A Feminine Ending
A Feminine Ending
A Feminine Ending
AMANDA- There 's a reasoll nobody plays the oboe. If played JACtto who ha.s fi,nished setting up the bedroom, tahes
a spotlight, downstage lnfi, and sings something to tlto
PoorlY - aud;imce.
AMANDA blows a pi,tchl,ess sort'ntl.
A!,iANDA"He has this way of convincing every person in the
AMANDA" - It sounds like a dying duck. But if playecl well - audience that he is siuging directly to them. His man-
AMANDA plays a pmfect A. ager, Hillary calls it "star quality". She says that's w;hat
AMANDA. It is the sound that tuues the entire orchestra. separatesJack from the people who sing in subways'
Strong and lorrely. The instrument whose tonal qual- Hillary says star quality boils down to whether or not a
ity best approximates a human voice' And it can't normal person thinks you would sleep with them, Hil-
be tuned. There are no strings to tighten or gears to lary says the quality manifests itself differently in men
adjust. It cannot be anything other than it already is. and women. Iremale stflrs need to be warm and inviting
It's like the Hamlet of instmments. and it helps if they seem a little conftrsed. Or slightly
AI\{ANDA starts to play slnuly. She stops huser depressed. But the male star must make each woman
believe he would choose her from a crowd to seduce'
AMANDA" It is known, by the few that know enough to care
So he can't be depressed at all. A woman has to see
and care enough to know, that any piece of music has
her future in his eyes. Hillary says tttis is because men
one of two beginnings. They are gendered. A mascu-
want to fuck and run and woman want to submit and
line piece begins with an emphasis or "stre$$" on the
be kept. Before Hillary became a manager, she wrote
first beat. A feminine piece begins with the "stress" on
self-help books for single women. And that, according
the second beat. Or sometimes, the third.
toJack, is what makes her the best in the business.
This is a feminine beginning.
JACK srqps singtng and, approachdsAlvlANDA.
EntarJAC,K. Thel smile at each othen He tafus the oboe
and exits. JACK. Hey.
AMANDA" Gorgeous, isn't he? That's Jack Handel. If you AIIANDA. Hey.
haven't heard of him yet - you're about to. He's going JACK I really enjoyed your piece tonight'
to be "huge". Everyone says so. AMANDA" Really?
IACJi sturts hringtng on thefwniture of thei;r apartmmt' t was thinking - we should collaborate on something.
He sets it up behind t*tx:tDL a,s she speaks. AMANDA" That would be great! I'm working on a woodwind
AMANDA. We met in New York City. We were both get- quartet right now but I could totally change the oboe
ting our gradrnte degrees in music. I had become a to voice.
composer. That's a common progression for a career JACK Why dott't we start with something a little easier?
oboist. Because we tune the orchesua we begin to AMANDA" LiKC whAt?
think symphonically very early on'
;ACI( Like this.
Jack was ayear behind me, mqjoring in voice.
fiACK ftessarAMANDA)
There's a club in the basement of the university and
AMANDA. The front door opens with the first burst of sun,
The lights com,e up again, sudd,utry. JACK is skepi,ng. and then ...
AMANDA is sitting up, with th,e coaers pulbd, arou'nd
AMANDA'slngus Jloat ouer the kefioard.
I knew it, I
AMANDA- (a conspiracy ui.th the aud;ience) Before AMANDA"And then...
wasJack Handel's girlfriend. And suddenly I was the AI,IANDA gets lo.st in the moment of cornpo.sition. She
target of unmitigated resentment from every hipless doesn't know the chmd,
hipster below fourteenth street. Because anybody who
was anybody in the know already knew that.|ack Handel AMANDA" And then...
was about to be huge. AI\{ANDA sl,owly, softly begins to pln,y Cho|in's n€ry rec-
CK snures loudly and twns oaer.
ognizabk Noctunn,c No. 2 in, E-flat.IACK uahes up. He
sits up in be.d. Td,kes the earplugs out of his ew*
AMANDA sneaks quietly out of bed, tnapped in the bed-
sheet, a'nd, sits down at ha piano. She puts hu hands on JACI{" Did you write that?
the hefioard, thm hnns back to the aud'im,ce. AMANDA shahes her head.
AMANDA. In the moments he isn't singing, Jack is a hot AMANDA" Chopin.
mess. But I like that about him. Taking care of him Huh. He sounds like you"
makes me feel strong. Competent. Like awoman, Well,
AMANDA" Did I wake you? I'm sorry.
like my mother anyway.
At night, we lie in bed together, hands clasped and JACIi lt's okay. I was having a nightmare. I was farnous.
talk about how to activate our potential. AMANDA nods, ^Sh,e
heeps pkying.
Jack sleeps with earplugs because I get all my best ideas JACK" Everyone around me had beaks instead of noses,
in my dreams.
AMANDA keeps playing.
She tu,m,s to the piano. Sh,e tums back to the audimce.
JACK Will you still love rne when I'm famous?
AMANIIA" There's this song I want to write. I've been hear-
ing it my whole life in my head. It goes like this... AMANDA srops.
She tums to the pian,o. Puts her hands on the hqboard,. JACK why'd you stop?
Turu,s bach. maarvna. Ycru make it sound inevitable.
AMANDA.It begins with the sound of snow urelting on the JACI{"Youjust have to trust that life has a road mapped out
roof of the house I grew up in and dripping slowly for you.
from the gutter into tin pails,.. AMANDA" Is that fiom your Celebrity Quotes Calendar?
AIvrANDA ltlays some aay high, tin-sound,ing notes.
AMANDA- Who said it?
AMANDA. And then the frogs that live in the tin pails
JACIL Orlando Bloom.
JACIL How's the syrnphony coming? JACK. You should be. That money keeps my whole family
AMANDA- It's coming. shackled to my father. He tells my sister who to marry.
He tells my mother what medication to take.
JACIi I can't wait to hear it.
AMANDA" Neither can I. AMANDA" I know.
JACK He tells me that after I get this music thing out of my
AMANDA siglts. Frustrated,.
slstem, I'm going to business school.
JAC& It'$ clearly time for my secret symphony-summoning AIIIANDA" I know. I know.
JACIi No, you don't, because you've got these provincial
AIIIANDA"Your what? little parents who think you're a genius.
JA([I Go ahead. Start playing. AMANDA. What wa.$ your news?
JACIT Keep plalang. I think it's working. JACK Oh. I got a manager. Her name is Hillary. She repre-
sents Nick Lachey.x
AMANDA shahes hu head.lttcI< stups dancing.
AMANDA" Are you serious?
AMANDA"YoU amaze me. JACILYeah.
JACIi Come back to bed and I'll really knock your socks AMAND.{Jack!
off. JAcri. Whar?
AMAI.{DA gets bach in the bed,. AMAND.{ That's great.
AMANDA" I have something to tell you JACI{. She thinks I should quit school and concentrate.
AMANDA" Are you going to do it?
JACK I have something to tell you. You go first,
AMANDA" I got offered ajob. Composing. JACIi I don't know. I was going to ask you what I should
do. Befcrre I got angry at you. Now I don't know who
JACK Baby! For which orchestra? to ask.
AMAND.dJingles. For an advertising firm.
