Application: Intended Learning Outcome

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Rosales, Sembrero, Ecito, Banos, Dadulla A.


Intended Learning Outcome

At the end of the sessions, the clienteles are expected to discover and understand the
different kinds of religion in the world

Content Focus

 World Religions
 Religion’s Belief System

Teaching-Learning Activities

 Lecture and discussion about the world religions and its belief system
 Brainstorming to generate idea of the history of different religions
 Answering the provided tasks

Assessment tasks

 Solicit ideas to learners about the world religion and compare their ideas to Emil
Durkheim’s definition
 Discussion about religion using flipcharts and different pictures
 Identifying Monotheistic and Polytheistic Religions using concept map
 Group undertaking activities on the history of different religions assigned to them
using a timeline
 Group presentation on the timeline of religion assigned to them
 Accomplishing of an essay on what they have learned during the sessions


 Two sessions (1 hour and 30 minutes)


 Flip charts, images, laptop, projector, multimedia presentations

Adaptation for Beginning Clienteles

 The activities such as making the concept map and comparing each belief system
will be done in a small group with the help of the teacher as to provide clarifications
when needed

Adaptation for Advance Clienteles

 The tasks will be answered independently



I. Objective

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Discover and understand the different kinds of religion in the world

2. Identify the differences among the religions’ belief system

II. Subject Matter

a. Title: Introduction to World Religions and Belief System – World
Religion and Belief Systems
b. Instructional Materials: flipcharts, images, laptop, projector,
multimedia presentations

III. Procedure
a. Preparatory Activity


Checking the classroom setting

Checking of the class attendance

b. Presentation

The teacher will be presenting the main topic which will be discussed
through flashing a set of pictures that relates to the topic. Then, the
students will observe and analyze the pictures shown and will be asked
to share their ideas to the class afterwards.

c. Lesson Proper
a. Activity

The class will be divided into 8 groups and each group will be assigned to
a specific religion. Each group are given the task to brainstorm about the
history of the religion assigned to them using a timeline. They are all
given 10 minutes for the task.

b. Analysis
1. What are the different kinds of religion?
2. When and explain the history and development of the religions?
3. What are the differences of each religion’s belief system?

c. Abstraction
1. The teacher will discuss the different kinds of world religions.
2. The teacher will explain the key points of history and
development of the religions
3. The teacher will give clarifications about the differences of each
belief system.

d. Application

The students, together with the same group, will identify the
monotheistic religions and polytheistic religions through making two
concept maps. Each group are given three minutes to prepare and five
minutes to present the output.

IV. Evaluation

Make a 500-word essay about you have learned emphasizing the differences and
similarities on the belief system of each religion.

V. Assignment

On a long bond paper, make a photo collage that reflects to the purpose and impact of
your religion to yourself, family, community, and to the society.

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