually no clear body of law or set of rules that must apply; the arbitrator is free, subject to any prior agreement with the conflicting parties, to decide on whatever basis of justice is deemed suitable. 197. The United Nations #071197 The United Nations is an international organization founded in 1945. Due to its unique international character, and the powers vested in its founding Charter, the organization can take action on a wide range of issues and provide a forum for its 193 Member States to express their views, through the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council and other bodies and committees. The work of the United Nations reaches every corner of the globe. Although best known for peacekeeping, peacebuilding, conflict prevention and humanitarian assistance, there are many other ways the United Nations and its System (specialized agencies, funds and programmes) affect our lives and make the world a better place. 198. Children sleep patterns #071198 Children have sound sleep patterns. They can soundly sleep for 8-9 hours and get up at a fixed time. But teenagers don’t. Their need of early start to schools or other schedules can influence their sleep patterns. Despite these factors, they actually need longer sleep time. 199. Politics and International Relations #071199 This course provides students with an in-depth understanding of the exciting disciplines of politics and international relations and commerce. Students will learn about the workings of political institutions in countries around the world and explore the complex field of relations between nations. Topics in governance, public policy, public administration, national security, border control and commerce ensure that students receive a broad and current education in the range of issues which are covered under the label of politics and international relations and commerce. In addition to acquiring specialist knowledge and competencies in Politics and International Relations and Commerce, students will graduate with a range of generic skills such as critical thinking, enhanced communication abilities, problem solving and strong capacities to work with others. They will also develop ethically based and socially responsible attitudes and behaviors. 200. Job of Doctor #071200 In the fast-changing world of modern healthcare, the job of a doctor is more and more like the job of a chief executive. The people who run hospitals and physicians' practices don't just need to know medicine. They must also be able to balance budgets, motivate a large and diverse staff and make difficult marketing and legal decisions. 201. The Origins of Music #071201 Music is an important part of our lives. We connect and interact with it daily and use it as a way of projecting our self-identities to the people around us. The music we enjoy – whether it’s country or classical, rock n’ roll or rap – reflects who we are. But where did music, at its core, first come from? It’s a puzzling question that may not have a definitive answer. One leading researcher, however, has proposed that the key to understanding the origin of music is nestled snugly in the loving bond between mother and child. In a lecture at the University of Melbourne, Richard Parncutt, an Australian-born professor of systematic musicology, endorsed the idea that music originally spawned from ‘motherese’ – the playful voices mothers adopt when speaking to infants and toddlers. As the theory goes, increased human brain sizes caused by evolutionary changes occurring between one and 2,000,000 years ago resulted in earlier births, more fragile infants and a critical need for stronger relationships between mothers and their newborn babies. According to Parncutt, who is based at the University of Graz in Austria, ‘motherese’ arose as a way to strengthen this maternal bond and to help ensure an infant’s survival. 202.Economic Character #071202 One distinguishing feature of business is its economic character. In the world of business, we interact with each other not as family members, friends, or neighbors, but as buyers and sellers, employers and employees, and the like. Trading, for example, is often accompanied by hard bargaining, in which both sides conceal their full hand and perhaps engage in some bluffing. And a skilled salesperson is versed in the art of arousing a customer's attention (sometimes by a bit of puffery) to clinch the sale. Still, there is an "ethics of trading" that prohibits the use of false or deceptive claims and tricks such as "bait-and-switch" advertising. 203.Delegation #071203 The process of delegation comprises the decision to delegate, the briefing, and the follow-up. At each of these points, anticipate the potential problems. When you delegate, you are delegating the right to perform an action, you are delegating the right to make decisions. It is important to be flexible, as the person to whom you delegate may have a better and faster way of completing a job than you. Despite all these, you retain the overall responsibility. It is helpful to others if you can provide constructive feedback on their performance. 