AIT,IANDA" I think you should do it.
JACIL Oh. Hey that's something.
JACI( You do?
AIUANDA" It's money.
AMANDA" Absolutely.
JAQL Money is good. father will disorvn me.
AMANDA" I need to make a livingJack.
AMANDA" Who cares?
* If Nick Lachey is no longer relevant, substiturc the name of a
rrew Blist popsthr.
JACIT [t's not in my nature. I will have a horizon pool, hnw- AMANDA" I'm working on a syrnphony. They take a while.
JACK grous i.mpatienl.
AMANDA- I want to be happy.
AMANDA" I'll call you back, okay?
JACIi I cal't promise you that. I can only promise you a
horizon pool and an extraordinary life. KIM. You're throwing your life away - all your god-given
- on a good-for-nothing -
JACKT phone starts to ring. He pichs uP.
AMANDA.I love you too -
JACP* ( surprised. ) It's Hillary. KIM. Amanda, I have to talk to you. It's about your father -
AMANDA" Give my love to Daddy. Bye.
JLClr lnad,$ off the stage.
AMANDA" (to th.e audimce) I know what you're thinking. You AI\,IANDA hangs up the phone.
don't have to say it. My mother already did.
JACIL I got you a Christmas present.
Kfiit, snters wi,th a ph7ne. AMANDA picks up a phone in AMANDA" It's a little early.
her beilroom and hokk the recei,an directly out towards JACK I couldn't wait.
the aud,imco. The sound, echoes throu,gh the theatu'e.
JACJd pulk a ring box from behind. his ba,ch.
AMANDA" Did you steal that? Knr. Oh Amanda, thank god. Your father is in the other
room, so I can't talk too loudlY -
JACI( I bought it.
AMANDA" With what? AMANDA" I'm getting married!
What do you think?. JAC/6. (Intl the phone) Hi, Hillary it'sJack. Ah .,. she says
AMANDA" I don't knowwhat to say,
JACK Will you wear it? IL(jjKh,angs up the phonh O/AMAi{DAb look -
AMANDA" I'll wear it. JACII I hate saying no to my manager'
;ACf,LYou'll wear it? Then you like it? AMANDA t&a offherring.
AI\[AND.{.I do.
JACI{" Oh no, don't do that. Why are you doing that? Listen,
Thel hiss. this is all new to me. I don't know how to behave.
AMANDA" I have to call my mother. I have to tell her. There seem to be these rules * but no one tells you
I'm gonna call my manager. what they are - and I don't want to piss anybody off'
JAtxL Okay, call youi riother.
Notjust for me - for you as well. I'm trying to build us
JLCI.I ercits. \,\,
a life, an extraordinary life.
Al\,IAtlDA picks up the phone. AI\{ANDA puts th,e ring ba'ch on.
Li,ghts bach up onKIM's ph,orw. It ri,ngs.lffi$ rush,es on A mail slot in the d,oor opens up a'nd, a thick enaelope
to answer it.
falk througlt.
KM. Hello? JACIL How long have we been talking like this?
,AMANDA- Aborrt fcxrr rnonlhs. AMANDA. \A'hcn was suppost:t1 t.o do it? I haven't even
shir. rvorkcd on rny symphorry in weeks' l'm' like' eight'!in-
glr:s berhincl' 'i'lr" t-u*" is a rlisaster" I havr:
JACX" a weclding
JLCIK'rlt.slt es o.f[ stuge. to plan -
a wcdcling would bc sut:h a
Sotn.athere on, set, a Ptoiecti,on flashes "lbrtr MorttlLs IACIL I didrr't rcalize plarruing
Lattr" lhut, d isa,ltpears. t:ltort: -
AMANDA. Of course you clidn't' Be<;ause ,vort haven't helped
AMANDA. Last summer; I linishcd a corrcerto that I was par-
ticularly proud of and subrnittc<I it. f<lr consideration with any of it.
in the New York Symphonique's Spring Ne.w Voices llco,l.
I'estil,al. A rnonth ago, I got a lctter saving it had been not conlposirrg' 'fhere's the
clro$en as a {inalist. Norv the New York Syrnphonique lA(:K It is not my fault you're
godtlamn Piano.
is not. the Philharurouic but it. is a New Vrrk orchr:s-
AMANDA ['ttt'tt,s o,uily .fr"orn lt'im' She rips open'
tm and a good one. A coucerto al the spring festival
would launch luy career'. T'tre finalists are supposed to pachage.
submit a personal statcmerlt. All I've got dorvn so far is you just' coille out to dintter
"Please pick rne." It rvas due last rvelck. l/\(iK. Anla]rda, I'ttr sorlry' Can't
trow aud hate mc later?
IACJK but'sts through the d.oor, and, pirAs u.p Lh,e package.
IlBa,l,, No resPonse.
Spotkght I.tp 2nKNt, talking on the phone d,ownstage. J C$re-sntus. He poi,nts to his uatch.
tru. What are you doing? AMANDA. You can't give me a clue as to what this is all
AMANDA, Right now? I'm talking ro you. about?
XIM. Can you come home? KrM. Amanda, tlere comes a time in er.,ery young womail's
Iife where she urust take a giant step forward into the
AMANDA" To New Hampshire?
abyss we call maturiry and acknowledge the painful,
f(tM. Are you free?
terri$ring truth that her mother is a human being.
AMANDA" I know you're human, Mom.
KIM. Now.
KIM. Are you coming or not?
AMANDA" What's ttre matter?
AI\{ANDA" Of course, if you need me to come, I'll corne -
xIM.I need your help with something. xru. Good. Leave now I'll start dinner.
KIM hang., ttlt th,c Nthone. Lights doant. on,KIM. AMANDA lm,'nd.s lhe phone lolACK a'n,d goes rffitagc lo
t h,an,ge.
JACK What's up?
AMANDA. fhat. rvas my mother. l^(K I Icy FIil.
JACI{. She hares nre. Yt'ah, I'm all rcady to go.
AMANDA. Shc doesrr't hate you. No, I partecl it. a lit.tle oflcentct; like we talked abr.rttl".
;ACI( Yes she cloes. It docsn,t rnatter. [n a f<_:w year.s, I,l[ be Y<ralr, I ttrink it opens up nly fa.ce too. Amanda's.iust
Iirra,ci,g hcr.r'etir.merrt, so she'll have to br_, nicc to clrartging.
my {acr:. She wants you to gcl snmeu,here? ,\nrirnda, she's -
AMANDA" Yes. Houle. ( )h, she isn't? Ilul I thougtrt he said I shorrld briug a -
()h. 0h.
JACK Wiren?
AMANDA" Toilight. No, lhat's great.
No, I undcrsl.antl.
AMANDA. I think somedring,s wrorlg,
\i:ah, ncl problcrn. See you soott. Byc.
JACK Whar? AMANDA xtertl,ers, look'ing l,oue$, i,n, a, liltk hLack dtuss
ttrrtl lmel,s. Sh,e's prtlting on, ca:rrings.
AMANDA. She wnulcln'r tcll mc.
JACK You told hcr you'rl corne? ,\r\rANDA. Is this okay?
AMAND.d I said, if she nee',decl me _ I/\(:K. You look amaziug.
