Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format: Instructional Planning
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format: Instructional Planning
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format: Instructional Planning
(The process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating and managing the instructional
process by using principles of teaching and learning - D.O. 42, s. 2016)
3. Learning Resources
4. Procedures
4.1 Introductory Activity (__5__ minutes). This part introduces the lesson Curriculum Preliminaries.
content. Although at times optional, it is usually included to serve as a warm-up Contextualization 1. If you are going to purchase
activity to give the learners zest for the incoming lesson and an idea about
Localization: Consider/include clothing are you particular in
what it to follow. One principle in learning is that learning occurs when it is
here the appropriate Local choosing a brand?
conducted in a pleasurable and comfortable atmosphere.
Heritage Themes:
A. Annual Rites, Festivals, and
Rituals (Historical/Religious
4.2 Activity/Strategy (_8___ minutes). This is an interactive strategy to Festivals, Local Cultural Video presentation on different
elicit learner’s prior learning experience. It serves as a springboard for new Festivals, Local branding strategies.
learning. It illustrates the principle that learning starts where the learners are. Delicacies/Products Festivals,
Rituals, Wedding Ritual, Palihi
1. After watching the video,
Carefully structured activities such as individual or group reflective exercises,
group discussion, self-or group assessment, dyadic or triadic interactions, Ritual, Burial Ritual, what are your
puzzles, simulations or role-play, cybernetics exercise, gallery walk and the like B Literary Anthologies Written In observations?
may be created. Clear instructions should be considered in this part of the Local Language (BALITAW, BALAK,
lesson. Folktales/ Short Stories, Local
4.3 Analysis (_5___ minutes). Essential questions are included to serve as a Heroes 1. What comes to your mind
guide for the teacher in clarifying key understandings about the topic at hand. C. Historical Events, Enduring
Values, Indigenous Materials,
when you hear the word
Critical points are organized to structure the discussions allowing the learners
Indigenous Cultural “toothpaste?’How about
to maximize interactions and sharing of ideas and opinions about expected
issues. Affective questions are included to elicit the feelings of the learners Communities/Indigenous People, shampoo?
about the activity or the topic. The last questions or points taken should lead Indigenous Games 2. When you are asked to
the learners to understand the new concepts or skills that are to be presented D. Topography, Flora/ Fauna
(Falls, Mountains, River, Cave,
describe “Burger” What
in the next part of the lesson.
Trees, Flower, Fauna will you say first? How
E. Food & Local products about “soft drinks”
4.4 Abstraction (__5__ minutes). This outlines the key concepts, important G. Role Model Family
skills that should be enhanced, and the proper attitude that should be Discussion on brand name and branding
emphasized. This is organized as a lecturette that summarizes the learning
emphasized from the activity, analysis and new inputs in this part of the lesson.
4.5 Application (____ minutes). This part is structured to ensure the Group Activity: Each group will create
commitment of the learners to do something to apply their new learning in their own brand name?
their own environment.
4.6 Assessment (___ minutes). For the Teacher to: a) Assess whether
learning objectives have been met for a specified duration, b) Remediate
and/or enrich with appropriate strategies as needed, and c) Evaluate whether
learning intentions and success criteria have been met. (Reminder: Formative
Assessment may be given before, during, or after the lesson). Choose any from
the Assessment Methods below:
Assessment Method Possible Activities
a) Observation Investigation, Role Play, Oral
(Formal and informal observations of learners’ performance or behaviors are Presentation, Dance, Musical
recorded, based on assessment criteria) Performance, Skill Demonstration,
Group Activity (e.g. Choral
Reading), Debate, Motor &
Psychomotor Games, Simulation
Activities, Science Experiment
b) Talking to Learners / Conferencing Hands-on Math Activities, Written
(Teachers talk to and question learners about their learning to gain insights on Work and Essay, Picture Analysis,
their understanding and to progress and clarify their thinking) Comic Strip, Panel Discussion,
Interview, Think-Pair-Share,
4.7 Assignment (____ minutes). Fill-in below any of the four purposes:
6. Reflections Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student’s progress this week. What works? What else
needs to be done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you
meet them, you can ask them relevant questions. Indicate below whichever is/are appropriate.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation.