Bio 48 Lab Ex 4
Bio 48 Lab Ex 4
Bio 48 Lab Ex 4
Table 1
Physical Description (Location)
Species Characteristic Reasons
s 1 2 3
Due to the difference in
environmental conditions,
some species developed
Llama of
Bactrian of humps to survive
Dromedary of South
Central Asia. desert/dry conditions that
Camels Hump Africa. Has one America.
Two-humped function to store fat
hump only. Has no
Camels. which can be converted to
water and energy when
sustenance is not
Kit Foxes of Blandford Fox Arctic Fox-
South America. in Central Asia. fluffy. Thick
Their feet are Has hairless winter coats Their coats adapt to the
Thickness of
Foxes lined with fur foot pads to colored climate and also help
to allow them help them white with them catch prey.
to walk on hot climb rocks and bits of gray
rocks or sand. jump ledges. or blue.
Bengal Tiger Siberian Tiger
of South Asia. in Far East Coats have evolved
Has the
Some parts are Russia. Has according to the place
darkest coat
cream or white paler orange fur they are found in order to
of all tigers.
Tigers Fur/Coat in color instead compared to blend with the
Its broad,
of orange due others. Stripes environment or
black stripes
to recessive are also brown camouflage and attract a
are closely
gene for instead of mate as well.
spaced and
coloration. black.
Ratite Toes Ostrich in Emus in Rhea in Distribution of the Ratites
Africa. Has Australia. Has South was caused by the
two toes only. three forward- America. Continental drift. Their
One very big facing toes. Has three toe morphology evolved
toe and a small toes. according to their
toe for balance. predatory environment.
This improves their
locomotor performance
which enables them to
run at fast speeds. It can
also be used to lash out
predators and keep them
at bay.
Baboons of
Mamoset Tamarin
Monkeys in Monkey of Their jaws and claws
Size and South America. Central and have adapted and evolved
and Africa.
Monkeys shape of jaw Small monkeys South America. according to their diet and
They have
and claws. with nails Really small available food in their
instead of and have lower habitat.
jaws and
claws. canine teeth.
canine teeth.