JACK What almur clinner? \NTANDA. I'rn excitccl. Oh, I have to call rny fllotn back -
AMANDA" I... I'll call trer back. ,\he rcach,es.for th,e plwne. He. stops h,er.
Tlv hrtzztr buzzc.s ngnirt. Ynh a,pu,rtute'nt u.nd lting' ort tlte turn,itttlu of the Neut
I lan(tshirc h,ott,se, Atrt,a,tld.a. m,oaes ba,ck down,stage artd,
JACIi We are "this" close to an extr.aordinarv lifc. ullrlrus se s Lhe. aud i en ce.
AMAND.d.|ack, go.
,\MANDA. (di'rer:t ad,dre.ls) When I was a girl, a.rourtrl twelve
JACI( I love you. ()r so - I warttcd to write arl oPel'a. I kncw that Mozart
JACK lrisspJ lwr antl leaues. had dore it cvt:n eirrlir:r irntl lte was a boy, so I frgrrred
AMANDA pichs up the klelilr,o,ne. it couldn't be that hard.
()pcras are about ltx'e but at twelr,c thr: only person I
Light up o?tKI}{\ phone, ringtng. ]KtM ert,ters anrl pichs
'it up.
truly lovercl was uly mother. I thought. she was terrilir:.
So I deciclcd to write an oper-a about her.
KIM.IIeIIo? Whetr I was young I hcard hannony everrr'wherr:' 'I'he
AMANDA" I'm ou lny 1vay. garbage tnlck harutonizecl rvittt the lawn tnower" 'Ihe
rlisltwashcr harrtrnuiz<rcl with the air cr:trdit"ionr:r' My
Light,s d,own,.
rrrot.her harrnonizcd with my fathcr. flteir harmony
was the mosl bcarttiful. Intricatc but elfortless' L]vr:n
whcn thcy argued. It's all about. tralatlce. Onc voicc,
onc sl.rarrd, complitncnts t.hr: otltet: through cr:rttlatlic-
tion. So whcn trty nlother hits a series of'rapitl sliding
lrigh notcs like:
KIM ?,n,tn's art,d, .spea.hs l;o tlrc aud:itn,cc.
tit M. "I)avidwhatdtryouthinkyourdoing?Your:aunotiuviteyo
rrrbossove:r'fordinnert onightrvehavenof<rodin drchouse
an dthe re'salllizzardconrin gauclbesi<lesdoll<xlklikcyou
AMANDA. My lather: woukl intr:r-jcct low, st?rccat"o notes at
punct.uat ittg iutcrvals like:
lilM. "Davidwhatdoyouthinkyourdoing?/Ytxrcannotitlvitcy-
ouilrr)ssover{ordinnertoniglt twehavenolootlin thehort-
seandthe rcsablizzarclcoutingartdbesidesdol looklikc'.y-
DAVID. (i.n,lerrtill,irlg'Kim,s tl,ial:ribr) .,1 thorrght _,,\lright _ I,ll ,\iltANDA..Jack, Morn, you knorv.|ack. N{y liartt:(re.
t:all - Kirn -
l,uorrghl" \ttrr'r'r: still st:eing him, I gallrcr?
trlt\{..f ar:k. l'cs.
AMANDA. And they'd be hirrrrrrtrrizitrg. \l\lANDA. \\tr'r'r: r'ngagc<l N4otrt.
DAWD (,rulKIM glnt€ n,t, enclt. ol,her. ri,ln. ( )lr rlorr'l stry tlrat.
.\t\,tANDA. Wltv rlon't y<.lrr likr,: hirrr? [ [t-''s a rt:ally tr;riotl grry.
AMATTDA. Anrl sorrrctirrres, nhen yt-ru lcast expec.te<l it, thr,:y,d
r:.r,e ba<:k toucther; irt the hciglrt ,f l.hr,t i,ter.val, so tttu. IIt.'s un[)eara[)ly forrnal.
r:.nrpk:tcly y'. wt_rrrld thi,k th.rt: ha<l [rr-,rr .nlv ,,e rllANDA.\iur rnakc hirn nr:nortsl
sirnlllt: mckrdy all alolrg. Onc voice. No parrir.ir:rr. rrrM. I (l()n'l rnake anyon() ll('r'volrs. Not cvcrt srprirrcls.
KIMAND DAYID. I hcarrl youl \r\,rANDA. SrIrirrr:ls?
KIM O,?l,d, DAVID CIII. rtlM.'I'lrcy <krn't {iud nrr: iulirnidatiug. Not in thc k:itst.
['.r,<'r'yonr: clsc - tlrr:y'r'c ali'ai<l cil'. Vurr lather lrrrks in
Lights thifi. AMANDA I.rr,ttt.s atLd, srul,rlen,lt, .sh,e,s in. I,lte
tlrcir rlirt:t:tiorr irurl t.hev s<:atlet. llttt ut:, I'll be rvalkirrg
h,ouse in Nntt lla,nrlnhire. 'l'lte nnttt is lil h ca.n,dlrttigh.t.
tkrr,vrr llrc r()a(l, arr(l thcrc, r'iglrt itr lhe rnid<llc o{'tltc
I l,',s d,e c orated. " c ol.ot t i u,l ly " t rt ith rt roor k r t i gt rti,n,e.; and,
.f pirtlr, t.u,o srprirrcls rvill be having ?tn argurlleut -
hutrl-diNtperl cntul,ks, .lnmih
ltitt,rtrvs ott, the. rtnrLll.r, att.tl, \r\tANDA, Atr argrrrrtent?
a, pia.n,o irt l,lt,e corn,tr.
trtl\,t. r\ <lisr:ussir>rt. A r:ortvt:lsali<tn. Wh,al,nta lltc ltoitrt is,
I'n. tlrc un,l,n of.tlLe rotmt, tty randlclight, t\tM i.s pal:k_
llr<'y, 1l1rrr', rnovt:, Not cvr:tt whctr I'm Iralf a firt.ll. arvay
i,n.g a suitrasc uay rarcfful,l1, ituali,st.ir:ol,ly, htittg tisrue
liorn lhr:ru. N()t (:v(:n if I st.cJr ()ver fhctu.'I'ltcy slily
tta,per in knu's betueen. the arl.icles ol'r:ktttting.
riglrt wht:r'r: ltrcy alc.,,\s if I wasn'l- cvcn lhcrc, As il'I
AMANDA" (rrfiI,y) Monr? rli<Lr't r:vr.rr cxist. I havt: bccomr: irtvisibk:.
\NIANDA. N(), Mour, yorr'rc jrrsl irr a nrt *
KtM bohs ult. (ktslts.
t'lM. l)o n()t l)ilv nrer. I'rn not s('ckinf{ syt.ltpath)/. It was a
KIM. Why dirlrr'r yorr krrock? r lt'liItt:r'atc choic<:. I'hasc ortt:.
AMANDA.'I'hc lights wcr(' orrt. I rlid.'t trri.k arv.,. \vas .\t\ti\NDA, I'lrasr: 0nr:?
hll\4. ,.\l('y()lr awarC Illat y()u'r() rcpcatirrg evcrythirrg I say?
KIM. G<lo<I. 'I'har's the lroirrt, isrr,t ir?