204. Sociology #071204 Sociology is, in very basic terms, the study of human societies. In this respect, it is usually classed as one of the social sciences (along with subjects like psychology) and was established as a subject in the late 18th century (through the work of people like the French writer Auguste Comte). However, the subject has only really gained acceptance as an academic subject in the 20th century through the work of writers such as Emile Durkheim, Max Weber and Talcott Parsons (names that will be visited throughout this course). One name that you may have heard of-Karl Marx (the founder of modern Communism)-has probably done more to stimulate people’s interest in the subject than anyone else, even though he lived and wrote (1818-1884) in a period before sociology became fully established as an academic discipline. Sociology therefore, has a reasonably long history of development, (150-200 years) although in Britain it has only been in the last 30-40 years that sociology as an examined subject in the education system has achieved a level of importance equivalent to, or above, most of the other subjects it impossible to study. 205.Parasitic Plants #071205 parasitic plantshost plants flowers are pollinated well and their seeds are dispersed they are co-evolved to the results will be upsetting for both species. 206. Australian women novelist #071206 In the literary world, it was an accepted assumption that the 1970s was a time of unprecedented growth in homegrown Australian fiction. And everybody was reading and talking about books by young Australian women. But it was not until recently that a researcher was able to measure just how many novels were published in that decade, and she found that there had been a decline in novels by Australian writers overall, but confirmed an increase in women’s novels. It is this sort of research - testing ideas about literary history - that is becoming possible with the spread of ‘Digital Humanities.’ The intersection of Humanities and digital technologies is opening up opportunities in the fields of literature, linguistics, history and language that were not possible without computational methods and digitized resources to bring information together in an accessible way. Transcription software is being developed for turning scans of books and documents into text, as the field of digital humanities really takes off. 207.The new book on Kiwi #071207 A Massey ecologist has teamed up with a leading wildlife photographer to produce the definitive book on New Zealand’s national bird, the kiwi. Kiwi: A Natural History was written by Dr Isabel Castro and features photographs by Rod Morris. Dr Castro has been working with kiwi since 1999, with a focus on their behaviour. “I’ve specifically been looking at the sense of smell that kiwi uses when foraging, but also in their interactions with their environment and other kiwi,” she says. The book covers all aspects of kiwi, from their evolution, prehistory and closest relatives to their feeding and breeding behaviour and current conservation issues, making this the perfect introduction for anyone with an interest in these fascinating birds. The book is the second title in a new series on New Zealand’s wildlife, targeted at a family readership. 208.Teens writing #071208 Teens write for a variety of reasons—as part of a school assignment, to get a good grade, to stay in touch with friends, to share their artistic creations with others or simply to put their thoughts to paper (whether virtual or otherwise). In our focus groups, teens said they are motivated to write when they can select topics that are relevant to their lives and interests, and report greater enjoyment of school writing when they have the opportunity to write creatively. Having teachers or other adults who challenge them, present them with interesting curricula and give them detailed feedback also serves as a motivator for teens. Teenagers also compose their writings for the adults who can understand them. 209. Omniscience #071209 Omniscience may be a foible of men, but it is not so of books. Knowledge, as Johnson said, is of two kinds, you may know a thing yourself, and you may know where to find it. Now the amount which you may actually know yourself must, at its best, be limited, but what you may know of the sources of information may, with proper training, become almost boundless. And here come the value and use of reference books—the working of one book in connexion with another—and applying your own intelligence to both. By this means we get as near to that omniscient volume which tells everything as ever we shall get, and although the single volume or work which tells everything does not exist, there is a vast number of reference books in existence, a knowledge and proper use of which is essential to every intelligent person. Necessary as I believe reference books to be, they can easily be made to be contributory to idleness, and too mechanical a use should not be made of them. 210. Language Deficit of UK Students #071210 This is a challenging time for UK students, and we should be making their transition from university to the globalized world easier, not harder. The British Academy has voiced its concern over the growing language deficit for some years, and the gloomy statistics speak for themselves. We need decisive action if we are to remedy this worsening situation. The roots of the problem lie within schools, but Vice-Chancellors have the power to drive change and help their students recognize the importance of learning languages, and about the countries where they are spoken and the cultures they sustain. We urge them to act and protect this country’s long term economic, social and cultural standing. 