,\t\,t/\NDA. Wltal ilrr: vt:u talkirtg atrout?l
AMANDA- Wrat's the point, Morn?
ruNl. V)u.ilrst riaid "llhitst: onc", a{icr I did. llarlicr yrltr said
KIM. Vacaucy. Abandr.xtnrerrt. It lvorrlcl b<l pointl<:ss t<r "Srlrirrt:ls"? Anrl thr:u "iul Argrutr()rtl"? Ytxr'rc uyirtg to
knock. ()r stolr in fix a c]rat, \{,,r: a.[e, s() vcry tlcarly, lrt'littkr mt:. Ihrl, iI won't rvotk. ['rtr tlctt:urtittt:<l to do
Irclt al lt<lnrr:. il.
AMANDA, Yxt witnl pcollk-. to thiuk you'vr,: ur.rrrc away? \r\lr\NDA. l)t:lcrurincd to rlo it?
KIM. I rrr.st lrr: lcli al(xlc t() rv,r'k in pcace. I)id a,y.,c st:e htu. I ll('11' y(nl !{(} agairr -
you colu(: irr? Docs auyone kn<t.n, y<ttr,r.c lrcrt:? ,\l\rANI)A, Wlrat alc you rlt:terllrint:rt lo d()?
AMANDA..Jack knows lvhcrc I am.
KIM. Wro?
1(lNl. l,caVC yorrr lirthcr, o['cr)rrLsc.
AMANDA si,ls tl,ottryt,. She is .stulrlcn.ll rcr\, uer) l,i:rcd. l)ott'l giv<l rtty address ()llt allylrlor(:, okay?
vcly last rnonlent, right, beforc l)adtly corncs back, ancl \r\lANDA. Wha( arc thesc'?
shovc cvr:rything irrt<l the closct And we'rc. all goirrg rrtM.'l'lxry lurk likc panties to rre.
lo have <linncr l,ofllorrow night as if'rrothing ever .\ MANDA. Wlxrsc Pantjes?
hapl;r:nctl. r(tM. I (:()tlldn't l(:ll you, darline. I could only makc au
KIM. It's dillcrcnt this tirnc. t'tlttcalctl gucss. I fbund thern in your father's coal-
AMANDA. It tnok rne a year to look Dadrly in ttre cyc again pot:kct.
af(er Nant.uckct. \t\,tANDA.Did you ask ltim what he's doing with thetn?
KIM. Ylu always were such a t'icliculrxrsly scnsitivc chilrl - rilNt. No, I dirJn't.
AMANDA- You tclld rrc he was a barl rlalt - .\N{ANDA. Why rrot?
KIM.You were ten. Was I supposecl to tell you your father t\tM. []e(:ause I don't. I)articularly want to krtow what' h<:'s
hadrr't lirckcd mc irr a veari tkring with them or to whotn they trelong' I just wattt
to k:avt: ltilu.
AMANDA h,ani:; the pu,ntics bach loKtn['
KIM. Wcll, whal shcxrld I harc done? l,cft yorr thcre? If you waiting firt'?
\t\t,{,NDA. What are yrxr
hadu't. tltrnwn such a tefiipcftanlll,rrn wc rnighl havcj hlM. You thirtk I shoukl do it?
urark: that ferr'f,. ,\NIANDA, Ytltr tlon'1. trcerl rtly petrnission -
Ilca,l,. trtM. lltrt I clo ur:crl yout ktlv.
AMANDA. I'll rnakc i[ t:asicl'fbr you t.his tirnr:. I'll get out of
yorlr way now rrlM. I nc(:d sontc Jllacc to slay,.just f<lr a ft:w moutlls' uutil
I linrl rl.iob.
AMANDA geh up a,n,d, grahs h,er coal.
\N{ANDA. N().
KIM.'I'his tinre I hara prr:o{. litM. &nan -
\t\lAND.d Nr:! Nr-rl No! No!
'I'his has gonc lar etrough' Yrxr
catt't tltovc itL
AMANDA. What kirrd of prooP
I(lM. It wortlcltr'{ tl<: for very long -
KIM. Flold on.Just irold orr,
,\MANDA. Yrru said a ltw months -
KhrI exlls i,n,to th,e k:itclrun, (t,'n,d, corn,es ba.ck uritlt, tt. sn,all l(tM. You lived iu rny housc for eightecn years' Alnatrcla'
t)achage oJ ri,nJbil. Shc h,a'n,d,s if lo AMANDA. 'l'iutc is relative.
AMANDA" Wrat is this? ,\MANDA. I'rII gell,tirtg lr]arried -
KIM. Open it and see. luM. I'vc <lonc thal. belclre - I can help'
AMANDA. Wlry is it cokl? ,\t\lANf)A. I dr:n't want Your helP.
xIM. lt was in the refrigcrator'. t(lM. l"irlc, thcn I wort'{ help. I rvon'l. evetr talk to you'
talk to fack.
AMANDA pu,l.l.s ou,t a pa,ir of hot pin,k, laces uom,eru's
panl,ies. \MANDA..Jack's n(:ver ltorne'
KIM. Oh honey, your father and I arc plilnning a trip ftrr' Wlttlttlsa,t-tlowrrtowrit,ethegloryrrfrrryrntlt,Irer,I
Febmary - < ottld not seeln to keep
her voice far ertough alvay
lirrtrt miue. '['he notes ci]lne ollt t.oo closo to
Beal. If nry
rrizt:, thotrgh llol close enough to synchronize'
Rut now thzrt I'rn leaving him * I cAn conlc. r,oit'(t cafite itt ou A, I wnukl trcar hct'\oice' righI above
rtl(', oil A sharp, rkling my thread' Evt't)
tittte ttty voice
Beal. tttt: sarnc
r'lttlsc a IIcw dircctio", h"' voict: worrltl firllow
AMANDA. I'll tell tfic catcrer. ( ()lrrse bttt a half-stcp above or below - as if she was
I'nr sorry aborrt wha( I said. I cotnrurancled rnyscllt' Make
KIM. rt rn ed,'in,g tnr' Itl alrnonize'
r rthat I rlid' I cotrld not
AMANDA. Which part? tltt:nl harrnorrize' Buf no lllatte
KIM. About yorr bcingJar:k's lirst rvile. I dou't know that. I gt:l tttc two r'<-lices to l'istsn' h ent':lt' ol'ht'r'
AMANDA ue,lks o-uer I,o a ph,ce rLoutn,:;ta,ge uhcre h,cr tttt,t,\'. Sornt:r>nc [l-<;ru high scltool?
"t:ut'" i,s parked a.n.d. rti.ntes gettin,g in. \r\t,\Nl)^. N(), he's .., he's sort of farttous. He's abottt lo tx:
AMANDA. I'rn goinu hornc. If'you'n-: wondcting what l,rrr l;rrrtotui.
doiug.'I'his is my car. rrrl.t,Y. ls h<r a suir:ide lrombcr?
\NtANl)A. N()l
AMANDA mirn.es furrning tlte ca,r on,,
ftult.i,ng i,t in,t,o gea,r
and, ltur:hing orfi r{'the rhiuetmt. rnl.tt'. W)lrl(l he tcll you il he was?
\r\t,\Nt)A. I k:'s a sing5t:r; I-Ie's becn signed Ily a rnajor: I'ccold
BII,LY c,n,kn, behind lt,u; dtessed i:n his poslnt un,iftnvt,
l:rl rr:1.
distri.buting m.ail,.
rril.t,Y. Is hc vcry good-l<loking?
AMANDA m,iutes stopfting sh.or-t. 'l'he sotr;nd oJ' o, car \ l\r,,\N l)4. (Srt,rftri.sed) Yt:s.
rrtt t.Y- l'lrcn he'll go far.
BILLY, ju,rnlts oM of th,e ua,y. \l\t,\Nl)A. I kr's t.illcnt.crl too.
AMANDA, (l,o th,e u,u,di.en,ce) 'l'hat's thc posrrlarr. ( ft BILLv) rrrt tl'. Writcs his <lwn st:lrgs?
I'nr sony. fu'r: you okay? \r\r,\Nt)4. No. V<lcally, IIr: sings like an angr:I.
BILLY. Atnanda Illuc? rrl.l ,Y. I $<lrr't truy his albutrt.
AMANDA. Billy Th r:eblr:s? \r\r,\Nl)A. Ilt:'ll bc crushed.
BILLY THEEBLES .frwzes. rrrr r.t'. I rlorr'l rcspccl artists with nolhinu ujgirtal to say.
AMANDA" (to the audicn.re) Billy'Iheebles rvas nly lirst kiss. It ,l wn bizm're tteal.
Itappcur:cl r"ight herc, actuall),. 'lcn ycars ago. Orr this \Nr.\Nt)A. Okay. It was nice to see you agaitt. I have to get
verry patclr of land.
orr Ilrc rtiilrl.
AMANDA. S0 how'r,c you bcen? rrrt r,t'. IIar,t,'you l:r:crr signc-d with a major ret'old labcl?
B.ILLY urL/ieaes. \r\t,.\Nl)4. Not quite.
BILLY. Call't r:omlrlain. What aborrl. you? Visiting the folks? rul,t ,Y. l$ that harrl on yolrr relationship?
AMAND.{ My rrrour askecl rnc to c<rtnc rrp filr. thc weckcnd _ \r\t;\N!)A. W:rrld you rnind moving? I clotr't u/arlt l.() hit you.
BILLY. Yrlr're arotrnd all weekeld? rrrr.t)'. I'ru rl<lne with rny rnail route."Just finished.
AMANDA" No, I'rn heading horne ronighr. \r\r,\NI)A. It's two cl't:krck in the rnolnittg.
BILLY. Oh, well ,.. wtry? rrrr r,t'. I likc to slart in thc r:ve-'ning. It's coolel:
AMANDA" I've got a lot to do - \Nr,\NDA. Ihrt this is Noveurber.
rrrr l.t'. AlsO, in tlrt: cvcnings, therc are pcople in lhe win-
rkrws. OI'thc houses. So that's cxciting.
I'rn gctting rnarried.
BIIIY. Wrri is thr: lucky guy? l)o I know hirn?
AMANDA.YoU rniglrt. I)4.'l'hat's voyelrrisrn.
\ r\r,,\ N
rrrt.ty s/rrrrgr.
rrrt t t. ll \\,as a scct(:t.
\r\r \NI)4. 'l'his was happcnirrg itr high school? Wlrilc wt:
were dating? ntux It's a greatjob. I get to ride around all day and
BIJJ,Y nod^s.
tlcliver people happy thoughts and presents and good
AII{ANDA" Why didn't you tell me? AMANDA"And bills.
BILLY. Why would I tell you?
ntl.lJ. I'm very careful not to put the bills on top. I find
AMANDA,I could have helped. thc one personal letter and I make sure that's the first
BILLY- Maybe you could have. But all I really wanted thing my client sees.
then, was to sleep with you, and I thought if you knew AMANDA" What if they don't have any personal letters?
my life wasnnt perfect, you wouldn't let me, so _
ltttJX'Ihen I wait a few dap, until they do. And if nothing
AMAI{DA" <hindly) I wouldn,t have let you anyhow. comes, I write my own.
BILLY. I know that now. But at fourteen _ the possibilities
AMAi.{DA" You write people mail?
were endless.
Dltr,Y. Sure,Just a little card. Something that says "I'm still
Pause, AMANDA s\ares d,tB}0'LY, thinking about you. I haven't forgotten. Your friend."
AMANDI" Where is he now? AMANDA. Your friend who?
BILLY. He might be. It,s hereditary. Comes out in the Late Ittl.LY. You must have an impressive career by now.
teens or early twenties. I think I'm over ttre hump but AMANDA- I'm not sure how impressive you'd find it, but I
if I start acting strangely, just throw something at my like it.
head. $tt,LY. Are you kidding? To make your liviug as an artist
- doing what you love? Bringing new music into the
world? I'd say that was pretty impressive.
BILLY.IT's okay. I'm kidding. AM r.lDA" And I'd agree, but that's not n'hat I do for a living.
AltfANDA" (dnlibtrately changtng tht subject) How,$ the postal I'm in advertising.
service? nu.LY. Oh, I - I always assumed you'd stay with music -
BILLY. Wonderful. AMAI{DA" I did, I'm in musical advertising.
AI4ANDA laughs. BrLLy just stares at li,ac Ail,IANDA sn.LY. oh.
sws. AMANDA- Like jingles, f<rr commercials and stuff, I write
AMAND{Was that ajoke?
urrY. oh.
AMANDA. Yrrr krrou,, likc thost: Iiillc sclugs rhar yorr think of \r\r \Nl),,l.. I kry llilly? I{ you brought lllc lll) ht:rc to cataltlg
whcrr you think <ll'r:cr.t.ain ltrorhrcts. ruv rlt't:alns dt:lbnctl, <lort't llothet' I ktlttw wttat thcy
BILLY. \4krw, sornr: o1'lhos<: songs ar.e rtally ...arrnoying, .rr t'. l'rl tht: ort<:: tltat lttt tlrcttt 14<'r -
Ben,l,. llr'ttl. RILLY lottks rtt AI,tr{NDA .tadry.
AMANDA Wt:ll, s<trrretinrcs that's thc poirrl. \r\r \Nl)4. I ru(}arr - I)ttt th(lln on ltclltl.
BILLY. Yr:a.hi rrrtt.r'. Wlty?
AMANDA So they gfrt stuck irr yoru-lreacl. ,\MANDA doesn,'t sn:y o'nlthirtg'fur a, nonten,t. Slo'rtts ottl
BILLY, Snt:aky. So what happenerd? ,,,,u llt,c .ftDzctt altpl,e.s.
AMANDA. What lrappencd?