211.DNA is a molecule #071211 DNA is a molecule that does two things. First, it acts as the hereditary material, which is passed down from generation to generation. Second, it directs, to a considerable extent, the construction of our bodies, telling our cells what kinds of molecules to make and guiding our development from a single-celled zygote to a fully formed adult. These two things are of course connected. The DNA sequences that construct the best bodies are more likely to get passed down to the next generation because well-constructed bodies are more likely to survive and thus to reproduce. This is Darwin’s theory of natural selection stated in the language of DNA. 212.The Lumière Brothers #071212 Our sense of cinema as a site of commercial entertainment can be traced back to the Lumière brothers. In December 1895 they attracted a fee-paying public in Paris to sit and watch flickering images on an illuminated screen. The commercial Pandora’s Box they opened was to blossom in a few years into a world cinema industry and, at its peak, the fantastical Hollywood. Yet in the 30 years in which this miraculous construction was accomplished, audiences rarely had to listen to films, only watch them. Hence, the early decades of cinema were characterised by the title ‘silent’. In fact, there was a lot of noise, machinery, audiences, musicians and commentators. Even so, the absence of the human voice and dialogue make the films seem rather strange when viewed by a modern audience. 213.Bones are extremely strong #071213 Bones are extremely strong. One of their main functions is to protect organs. For example, the skull protects the brain; ribs protect the heart and lungs. There are three types of joints, including fixed joints, slightly moveable joints, and freely moving joints. 214.Headless Horseman #071214 As the world changes into the future, each day bringing new, astonishing technology advances, our society runs the risk of becoming not only Washington Irving’s headless horseman, but also a heartless horseman...… connection…… available… … collectively… 215. Daniel Harris #071215 Daniel Harris, a scholar of consumption and style, has observed that until photography finally supplanted illustration as the “primary means of advertising clothing” in the 1950s, glamour inhered less in the face of the drawing, which was by necessity schematic and generalized, than in the sketch’s attitude, posture, and gestures, especially in the strangely dainty positions of the hands. Glamour once resided so emphatically in the stance of the model that the faces in the illustrations cannot really be said to have expressions at all, but angles or tilts. The chin raised upwards in a haughty look; the eyes lowered in an attitude of introspection; the head cocked at an inquisitive or coquettish angle: or the profile presented in sharp outline, emanating power the severity like an emperor’s bust embossed on a Roman coin. 216. Emerald #071216 Emerald is defined by its green color. To be an emerald, a specimen must have a distinctly green color that falls in the range from bluish green to green to slightly yellowish green. To be an emerald, the specimen must also have a rich color. Stones with weak saturation or light tone should be called “green beryl.” If the beryl‘s color is greenish blue then it is an “aquamarine.” If it is greenish yellow it is “heliodor”. This color definition is a source of confusion. Which hue, tone, and saturation combinations are the dividing lines between "green beryl" and "emerald"? Professionals in the gem and jewellery trade can disagree on where the lines should be drawn. Some believe that the name "emerald" should be used when chromium is the cause of the green color, and that stones colored by vanadium should be called "green beryl." Calling a gem an "emerald" instead of a "green beryl" can have a significant impact upon its price and marketability. This "color confusion" exists within the United States. In some other countries, any beryl with a green color - no matter how faint - is called an "emerald." 217. Natural Capital #071217 Capital has often been thought of narrowly as physical capital – the machines, tools, and equipment used in the production of other goods, but our wealth and wellbeing also relies on natural capital. If we forget this, we risk degrading the services that natural ecosystems provide, which support our economies and sustain our lives. These services include purifying our water, regulating our climate, reducing flood risk, and pollinating our crops.