\r\r \Nl)A. ll<'r:aust: t clichr't \\rarlt [() bt: a ]rit<:lt, I]illy. Nrlhody
BILLY. V,r lefi towrr rvlt<:tr we were rvhat, likr: sc.vc'tr:cn, to ,r'r's a girl lrlottc rvitlt An obtltl autl tltinks sht'nrttsl be
go to rnrrsi<: school. ril/e all thorrght y()ll wcl(: goirrg ro lrrilliant.'I'ht:y ttriuk shc rrtrtst bt lvcirtl rlr trrala<ljusttld
be somehrxly grcat. to likt': nte. Vrtt gct all
')r slll(:k-lll). I watttt:tl peollle
AMANDA. It's trclt that casy. tlrcst: pt:rks wltr:n you'rr: a girl anrJ peroplc like you. \t-ru
BILLY. lhtl yol] werc sper:ial. ( irrr olx)ll tlor;r's with a stnilc' llvcutuallv I reirlizcr"l that
AMANDA. 'l-hcre 's a lot of special p<:oplc in the worlrl, Ililly. rlrosc (l<lrlrs dott't olltln velv I'at' irt all, arxl llcsidcs t.trat,
Sornt: of'thr:nt arc nrrrch nxrre s1x:r:ial flran rnr:. rlrt'y'rc (ltt: rvr<tttg <l<xrrs irnd llt:sitles that, I dkln't cv(lll
BILLY, Ylr ruct s()rnc pco;rk: that rlcrc.: l)r:ttcr tlran you. li.rrow lvltitt tlorlrs I shotrld ll<l lookittu ftx'' becartse I u'as
too Itttsv rvatt{rirtg lltc }roys wltt:u thtly garrt: {ltat lcctttrc
AMANDA. Ycah, qrritc a lclr,.
rrr clitss. Ilt:t:attse thnvseuru:d, lo lte a l,ime r:r"unch,. r.\rld it
BILLY. So you stoltp(l? lirnitt:tl supply, Attcl cvc-t)cltre elsc wa$ g(:ttills ()lIe -
AMANDA" Not ex?lctl),. I trxrk a sor.l ol brcak * Wtriu?? ilil l\'. Nol)(xly g()l rll(:.
BtLLy ,,r sltzkirtg-ltis lrcod and hrtghin.g ,utfl,lt. \r\r,\NDA. So I slrirtc(l to think I'd hcttcr.gct ()Ilc ltltl. Atttl
Sometimes, I have this feeling that English isn't my lhrt my professor had a good point. She said that there
first langrrage. Like, I have these thoughts in rny head was order in the writing, but it wasn't the order we
and I don't have the words to put to them. Or I clon't cxpccted. It wasn't the system we had learned. The
know what order to put the words in. And I just know, writer was tapping a consciousness that did not have
if I tried to say them aloud, they would sound, crazy. ;r langrage. Which is why, all of this has treen a very
BILLY. Ah, now that makes sense. kng way of crediting your feelings about speaking in a
AMANDA" Very funny. lirrcign tongue. You might be right' C)ur language, the
BILLY.I was a double-m4jor in college before lrutguage we speak, might not be your first language.
I quit. Lin- As a wotnan.
guistics and women's studies.
AMANDA, Don't. make fun of me please. I'tt,use.
BILLY. And I studied languzge. How it's constructed. It turns Stl,lx.I'm done.
out, most languages, rnost western languages, operate Are you sure?
on a system of binary oppositions. Everything has an
lttl,lY. I'tn sure. I just told you everything I ever learned in
opposite. So you've got black and white, good and evil,
lollege. I'm done.
rich and poor ... man and woman. And, because our
language shapes our consciousness, the way we instinc- AMANDA fis, stares at hi'm.
tually undersrand something is by its relarionship to
lttt,t.Y. Bullshit, right? I thought so too, at first, but I'm
its opposite. But the fucked up thing is, rhose binaries
tr:lling you, it makes sense if You -
are calibrated. Meaning, one side is the standard and
its opposite is laching the standard. So black is lacking AMANDA ILiSSTS BITIY.
white. Poor is lacking rich. Woman is lacking man.
AMANDA" Oh my god.
This makes sense because our western languages are
derivations of Latin and Rome was an epicenter of trtLLY doesn't answen Wai,ts.
rich, white men. But ir leaves women and non-white AMANDA" I.iust kissed you.
people sort of out in ttre cold.
Btt,LY nods. wa,its,
I learned in my women's studies courses that Virginia
Woolf had a theory about a female sentence versus a AMANDA. I'm getting married.
male sentence. A male sentence is aggressive. Linear. It
$uLY n,ods again. Waits.
has an objective and, when it communicates that objec-
tive, the sentence is over. A female sentence is more IMANDA. To someone else!
circuitous. The point is not necessarily to achieve, but DIT,LY AZSSASAMANDA.
rather to explore. To convey feeling. Mental state.
Consciousness. Images. Like Woolf's novels. The prob- AMANDA.I have to go.
lem is - you can't read too many female sentences in AMANDA StANdS.
a row or you feel like you're going insane. There's no
order there. Nothing trappens. They keep looping AMANDA. Wlry didn't you tell me you were so smart? [n
over and under themselves, forward and backwards. I lrigtr school?
hated reading Woolf. I thought ir was a waste of rime. Ht,lJ. I wasn't this smart in high school.
tlrcarns I'vt-: ltacl il million tirncs. Notlting filc)re. \\l \Nl)A. Ililh?
BILLY. Okay It was rrir'c to soe you agairr. rrrr t t'. ilrtttrt?
AMANDA. Okay. So krng. \\l \Nl)4. Wht:rt I slaplllt:d yotr tratlicr' - I rntlatt( that.
\( )rlt('()ll(l tllstl' Maytlt: r:vt:rn{ltlrl clst:'
AMANDA tunt.s a'n,rl. .;La.'rts to uta,lh. armt. She slops. Slre
,sta,rts agu,irr, She slolts a,grtin. She. htrns a,rorutd. rrrr t.t'. I kttow.
\\l \Nl)A. I klw tlitl You know?
AMANDA. \tru're not roing to evcn trl and sl()l) rI)('?
rur r \'. I kttolv Yott,
BIIIY. Nopc.
AMANDA.'I'his is it, llilly,. Yclrr st:corttl <:ltartcr:. Yout only l'lrr\ t:on,l,irttrc ki''s'sing' l'igltt's tlotrrn''l'h'c orclr'o'rtl
secon(l charrcc. Most peoplc ncv(rr cven gct this, tlisrtPlnars,
KIM..Oar,1, rrry waywarrl tlatrghtcr..irrsl. (.?i1,. ruM. ()pcratiorr crrrlilins. So lrow was [r<:?
,.rrr.. \,.rr r,ay
lrt: offthc lrrxrk. I,ll <.alltr,iu latcr
... \,<rrr r:an,l say that, AMAND.d MorD -
I'rrr your. sislr:r. KIM. IJcttcr tharr high school?
KtM lt.angs up llrc phtne. ,\MANDA-I dirhr't sk:<:p rrith lrirn irr high st:hool.
KIM. (10AMANDA) Wlr<:rr: tlrr: h<rll l{M, Why nol?
lravr: l,orr lxtcrri
AMANDA. Ar.e: wc still par:kirrg
ot.!u.(,w<, rk,nt,?
AMANDA. I wasu't srrpposr:cl to -
KIM. I'vt: br:ctr 1,y1r,,'1,,t1 sit.k. ()lr KIM.Vlr rrr:r,t:r'rlirl alrf llilrg y()u wor"clr't supposcrl to. '['hc
rnr, (ir>tl _
AMANDA. Br,carrst,. nhole rcAs()lr I ha<l a kid rvas lo atld a littlc r:xr"itt'rtx:tlt
il r,rr..rr, rlorrt._
into rny lili:. Ihrt iustead I got vorr. lt u,as likt' r'aising
KIM. I know tlurt [a<:<:.
rtry nt<ltlrt'r.
AMANDA. I hav<' lo gcl ba<:k _ AMANDA. (t:old,l:l) I'rtt sorrv tltat lik' Irasn'l tru.nc<l ()ll( tllc
KIM. Y<tu just gor lairl. way rru wailt(:(l it tO l\,lorn.
l)eat. t<tM, (equill1 rulrl) Suvc v()ur syrnputlry. Wait yolu' lllrrr.
AMANDA" I'rl likr: to lx:iil tlte tralfir:. AMANDA. Wltcrr is I)arl r:<irnirra Irrinrr:?
KIM. That's yrur I-jtrsr_gor-lairl KIM, A coultlc ol lrorrrs.
AMANDA. ,urtl vou lrav<t il r..:rnarkabl<r AMANDA, I)o vorr warrt rlre to lrr:[p vorr rrrtpitck nrlu,?
arn()lllt ol urrJrar:kirru
lo rkr bcf<tn: I)a.rklv gcts h<lrnc. KIM. I'M I,II/\VIN( ; I IIM I
KlM.'I'hat's tlrt. Iacr.: yr rr trsr:d to rnakc AMANDA. WI I\?
irr high school.
AMANDA. I n<:vcr sor lairl in higlr KtM. I Ic's havirrg arr a.{[air.
sclrool X4orrr.
KIM. I kneu, rvltat urrr arrd Bill,l,'flrcclrlcs AMANDA.YITT rlon'l krr<xt that -
\\,ol.o lrp to cr,cr\,
tilM. I fbuntl rrnrl<rrwr:ar in his.ja<'kct por:ket.
AMANDA. Mayhr: sornetrody
slippr:cl it. irrro his po(:kel AMANDA l,rutt s a routr.rl.
w>rk. As a pr.actical.joke. ?rr
gel hilrr irr trorrllle wit.h
his wili_-. you should ar leasl u*k hirrr. .\I\,TANDA. WIIAI?
KlM. I'll t:all'irrr fi,m l(lM,'I'hcrc thal's lwo goocl rcas()lls. I
1,61s1p lllac. irr Nt:wVr.k arrd ask - g<tt lo r.lrivt:,
hinr. ,\MANDA. Mrrlrr _
AMANDA' yirlr',vc rr.e, ma'riercl thiny yr:ars. you cllver I
Baaf. AMANDA stares a,tKIM. She notices a painting arnang the stuff that hm mothrr
AtrtANDA" When did you become such a bitch?
ICM.I don't know. Itjust happened. I woke up one AT,IANDA" Why are you taking that painting? Is it wort}
morn_ something?
ing and discovered Ulact hairs growing above my
I ttrought, 'well, rhere goJs your-smite, oto git. IflM. No,Ijust like it.
You can either give up now or learn to fight lilie
AMAr'{DA" It looks vaguely famous.
dog." It's not so bad actually. I never did get l"yrfri"gi I{IM. It's worthless. Just sentimental.
really wanted wirh a smile. AII{ANDA" Have you ever had it appraised?
AMANDA" That'sjust menopause, [t,s totally
normal. I{ne No.
Bmt. It's wondmful.I,m producing testosterone
for the first AMAI{DA" Where did you ger ir?
time in my life. My head is si clear. I want ro do
some- rmA I painted it.
with myself. I want ro hunt for something and
find it and break it. I want to build somethingiuge AMANDA"What?
and complex and ugly. I want m win an argument. ICM.I painted ir.
Before I die. Using logic! I want to scream at
someone Beat.
and make them cry andfwl goodabout it.
AMATDA' (getting mad) This is really shitty
You doR't have to believe me. ['d understand.
timing Kim. I
think you know that. I thinkyou planned it thls AMAIIDA lnohs more clnsely at tlu painting.
l$It, (wen madd,er) We cannor both be housewives. If you AMAIIDA" Is that you?
marryJack, I have to leave your father. One of
us needs IgM.Yes.
to live an exrraordinary life.
AMAIIDA" How old were you?
&aL AMANDA tums away. rCU.Young. Your age.
ICM.Are you crying? AMANDA. I thought you worked ar an utrt gallery when you
AMANDA" No. were my age.
ttut leaaa the room.AMANDA thinhsfm AMANDA" I think you should invite me in.
a munent,
bttJrv. (tea^sing) What do you want to try?
Thm grabs hu coat and, heads out
the dnm
Lights down.
AMANDA" I think we've got something here, don't you?
ll[LY. Uh-huh.
AMANDA" A real connection, right?
llnlY. I gue$$ so.
AMANDA- There's something about the people who knew
BUIY. And I'rJ like us to relnain fiicnds. I mean - if that's
cool with you.
AMANDA. lVhat about last night? MOVEMENT 7: OBLIVION
BILLY. Last night was awesome .
Ligh,ts up 'i?x rflM's lror,tse. AMANDA entu's. Th'ue's
AMANDA. All the things we said to ea(h other.
rlobor$ tltu'e. KIM's sttitca,ses (ffe gon'e.
BILLY. It was intense.
,\MANDA. Morn? Kirn?
AMANDA, You told me all women werr: {brced to speak the
language of their oppressors. DA\,'ID, Atnantla,'s .father; enl,ers, reailing .sorne prt'ges of
BILLY. No, I saicl tlrat mos{: dominaill western languages are aomputa p'ri,n,t-auts on, ltufoutted pa,pw: He has a gl'nss
constmcted on a, frierarchical systern of binary oppo- of hranr$ i,'n, his hand.
sites that irnplies the innate inlbriority of women. You r)AVID. [Iello Kitty.
can speak whatever you \t,?nl, You don't. have to speak What are )orr doirrg here?
,\MANDA. Dad?
at all.
I)AVID.I live here. What are you doing lrere? I{iclirrg out?
AMANDA" I thought you loved me.
AMAND"{ Mom r:allecl she .." she needed rny help with
Bltlv. (ho'nestly baril,cle.refi Dirl I say that?
Itonlethillg. Is she hcre?
AMAND.{ Why dirl you slcep with me, then?
l)A\flD. I traven't seen her' I was hoping there'rI be some-
BIIIY. Yotr asked ure to. thing for tne ro e at when I got hr:tne' But no such luck'
AMANDA. Bullshit. Ytru brought rne up there to ,.. becl me. I was.just abcxll. to order a pizza. Oarc tt;l^join me?
AMANDA sertrcltes'roun. DLYID sits tJown, on' the cou'clt,
AMANDA.Iruck! ubsmhed,'in, h,is rettdittg.
nrr,rv, Well yes *
Wha.t are you lctoking for?
AMANDA. She clicln't leave a rote or anythins?
BILLY. Are you kidding? You left urc widr hlue-balls through
DAvm. gutt t,ook'in g u,p) She's probably at another one of her
rny errtire adolescence. I've been waitiug to fi.rck you
classes. Slte's bcen takinE; night classes at the comil)u-
for ten years. That's the longest time I've ever wanted
nity college.
anyttring. I dorr't knorv what l'm going to do with the
-fhat's rrMANDA.Wlty?
rcst o{ my li{'e. what I wa$ thinkiilg about tr:day
when I decided to get high. DAVID, I suppose my couversatir:n is not that stillruladng
anlmr{Jre .
AMANDA starus atBlLLY Jbr a seco'ntl^
Looki'n,g u!), he dfl&s ANTA\IDL's far;e.'
BILLY. Come on. You really want to move back to New
Harnpshire ancl bear the fiuit of ury loins? Amanda DA\,TD. Otr Kitty, I clon't take il. personally - when you get
Blue, you were goirrg to be huge. to bc our age you neecl a little nelv inlbr:mation every
now arrd *tcn' Warcls olf Alzheimers'
AMANDA tltvns a'n,d rttatk.s ofJ, l,eaai'ng BlILt-v alone
Td a part-time figure skater if you can believe
it. The library is sort of her day job. Apparently com-
petitive figure skating is very expensiue. Especially lrAvID. Your mother tells me you're planning a wedding.
you aren't very good.
AMANDA" Iechnically.|ack's manager is planning a wed-
AtrIANDA" I can't believe you,re telling
me this. rling. But I am engagecl.
DAVID. Not interesrcd, huh? That,s too
bad. I thought now ltAvID. That calls for a toast.
that you were older we could be friends. Am"I disap DAvID goar ta a cabinet benpath thc boakcases and pulls
pointed? I suppose slightly. But part me is pleasea
tnat ou,t a bottl,e of uine.
I can still think of you as a self_obsessed idolescent.
Then I must not be very old either. l)AvID. I've been saving this.
AMANDA" Dad, I have something I have to say ro you _ AMANDA" (reading the laheD Handel Vinelards?
DAvtD. Where is your mother? I'd be more lrAVID. It's from a small winery near Toronto. I picked it up
comfcrrtable if on a business trip. On the night before you marryJack
you said it to her and then she translated it to me.
AMANDA. She's gone. I{andel, I was planning to open up this bottle of wine
and driuk myself into oblivion.
DAVID. Perhaps you could wait until she returns to issue
your manifesto. Beat.
AMANDA" She's nor coming back. She's gone
for good. She lrAvID. But might as well drink it now.
left you.
AMANDA. Doesn't anybody likeJack?
Beat. lrAvID. Theoretically you do, Kiry.
That isn't nice Amanda.
DAYID. AMANDA" He's not a bad person.
AMANDA" It's the cruth Dad. trAvID. Certainly not. If you're partial to pretentious little
DAVID gets up abru,ptly and goes out of the room.
comes back a rnornent latur, his AMANDA stares at him. She's tired, of dnfmd,irug haself
face ashm. He sits tl,awn.
to eugtyone,
DAVID. She took my favorite painting.
AMANDA- I am so sad. Why am I so sad? I'm too young to
AII{ANDA" DAd - be sad.
DAVID. Are you staying here tonight?
llAVID. You're not sad. I'm sad. You're just scared.
AMANDA" Do you want me to?
AIrlAND.dYou don't know what I'm talking about.
DAVID. You must be anxious to get back
to the city.
llAvID.I was young once too.
AMANDA" I'd rather stay here tonight. Unless you want to
invite someone else over. AMANDA" But you were a young man. It's not the same
lrAvtD.You think people don't take seriously becau$e you're
Beat. awoman.
DAVID. I don't have any friends. your mother has friends. AMANDA" It isn't fair.
tlAvID. Life isn't fair.
AMANDA.'Ihanks Dad.
itr lirt,fbil. She hu,nds i,t silently to ha'father IIe urum'aps
DAVID. Luckily, it,s not very long.
And nothing that yorr clo lhe patknge and, lifts ou,t its contertl,s.
AMANDA. Ycru clon,t even takc me r r..\\'lI).'l'hcse arc your mother's.
I do take you seriorrsly,. I took your mother tr\ri\NDA. ldisgusted) Dad.
when she ca[re to the sarne conclusion u,\Vll). I lxnght them fior her, years ago" When we were {irst
thirq, yearl I thought
ago. I don,t knorv what to tell you, rrurrricd. .A,s a sort <lfjoke. she hacl thrown
Kiny. That,s;irst ttre
way it is. tlr(:r'Ir ()1r1..
A plate is hurted, through the d,oorway. AMANDA" What ifJack is inside fucking his manager?
It shattas at
AMANDAT/arr. She junps bach. AMANDA hnochl Jaak opcns the dom.
Lights d,own. Hi.
JACIIYoU got a letter. From the NewYork Spnphonique.
JACK handsAMANDA the l,etten She opms it. Rtads.
Voices festival.
AMANDA" And falling into tin pails, which wakes the sleep
AII{ANDA fold,s the tetter up and, Suts it bach in the ing frogs.
The low, noaking chords.
have to tell you something.
AMANIIA. The front door of my house opens with the first
JACK I have to tell you something. burst of sun ... and my mother steps into a winuy
nUaf.iOn"You go firsl morning,
JACILIwantaprenup. AMAND#s sym,phony begin,s to play.
AMANDA" I slept with someone
AMANDA" Her hair is wet and her cheeks are red. She has
AIIANDA tahes off hcr engagenrmt
ring and, hands it to a palette in one hand and a paintbrush in the other.
JACR. He puts it in his pocket, sadly."He And she's pregnant. With me.
- goa bach into
the apartmmt. Lights Aorn
rnyci_- My mother's song is... coming. It's coming.
AMANDA tums bach to the aud,imce. I dreamed the party dream again last night. But this
She is fi,nally at a
lossfmwmd* time, there were women everywhere. They appeared
JAC,N rea$eors and, hands her a beautiful, dimly at first, like ghosts, moving between the men.
natt oboe.
Nobody else saw them. But I did. So I excused mpelf
AMAND.{ What,s this?
from the circle of introductions. I picked up my oboe
JACK ft's whatI should have given you originally. and I played. The women da,nced. And I remember
AMAND{ It,s beautiful. thinking, if I never stop playing, maybe they'll stay.
Jnqf" baby, you gotra be.certain. you got the goods. But AMANDA puts the oboe to her rnouth. She louers it
if you ain,t selling, can,r nobody
U" 8upng. agai,n.
AMANDA hoks at him, confused,
b, the d,ietect. AMANDA. In music, the term "feminine ending" is used
JACK I'm breaking into hiphop. when a phrarse or movement ends in an unstressed
AMANDA" Good luckwith that. note or weak cadence.
In literary terminology, the technique is called a "dying
JACtt puts on his shadcs.
;ACK I'm going to tA for a while. I,ll call you when I come I am afraid this is a feminine ending.
back. I am ... afraid.
lUnfrrOl zoals. AMANDA puts her lips to thc reed and blows a PWct
Lights down onJACK. A. As the li.ghts fade, the saund, of an orch.estra risa,
AMANDA" (lo the aud,imce) There,s a
song I,ve wanted to
write my whole life. It begins *ith
melting offthe roof of thl house
td sounds of snow
I gr;* up in. END OF PII\Y.
The sanu high, tin nota.